"9 Timber Land, Act June 8, 1S78. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Vnited States l,and Office. The Dulles, Oregon, September IS), 1002. Notice It hereby Riven that In compli ance with the provisions of the art of congress of June 3. 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory. " as extended to all the Public Ijuid States by act of Annus! 4. 1902, the following persons have this day filed In this office their sworn statements, to-wlt: LAURA A. FOSTKR, of PilnevilW', comi ty of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state ment mimhi-r "is, filed July W, 1002, for the purchase of th N W N K ami X V NW'W section 34, tp. 16 S R 111 E W. M, SARAH F. PARKER, of Prinevllle, county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement nutnWr 77(1, tiled July 10, W02, for the purchase of the 8 N E v; ami 8 N W ti section 84, Tp. 13 8. K. 19 K., W. M OKA 1,. PARKKR, of Prineville. county of Crook state of Oregon, sworn statement nuiulRT 777, tiled July 10, 1!12, for the pui- 1 !. . L' .' V i 1. .....1 L 1.' s! l I - CtUlSC Ol IOC r. o v4 nun i. j Section 20, Tp. IS 8., R. ID E W. M. ROBERT II. FOSTER, of Prineville, county ol Crook, slate of Oregon, sworn statement number 77,", tiled July 10, 1IW2, for the purchase of the X E 't ti E ',', W U X E '., and X W ',4 S E 'j section 2u', Tp 15 8., R 10 E., V. M. LAURA P. 1110(18, ofPrincville, county of Crook, state ol'Oroiroti, sworn siiitt'iitoii't number 7711. bled July lo. li2, lor the pur- chase of the W H N V uiid W 'a 8 V !, section 20, Tp. 15 8., K ID .., " M. MOX1A tiUAVES, of Prim-viHc, county of Crook, suite of Oregon, sworn statement I number 7sn, tiled July 10. loo.', for the pur- ; chase ol'the K J N E "(and E J S E V sec- ; tion 22, Tp i. l.'i S., R. 10 K., W M. . ADA !'. FOSTER, of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement mihilior 7sl, tiled July 10. HM2, for the pur chase of the S 'i X K t and S .1 N W ), mv tion S, Tp. 15 S.. R. 10 E., W Si. CHARLES A. U RAVES, of Prineville. county of Crook, Mate of Oregon, sworn sljiten'icnt nunilK-r 7s2, tiled July 10, 1002. for the ptin-luise of the X X K J and X X W I section S Tp. IS 8., R lit E., V M. ALFRED II. PARKEY, of Prineville, county ol'CriKik, state of Oregon, sworn statement number 700. filed July 14. 1002, lor the pun-liase of the V X V , X E X W i and X V N Kj section 22, Tp. 15 8., R. 10 E., W M. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than tor agricultural pur poses, and to establish their claims to said land before M. R. Biggs, U. 8. Com missioner at Prineville, Oregon, on Friday the 28th day of November, 11102. They name as witnesses: Laura A. Fos ter, Sarah F. Parker. Ora L. Parker. Robert 11. Foster. Laura P. Biggs, Moma liraves Aila F. Foster, Charles A. Uraves and Alfred H. Parkey, all of Prineville, Ore gon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are request ed to file their claims In this office on or before the said 28th da) of November, IW2. JAT P. LUCAS, Rejlster. Sp-25p Timber Land, Act June 3, 1X78. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Vnited Status Land Office at The Dulles, Oregon, Aug. 18, 1902. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, li78, entitled "An act for the sale of tiuilier lands in the SUtes ol California, Ore gou, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land SUtes by set of August 4, li2, BYROX CADY, of Buckley, conutr of Pearce, state of Wash ington, has, July 1L 1002, tiled in this office his sworn statement No. 702, for thepurchase of the w of Section No. 22, In Township No. 14 s., Range Ha. 19 e., W. M and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purpotes, and to establish his claim to said land before J. J. Smith. County Clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on Thursday, the 13th day of November, lliOi He names af witnesses: C. E. McDowell, H. A. Foster. 