Image provided by: Crook County Historical Society/Bowman Museum; Prineville, OR
About Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1902)
amaiaf Aifniior. 14 an. I til InrulmnU K dIimiMi Han VranoUwt, California, whira on tratti ior ltrtilii oitn U mult fur it. I'robalila Kirmjt of llemaloa In Ore gaii King t'Mtt. ( Reversal by tlio United Hlaten Circuit Court of Appeals of the ducisiim o( JuJ(4 iiollinpur in the ctiou for possession of tho Oregon King mine is supposed to confirm the irofirtjr to tliu mun who have dorelojiod it and proved its value of whom C, M. Curtwright and J C. Kdwunls are most prominont, If no, it will niDii 11 immediate ro sumption of work at tho mine, which has been closed since the he- ginning of litigntion, more than a your ugo, and tho construction of the Columhiu Hunt horn intension up Trout creek to tint mine, a din tnuco of nhout '10 milcH. It dupcnils somewhat on the ground of the reversal ns to wheth vt it settles theensu or not. If it he upon mime technical ruling of the trial JuduOi the ruvcrsul may mean simply that the will ho re jimndwl for a new trial and tl: whole mutter will he fought over again. Hut some of the lawyer! connected with it presume from the circumstances that tho reversal reaches the merit of the contest: And is in effect that the plaintiffs, T. J. Brown and 15. V. Maddox, did not have a valid cluin to the property as against the persons from whom the Oregon King Min ing Company derived titlo. The point urged in this connection was that the plaintiffs had not kept their rights alive; hud in fact, abandoned the property bofore the rights descending to the Oregon King Mining Company was estub Hulled; that they made no objection to uthers taking tho claims until after much money had been spent upon them and they had proved to be valuable If that is the basis of the docision of the court of Aj peals, it is regarded ns certain to end the contest. Their is no v peal from this decision except on certiorari, which is . not deemed possible in this case. Tlut Oregon King mine isl ocated in the northern part of Crook county, on a tall hill half a mile cast of Trout Creek and about a mile northcastly from the new town of Ash wood. About $50,000 has been sent in developiag the proKTty, and a considerable quan tity of ore has been removed. Eighteen months ago the best of the ore was being teamed out to .Sh&niko and sent by rail to the Tacoma smelter, but it cost $5 a ton to get the ore to the railroad, and only the richest of it could stand the expense. The contest for title was instituted hint year. The case was tried twice in the United States Circuit Court, the jury in each case finding a verdict for the pluintiff, tho first one being set aside by Judge Bellinger. From the result of the second trial the Oregon King Mining Company ap pealed, and the higher court bus decided in favor of the company. yregonian. A Typical South Afrloan Store. O. R. Larion, of Bay Villa, Sunday Rirer, Cape Colony, conducts a store 'typical of Sou ill Alrica, t which can be purchased anything from the pro verbial "needle to an anchor." This tore is situated in a valley nine miles from the nearest railwuy station and about twenty-five miles from the near est town, Mr. Larson ssys: ''I am favored with the custom of farmers within a radius of thirty miles, to many of whom I have supplied Chain berlain's remedies. All ttstify to thsir value in a household where a doctor's advice is almost out of the question. Within one mile of my store the pop ulation is perhaps sixty. Of these, within the past twelve mouths, no less than fourteen have been absolutely cured by Chamberlain's Cough Heme--dy. This mast surely be a record.' for tale by all druggists. How l