Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 18, 1902, Image 6

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ol J,
I ,l l
'Ill h; I-'. '
-1:1 :.
v-'.V . : -.- s
Spl k '.
Mai i ' ''.' t
l!;t. . "
'the ! lit
t::i. .
i Lntiil, Act 3ue"3, br.'
i-'ini I'l'Hi.iL'A'na.v.
, i tSri Ka Land Otitis,
1 '.iltof, OivKun, June 'in, 1st 2.
, "ehy Klvvh tnctitieA'ii.piia .co
i..i,hi .l the :el of co.-it'csa
eltllllevt "An net l-t" in-
r Lll.ts l.i till" Male.- ol ! .Ill-
e.i, .vev.nia, and VI a
e, Ui u J 1 tin
y . el .tupiM I, li'-. I:.
. have, mi June , lit';
. .lice tiietr ..worn i,t:ite.iie.,i
Tlmlwr Limil, Act Juno H, M7S. - . Timber Land, AoUtmti 8, l78.
I ...... , ,., ,j iiimii ni-.:,iv
v,vi'i, i: ivi Hl'lil liMTTilV miinr, i n iv,,w,
, i V-'il, i vwuiViiinui.
Vniikd Smut Lki CtniK,
The Ihjlloi, Orcein, June IM, HUB.
X'utice is iu'ivdy iilvcn that in compliance
, e .i . r v. j not-., .eie, in,""" -,
with the provision.-of " '' ur,'u-!";M Vlmaiili'of limner lands ' tlto states ul
ol JU.C.'l, IM. .'llllllc.l "All lll't Mr lilt'
ill' limber Inn .s ill the Mules ui t it II-
i,,i ir..t, t'lv1;! in, Nci-itua, uuil Vvui.iiiti:tnii
. i letm .ry,"'..-- exieuueii lu u!l tin' I'ubiic
, ' i,.niu States by net of Auirtii-t 4, tin'
, l.-lioviiny, la-runs have tiled in this oihee
i ihi-ir sworn Mnleiuent.i, lo nil :
'-.ini-mi f Spokane, co-unly Juiiu.JI. IV nnloni of Culver, enmity of
.i,tc'"ot' iiM'iivtn ., suorii i ro- k. ,.t tie of i'ri'i,'nii, w..rii (Moment
'ltf,ithc icii,.sv nf the i N... US', lilod June M. lt!, tor tlit- uir
t. ix s. it. Ill t. W. M. I - hwe ! tlif N S nK'4 win 'K' , eif H,
Tlmliir A"' Jlll,') ,s'li'
I n H. lain'.! Olliee.
llNITF.I' SrATIM I.ANtl Ol'ril'lt, I The Pnll". r June it). mi.
The Italics, Orc,rmi,Juii.. :-l, lIMl! i 1V ,, ,, , (,mil
follcf in Immiiy (,'ivi'ii inni in wfir i WHh lh (in)V...iw of
Mlirt-' Willi lilt puiMMi'i,- vi ' I'niiuiv" f J'l'lll . I"'".
I n'i . nr iii
tnvMnui Juni' J, l-'i'S, I'litillwl "An m't I'm;
'W, .,1
i'l'i ..i
V. ','
W :...i,
tlit :,
MM 1'
, r. .il ui op -Mun:, tMumv in
i i f i'i.hliii', M'.ur..
4;t.ri f r t tie im.i'lnise oil lie
. . , , ami tV4 Nt
i. lit i: W. M.
V. !.l i tl.T'f ui hoi' ttlul
i:iit in morn vniiuiMe tor it
;..Hc lwn lor S?riouUura! Vi
! icst .liliski t.n'iri'Iiuill t,:li.i
o . A. ill II. I'. V' t:,'HUUIMIOll-
i-t I'rii.cvilli', vH'tgon, on
,:-ih aay ui'Svi'ii'tiihur. itt.ri
wiii.o vi'i'ou ileitis,
; o:l'll, of i',im".ilk. 'l'llolll;l
1. 1 1 jiiiiit.' ohtvin ol'uokllnl,,
1 1 1 jiiT! .us I'tuiinin iidwr ely
: u'.iiK'.i liuma are rv tUi'sO'il t
'ini -in tliis o Tti'v on or 'Muri
.iv of Si'iiffln'.H'i', tti-C.
JAY V. I.l'CAS, U.-Kifti'f.
La ml, Ait June 8. 1SS.
U. S. Lain! OSIio.
t.lea. Oregon. .!une , n .
.i-roby srii t':l"! comi'ii
o nrovisioiis of the act nf
NK.'i -NK'
i IT, T. Ui, It U K W.
Frank rl, liott'nnii) of Oulvor. county of
front;, fcttaU'Ot tMi'iron, cworu ctittt'tnt'ut
No. 6;,i, nii'il Juno IX It' fJ, lor tlu' imr
l iiiii'of ilii'Ni'.' Sh'i w W Mini N.'j
X Wt. anil SWU SK!, 17. '. US.K
15 i. v . XU
vistyon S,rinor of Culvor, eouiity ot
t'rook, Mull' of (iivvtoli, .iworn slatoitii'lil
.So. .-,'!. iiln, Juno 11. W6, fortlio pur
,iiaiii liie SSMv, ami XW.'w
U,T. i:if. H. UK., V. M.
Miry K. l'a'k of t'lilvor, county nf
1'iooKj .si. at of vtrcnui, u'..rn Maietnonl
Xu. o'.'i, nlc.i June IJ, l'J''.'. forme nur
ol:.iv ol tli Si.' , .SK' .w V anil v.s tiV
a tit IJiV i4 iSK',4 N"C f. 1H ., H. Ui K., W.