0, H. Eric kson and F. T. Hig gin4, all ot Prineville, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this office on orbefoie said 13th day of November, 1002. JAY P. LI, I, AS, aulSp Renister, Timber Land, Act June 3, Is."". NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Lanii Oitick. The Dalkis, Orc;;on, August 11, 1!W2. . ' Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con press of June 3, ltffi, entitled "An net for the sale of timlier hinds iu the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," as extended to ull the pulj lic land states by act of August 4, 10.12, the following persons have, on May 20. 11)02, liled in tins ollice their sworn statements, to-wit : JOHN H. DEMARIS, of Prineville, county of Crook. State of Oregon, sworn statement Xo. 420. for the purchase of the s e l4' s e l4 section 18, township lj s., rangu 18 e., W. M. WILLIAM H. BIRDSOXO. of Prineville county ol Crook. State of Oregon, sworn" statement Xo. 430, for the purchase of the e s w l4 s e !4 n v and s w l4 u e 4 el section 20, township 13 s., ranw lse., W. M That they will ort'er proof to show that the land so'iifriit is more valuable lor its timber or stone than for acricultural pur poses, and to establish their claims to said land belore J. J. Smith, county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on Tuesday, Xoveniber 11, ime. They name as witnesses: William II. liirdsong, William it. Barney, William H. (iann, I.u Barney, all of Prineville, Ore. Any and ull persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to lile their claims iu this otlice on or before said 11th day of November, 1002. ni22p JAY P. LUCAS, Register. Timber Land. Act June 8. 1K8. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 27, 11KJ2. Notice Is hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1S7S. entitled "An aet for the sale of timber lands In the states of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Wash ington Territory." as extended to all the public Ind States by act of August 4. 1892, Minnie Anderson, of Sjmkaue, county of Spokane, state of Washington, has on May 31. 10O2. filed in this ottice her sworn statement No. 4o0, for the purchase of the SX 8EV Section 11 nnd N4 XE'4 section 14 in township 12 8., range in E W. M 14 in township 12 8., rnnge pi r;., w . M., ind will orrc-i proo' to show that the land sought Is more vaUabl for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at The Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, th 5th day of December. 11102, She names as witnesses: L. K. Ailing ham, of Warm Springs. Oregon, and Ole K Anderson, Annie Mikclson anil John 0. Skaar, all of Spokane, Washiiigtug. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the abov-t1escrlhed Ismls are request ed to tils their claims In this office on or before said 5th day of December, 1W02. JAT P. LUCAS, Register. Oct ,2 r Timber Land. Act Juns S, 1S7S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States lnd Office, The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. IS, 1WW. Notice Is hereby given that hi compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June . NTS. entitled "An act for the sale of tlmlier lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and ash Ington Territory." as extended to all the Public Land Slates by act of August 4, 180o, the following persons have tiled ill this office their sworn stat-mieiits. to- vit : ROLl.lN I. lit UK, oi -noKanc, couniy of Spokane, State of Washington, sworn statement No. tW. June :w. isij2, tor tne pur- oluee of the mi Sec. 2 ,1'p. hi 8., R. 1!) s' W M. AlH'SrrS ROSSI.OW, of Spokane ountv of Spokane, Mate ol aliin;s; sworn' statement So. 740, July ,'i, Iii2. r ,ile purchase of the sw'.. Sec. 2, Tp. 15 8., (. )!, v. M. HENRY ti. KOSSl.OW, of 8pokane, county of Spokane. Slate of asliington, sworn' statement No. tM, Jiuiii 28, liny, tor the purchase ol Hie lot- I anil ami s'a lie' , Sec. 2, 1 p. lo 8.. K. r... . m . That tl.ev will offer proot to show mat land -smiKht Is more valuable for lis timber or stone than for agrleidturnl pur poses and to establish their claims to said hind liofore the Keglster and Hecelver I at this office, on Friday. X ivetnbe- 7, llkrj. They name as witnesses: u. i . lime, ,. Russlow, II. (i. Rosslow, of Spokane, Washington, R, C. Hyde, of Trent, Wash ingioii.and J 11. Myers, of Prineville, Or egon. Anv and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lunds are request ed to file llielr claims In this office on or before said 7th duv of November, 1!2. au28p Jay P. Lucab, Register. Timber 1-and, Act June 8, 1878. NOTI0E FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, ) The Dalles. Ore., Aug. 15, 11)02. i Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress of June 3, 178, entitled '"An act for the sale of timlier lands in the States of Calitornia, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land SUtes by Aot of August 4, lwrj. the following persons have this day tiled in this office their iwora state ments, vis: -i HERBERT T. BRENGMAN, of St. fnrvi. eountv of Kootenai. Ute of Idaho. sworn sUtement No. trltj. for the purchase o f 1 the nwX Section 33, Tp. 13 S., K. 18 h., W . M. PENDLETON BLEV1NS, of Prineville, county of Crook, Sute of Oregon, sworn statement No. 612, for the Durchase of the seVf fw' and si t Sectiou 18, Tp. 14 8., U. 19 E., W. M. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for iu titnia?i ir stone than for sgricul.ural purposes, and to establish their claim to said land oefnre W. A. Bell, U. 8. Commissioner, at his office at Prineville, Oregon, on Thnrsday, the 13th day of November, 1002. Thev name as witnesses: C.I. Wlnnsk, I. K. Winnek, Fred Hlggens,'P. B. Poindexter. E. N. White, John Combs. Ed. Merritt, J. W. Wright, Lew McCallister, W. R. McFar laud and Chris Colirs, all of Prineville, Ore- An and all persons clawing adversely me ahove-descnlied lands are requested t .. their clmnis in this office on or belore said l.ith day of November, 1002. au28p Jay P. Lie is. Register. VTOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. DltPARTHENT OP THE INTERIOR. Laso Oh-ice at The Dalles, Oiie'ion, i Septerolier 12, 1002. police in nerenv Kiven niai, me ninniiiK' named settler has'tiled notice of his intention ; to make final pnsif in support of his claim, and that said proof will lie mad before J. J. Smith. County Clerk at Prineville. Oregon, i on Saturday, October 2o, 1002, viz: Walter I R. Ruble, of Culver, Oregon. H. K. No. I 0114. for the V'4 SEJ and 8Ef SKI Sec. 22, and SWJ4 SVi'4 S-c. 23, T. 13 S., 11. 13 E., W. M. He nones the following witnessps to prrve his continuous residence upon end cultivation of said land, viz: Edmund Heale, of Culver, Oregon, J. H. Grant and Lee Moore, of Laments, Oregon, and W. H. Sumner, of Prineville. Oregon. JAY P. LUCAS, sepl8 - Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, Septemlier 22, 1002 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has hied notice of hia intention to make final proof in snps-,rt of his claim, and that said proof will be made before .1. J. Smith, County Cleik at Prineville, Ore gon, on Friday, November, 7, 1002, viz: Daniel T. Cuunsil, of Sisters, Oregon, H. E. No. 11.38 for the nw'4' ne'4 and sj ne'-i S-c.18 and nwi Sec. 17, tp. 12 S .11. 12 E.. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence npon and cultivation of said land, viz: X. .1, Lambert, ti. V. Allimrham, A O Allinghaui. of Sisteis, Oregon, and David Weaver, of Priueville, Oregon. ' JAY P. LUCAS, sp25 Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Otlice, The Dalles, Oregon, Septemlier 20, 1002. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of .Tubs 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the aale of timber Unda in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Wsshington Territory," as extended to sll the Public Lar.d States bv act of August 4, 1802, Williaai Pitcher, of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has on July 10, 1112 filed Jn this office his sworn statement nuuilwr 73. tor the purchase of the K S W x and W y, S E of Sec. nnmher 31 township 12 south, ranue 18 E. W. M.. and will offer Pnsif to ahow that the land ' sougnt is ni-.re vamatiie ror 11s iimosr or stone than for agricultural pur,-., and t , . . ill. -..-I establish bis claim to said land before M, R. Biggs. U. S, Commissioner, at Prlntvllle, Oregon, on Friday, the 28th day of Noveni Ur, YMi. He usiiih as wltneust: S, W, Coniptnn Wtu, McMeekla, tieorge Turner and J, W, Hopkins, all of Prlnetllle, Oregon. Any and all iersniia claiming adversely the ahove-dfscrilied lands are requested to lile their clalins In this office on or befere said 38th day of November, 1DH2. S p'JS JAY P. Ll'CAS, ReginUr. Timber Land, Aot Sept 2J, 1878. NOT1CK KOR PUUMOATION. Vnited SUtes Und Office, The Dalles. Oregon, Sept. 1, 1!K2. Notice Is hereby given that In coniplitnoe with the provisions nt the aot of Congress of June S, 1878, entitled 'An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Xevnda, and Washington Territory," as extended to alt the Public- Land States by act of August 4, IH112, the following persons have en July l'.HJ2, tiled In this office their sworn atateiiunts, to wit: JOEL E. CALAVAN, of Prineville, cmm. ty ot O risik, state of Oregon, sworn stiiteinetit ; No. ill, forthe piucnsse of the M'. Ii Sec. !,Tp. 1.1 8., 1! Ill E., V. M. j AVER H.iCALA VAN, of Prineville conn. ; ty of Crook, state i f Oi'ci-i'ti, sworn statement No. 742 for the fuirclinse of the 8E 8-c. , b, Tp. l.'iS., K. Ill E., W. M. i That they will nlfer prisif to show that the land soiigtit is moi-e valuable for its timber or stone than fur agricultural purpnsi's, ami to f establish their claims to said laud helore ,M. H Bilk's, I . S. JCouiiiiissotivi', at his nthi's at Vrinevillt', Oivi,'oii, on Satiuduy, the tilli day oi lh-ceinber, 11HI2. They name as witnesses: B. F. Join's, Nancy D. Jonts, J. E. Culavaii, Aver It. Calavanaml J. W. Hopkins, all of Priuevill, Oivgiin. Aav and all Perseus claiming edversly the I aliove-deitci'ihed lands are rwpiested to file ttieircluiuis in tins uttic on or belore said titll d iy of Deceudivr, 1002. U2p JAY P. Ll'CAS, Ueguter. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION t'arntD Status Lisp Omra, The Dalles, Ore., Sept. 23. 11102 Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress uf June 3, 188, entitled "An act fur the sale of timber lands in the talus of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land Status by act of Au gust 4, 18112, the following persons have July 17, 11MJ2, hied ill this office their worn statements, lo sil: JOSIAH HINKLE, of Prineville, county of Crook, stale of Oregon, wnrn statement No, HC5 for the purchase of the SK I See. 14, Tp 15 S., It HI E . If. M. MARION R. RIG0S. of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Oiegon, sworn statement No. 8M for the purehase of the Wl NW J and W J SW J Sec 20 Tp 15 S., K IDE., W., M. WILLIAM A. M. K1NN0N, of Price, county of Crook, state ol Oregon, (worn statement No 86.'