Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 16, 1902, Image 6

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5 t
Timber Land, Act June 3, lSTs.
United Stale Land Offlee,
The Dalles, Oregon, Mopteinlier 1H, 11102.
Notice Is hereby Riven that In compli
ance with the provisions of the act or
Congress of June entitled, A"
for the rale of limber lunds In the stales
of California. Oregon. Nevada, and "ash
Inston Territory." as extended to all the
public La ml S'ates by act of Ausust ,
11" the following persons have this day
tiled In this office their sworn statements,
tn-wlt: ,
LAP R.V A. F 1ST KB. of Prineville, eoun
tv of Crook, slate of Oregon, sworn siato
litent mimlvr " tiled July 10 for the
purchase of Crt Vi N K '., and V Ntt '
sect ton 34. tp. ... U 111 K., S . M,
sHliAII V. PAUKKR. of 1'i'itieviltc,
countv ot'l'mok. state of Oregon, sworn
statement intuitu- ;tt, til!'.! .1 illy 1 '. It'-,
lor the iitire!t:i!tf C llsf SiS K ' S
N W v. section .34. Tp. 1.) S. it. H I-...
W, M
OKA 1.. PARKUR, of I'rinevilie. county
of Crook, suit.- ot'Oicsj. n. -.worn statcim-iit
number 777. Iilcil July 1, UK1-', for.tlie mir-oliuseoftiu-
K H N W . mid I'; ; '
i-coiion Al. Tn. il.llli;., . M.
HOIU'.liT B. l-VSTl.K, ot i'rinevilie.
. , ... '.i , .. ' iin moi awnmlol' California, "r' iioii, M viin'i. hii.i "' I
r:teVW ffl Ut
X1Vl.f-' ?vVh W,U' '' ! n-imcc'lliciviom f,,.,m.,H. t-vit
if in U.M. KOl.i.i S (.'. 11 V UK, of Spokane, county
l irSA V. liMitiS.ol I'nncviilt'.county
oi'Crook, state of ureson. "" flatenieHt
miiiibcr 7711. tiled Ju!v 10. l'.'Z, for the pui
,.me oftite W K N W 1 , ami W S 8 ''
MVtion -J!. Tti. Li s., lv l t.., .'i
MON'IA AVHS. of l'riiifviiic. countv i
id'Crook. state
ol tii-cuoti, sworn .tatouit-iii
oumlh-r 7s,i. Hied Julv lo, !'.. for the pur
r.i... u- i V l.'"i .,il K I S K. I. sei :
tkui tl, Hp. Is S.. It. Ill K., W .M.
ADA K. I'll
..,--l-i.-L. ,.r lr!....ilb. e oo.tvl
..ri-,....VL- k.. ofiir.von. sworn -tatcnu-nt :
number ,M, me t jutv .u w-. .w ...c ... ,
- . .. , . . ... r.-.i
tiotid. Tp. 15 S.. R. U) E., W M.
ClIA'.ll.KSA. liUAVKS, of I'rinevilie.
countv of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
staten'iciit nuuiU-r 7.t!, lilcd July W, !!).',
for the purrlmsr of the X , S K 1 atul N i-,
S W l section Tp. lo S., K 111 K.. W M.
ALFRED H. I'AllelEY, of I'rinevilie,
county ofl'riK.k, state of t)rcon, sworn
statement immiier 7i. tiled July 14. WW,
for the purchase or the W N" W i, N h
S W i and N W '4 X K i sectiott lp
ir K., K. 19 E., W M.
Tha thev will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable lor its
timber or stune than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish their cialma to
said land hefore M. R. Ilisas. I S. I oi
inissioner at I'l-ineviliv. tireiron, on rrinay
the isih liny of Novt-iiiiiei, W.'.
Thev name as witnesses: I.tomt A. Pos
ter. Sarah r'. Parker, I ra l- KrKr. Ilohcrt
B. Fo ter, Uitira 1'. liisss Mobil (Iriive,
Ada F. Foslcr. Clinrlcs A. braves and
AUrwt II. l'aritey, all of 1'rineviilc, ti.v-
Any and all persons cl.iimlns tKlv.jrsc
Iv the above-d-scri je.l lands are n-i 'est
iH to file their claims in this oi&ce oil or
before the said lh d:a of S,jveii-r.
ai r.
pp-2-p i
, .
Tiinlier Iind. Act June 3, 7.
I'nited States Land Office at
The Dalles, Oi,-a,m, Atfcf. W, 1W2.
