Crook County Journal VOL. VI. PIUNEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER 2, 1902. NO. 42 NPWS RBIFFIV Tflin' ilClTJ DKIUM IVMJj Tfnma nf Infoi-fiuf finfli.i ereu Here and There Some Stolen, Others Not Cullliitf From Our Bxoh&ntrea New Notes of the Weelc Tlmely Toploa. Frank McKee. a younir man 26 1 yearn old, thinking be bad been!"' O- K. Hyland near Willamina mistreated, wrecked tbo Golden j The building contained over 520 Eagle Hotel at Washington with i n ' W. othr grain, wagon, dynamite, and then blew bio ownhickcnn etc. One borne was also brains out with a pistol. For- j burned. Mr. Hyland know no tunately no one was seiiously hurt, j thing of the origin of the fire, but Mayor Humes, of battle, while! J1'" P"'"!"""' out bunting last week sprained hip ankle and wan lost for two dayc. A search party sent out found him in a log house tumble to move. lie bad lived on huckleberries, It is thought tbut be will coon recover from the exposure, being a man of robust constitution. William Uuldwin and bis son George Baldwin were convicted nf man slaughter at Portland Fr.tlny. George lialdwiu in a light killed young Carbon and tlu evidmici brought out the fact that hi father ; jy through thu oath. Hnuiiy the bad hot If 1.00 with CurlxoiiV f lin r j oflicial clo-ed with the well known tin the tight. The sou wat r.o- words, "So help me God," and then mended to the nnrcy of tbo court, mused for the reply, while the father wan recohiended But the youth didn't reply, The for thu fill M, ptmiiihimmt. j truth was, he didn't, know just It is reported that a Salom man what w.i wanted. With a per lies pitted a I.1131! amount of mon-j turned eounler.ancc, and his fing ey iu the Albany batiks for the; era working nervmndy at his punta tir iiuw of Albany city warning,! loons, be stood, dumb as an drawing! per cent, at par. Al-j Suddenly, however, his face bright ready several warrants have bicn'ened. He remembered ttw wor.s, taken at this figure; among others ''So help me Hod," and feeling the 521) warrant for hose. This sure that be had the right answer, is said to to have been secured by the city officials in order to ave the monthly dii-counting of their warrants. Democrat. The State Pr eon Board, after a long session to day, demanded the resignation of Warden C. K. Arney, of the State penitentiary. It first passed a resolution holding he had not been dishonest in ttie adminis tration of his trust, and then adopt ed a resolution dismissing him because be permitted trusties to work on his brother's ranch and permitted prison team and othe I a'.e property to be used on the lauch. Goveronor Geer today re.nitto.l 1100 from each of the $200 tines imposed upon Charles Wooley and Andrew Olsen, who were convicted of selling liquor without a license in Curry county. The remission was granted upon the recomenda tion of Circuit Judge J. W. Hamil ton, who tried the case and imposed the minimum fines upon defend ants. Judge Hamilton made his recomendation after a consultation with the District Attorney. The Dalles land office' is being over run with business, mostly ol the nature of timber purchases. The number of the latter Applica tions has -already reached in the neighborhood of one thousand since the first of the year, and new ap plications are coming ' in daily. Eastern people comprise a large j part of the buyers, though .the i State of Washington is well repre-.-' rented. Tbo shipments for thit month will reach almost $100,001', and the proving up is scarcely be- fiDoing, Tbe grand jury of tbo Court of Criminal Assise will probably indict thu Mayor Mid Alderman of ttie Vancouver for main- tuin'iig the city jail ir) an unsanb tury and dangerous quarter. The jail it old and constantly over crowded, and repealed representa tions of former grand juries having failed to effect an improvement, the new grand jury Kill force the issue, , , On Sunday night, about 11 p. m. lire destroyed lue large stoca inrn luve neon ineenilinrv. It is understood that there was no in surance. Nut thu Klgltt Word. Ho was, making final proof on a homestead in the clerk's olliee. In ! tl, Jllocew)) t became necessary for In in to take an oath, lie had nev er done that sort of thing before, and didn't have the bang of thing. He held up bis right band when told to, and then tot,d dazed-like while t!iu clerk rattled cr u.ictor- sung out boldly, "Amn." The young man hailed from Western Benton. 'Jorvallis Tim. I.cvl HUH una limit. Levi Strauss, one of the Inst of the old-time merchants of San Francbco, and ono of the best known men from the most south erly mines of California to Puget Sound, died at his home Friday evening of heart disease. Mr. Strauss was born in Bavaria in 1829, and settled in this city in the early fifties. Ho founded the Ltvi Strauss & Co., one of the largest enterprises on the Pacific Coast, with a branch in New York City. Mr. Strauss whs interested in many other en crprisctt, end leaves an immense estate. Mr. Strauss was a bachelor. 