Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 18, 1902, Image 8

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    j Xoccl Wftntion. j
Kev. 8. 8. White, the Presbyterian
minister, is stopping at the Kedby tor
the present.
E. T. Ahnlt was a business visitor
Irom the mining camp at Howaid
ne duy last week.
W. W. 3rowu, the Fife horse grow.
r, was a business visitor in the city
neveml days last week.
E. C, Faught and family were down
from their ranch on Camp oreek bwt
wek visiting relatives and laying in
T. H. LafuMetta left for Pendleton
Sunday to be in. attendauce on the
meeting of tha wool growers' associa
tion at Unit place this week.
W. G. Kesdy, the ewtwhile attache
f the printing department of the
State Agtieultural college, was smil
ing on some of his friends in the city
the fore pai d of the week.
Thome Dahl, I. i. Johnson, G. 11.
Gould,. 1. A. Glesoo, B. M. Braroford
Jd Mergaard and Ole Wilson, of Spo--Vsne,
were in this seetion looking up
the timber land situation last week.
" L. McCallister came down from the
wines at Howard last week and spent
several days in cur midst. Lew's
smiling! countenance is somewhat
obscured by a growth ot dark roan
Granville Poindextet was in from
Ashwood last week and. informs the
J.k;knal that there has been a mater
ial raise in the price of stock of the
White Butte tuwe during the past
ten days.
Mr. an A Mrs. Will Wuraweiler and
family returned Monday from their
visit in Portland and other outside
point. They complain of the very
smoky weather prevailing throughout
western Oregon, this season. ,
The remnants of the Jouesal force
that went to the mountains some time
ago in high spirits, returntd Tuesday
night. Fiom the appearance of the
dog it is evident that they cannot ba
prosecuted for. violation of the game
J. W. Wimer, of Post sent in a nice
lot of cheese to Elkius i King tha
first of the week. It appears to us
to be as good as any imported article
ot the same kind. Mr. Wimer is man
ufacturing about 200 pounds daily.
Ttii is only one of the many ol
industries that could be successfuly
maintained in this county.
The editor received a tine bo of
iiuit from Com Carroll which whs
raised on his fruit farm in the vicinity
cf Mitchell. Among other nice
things was a selection of luscious
pears and nectarines the latter being
a rarity, in this part of the world.
There waa also a lot of fine belltlower
j.pplts that will, make pretty good
eating along about the holidays..
Com has a ood orchard and plenty
of fruit for all who wish to buy for
Monday night the Artisans enter
tained the Supreme Medical Director
ol tlie oi.dei, J. li. Olun-ted, who de
livered a lecture tit the Union churuh
on the benefits to be derived from
belonging to. i tie order, Brother Oliu-.-Led
was listened to with clow atten
tion and at the close of his talk there
were a lot of applications taken and
several more have been taken since.
goodly attendance from Culver. As-w-uioly
waa. present. The Doctor, is
having good success, where ever he
goes ami the ordi-r is wasin large
t;ain from his efforts..
tn. the- v.ay in from Bhaniko Dr,
)ln,H(d had some exciting expert:
onus. When a lew miles out from
the railroad lie-saw one of the old
i:i!i;i'in-(l jack rabbits und as he hull
' never, seen anything like it he slopjwu
'.lie carriage and got out his shotgun
:,ml then walked bia-tely up to the
.v.ibiiit and M:',rti'.l him U) und then
ti.wli :i shot ui ltiui anil laid 111 in ill
"uiedns.t. l'iileen jack rilliiiils, ii nt'in
tier of. : Hue In n-', a badger, mid .ine
Hiin-idhiiieoMS varmints lell to his it:i
.iriiij( aim. The i)r. has emulated
U.e. I'Mii'ople of, onr. great and', gond
prehidwil. sii U.r as his experience
M-achcd, but hftviiig met no bear )t,
- tiiouiiiiiin lions was untlila to. claim
any d, tjium s Hfc.
Mrs. Jennie King returned last
week from an extended trip tu Port
C. M. Dtimholtoij, of Benton, was a
business visitor in our little biug last
H. Wainon. of Bum, passed
through here- last week nrouteo
Portland. v'
F. T, lliggina returned last week
from a business visit to hit old home
in Minnesota
S. 8. Stearns and family moved into
town last week to take advantage ol
the city school.
K. Royal and J. Myrick, of Malthy,
were here last week, looking over the
timber situation.
John B. and Warren Brown were
in from Haystack Monday night to
attend the Artisan entertainment.
T. J. Fergueson came down from his
ranch at Price last week with his fam
ily and will remain during the school
Jess Windom and. N. MaCoio
weje among the Artiauis from Culver
in uttendance at the lecture Monday
A number of people made final
proof oo their timber claims last week
and a large number are proving up,
this week. !
A. K. Beaver, of Mitchell, Minn.,
was in the city a few days ago and
filed on a piece of Crook eotinty lim
ber land.
The High school opened with tea
in attendance and there will be more
enter at soon as the rush of farm work
is over so that they can come to town
for the winter.
Frank Hill and H. M. Esping were
over from Bhaniko the latter irt of.
last week looking after business affairs
and went on up the Deschutes for
their annual outiug.
Tha success of our county fair
W I If 711
Have You Heard
Of the Wonderful Reductions that have ken made at
In order to make room for their Immense Fall Stock they will sell Summer
Dry Goods at
SO Per Cent 'Discount. s
If you want to get Clioico Bargains ia any of the Lined on which
this Reduction has been made,
u Will have to Jfurry.
