Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 09, 1902, Image 6

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    Timber Und, Act Juno 1. 1NX
KO'ncfj t'oix M'
United Ri-.'.(-f fluid mik-e.
'fill' Dulles, Oregon, .-.ptciilll". 111, 12.
Notice la horeo.v !,!vcn l;i compli
ance with Hie prov-Mois el tin if
..'.ingress ot Jmc 3. ! i on! ill. J "An art
tor the iii ot l.mb'-r In ;he states
vr t aiil'orn.n. u.s;'.oi. N. ':uu. u'u, Wash
ington lerrilor." s nil the
t'Lliiie L?"in' S'ili J to iut iif An at 4,
t?e. th f -l'iowiui ti aii .i l:ivi' ih.a day
l:!ed ill inls oi.lce tiioii- 8v.Min maitiuelila,
tn-vit: v
LAURA A. FaSVKll.urriiiK'.i:1!-, coun
ty of Crook, lutein' nrr-goti, siiuvn stnto
nient numU-r hied July 10. P.'. fur th
laa.-rhasc "I' t'w S H X K ami X i S W4
section :m. tp. l.S.. K III IS., XV. .v.,
SARAH !'. PAR II '.H, of I'liro-ville,
county nl' Crook, . tale nf Oregon, sworn
statement number 7.n. lib 1 Jioy I1. i!K)2,
lor the pun-linse of the s N K nod
X W ' suction ; 34, Tp. S- U. Ill E
V. M
OR.V L. PARKER, of lMwvilK county
(if t rook, stale of 0"-i n. sworn statement
number 777, tiled Jutv !, It til? imr
ih.isi.Mif the hi S N XV is ami K S W X,
Section 21, Tp. 15 S 1! . W V M .
KOBKRT B. FOisrKi;. of ' Prineville.
vouiityot Crook, sliite of Oivu' n. sworn
slutotuent number 77s. riled J-.iiv H. WiK
for the purchase of the N K N K ;', W
S K tj and. N XV 8 ii '4 mtii.-ii 2, i'p 15
vS., a 111 K., W.M.
LAURA PBiiitlS, of Priiiov-.lle. county
vf Crook, state uf Oregon, sworn statement
number 77. tiled Julv In, UHi'., t'.-r the pur
chase of the W H N V '. and W '4 S XV W
section 2b, Tp. lot., K In K., V M.
M0X1A RAVr. of Prii .cv-.IV, county
of Crook, state of Ore:-' n. sworn statement
number ;s., tiled July R f -t the pur
chase of th ElSfiK auii K Ji E i sec
tion a. Tp. to 8 R. 19 hi., W M.
ADA F. FOMER, of Prim viHe, county
iif Crook, state of Oregon, sworn Wtcnu nt
nnm;icr 7M. bled Julv 10, Mi, f. r the pu
Xue of the S X E i ai.d s S W ko
iwn 8, Tp. 15 S R. In K W M.
CHARLK.8 A. GRAVE.--, of Prineville.
county of Crook, stite of owk-.'B, aworr,
statement nnni her n icil July li, 11W2.
f.r the purchase of tb" X lj X and N ,
X W section Tp. i, S K ill E., W M.
ALFRED H, PAliKKV, of Prmeville.
-county ot' Crook, st.iu- of Orr-,'un, sworn
MtateiHent number ;:i. ii! July 14, l!J02,
tii? the puri oase of iln- W U X V i, N E j
X W 1 an l X W ! N in stc'u ai, 'i'p.
US.,R. UK. VM.
TlKit thev will offer proof to show thai
the (and .sought In mor i vi'mioe for It
clinbw or i-one than for acricuitunil pur
jtoiies. and to eslaMish intir claims t.
ssiid land liefore M. R. Hill's, U. S. Com
missioner at Prineville, Orc-'-tt. on Triua,.
ath liay o( Xoveiulier, 11W-.
The- name as witnesses: Laura A. Foi
ter, Sarah F. Parker, Ora Ij. Parker, Robert
B. Fo ter, Laura P. Bigjp, Monia tiravei,
Ada F. Foster, Charka A. braves and
Alfrtu It. Parkey, all of Prineville, Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming adversc
lv the alxjve-ilescrlbeo lar.da are leiiuest
cd to file their claim? in this offlce on or
before the -niijl 2lh da of November, IKE.
JAY P. LUCAS. RejisMr.
Tiniter Land, Act June 3, 17S.
United State Land Office at
The Dulien, OveS.m, Aug. 18, 10C2.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions nf the act ? Congress of
June a. 17, eutitleii An act for thr sale of
timlier binds in the SUK.1 ol California, Ore-
if'ti. Nevada and VX ashiluiU'll Territory, a
extended to all the Puoiic Land Stales by
act nt Aa-'ilst 4, 19(12, MV Ko.N CADY, of j
Buckley, eonntv of I'arce, ;ae of Wash- I
iuirton. has. July 11. 1U02. tiled in this nttice I
hi swum Hbnen oiit Nu 792. for the iinrch.we
f the swii of Section No. 22. In Township
No.. 14 s,, Itiinge jXn. l'J.e., w. M ana win
offer proof lo show that the laud sought is
inure valuible for its timber or stoue than
for agricultural purHaes, and to establish his
chum to said land before J. J..Snnl:i. County
( lerk, at Pnnevtlle, Oregon, on Ihuradiiy,
the l.V.h dv t i November. 1!J2.
