Crook County Journal. COUNT. Y OFFICIAL FAFEK. THURSDAY. OGTOBKR 16, 1902. SCHOOL COLUMN. Ralph Poindextcr and Ralph Sharp were absent on Thursday lust the former having gons to Shaniko on hil wheel vwhere he will con tinue his journey' to Portland by rail; He expects ,to return soon and resume his ivsual place in the VIII grade class. ,i '!'.". i ;'. r1 , ,.. Multnomah County's School Superintendent delivered an ad dress , during tho Institute -. t h subject of which was, "Literature in the Home." The following evening tlie President of the Wes ton normal talked fluently on the subject of "Sense and Nonsense." The High School was, as he stated, the sense of his lecture. - ljr iff Will Suffer til mijr K.ent. : The small sheepman in Grant county seems- to be between the "devil and the deep sea." If the forest reserve is established he must give place to the large stock raiser that has the pull, and if not he will have to face the owners of timber claims, who will want rent The literary societies w,or thl,ir pagturo. that the small i sheepman cannot afford , to pay. It takes several sections to range a i band of sheep in the mountains and if the stockman has to pay for Written to advance the interests of nin caticni in neutral. Written by a pupil, each from the eighth and ntnth grade of the Prineville Publio School, Written this week by Guy 0. Lafollett and Stella Simpson. - f; ..';. Miss Winnie Cline entered the IX grade Thursday. ; ' Prof. Arle Hampton , was . a visitor iu Mr. Mosier's room last Thursday. , , t Nancy Whitsett of the VII grade whe has been absent for several days has returned. Misses Maude and Eflie Dobbs; spent their vacation with their parents on Oehoco. meetings! 2lt J(. SSetl. jfttirmtf-mt-jCaw v rRINEVILtE, ORKGON. , V rRlNEYILLE, OREOON v J5 ?. SSrink Jftfermey mud Cmnseler at Xmm PRIHKVILLK, OREtlON. holdinc their regular with good success. ,.,,. , - ., Miss Foster has three new pupils enrolled for this month, Carl and ; J. L. McCuUoch, Dealer in Real Estate and Ah 8tractor of Titles. PRINEVILLK,' : OREGON J $, SSelknap. ' SPftysician and Surgton, Office iu of Ailatnaot'i, Winnek Co PR1NKV1LLE, OUKdO, lUiue u( wumin a mmcuHy, .' I'hoiia No, 2. lU'jiJuncu tack I'RIN E V 1 , r . , OH KGON of till Charlie Orchard arid Johnnie Nye. ' '! Prof, Orton is intending to have the VIII grade recito before Miss Vanderpool all lessons that come after recess in the afternoon. ' acres it will become a ' drain on the exchequer ho cannot i stand. Moro Bulletin. Stricken With Paralysis. ' Henderson Grimett, of this place, was stricken with partial paralysis and completely lost the use of one arm Misses Ceole Smith, Gertie 'and side. Alter being treated by an Hodges, Grace Wilson, Etta Prine, eminent physician for quite a while and Mary Glenn were absent at j reuei, my reeommnnueu different times durine last week. I Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and alter using two Domes oi it ne is almost The pnpils of Prof. Orton's room , , , Man, Logan county, W. Va. Several were busy decorating for tb. other yetj remlrkllbIecure, o pilrtiK, Teacher's Institute last Friday paraIy8is llave efIected by ,he u8 afternoon. 0j this liniment. It is most widely known, however, as a cure (or rheu- We have as yet been unable to niatisni, sprains and bruises. Sold by ' learn whether or not school will be all druggists. in session during Fair week. The general supposition is that it will not be dismifcsed. Fair week is looked forward to with great interest by our pupils most notably those who are to take active part in the public ex ercises. Misses Lizzie Powell and Belvia Templeton and Messrs. Loyd and Roy Powell were visitors in Mr. Mosier's and Prof. Orton's rooms last Friday afternoon. ' Misses Winnie Windora and Fannie Osborn spent their vacation at their homes at Haystack. The former was accompanied by her schoolmate, Miss Estelle Simpson. After some deliberation it was decided to name the society in Prof. Orton's room, "The Advance ment Club", a title that is in every way suited for a society of this charaeter. Mortie Porter, Stanley Morris I and Gertie Hardin of the IV grade and Martin Prine, Wilfred Belk nap, Willa Combs and Willie Fergueson were absent at different times last week. The new sidewalk which has been building up the north side of 3d street will soon be completed. It will be heartily walked upon by those pupils who find it convenient to come that way. We wish to correct the statement made last week concerning the ex clusion of new pupils from IX grade after the sixth week of school, but would like to say that it would be almost impossible to do IX grade work after that time has elapsed. . j Stood Death Off. E. B Munduy, a lawyer of Henrietta, Tex., once fooled a grave digger. He says: "My brother wus very low with malarial fever and jaundice. I per suaded him to try Electric Bitters and