WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. ' CLAY A, SIMPSON, . M'('r InUrlOf Dipt. i tt.. H . i.i5.:kW " f Hun the largest poroeutaKo of onnh KHntB to each dollar of lia bility ; earns tlio highest average lntoroat, and Ihhuob tha most up-to-date progressive pollute for ln veMtmoiit or protection. AI'I'LIH, AI'lM,i:, M'l'ivM. ' For the uoxt thirty days I will null upphK ut th orcliuril (or 60 cents mill onu dollar per bushel. ('. W. ClKCI.K. Pasture I Pasture 11 I have 1510 ncri o( good pasture and will take horwm or mil to )iiHtu ro by the month, ut reason, ublu rules. Ranch on Murk? creek. JllKt'M H. I'KTEHHON. Notice. To all pensons owlnu; '(,r horse shoeing ut C. I,. Salomon's shop, you are notttied to cull ami ' settle onu half of tint amount due, with the estate o the mid C. L Halo rnon. Signed j Naomi Salomon. Admintratrix. jrwTButfiNK. Saddles and Sfarnoss Muker of the celebrated I'KINE YILLK STOCK SADDLE ITLL LIXK OF KTOCKMfc."ji M ITLIIS Latest improved Ladies' Side and Stride Saddles, Hits, Spurs, Angora Chaps, CuirtK and Haeka mores. Write for price. PUINKVII.LK, : : OlIKliON. fmm j Mrs. Laura. S. Webb, AWARD OF PREMIUM8.-Contwued. FARM I'KOPUCTO. R W Breese, Winter Wheat ..1st E T Slayton, Red Chaff Club wheat 1st 3 II Windom, Big Club wheat 1st R W Hrcese, sample of half bushel barley , 1st R W lirecse, sample ol half bushel oats j ...... Ml J II Windom, " " " " .......'.....'.....2d C W Circle, field corn M RoHCoe Kno, display of grange. let VEGETABLE. ,.:,.'. Mr J F Taylor, table beets : : . It R W Hreese, Early Rose potatoes. , .., lift A A McCord, Karly Ohio potatoes ......1st R W Uroenfl, " " -.2d A A McCord, Burbank Seedling potatoes.'. ......lift R W Breese. " " " 2d Toe Lafollett, Victor potato! 1st II W llrcese, Victor polntoe Henry Heck. Beauty of Hebron potatoes 1st Caleb Davi, Maul's Commercial potatoes 1st G Springer, Improved Late potatoes , 1st (! V Circle, cabbage lt C v Circle, carrotB 't Caleb Davia. carrot 2d C W Circle. weet corn 1st C W Circle, popcorn. 1st J Jl Kelly, union lt h T Slayton, union ' C W Circle. sminsh .11 W J Watkins, turnip lt ilenrv Turner, cucumber ii C K McDowell, celery lt Nelly Summer, celery 2d C V Circle, pumpkin 1st Henry Turner, radish lt AI'I'LKH, I'EAIl, ETC. C W Circle, bet general exhibit of Crook county apple 1st K T Slayton, " .2d T F McCallister, Baldwin lt C W Circle, Spitzenbergs 1st C! W Circle, (iolden Russets , ...1st Nellv Summer, (jravensteins ,, 1st K T Slayton, Newfrn Pippins let T F Mct'allitcr, Northern Spy. r. . lt C W Circle. Seek No Further .' ..1st C W Circle, White IVrmain : .11 T F McCallister, BellHower , lt C W Circle, bet exhibit of pear lt K. T. Slayton , . ,. 'M R W BreeHc, bet exhibit of plum. ., . . ... . . . 1st C W Oircle, bent exhibit of prune.. ,....'..... .U lrt T F McCallitcr,beH exhibit of jteache ............... : lit flowers. Mr J L McCulloch. best and tnot artiHtically arranged group... 1st " " geranium '. lt Mr Chri Cohr, geranium , 2d Mr K Feucrhcln, cut flower exhibit honorable mention SEWING AND KNITTING. ' ( Mi Ethel King, diplay ilk embroidery 1st Mis Ethel Liggett, M " 2d Mrs L D Wiet, point lace lt Grace Belknap, Battenburg lace lt Clara Smith, " " 2d Mr R 8 I'rice,ofa cushion..' 1st Mr Walt O'Ncil, ofa cushion 2d Mr A A McCord, needle work lt Mr Mollie Harrison, needle work 2d Mr C W Colby, zephyr work 1st ART AND FANCY WORK. Mr J 8 Winsler, oil painting 1st Mr M V Brink. oil painting 2d I'rinevillu Review, best printing display 1st Ethel Liggett, amateur photograph 1st J S Kelly, photographs . : 1st Mis Ethel King, wood carving .'.1st I'rinevillu Public School, best disph-y of school work 1st Crooked River School, " " " 2d Mary Achev, straw biiBkot 1st Fred Young, Indian photos.... , .- 1st MINERAL. Ashwood Mine, liest display of minerals 1st Geo Summer, best display o' mineral . i ........ . .... 2d Vlro-Pn-nlilont Woman'! nmo rrnim IiiIm uf .urlMru Ohlu. "I draaded the change ol life which Wat fait approaching. I noticed Wine of Cardul, and decided to try a bot. tie. I experienced lotne relief the lint month, 10 I kept on taking It for three monthi and now I menstruate with no pain and I shall take It off and on now until I have patted the climax." Feiimlb weakness, disonleriHl mtrnwa, fttllinff of the womb and ovarian troublea do not wear off. Thev follow a woman to thochvige of life. Do not wait but take Wine of C'anhii now nd avoid the trou ble. Wine of (!ardui never fails to benefit a lufftsrina- woman of any age. Wine of Cttrilui relieved Mrs. Webb when she via in dan cer. When you come to the ehamie of life Mra. Webb's letU-r will mean more to you tluui it doea now. But you may now avoid the auffering ihe endured. Draggiati ell 1 uottlet ol n me oi L&ruui. TtmlxT