Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 25, 1902, Image 4

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    Creek County Journal.
I'lIUlIBIimi 4NU 1'KOPIlltTOIUt.
V. T. uuui... ................ ,....'""
X. H. Pamkr, . . . .J. . . , MahaiMW
Cot'STY Official Patkh.
IP"! JocliXAt in lutrM At Urn i.Ui!liof ill
PrimVUe, .'re,:., fur trammi"""'! through tli
if. ti. b-.tiU Mi'UtUil cllUM IDutlMP.
Ox YlMk. .......
Nx Mux i lis
Tkmh MilNTHS, .
1ms moved
a homestead
Culvor Culliuga.
Fine rain lust week.
Rodman & Stroud report the
longest run with thresher they
ever have had, over 40 days.
Loucks Bros, are ''rushing their
new building in the new town
of Paltmiin in Willow creek basin
Three wagon loads of emigrants
from Kansas and Mo., came in
Innrx aco and will settle
near Culver. , , '
Mrs. J. P. Hahn wns summoned
to 1'rineville to the bedside of her
' sister. Nettie Hearing, who is very
low with iever.
rw Lnwson. Ed Cox. Geo.
Miller and others have returned
from Sherman county where they
went to harvest.
J. P. Hahn reports business good
ai d a a nearly dou 1
former uioiuli since he has
been in business at Culver.
Mr. Hammer, of Albany,
clers cf Linn county,
here w litre he has
and will make his home near Cul
There are many new bouses
going up on the plains near here
and mostly by people who come
to stay, and people from the east
who know how to rustle.
As harvest is over Hahn will
give a grand harvest ball on Oct 3.
Hall will be decorated with grain,
and seats made of sacks of grain.
This is expected to be ihe greatest
ball of the season.
Farmers are busy hauling grain
to town this week 'as threshing is
over. Most every one report the
yield below that of last year caus
ed by dry weather and jackrabbits.
Many report the loss of their entire
crop by jackrabbits.
We are sorry to learn that
Messrs. Loveland, Osborn and
OBrian encountered very hard
stcne with seams, in which they
were unable to drill on account of
seam running ut angles, which the
drill would follow and cramp the
drill so they could not drill through
l lie yenr.mai has passed since American occupation oi Ultm
the death of the lamented Jlchin- vtmhciilid hv the -Military eon
ley, show how thoroughly 1'resi- tion of Havana, ii by nothing cIm'.i(
dent Roosevelt lias ke t the faith. The defilh-vate thu.e is now about.
Ho promised to carry out the jjol J what it is in the la rite cities of tlii
icy of his predecessor and im litis continent.' '" '
ilniio it. lit iniiv Riiv with thni " ""
, . . , , , , ; A liuokiii(.; Calamity,
lute, respected Lmi Jere Rm4,l
I seen mv dntv and I done it.".:- "U,y " '"'i'""1 li...rer,"
ii.ii; ii , ! writes pr.A; K.'liiT , 'uf Willlnid Awl
.Economic conditions are re!loct- "m '" lu,1.v ruUn I.i.m
e,l by the work of inventors wi(h',: ""' A"'"" ""' T"".v 'cur,,, ;
nderfiil certaintv, At present,' , .
, ., .. " , . Hulls, I'llis tiinl all ihlli iniii'Iiiiih, '
uio senrcuv or unumciie coiu aim ... ,,. , , , ,, - i
, ,. i 1 ts tlie woiltl eliitiupion healer, (iirei
l ie cheapness of lexas oil fimls: , . tt , , . , . !
eX)res9ion in the inquiries relating' wini, r, A (A0. , '
to oil and vapor burning ap a- v
n.tnaim which it is evident n hirirn I 10 'l'l!H A I'Ul.l) IN ONK l,V.
number of inventors arn at work,.