.ii. V
Iv- Ik'i I Ji. Mori is of t'ulvor, county ol
, :hi.;, .state of Oregon, i"iii mavi'inoat
Xo. ,V,'I, lilitl June 1:1, HkU, lor the pur
.Iuim' oi llic SK', Sec w, Y. IJ S K. IS ii,,
IV. -M.
l uliloi'iim, ilrcnoii, Nuviula, ami S u ill ttiMC-
ton lViTitorv," om evlciiilcil to all lint pun
lie Imul rnntca by net ol' Ain,-usU, IM,
At.iti.tlit .then ll.i-, on June i, 1,1., Hum hi
tin? o, nee her amun iiilciiniil Xo. Iliil lor
Hie uiivlia e of tin nw i, w fie., ill ami
n '-s .to H au.i ne 'i w '-4 ee. 2', ip 111 a.,
i', Wo., W. il., it ,1 will oiler pi'ooli to. how
iliat iln Intel .ouitiii 1 more inliinlili forih
tiniimr or Miotic llian for a(H ieultur,il pur
poiicfi, timl to tstatilii'li her clnini to salil
mini Ccloiv VV ..v. Hell, V. S. I'miuui
.loner, at Iii olliee at i'riiievillu, tiityen,
on 1' ii ,ny, lite Hull Ua.v l'Cf.tenilH'r,
she n iines a lvttlt1e: It. l' Allen.
II. I,'.,l'llcie, faiy l''o.-ter anil l,ar'ol
teto all ul I'iiiieviue tirciton.
Any ami all person claiinlnv mlvtirsely
tlica'hovc-ile.eiilieii laiiomtlT reiplcteil to
.lie tlnnr claiini in lliii miu'd on or livforu
.iid Will day of ,-t iiiciul" i , Itmi
JAV i'. i.lii'Afi, IWiMW.
Tltnliur Until, Act June II, l?7r.
tOlll lltlVIV
tillc tlielr
TownBlilp l-
llie ncl ol
ninieil "An
n oi inn ir in mm in i t'
0 llfer'il'i. 'iri'it'in, Mivinn.
iiih! ,vnli n ton Termor ,- a ro'
to nil tlie ntlilln u
Aiilitixt . IMU. Hut folinwniH nen
on Mat :il. ltl. Illc'l I"
Mworn Htuienietitti. m-w It
John Ii, Hlninr,
of SaoKhiio. nnlttlv uf Hl.'Unlf-. ("'J'" "J
U-,ih.imlnn. dwni'il Bialcnienl Nn. lor
Mi iiiii'i'lHiw nf tin" "H, ne',. " t
. .. i.i 'i
Ht"'. lnvli nr piecii'iii c11;.
ttuilh, Itaime m hiki. v. im.
Minnie Amlefon, !
of SnoVane. rnunty ,lr Hi"ik!i". StiMK nf
V,i-iitni;l"Ti, Bivottl mateinent "'"' 'r
Hie in,,. linrK nf Hie 'v ""' "' H'"'11"" N '
II net', ii"'., nf H 'ellon No. H, Townnlilp
12'nouUl. Itaiitfe I'" !',. W. V.
, Altn'e iMIliel'i'll.
of Rpok'Uta. co 'lilv of !'eol,Hiii. Hnil" nf
A iiMhlii'Vou, (we' ll i.lntrnienl No. i;l. I"f
she inirctuiHe nf 11" : "' " lu'"
ami 4 of H. ell.m 31. Tnwnrlilp 11 mull.
Hn-oro 11 ent. W. M. . . t ., .
Tlinl lliev w'll '-Her nrnof tn hnw tl'"
ii,. o. ...i ani.. -lit In rao" valeiil'lH lor Hit
Mmher nr mone Hum fn- cwHciiliiirnl pur
iiml l. ivioiie'iin ineir e il 'in"
Of Wf"
H"l. -
i:k e
A), 'i...
Cf liiT.
loi re
fill . fi
an' e
thv.x I
tie ..
t.. ,
11' "' '
la:..i t
on. '
rf iv
i:i o
A 1 '
ly t!
'on T
'Wirt. '
- J il..
tiw: .
ej.t.' e
I..... '
lie l '
iff . ,
Xi. .
( i
...t' of limiler Innus in In.
. loio'.-nii. t'ro,i.m. Kevatlu
;uon Tt n'itury. ". as extended
1,,:C lltul State. ly ae.l ol
the !o:i, wini,' i-.?i,!-nn3 have
S i i:'..d in tins office their
a, nfi. lo-w t:
. ar!e J. QuUicrg.
.ntv ef ( rook, t-inle "I ire-
., 'uuiaetu Xo. ii . ior ine 'i.r
' e !,::': en I v.r rw-, S?' t on
., e !' po'tit,. Uent.e l'i Kaiil .i.
1,01.13 .Nel-Otl.
e .l. i otmtv of Beltrnim. State f
;. Mrorn Mat: nt No. t,'A fur
M of ihe 4 Sect'nn it
mid wi4'ni, Scttlon 9.
,i li south. katiKe 1U east. V, Si.,
v wili offer troof ti s-how that
, is . ;hl in more va'ill'.iWe for lis
"-an for ariei.Itara' pur
. i ,.. si-, tb.'ir etilni to .',.!
-,n M. H. I'iF-:.. V. S. t'emieti-
, i!o" :vt rrin"-. l'ie. c. eje'
. J. fl,e wth dav of Oeiober, 19
r.nt?ii Smra Lakh tin'ici:.
Tint I t.illin Orccon, June 'Jo, IP i'.'.
Notice is hereby Riveti that iinoiiipiutuiv
with the pii vii-ioii- of tlie net of
of Jiine.i, ln,'.i, eiitilleil "An to t for the
sale of tiiuli, r iiimi.i in tlie M.tlcii nt Call.
fornia. on ii iii, Xevaila, ami Vt. itiliiiiMtoli I tura mtld
.1 l:-rttorv.,! as eAten, i tl to all loo ral'lll'
ilillie A. ecoiii oi rnneville, county ol , Jinli Sl;ilt.s ,,v ,., l)t Au,..t ,,, i,,i.!, John
r.KOv. .sintcof tiresrou, Miorn inaitincnt ,, ,,,,,,,, .i,,...1, e.uolv of I'lu.n.
