Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 02, 1902, Image 7

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. tsrtlalag Agency, M and H.1 Mercbwita K
4 ohatvrt, Hut Krannleoa, California, where sua
tracts (or adverliahig unit Im made for It.
"lUueil Iljr I ho Corpus."
Tlmt niiniMtiTs of the gosptil ex
cliaiigfl stories among thrmselvi's
Unit tlicy would not tell their flock
ii woll known. Not tlmt Ilicy
would lie ssliBuiod or biiokwiird to
do to, but occusion is lucking.
Here Is yam brought by one
gathered in his summer vacation
It no happened that a good brother
in a church in one of the rural
counties in IYmislvania puffed
to bin reward and all the coinmu
nity crowded to the church funeral
to hear his virtues extolled. The
miniHtur made most of the occa
sion, not only eulogizing the de
parted taint, but entering into and
discussing mnny details of hit pri
vate unit public We. I here wusa
rustle and hum of approbation in
the congregation when the parlor
concluded hit remarks and took up
the hymn book preliminary to
.starting off the choir in appropri'
ute Hong.
It happened that in the gather
ing there wot an occasional at
tendant at the church who had
Npirituul gift. In fact, he pro
f wed among hit acquaintance to
be able to qommunicate with de
parted spirit.
This individual, to the surprie
of all present, as he hud seemed to
lie dozing, arose in bis place well
up in front and in a confident voice
"I wish to state thnt I have jtiHt
bad a smiiniiuiii ntioit from our clear
Everybody turned to hear what
was to come next.
''And I desire also to state," con
tinued the speaker, "thnt he has
been copiizunt of all that bus been
said here today about him. He
lulls me that good many things
'bare been said concerning his life
here below that are not bo."
Th speaker fat down and every
eye in the cniirepatinn was turned
toward the minister. That worthy
seemed imperturbable Ho gull)
ered up I he hymn book again, how
ever, and showed some internal dii
turbitnee by putting it down tipiin
without, giving out the hymn. Kin
ally he said:
"Brethren and sister, at first I
thought it best to say nothing at
this point. However, it is due to
you that I should justify myself.
I shall tube, baek nothing I have
said; neither shall I question the
tion just stated tti yon. But I must
sny tlmt in u 11 my 25 years pre
siding nt (uncruls ill this cciiiinu
nity this is thu first time tlmt I
Jittvu ever been sussed by tlie corpse.
Wo will now sing hymn 235, an J
itlterwanls the mends will nave a
'!iunce lo view th remains."
Brooklyn Engle.
A Typical South African Store.
. 0. Ii. Lsrson, of Bay Villa, Sunday
liivtr, Ciiim colony, couducts s store
typical nl South Alries, st which can
I purcliaaed aiiytliing from the pro
verbial "needle to sn stichor." This
attire in situated in a valley nine niilss
from the nesreat railway ttstion mid
about twenty-five miles from thonesr
eat town, Mr. Lsrson says: '! am
fnvored with the custom of farmers
within radius of thirty nu'les, to
many of whom I have supplied Chum
berlsin's remedies. All testily to their
value in a household where a doetor'a
advice is almost out of the question.
Within one mile of my store the pop
ulation is perhaps sixty. Of theie,
within the past twelve mouths, no less
than fourteen have been absolutely
cured by Chamberlain's Cough Reme
dy. Thia mut surely be a record.'
For sale by all dniRgisU.
The beat phaio Chamberlain's
Htomach sod Liver Tablets. Eay to
t.ike. Pleasant in effect, for sale by
41 druggist. , . ,. i , ...
t Jf. S3U.
jfc P. flolknap.
SPhyiician nnd Surytom
OlHos in rear of Adamsnn, Winm-k Cu
J. L ncCuIloch,
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry.
, Repairing a Specialty. ,
Prineville, i i Oregon
Fruit Farm for Sale.
I offer for sale my fruit farm of
100 acres situated in the Cove on
the I)echutes river. There are
2000 trees of assorted varieties of
fruit and a ready market for all of
the product.
Culver, Oregon.
Tlmlwr Und, Act June 3, 1 Wit.
I'nlted MUM Iand Othce,
flu llallre, Oregiin, Augot Ti, 1'JOi.