He nam -s af witnesses: 0. E, McDowell,
H. A. Foster. C. H. iVi' kson and F. T. hig
ging, alio! I'rineviiie, Oreoa,
Any and til person claiming adversely the
&,'oove-de2ri d iauus are requested to ri,e
tneir claims in this office on or before said
13th day of Xiiveuiper, l'.KV2i
au28p , Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, lS7'd..
Usiied Statis Lasd OrricK,
The Dalles, Ori-gon, Au&ust 14, 19U2,
Notice h hereby given, that in compli
tun e with the provisions of' tlie ai-t of Con
gress of June 3', la7d, entitled "An art for
the sale of tinnier lands to the. HtiUes of
Cn'itonna, Oregon, cvaila anil ashing i'eiiitorv.'' ae etended to till the pul
iji- land -tan s by act of August 4. 192, tlie
Ul!o.-.i.:g persons have, ou .'.lay 29, Ififri,
, . .i f.. ..oi.... !.:. .
- in, this, olticc their sworn stuU-mciits,
trA ii :
J IHX H. DEMARJH, of Prineville,
-jod ity of Cruok. Suite of Orison, sworn
stiteitient No. 429. t'ir the pu'chiise of the
a c s e '4 ncetiou ih, township U a.,
tsangj 18 e., XV.. 51.
WILLI AM H. BIRD: ONI, of Prineville
county ol Cr.Aik, ,-stnic .f (.rcg-in, e.woin
st'tteineni No. 4:0, for ti e pcrciiase of the
e s w e V-, n w Vt uu ' s w n e 4 of
section, 2 1. 1 wiiship 13. s., rangt ije., XV. -XI
Tint the
v.ill oll'er p.-oof to show .that
the land ..neiuis more valuable for its
mberor -tone than f e iitricultural iiur -
noses, a:i 1 lo.est.ihusb vlii.-.r claims In said ;
Vml bef 'J.J., he ltd. county j-lnrk. at.
'riiipyi;ie,.,.reo;i,on lut-ouy, November I
H,K-11: I
Tiiey n mie ai witnesses: XX'illiitin II. '
itiruKoiis, William H. Barney, William II. j
sunn, Ue Barney, ail of I'lineyi'.ie, Ore.
Any anil un persons ciuiiniiig umersciy
tic iihove-dcsc.ibed Innilsuic reiiiiesteu t.
lie. their claims ill this oftii-e on or before
.ci'd 1 till. tiny of November,. 1902.
Uiijjj, JAY P- LUCAS, Register.
Timber Land, At June 8, 1878.
V: 8-. Land Office..
The Dallas. Oregon, June 23, 19 OS. .
Notice la hereby given, that In compli
ance with tho provjeions of the act of
Cuilgresa Ol ju-ie s. i.s,
ni r..s tho Ri.le at timber
lamlaln the
Sioifs of Calflornia. Oregon, Nevada.
Kit Was'niriK'on Territory," as qxtendtali
t. ull is Public Luid Siares by act uf
..-g. at 4. 1V. 'he following person have
i n June l"). )i2.
fi fd In th.e onioe Uleir
swom ra!ementa. to-wM:
i -aele J Oulherfl.
erf austMsi. Coinrty of Oook, Suite of Ore-
ZZZmZmZlKoIl bar the our-
asiiAial w B-Aii atiil wl.sw'4 v-(lsa)i
W, Township 14 south, limine 10 Knat VM.
lxiuia Nelson,
of Him dlJI, County ot Ki lunml, Biate of
MlMA-aota, sworn atatennint No. lini, lur
Uie piiichase of the aei awii Swiion i
a. ill els nW4 anil aw' ne Suction 1,
'township 14 souih, Haiitto In east, W'M..
iliat tiuy will offer (iroof to ihuw lhat
the land soiiisht la more valunliiti tor U
timber or stone than lur aitrii-ultiiral pui -l
o .va. -.nd to estaoi.oh llmr clulm to .ilU
la-ii imore M. H. IIikss. C. 8. Commls
aloix r. at his ofllee at 1'rlnevllie, Om-kiui.
ou Tun day, the Hth day of October, mi.
ihey nume a wltn-te: Carle J. yul-t-eri;
U. A. Foster and Jacob N. (JiilUurK
nf wi.ners, Oreitiin; V. B. Polndexter, of
l'iinel.,e. Ore.; nd Louis Nelson, of
HiuiMil. Minn.
Any and sill persons clnhnlng ndverae
!v the laiove-di'scrltK'd lands nre reiiuest
il lo nle their elninis In this oiMro on or
on ",'uesday, the 14th day of October. HI3.
JAV P. LUCAS, ItegUar.
Timber Land, Act Junn 3, 1S78.