Notict is hereby iv eii tiiat in c--iiipliance i
with the provisions of the act of Orturess of
June 3, ls7S entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lauds in the States ol California, ,
t!n. Xcvasia and Wa-liinton Territory," a I
evten.Ud to all the Public Liti.l States by i
act of August 4. Pt', LYUl'.N CAlY, of I
BuckJev, county of I'earce, sta'.e of W ash. I
imrtou. has, July .t, iwi nie.i in m. i.j ,
X.. 70-' f,- Llie ourc base
of the sw'i of Section No. , In Township
No. 14 ., Kail!;e No. 19 e., V. M ami will
offer proof to show that the laud -,uht is
more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural puries, and to estali.isb I. is
claim to said land hefore .1. J. Smith. County
Clerk, at Priiieville, Ure'on, on Thursday,
the bith (Uy of November, lilri
He names f witnesses: 0. K. McDowell,
H. A. Fots-r. U H . En. kson and f . I . II
!1 Pni.,o-ill.. (lre- .11. '
Anv and all .arsons c. tluii:. ii'i. tT.-civ ui-a'Mve-iWrii
lauu - are npiesed -t We I
their claims in this oiSee on hthnt said j day ol November, l!i.
JAY P. Lt I. AS, !
au2Sp , :-,,. Kpsri-fjsr. ,
Timber Land. Act June 3,
XoTIt.'lO FuH ITilUCATioX.
1'niteii States ' f f i k.
The Dalles. Oregon, August 14, lb (L
Notice is hcr. bv si ven that in cumpli
juice with the provisions of ihe net ol Con
wiess of .iiiue 1S7S. entitb U "An act f'l
i In- safe of luiibor lands in the States of"
California, orc-ifon. Xcvada and Wasliinir
lie land states by a-t ot aucusi 4, id nit
followiiip persons have, on May 29, 1H02,
lile.l in tins ofrtce their sworn statcincnU,
JQHX II. DEMAETS, of , Prineville.
countv of Crook, State of OrcBoh, sworn
staU-nient No. 429, for the purciiasc nf the
se''se section li, township U
range 18 1., W. M.
WILLIAM H. BIRDSOXO, of Prineville
county of Crook, State of Oregon, sworn
statement No. 430, for the purcliase of the
e k; e V, n w ana s w y, n e ot
' section 2 1, township 13 s., range lite., W. M
That they will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for ile
timber or spjne than for agricultural pur-
f loses, and to establish their claims to said
and before J. J. Smith, county clerk, at
Prineville, Oregon, on Tuesday, November
They name as witnesses: William H.
Birdsong, William H. Barney, William H.
Jnn, Lee Barney, all of Prineville. Ore.
Any and ail persons claiming aaversely
the above-described lands are requested to
Jile their claims in this office on or before
said Hth day of November, 11102.
; m22p JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Timber Land, Act June t, U7I.
; D. 8. Land OOlo.
The Dalles, Orecon, June 8, itot
Notice la hereby riven that In compli
ance with the provisions, of the act of
' Congress ot June I. 178. entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the
' State of California. Orefon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
. to all tlx Public Land States by act of
Aufuat 4, UK. the followini persons have
' oa June 10, Ti2. filed In this oSlc tbelr
won etatatnenta, lo-wlt:
Carle J. Quiberf,
of Bister. County of Crook. 8 tate of Ore
fo. sworn statement No. tn. for ths pur
chase of th wVt nsii and w w!4 Section
JO. Township H outh, Bang 10 East WM.
of HlmldlJI, County ot Heltraml, Stat of
Minnesota, sworn innnnui .,
the purchase, of the w Sec Ion
and eM, n't and swt, ne4 Section 38,
Township It aovith. Range W east, V M - .
that t icy will offer proof to show that
the it.d sought l more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural pur
noscs, nud to establish their claim to said
land before M. K. Urn. V. 8. Conuuts
sloner, at his office at prineville, Omwn.
on Tuewtav. the Mth day of October, IM.
Thev name as wlttv ssca: Carle J.
herii 'H A. Kosler and Jacob !. Qulberg
of Ulsters, Oregon; I1. H. Pulmlexter, of
rrlnevlllo. Ore.; and Louis Nelson, ot
'Uw'a.w'Tli person claiming ndverse
Iv Hie tibove-ilescrilied lands are l-wiuosl-c,l
to me their claims In this otllce on or
on Tuesday, the Hth dttv f Vt..lH.r. 3.
JAY P. UK AS, Ketflsler.
Timber Land, Act June S. IS7S.
noticb vmi rciu.icATii.M. !
Vnhed Sums Lund tun.-e,
The Pallet. (IrcKon, A.U(.'. l.l'.'-'. I
Xoti-e is hereby K.wn timt m . i
S "..r J me J entitled "An act I
for ?lu' s.iic of liniticr lauds In the sullen ;
of Spokillie, St-tte of Wasiimi'toM. SW-iril i
stattMiH'ttt No.ti.iS.. I line . VVi. lor inc iraci
oha eol thcnw'iSrtM'.Tp. K S U. W
K t !
ArlSli.s Kli.--M.iiYi, r;oi."".
count v of Spokane, .Mate ot w a-ninioii,
:Woru t:ltemcllt AO. i to. .'ui o, " '
lilc puivhascof tlie sw'i S"'. lp. 1
u hi V W M.
ilE-SHY li. KOSSI.ftW .f Snokane,
count v 01 Mwkline, l-noe oi " ''
nworn statemet t .mi, .., , -.
