Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 16, 1902, Image 7

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sertlalBK Aisriov, ami ": .JKurolmnls l.x
i ghoniis, Hun Kriii'lu, Calllnriila. where min
tiatts (or iirtnlriK mm lis mails fur It,
Oregon Wants People.
From an examination of tlio
bu'itidariofi ol the iiroiioscid lilue
mountain forest rcniirve and from
other information gttllinri'd, there
in no doubt that too much land ii
inscribed. Too many tricU of un
timbered land havo bven brought
within the boundaries that would
become lioineslciidn and finally tax
paying property fur the itntu. The
ronerve withdrawn from settlement
, large areas In Umatilla, Union and
i Grant, Wheeler and Crook coun
ties. Especially in Grant county
an) the boundaries large ami dial
interior section will ho hindered in
its development if tin; linen remain
unchanged. The milling inlerents
will alao H"ffer, which is an im
portant factor to be considered in
both Grant and linker ciitiiitiutt.
Oregon wnnls people. Its vacant
litnilit will nil ho churned in a few
y cure. I la mountainoua region
will become th limner, of the
runolier, the sheepman, Iho cattle
man, the gout miner and the dairy
man, all of whom will build homer
and inereiinte the population " and
. wualth of the state. Norland that
' can be made useful to thin end
should be withuld tro'mVprivat
Thia paper hni in the past op
posed any form of public leasing
and for the came reaKona it would
oppose any attempt, to hinder the
home builder from bis purpose.
But, considering pll the merits
in the case, no good resons can be
advanced for including any land
except the timbered tracti that
preserve the enowB of winter until
needed during the late summer
Reason, by the farmers and stock
' men of the hills and plains below.
I'endlcton Tribune.
A Typical South African Store.
0. It. Larson, of liny Villa, Sundays
lltvut1 ('mm i'.iiIkiiv nuiwltif-tM a Hf.iirn
typical of Hiintli A fricti, ill which cull
be purvhiiM'd anything Iroin the pro
verhiul "needle to un sncliur." This
store it sitmtteil in a valley nine miles
Irom the nttiet railway station uml
about twenty-live in lien from the near
est town, Mr. Larson fiiyi: ''1 am
fnvured with the custom ol farmers
within a radius of thirty miles, to
many ol whom I have supplied Clium
berlain's remedies. All testily to their
value in a household where a doctor's
advice is almost out ot the question.
Within one mile of tny store the pop
ulation is perhaps sixty. 01 these,
within the past twelve months, no less
than fourteen have been absolutely
cured by Chamberlain's Cough Reme
dy. This must surely be a record.'
For sale by all druggists.
Ulamli-rs Among Horses,
According to Veterinary J.
Christie, there are several cases of
glanders among the horses belong
ing to farmers living north of Pend
leton, says the Kant Orcgonian.
The doctor says he has been called
to examine several horses recently
and found them Buffering with un
mistakable attacks of this dreaded
disease, It will be remembered
Ihut several weeks ago Dr. Christie
found a horso with glanders and
reported tho case to State Veteri
narian McLnne, who came up from
Portland and mado an investiga
tion, lie ordered the animal kill
ed. Kincc that sewral similar
cases have developed.
Working Night and Day.
The busiest sod mightiest little
thing that ever was made is Ir
King's New life Tills. These pills
change weakness into strength, list
le.sncss into energy bruin fag into
mental power. They're wonderful in
building up the health. Only 25c
per boi. Sold by Adamion W'innek
ACo- ' '
The creation of tho Uluo moun
tain forest reserve Is a live issue in
eastern Oregon, The people who
favor the withdrawal by the inte
rior department of thia largo tim
bered ares in the Blue mountains
are people, generally speaking, who
live a long distance from the lificK
of the proposed reserve, and who
would not fool the effect, of the
closing up of such a largo body of
land. A great portion of the op
position comes from Grant county.