he Jap Draw Tenth. The Japanese dentist doos not frighten bis patient with an array of utool instruments. Alj his op erations in tooth drawing are per formed 1y the thumb, and fore finger of one hand. . The skill necessary to do this is acquired only after long practice, but when once it Is obtained the operator is able to extract half a dozen teeth in about thirty seconds without once removing his fingers from the patients mouth. Tho dentist's education com mences with tho pulling out of plugs which have been pressed into softwood; it ends with the draw ing of hard pegs which havo been driven into an oak plank with a heavy mallet. Dayton (Ohio) Press. A Mht of Terror. "Awful anxiety win felt for the wid ow olthe brave (ienerul Hurnlmiii of lliicliiui, Me,, wlien the doctors said he would die from l'nou inonia More inoriiug"wiitus Mrs. 8. JI.- Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, which had cured her of Consumption. After taking, she slept all night. Further use entirely cured her". This msrvollous medicine is guaranteed to cure ell Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and 11.00. Trial bottle free at Adamson AWinnek Cu's. drug store. To Itnmote to Roaebura;. The Engineering Department of the Great Central Railroad will remove its head quarters from Portland to Roscburg. Major L. D. Kinney, the chief engineer of the enterprise, will probably leave for that point tomorrow evening. The grading is being conducted under the direction of the various contractors. The grading between Roseburg and Marshfiold has been completed, and the balance of the work is progressing very rapidly. -Portland Journal. Working Night and Day. The busiest,, and mightiest little tiling that ever was made is Dr. King's New life Pills. These pills chnngo weakness into strength, list- lossness into energy brain fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Bold by Adamson Winnek ACo- The Power of Morgan. The question is asked, "Whoii J. Pierpoint Morgan?" He is not only the world's king of finance today, but the greatest financier in all history. Ho has a voice in the control of properties capitalized at (MH8,500,000 more wealth than was ever before in the hands of one man. This amount is greater bv over 11,000,00,000 than the entire annual revenue of the 43 principal nations of the world. It is greater by almost 12,000,000,000 than all the world's gold, coined and un coined. It is greater by almost 1(1,000,000,000 than the gold coin and gold certificates in tho United States treasury, and the amount (1550,000,000) in that treasury at present is unprotected. As the head of the world-wide transporta tion trust, with 10 steamshin linna and 44 railroad systems, with 800 of the largest Btoiimships and 30, 000 passenger and freieht trains the two branches lepresenting a lanu mneage oi tua,ouu and a sea tonnee of 1,200,000. he is the Brand etago-driver and ferryman of the world. Jle is one man on earth whose lifo has been insured hv Enclish investor" and sneculato for 12,000,000 who paid therefor a premium of 9 per cent. Philadel phia Stockholder. A Shocking Calamity. "Lately befell a railroad laborer," writes Dr.A. Kellet, of Willford Ark. His foot was badly crushed, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly cured him. It's simply wonderful for Burns, Boils, Piles and all skin eruntimn. I'ts the world's champion healer. Cure guaranteed. 