United Slates Land OlHcv,
The Dalles, Orcmni, Auit. 15, WH.
Noti-o Is hereby'itlven that In comll-.;t-,-
with the of the a-.-l of
Cni'r:.i- is of June S, lsia, entitled "An am
ioi- tUe sale ot timber lanui In the stales
of'l'ornia. On-iron, Nevada, and Wash
iiic'nu Terrltorv." aa extended to all the
! litilic Land States by act of Aux-urt 4.
Inn. t'ne followiiiK persons have Bled in
ti. is i. ilice their sworn stutstneiits. to-it:
K"l. I. IX C. HYDE, of Siioktim-, county
of Miok-ine. St He of Washnntton, sworn
1 ' ' ..... , a., ,... r..-.i. u t
st:;le!HC!lt o.ivo, June oo, inu-, o-r me pui-
ils oil the nwii Sec. 2, Tp. 15 R. Ill
i W, M,
"AuVSrUS UOSSLOW, cf 8mkane,
t-. .my of Spukanp, state of usliitiKton,
.tutcmeni . JO. i'. Juty o, ",r ,
tile riorchase of the sw, yw. 2, Tp. 15 S,
K. If H W. M.
4IEXUY O. KOSSLOW, of Spokane,
imihi!,-of Spokai e. State of Washington,
nworii itatenient No. (SO, June '.'S, fur
t:n pLiri-haseof the lot- I ami 2 nnd a
Me'-,"Sc. 2, Tp. R, 19 K.. W.M.
Thai ihev will offer pnmf to sho that
hi i.i sought Is more valuable for Its
loot- or stone then tor agrioullurnl pur-
s nni to estaMh-h their cla'ms to
sa'il land before the Register and Iteceivr
it -!ii uiHi-e, on Friday. Noee.ime- 7, IIH2.
Tin y name as witnesses: U, C. Hyde, A.
i: .tsi' w, H. 0. Ho '"low, nf Spo'iiinc,
Wnsiiintrton, R. C. ilvde. of Trent, XX'ash-.i.;-to,i,
and J B. Myers, of Prineville, Or-c-.m.
-v nni all persona clalnlni: adverse
ly the above-described tends are reiiuest
d to die their claims In this office on or
lore said fill duv of November, lfft!.
ii p Jat P. Litas, Register.
Tiinlr Ui.d, Act June 1
United States Land tMflcs. 1
The lialiia. Ore., Ajg. 15, IMA i
Notice hereby giien t.iat in compliance
wi-b the provision nf th- Act of Cniis'res ol
June Wd, entitled "An act for the of
1...1,,.- lun.L. t. lliw S-ttl,. f i-nliouiiii. O-e.
Xevadaand XYaHhimrton T eri-rhiry," to"""''??" , . ...
exteinted to all the Public Land States l.y Act JOhlAH IIIMvLL, uf Prlnevill,.,
ot Auetost 4, l"!i'. tin- t'oiiowfttg iemin have Ootiury nf Crook, sime of Orejiui. aeoru
this iay tiled iu this oilic tueir sieom slate- .
tnenia. vix:
Marys, county of'onal, . Ute of Mains
swein statement N-i. iH'j. for the iareliase or
tire nX 3d, Tp. 13 S., R. W E., XV.
Pl'NULETON" BLET1XS, id PiiuevilU.
..f Sst .if DiMm ew.irll
of the
rqV(WV?Tl "H"' T''-Ht,-i4'
Tiiat thev will offer proof to .hm, that tiie
land is mine v.luabie for it. ti,i,e. ,r
atone than for agricul.nral piii'iswus, sai l to
e.tul iish their tiami to smd lain! .fom .
A. Bel!, V. S. Cnmtaissioner, at lil ..(Hce at.
Pr Oregon, on Thursday, the itii day
ol .November, 111112.
The name sa a itnesses:
0. I. XV ;n-k. I
F. Xv innek, Fred HiA''n- P- B. poin.lexter.
E. X. White, John Cmnba, Kd. Merritt, J.
XV. Wright, Lew HcCallister, XV. K. .VicKar
1 uid and Chris dura, all of Priusville, Ore
gon. Any and all persona claiuiin adversely the
ah'ive-dcscrilrtst Isiids are ristuestcd lo tile
their claim m this nee ou or before said
day of Xovstnlitr. 1902.
aniixp Jat P. Lccls. Rej-Mer.
LAxnOint-k .ti Thk Dau.kk. Oiumox, i
September 12-. 1902. I
Notice is hereby given that the follnwlmv
na'iiedsetl!er li-w tiled notice of his intention
'... nii'e fnal pr-sif in :iiiitirt of his ciaiie.
s,nc! tl-at said proif will he made before J. .1.
Smith, Conntv Clerk at Prineville. Oregon,
.n Saturday, October 25, lb02, vis: XX alter
t. t:n!il..of Culver, Oie.-on. H K. No.
6U4. fr the XV Sli, ami SKI HE See. t'
ind SWi SWM 8e. 23, T. IS R. 13 B...