The lines: of tljo' reserve , now pro
posed wouid cut off from the "John
Day valley almost all of .the tim
ber supply' and take In' some of
the best agricultural lands and
some of the eldest settlements,
which would be such a blow to the
settler and the busineis 'interest of I
this territory that it would he very
injurious, .The people there well
understand the position that they
would bo left in. The lines should
he changed so uk to take in only a
reasonable portion of the timbered
amis and then the opposition will
not amount to much. Ileppner
A Night of Terror,
"Awfid aiixivly was 'full fur the will-'
uw (it tliu brave Ueneral lioriihani of
Mucliias, Me., when the doctors said
shti would die from i'neuinonia before
niornlng''wiites Mrs. S. If. Lincoln,'
who nit milled her that fearful night,
but slutjbeg'ged lor l)r. King's JCew
Discovery, which bud cured her of
Consumption. After taking, she slept
all night. Further use entirely cured
hut". This marvellous medicine is
gu'srsntecd to cure all Throat, Chest
and, Lung Diseases. Only 50o and
11.00, Trial bottle free at Adamson
AWinnek Co's. drug store. .
1UI. ley-Klkhorn Hold.
Bakkh City, Oct. 2. The Bais-ley-Elkhorn
mine has been sold to
tho Beaver Mining Company. The
deeds of transfer were placed on
record by Attorney C. A, Johns
here this morning. F. P. Hayes,
formerly president and manager of
the Bonanza mine, is buck of this
ileal. The consideration named in
(he deed i $40,000, and the pur
chaser assumes all indebtedness
and liens against tho Baisley-Elk-
liorn. In addition to this pur
chase, Mr. Hayes owns (13 adjoin
ing claims. The work of opening
up tho property will begin at once.
A tunnel 1 miles long is to be
run, cross-cutting all tho claims.
The contemplated improvements
will coBt 1250,000.
Stops the dough and Works off the
Laxative Broino Vuniiin Tablets cure
cold in one day, Mo Cure, Mo fay,
Price, 25 cents.
Deputy Stock Inspectors.
Notice is hereby nivea that I have
appointed the following named persons
dpuly stock inspectors:
J. Y. tartwright, , Kay Creek.
8am Hamilton Ashwood.
. Hparks, Bisters,
A, Morrow, Haystack.
F. M. Smith, . Paulina.
Kosco Knux, Post.
T. C. Swain, Bear Creak.
J. 8. Bogue, Holland.
Alts Mclntimh, Hardin
J. P. VanHuuten, Hay Creek.
U, 8. Cuwlfi, Hay Creek
Joe Hinkle,
Stock Inspector Crook County,
I'm-le Bam a. Hinoker,
Tho tobacco imports of the
United States in l'JOl were con
siderably larger than for several
years, having a value of 116,000,
000. The increase occurcd chiefly
in the purchases from Cuba, which
were exceptionally heavy during
tho past year. The consignments
recivod from that island were
valued at $0,835,000, forming GO
percont of our total imports.
. Aside from Cuba the Netherlands
formed the principal source of
importation. .The shipments from
Dutch porta, consisting prin
cipally of Sumatra tobacco, had a
value of GOO,000.
Subscribe for the Journal.
Columbia Southern Jfcote
The Finest Hotel in Interior Oregon.
p -$ (-4. ' .4 j; &
J. M. KD.WEV, Proprietor.
"Uho SSrick JtotoL
Sirloin Steak 25c i Milk Toast 15c
T-Bono Steak Hoc ('off ee 5c
Porterhouse Steu k 50c Tea , . he
Porterhouse Steak for two. . .! 00 , Milk . , . 5c
Pork Chops. ,. . 25c 'Coffee Cake . . . 10c
Mutton Chop" 25c OYSTERS,
Ham 25c ,, ,.,
1W, extra :Uvo Hew ; 3c
Chicken, any style 35c I Jresh when n market,.
Regular Dinner 25c from half past If till one
si. jr. oCippman Cc Lo.
Manufacturers of
,., Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Lead, Oil and Glass,
Lumber and Building Material.
Goods sold for cash and on the installment plan.
Fireproof Tuildings, 100x000 feet, 150 feet, being two
stories in height.
General Fowarding, Storage and Commission Merchants.
Blacksmith coal, Flour, Barbed Wire, Nails, Cement, Lime,
Coal oil, Plaster, Sulphur, Wool and Grain sacks and
Twine, Grain and Feed. Highest price paid for Hides and
Special attention given to Wool trade. First Class baling
and grading facilities.
Stock yards with all the latest and best facilities for hand
ling stock.