, ... i.or.- liise oi If C Ills 1
and -J and
- , ,. , K w. 51.
n.,..k. .i.I, will nff.Ir OPOOf tO sllOW that
land sought to more valuable for lis
timber or stone than for acriculturnl pur-
.,.... ,i i esiablleh th.elr chums to
said "land before the Register and ''"'elver I
at tins uince, on rrmay,
They name as witnesses: K. t . Hyde. A.
RWow, H. li. liosslow, of Spokane.
Washington, K. 0. Hyde, of Trent, a-li-im-tmi,
ami J B. Myers, of I'rinevilie, tr-
. -.i n oeesons elnlmlnu adverse
ly the above-described lands are reouest--hI
to tile their claims In this nft!e on or
hefore said 7th day ot SovemU-r.
auip Jay P. Utah, Krgi-tor.
Titiiher liaiid, Act June 3, IS?".
I'nited States Land OtS-e, I
The Dull., lire., Ang. lo, !!")-'. I
Notice i hereby liiven tnat in compliance
with the of tli Act of Dwi of
.Line .1, lstr. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber !amh m the States of CaliioinU, j 're-ir-n,
'eiada all 1 WaSlini;ton '1-nitory,' as
e:e'njed t-. ail ths 1'uliiic Land States i.y Act
nf August 4.' I.-I'i the l..:!..wit:t persons have
thiidav t,'.-.l in .ifioi their s-.i-irn state-
nienls. vi.t;
hf.ui;:::;T t. brexgmav. of St.
Marvs, co-iii: c f Kootenai, .'tate of Idaho,
' SW-OIII etatelllitlt .o. 1. 1 in. -
! the uw'.i Section St, Tp. 13 8., It. W h, W .
I "''i'ENDLKTDK LI.lA'lNS, of rriiieville,
'OuntV ol lio-i, --lite OI ", s.. . o
statement N
til ', for the leircbase of t!
se'i fw'I at:.
i, se1; Sectiou l-, Tp. 14 S,, K.
lit K.. v. M. ,
That thev will offer proof to show that the
lami sought is mot valuable for its tilibe-. or
stone than for a-riciihur il, an I to
establish their claim to said land before .
A. lieii, V. S. Conimisdoiier, at his ..ffjee at
Prineviile. I Irecnn. on Tnnrsday, the loth day
- . ,,M
7Vve""ber, l.tli.
-ber. V.W. , . n;o,.e as wi-n 'SseS: C I. VV Itin-k, L
F. Wiun-k, Freil HiHrt. P. lb l'oin levter.
V White. John Combs. K.I. Merrltt, J.
W'. Wri-ht. Lew McCabister. W. K. McFar-
land ajr.l Cl.risC'olirs, all ot I'rinevilie, tire-
Any ond all persons clailoini.' a.lyersely the
,l l.,l f,r,.i- nre rHito-ste-i to tile
their ci iiius in this ..nice on ,.r before sari Ktth
div of Noyemlj-:
j auL'Sp .
J.iV P. IJ" is, Reitisttr.
-0T1C.K ttU ITBUCATIuit.
I,AStt Urwi! at The me;ox,
Notice i herehr riven that the f....wunt-
.1 is.'ju'iio".-. i.
t ninie-1 settler has fileil notice oi bis inteatj'ss
! to make final proof in snplsot of hi- claim,
isnil that said tiro if will ! made before,!.. I.
(Smith, County Clerk nt I'rinevilie. (li;.,
tonSatniday. Oc'oher '.'.".. ISM)-'. ht: Waiter
'It. Kiible, of Culver. Ore-.'on, H. K.. No.
Iciu foe tlie Wli SE1 and SKI SFf S-c.
i ,l siWv..KYU Se. "
i. l.iS., li. 1.1 1..,
He n imes tlie following witnesses to prrve
. .i(i i,nri
( j.-tjmnn.I Healc, of Culver Oregon.
J. II.
Grant and I-c Moore, nf Latnouta, Orenn,
and W. H. Sumner, of Prineville. Oregon.
soplS Begister.
- Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon,
September 22, BJ02.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said pnsif will be made before
J. J. Smith, County Cleik at Prineville, Ore
gon, on Friday, Novemlier, 7, 1962, viz:
Daniel T. Counsil, of Sisters, Oregon, H.
E. N'o. ll.atoj for the nv M'i and s' n'4
Keo.18 and sw nwj Sec. 17, tp. 12 S., .11. 12
E.. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vit:
N. J, Lambert, U. D. Alllngnam, A. t.
A Bingham, of Sisters, Oregwa, and David
W.,r,fPrin.,m.OrTn. rcAs
sp2S ' Register.
Timber Lsnd, Act June I, ln78.
-. Uited SUtes Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, September 20, 1902.
Notice 1 hereby given that in' compliance
wUh the provisions of the sot of Congress ol
J,,.. S. 1X7R. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber leads in the 8uts of California, Ore
fon. Nevada and Wsshington 'lerrltory,'' as
si tended U aU the Public Ler.d State by
act of August 4, 102, Williaaj Pitcher, of
Prinevllls, county of Crook, stated Oregon,
basotiJuly 10, 1102 (led In this office his
tsrnnistttement number 783, lor the purehss(
oftbeE H WHsodW8E f Sc.
number SI township 12 south, rang 16 K. W.