! for the purchase of the YA SE J and Sj NE Sou. 8, Tp. 14 S., R 10 E., W. M. That they will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable, fur ils timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to said land before J. J. Smith, County Clerk at Prineville. UreKon. on Tuesday , .. . . . r..i.a- iimo the 9th day of Demutier, Wl. They name as witnesses: Elmer Kay ler, Josiali Milikle, M. R, Dings, and Cliua Graves, of Prineville, Oregon, nnd H. A. Foster, Tom Watktna, F. M. Booth, and W, R. douth,of Price, Oregon. Aur and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are reijuesled , .. , , . ... i l'r cla.n.s In this o hce on or be- fore said 0th (lay of December. l'-Wi. (J2p J AY P. LUCAS, Register. TIM HER AND STONE LAND rfWORN STATEMENT. Land Ollice at The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 23, 1002. Notice is hereby fjiven that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act lor the sale of timber lauds ill the stateB of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extended to all the public land states by act of Au gust 4, 1802. the following persons have on July 21, 1002 tiled in this offlee their sworn statements, to-wit: GEORGE M. GAYLORD, of Prine ville. county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn stateiiisnt No. 8811 for the pur chase of the E J HWj and E $ NW J Sec 28, Tp. 15 S., R. 10 E W. M. JOHN S. WATKINS of Prineville, ;ouiity of Crook, State of Oregon, sworn statement No. 887 for the purchase of the NE M Sec. 24, Tp. 15 8. R. 10 E., W. M. LETTIE WATKINDS, of Prineville, j county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn j i statement No. 888 for the purchase of theNWj Sec. 24, Tp. 15 S., R 10 E., W. M. JENNIE GRAIN, of Prineville, coun ty of Crook, state ol Oregon, sworn statement A'o. 880 for the purchase of the SIT Sec. 24, Tp. 15 8., R 19 E., VV. M. IfiLFORD J. GRAIN, of Trineville. county of Crook, state of Oregon sworn statement No. 800 for the purchsse of ! the SE J Sec. 24, Tp. 15 8 , R, 10 E-, W. M. That thev will offer proof to hoar that the land sought is more valuable for its ,jlllher or Hone than for agricultural pur- I poses, d to establish lbe;r claims lo ! :,i 1.....1 i...f f v 11;....- n u nam i.iiiu ocuuo i.i. jv. i.iga", r, . n -n CoinmisMoner, at Prinevllle, Oregon, on Monday, lh 8h Jd ol Deoembsr, 1WJ, They name a witnse: Oeorge M. Gaylord, John 8. Waikim, Irfttie VVat kinds, Jennie Cruin and and Wilford J, Grain, all of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the alaive described lands are advised lo tile their claims In thu nlHoe on or be fore said 8th day of December, 1IKJ2. 02p JAY. P. LICAS, ReKister. Timlier Land, Aot Jus. 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, United States land OrHee, The Dalles, Oregon, August 22, 1002, Notice Is hereby given that iu oosipllance with tin provialo f the act of Congress of Juns 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sals sf tiuilier Ismls in the States of California, Ore' gon, Nevada, ami Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states hy act of August 4, 18112, the following iierwiiis have, on July 17, 11102, tilrd in tills ollice their sworn MUtcmeuts, to-wit: C.OKA E. STARK, of Buckley, enmity of Pierce, state of Washington, sworn statement No. H.VI for the purchase of the nS ns1, and nS nwij Sec, 28, Tp. 14 8., It. IU E., W. M. II. LAWTOX CAl'Y.of Buckley, county of Pierce, slate of Washington, sworn slate, llient Xo. 802 for tits purchase of the liw1, Sec. 10, Tii. K. 8.. K. Ill E W. M, MAY J. CADY. of Hull-hull, county of Snohomish, slate ol Washington, ewwn t ds liu-ut Xo. Mil lor the purchase of tlu'W'vNwt and w) s Sec. II, Tp. oS I!. In K., W.M. l-l.ti HENCE M. CADY.uf Buckley, conn ty of I'ii ice, statu ol W ashlngtm, sworn stall luellt Xo. SMI lor the pur liasi- ol the nel 8,-e. 10, Tp. I". s., K, 10 K W. M. EUNICE SMITH, ol lluekh-y, county of I'ii-ns', stats i f S'ttsluutoll. sworn stab-iio-lit No. S'iOIoi-tlo-pun-liase ol' ihesw1; Stc. IU, Tp