Notlue la h.rel.y given that in miuiplieiice
with Mm provieimie of the act of Cntigieaanf
.luiia a, 1S7S, entitled "An act tn Uit aal n(
tliulier landa in the Htates at C alll.TiiU, Ore
Ron, Nevada, sod Washington Terilfeiry," a
ruleuded to all the public land etetea by net
nf Angnatl, lHi'i, tlie following persona have,
on July 17, I'M, Mint tn tide o:hot their
awom aub-oieuta, tn-wit:
CtlUA K. rtTAKK. of llocktev. nount .if
I'irrcA. nttc nf W)iiiiKtmt awurn kti.trntant
No, M tor llif )nn'hw nf tl.a nit ne'A nd
uj nw',4 Km. 3S, T.. 14 H., It. !tl fc., W. M.
I). LAV. TON UAKV, of Buckl.y. cnunty
of I'i. n. tt nf ViuUatiUm. warn lUu.
maul N. Sli2 fir tin .ureli. i.f tin nwli
ISec ID. Til IS H.. II. lu K.. W. M.
MAY J. CAllY. i,f i.tcU), wmntr nf
Simli'iuiiah, ataU nf Wuhinitton, wrn aula,
luriit No. Sill fur tha uurchnaa of tha w' awl
ikI wj bI Hra. 14, T. 16 8., It. Ill W.M.
HOKKVoK M. CAUY.of Huvklry. wiun
tv of I'uTca, Uto of Vtulilniil'n, awnrn
ia,i.Miiant No. SiiU fur Ilia pur luar nl the nal
Sa.t. 10. Til. IS S.. H. IS K.. W. M.
KUMCK SMITH, of lineklry, n.unt of'
ricnx, aula i.i wwiitiiKtnn. awom auilaiiieiit
No. K'ltl lur Um imri Iihm of thaawv ntn. m,
Tp liS.,K. 9 K., W. M.
WAlfKK K. ;AI)Y,.if llalchcll.cmmtv
uf Hlii'liiiiiiixli, alftta nf Wiwhiliifdin, awnrn
Uk-tnriil Nil SS fnr tha piliclnM. nf ilia ;j
a';, w aV, and aa awi M. 4, Tii.' IB H.,
It. Ill K W. M.
JilKU M. .SMITH, nf Buckl.y, omutr t
Pivrc. autanf WnHiiii).tnn, i.wuru atuUuianl
Nn. rt.7 tnr the Hlruh.M ut tlld il hvc. IU,
Ti. In.S., It. 1SIK.,V . M.
MALI K. CAHAIIAY, f lra Hill,
oniiniy nf I'jarua, autaol VVajiltiiiKton, awnrn Nil. S;nl tha liurchaiii. nf tirt t .
ii4, a.. ii 1 mid uai awl (wo, i Tn. M,i
i. ill K.. W. Jl, !
Jl.h:.riA CAOV, nf Itm kljy, Biiinly nf
I'imiw, aUtu nf Wanhinjftnll, awniii at i--uii'tit
N.i. frVi Inr tin. mrc!lnaw nf the nwj .S,x. J',
I'll. 14 S l(. IS K W. Jl.
lli;i.I.A A. CAliY, of Buckley, t-uaty nl
I'ieiue, aUtenf Wftaliiiiin, awnl'tl kIm i ini'lr
Nn. H.i4 fnr tni iitirrlmMe of the a..',; mi!. '.'J.
Ti. 14 3., It. Ill K , W. M.
lint tlu-y will nffur iinaif to allow thl Hi..
htlld Millhclll la innre Ittlimhlc fnr itn tll.,liriir
alullf! tnr itririlltlirid pui Mi-a, .nil tn .'
llilun lIH'lr u.illli to a.ll.l land laflg tile
lii'KMtnr and liroriver ol thia o!ll..'B HI Tile
I iitll'a, I Ireijnti mi Thurality the day of
.nvi.iiilier, HIU'J. I
Th.-V imiiie m M-itnraaia: C'.tn K. .itnrk, I), i
uiv.h.n I aily, rlnrriict .M. I..iy, Kunloi
Muiitu, J"H M. Siinlh, t'lealiit Cadv. iiu a.
ixiy all . I'.vinn l.Vdv. nf Huukli v. V
t..ii, unci Muy . I. Ciuly Mid Wilier K. ChI
nt (m-IcIh-I., Vrinl.iimiuti, ami .Maii.1 K, Cuo-
hy,ut Kdru Hill, U'ihintofi
AllV fllid nil licnwinx clitiminir a)Ivtrtnlv l.t
ftlivi-tl4H(jiiUil IkihIh re ruuK'ntwl to file
JAY V. l.fC.S, ItoKlalM.
Timlwr, Aot June 3, lsrs.
