Irrigation Information. ripcoiul to the Journal: Wasiiinuton, D. C, Sept. 22. The growing demand (or water for irrigation purposes emphasizes the need o' more detailed information concerning the results find method of irrigation from artesian and eur fiice waters. The census of 18UU allowed that the area Irrigated from well in greatly increasing, and that the results in moat sections of the country are eminently satisfactory. Approximately, 180,000 acres were irrigated in that year from wells, the value of the irrigated crop ranging from 50 tollWiper acre. lit the humid states well irriga tion is utilised to supplement the inHuflkient rainfall during early npring and mi miner. In the went the water pumped from wells in sure the home gnrdun and the or chard against total failure through a rainier season. In California, Colorado, Louisi ana, Florida, and several other slates the waters of flowing arte sian welli) are successfully applied to large areas, or are uwd to aug ment the hliortugc in the streams during the irrigating season. In order to obtain the important fact relating to irrigation from these HHircw, the et; ollice will booh send out inquiries to irrigators from well, whor'e n.mica were reported ly the enumerators. As thia lit-t Ih not complete, the director aHks Xmi irrigator who do not receive thec inquiries will send their names to Mr. L 0. Poweis, chief ylnl.Hticinn, office, Washing ton, I. C.,and blanks will be mail ed to them at once. It in requested that all who re ceive the inquirim answer the nunc lit fully and accurately an pan-Nile, and promptly return to the census office. A Night of Terror. "Awlul iinxii-ty win felt for the wid ow (o( the brave (letieral lliiriiliam of Muehiaa, when ti:C doctors diiiil xliu wiulil di fro it l'ni'Uiii iitia lnihire iiiormiiK wiun Wra. n. ii. Lincoln who lUlriiilei! tier thitt (i-kiIuI night, t nt alie Ivj;hpiI ltr Hr. King' New llii-emery, which liiul cured lier o( Cim'iiui)ti"ii. A 1 ti tiikiiiK. ihv ilept nil nielli. Kuither iirii- entirely cured lifi". Thi ni.ii'velldii medicine in KieiriiiilM-d to cure i:ll Throat, CliiMt mid LiinK Dii-i-nae. Only 5 )c mill 41.00. Triul bottle free at Adainaon & Witinck (!u'i. drug more. 1'nnli,- III Llilnili. ItiiiMiNuiiAM, Ala., Skit. 19-In an awful crush of humanity, caus ed hy a stampede in the Shiloh Negro Baptist Church, at Avenue Orand Eighteenth street, tonight eeventy-eight percent wore killed ond an many more seriously injur ed. The catastrophe occured at 9 o,clock, just as Honker T. Wash ington had concluded his address to the National Convention of Baptists, and for three hours the scenes around the church were in describable. Dead bodies weac strewn in every direction and the ambulance service of the city was utterly unable to remove them un til after 1 o'clock. Doens of dead bodies were arranged in rows on the ground outside of the Iioumo of worship awaiting removal to the various undertaking establish ments, while more than a score were laid out on the benchos io- aide. The church is the largest for negroes in Birmingham, and the pastor says there were at least 2000 persons in the edifice when the stampede 'began Instructions had been issued to allow no more to enter, but the negroes forced their way inside the building and were standing in every nisle. Even the cnlrunce to the church was literally packed. Subscribe or U)9 tVWAfc Working Night and Da-jr. The buiieot and inigliticut little thing that evot m iiiade li lr King' New life Till. The, pill cliiiuga wvukiioi into strength, lit leimieM into energy bruin fog Into mental power. They're wonderful In building up the lienltb. Only 25c per box. Hold by Adamiwin Win nek oVCo- The commissioners of the Dis trict of Columbia think they have solved the fuel problem. They ex iect to heat the public schools by firing the furnace with alternate layers of soft coal arid coke. A Shocking Calamity. "Lately befell a railroad laborer," write Dr.A, Kellet, of Willford Ark, "III foot wa badly cruahed' but Duoklcn Amies Halve quickly cured hi in. h' almply wonderful for Burn, Hoili, file and all skin eruption. I'U the world' champion healer. Cure guaranteed. 25c. Hold by Admoii Winiiek A Co. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing is now working over time to supply the small notes required hy the flourishing condition of the country. Pun't forget that you can nave Ml cent un your winter nuiiliug by aub frilling fur the Oregonian with the Joi'iixal for $150. J, W. BOONE, Saddles and JCarnoss Maker of the celebrated I'RIN'E VILLE STOCK SADDLE m i. lim: of KTOlKME.VS MTPLIES Latest improved Ladies' Side and Stride Saddles, Bits, Spurs, Angora Chaps, QuirU; and Iiaeka mores. Write for prices. PiuxmuK, : : Oregon. r If jwi wfT-r firm nr of tie ( ilU of mm. coma lo ti- '!