8TOI.KN OlfsTltAYKI). One brown nitre, ng 5 yam, weight at out 1300 I he., tin. kn. is very Rem In. smr in fuii'lui.'id, riii'it hind foot white, branded on left cl)ititiUr, nas a yearliujr mlt with her; One dsrk buy niara, weight shout 10(H) 11m., broke, very gentle, white hind feet, stsr in forehead, b untied A. $ on left shoulder. Left Sihtor one year ao. $5.00 reward will be pid for return of, 'or Information to discovery of either nf laid animals. H. E. Wi.a7.ikh, or Sam Wish!., 02-lin Siner, Oregon. TO tN ONiC DAY. Taka Lixative Brurmi Quinine Tablet. All tlruxgiat rufuiul the umiiey' if it failt to earn. E. W. Urovti'a iwnatuia is mi each box. 25o. Grade Cattle Sale. During the County Fair I will have on exhibition and for sale a number ot high grade young Hereford heifer which I will dianoae cf at nrivnte or m(lic , wi ,Iw ditpiw of my m)tm band of grades at the ranch on I Crooked liver. J. H.QiUY, Marked I'lxli Turm-U Out. Another installment of marked salmon have been turned into the Columbia, and in 1905 and 1906 should reappear in the river. The latest batch of marked fry was batched at ihe Chinook plant by Superintedent Hansen, and a V sbaped piece has been cut out o' the tail of each. Four thousand of the little fish were thus marked. The turning out of this install ment of marked salmon will show some interesting results. It is esti mated that the number of hatchery fish' to be turned out this year in the plants located on the Columbia and its tributaries will exceed 50,000,000. This estimate includes the lish propagated artificially by the Hates of Oregon and Washing ton, and by the United State Fish Commission, which operates three hatcheries in the Columbia River district. It bus been impossible as yet to et accurate statements from the various hatchery superin tendents, but there is no reason to believe that the output of the plants this year will be below that of last your, when more than SO.OOOXX) little were brought into life at the hatcheries. If SO.O'HJ.OOO salmon are turned out in all, there will be one marked liidi in every 12,500. However, some millions of the fry will be stevlheads and silverheacls. as wdi as bitiebneks, so allowance must be made for these varieties. When the hatchery tupcnutendents all filo iiecuiate rc oi ti-," tlm exact number of each Variety turned out will be mailable, and then it wi,l la: possible to estimate to a certain ly the number o' chinnook tibh placed in the water. Doubtless the number will be in the neigh borhood of 15,000,000, which would mean that one salmon out of every 3750 was marked, liy this method of computation it will be possible to estimate the number ot lm, cil ery lish taken, as marked are not any more likely to return in greater proportion than unmarked fry. In past years, when marked fish returned to the river ' estimates of the number of hatchery fish returning were thus arrived at, and the showing was a wonderful one. It was evident from this figuring practically the entire catch was hatchery salmon. The result of the present experiment will be awaited with interest. LimHi- Smaller Than Heportod. E. G. Wasou an Everett lumber man, connected with Clough Bros. Company, is in the city. He has been on an extended trip through Southern Washington, and also to i the Rogue River country since the recent big fires. He bad this to say about the extent of timber losses: "I do not think there has been any where near as great loss to timber as has been reported in the press. Up home we thought every body had been cleaned out, and that timber operators were greatly cnppieu. X nave seen most 01 me country west of the Cascades, a far south as Rogue River, and es pecially iu the Olympic tegion, 1 and I do not think (hero has been ! any great loss to standing timlter, 1 unless it is up in the Cowlitz. I i went well over -several miles of ground in the Cowlitz region and 1 did not eie the losses that have been described there, l am talk ing about the standing timber. There have been large losses of cut timber where the logs were exposed to dry material in the logging works, without a doubt. The fact is that there is mighty little good standing timber but what the undergrowth is so dense and green that it is impossible for fires to get going enough to kill timber. It hag no doubt occured that fires have burnt dead timber in among the green trees, and the appear ances, from smoke and flames run ning up such trees, would be that the whole tract was doomed. I have seen miles and miles of that kind of timber right in thesections reported as having been swept over. In such case the fire bus really been a benefit, for it has cleaned out the dead stuff, lessen ing the liklihood for worse fires. "I think you will find, when the whole sitnrtion is known, that green timber losses, on