Xo. .Vift, June 18, IWjj, ior the pur-0re eon. Iian .oiiJin rll , l.i'i. Iilfl
t in tiini olliee Ii i MYorn innieiueiil Xo, oTn
,. lor the purc!ia.-eol the 11 1, nw '., ann w S
""'nty ol ,M, ,. ;tK ,,,, i.;r. .,. A,MUndtll
r prot l to h"W that the t:.ud miuk'u
more vnlnai'ii: l"i it" tlinoir er .none
i.1.l l.l l.,.f,,eo ie "'T null rte.-i i.-
, r nt thla mil'.. n Tlv lH"'. i'reK"n. on
Minilnv. the l dnv of .', P"J
r'n-v tl'iili" n wltio'..-' . 1 1. h. A'1"1;
Lain of Warm K'.rle.-.. Oie'imi. ane! ''Ie
i; n." Mihel 'on. Mltill'" An-
ilel'B'.u, John II. Woiar. of Seo'.ane.
A nv all p.-r-e taimlior lolvrne-
Iv the noove-'lef r" eil 'n".' nv r. ii.'i
(I In H'e 'he'r e al'lf in no" '"ii
l am' nr M.-u""n ,,-r
JAY I'. l.t'i'AH. I'..
il or
l!i 1
ill' y'VMf
M "i ! W tl P ii U' t 7 Iii .Wl
". ", yf :ii 'ijintr.'
'iitn'ii 'H' iit-fH'tv.'i I l!t- 'v!i'
v iii'iiit i'"iiJ:; 1 1 .: i"t'
i-f'.uo. 'r .il.i'i.i o'.'t, 'lit'. I'liio " ii
L'.i . "t"'., t I ii n inrnov : I mir
lUll-Kl tllnll i'l ''."! ' Vl'i'W.
w: yi'i vnn.rrf.
tiv.i n m ;Viv
tl isii!.; 1 fvi'.
lfo..l' id.o'r l!l !'
1:0 I'd! I c ;
Ii IKS F-oT.
I, (to Pir"n.;llt n
:,; i-iti't
I. J, iin ) v. :!' r
t .
a. i.
ii...t . 1'i.i j it.
') ,'
i ii
i r .'ti
w jl.e,.4o
June 13, in i.
liase oi tiie X U
U. Ai.
Ali.ert T. Yeconi of C
frooK. .note of t)r. l'.iii, Mvirn .iti.U'i.
Xo. aid. tiled June M, UWl, lor the
eccilJ, 1. 13 ., U. iliii.
1. IJ ii., U. 1 1... ,i, .', ,,!iii,.,il oiii'ii,, . and to
tibl!h hi.- cl-ltni lo mid land In lore U
. j'-eil 1 . S. iuhii..--li-lil r, nfli'.i olnee
.-tat. i.i
cn.e oi the Xv.'i S-cci
Mere A. Morris of Culver,
frook. state ol yrecoll, .-worn ---lat' I-"''' I ,lt I'lij,,.!),. nr, ,;on, on tiuinnliH.tlieiTlh
Xo. o77, tiled June IJ. WC tit W mr- ,,.lv , S'plelnliet, P..'.
cha-e ot the i-S x M .ii, 1- l.i f-., it. I'.. f. , ,.!,., .1. YV. Wrljtltt, I'.
V.'.M. J I'. lion. Joiin llonof .toward, iii,.,ii, ait-l
'1 nonius J. Leach ol Culver, county oil , ..; ., v,!e, u,. -J, u.
( rooU. M.lte ol Or.-lt.ll. -wolo ..l.atelllclll I .4llV u,) IV.,,, clal.ln.'i .i-lversely
Xo.iwi, tiled June IS, 1KC lor 111 1'of I ,,e awovtiie-, l ili.-d niilo.- ure re , He. leu to
ciiai-c ol the H ;i Xe.'..1ec .4, l.U!-., 't--1 (,le th.-ir el liln in Ihi.-. .i.iiee on or lieiorlt
Td..i iney will oll.r proof to slum' t'r.t j Jy t , Ar,t ;,.Ki,u.r.
T'nii-ir, Act June 3- I--.
1 Ki.irn'11) i1'.'!! I'rm.icATH.ix-.
1 t'lllted Hut tt-n Laud tllll' ,
( The iialle.'., Oii ioti, rt.HK-. l'i, Hi 'J.
Not!-e la h.-n t'.. .i- a i.e.i Ul - oi.ii'l-
! j'.::i ,- WHil th- ii.o. t...
) t':'h:J!V Of j'.l.ll'
' toe lev .i- to tl, I
t'a 'll.r-llil. Iir-
'i.-u 'I'.-r--t-ir
.An net i
i' a tin i
Now Home 8'iwliiff Mwhln Oo
riim Friinolnoo, Cul,
Pcrtiaad-Asioria Route.
D.n!y lConud Tri exit -t Suinl.,)'.
Tlnie ( anl
i.i Ai.
iv.- I'
I IK. Il
l'i .1 1111
I 111' I
I ill
I,, itve I'urtliiti'l. . .
a' W'iin -:i'."--: 1 nr,e ' '
Foster nod Jai-' O ts. I'uiei
Te-.-on; f. - i'olnderter,
e-e."; and laiuis Iels.-n.
tv ;
i 'i ni-rni"! ciatmlnir advww
...,i.4wHtnl hind ar rnt"'--.(.
:r Hittmi In -lt r? ,"T
... the l'th dav of Oet'.h.--r. 1"!-.
j y p. I,i'CA3. Reeii-'.r.
e.'..,rLanil, AcSJiiB' 3, WiS.
UnttM !! Uoid I life".