XV. M.
Hninieethe Mlowing wieriessea to prrve
I his co'tmiioua residence tiaro and cmiivatii.n
jf '' l'd, ":
V.t ninnd Heat e. of Culver. Oreoon. J. H.
ftrant and I-c Misire, of Lani"nta, Oregon,
and XV. H, Kuiuner, of prinavflle. O. in.
seplft Ue'isrer.
Land Office at Tlie Dalles. Orejfiin,
Keiiteniher 32 V.if.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
riAitied settler ha hIM notice nf Ilia
m tjn! ,r,.f j ,i,,K.rt of his claim.
and that said proof will lie made befnra
i.i. I. Smith. cnnv itlmkat Prinerili iir-
K'-dnv. November, 7, )!Ki2, viz- I
DHnielT.C-iiin.-l, of iter, Ore n, If.
p x .. U.-W fur the i :, and si n-'f
-"...clSanrl sw'i nwSec. 17, tp. 12S...II. 12
E.. W. M, " I
He names tin fi !),, inc witnesses to pnne I
his continuous midencs neon and coltiiation
of snt land, vi:
y J., (,. l.i .Allnr.-ham A O
AHingham. of Nst,.,,, Oregon, and Davnl
lawoie-, ... u. iiiin .-nain, it
WeuAer, 0! fnnevtlle, iire-"n,
sp25 Register,
Timlier Land, ActJuria3, 1I-7S.
I niteiJ States Land Office,
The Dsllea. Orev,n. .Seoteniber 20. 1902.
Nntlee ia heie'iv iiveti tl.l In o,initdu.r.M
-TsKii uif .ni.i.i i"s ,u ineact ot I'lngresso
t,. irs. ,,;, ..,,,,. ,i"i. ,
timber Lnde in tiie Sttt, ,,f California. Ore -
con. Neva la inl Washington Territory," a
extended fc all tin
Put be Land Stall's by
sci 01 augaa; 1: ik-i. nu.ian. fltoh-r.
-,t-.l-: 11..1 ...
Frmevtlle counK nt Cronl.-, s'.ate ol ( Irrgon,
Ol Jl V l'l. l!fW fled in thi. ntiP.i ki.
Ji 1 in. lirrj hM in this ofhee his
'-v'', ' ',t'Io , nnn ,r,,, . , , . Jm,r?9
,m ,Aii.ii :f,aii,vy 3 . w, awi,.
number 31 townslup 12 south, ranrs 1(1 K. W.
M snd will oiler prnnl' loahowtiiaf thu land
"U;ht is mure valuuble for iu tiinb-r or
slutie than for agricultural pltriHisi-il, and t.i
eftablish hik claim to said laud More M, K.
hi!K, U. H. f'oiuniisHtnner, at i'luiviille,
On K 'n, on Friday, tin iWtli day nf Xoimi
her, lliO'J,
He names as wlineimei: 8. W, Ceniptnn
Win. MoMeekin. lienrK Turner and J, VY,
1 .ii)k in, all of Prinatilie, urevun.
Any and nil iiersona iilalmlnir advernely the
alsive-deiK-rilied laiivl are reiiiiRted to file
theirtt-laimi in this ottice on or iietii said
lshly of Xovni.lier, 1W2.
Sp.J5 JAY P. LUCAS, Register,
Timlier Land, Ant Sept 33, 1N7H,
United States Laud Ottied,
The Dal Ira, Ore..n, Sept. Si, WW,
Notice is hereby given that in ontnplUniie
with the provisions tilths art of CiWiirine of
June ,1, 187.S, entitled ''An act fur the sale of
timber lamia in the States of Calii'oritia, Ore
gnu, Nevada, and NVa'hitixton Turriiurv," as
extended to all the Pilliliu Land Stales by
act of Auuust 4, IiiU the following ptrsous
have on July ft, I'.KIJ, hied in this ultioa their
sworn statenuuta, to wit;
JOULE CALAV.VN, of Prln.ville, conn,
ty of t-HMik, state of Oregon, sworn atatetliellt
So. 741, f. r the pm i-tiarn id the NK X See,
ti, Tp. 15 S., R 10 K., W. W.
A is. umiii.v, oi rrtnevuie eoiin-
lu ..r I !-ui. . . ( I l...,n uu,,.ullk
j v- - -., -...m n.nb.r...
No. 742 fur the purchase of the 8K M t-ai.
bi Tp. 15 S II. Ill E W. M.
That they will otter pns.f to show thai the
m ,K,i j, u.i.r, rnluahls for its lini'tr or than for agriotdtural pur.ise, and to
esUnllsh tbulr olauiis ti said lanil laifors M.
K Biggs, L. S. iConimissiuwr, at Ins oracs ai
Prineville, Oiegoii, ou Saturday, the lilli
day of December, ltK)2.
They name as witnesses: B. F. Jones,
Nancy !, Jones, J. E, 1,'alavau, Aver B.
Calavnn and J. XV. Hopkins, all of Priuevilla,
Auy and all iiersona claiming adverdy tlie
above-described taoda. are napiested In tile
tneir claims in tliis olliee uu or before aaiil
(jib diy of Lleeesilier, 1H02.