lo II. 10 K., W. M. WALTER E. CADY. of Gelchell, county of Siiohomisli, slate of W ishinglon. swoin stateliM-ut Xo. 8'iX (or the purchase ol the el se',, swli sr', Slid sej sw j See. 4, Tp. I't 8-, li. 10 K W. M. JOEL M. SMITH, of lUu-U-v. county of Pierce, stule of Wsshiiigtoa, sworn ststeiusut No. 8."7 for the purchase of the eej1 Sec 10, Tp. U.S., II. 10 E., W. M. MAUI) E. CASADAY. of Kern Hill, county of Pieivs, state of WsshlliKlou, swoiu statement No. for the puivhass of the wj nw, 4. nw sml ue sw Sec. 2tl, Tp. 14 S., II. Ill K W. M. CLE8T1A CADY. of Buckley, county sf Pierre, sUte of Wsshingtoii, sworn statement No. 8.Vi for the purchsse of the nw Sec. 22, Tp. 14 S R. 1 E W. M. llEI.LA A. CADY, of Buckley, county of Pierce, stsUuf Wsshington, sworn lUleinent No, 8.' for tne purchsse of the set- Sec, 22, Tp. MS., K. lit E., W. M. That they will offer pnsif to show that the land sought is more valuable for its titulisror stone than for sgricultural purines, slid to esUhlish their claim to said laud Is'fore the Register and Receiver of this uthoe at The Dulles, Oregon ua Thursday the tilh day of November, 10o2. They name as witnesses: Cora K. rtUrk, D, Lawton Csdv, Floreins M. Ca.ty, Eunice Smith, Joel M. Smith, Clestia Cady, Dells A. Caiiy and Byron Cwiv, of Buckley, Washing ton, and May J. Csdy sml Wsllrr E. t.'ssly. of (jetcheli, WashiugtoB, and Maud K. Cass dsy, of Fern Hill, Wadiington Any sod all iersoas claiming adversely the above-drecrioeil lands are requested to file their clsims hi this olhcss un or befere said tith dsy of Novemlier, Wi s4p JAY P. LUCAS, l!s,Uler. Timlier Land, Act June I, 17I. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. ' United States iJind Office, The Dalles, Oregon. August 1,1, 1102. Notice Is hereby Riven that In compll. Slice with the provisions of the act of Coneri-aa f jjpe 3, ls7x, entllled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the slates of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory, as extended lo all the Public Ijind Slates by act of Auvust 4. 1H02, William II. Peck, of Culver, county ol '1'riaik, Slate of Oregon, has on May 211, H'Fi, liled ill this ollice hissworiistuteiiiciit Xo. 410, for the purchase of the s wj-; ne !., of section 33, town-hip 12 s., ruuge 13 e., W. M., nnd will oiler proof to show that the hind sought is more valuable for ils timber or stone than for agriciiltbriil pur poses, uml to ctii!ish his claim to said liiud Is-lore A. C. Palmer, U, S, Commis sioner at Pritn-ville, Oregon, on Tuesday, the Ith day ol XovciiiUt, 1002. lie iiatucs its witnesses: lli-ury Wimlom fieorge Oshorn, Frank Hotl'maii and David Burnett, all ol Pnneville, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adverse. ly the above-described lands are requeai. el to lile tlo-lr clulina Iu this oflh-M on or before said 4th oav of Xovi-tnls-i- pari. JAY P. LUCAS, ltuglstil a 21 p Timber Land, Act June 3, 1x78. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. I'nilisl States Land ulllce. The Dulles, Oregon. August 13, I0O2. Notice is lici'eby given that in compli ance, with the provisions of the act of Con- gress of June 3, 1M70, entitled "All act for the sale of timber lauds In the Slates of t alilornui, Oregon, Nevada, and yvushiug- ton Territory," as extended to all the Pub lic Land Slates by act of August 4. I0O2, Ihe foliowidg persons have, 011 May, 28, 1002. tiled iu this ollice their sworn 'state ments, to wit: MARTHA A. SPEAR, of Prineville, county of Crook. State of Oregon, sworn statement Xo. 412, lor the purcliiise of the 11 i-j sc sw '4 s e and urn s w sec lion 3, township 13 s., range 1(1 e., W. M. MARCUS 1). POWELL, of Prineville. county of Crook, State of Oregon, sworn statement Xo. 411, for the purchase of Lots II and 2 anil s '4 11 e sec. 3, tp. 13 south, range 10 e., W. M. They will oiler proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for its timlier or stone than for agricultural purposes. and to estaslish their claims to said luud before A. C. Palmer, I . S. Coiiiuiis-ioner, at Prineville. Oregon, on Monday the 3rd day ol oveiuiier, 1002. Thev name us witnesses: J. W. Sttear. T.J. Powell. J.O Powell, and joe Culuvan, all of Prineville Oregon, Any and alt persona claiming adversely the afiovc-dc.