Tv; l)a!l- lm..a,J'ii 2"', .
,. is n rt'iy nivi-n tie.; in .inpiiiiw
'.re.i.i.aK i.i tlie act l C-nirn ef
I i;a. .-niitled "An net In llieiuileof
..,,., in tio St....i'A oi I niifniiiia, i're.
....... ..! V. ii.iiiiiilen Territory." an
i : . & th l'u' lic Uml Stawi I"
' 1. l,;C. tlie feil oviiix pi'ti"liH
,-.; . lni office tin i.- woro t'-
, vi ,-'. KtrfBrroin of V.Tai Jiier, coetii-y
i , ,-oa'e of Idatio. swi'ii t.'i'eii,t tir
i t Jane 12, f-i'tliB r-uc:i:ie
ii r an-1 ik" Vt Nre W. tp IJ
'.V. ..1
, ',. . iisF 'Htte of I'l-nevilie. conn-
, K. tal.e "1 Orei.',.n. miorn stalelaellt
. ! Jan? I", liitii f.T the pnnia-i
U i--.'l un-l n"4 'S Mid
M.tplSs., rtj... W.M.
.' s. -.'H e. 1 "f I'.i'O li-'e. C'ltlty of
-e i'.- J t)ri-:e.n, rtie.nn -taT...-mei'i. X"
, tt Iti, i!c.-A for tlie piircW ol
ami t'A 1, t K ,
.. nr'iefT-r pr.H.f to hIio'.v licit the
i ,.ie valnatiie for iutiiuKet-ni
, i. r Vric-ltaiBll purtuK-s. urnl t',
., to i-d'-l o-' :Te
-. ' uifiii.ixo-Ti r, at his ol.Seea'
'. - vMiii "'a .-.aturdav, the 27'lt, l!t02.
aiiueue: 8 J- Newxnm.
.. . hoi. j.ieii i.i:t-r. T M. O'O'in
i and l-'ratik Kay, nil of
t. . ' IV .'.lH.
:,ii.,;i tu clailliini! ! verily tlie
i .. p... id Ian In are r.-.iei" ! to tiie
,;n , oi 'hi. .i.T.'V on oe h' Haiti
. .4 .-..-i.i. .i-lier, V."i.
, v , JaV P. L'l'CAH, P.eui.ter.
timlier oi tone tnan lor iiK.u-iii t uctii .par-iKj.-ies,
ami lo t.-itaolt-h his. el-am tn
laud la-IOie W. A. iieil, U. li. t'oilinii.-Mon-cr,
at his i-I'uv al t'r.nevdie. Ill , t'.ia. mi
,;un:iav, tin- J Hh oat ol f-eplennK-r, -'--.
.'I..... ..... !W ,lit,,..,.,l IV. 11. I'lfk.
ij. 11. IVlononi, K. .. lielliaan, itd-crt M.
i Morris. Albert 1. Yoeoi.i an.i t... Sin iu. r,
ol C'ulvir, On-Joii. unit 1 iw ltir-:.':ii. ol
On. evil.
Anv aiid ad p. rimi cii.i:niii' aov -r, ,y
tlie i.vilese,ul)e'l land, am ti..lieii..-d to
iiio their cl iints in li.i1 oftitie on or he.oie
.-aiii L.'th dav offepieinl.el, ill '-
ju-lti JA'. f. 1.1 t A.-, Keiri-ter.
" ii'i'iuet:.!,-
'ee'hi'!, Jt
at, Mil.
'-: Jar.1. Act June 3, ISA
-3 l-l'Il PUIlLiCAl'lOiv.
'.;,.:t..-tl HUH.-3 k'ind iooiy.
... tui:.-!:, tl.-OKi n. June 19.
s ,ie,y that In c';rr.ijli-
i. u.e pro-. rAl.'li:' of tue act ol
Jinn- X cn'lt'.f'l "An
ale o.' Oiorj -r lur.Js I.', the
,. i Ja:..'i,i-ir;... Cret., a.. -Nevaoa
'., ,;-.-l..n Territory." as extended
I jb'Hi I.hcu etHttii Uy et of
; ' "'. the l'i lewtiet navo.
'..'. '.3;-. li'ed 'n .'.ii olh'.e their
.' -ot-Oii. to-ivl;.:
i .... ,.!. A n.ter.-on.
county of 'tnv-irre, State of
:. - v.:if'! ciatem. .'it .'io. 4'X for
e the nw , of IHeet'-on Ko.
celh, Kallfe U eint. V.'.
K.-u l KvnnOer.
. .i r;, State o
the .. . n--'i !' a-.-etlw
. ; . n-.-.''(, ni ."".9 'lown
,1 ire '"' ': 't. .r. it.
1 a'r'-li J. Kel:nll,
, . vi- - t ".'-.., u o."te f-
v. vr 't.-Oiii- nt No. for tit'
, ,.--i,.- 7'f. , v n'd r.''vv o'
' tl, 'f e.tvii.'h'p T. eou'.r.. iianitt
fc'iM T. Ev.'-:t.
i-,,- eo, ntv of Y'.-"'.i:!'.! Fl'.le nf
'", (.lKl?mcnt Kn. i'!'. fee the
.. fee iOi l w-i of f'-.-te-n f and
, ,' - ion No. a. T'jv.-rc-td? 12
"e i . (. W. M.
',. , ,,-'ll o'f-.r prorif to hnw that
e ntc'e'i mere vit'iaV-te t'.r it
. : -tefie t'n-'.a 1-ir li-;rleil!t'.iral ptir
, i t .."ii'dl -di i -eir riain,!. tn
1 iw'.Tf: tin- fLetris'.er anl Umelv-
i- nffAV at The UaileB. O.'eei n. mi
i , thn 2t':i of .Septolr.her. 13)2.
'w:l:0'-!:: e Ten livun.
'i'iuioer Land, Act June J, lf.4.