Notice fuii j-uu.K'ation.
Lnlted Ntntw I.mi.1 (llli,
the Dalle,, Omsim, Srpteinlair '.'0, lllOi.
iSutioew heiel.y Kiveti tliAt iu emu Ihinoe
ivi.hlhe iiroviainna nf tha act of (.'minreaa of
JulieS, lNi'8, entitleil "An act fnr the aale nf
tiuitmr Umh in the Mtatea nf Cullfiimia, lire.
Kim, Nevada. nd Wuhinutnn Ten imi y" aa
anUmded tn all the r-uhlie jti:d Statin by
act nf Aitfttiat 4, ISMi, William Fitoh.r, nf
Frinevllle, county nf Crnnk. aute of t Ir-xim. '
haannJuly 10, llsr.' SIM in thia olh hia1
aworn atitt'inrnt niiinln'r 7KI, Inr li.s ,uiTha-e '
ni ine r. , n w nrt yt nt arc.
nuuilier:il tnwuahiii lliaiml.ll, ralii;e 111 K. W.
M.. and will nlfrr nronf to almw thm the land
anUkht la In:. re valuable fnr Ita tiuilier ur;
I. I i , 1
Wlil IU.IJHIII.J piirnnaia, anu lu
eHiuiuiaii tna claim to aaid laud neb
ItlKira. U. H. Oumniaainner.
Oreifun, on Friituy, the day
ner, iuo.'.
He nauiea aa witneue: S. W. Compton
Wm. io.leekln, lleorKO Turner and J. W.
Hopkina, all of 1'rlneville, (IreKon.
Any and r.ll iieranna olaiininK alverae!y the
abnve-tteairilietl are reiutatiil to tile
their claiina in thia office on or befaire sid
'isth day uf Kovemlwr, 11HI2.
Hp-ltf JAY P. LUCAS, RtKiater.
Land Office at The Dallea. OrKnn,
Scptetnlier Ti, 11102.
Notice la hereby siren that the following I
named aettler haa filed notice nf hia intentinn I
to make titial proof In Uir,rt of hia claitu, i
and that aam pmni win lie made bdnni
J. J. Smith. County Cletk nt PHneaille, Ore
gnu, on Friday, Nnvemlier, 7, llKI'J, vis:
Daniel T. Counail. of Siatera. Oreirill. H.
E. No. ll.iWSforthenwe'4and a& ne ;
Sec.lS and aw nwl Mao. 17, ti. U S.. .it. 12
K.. W. M. .
lie natnea the fnllnwiriff witneaaea to Drove
hia enntimtnua reaidenoe utmn and cultivation
of aaid land, via
N. J, Laiuber', (. D. Al!inKh.un, A (l.i
Albnhaiu. of iatela, Oregon, and David;
Weaver, of Prineville, Oreitnn.
ap23 , Regiatar. i
Sirloin Steak 25c : Milk Toust
T-Bone Steak 35c Coffee. . .
Porterhouse Steak, 60c! Tea
Porterhouse Steak for two. . ,1 (KJ
Pork Chops 25c
Mutton Chop 25c
Ham : 25c
Kgg, extra Hie
Chicken, any style 35c
Regular Dinner 25o from half past II till one
jf. Jt. Xippman & Co.
I Manufacturers of Furniture
Fine Undertaking .Goods,
Carpels, Stoveg, Ranges, Lead, Oil and Glass,
Lumber and Uuilding Material.
Goods sold for cash and on the installment plan.
fily Um Haft
A Complete and Choice Line of
Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon,
Lard, and Country Produce.
Main st. raie,
PrincYfile -
Stage Un
leave Shaniko, 6 p. ni.
Iave Prineville 1 p. m.
First class accommodations
for the traveling public.
damson & Winnek Co., Agents.
G. M. Cornett, Manaa;er.
j. j ....! i
Thia Will 'AVf- VfiWV Hffi,
By Inducing- you to use
tf Mtvn Hi
iirMia, and tu . jur
:iu'ine-vii!e,Consii!iipioiI Ccughs Gqiqs.
day of Govern' The only Cuaraptoed Cure.
NO Cure. MO fa. YourDruj
gist will warrant it.
(Wp, lnllnwiwi, .st'ritt. JJronchicis,
Whoopinir Oouph, PiK iimonia. or sny
Allection of the Thrwit mid LtitiRS.
Regular Bise 60 cnts tntl 1.0ft
Pkytitimn mmel Jurym.
... , , ,
JJ'"aiieanf women a auecllt .