-cribed lands are requested to hie their claims lit this omce on or before said 3rd day of Xovc inlsjr, 1112. a 2lid. JAY P. LUCAS, Register. Timlier Land, Act June 8, 1878. NOTICK FOH PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Orrgon. Aug. 1 1002. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An set for the sals of timlier lamia In the -ttstea of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as exteuded vi all the Public Laud States by . 1 V . ....... . 0 I act of August 4, 1802, the following person. have died In thlsomus their sworn state. stents, to will WILLIAM 11, HUMNlilt, of Prliisvllls, ooiinty of Crook, State of Oregon, sworn statement No. WW. July 1,11102, lor the pur. chase of the ss,, Sec. 3,'l. Tp, 13 s, r 18 s, W. M. HAItltlETTK A. COLBY, of Prliisvllls. comity uf Cnaik, Mtats of Oregnui swura statement No. IMo, July 1, 1 1" 'J, for tits pur. chase of thewjsw Sec. 21. slid n'sj nwi See. 28, Tp. 17 s, r 18 e: W. M. Ill VIM. K. WINNEK. of Prineville, oountp of Cnsik, Stale of Oregon, sworn statement No. WI7, July 1, 1UU2, for tlit pur. chase of ths nwV, Heo. M, Tp. 13 , 1 18 1, W. M. MA 111. P. J. MILLER, of Laiuonta, cmm. ty of Cnsik, Stte of Oregun, sworn state in, nt No. 7311, July t, W'i, for the purchase af the ' sw1,, ss.. sw1, and sw1, srli H. l.V Tp. 14 s, rlflle, W. M, That they will offer proof to show that the Isiid sought Is more valiiabls for IU ti'iiiier ur atone thuii for agrl-iultiiral pursmee and to esubllsh their claims to said land More W, A. Bell, U, 8. Commissioner, at Pillievllls, Oingou, on Tlnfrsday, the 13th dsy uf No vemUr, 1002, They name as witnesses, C, L Wlnnsk, Fred Ilik'Kins. V. E. Mi-Dowell, I. I,. Holt Slid Jalnes Fsiujllt, all of Piluevllle, Oi,sjii, Any sml sit pt'isoiis clHiming lutversiily the atiove.desciihi-ii Ismls are liiiiestrd to liln tli.-ir tliiiiiis iu this othi-e on or before said l.'Oh day of .Sin einlivr, 1802. su2-Sp (Ur. P. Lucas, Register. Tliiiber Land, A.-t June 3, 17". Notltio lor Publliiutlon. I'nlieil Stut.-s Land Miles, The Dalles, Ol'., Alia. I'', Ill2. N 'til-fl Is listi-l.y i,i ii tlut ill coiopI1hiii:i with the provisixlis "f the art of Ciip m ol .lull-3, Is;, 4, .-n 1 1 -1.. I ' An set for thr.alsof tiiuls-r lands in th.i Si-id's ,l Ciiliforiil,t, l ire. on, Ne add, slid U'lishiUKtoii Ten Ip.i y," iu -trlidi'd to nil t'le Public famd State by set of August 4, IIHl.', the fl. owing umii have tiled III this ollice tll'-ir swotll stlltltieilts, to. alt: EDWARD II, KXoX.of P..t. oouuiyof Cnstk, Stats of Olsgon, sworn sUtemetll No. li'u, for tils pllrehnss of the se' nw1,, swl$ ne', and iilj awl, Src, 24, Tp. 17 8., II, 18 E.. W. M. iioscoh KNOX.of Pt, emiiilvi.flVs.lt, State of Ors..n, sworn statenn-nt No, nxi, June Si, 1002, lor the piirihsse of i'i lis', sud e' ', Sec. , Tp. 17 ,, II, 18 E,, W. That they will offer prif to ihow that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or tone than for surluidturai purisMes sml to es. Ublish their claim Pi said land before J. J. Smith, county clerk, si Prineville, Oregon, on Weiluesdav, Nove ulwr 12, 112, They ualnc sa witnesses: ll.