02p JAY P. l.LCAS, Krister.
Timlier L-ind, Act June 3, 1H78.
I'kitkii Status La. hi Orm-E,
The Dalles, Ore., Sept. 2.1. Wj2
Notice is hereby given thai 111 com
pliance with the unn isiout the am of
Congress of June 3, 1878, untitled "An
not lor tin- sale of tHiilier binds tu the
states nt (Jalilotitia, Orcgoi,, N.-isd.i anil
XX.tshiiietiMi Tori'Uory," aa exieudeil to
all the 1'rsUiic Lin. I SUIus by act of Ail
gust 4, lS!f2, the lollowmg persons hau
July 17, 1'.K12, bled in tine oflice ilnir
iienient No. iO for the
pmclisse of i
It IS .
IheSK 1 Set). 14. TplaS ,
rt . ft.
MARION R. lilOftS, -d Prineville,
county or Ciia k, suie of (liiigoii, ivu
sian-iiieiit No Sh lor the piirehnae of I
t ej XV J NXV J and XV J oV J ,-vc Vp
111 S.. U ilttt , XV. M.
XA'ILLlAM A. MiKlNNON, til I'rio,
"""" '"S"';
? ."
me r, ft t ami r-j jbj ojc. o, if. i
S , K IU E , W. M.
TlMf tiiey will olier proof lo show that
the land sought is more valuable lor m
limber in atone than for
ptu poscs, mid to establish their claims to
said land before J. J. Smith, County
Cierk in Piineville, Orig oh Tuoniay
the Oili day uf Lh-ivinlHii, lli2.
They name as witnesses: Euner Kay-
!er, .Install Hinkle, M. K, liiigs, and
Chaa (Iruvea, ot Prineville, Oiegon, and
if f. . - HI ... Ill ,i IT II
H. A. Foster, Tom XV..tkin, r. M.
H .mh, and XX', K. u..oth,of Pr,te,
Anv end all persons claiming dvrely
the above described lauds are requested
to Hie their claims in this orlice on or be
fore said Uih day of Decembei. lliO'J.
C.'p JAY P. M'CA.S, Register.
:s W 0 K N "STAT E M E N T.
Laud Ollice at The D illot, Orojjoli,
8-nt. na, vm.
Notice is hereby given thai in compli
ance wnb the nf the act ot
Congress of June 3, 1H7S, entitled "An
act lor the sale id timiier lauds ill the
tales of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and XV ishiiigion Terri'iiry." extended
to all the public land states by ac-l of Au
gust 4, 1W)2. the follnvriiitr peraoin have
on Juiy '21. 11102 hied in this nttice their
sworn statements, to-wit:
CiEoriK M. UAYLOI'.D, of Prine
ville. cmiuly of Crook, ate nf Oiegon.
; "",rn 'aiJins't N.
Sol- for the pur
chase of the K J 8V and K J NXV I
Sec 'M. Tp. 15 8 . R. 1K M.
JOliN S. XVATKIN'S -f Priiuiville,
"oiimv nf Ciook, State of Oreimi, sworn
Hii-niriit ?. S87 lor the inirchsse of
the NE V, Sec 24. Tp. l!i 8. Ii Vi- K.,
W. M.
LETTI3 XVATKINDH, of Prineville,
coiiuiy of Crook, sum- of Oregon, sworn
u ,r...,.l N.t KHH f,,r the Ollletuisu of
,..! 1 L- :'A Ti. 15 K R I I E .
, NW 8 04 T 15 g
"' '., 4 ' r
W, M.
JENNIE CHAIN, of Prineville, cnun
ty of Onink, state ol thegoii, saoin
stateoo-til, A'n. 8S!) for the purchase ol
the S V I ticc t'4, Tp. IT S., P. l'J E.,
-rflLFOKD J. CRaIN, of Prineville.
cniiiiiv of (!rnnk. aiaie of Ores ui aoi-n
...... V.. k'lit f..p thM l.i.rchnMH o
.,, l- 1 si ,. 01 T 15 K It, H IC,
the Mj. 4 beu :, ip. w o, av. 1.1 u,
1 " '
i That I lie will offer proof to allow lint
. i,,, ,,nUJit is more v.ilu iblo for Its
- -s
" ,:. ..!... ... f.,e aurlen tural nur-
tin ioi "i - " - - r
and to esis'jlisli Ihe'r claims to
;.,'.,, 1, Hie.... II. 8.
V l.lnlon. uj
Monday, the 8 h day o( Diwemlnir,
TUy mime as wllnrsin: OenrKe M,
Oitylonl, J.ihn , XX a: kins, Leltm XV nl
kinds, Jennie Drain and and XVtlford J .
Oriiin, a. I nl l'ritievllle, (Mikoii,
Any no. I all persons claiming ailversnly
lln) above described land" rn advised iu
Hie their claims III this ollicii ' "f '
lore said Hib day of Deoenilmr, 1!XJ3,
(2p JAV P. LICAH, KeKistur.
