jCocal yhntion. Warren Brown whs in the city Mun 'day. Mini Rodna Clnypool returned lust "week fruni Weston. A. J. Johnson, nl Scio, was a Iriii- 'ville vWtor the lirst of the week Walt Kay, W:is reported quits sick 'the first of the week, but ii much but' ter now. Mm. Ella Rodman, of I.amonta.was n Prineville visitor the fore part ol this week. 1 J. F.Hogg, of Howard, in the city Monday. Ho made thin office pleasant call. The Saturday Dicht dance at Glaze's hull are proving to be quite an attraction judging from the alien dance. Dr. Rosenberg left Monday for Port- land. He expects to be goue about two weeks. H was accompanied b) bis wife. . Hugh Lister and wife left Mondaj for Portland. Mm. Lister will entei the hospital at that place tor medicai treatment. The Columbia Southern survey is now in the neighborhood of Forest'?. Tirey expect to be over to Bend insidi of thirty days. Mrs. Slayton will have R large as sortment of millinery goods here for fair week. See her ad in another col umn of this paper. Harvey and Clarence Parker left Tuesday for Ashwood, where they will spend a few day visiting with relative before going to the valley. Sunday morning the streets present ed a lively appearance, there being some 60 people from Michigan pre paring t leave for the Deschutes in search of timber. Last Thursday was a busy day for Recorder Biggs, there being 11 casus of being drunk to try out. He fined each one $12. This will have a ten- dency to quiet the boys down. Miss Anna Hii7.cn, sister of Mrs. A. H. Grant, has been seriously ill at the .'home of net sister at Hay erect, bui at last accounts was better and hope. uie entertained of her early recovery. L. E Douglas, of Hay creek piid this oifice a pleasant call Tuesday mid left his measure for years subscript ion. He reports every thing in his section of the country to be in a pros perous condition. Last week a Mr. Insely was in th s office making inquiries for alrother -who he has not seen since the fall of '30. He thinks that be is in this sec tion of the state somewhere and wil continue the search until he Sods iiiin. Judging from the looks of the la t weeks' copy of the Deschutes Echo, we are of the opinion that the editor lias been "abroad" long enough 'There was about a column of reading nutter in the paper last week, the rest being tilled up with advertise ments. A case of spontaneous combustion where a haystack caught fire is one of the latent Crook county phenomena. Over at the ranch of the B 8.4 L. Co., k few days ago one of their hay stacks was aen to blaze np. On investigation it was found to be a plain case of spon taneous combustion. A number of the hands about the place bad noticed a smell of burning hay, but could not Jociite it until the fire occured. The utack is still burning and may con tinue to do so for some time or until it ruins. S. J. Hart, a young man who has been working with the Columbia sur vey crowd was found dead in his room nt the Prineville Hotel, Friday night. He had not been very well for a week, tint was not tlimili t to be in a serious condition. He came to the hotel a week before bis death, but was able to be up most of the lime. He had been in bed Friday and one of the hotel at tendants had been looking after him. tilling to his room at 7 o'clock that night he was found dead. His body as taken to Heppner for burial. He was raised at Hsppner, but had been working in ' Sherman county some time before coming here, wide Mar LaGranilu. Mrs. Crnasnian, of Bend, was in the oily Monday ' . ' ' D. W. Allinghum was over from Sisiers Friday. Tom Long was in from his ranch at Hampton Butte last week. C L. Roberts, of Post, was in town Monday attending to business matters. J. H. Wimlom and wife ware Prine ville visitors the latter psit of last seek. It is only a short time until our fair commences and it is going to be a Success. Nick Smith and F. G. Connelly, of The Dalles, were in the city the first of the week, Miss Minnie Holder, of Grass Val ley, has been visiting in Prineville for the past week. Love Bailey, a prominent farmer and stock raiser, of Buaver creek was in the city last week. Gale Xewaoni left Saturday for Portland, where he will enter the Oregon Medical college. John Cliiyponl returned Friday from Weston. He is feeling some better, hut is not very strong yet. Mrs. W, H. Parker, who has been on the sick list for the past week is reported as being some better, Jake Stroud, one of Lamontn's prominent farmers whs sen wander- ng around on our streets Saturday. W. II. Zell an old time primer is putting in a little spare time in re- learning the printing trade at this office. Granville Poindexter was over from Ashwood Monday. Ho says that In still has some mining stock to sell al cent a shaie. Cornett & Elkins are having the front of their blacksmith thop paint ed. Bob Smith is doing I ho ivork and it is a first-clues job. The Rve Grass Babbit Extermin ating Society will meet the 1st Kutur- lay in Oct., at the Ryo Uraia school house, at 2 o'clock p. ni. All parties nterested iu the extermination ol ahbita are cordially invited to attend. The Jut'RNAL is the best advertising medium in Crook county, of this there is no doubt. Bring your job work lier when you want clean piinting d-me. We will have one of the best jnbprin rs in the state to take charge oi this f department ol the paper. Realizing the demand for first-class work, ,i are making arrangements to secure u lirst-uliisB man in Mr. Parker's place, who will leave iu a few days to take position in the state printing office. Of Mr. Parker's ability in this line there is no doubt as lie has turned out some of the best work ever done in this ct uiitr. TheB. 9. 