M., Mid will oflar proof to allow that tin land
ouk-lit Is nun valuable (or its tlmlier or
telle than for agricultural purpose, nd t j
establish his claim to ssid laiul before M. K.
King. U. Commissioner, at Prineville,
Ori gin, on Friday, tlx 2Mh day of
her, 1112.
lit names witnesses: 8. W. Compton
Win. MoMeekin, lieorae Turner and J. V.
Hopkins, all of Prineville, Oregnn.
Any and t-.ll nelsons daimlng adversely (.lie
atsiVa-nWrtlwd lands am rwWtell to tile
tlieirj claiuiK in tliU office on ur irefrs laid
Mil Hay of NurfinWr, HKii.
Sp.'jfi JAY 1. LUCAS, UnKlstsr.
Timber Land, Art Sept VS, W.
Vnlted Stales Laud OlhVn,
The Piilcs. (Iri-Koii, Sept. SI, l'.K)3.
Xotln la nereny rih ii nun. in compu.iice
"f Xi :
" "'7. . o....T ...iw -..
v... ,, V.,hinat.i Terrlt.wv."a
, , , th, pu,Uu j,, vsutc bv
act of Aiwnt 4, fullowiw , psraon.
ave on July X M' 'i'"'d in lliia mtice llieir
sworn aUtsuitnta, u wit:
4HKL K CAI.AVAN,onMnevi,,e
I , .Nh
i ' , , . , . , , ,, . ..
At It. t..U.- t tA, I nueiim- couii-
vr ' ruoa, n w,eVm, pn
.Ve, r for tl pnr.-haae .rt Uw hh 'i
b, Tp. 1.S.. H. Ill h., VV. M.
Tiiat they will oili' proot to snow trie
,Ul,lt i, ,re raluahle for lis timber or
stone than f--r SKricultmal,
and to
ctabh!l their ciaims to said land Iwf-uK ,M.
li lilies, L. ,t.oiiiu,tsflolir, at ins orace at
I'rinevilie, invon, on Saturday, ths tlth
day of December, r.a)-'.
They iiaum as witmsses: B. K. Jones,
Nancy 1. Jones, J. K. Calavan, Aver B.
Calami! and ). W, Ilopkius, all of Prinevllls,
Any and all prisons claiming adversly the
alsive-descrita-d lands are remiested to tile
their claims in this otlice on or before saiu
lith div ol Lecenilr, IIKI'.'.
I tip JAY V. Ll'CAS, Keststor.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
L'hitbd Status Las d OHt;, '
The Dalle., Ore., Sept. 23. J'JO'J
Notice is hereby given thti in ooiti
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Cointrcas ..f June 3, IbTS, entilletl "An
acl tor ibe sale o) timber lauds in the
I ate ol Caiiloi tliu, OrescMi, Nevada and
Waahiinit.-ti Territory," as e tended to
all titu Public Laiul hiatus by acl of Au
(just 4 lH'.l'.'. the foltowiiiK persons liaio
July 1", hl.-.l in this olliusi their
SHOIII KtalellletltS, to-Slt;
J0S1A11 HIXKLK, wf Prliiovillc,
county of Crook, state of Orepm, sworn
stateineitt No, Stij for the purcliase of
the SB fjec. H. Tp 15 S., U W E .
IF. M.
MA lilt N R. lUOIClS. "f I'rinevilie,
county ot tboi k, statouf (buou, sw.iin
statement No Mil lor the purohasti of
the WJ N W and W & W i Sec SO Tp
15 S., "li 1'dE , W. M.
WILLIAM A. Mi: KINS ON", u( I'tico,
county ot Crook, state ol Oregon, sworn
statement No tViH lor the puiohase of
the El SK j a,J sj MKJ Sc. , Tp. 14
a., a" io e., w. jf.
That tiioy will oiler pr-iof to slio that
tha laud souifbt is more mliiublB fur It
tiinbcr ot. stone for agricultural
purposes, ami to establish their claims to
said land before ,1. J. Smith, County
Oct k at 1'iitieville, Oregon, "li lu.sduy
thelhhday of D.-c-inber, l'.'b'.
TiifY niilie as witnesses: Llnnr Kay
i,r, .1-siali Hinkl.-, M. K. I'.wa;
j (.ial) (nil ,.Si j
I't'illeeillo. ' )rcoo,i, and
H.' A. Foster,
ll.oili;'tnl W.
Tool W.ilkma, V M
li. ' IViCl!
Anv and nil persons elai'uiin adv. rsely
the l.bove ilescrtbed laials am h-ipiust.-d
to.llle their claims in tins bllice on or be
fore said Dili (b.y-ol Doiajuiber. l'.M-'.
O.'p ' JAY P. Lt'ljAS, llevislcr.