-M fcpaL-ultu wi lU I'lata Vmui, t WV 1 VK JOHMK & CO., ; j r)10S1 llviirta S.Ut361 I Vourtr mtrl int Mltllll rrft'n lbs rT.-ta .7 i'niir.'.l ,. M . r t ill mjluf-r ywrs, r.-lvo :f. nnu J :iv ig. M liblllly,Iiurili nry ,r..Hl ,&.im'mmj ifil(u.i'-ir..l"uons: H;iertni.wr., 1'rnlnn.rrl..i, norrlMn. bl.i-t, rnuvnry u Vriu.-itinit, tiu e' if rcina.iiflt,r;;ir.,t ,uriive p w er, lb llmlrir Is.. art.' iNii. lrrint-nl lliil it will m,c m.I mV. rU ir.,wjlalc rcnel hil pnnnii(ii turn. 'J i Jhy.f.rf uittt n:l clu'-p ti litiloftn wir.n ki, Uil it wtli.:.n.mrj lo IV. ".Iir ni vjiurr I1i Jcni nn.l Si.r.'for. , rn.a.U'nt mlinl.i.,lly-iflM.M(.i of V':. h nhi 1 1 ihrcmeiiiv ,Tivri,-fitiHi Loai ctit yL iil viltini.t urn-o tffimiri, :i:iiv iax ,.;.:n,. j tnollln- Cl'lvu (ilir knnesl tilnWull 1 c,Tii,l,.l:il. st (Wen,!... o i-otuTtwevi-nu r con w :ir!crl or Juried One ' Thousand lMlm ( (.trutilMlKfl I Ki r finrt rtrlcilv prlvta, ciuii'iij) vt:i:r nr.AMii.un.k -trtu- rKrfcoi'illy n hy Iptier. fknil lor In., "The I'li loi :i)i- of lrrlae, fiM. (A vnl.ii.U Ijmk lor men. vinjt L.K. jonnAX-a Great Knseiim of A natomy III luwit aim lalKell MuKumul IU kind tntIM wuild. Curne and Ir.ira bow wornietfully you am mnda; how lo avui.l kichncu ajid diMaa, ar cipiinnn'ly nj'ling n.w iieciain. CATALOlllH t'HKK Cariarwrlta, toil Markat Itrtat. San FrwioUra, !!l. Eillion, Bell, Bow. Slnrcr. Mc(Xirmlrk. and otbor nllllonair inruitora begin lit poor. Poriniiaa aaK ethar tavaator. CaB VHM davlaa In. provamanU artlcla la comrnoa aaa t Whlla yon Salav. aiaarl nay patent your Idau. Wa m.nnlM .naln.. 1am nl Ih. 1u.M ... t... u.l.u Kei mMl.;rMU! anrl navuhlp hv Baalatanl " lent fiva on rvqurav. The dmiul wtrk ,t Dr.C. A. Clina i tmi wall known in thia country tii n-vd ny praiia. H can alwaya batirnd! Ilia old atanil, nmt door to th Firal Natiopal JJank. Qjva bin a rkutd model, tketcli or plioto o invention (or 1 t frxwrcorl mi TW-entRhilitr. Tor fit book, 1 nr nliWjr I V 1 -r i an mihi POINDEXTER. Shaving Parlors TICK ADKINH, Proprietor Shaving Halrcutt;n fc'hampooind Batha , A fiua balhr(nm ile'etnl Meecillr to th uie ef ladic. Evorrtliing lip-Ui-ilat and ttrickly lirat-olaaa. For all kinds of rough and dressed lumber. Kiln dried flooring and rustio, goto A. H. LI PPM AN & CO. J. L McCuDoch, Dealer in Real Estate and Ah strnctor of Titles. PRINEVILLK, : OREGON W. H. SNOOK, H. D, Physician and Surgeon, CULVER, : : OREGON Am prepared to answer profes sional calls promptly. A nf nni Mnrllrtf nkHHi and fletmntkm msf flitt'thlf atrUiH oyr oiHnmii fres mhttimr an iurtMiltnn ti prihltlf pintatrl. Commnnlrv. tlonaatrtnlr fMtifldtMiltul. lluidbookoii fatuia awnt trm. ulileat numcf tor woattnuunu, I'smiiia tMkon tlminitb Munn & Co. raoalrt Scientific Herican A liandanmrlf IMnrtratM wMtrlf. Trmat df. milaltoii of aiif artuiitlila Jnurnat 1'nrun, Z ycr: four monUi. L tioW brail tiawadcalem. MUSCo.38,B--N6wTori amuoii omoa, at f BU Waaklruiua. D. O KOK RATKA two utorv dwdlini with Imni atid milli'tu-t in (Wcify if rrtnwxllle. Ti-i property lit wWl BittmUI n) ie oivetrf) liy it HkH in. It noVfiN o?,"-fitirth nf a hliK'k mid Item.' of thf rrrxt txi'Ifncv ldCMioni In tin- -own. Hct wrjU'n iMe v$4Hlk BO YEARS' i rr i -"i a. ej m w General Merchandise New Firm. New Goods. Call and see them and ex amine their stock. You will be pleased with their prices. Homestead Crook county offers to the intending settler advantages that no other county in the state does, and some of her best lands lie open, waiting: to be taken tinder the Homestead, Desert and Timber Laws. I make specialty of locating settlers and I guarantee my work to be absolutely correct. Before Locating, call on or address. F. ED X. WHITE, White & Combs. -DEALERS IN- WINES, LIQUORS, DOMESTIC and IMPORTED... COUNTRY ORDER8 FIRST DOOR SOUTH SOLICITED. POINDEXTER HOTEL. ' PRINEVILLB, OREGON. Hamilton StaHes Reiby Feed f a i BOOTH & Gary House Bar. LIQUORS, CIGAHS MAIN STREET. Jensoii Successors to C. L. Salomon. ..Dealers in... and Timber M. WHITE 1 PRIVEVILLE, OREGON. . JOHN COMBS. CIGARS. Stock boarded by day, week or month. Fine saddle horses and livery turnouts. Rates reasonable. Good accommodations. Remember us when in Prine ville, and we guarantee that yuor patronage will be appreciated and Reserved. C0RNKTT, Proprietors. rRISEVIIXE. OREGON 0o