To the llonorahle County Court fof Crook
Couutv, State of Ore .nil
The uuiler-lgned, legal enters of Ash
wood precinct, Crook County, Oregon, re
spectfully pciltlnii your HoiiuriHle Court
In gram a liei nse tu lli-iilnii A Urnler to
sell spirituous, mult and vinous llvunrs In
iiuanliltcs less tliatt one gallon iu Ashwood
Pmdni'l, Crook County, Oregon, fyf
rlodof sin inontli lioui and after Xovetu-
Itel-H 1'HVJ.
J. (1, Pultl.lesler,
Oeo. Crncketl,
T. L. Chil.lers,
Uis-s Lewis,
ti. 0, PoiiiileiU-r,
J. M. O rater,
Ui-ll Kails,
A. J. lllni k.
('. F. Itiiuilltoli,
Milo VX'o.d,
hn-. Mi-t.'olluiti,
P. Ilirnoinn,
XV. 11. Li Itin,
Clius. L. r reer,
(ten. McKlnuon,
S. Hamilton,
I., liru'ine.
XV. I). XValker,
J. ll.O'Kelly,
L. A. Tavlor,
U. E. Eh'glestun,
XV. Henry Douk,
Lester Bryan,
Jack llroenii,
!-. r-lianilinln,
L, XV, I nniliiison,
J. XV. MeColluiii,
C. K. Ihitieau,
Joel Mrl'. ilium,
F. I.. Andersati,
J. K. Mnrgen,
Rant Misne,
Hun Evans,
Sam Curmichael,
E. A. kniiilolili,
J. XV. Jnmisott,
J . C. Bi ugati,
J us. Allen,
Jtitues XVoihI,
XVade llusloti,
Fruuk loiik,
k. 0. Huston,
(Irron lira-ki ll,
F. P lli',
A. W. lii hut.
Joseph ituuiuin
Notice is herehv given thiit tlie amivr
luimeil Benton it tiinter will pn-sent the
above ts tillon tc the County Court for
Crook ( oiiniv, Oregon, on the ,'itlt uay ol
Nov., I'i2, nt Hie l ouuiy Court room In
Prineville, at winch time and plm-e, they
willapplv tolhesuid court for a license tu
sell spitiiuoua, tr.ult and vinous ,.pior. In
uuatititica less than one gallon in Asiiwoial
Precinct. Crook l oiinty, ongon, lor a pe
rhni of six months from uin- ufur the lib
day of Nov., lllir.'.
Dated this iBth day of septctnjer, I:si2
Pullman Urdinnnj Slrrprrt.
The foiirisl travel bole eon ihvesi ami
the I'aciliu cast h is re iclnel enormous
pt'oporiiiiiis ill llie last lo jeiirs, and
calls for a special class of eiuiiiuciit, T
meet tins ileiilnllll the I'lllilll ill t'o. It
issued fnui n shops elut II lecl.liically
calls I he "Pullman trrdiiury Sleeier."
Tliese cars apjiear snnilsr in Ibe rrgnlai
sleeper, In-n.g built on tlie same plan,
)Ul funiuhed with the same elryaut
Tirey are esnipiN-d with ninilrowua,
Wankeia, slirotx, nlln, pillow tasea,
towels cn,nt,, ia. tiUirii.
Hoihm-of the kind to h fermslied I.)
I thu paiewHiTcT. r. icli car h.u a stove for
,k(f.dreend tea and doing
, . and each aecti. can be
! , ..... ' i,.,.,... ,.M A un.
j -
lonnesl 'fter ,-onixiiiM each car. his
I bnmiiess heiiiK to make np berths, keep
' t, t.r (.!,., ,, ,,, fi,.r (,e condor is
, unil nantt cf Ibe msi-iigers. In each of
, trains which ore dtapaiclied dad)
fr, V,tli,d by ihe f . U. i' N Ci . is
' , Ulum ,lt f f Isjs-sm "Pullmsn Or
I dinary ($l-wni.u The car is almched
j , Ih, ''Chicaiio Purl laud Siiecial,
, -kj-i. throiiuli to Ohmsgo without
I emw. , the one in the "Allanlie E-
..I .. ...
! pr," lmi m Kansas City without
j !,(,,, P,iaaet vets in this car fur Chi-
I , Unwtt lo a si'inlar car at (Jiangtr.
Much ot (he first class travel is ladlis.
carried in these cars, the rates beintt
lower, mi J I he service being nearly etioal
to Hint in the palm- sleepers
For rales and lull information, m
eluding-, older, write tu A. L. Craig, 0
P. J., O. R N. C. Porllan J, Ore.
Portland-Astoria Route.
ilaily Ktinud Tri s except Sunduy.
Tlmn Card
Leave Portland 7 n.
Leave Astoria 7 p. m.
The McsPort!3nd h.
Sti3. 'TiaHOXV ana "MSTLAEO"
Daily trips except rintulsy.
Stoatniir "TAH0MA"
Lav The Dalle. Tuesilavs,.
ThuiBihiyaKiid Saturdays at. 7 . ni
Leave Portland, Mondays.