If Senator Hnnnii ever had any;
presidential ambitions he is dis-j
playing great1 magnanimity in his
readiness to go to Oyster Pay and ;
give Mr. Roosevelt the tanefit of!
his experience and sagacity in the : XuUomd
jTnkti Laxmivv llri'iim Qmiiiim ''.ili!.i.
j All ilriiK;;"1" ri-1 ii 1 1 . 1 tie' lummy if it Im1
I to cure, K. W. Ornre'i iiiimimn in 'mi
i each liui. '2ic, ,
Our Samoier Clearance sale
of ladies Oxfords
and Slit
Iirfmrt nf Uw CWIifiuii uf Tlit tint
Hunk, in I'riiitrillr, in ti
current campaipu. Mr. Hanna is , W Omjvn, t me cIum uj bunutt.
too large a limn to permit, his per-; 'V''' l'MJ:
sonal interests to interfere with1, , ., SU' "CIW!
the niltloliul Welfare. Overdraft, mourtHlnniluiircrrd. 7,14'
, . i l . o. Iannis t" mtme ciiculution.
Working Nmbt and Day. '.stocky Huriil. .u
The buien muI might it little ' . ''!""U"t. .
thing that er was iiih'Ih is IV 1U? ff""1 Hiik (iwt
King's New lite Tills. The?e pill ! Ii7nPiT.'ita!'iv!u in.t Biikera
ehnnj: weknei into strength, lit- j'"1' I'P'VI '!(.
lessneM into energy brain fag int Cb uU wirr cart itvw' V
mental power. Thev'ro wonderful in ' i""," lt,h HU....
. . r ... " r ri tniiiil .cr cui-micy, nicl.lcn
biiikhng up the fiPHlth. Onry lie anj emu JloNk-r itrstnvK in Hank, tw;
Si..-, ir 17..W.
ACo- - - TAtnl.tmdwn.4ni .. 1.500 ' 10.0.V, (0
lf. &. oerlitnt-i. fur i:l'l deMitod
. . ,, , 1,1 H''t"i'ii"n luiul iih U. 8,
On last lhursday an orderly ; t.V (S' nf drculatiun) Ci'.
crowd of 300 citizens of Marsh-! . 5 '
field Oregon, hanged the lifeless! .", '.''''utjnia.l '" '
bodv of Alonzo Tucker to the 'c-vtiitnl tivk paid in W l
iu.ii.. i. f.....; .i.i tsii.i.K.4 ... www
We are offering this week on
ain Counter. l.'O pairs Ladies Oxfords and
Slippers at $1.00
These formerly sold at $2.00 and $2.50.
These are good values.
S,ju,: : i
frit on. m 1 1
Sii.a c, ill ; 3 r
3- ti 0 -mmmmmmmm
1.0-. 01
Simpson & Wilson
Within 2-1 hours after he bad com
mitted a crimnal assault on a
white woman, Mrs. Ben , Dennis,
his body wa hanging on a bridge
He had been arrested iml placed I
ami tatei. intd
N.-lti'' Hank ll"bM nuUtahdilltf,
liivittcndv uiip.-iit . . ,
Iiiim u. nthor .National B.-vnka .....
liKltviihliJ d"piU atllijecC to
check 'JU5.5M fJI
I Deiumid certilicaUa uf d-(.it l.ij.i-. If)
We fifty kinds of Mens' JIals from COo up to 3 7?
for J. II Stetson hats. . ,
These gooJa itre not old atook: We huve on hand oire nizo
is't72.Mjof each kind, lining Miinnitts from our reulur tnv. You
Ttieso hats fnrinuriy Hold lor
find your hi' nnd euve money
from ? I m to ?. 00.
in jail, made his escape from tlieigT.T.. ,','y oViKtsoN'
officers with a mob at his heels!
and stent the night in hiding ,T-ItAU,v., CMw nf ., ,,v(.
under a wharf. After d.'.vlijiht i "--mi wI ln'c, .It. .., m that tne lit
the search was renewed Mid about hxUn and iwiw. T. M. dai,I)Vi,
nine o'clock two small Imvsdis-I . , , T'"'',' ,
Mntwnli.'il And .worn before uie tin. L.iit
covered the fugitive umler Detn ife 'dy i.f acjitcuiix'r.liioi
Co's. store, where he had crawled j . 1 ' (uity Clerk,
back on the ballast as fur as he, . Ccn?TAttt!
v n.u r i K.W Ki I.Kit, I
Aha we have now arriving a full lino.of Moim LadiH and
Cliil1n'nDn.8 Shw.