Land Ollice at The Dalles, Oregon,
' Sept. 23, 11)02.
Notice is licroby (jiveu that 111 compli
ance with tlio provisions of the act of
Confrres.of .lune 3, 1H78, entitleil "An
act for the sale of timber binds in the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory." as extended
to all the public laud states by act of Au
gust 4, 1WI2. the fullowiui( persons have
on July 21, 11KJ2 filed in this ofHce their
sworn tBteiueiits, tn-wit:
ville, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No. R8 for the pur
chase of the E J mi audEiNWJ
Sec 28, Tp. 15 8., R. I'J E,, W. M.
JOHN 8. W ATKINS of Prineville,
sounty of Crook, State of Oregon, aworn
statement No. 887 for the purchase of
the NE W 8ec. 24, Tp. 15 8. K. 19 E.,
W. M.
T trTTTTc. WATKINDS. of PrineTllle.
county of Crook, Hate of Oregon, Morn
tne flit Deo. , s-o , a " -i
W. M.
JENNIE CRAIN, of Prineville, eoun-
ly of Crook, state ol Oregon, sworn
statement JVo, 889 for the purchase of
iheKWiSee. il4, Tp. 15 8., B 19.,
W. M.
fTILFORD J. CRAIN, ol rrinaville.
county uf Crook, state of Oregon (Worn
statement Nu. 890 for the purchase id
the St i Sec 24, Tp. 15 8., K. 19 E.,
That the' will offer proof l how that
tht laoi sought ia nor valuablt fot its
timber or stone tbaa (or agricultural pr
pos.a, and to estsbliih their claim to
said land befor M. R. Biggs, V. 8.
Commisiioner, at Prinille, Oregon, on
Monday, th 8th day of Dooemlwr,
Thsy iismoM wlturun: 0orn H.
Oaylord, Jolm 8. Walkini, Uitln Wat
kincli, Jennie. Craiit and and Wilfmil J.
Oram, all uf 1'rintiville, OrKoii.
Any anil all persons ulaiiiiiniailvrily
tlie ahova tleaoribed lands r advised U
lilo their ulauiis in Hut i'Hlo on or be
fore: said Blh day of Decern bur, UHI'.'.
O'Jp JAY 1. LLC AS, RcHiater.
Timber Land, Act Juus .1, lTo.
I lilted Stales Land Otlice, '
The Dalles, Dreyou, August ii, !!):'.
Ntitb- l hereby itiveii that III tsimpllanos
with the provisions ol ths set of ConHieMiof
Jiuw 3, W, entitled "An set for thr sale el
timber llilldt ill lh Slates ol California, Ore
ipm, Nevads, aii-l Wailibintou Territory," as
intended tn all the public land stales by set
of AllKOstl, lH'.r.!, liie oitowilii; (jersons htue,
on July 17, I WW, filed in this odioo their
swoin st.iL-tneutft, to-wit:
COlt A K, Sl'Ab'K, of limllev, oouuty of
I'tel'c.!, stolo of Washiiictoti, s.vorn stateui-i.t
No, .Sa.l lor the pint hse ol toe ll's tie' i slid
ill, tiw'.. See. UK, Tp. H S li. Ill K., W. M.
0. LaWToN CaDY. f Hockley, canity
of Pierce. sUle of V. aslilli,;loa, slvotn slate,
loeut. No. ell;) for t It.l ot tlie nw's
Sec. PI. Tn. lo S It. PI lv. W, M,
MAY J. f.'ADY. of t.elili.-ll, comity of
Snoiioiuidi, state of Yaaiiiiinion, satn state
ment .No. hill for the pin chase ol the l aw t
and wj w S.e. 14, Tp. ViSk. It. I',' K , W.M.
FI.OI K.NCE M. CADY.odSiakiey.comi
tv of I'irice, slato of Wnshhtteti, swoin
suteiinml No. wio for the pur base u( the nei.
Sec. IP, Tp. I'' li. Ill K W. M.
KI N U ; K SMITH, of Hockley, countv of
Pierce, sti.te i f NVahinitoit. sworn stalemeiit
No. a.V.1 lor the purchase of Un sw't .Hcc. 10,
Tp. C.S., It. IP K., W. M.
WALTKIt K. CAIIY.of li.tilirll.eoiuilr
e( Snohoiiiid.1, state of ishington, swoin
statrmrlit No. K"..s fur the purcliase ol llieilj
sr',, ivki C 4 slid 1 4 Sec, 4, I p. pi
It. 1U K W, M.
JOKI, M. SMITH, ol Hockley, county of
Pierce, slate of Wssliint.., sworn sutemsut
No. H'u (or the pilichasl of the Sol See. 1U,
Tp. ir, M,, (. Ill K., W.M.
' : . .f ,.. not
M.Vtll I'. ta.sAI'.ll, Ol rem inn,
tsiuuty ol Pierce, state oi WahhiKl"ii, swoin
statement No. Kali for the purchase ol the Wj
uwl. snf llj sndlie ! See. '.'li, Tp. 14
It. 11 E.. W. M.