XVe'luesilaya and Frulnys at 7 a in.
Sttnimer "METLAK0" ,
Lenves Port land, Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday : : : : 7 . in.
Leaves Dulles, Monday, Wednes
day, Eriihiy : : ; : : :7 a. m.
Lsurliuir mid officii: F-Mit Alder St,
lli. lb Phones Main Xil. Uuitiiind, Ore.
J. W. Criclitnn, Agt., Tho Dalles
A. J. Taylor Agt., Antona
J. C. Wvatf, Apt., Vancouver.
A. K. Fiillcf Agent, Hotxl River
XV olford it XV vers, A(.'t., XX . Salmon
11 0 OILBIlE'l'H, Lyle, Wash.
JOHN M. T0TT0N, Stevenson, XVa.h
VM. BUTLEK, Butler, Wash. '
li.VUCf idii.0B.. Atjt.,. j?ortlatul
Timber lnd, Ant J tins a, 1H7H,
United Statea Land UlUi-e,
Tlis l'allea, Orrgull, August ti, 11103,
Notice is hereby glvan that In wiinpllamw
with the previsions uf lbs act ol Coimiew o
Jims 8, 1S7M, Hillllrd "All act for tin sals nf
timlier lands iu the Slatra ef California, Ors.
gon Nevaila, ami VX'aaliliilon Territory," aa
mended lo all the pnl'lm land alaiesbyeet
nl August 4, 1WJ, the fiilliiwiiin peisotn have,
ou July 17, llHj-J, tileil In tins oiinw 'boir
sworn atatenients, to.witt
COHA E. Sl'AltK, of llniiklsy, noiinty uf
Plertw, stats nT XX aalungtiin, swum statement
No. H53 far the piiri-lisas ol the n't m-'J and
I.', nwi, See. JH, 'p. 14 S It. IU li VV. 51.
1). LAW I UN CAHY, uf Buckley, county
of Pierce, elate of Waaliliigtnu, awm u slats.
iin-iil No. fU2 for the piiriilisas of tlis ii w I,
See. 10, Tji. 15 S R. 19 K. W, M.
MAY J. CAIlY. of llaluhall, eoimty of
Snolinmlali, state uf Wssliiugton, a won, slate,
tiient No. Mil fur Ilia purrhaas of the w ' aw J
suit wj awl Sec, 14, Tp. 15 M II. Ill K , W..XI.
FLOKENCH M. CAliY.of Buekley, eomo
ty uf I'isios, statu of WaahiiigUn, awmu
atalemrnt No. Htit) for the pur base of tl,im(
Sen. Ill, Tp. 15 S., It. Ill K, XV, 51.
EUNICE S VI lill, of Itneklry, ooiintr of
Pisioe.atale ef Waaluugton. swum atatviuetit
No, Ml fr tb pun-haiHi of lhesw! hec. 10,
Tp 15.1., It. til K.., W.M.
WALTER K. CADY. of Delcliell.miuiity
ef Hnohouiiali, stale nf Wiabuigiou, aworlt
atateuient No. HsH for the purc'ia-e of the elf
a-c,, a SI si ael and asl Iwi Sc. 4, Tp, 15
M. in K..XV. M.
JOEL M. SMITH,. .f Buckley, county f
Pierce, aisle of XVsahingl'iei, aworu atatemanl
No. h,'d (or the purcluat of the set Mee, jo,
Tp. 15 S 11.111 K. , W . M .
.XIAL'U K. CASADAY, ef Frrn Hill,
Ooillity of Pieres, auts of Wseliimitoti, swein
statement No. Kit) (or the puichaaa of the i
nwj, se nw and nel swi Sen. 2li, Tp, 14 b.,
K. 19 E.. XV, M.
CLITIA CAdV.of Iluekley, isiuuty of
Pierce, state of XVaahiitgton, airmu sUirmvut
No. K55 tor lbs puicliaite of then! rk-u. 'ii.
To. 14 S It. 19 K... W. M.
DKI.LA A. CAUY.uf Iluekley, munty of
Pleat, stale of Wsshingtoa, awnrn atalt-mrnt
No. HT.4 for tns purchase of the seU Sac. '22,
T. I4.-S., It. 19K..W. M.
Thai Ihey will pr..,! to show that tli
laud uigbt is u.ote valuable for It ttui.e-rnr
si one (ban for agi tcullural pilrMa-a, slel lo
ealiiilUli thrlr eiamiPiaald land iajfore td
l.ejister and Hreelisrof this nth al Tue
Dallas, ( Iregon on Tharadsy lbs liih day of
Noveuilier, l!aW.
Thv name aa wits-aest Oi.ra E. ,-itsrk, D,
I.snlon l ady, Mreni-e M. t'v'y, K'.nim
Snotll, Joel U. SniiUl.l lratu t'ad) , IMU A.
"ady an i iyn,n Cly, of Hm kley, XX'.,i,ig.
l..ii, and May J. Csdy sad Waiter F. Cadj-
ol Ij.-ls-lial , l anliln -ton, ami Maul E, l;as.