4 L. Co shipped th I week to Boise, Idaho, 523 bead of fine'. nucks, some of which are 1 100 bucks. It is a sight for swe eve.', or more properly tpriiking for sheep men, to set the hands of thoroughbreds on this company's ranch. Many of their finest sheep are from the prize ain- neis of France and from the eastern states 11 yn'si.) if ii.'f i !.' . j , I --it WURZWEILER & THOMSON'S New goods are arriving daily. New add will appear next week. A . . A . . . - ,1 J ,. , I .1 ,L lIllLJ A t 1 l'T'Pl TTTI'T TTTTTTTTTTTTTtt T Jas. S. Kelley, Photographer. VIEWS COPYING PORTRAITS i ENLARGING Prineville, Oregon. - frt.i.iM'H"l"l"1"'1'' l"l' I' i inn tins '&. Kins PRINEVILt-E'S BUSY STORE. turn o.o. Ralph Hutchison, resident dentist, j Cri)n ana. Bridge work a specialty, j K. W. Gile, who has la-en binding! hf'i for the pt minnier, was iu thel city the first of the week. j Paul Held, of Crook, was in the I oily the firt of the neck and while, here made this nfllce a pleasant cull. J Portland Club Whiskey, a pure hour-1 boil, Well matured. Recommended by j leading physicians. For sale every where. 4inll I .Miss Ada Black, of Grass alley,' oimerlv of this tdaee, was married lust week to a Mr. B.iruett, of that place. Wuweiler A Thomson's store bus prcei'ted a lively appearance the past week, large loads of freight ar riving with their fall supplies. Deputy Sheriff Champ Smith re turned Monday from Poitlund having in charge James Boggs, who is wanted here to answer to the charge ol breach I of trust. The many friends of the firm of IVse k Mays will be glad to bear that Edward C. Pease, having bought out that firm, will continue the business of that firm at The Da lb and Shani ko under the name of Edward C. Pease 3 re a rt'.'WW m if. nr. A : juv" v -mm mm ..f Co. 8ce their ad in another column Ye editor had the pleasure of !of tl,U -,l-,er' looking over a bunch of the finest ewes on the ranch and from the limit ed knowledge he fins of such animals he thinks that be would like to he the owner-ofafew head of them. The gentlemen composing this company have shown unlimited enterprise in their effi.rts to improve the breed o; sheep in this couuty and deserve great credit for the results secured. Dr. W. W. Taggart, late of River Falls, Wisconsin, has located in Prine ville. Dr. Taggart is an eye specialist. For a time his headquarters will be at Poindexter Hotel. As he will be out nf town much of the tine, patients should make an appointment with him. Dr. Taggart fits glasses and spectacles accurately. All work will be guaranteed one year without addi tional expense to the patient. Take notice of the children now that the school year has begun. Headaches and kindred troubles are caused by the eves. Proper care now will enable them to do their work . better and easier later in life. The most serious and complicated cases of eye trounle are successfully treated by Dr. Tag- His parents &Hrt- Inquire at the Poindexter Hotel. Charlie Swalley, Ed Swalley, and Ballard Giles and lamilies returned Saturday from the mountains where they have been spending time trying to catch a few fish and also kill a deer or bear. The boys report catching plenty of fish, but the deer and lsai hearing of their coming had left for a hcaltlrer climate. MAIUUKI). CLAYPOOL d.ANGDON At the M. K. parsonage in this city, on Sun day, Sept. 28, 1902, Mr. Fred Clay pool and Miss Daisy Langdon, Ret. H. C. Clark officiating. They left for the brides home imme diately after the ceremony and spent the day with the brides parents, re turning to town iu the evening. Both are well known in Crook couaty and the Journal with many friends wishes ihem success and happiness. DIED. CADLE At Piineville, Sept. 29th' 1U02, Mrs. Delia Cadle, wife of Thio F. Cadle, aged 28 years, 9 months ni d 16 days.. Obituary will appear next week, Our stock (if (diver (Jung, Sulky hwI Walking J'Iowh is far the moxt complete we have ever curried. These jiIhwh have no equal n a breaking plow and will plow ordinary sage brush without grubbing. The new Oliver Sulky's have a grout improvement over last years in the shape of a hand lever giving the operaror full control to regulate the width of cut on turns and cun e . The Oliver is one made to do the work and will do tho work they are made for, Call and inspect them. Our stock of repairs is exceptionally complete, not only the iron posts but wood as well. Wo can save you time and money and patience. GO TO D. P. Aclamson's Drug Store FOR DRUGS STATIONARY WALL PAPER SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL SUPPLIES PAINTS AND OILS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES , AND TO HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED. PrinevilSe-Burns Stage Line. C0RNF.TT & OANTRELL, Props. Carrying U. S. Mail, Passengers and Fast Express Leaves Prineville on Mondays and Thursdays at 6 a. in.. Passengers waybilled for Tost,' Paulina. Fife, liiley, Burns, and nil way points. C. I, WINNER, Agent, Prineville