the west side of the mountains, have been comparatively small. On the other side they amount to nothing in my opinion, ihe woods there are too open and clear for fin toie'er the other day when he drove run. Immediately oil the ( nlum-' bin river there has been comidi r- able standing timber ruined, and immense lumber losses. But in general I am sure our Wash ington and your Oregon standing timber is comparatively safe. Journal. . Grillln hut Utility. The jury Teturncu verdict of "not guilty" "Satuf'H'y afternoon, at Grant's Vm, in the case of State of Oregon vs. Calvin Griffin, for killing Edwin Johnson, at Waldo. The jury was out about three hours. Every one acquaint ed with the facts in the case feels that the jury did right. Griffin w is modestly receiving the con g a. illations of his friends this afternoon. The evidence in the case that weighed heavily in favor of Grilfin was the fact that he. was backing away from Johnson when the latter was dealing him the blows in the face that blackened Griffin's eyes and broke his nose. The characte r of the two men also carried much weight in the rendering of the ver dict. Johnson had the reputation of being a bully and an all-around bad man, and, as some of thu wit nesses testified, was the acknowl edged "terror of the community." Applos for Sale. ' I will sell apples at my oichmd from the tirat till the 15th, for 50cU :i nd If 1.00 per bushel. Alt winter apples. T. F. McCiU.usTEa. TELKHcopb i'Ot'ND. ) and timber land man of largo ex it Walter Nee will call at this, ottii-e perience in the Eaet and has been and pay for this notice he will receive 'operating in Eastern Oregon for information that wilt result in the re-j neary a year past. Sheriff Smith covery of his personal , fleets lhat!cmd UB n morninf were lost a few days an"- Stops the Cough and Works offthe Cold. LiiativB Bnuiiii Qiiiiiii Tabluta curr a fnld in day. No Curo, N Pay, Price, 2ft exiita. TIMBER LAND FIN AL PROOF BLANKS for sale at this office at verv n-ns'in- ame prices, man outers piompiy at - tended to. Tb lieft phuio Uhamberlnin'a Sloinacb and Liver Tablet. aay to uke. Pleaaant in effect. Furaaleby II drtf m 1 is:i: 1 i f AUfJiLiiinai 1. (os. v A good milch cow for le. Inquire of 8. K. Slayton. See those beautiful Carbon FinUlv photos at Keiley's studio, 1'rineville. Mimea Florence and Grace Parriehi and their brother Charle were visi tors in the city Tuesday. The following clipping is from Titer D11I lea Chronicle. It is expected that within thirty days the Columbia Southern will have located their southern terminua at Bend, in Crook county. And now someone bs found Mr. Waggoner and she waa "all alone" im Seattle. She is laid to bsve repentei having anthing to do with either the quick or dead Merrill and U extremely aorryforher action. She criea con atantly for ber children and is anx ioua to return at one. Her tears are a little bit delayed, but will no doubt succeed in quenching the fiery wrnthi of an injured huaband and the final ending of the Tracy-Merrill epiaouV will allow the curtuin to fall on a happy fiimily reunion. "That's the way I lite a wagon, high in front," suid a young real estate mto town accompanied by a party of '"""B ladies, with the biud wheels of his carnage where the front out ought to be, though lie presumptiom is that he was ao enwrapped with hi lady company that be never discovered the w heels had been changed while be and the ladiut were visiting Seufeit' orctmrd thtee miles nhove town, ami drove all the wny in before discover ing that the front of the car Huge was a foot too lii;li. Mo'.i!t:ain Card ir Thanks. We, the undersigned, tender our sincere tlwnkf to our kind friends fur their sympathy and assistance during' our late bereavement. Mas. 0. C. Maxixq and family. We wish to extend our sincere thanks to the frienda who so kindly aided ua iu our late bereavement and in the aickneaa of our wile and daughter. Theo. F. Cadu:. J.F. Caduk. Spur l.iibt. George Bay came down from hie ranch on Lost creek, Tuesday, amt informed this othce that lie bad lust a very valuable spur 011 the road near the Zelt ranch. Any oiielindingimcU a spur will receive a suitable reward by leaving the same at the JOURNAL office. Deputy Sheriff Champ Smith, of Prinerille, arrived iu Portland last evening with a warrant of arrest for J. A. Boggs of that place charged with larceny by bailee, Mr. Boggs has been in the city for Feveral weeks on business con nected with the State Land Depart- and they were to return to Prine ' ville, but are delayed by the, wash outs on the road. Sheriff Smith said that he was satisfied that tbo. action has been taken tinder a misapprehension and mistake.- Oregon Journal. Deputy sheriff Smith arrived with Mr. Boggi Monday evening j nd the latter was releu-tl on his o n recognizance. Up to the time of going to prcse no disposition hud been made of the cu't. SuUcribe for the Jccim.