I.l.iy.oi rem Hill, Wadiincton
Auy sad all persona elaimlng vlierxlv the
above. dennl'sid lands are t im
llieir claims in this nlfiee on ur ln,,'nr a. id
(ill, day uf N., liarj
p IAY P. LI 'CAR, H-)ia!i,
T(mbf l.eml, Ail June J li'i.
MOTICB FOlt -t!l:I.ICA-fliJ',
United Ntalia Land orT-e
The Dalhs, Oregon. Augu t IX. I.'.
Nntlee is hereby liven In cmniid.
anee with tfi provisions or the ci ( f
I'oinrraa of j me .t, ,,, mtlt'ed "An I
lor Ibe mile of Hint er liinla In the riatri
of t'aoforina. iire-t,n. N,-i ala. an.i I'.ua'i
intl'wi Teri-llce, .' a ixlioli.l t all the
r-jolh Land Hmic by 't or Auauvi 4,
IS'.1, XVillhiui II. Pivk, of Culver, county
of Crook, Hint of Oregon, Inn, ou Muy 2l),
lileo In tills ollleo his attutn'luleuH lit
No. 41", for the purchase f the s w ue
of eelioli M, totvi ship 12 a , r.tloe ),') e.,
X'. M ., and will idler pnaif to s'n- tln.t
tlie liiini sought Is mote valuable for Its
timber or tone than for Jigili ili inil pur
tM.sea, and to e talil di his claiiii to said
liiml Iwlore A. ( . Ciiinir, U, . C runuis
iouerat l'lllleville, lingoll, on Tile ihu,
the lib day ol Novein' er, I'l'i,
He uauici as wituei-ee: Henry IVInrloi,,
(looroe Dshorn, I'nink llollmati'iind David
11. in, ill, ill uf Prinevilh , Oregon,
Anv anil all nersons elalnilnv n,1ene...
ly the ohove-ilesulhed I mob tie rqu sl
ed lo file I heir claims In Ibis ntfl -e on or
before smd 4lh i av of November Iia2.
JAi" P. LDCAU. Leg.ster.
. I 21 p
Tirnhi-r Land, Act June , 187B,
United Ktutv jin.l fifSre,
The Dulles, iirvgi.ti. August i.l. liari.
Notice t hereby given that in compli
ance w'tll the provi .il. ns of the act uf Con
gress of June S, s,7;i, entitled "An act for
ibe aule of limber binds in tin- Stiuc of
( iililorni-!, Ois-tron, Nevada, ami Washing.
t.,11 Territory," ua extended lo all the Pub
lic Lind Slates by a. t of Auguat 4, Ifl...',
Hie loliowiilg persons luivc, on .Xlsy, 211,
I!i2, hied in Ibis ollli-e their sworn stuii-ini-nis.
to wit:
MARTHA A. SPKAII, of Prinvrflle,
county of Cnnik, State of Oicjton, sworn
stuteiiient No. 412, for the purcLvc of the
11 'si se y, sw K a e ami e H a w r sec
tion ,1, township :t lllc, W. M.
MA ROUS D. POVX'KI.L, ol T'rineville,
couiiiy of Crook. Htule of Onin.ii, swjrn
sutement No. 4II, for tlie pun liuse nl Lot
Ii ami innil a 11 e , see, 3, tp, n south,
range lit ... XV, M.
They will oiler Vroiif to show Unit the'
lun.i Boiigiu is more yuim,ble b.rils limber
or stone than fnr agricultiti;;! pmpowis,
nnd to eslaklish tlieir eluims hi mid luud
iKtoreA.C. Palmer, U. H. Comini Inner,
at Prineville, Oregon, 011 Muodny the Hnl
day of Nm etuUi.-, I'.ai2. bijj
Tiiey name aa witnesses: J. XV. Spear;
T. J. Powell, J. O Powell, and Joe Culiivim,
ull of Prineville Oregon,
Any nml nil persons claiming Vivorsolv
the uhovc-ile.eril.cil lands arc repie-ted t'o
lile their cluims in this oflice on nr bcfire
sai.t.Vil day of November, l!r.:.
2lpd. JAY P. LliCA.-, ll.gistcr.
l'-iliscn, red,
llowo, Singer,
Fort u m await
other In ve at nr...
Cflll VOU dalwUsi IfMa.
f ? J k 1 !-P"v"''nts en artlclas
K.-T ft 1C In eon,mn s
iimvAJ XVbllsyoudalsy.othsr.
sTt - A. a ,
May pa tint your ldaa.
fit fffM tiJtlii list for .irwiniasi
FuftfJ mtrlltruUllMIl IUt. RtlltH tlV
iiiKUliiirriia. "Inventor'
i 'V.W H9l9(ant " rnt fn-i requeil
a.iw rf v j 11 Li v. I'll
iaj' uiirralu
J,WotlijU.s,. 0.
The dental wt.rk of Dr.0. A. Clme is
too well known in this oounlry to need
any praise. He can always he found at
the old stand, next donr to the F cti
Nation Uaut GiVAvhiiu 1 caU,