It. I
Cl.kSTIA CADV'.of Buckley, county of
Pierce, state ol Washlhiiton, swoin stateuient
No, for the purchase of tin iiwj Sic. '.'It,
Tp. 14 S lt. Ill K., W. M.
DKLl. V A. CADY, of lim-klrr, eoiinty of
Pierce, state of Wivlibiitt"ti, sworn latemnl
N, s.'4 for tl.e purchase uf the ae'4 See.
Tp. 14 8.. It. I'J K., W, M.
That tliv will ulfer pr.s.f t.. .le.w that lb
land soiwiit i n.oie valuable (or Its tin, I. -r or
stone than for ,:rieulttual puipwes, and p.
establish their cmloi to said lalt-l Is-hos t.,e
le;ister find liec.-iver ol this ollice at Tin
lJi.-s, Ihc on ..a ThamUy the Ihh day ol
N.-veioU-r, Itsr.'.
Thev ttame a witnesses: C. ra K. .itark, lb
LawtoH C,oiv, Flo.eloe M. Cie'V. Ktmtl'e
Smith, Joel M. Snath. Clesliu, 11.1b. A,
Vleiy an I llvioli 1,'iulv, ol ltuel,i.-y, SVashin
t..n, alel .lay .1. t adv all 1 alter F. id .
of tt,.t,hel;,"Vssiiiii,?t.oi. ami Maud K. Casa
.Jay. of Fern Mill, V asbuitoii
Any and all peiw.iis claiming adversely the
aboie-desciil-e.i bonis are re',iiewtrd to fos
their cbiiios in this ol'he oo or beletn said
titii -l..y of Xovetnber, l-.Ji;
lp JAY P. LI 'CAS. ltreisier.
Timber baud, Act June 3 P7S.
Vnlted Ktaii Laud t'fll--".
The Di.!bs, Oregon. Austin 13, Isw-.'.
Notl e Is heieby Oivetl that tn comp'l
ii'ico with tile prov.e.ons of III-, a- I of
CnlCle. of JJlie 3. H7t, enlltled "An set
for the sale of timber laiios m the stuie
of I iul'o -ol... ir N.-va, la, utwt Wa.o
Pocion 'lerrtturv," ar rxt.'o.ied to all tit
i'l.l.iic Laod Miut.-a by a. I of Aoipint 4.
1-i'.', Willinm II. l' k, of Culver, county
oii'io'ik, Mete of Otcip.n, has on Mitv 'Jtl,
Y.rr,:, lileo in Ibis olli. e, bissworii'liitcineiii
So. II1', for the jiiirr-lmsc of the w', nc
of section M, towin-htp 12 e., roujt.t 13 e.,
W. ,M., and wilt oib-r proof to show tlmt
t ie latin suiooit Is tn.'re VitMI.'tole t'ir It
tiinlier o,- -bo.fl tb lli lor Up icullorul pur
!,o-i-s, and to e la'-ll-il bis i !;ol,t
to ! b. lore A. 0, 1'alnter, P. S. Coionil -
i. nor at I'liiu'vilb', t 'I'O'on, on 'luc.iiiy,
the lib day ol Novi'.o er, I'm.'. .
lle iiame. in vHtii-sN.- : ll.-orv Wimb-iii,
(.chip Oji oin, Frank lloliin iti snd Davio
iioi ui tt, nil ol' 1'i'ii.cvilb-, Oii non.
Any anl all p.-is-ons ciiihiiioK Hdvevs-..-!v
ihe nboc.-il.-wrll ed bonis are iw-wt-.-1
to tile ihe Ir claims in llns ulli-e on or
hefore aid lib nnv f S-iv.-ud . r Pi''.'.
JAY l-.'LUCAH, Keglater.
a ill p
Timber Land, Act June. .1, 1S7'.
United State Lund ollice,
The Dalles, Oregon. August psrJ.
Notice is hereby givett that in compli
ance Willi the provNions of the act of Con
gress of June A. Ifflb cntillrd "An act for
the sale of timber binds In the Stales of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Pub
lic Land Hluies by act of August 4, 1092,
the foltowidg persons have, on Muy, 29,
19U2. tiled in this ollice their sworn state
ments, to wit:
SI A it'l l 1 A A. HI'KAR, of Prineville,
eimntv of Crook. State of Oregon, sworn
statement N'o. 412, for the purchase of the
n 'A 'A w 'A " A ' 54 '
.!... o l.i..,..- - tit U' 11
MARCUS D. POWELL, of Prineville,
county of Crook, State of Oregon, sworn
statement No. 411, for the purchase of I.ots
11 and 2 snd s U n e sec. 3, tp. 13 south,
range It) e., W.M.
They will oiler proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes.
ud to estuslish their claims to said land
! bef'" A. C. Palmer, U. B. Conimissioiier.
Thev name as witnesses! J. W. flnear.
T. J. Powell, J. 0 Powell, and Joe Calavan,
all of Prineville Oregon,
Any and all person claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
file their claims in this office on or before
aid 3rd day of November, 1902.
a 21pd. JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Timber Land, Aot June 1, 1878.