United State I.sii.l Otiiee,
'i'ne LiadCT, (ir-'ii, June 2". HTJ-
Notice is hen-liy il'eil that in cm. ph.ine,-.
with tne provii..un of tile net of iii ;i'.-i ol
June ii, 1." . fi, entitled "An aet Oh- the -wile of
tiuiuer lauls 111 Hie .-tate ot tli'e
p.n, Ae.aUa and V,t-ilif:-ti.n li-.'illory," it
extended to all the I'uhiic U.nd ,-li.ltl hy
act of Aui!Ut4, lfii'i' tne fnliowiiiK moi.
have this day tiled iii this otuce tli,.ir iv.n
satt-iututs, to wit:
Charles H. Ctain gf Prlneville. coiuity of
f.,i. aLate of tl.T.'.'ll. statelll, lit Ae. -.'''.
nied June 7: li!. f..r the pua- .ae of tiwe't
N;e 111 and w'i ; Sec 17, t. 13s.,r. P.
tt . A.
Millie Al. Train of rnneville, county of
Croo-i, .Itate of Jiei'ti, swoni .tateieent X'o
Ml, tiled June 14. l.H'J, for the piliche id
the nw'4 .Sec 17, t. li ., r. IJ V . it.
Allien 1 U'atn ot rtilsevilie, county of
Crool;, state oi i r. 'n. sw.,rn statement X'.i.
.".,AJ, hied JimeU, 1UJ, for the .urchae of
tae u'2 m'i fiel! 17, e4 ej .StCftWHl Wj
.-!ec 11, i. 1 J 8.. r. lit e., V . Al.
aiaiia L. c'rain of I'riiieiillc, county nf, suite of i'ei('.n. s-'-orn nta'.tuieiit An.
.',0i, Hied June 14, HKiJ, for tiie purcliase "f
tne e.l n. V. et.ic l'J ami ' n4 Sec iii, k W
s., I. "11) e., W.M.
Chuieii ).. Kill of Prmeviile, county nt
Cr'aik, state of Olefin, sworn stateineot No.
"ot, t-:ed June M, IMA, forth parcimsnif
the wi nwj and wj si ,Sec Ti, t. IJ ., r. In
e., .
I hat tiiey will olfer priK.f t- show that the
iauJ s.iiixhi more iiduahle l-.r its tiuoi'r or
slone tiie.n for aurlciuiural pnrposes, and to
estahJi.ih tneir ci.iiiu to ifwid laud heh-re ... .1.
ftuotn. culity cteiit, at ids oltice at I iln'i-
,ie. t trefoil, on ftatll.aay, tile tutu u,iy ii
.Septellilier, i.'-J'l.
1 hey name ae WitDCMes: a. r.. eira.s, j,
sinda'H. Anderson, Walter LiUrty mid
ti i.'iialu Eiie'tt. til "i Priuevllle, .lie.-on.
Any and al! ti-i"in claluiiii' xlveiieiy the
iltiove-uesinoeo laiioi are inju",-1. ,A...,nv
. t ..:-..!..;.. o. .I.i- ..In,... ,.n ,.- i.efuie said',', ..
Ju;u nay ol fteplemoer,
ju-10 JAY 1'. J.LCAM. JienMer.
fi tale l.ut.d Bi.'i'es I), tie
lien, the lo'lol' lliit p- r-oll
this ul. ice itn-ir sc. im -litt' ;
Hl'i.l.iX t.. il !':: "I fp i "i
of St.. k.'lti... I tote ; l W-teltl-
sl.itettl. lit !m, n. ' , J tine '., '. I si- I.
ohll ' .d tim IIW-. Ntt. '., Ip
K., W, M,
.lil,-ll'S It'iSl.tiW. if Ssiliil.".
COtll'ly oi' M'okalie, .lite of W.I l-'titti II.
iworn "t-ilet'iictit No. iitt, J'tlv .' l'i-.'. I'.r
the u'lrcli.iie "I tin w ' , iA. f . J, 1 1' Ul
Timber UnS, Act June ,1, 1. ,y y w
NOTICE Full I'HIjI.iCA.V).';. ilKXilY 'ti.' Ill :.-.-' I. "W. ..f hta nor,
L. b. Ut'.J tulle.. (-..not.-of :';ioi.n-.-. ' V.' . i .'-, -, .
The I'alles, Ore-.n. am.. a A ,w,.rii .jit, :.,eltl V,, iLi, j ,u, , l 'i '. l -i
X'oiiie IN lon.i'j 4u- i. li. -.l in t ilii, li- ,,. ,u,-,-I,,,m-,d tlo I'M- 1 ... '.' nt'l ;,
:i:ice with the provt ei.M u. tlie ai i m , ',.,, , ., , (l ,., (, 1:1 ;',, A . .'.,.
.o-,r...i: oi Ji:.:e A i ... oioitad ..u , -,'. r ,,., y ,,,w tli f
;:.t lor :he a! of Iti.u-.- ...ous ill '"- ,',"' ,1, ,,',-:.:, ,'-. tr l.
i.i'4'.w ot . jiliotina. or. on. u ,,. or ,,,, j,, ,,r :-,-::i I' p-r
-.:.,i ,Va. ainslo.l i.,rito:.,. a., i..e I , . ,. ,-,r . , ,. p
lo ail tt.e. 1 '.:"..: Utv! -lt,'l hi at:, ef , ,un,1 ,. lt . i;, -,:v. r
A-.;i,.tst 4. !ftc tiie f...l..wl!.i ire hai -. . , ,,:,..., ,m c. i 'ae, X A.-in"i' -1. IU'A
. ui uu ol'iiea their w..rn :i...ieimu., ,.,;.,'. ,s, ,'. 11. it.'..... A.
,r .vicviiu- w.Um..v; :.. v. ... m i b.