-nry lri:k, (V leb Davla, Rols.rt Myers ami John Hugliea, all uf PiMt, Oregpn. Any and all Isrrsolia ctelmltitf adversely the slaivs dracrl'ird Inn. Is are requested to tile wieir Clalma In llita olttre on or llefors said 12th day of Novriiilier, yxr. ""p Jat. f. I.I lis, lleyiater. TlioiK-r Lund. Act June I, IsTI, Notice kou pniil.H'ATiiiN. l ulled fttalea Ijind Office, The Dalles. Oregon. s. pt, 2H, pari, Nolh-e Is hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8, PoS. enllllrd "An act for Hie sale of llmU-r lunds In the state of California, Ori son, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory." as extend! to all the Public IjiiiiI States hy act of August 4. l, Ellin l.lbhy, of Portland, county of .MuIiiioiuhIi. slate of Oregon, has on May 13, l:r, tiled in Ibis ollh e her sworn state ment Niiuils-r ,'14il, for the purchase of llie SWt SW'i sooiinn 22 and EJ SE'-i and SWv, hE!-, section 21Tp IMS, ft II E, W, M., and will otli-r proof to show lhat the land sought is more valuable for lis timlier or stone than lor sgrh- diural purposes, and to establish her claim to said laud la fore the Register and Receiver of this ollice at The Dalles, Orcgoii, on Friday, the At it day of Dei emle r, llr2. She i iu s as witnesses: DoWItt W, Danlorth, Beiilninin F. Smith, Jennie II, ninilh and lsalal I). Libby, all of Portland,. Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the alHive-di'srrthi-d lamia sra molest ed to file their claims In this office on or la-fore said ,'ith day of Deii iula'r, 1002, JAY P. LL'CAS, Keglster. Oct 2 r Timber Land. Act Juno S, pa. notice for publication. I.'nlled States Land Ollice, The Dalles, Oregon, s-pt. 23. ll'2. Notice la hereby given that In compli ance Willi ' -.visions of the act of . ongn-ss of June a. b.,s. entllled "Au act tor ;h. s 1 If- of iiuiis-r lunds In the Sluice of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington 'lerrltoi v,' as exli-li'lid to nil Ihe IMI1II1 Land Huil.-a by 11 - t of August 4, 1MB, the following persons have on Julys, I0O2. filed Iu this ollice their sworn stittcmi'lils, to-wll: ORKEX HEARD, or Pjiricvillc, county of Crook, slate ofori-gon, sworn statement Xo. 72H lor the puichiisii of Ihe NU A Sec. 30, Tp. If. S. R, 10 E W. M. MARY J. BEAIIII. of Prineville, county of Crook, stale of Oregon, sworn statement Xo. "27 lor the purchase of the N W ti Sec. 3U, Tp. 1.18., R III E., W. M. ETII I E M. RAY, of Prineville, county 01 1 roox, slate ol ( Iregon, sworn siati 1111 nt Xo, "211 for the purchase of the SW W Sec. :i,Tp. iris., it mi-;., w. M, FRANK RAY, of Prineville, county of Crook, slate of Oregon, sworn statement No, 72.1 for the purchase of the 8E '4 Sec. :tn,Tp l.'iS, R 10 E, W M. SUSIE M. III! XCAX, ofPrincville, coun ty ulTrook, state of Oregon, sworn -late- nii tit No. 723 for Ihisjpurchi jl'tbc SW V. Sec 14, Tp K'18, R 111 K, W M. CA M PBEI.L A. DUNCAN, of Prineville, county of Crook, slate of Ori-ftim, sworn slateineiit Xo. "22 lor llin purchase of the S X E V. uiid SS X W '4 sec 14, Tp 13 8, RISK, WM. NANCY D. JON ES, ol PriiM vllle, county uf Crook, slate of Oregon, sworn statement Xo. 721 for the purehase of the SW Sec Tp l.'iS, R IK E, W M. BEN F. JONES, ol Prinevllle, county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statei'uent Xo 720 for the p'irclmsc of Ihe N '4 Sir. U, Tp R18, R, 10 E, W M. That they win uffer proof to show that the laud sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone limn for agricultural pur poses, and to establish their claims to said land before M. R. Biggs, II, S. Com missioner at Prineville, Oregon, 011 Satur day, the llth day of Ih-ceinlier, IH02. They name as witnesses: (freen Beard, Mary J. Beard, Ethie M, Ray, Frank Ray, Su-ie M. Duncan, Caiupla-ll A. Dilniun, Nancy D. Jones, and Ben F. Jones, all of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming: adversely rfie above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on ur la-fore the suld nth day of DecenilsT, 1002. JAY P. LUCAS, Register. Oct2p