lie was soon much better, but continu ed tbeir use until he wus wholly cured I am sure Electric Bitters saved his me. Ibis remedy expels malaria, kills disease germs and purifies the blood; aids digestion, regulates liver, kidneys and bowels, cures constipa tion, dyspepsia, nervous diseases, kidney troubles, female complaints; gives perfect health. Only 50c at Adamson Winnek & Co'a. drug store. CalU amwered prompt! day i ninKll Of. fic with Pr, V. Ceaner. livaidinc , corner lit aud Main itrx'U. PK1NEVILLK. OUEliOX W. II. SNOOK, 51. D, Physician and Surgeon, CULVER, : , : OREGON Am prepared to answer profes sional calls promptly. j. l. Mcculloch, DEAI.F.H IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Repairing a Specialty. Prinevillc, : : Oregon The GiTlng of Charity. If the people of Pendleton are called upon to care for any poor this winter, giving should be done wisely. In any case where a liv ing can be earned nothing should be given. The best that can be done is to provide work. Every man, woman or child who is able should be required to earn a liveli hood if opportunities are possible, To accept charity dulls the sense of independence. Every act of giv ing to the support of any one tends to incapacitate that person for earning his own living and in so Ifar make him a burden on the community. Charity accepted onc6, makes a second acceptance easier, a third without a twig of conscience and a fourth expected. Pendleton Tribune. Fruit Farm for Sale I offer for sale my fruit farm of 160 acres situated in the Covo on the JtacMUes river. I here are 2000 trees of assorted varieties of fruit and a ready market for all of the product. , . T. F. McCALLISTER, Culver, Oregon. POINDEXTER. Shaving Parlors . TICE ADKINB, Proprietor Shaving Halrcuttlnu Shampooing Baths A fint bathroom devoted espseiallr to th naa of ladies. Eforything ap-to-date and atrietly 6rst-elaa. e The excitement incident to travel ing and change of food and water often brings on diarrhoea, and for this reason no one should leave home with out a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kcmedy. For sale by all druggists. Shoes. A full line of Ladies', Gents and Children's shoes. S. J. & Co. "Now Is the Appointed Time " The O. R. k N. Co. has just issued a handsomely illustrated pamphlet entitled, "Oregon, Wasliinghton & Idaho and their resources." People in the East are anxious for information about the Pacific North West -If you will give the O R. & N. Co. agent at hhanilco a list of names of easlern people who are like ly to be iuterestedv tin booklet will be mailed free to such persons. Heroes of the Farm. A good many men pride them selves as having fought for their country, but we will gamble "that some of them. never fought as hard and saw as much smoke and Jire as the farmers who fought fire in Tillamook county last week. There are heroes on the farm, when the occasion demands, as well as on the battlefield. Tillamook Head light. Subscribe for the Jchihal. Big Deal in Typewriters. Aimliian (iovrriimi'iit Orilrra I'JOO , i Hmllh I'rmnlrr". : i ,hViKNJU. Feb. 7. The creatost ; SpEV" j S J-"" ''v'-tH. single purchaso of typewriters ever , ''''..ijJtX made ha been ordered by tho Min istry oi justice, which, nuer tiiroo mmitlm nt oxbaiiHtivn Coninetitiva i w.",St' , , . ip-i J.B n,,,! I ranted to euUID the tire ministry with not less than I'iOO Smith Premier typewriter, pplying every court." ! : t i '','', i entire I supplying every Press Dispatch to Portland Oregonian, February 7. Portland office Smith Premier Typewriter Co,, 122 Third St., I. fe M. ALEXAXDEll & CO., Agents. ' ,! - W. T. FOOLK, Agent, Priuevillo, Oregon Smith ffiros. , DKAIiliKS IN ' Scnoral Merchandise. SISTIiUS, OKKtiON. Keep on Hniul, Shtriiiiit'n'H Supplies of !1 kintln. Rangers and Campers Supplies. Camp outfitting. We Carry a Complete line of Groceries, Dry Good,0, Ilattlwaro Ktc. We Uespoctfully uolict your tnulo. , glacksmithing That Pleases The great nrresslty of (10OD work is erldrnt to (very one who patronlsrs a blacksmith. Work that will stand tha rouxli uuk' of ths farm ami road. The heH liochofing, the best waxon work, and ths brat 'cral rf ,lriiiK van I had at COKXETT & ELKIXS'S A Stwk of Farm Machinery always on hand 2 . m Cyrus' Jewelry Store $ohn Cyrus ZProp. Dealer in Silverware, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks. Optical goods, Sewins: machines etc. Repairing done by W. H. Cyrus. !Prompt attention Si'utn mail ordtri. tPrinovillo, CHAMP SMITH. . Oregon, 1S0M CLEEK. SCHISTS REGEPTIOrJ. Wines, Liquors, Domestic and Imported Cigars. The Celebrated A. B. G. Beer i Always on Hand. Two Doors South of First National Proprietors of the PrioeTille Soda Works. 'ii PB1MVHLE, ORE. Lumber, Sll per m Frsh Sawed Shingles $2.75 per m. at SHIPP'S. City Barber Shop. Powell & Cyrus, Proprietors. If . i j 7 . i fiot ana oia ujatns. 3rin..ih. o