Phone No, 2. Residence back of the
Phutocraph vlallorv.
u M
777 J Uiicyt
' 6c
: 5.
' Milk ,
Coffee Cake 10
Cve Stew 3.5c
Fresh when in market.
Fester & Lehman
osw. 'Phone 31.
Arrive Prineville, C a. m.
Arrive Shaniko, 1 a. m
Deputy Stook Inspeotora.
Notice ii herohv iivmi thai T
' ..j .k- r..n . ,
"Hr1 i"oiiTinif nauiea pera.Mii
deputy alock liiaprotora
J. P. CartwriKht, Hy Creek.
Sam Hamilton Ah-nnd.
E. Sparka, Siatfira.
A. Morrow, Hayafack.
F. M. Smith, PaultiLv
Hoacna Knox, Pmr.
T. C. Swain, U,.nr Crk.
J. S. Bngue, Rojlan.l.
Alex Mclntnah, Hanlin
J. P. VanHouten, Hay Crook.
U. S. Cowlua, . Hay Crook
Joe Hitikht,
Slock Iuapector Crook County.
Calla anawered promptly day ornis'ktj Of
fioe with l)r, V. Geaner. Keaidence
comer let aud Main ttnKta.
& SBrinA
Jfformry mntt Cnmftr ml jCmm
Ti Ml I
C.E. McDowell, Prop.
Tbomtighly Renovated and Ro-
furiiirhrxl Throunhout.
American Plan. Hates $i,
$1.50 and 'A per day.
Accommodation! are Unstirpameri
itttheeity. gainple Booms for
Commercial 'f ravelera,
Long Distanco Telephone Station
in the houas.
v--it iiiriiim
.'..'. HSa. t MSM acaa
Dnuii him
and Union Pacific
Darin ""f seMEOULIS .
Chletja fait Uke, Denver, 4: Ma. at.
Fortlana Ft. Worta.Omaha,
epeeial Kanaaa City, St.
1:60 a. at. LonU,CMeuoao4
via Uua EaaT
a tlanrta ait l.ate, Denver, 140a.m.
Eipntaa Kt. Worth, Omaha,
Sttp. wl Kannaa City, St.
via nnat- Looia,ckicoand
Bftoa IUil
St S.ll Walla Walla Lewta-
Seat Mall ton.Bpokane.Mln.
Sua) p. a. neapolla, St. Pant,
Ti Duluth. Mllvatf
pakaiN kM,ChicaoEaat
All eaillnf Satea Mka
subject w thauga
For San Francisco
SaU every s aaa
Dally Cstomtli Slier 4 00 p.m.
ti. ttunriay Slasaicrs. fx. Suudav
Saturday Ts Sitorla anS Way
W:w p. m. Landuit.
1:00 a.m. Wlllaaiells livsr. 4;p. ra.
Ex. Sunday Kt. Sunday
Oregon City, New.
berg, Dalein,
reiideuce 4k Way
7:00 a.m. Willamette and Taai- S:80 p. ra.
Tnea., Thur. hill Sims. llou.. Wed.
and Sal. and Fri.
Oregoa City, Pay.
ton, A Way Laud
tngs. :0am. WlflaaMHt 4:np.m.
Taea, Thar Hon., Wed.
aad Sat Portland to Corral, ud Frl.
Ila A Way Laml
Inga. Lt. Rlparla Snaks Slier. Lv.UwIatoa
''.. Daiiy.
Dally Mparts to Lawlaton I a. at.
W. I. Lawrence, Agent,
Biggs, Oregon,
.trs' Jf;''!ii:
Oolum'bla S outliers
SecUve 13:01 A. U . September :i, IMu.
Karth ' North
iWiMiid : Bound
Sonth ,
Boani i
I Oo
l:Mo.m( B!mni 11 :2
p mGtjiutn ll:mj
2:14 p.nv Wstsco 1m;4- p.mKk.'dykelO:
2:'.ii p. in! (i;immil
-.DT S
a. S
ft.iif 8
l.lni 2' 2
ft m. 'I
Miii i
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a.m' 1:
m, 1
. mi ...
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: p.m
:i p.tft
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;0 p.i
.ml 1
t.m! j
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tfi:5t ft.m! 1:44 p ni U'i V'v
4:ip.m PnrK)nj S:Vi
4..t .-.m, ijuihrio I h:tU
4:40 p. m; WiiCQat J M:Wi
fti-f (uii, i tn-g
yu. ftriLtcotitJtit. ,