:roon. r-v.orn ,-.a:.rc.. nt No. i itl'd I iiulon, a.ei J tl. .M; . ol IVm ivillc, Or-
in. i
ette AHlliril4
'lb rallcs-forliaad Eonte.
t, iv .ji"i. iii.uO.-4 u::a Miw4
:.i.,,f ol l i"
Hi.'l.l. it.. It.
i'ai' u. Ilt-i. P.r it.
.vc-llotl !.ii. TuWIIllld-i' U
nil, MU.
Jhn 0. Hardin,
.if i'rlilevilif. Ciicnly ol li."l
'.rer-.n. sa-'Tri statirront c.
;e til
R'.a'e o' :
?.-.'. Iti. il i
and nil peteoim ei-'ir.'tii: nilve-i
Iv toiA n, ,.vs.,v-,. i-', .-'. lali'n t,," t- .'-i
rd l'i t';' lh"lr .-''.'..,i 'n lid' o'ttee "il
hef.,r- Mild .'Ill il.iv of XoY Iwr.
1 it..;, ft-r the r.oteii-ise of tue w",
j Sect oll 2il, Towtislilp 13 si.utll, iiaitjte lW
I a: I. W .tl
left I.. 1 .Tdt.rili
of 1 riiicvlh-:, lotsfiiy oi ttio. K, Stale i.i
.t"i..i., s.vorn lit.iteitteoi X'j. . toco
.i.ay -i. il, .or li,u per, l:a:e uf the .
At. tioTI -J, TOWII: h. Sooth, Kl.l!S W
:-a:,t, . A ill.
hVar.k U.
to tai fin-.nle. t.o-.n.y ot fii.'iii. mine o
i I .riv'o.l, ewo.'tl mat
,l...r I'. I.i
I II', I.
-A t"
n oi,w.'r la...: ' '"
IllVte. tl l ent PI'S!..
r, ,t
I ." mi
Iti .
.'.- to
T.iWuil.tJ l-i
Meet P
rrlr.eiliie. Co
.'.!..-y .j. ttt'.i. lor I
,f"tlJtl li. Tt'A'-l.
,-ait. VI 41.
(hurles A. Klni!.
of Vrinov'l't. Liuiiny of crank,
jriKon. eworn Hiaiein-'n.
.,! 13J, for the
-.e-'.i'.n 'ii, TownHh:p
cast, W "'' Francis M. White,
of Prlnevll'.e. county "1 Cio ik, male o
The Uall .s. Or. ii .a. .Inn. 20. li' !.
X-d-leu ta In. el.) tiive.-i tl.nt m cooipll-h,..-
wllh Hi., i. .-in I "."im uf ill" net nf
it'o-.'tr -.4 uf Jei" 3. -;r elitli'-d "Ji
'h t f r 'he led- "t tim r li'iidn In the
U-ton-ii nr i alio r ti. 'treij'.ii. Neva. in.
I,,.,,! ttntl.t ill Ter.llor . It ule.i.led
,o. ii ' a i tn a'l tne i'i i:',c i.uiu, ..'.... .... ;
a ... of H:f if I 1 Am: 1S1 1. 1 :'.. in ' in . - '-
iU:i W l Jimi l.'. 11 Itl 'I l.t !' """ "'
vvoi-i ala's. i-i-i ' .
Aiotu"! -i - " n-
of AA.i.eo, man
D uly lri etti'-i t HiiitHay,
Sli-.ilil.-r "TAliDM A"
Tl. llnlli-s, Tue'i-il,
Th'tlll, I ' V4 i.oti Kal llnlav III 7
Uf... I'dtliiol, M-.:ei.,.,..
V. . ilil. s.l .ys Viola, 4 at 7 l
; rMraiiifr "M KTL A K'U"
1 1 it I'- riiaiul, T i 4-i.ii . Th-ifs -
d V a.i'l s. i.urd ty" ; ; ; ;
Uales I'.ill. 4. M,. Inlay, W,lil.
i .h.y, Iiti.lay :::::: 7 ii, u,.
i t,..i,.'ni k .i'ioI K'-..' Aid.-r S..
i llolii I'I.oii-h .M.ili.'lil, l'i.l.iinl, (lie.
j AdKNl'.s.
'iluliii M. Filliinii. .V;! Tito l)ttl!.-4
A. J. 'IV vl"f, Act., At-inriii
'.I. ('. Vvut;, Ajit., Viiniintvi-r.
IJ. J. I.iti-kfv, Ani'iii, II.iikI Ri't-r
! Wtilliinl iV U'vi re, Ajit., V.'. ShIihoii
11 ;ll,.Ue.l 'l. Ll e,,.
!.I'"IN SI. TOITiiN, rl.-..-in..ii, Van1-.
: tf KMi V K '.!). i'iiii.oi, W,.
WM. lirTLI' H, liu'liT. Wn-l,.
K. W. Cri' litnii, A-t., I'liriluitl
Kli -.A.
rf Cro'tk. fl'.aie m
men l I'i'd
,.,reha-1. of l-e1 it 'i
i.l hiuth. Kalute .1'
Slate of
S.C. filed
haae of lee a.''.
IJ Bolttl. ItaiiKe lit
of Klrcjfuley
piirehaiie of 'the w" uw',
., ca-: in." e
loivnehl.! l'i
i No,
...,. ,.-.o fc-i.-. ... .) i,. ... hi,
of f.
- I 'Ot l:-
io.-'ii. I, ii 'e P) cant, W
Imv llllrloll.
of .'.'liwitcii. coni'.'y of Traver-f. !'"
Ulinie.ioln. aworn state-mill !. '.'. "r I
Ihe oi re'ilis.. of II e lies 1. 2. 0 ml 4 I ,
He -tl'.fi No. '. ToWllillli.l U lioulh. Iuhkc
tn east. T... V. I
Wilson r.. i. ii ..'ii.
f AV'-cnlon, ini'ti'.y or i inverne.
a..f-n a ,1 l-H-- I .AO. ',. I. i ' I M.oni.'l.,!', . l',ll'...