United Htats Land Offlcs,
The Dalles, Oregon. Aug. 1 1WH
Katie Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June J, ltf , entitled "A act for the sal of
timber lands la the d tales of California. Ore-
goa, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
iteaded va all tn runns Lssna stale py
act of August 4, 1M2, the following persons
have filed III this oftlue tlrtlr awnra state-
"wUiiTlAM II.MIMHItn, of I'rl,..yllle, ,
county of Crook, Htats uf Oreipin, iwom ,
stateuient No. mill. July 1, IIKI, lor the pur. '
iiluweof the mh H'. tW, Tp. 13 a, r 1H , W .
HAltltlK'ITK A. COLIIY, uf l'rluevllle,
county of Cits.k, State of OreK'mt swora
staWiuetit No, Oii.'i, Julv 1, H'J, lor ' I11"''
chase ol tliewjswts' Sea:, ill. and n!n nv. H
Hee.SH, Tp. 17 , ' IH:W. M,
IHVl.Nil F. WIN.S'I'.K, ol I'rinevilie,
iioiintp ol Cn'k, Stale ol OreKou, aworb
statement Nu, tin, July I, I1''., lor Ihe pur.
chase ol the tiw! H-, 31, Tp. 13 s, r I e, W .
M.MH.K.1. MU.I.KK, of LamonU, eoiin.
ty ol t.rook, Slate ol Oiet.mii, swoin slate
liiaut No, "Ml. July IIO-J, for the puirhase
at lb w't sn-i,, se1 j sw'4 mid s1 wit h'.
1,'., Tp. IH riiue, W. l.
Thai they will oiler proof p, show that Hie
laiul wuuhl Is mure valuable tor lis Ibm et or
sloiis than for lu'tl.oillurnl imii-.w.-s and to
establish their cl iiuis to said laud Mm .
A, 11.11, V, H, Colillldssioiiei, at I'l illel ille,
Or.-uoii. on Tliuis luy, the blih day of No
MiMr, Uj:!.
Tli. y iiitiiie as witnesses, C, I. " Imt'-k.'W''
Fied lii.-Kius, C. K. M.tiowell, 1. I.. Holt'
lino .1 lows Fi.Uald, oil of Prinnvllte, On-con,
All) and all IPHIS..IIS cUliliimt lel.els. !y the
ao oeol.-si'i ioed lands an. re.pietid to lilo
lli. lr claims in thi-olh on or bef-uo said
l.'liti day ol J.oveoiber, lad;,',
liul'.lp .1.11, I', Llll AH, n.-jd.tei-.
Timber Laud, Act June 3, J'H.
Notice fur Publli-ation.
l'llitl-d Stales JmIi.1 Oltice,
The llalbs, Or,, An.'. 13, '.ri.
N if Ice Is hereby iiven that in comi liaiu-e
with the proiislotis ol toe act of C unstress of
June It, HN, ru'illed ' All act lor ill., sale of
Umber lauds in the Stairs ol C.nlli.i ilia. Ore.
oii, Nevada, and Waelilnuton Tetlltoiy," as
.Kteuded to all t'le Public I States by set
of Allsplt4, I'.KI-, lb" l.'bl.wiua ieisous ha.e
lilcd ill this oltice their ..lil slateineuts, to
ft it:
I'.UWAUII II. KNOX, ol Post, c ty of
Crook, Stale of Orrion, swotti slatetnetit No.
BV, for the purchase ol the t't nw 'j, swi
net, and ll!, sw!,4 Sec. '.'4, Tp. 1? S., It. W
K., W. M.;oL KNo.V.of l'.t, county ol fV.k,
Stale ol OreKon, sworn statement No. 113.1,
June 2,"., lUirJ. I..r the pqiclnss of s'a ne'.
ami S se1. Sec. '.', Tp, 17 H,, 11. 1 E, W. t
That they will offer pri.f to show that the
land soiis-itt Is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for auticultural i,nrs,ses ami to re.
tablbh their cbtllli to sai'l land bef'ir J, J.
Smilii, .sanity clerkal Plinevllle, Oreiion, Oft
Wednesday, Noveotwr 12, I'J-'L'.
They naloc SS Witoessesj It.-tltV Be, k, f. Itolmrt.Myeis slid Joint lltuhes,
all ol Post, Oiea-pli.
Any and all ja-tsons cltdiiilniE sdvetsely the
ftlsoe descn'M'd lands Hie re.pleste. to (lie
tloil i-1-.iiix In this oltioe on or labile said
l.'tll -lay of NoveUiU'l-, per.',
aill'sp Jav. y. Ll t'A, l'r;ister.
T.n b-r Laod, Ai l Juee S, l7,
Nu'l'lc'i: r'.i.t I'l l.l.ii'A'i'iiiN'.
I'idl..l Hlattes la.oil lUM -e.
The lii.s, in, Copt, '.li, far.