25o. Bold by Adamson Winnek A Co. Columbia Southern ijfcotel St . :jt Shaniko, , Oregon . The Finest Hotel in Interior Oregon. Kates 1.50 and $2.00 per day. ' , i , : ' . , ' ' ... . . , J. M. Km'EV, Proprietor. "Uho SZrick Motel. FRANK BONNEY. Restaurant and Bakery MEALS AT ALL HOURS. MIC ATS. Sirloin Steak 25c Milk Toast 15c T.U o- ti. it . i-uwiic nu:uiv O.JOjVUnee t lyQ Porterhouse Steak 50c; Tea fie forterhouso Steak for two ... II 00 j Milk 5c Pork Chops 25c i Coffee Cake 10c Mutton Chops 25c Ham 25c KgK's, extra 10c Chicken, any style 35c OYSTERS. Ceve Stew 35c Fresh when in'market. Regular Dinner 25o from half past II till one SHANIKO WAREHOUSE SHANIKO. OilECOII. Fireproof 1'uildings, 100x600 fcot, 150 feet, being two stories in height. General Fowarding, Storage and Commission Merchants. DEALERS IN Blacksmith coal, Flour, Barbed Wire, Nails, Cement, Lime, Coal oil, Plaster, Sulphur, Wool and .Grain ,j sacks - and Twine, Grain and Feed. Highest price paid -for Ilides'lintl Pelts. Special attention given to Wool trade. First J Class baling and grading facilities. If1" j2afim Stock yards with all the latest and best facilities for hand ling stock. Agents for the Wasco Warehouse JMilling Co. "White River" and -'Dalles Patent" flour. Best in the Market. ' " 7?tark Soods Care S. W. Co. jCippman & Co. Manufacturers of Furniture AND DEALERS IN Fine Undertaking Goods, Carpits, Stoves, Ranges, Lead, Oil and Glass, Lumber and Building Material. Goods sold for cash and on the installment plan. I'RINKVILLE, : : : OREGON. Hotel Prineville. Prineville-Shanlko Stage Line. DAILY BETWEEN PRWEVILU AND SHANIKO. -SCHEDULE. Leave Shaniko, 6 p. m. Arrive Prineville, 6 a. m. Leave Prineville 1 p. m. N Arrive Shaniko, 1 a. m ( , First class accommodations for the traveling; public. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT RATES REASONABLE- Adamson A Winnek Co., Agents. G. M. Cornett, Manager. C. E. McDowell, Prop. Thoroughly Renovated snd Be furnished Throughout. American Plan. Kate $1, $1.50 and $2 por day. Accommodations are Unsurpassed in the eity. Sample Rooms for Commercial Traveler Long Distance Telephone Station in the home. amo union Pacific nmtm T,"f "aOULil Amai " Parians, Of. AMIT Chfcift fait Laka, Dww, !.. rortlMd rt. Wanb.Omaha, Spatial Kan mm City, St. M a. LoU,Cblaafoaii4 Tl Has laitT laiton. Atlantis Salt Lake, DTar, I a. H. Biiw rt Wsrth.Onalia, -. Kanwa City, St. Tla Ht. lli,Caleafaa4 ilea imL St Fnl Walla Walla Uwlt- 74 a. at. Part Mall ton.BpotUM.Mla SM . ak ntapolla, St. Pui, fit. Doluth. Mllw.o (.apoaaa aa,CalcafoUU OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE WKOM rOKTLAHD. IMf.BL All ulHag Salw .0. bl objaet la thuia For 8aa Fraoclieo Bail aiarr S daya. Diflr Cahmkla tlrw 410 a.m. Ix. Sunday SlaaaMra. lz.8uDdar S:tto.m. Saiardar T Artarta and War U)M p. b. Landing. :C0a.m. WinaaMMt mm. 4:10 n m. Ex. Sunday Ia.8nada Orctoa City, Ktw tMrf, Rlein, Ind. Wtj andlnaa. T:0a.m. wmaawM and Taa- l:P,.m. tiwa-. J'- am Slwa. Hon., Wad. " aaJlU. Oraaw OKy, Bay. ton, Way Land tafa. S4aai. WlnaaMOt Ihar. 4:SSa.m. p . Man, W.4. aadfu. PsrUant to Corral, aadrrt. Ut dj Way Land- tafa. hr. Hlaarla Saafct Itrar. U.UwIrtan :Sfca. Ditir Dally Blparla k Uwtitoa 1a.m. W. I. Lawrence, Agent, Biggs, Oregon.. jit if . mTi "if Oolum"bla Soutliera. Hectln 12.01 A. U . SL-pwrabtr t, iMO. Soalh tosad Daily fnifht 1:80 I oo :M S:4S :U :0S 12 t'it l:M Sonth Boanl I Karlh North KoMid ; Boand Dally Pua. IrriTlcwt.l ArrlT am a.m; a. ml a.ra a.m, am a.m a.m! 1 SI p.m 1 M p.m ill p.m: S:2T p.m 1:33 p.m '2:4'. p.m t-A p.m i:mv p ui ;' p ri A:U p.m 4. of p. in 4:'2S p.m 4:40 p.m: t:J '.m, Pa'iy Pua. Dally Pr.lght Laara Laar Hire 11 :M (ilhlmnl 11:00 W .. 10:44 Kli'iik10:JO Snmtnit 10:25 Hut (.' JrlO:U Mrlxt'liK 1:1J lMo IO:Ki Krrtil is Vy bn'.tirla WJIrox suanfko JtlJ iFm t Ml l:UO a.m. S:40p.aa a.m: 1:l'2 p.ra a. tii, 2:iS p.aa a m: 3:4tip.aa .m l:xs p.m a m, 2:12 p. a am; 2:0g p a a.m l:.2 p.ra a.m; 1:40 p.m a.m a.m. 1:00 p.m .nii........ a.m .!0.. v. a. ml D. J. H ARRIS, SarariataoJani. C. I. ITTLI, O. P A