-ai' 1', ,y for Ihe our, hae of the lie1, t .ht, nurrl.ime nf the lots 1. ?
I'.-ctto.i' 5-. Township U eoulli, Hiinne .J b.;(,h No. 3. Township 1. At M.
James Allen.
,.r r.rin.,vtii Coiintv of I'r-Jnk. Stale
,...-.'., .w.'.rn slaLllT'e-Ilt No.iiJ,
l a-," r."l!t -. for the i-'ircl a" f th"
.i-etltin ai, Tovtl'ilp )'. Oiioth. lU'inito
.. w: thai they will "ff -r pro,.f to
do'.w that the land mooilit It. morn valil--.1,',.
f -.r it timker or rroi.e t'l-io ' -r s C
"es and lo eslalill-!-
e aini'i to said ' in'! o.-'orc .1. 1. RtiiIi.
i-iritv tie- k his olth-e at Prliievt,e.
t'.r' tjoii, mi Friday, luc 3d uay of Oetolicr.
ns w't-w-t "'l''I.A"i
H: r l'n. J.din 0. IMrdlo Krbert L. Brd
..r.i. Mart 0. K' in. f'har', s A. .
1horr"i (' Connoil, reon ij '"'"
'. ai .'.iiti" i-i.i..-..
Ttk" rnl Mien
Btate of
,. :,.,', for
3 and 4 of
wiiilh, itniiiie
A im? ir.'..'.'.r. S
A lf',1.. V" i.'l -I I-' t e'e
Timlier Land, At June 11, 1"")1.
VxiwiStats Lanii ttedcit,
"I he bailen, lire, l-ine Hi, 1902.
Vi.t.i.-ii is herehv iiven tiiat ill colupliancfl
with the provisie'n of the act of Oonzress of j
Jane 3, 176, entitled "em act for the sale ol
iuili' Hindi in the States of 'aiitornia. Die--on,
.Nevada and W asli:ni;ti.n T.-riitoiy," as
L,iii!,fd to ail the I'lll lic Laud iStaU-s l-y
rfit of AinfiMi 4, WI'A ti,e foilowini, peivnis i (jonl(resa of June
,ave. an Jane Iv. rao2, n cu in hub uintas ukh
..woin suteiaeir.s, to-wit:
Xath oinl A. Xewhiil of (Iri.ziy. county of
.."k, state of Hretjii'l. sworn slateinent. So.
.ilj ior the piirelia-e ol tae l,wyt s. j, i. i
13 s., r Inc., W. M. I
Jia-l K. Aewlilil nl t;, county oi
fire. ;
.rii-ir of Tit.
rnn.K O.-e ir-nok H. Hcntt O' ..B.inii:.j .
nre'- tind jnf.'.-e Allen of F'l '-Kvi'l'-. "' .
An.- , i.ed all perform plilm'nc
Iv ta.. ',ho"i'-.1"-""i cl tan :i"' -e-r - "
! ! to ft., their etalroa In this o-f on in
Kfr.. Ka'd 8d dee of l" it."r, 1-'
TXCAS. rti-slster.
Tmh-r Lend. Act Jue X IIS.
h'nited gtnles Land Olliee,
The Dalles, Oregon. May 23. Kj2.
kH" Is herVny Kiven that in compll-
Thai 1!i" Will o'f. r or""' e
lie loii'l "'": t ' nt"r val'tn tie for I'
im...r nr I'ti-na ll'.en '"' at leotturnl per
s nn.' '.. ...oilit'eh '! e'ntms I'
aid tat I In '"te l1"- U"'-"-r tmd Ite.-elv
r of fill otlpe al Tie lt!!ee. I K .n or
'..-dl.eaoay. Ihe Sltll llty of
fr 2 .1
'I'i.ev rnie IM wt'oer-'cn: V.'ll'en 7
o. .....I Am-.' II in..', of A' n "ll loo
Hon I'. J. .Me'lrnll nril
tr-lll. "f f'Hu-l'-v. Ore-r-.":
m o' We-nie, Oi'-nel. end
nin. of War-n finrhitot "r"'!it.
A--V imd Ilil O'-r-m-A ela'P'l" odveryi-
lv t'.f ah.iv.-''.i:' "It cil Iff.' nr' re.-.i.-.-1-
d lo H e ih.-tr e'iitnis in "Ut , -Mfore
wild th '" of P"' pi -r -j,Y
P. 1 IK'AH, ItoKisi'-r.
A' h"l
A'l-ii"l I V
l.,.:.-las Ai
I,. K. Allilli;-
I , UC' ' II ' " l "l ' -l
K-vlt-tl. Rr-I.:-!.!,.. ' ., ,.
(tl-. C. -' I , , A
Pe.f'l Funny l'.,,h . t;..
wk m -m i - r 1 ..' I,.
WT '. Vlf. i." !
I" 'v ' V , V, ''
At) $r,vu Mnil f' ifJwittow
tlK Ram. .(( IfttiK, l(nt.
Only 10 ant, c - i . rirh fvnn .inrtff
THE Mc'Jrit CO..
1 r ij
t t i. (.y
j a
of tlmner
laruu: in
act ot Ucitl, Act .lime it, 1S7H.
NOT10K Kill l'i ItLU'ATl'tX.
l'hit.d States Li-lid ''Wee- I
The 4, nre , Mia. lo. In').' I
Notice ii her.-:.) i-lietl tln-L m eo..i-.lallte
w-iiJi the J v.rtioii-i "I tiie Act of (.lona.'-st of j
June ii, Wirt, elitltied "An act for the sale of
umber iainli in tli States of t'ali.iirtiia, Ore
K.iii, Aevuda and Wnhint.'ti.ii 'le.-nt.iry, as I
extended ail tlie I'.ilmc Lmd l.y Act t
of August 4, W'.iA the feilowniK peimnts nave
tit .or u." ,".
caino. t, n. '"' , . i
as cut,.".-.