Agents for the Wasco Warehouse Milling Co. "White
River" and -'Dalles Patent" flour. Best in the Market.
Ujcirk Soods Care t?. W. Co.
Stage line.
Leave Shaniko, 6 p. m.
Leave Prinevillo 1 p. m.
First class accommodations
for the traveling public.
Adamson & Winnek Co., Agents.
fit Shaniks, Oregon,
1.50 and $2.00 per day.
Undertaking Goods,
Arrive Prineville, 6 a. m.
Arrive Shaniko, 1 a. m jT
G. M. Cornett, Manager.
d ffiakery
Iotel Prineville.
C. E. McDowell, Prop.
Thoroughly Renovated and Be
,, -( furnished Throughout.
American Plan. Rates $1,
$1.50 ant$2peri1av.
Accommodations ire Unsurpassed
in the city. Sample Rooms for
Commercial Travelers,
Long Distitnce Telephone Station
in the house.
t . !
and union pacific
Cblcifo Salt Uks. Denvsr, :Sts.m.
Fortlind ft. Wortb.Omalis, '
Special Kantu Cllr, St.
S.M a. at. LotiU,ClilefaoS
via Hub tux.
Imton. - 1
StUitls Salt Uke, Danvtr, l4Sa.ab
IipraM Ft. Warth.Omataa, ..
ISO p. K Kansas Citr, St.
Via Auat- Loni,Ciilctond
tuitoo last.
Strral Walla Walla Uvla- I:SS a. as.
Fast Mall tan.Spokana.lilD
Sao) p. oa. iaHIU,St. Pool, '
Tl4 Duluth. Mllwao
pwaaaa kn,C5iofSAt '
law .a. All salliof aaiw 4.9 p. ol
SUbjMI to (holies
for Sob Fronclseo
Sail ovtrj 6 days.
Dolly CslsKbla llnr 4-00 p.m.
Ki. Sunday Sttssisn. Ix. Sunday
S:0U o. m.
Saturday To Astoria and Way p. m. Landmio
4:00 o.ra Wlllosittrt Slvtr. 4:10 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Eo. Sunday
Orston City, Nsw
brg, Rolem, Inde
pendenea A Wy
lapdiBKS. 1
1:00 am. WlllamiHt and Vast- l:S0p. m.
Tuts., Thur. hill Slrsrs. Mud., Wsd.
ana Sot. and Tri.
Orefoa City, Doy
ton.ii Woy Load
Into. 4:00 o.m. WHiasitnt llitr. 4:SSp.m.
ros, Tbr Hon., Wed.
and Sol. Fortlaod to Corral, and Fri.
Us Way Uad
lnio, Lt. Rlporla Saakt lint. Lv.LewlstoD
1:86 on. Dolly
Dolly ftlparia to Uwltton S o. to.
W. L Lawrence, Agent,
Biggs, Oregon.
Oolum'bla SoutHexa
Sectlva 12:01 A. II.. Septfrnber , 1M0.
m " J
1 i
Boath South j Korth ! North
bound Boand . bouud , Boaud
sronws! ., I
' Dolly Dolly Dolly
rreifht Pass. Freisht
Arrlra Arrln Leave Laor
7:80 a.m. 1:S4 p.ra ply?t 11 :2S a.m S:40 p.a
8 00 a.m 19 p.m GiblKmi H:it a.m f m
f):A a.m "2:14 p.m Wnsco 1":45; "i'M p.m
1:0 p.m Klo'th kf Ut: .mi 'i p
a.m 2:'& p.m SnniliiU "t in 2:&4p.m
t-M . VA'i p.m Hnv T Jc 10:1' am 2:12 p.m
f:V2 a ui '.,:4.l p. in Mi'!') r.ih, i:0S p.m
4:'9 a.m p.m I'sjXo-i l-inj n.m, p.m
a.m 3:i4 y.v 9: 41 a.m 1:40 p.m
I 3,:i1 p.m Grkhvl' : ; a.m
M: SO a.m 8 44 p.m H i V'y a mi 1:00 p a
I p.m Bmrlinj a.mi
M i p.m. iiuthrie I :4l a.mj..
4:4up.mj Wilcox t t:" .m
' p.mhai'tko I 10 a.m! ....j
a v.
O. A.