Jas. S. Kelley,
Prirjevilla, Oregon. I
,a44,4.44.-i4iit"li l"Hi H'l'fy
Elklns &
Kaltih Hutchison, rosidvnt dentist.
depends altogether on the farmers and i Crown auu Bridge work a specialty.
stock raisers of this county and they
should put forth every effort to make
it worth coming miles to see.
Fred W. Wilson, of The Dalles, who
has been doing business on the De
schutes for eeveral days past; left for
home Tuesday morning' iu company
with Giant Mays, of Crook.
Ex-Sheriff W. C. Congleton re
turned last week fiom an extended
visit to his old home in Kentucky and
reports having a pleasant visit, but
some ery hot weallier waa experi
Dr. Balph Hutchinson received last
week from Portland a Haivard dental
chair of the latest pattern, with all
the newest patent attachment, lie
has been bufy using it since it came
and is building up a good busiuess.
Leo Cohen fas among the Albany
people who proved up on timber land
last ween. While here he paid this
office sevcial pleasant calls. Mr.
Cohen is one of the leading merchants
of the metropolis, of our sbter county.
Last week the most important event
hat ever happened Will Boej4li took
place. It was the advent of a son
and heir. The mother is doing nicely
and the nails in the aeidcwalks me
in no (kni-er of coming in contact
with Will's toes, he steps too high.
Hie firm of Cornett & Cantrell was
dissolved last week and now "Cap'
has the stage line all to himself. He
is all right and people who have occa
sion to travel over the Burns line will
find him a genial traveling companion
and ever alert as to the comfort of his
l)r. W. W. Taggart, late of River for j
Fall, Wisconsin, has located in Prme
ville. Dr. Taggart is an eye socialist.
For a time hi headquarters will be at
Poindexter Hotel. As he will be out
of town much of the ti ne, patients
F. M. Smith, of Paulina, rotiirnol
Sunday from his trip to Portland,
Rev. B, F. Hrarper anil family left 1
(or their nsw home in Peadkton Mon
O. I-.. Rfthalt, rf Duluth, Minrf. was
amang the busine viaitnrs in this
section of the state hist wwek.
J. I. Scott, the irrepressible. grocery
drummer, was doing business in onr
town tlie dire part of the week.
Mr. and Mis. Homer Davis were
down from the Riverside farm the first
of the week visiting relatives and hiv
ing in supplies for the stage station.
Salomon, Johnson & Co. have a
new sign adorning the front of their
store: the Journal office also has aj
new sign and the front nicely painted.
Portland Club Whiskey.a pure bour
bon, well matured. Recommended by
leading physicians. For sale every
where. ' p4m0 i
Miss EfTa Crooks will leave tiiis
week for The Dulles on. a visit with
relatives. Her place in the clerks of
fice at 'trie court house will be lilbd
by Miss Minnie Crooks.
?8trouds big threshing engine was
in town for repairs Monday and at
tracted more attention than a circus
would in some places. It is a mon
ster, but rfone too big for this part of
the country.
There will be a fatal accident on the
Ochoeo bridge Borne of these days if it
is not repaired. If the notice that i
posted on it was enforced there would
soon he enough money on hands to
build a steel bridge.
Mrs. Weigand left on the 12th lust.
tlanil, where slip goes to pur-
chsse ft new and iip-to-dnto photo
graphers outfit, to place in her build
ing next door to Cyrus' jewelry store.
Mr. Weigand is a photographer of
first class attainments and will gun
A" -tj ,.wf f t,r V; ?' !. .m J' ' -
Our 1902 stack of (liver (Jdiit;, Sulky Wulkinaf Viws
is fur the ino?t complete we Lave ever carried. TIicm-
have no equal ai a breaking jtlow anl will plow ordinary w,'p
brunh without gfuhbing.
.Tlie. new Oliver Sulky's have a great iinproveunnt over htt
years in the shape of ti hand lever givir the op- ruor full
crmtrol to regulatH the wi.lth of cut on turns a il carttf . The
Oliver is one nmh; to do the work and will do the. work they
are made for, Call and inspect them,
Our tock of repairs is 'Xceptionally comph'te, not only the
iron posts but wood as well, ,
We can save you time and money ami patience.
should iinike an appointment itilh I rar)tee B)l her work. She expeets to
hiiii. Dr. Tiiggart iita glasses and ! I)ie ,er gullery admit the 1st of Oc-
peetacles accurately. AH work will tu(,Br.
tie guaranteed one year without addi- " N()n(f.
,ial expense to , the patient Take
,. .f the children now that he ' rwr
.ehool year hai. l-gun. Headacltca, . . .
,.nd kimlred troubles are caused by, Put,o,
... I I I L V K'l -
tlie eves, minor earo now will enanie ,
tlmm to ilo liieir work, better and!1'
easier later in lifa. The nnwt serious
once as we need 4t or
Htkwaiit & Co.
Beptember 9,1002.
The best phsit Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. liasy to
at. the ixiiiulexter i take. Pleasant m .effect. I'.ur salo bj
ail. druggist..
j and complicated cases of eye trotinle
J are Miecexsfullv treate 1, by Dr. Tug-
il-art. Inquira
D. P. AiiamsoH'a
-- i i iii i mi -n in -'i r n-i"Ti- iif i
PrlnevSHe-Bwrns 51ag Mm
Carrying IJ. S. Mail, Paxseugei's ami Fast Expr.cs
Leaves Prineville on Momltyf anil Thursilays at fi a. in,
Piuif.niTpr wavbilled for Post." Paulina. Fife. Kilev. liurnsj
and all wav points. ,
- G.. L. Wt!,XEE ASpat.,Vriftvi!Us,