. .... hi--.,.n -.".-rrltor'.'.1
anu . .....I-.-'- -, , h ..... ...
in nli ti.e J'OWIC i.aau nu...;.-. v
a ...ii . l W tile allowing liertit.iiB
. - ;.. l! 111 '.'. Hied 1:
'.'heir worn stetenicntj. to-wit
JOU l.
th la oU'n.e
fr-.t .!i of Ui-eeon. kw.en stateiiikiit ..
114 for the piliciiasj of liie nA'i liwi Sec V),
i, 1.1 s.. r. Lie., W. M.
Ca:.ier A. iewbill of (, county of
Orisik, state of Die;..ii. sworn statement No.
lio for the pur iiaee ol the wX lie Sec w, t
i'Js,; r. 1.'. s W. M.
That thevwill offer proof to shmr that the
mud soiit'lK is ".ore valo.iuie lor us iiinoer or
. ,., of t look
'J' " .... . v
State of Or-
:tls, for tne
Col,. ' -r"V rf Heellon 0. Town
,,.,r:i.we.". ... w
" E"Uj'Bcoh"N. Uultiellt
of Sister, county of Oooa. Stale of Or
egon i-vvorn itatement No. J'.t for lite
Sihaee of thi nii w4 " Si
ite. lloii No. I. 'townsini. ii -i- -
' .r AA
l'i earn, ,
. ... , . 'e.,.. ,..,.v w.n ' . ... ..
.tone than for acricultiiral purpurea, auo io , '''" .'"' ' ht , lr,ore valua'il- Ior its
I'rineville. Or.-t-.m
of Septan Iter, 1'jOli.
,i-V. 'I. .'. ''iH Andoriimi. of Wheitton. Tw.v name as witnesses: J. f Henkle, fl. I on Kutiinlay,
'T-i : KUvVWL, Henry M.-tKoeier, M,d John J-'
?! VJ AiMnii'tf VH,"- Areiiiilald, ail ly;0. J SrV Or
'lHius-ai tm of V.'amic, Ore-
:, t nil T,e'?on clutrnlr.S adverselv
.a .IT
.V ,.olr eL.'ir.S In Ol'S Otlee C
tA4M 31" diy of Sentm'-?r. iB.
iA7 V. 1.UCAS, KiSktua-.
dcacrllsii lanils re reguesteii 'rniity uf tieptewiter, 1!W.
, ..u:.;. -il,o-..!i,.i to said laud beloro . i "' -..' .l.:m f,,r aexicuu-jrat
. Bell,l..u,is"i..n.r.athi. office at nnd I" "'K'S
on lueadlty, Uie ZJru uay - in mM land wioru a. .
i;krk at M oi.n-e "
UCloi'tii " L ,
an williest": .'a-'ob N. Q'u
n, and 't. A. Ko"ti-r
Oreic'in. and &roti. IhilliHway I non
..rJ. .i..t,, rli e-l la:ti'.n Jtre rerpiesl
.'a ... i,.. their cii.irna In thin odiee. on or
:').,;ore mid h. 'V'V ,,'i',"iM'r,
Anv am! ill la-isotis clkiiuinir adversely the
ahove-desclilied lands aie leipiestwl to tiie
th,.i- elaiii.s in t'.is oitiii.. on or Ix'fore said
An this day tiled iu tins olliee tlielr ""'
"uhilUKIlT T. HKKN.1MAX. n( St.
Marys, county of Kisnenai, .'tale of Idaho,
,-ivorll staleu.init Nn. "411. i'.r the pilichase of
the ii wv, lieetmn il.l, 'Ip. lit S., li. W fc., W.
'"i'KNDLKTOS llLl.VlNS, of P.ineville,
county of tlns-k, Mine of Oreinili. s.volll
slateinent No. 1112, f"r tiiC pnleiiase of tlie
m-K tv and i i W Secviou W, Ta 14 It.
in w. m. , ,
Ttiet they will offer proof to show that the
land Boiutht is iiini'i faluaiile for its tinnier .ir
I....1 t iverieiil.nriil iiiironses, and tn
I, il.l. their tluim to taiil luii'l oefin-o W.
A. Hell, V. S. lioiiiiiiissioiier. ''. hit ""'' llt
I'rineville, Orejpm, on Tluilsduy, tile lillil day
of November, l'J li. ,
Tner name as itnesse4: !. I. VVinnrl;, 1.
K Winnea, Fnd llinem. V. 11. Poiiulexu-r,
K. S. Yll.lte, John CimilK, I d. iVleiritl, .1.
V.'. Wiiht. l-ew MeUahislet, W. K. Aicr'nr.
hold ai.d Chris Coins, all of I'rin.'t ill-. "''
Anv ami all persons claunillK etusmeiy me
alsive-ilesclll.c.1 lands are l-eiiuesled t.i tile
their claims in this otHce on ur before said liilh
day of jA'ot'uuiiaj', JtalA
11 LLC., Jlvxislor.
Reduced to FIFTY
New Idea
THIS Is Ihe .Hid heal
Kashioii Magazine now be
fore Ihe American public. Il shows
New Ideas In fA3hioiis, In Millinery.
In Embroidery, in Cooktttij. tit
Woman's Work and in K'eeding;
liKiullfully llltislralcd In colors and
In black and vote Above all. II
shows the very l,"j'.i.tO!iablii New lor
S-'Yi.i-r,, m.tde from Nrw loea Hat
TeKHi, which cost only Or:, each.
Sjnd Five Cents To day
for ai'n,:! copy 1" Woman's
MaOA7iIh afi'l rnr vhnl Valua
(ut Ida iritumy il tnn t;i vtt ynu :
ft.lG Brdsviir. Now Itrk, H T