Ijii.d. Act Juno 3, 1S78. KOTIL'H KuU I'tHlLIOATlON. I'nlte.l Blalia Lauil Olllce. The lJalle- Ureiron (IcIoIkt I" Notlcp la htTeliy given that tn compll hik'u with the provlHlonfl of the uct of cSmnrt-HW of Junw X IK7R. entitled "An iic-t for the wile of timber IhiiiIh In the Ktutefl of Calirornlii, ttrraon, Nevada, mid W'nKlilnaton Territory, hi extended to all the rnhlle Lund Htntea by uct of AiiKint i. mi, ThotiiUM M OM'oimell, of rritieville, county ot'tVook, stale ot'On'Kon,hU!t on Attic 4 nieo tit thiM otitce his Nworn Htateinent, iiiiiiiImt !!!, fur the purehase of the W' M'.J ,V KS of Nee. -M Tii 12 H., K ltl K., W, M.,uinl will otter proof to show that 1 the laml Bought is more vnluahle lor its tiinher or stone llitin for agricultural pur pohos, anil to establish his elutm to uitl unit liel'ore W. A. liell, II. 8. I'oimnisRioit er, at I'rineville, Oregon on Friday the 2nd day of January, WW. lie name us witnesses: Jennie 1). Pick ett, Kniet Jl. Vturr, Narah L. Kot.nuiM, Ailolph Kotzmun licnrv K, Heard Jeller- son ii KvatiH and MuIiuIh J. Kvans all of rniieville tlregon. Any and all pemons clalmlna; adverse ly the nbove-d(;Berlled lumls are request ed to Hie their clalmti In thla olHee on or before Haiil 2nd day of January, UHM. JAY P. I.UCA8. IteglBter. STifiEofCARPuy Thla almatun la on evory box of to fmaloa Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tbi.i. tto remedT that cam a cwM la daf Notice to Creditors. Notice U herehy riven that the umler nlKiieil hag hy the (loiinty Court of Crook county, Htutc of Oregon, duly appointed as Administrator of the estate of Vi . it. Fuller, deceased, and all persons buying claims against said estate are herehv required to present the same ditlv verlHed'to said ad ministrator at his orttee at Prlncville, Ore- Son, within six months from the date of the rst publication of this notice. Hated Octobers, l!si2. 1). P. Stxwart, Administrator of the Estate of W. H. Ft'ULiia, deceased Portland Club Wliiskey.a pure bour bon, well matured. Recommended by leatling pbyiiciam. For sale every wliere. n4,un pSEiMg Dr. C. A, I'errin, Hrlrn, Mnt., Oct. 4, VJ02. I witth to thank you for my relief. I Wfw mifferiiiK K'nie fruin utlei atri wat tnkiiiK irnrtiine to relieve me whtn, tin the advice of friemi, I pro currtd a Uittle of jour Perrin Pile Hjiecitie anH imk a tableful at niht and another in the morning. At half pat twelve, noon, my wife gave nut another talilcpitootiful, vhen my pain all sto( ped. In tM-o rlnyn I waa a'le it attt-ud niy rt-Ktilar busineaN entirely relieved. It was simply wonderful. ii ! Julius Meyerhofer, 1 unlet, Helena. ! I J iajBjjoa!y&nV I have purchased the business of the firm of PEASE & MAYS to THE DALLES and Shaniko and shall continue under the firm name of TJhe CdwardC. !PeaseCo. I thank you for the many favors bestowed upon the retiring firm and trust the policy " of the new firm may warrant your patron 1 THE BEE HIVE. THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY. I SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK! Furs. Ladies' Fur Collarettes, aleo Children's Fur Sets, of the latest patterns and full values. Knit Goods. A nice assortment of Ladies' Shawls and Fascina tors, also Infants' Knit Sacques, Bootees and Mittens. Underwear Ladies', Gents' and Children's Underwear. - Our line is complete, and has been selected with a view to the special requirements oi this climate. QUALITIES L'NEQUALED. PRICE3 UNTOUCHED. An Examination Will Convince You. I. MECMEL. STOLEN OK BTKAYKI). One brown mare, age 5years, weight ab out 1300 lbs., broke, is very gentle atar in foiehead, right bind foot white, branded H-Z on left ahoulder, na a yearling colt with her; One dark bay mare, weight about 1000 lbs., broke, very gentle, white hind feet, tar in forehead, branded A 3 011 left shoulder. Left 8iten one year ago. 15.00 reward will be paid for return of, or information to discovery of either of aaid animals. H. E. Glazier, or Sam Wikhl, 02-lm Sistem, Oregon. Don't forget that you can save i"0 cents on your winter reading by sub scribing for the Oregon inn with the Jol'KKAL for 150. I J For that Millionaire Feeling wear garment madeto-ordcr by : t 1 : t Strauss Bros. "America'! Lcadinf Tailors," C h i c a q o Good clothes contribute much to hanni ness. Ion rain the ooint in Stnnni firm' maderarments. TheT art made idantiflnllT to your oxact maaiura It hiirhlr skilled ' tailors in clean, sanitary thopi Bvery detail f rem flrat ta laat frivnii th mtnntMt. att.nitAn B..vaa wv w.H.na. a.KUUIW, U1D result being garments distinctly above the ordiiary and abeolatel x Mtlefactory. Ion will vender aow 11 can De aone at uie low prices qaoted. Call and see u uao ei suv samples ei caoiotN new woolens. Salomon, Johnson & Co. EFFECT