The Moari women of New Zea
land do not kiss but rub noses.
There is a large field for missions
in New Zealand.
John W. Gates has sailed for
Europe. When he returns, Mr.
Osgood will will give the Gates a
jar- '
The (tunning season has begun,
foot-ball will be duo after the col
leges open and the automobile is
always with us. Surgery is a pay
ing profession. ... .....
- You can keep a rooster from
crowing by fastening a string to
his foot and passing it over his
neck. He never crows unless his
head is thrown back. " ,
If the Alphonse Bryan, of the
Commoner, does not cease bowing
and scraping to Gaston Bryan, of
perpetual- presidential -candidacy-ambition,
the nomination catastro
phe will come along with disas
trous results.
Subscribe for the Journal.
could get.
When he found he was discover
ed he made & rush fur ihe boys
with a threat that he would ring
their necks, hut luckily did not
catch them, 'ihebovs raised the
ilarm and the negro crawled out
nd started to rnn across the street
between the "warehouse and the
store when he was tired upon by his
pursuers. When the fugitive was
nearly in front oi the store he
throw up his hands and staggered
but did not full, and turning, he
ran into the store, Seeing Elijah
Lewis in the store, he again threw
up his hands exclaiming, "Oh, oh
Lord, have mercy!" He ran on
through the main store and started
up the stairs leading to the second
story, and just &s he reached the
head of the stairs one of the pur
suers fired. . The negro reeled and
fell through a door which leads to
the loft over the wareroom. Sev
eral men reached him a moment
later and as be was not dead a
rope was placed, around his neck
and bis body lowered to the wharf
below. The crowd then started to
take bitn to the scene of the crime
but he died before this was reached
and his lifeless body was hung on
the bridge. The verdict of the
coroiers jury was that the deceas
ed came to his death at the hands
of parties unknown while resisting
arrest for a felony, and that no
crime was comraited thereby.
' School Supplies, Tablets, etc, Prices reasonable,
N. A. TYE&BROS., Proprs.
Rt liable Merchants.
Z. VI. Hit' w.v.
J!. K. AI.LKX,
New Fall Millinery
Just received ut I
Mrs. Susie Slayton's I
A fine line of Fall Millinery and
Liulies Huts in all the latest style, j
! Also n elegant assortment of No-,
tions. Cull and examine my stock. !
Ttaii ignttara Is on every box of Um feoatM
Laxative BroraoQuinine Tieu
toe remedr Uwi cams a en Id Im ae da I
Subscribe for the Joibkau
Septenber 24, 25, 24 and 27, 1902.
Four days of Grand Ente
taiument. Ealloon Ascen
sions, Grand Midway, Team
Pulling Contest, trite $150,
Hose Races, prize $150, Slitt
ing Tournament, Log Sawing
Content, Tug of War, Baby
Show," Prizes for Stock, Poul
try, etc.; etc' Music by the
Fourth Regiment and other
Bands. , :
Remember 'the date. ,
Address all communica
tions to
Vhe DciIIgo Carnwat
2nd Eastern Oregon District Agricnital Fair.
September 30, October 1, a, 3 and 4, 1033.
$4,000 in Purses and Premiums $4,000
iiisgest event of .the yenr. Best rucc meeting in
Largest Live Stock, Agricultural and Horticultural exhibits
Ever Made In Eastern Oregon.
Renowned Oregon Pacific and Oriental Carnival
Eight Big Shows.
Balloon Ascension and Daring Parachute Jump.
All articles entered for premiums admitted ABSOLUTELY FREE.
Ten per cent deducted from all premiums awarded.
For Premium Lists and Speed Programs addresj
R. J. GORMAN, Seo.,
.. . . ' " v The Dalles, Oregon.
Prlneville-Silver Lake
Stage Line.
Carrying II. ?. Wjail and Passengers
Leaves Prineville Mondays,' Wednesdays and Fridays, Good rips,
careful drivers. Freight and" passenger, waybilled for Bend, Lava,
Rosland and Silver Lake. i C. I. WINNEK, Agent.