Notice Is Hereby ton that III com,H
ao.c !lh l.i" ,.o. i-l.oo. ol llo uwl "f
Collar, w ol ,1 no- ,1. 1 .-', rntltliil "An e
!- r it.- i-ale oi loiilrt-r tanoi. In the slalea
of Ciitlfonoa. in.K'.n, N'-vo-h. and vxa-h
I':! T.Tlttol-l , ' I,., to ll 1110
pllbll" trfind Kmt.-s hy act of A -..,.! 4,
pn.M-blic l.l'd.y. of Portland, ruuntv of
.'Uultoouieb, state of I r. iron, bus on May
IH. V.i'!, tih d in this oilicc her sworn tti.ti
no iii Niimls-r :'PI. for the ur.-biisi' of tbn
s Ml'1, s"-i lion tl tiiui Fi sKi . owl
SW, SK'., n- tloi, 21 Tp IPS, It II E, W.
M,. anil will . -Her pr. I to show thai th
land wiiibl is more vidua! le lor its limb, r
or ton- i lints lor apnc 'iiund uii.cs, j
and lo , -tiibli-b her cbiitti to nlil lend la-- '
lore the P.. itist. r utiil lic.-civ.-r ..f this ollleo
at The Dalles, un coil, on Fiidny, tin" ,'ilb
day of i.-c. inla-r, l'i2.
She names lis W! DeWltl W.
Duel'.. rib, lioii'niiiin F, Mnilb, Jennie B.
.iiiiib and IsiiU D. l.ibby, all of I'ofilnnd,
Auv and ad persons claim!"! advrso-
Iv the i,l,,.ob.. elb-il lai.u a e r.-'ioest-
ed to llie ihetr i liiluui In this offi.-.- on or
before said .Mb day ( Dec iber, V.trj,
JAY P. I.CCAH, neister.
Timber Ij.mi, Act June 3, p.7a.
.Noi'i.'i; l-'ult PIlIlLlt'ATlli.N.
llulti-il Stan i I. and t'liil-e,
. ..The rlh-. oiepoii.popt. 23, I!".'.
NoCcn la hcr.oy ni.cii loi in rouitill-
s.icp. win..' -tv.iiotoi of loo at t or
ivjioiosfi tf Juno '1. I . , (tuioUd An
ll. I o.l' do- : lie of tiuii ionos ill Ibe
haltes of Caliiocif .t, Uick'-'i, V viola,
mei V'asb!o-ioii 'i on :ior ,-. ' as esii itded
lo all thu 1 ibllt. L-uol Hniti-a by net of
AukouI i, !-...', the loiiowiiiK p. l-iions have
on July li, Its', f.b d in tiiis ullii'i: their
aworit sbit. lo'-nls, tu-wlt;
iilil'.I.N llt- A rtli, ol Psim-ville, ci. only
'! Crook, stat.- ol On k"0, sworn slatcniciit
No. 72S lor the piirclin-t' of the NE A rec
;w, 'I p. 1,1 H. It. IP K., W. M.
MARY J. IIKAfll). of Priiieville. county
ul'Ciook, staU: of Oregon, sworn -tiiteinent
No. 727 lor the purchase ofthe NW Hec.
ftu.Tp. loH R III L W. M.
Kill IE M. HAY, of Prineville, county
of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn slatcutent
No. 72(1 for the purcliase of the l?W t Isec.
HP, Tp. If. 8., It 1UK., W. M,
FRANK RAY, of Priiieville, county of
Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement
No, 725 for the purchase of the NE Hec.
30, Tp 1.1 8, R II) K, W M.
H1J8IK M. DUNCAN, of Prineville, coun
ty of t'rtaik, state, uf Oregon, sworn state
incut No, 723 for tlicfiuirchuse of the HV
Bee 14, Tp lf.S, K 1U K, W M.
CAMPBELL A. DUNCAN, of Prineville,
county of Crook, stale of OreKon, sworn
stateuient No. 722 for the purchase of the
8 H N B w ami sltliWK 8ec 14, Tp U 8
NANCY D. JON EH, ol Prineville, county
of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement
No. 721 fir the purchase uf the 8W Sec tl
Tp ISH.KlllR.WM,
1IKN K, JON KM, of Prineville, county of
Crook, tate of Oregon, sworn statement
No 720 for the purchase of the N n 8ec
6, Tp 16 H, K. Ill E, W M.
That they win offer proof to how that
the land sought I mora valuable for ft
timber or stone than for agricultural pur
pose, and to establish their claim to)
aid land before M. K. Blggi, U. 8. Com
miasioner at Primtrllle, Oregon, on Satur
day, the oth day of December, WL
They name as wltnessest Green Beard,
Mary J. Beard, Ethle M. Kay, Frank Ray,
eitisie M. Duncan, Campbell A. Duncn,
Nancy D.Junes, and Ben F, Jone, all
Prineville, Oregon...
Any and all person claiming adversely
the abovo-dcserlhed land are requested
to SI their claim In this office on or
befor the said oth day of December, 1902.
JAI )'. LUCAB, Befltec.
' OctJp '