Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 18, 1902, Image 5

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    Couaiy (J urt Proceeding.
Tim regular term of the commis
sioners court (or Heptouiber von
vonud on Wednesday, Hepteinber 3,
County Jiido Jhmth beng absent,
ComtiHsSiOiiors Umtly ami Powell
Hiid clerk. fiinUh and r i ff hoiii"
prestml tiiu billowing proceedings
wcro hail.
In tli miti tor of the appoint
meiit of J.i-iinu of the mace fur
N'ewsom eruek, it was
onl irwl that J. If. Kelly lie ap
puinlud. In tin) matter of the report of
county surveyor on tiiu C. K. Mc
Dowell rad, ntport of C A.Urave
' county. surveyor, read and ap
' proved
In the mat lor of the appolont
mentof Junlice of the peace for
Ireland precinct; ordered that
Joseph Whitlicld lie and in hereby
appointu 1 justice of the peaw for
mid precinct,
In the matter of the petition of
(ieorfr, A. Hicpbcna for a saloon
license. Petition read and a Wo
remoimtrunce, but it appeuring to
the court that a majority of the
legal voter. of the precinct had
signed thu petition, it in therefore
ordered thiit a license issue to
said (i. A. Stephen upon hia tiling
a good and sufficient bond ana
paying into the county treasury
the aum of $ JOU.
in the mutter of the resignation
of A. C. Lin ux, as road supervisor.
Ordered that the clerk notify A. C.
I.ucus a supervisor of district
No. 8 that he must tile with thia
court lita report before hia resign
nation w.ll be adopted.
In the matter of error in the
issuiinee of county warrant.
Ordered that warranta H30, 829,
and 8!M clu- 15 he canceled, they
same Laving been drawn ly error.
In the matter of the appoint
ment nf viewers in the C. t. M&
Dowell Mud. Ordered that L. N
Liggett. John Lucky and A. Dun
ham, viewer, and C. A. Graves,
aurveyor meet at the place of be
ginning mi .September IS.
In the mutter of the wrongful
assessment of W H. Hitching. Ur
dered that the sheriff be credited
in the turn of 12.44 on the roll of
, 1901.
In the matter of the wrongful
assesMiieu of W. II. Bunta. Or
dered that the sheriff be credited
' on the roil of 19f0 in the "aum ol
hcalia counted, and war
ranta iiined and found correct
aa issued including warranta 1059
to 1112. hculpn destroyed by
The tol lowing billa wcro allowed
and w.irranla ordered drawn for
the various amounts:
W T Davenport, road work. .. .$ 5 01)
F II Strong, registering voter. 3 60
.1 1) ll.irnll, judge election . ' 3 00
George Unborn, judge election . . 3 00
J I) llarrill, judge election, ex
tra tune 3 00
George Oaiiorn, judge election,
extra time 3 00
0 A Grave,sur Lovelniid ruad. 18 (1)
l'erry ltead, viewing awiio 4 00
David U.irnctt, " " i 00
lioorgo Onborn, " " 4 00
F M lioveland, chaiiiniun 4 00
Gua Lovolanii, " 4 IK)
W G Killingliock, marker 4 00
O 0 Collver, registering votent. 7 20
G 8 Miller, " " . !
8 A Lytle, expreaa ' S 60
.1 T Duney, registering voters.. 2 W
G W Haalley estate, rebate un
lilingfee 6 00
Joseph Whitlluld, registering
voters 2 80
Warwii Brown, teachers exam. 9 00
I W Uarnett, judge election,
extra lime 3 00
B F JolniBon, registering votera 4 20
0 A (iravca, McDowell road,
. June 30 5 00
O A Untves, McDowell road,
Aug 28 S 00
M Tcinpleton, viewer McDowell
road 2 00
Mrs J Wigle, teacliora exam. . . 12 00
G W Burnt;, attorney juatice
court W 00
J W Hopkins, justico fee 3 95
R P Harrington, constable fee. -3 00
J V Hopkins, justice foes 13 (10
George Ca'en, witness fees 8 60
Arch Curtis, " " 8 60
Art Moss, ' " 6 90
John Kimball, " " 3 70
J F Hogg, " " 6 50
John Louden, " " 5 70
(irover F.wing, " " 7 50
Alfnd Hogg, " " 0 59
M Mongomery, " " 0 50
A Lippnmn & Oo.doHk for treas
urers office 20 00
A Lippman & Co, coffin for pau-
per infant 13 CO
Kd Lytle, sweeping court room. 2 00
M L Chaniberlin, abstract of
land 5 00
Mrs J C Sumner, care pauper. . 45 00
Win Boegli, postage 1 (J5
Win Boegli, traveling expenses. 13 50
P L k W Co, liirht and water. , 0 80
C W Klkius, road master salary 76 00
Wm Kuril', I, at of lands 20
Irwin Jindann Co, records for
sheriff and clerk 104 70
City of I'riiieville, water for
court house yard,,.. 30 00
J 11 (Jlaypool, cure of same,, , ," 10 IK)
J D Lafollrtt, assessors fees. . . .240 00
Adiiins'oi Winnek Co, merchaii-
liisii lor pauper. . . , 2 21
J 11 Crooks, inquest Barnard
cam il 00
Wm Draper, jury fee, Barnard
ease 1 00
J II Cluypvol, jury foe. Barnard
cum-. I 00
F M White, jury fee, Barnard
csm 1 00
W W Kuv, jury fee, Barnard
case...' 100
OH Miller, jury fee, llurnard
ease 1 oo
T T C'udlc, jury fee, Barnard
case... 100
E O Hyde, witness fee, Barnard
case.. 1 60
II 1' D"lknap, witness fee, Bar
nard ease 1 60
Mrs Lyons, witness fee, Barnard
cam 1 g0
Mrs Barnard, witness fee, llur
nard c um 1 60
J II Crooks, inquest Hudson.. , 9 55
C L Di'tinison, jury fees same, , 1 00
I 8 Watkms, " " " .. 1 0!
O M Mvers, " " " .. 1 00
J N Wright, " " " .. 1 00
W A Duvia, " " " .. 1 00
Chris Cohs, ' " " , . 1 (X)
J II K wtibcrg, witness fees same 1 60
Gail Ninvsom, " " " 1 60
Bred CUvpoul, stamps for slier
ills olli.:i; 6 00
J J Hmith, itamMi for clerks
ollieo 6 00
T J I. n li, extra time rlection. 3 00
M II lli'll, extra time election.. 3 00
K I if .irrlngton, care Klia Bar
nard 37 00
Booth k Cnrnclt, team hire.., 2 00
D 1' Adiinison, merchandise for
court house 3 35
W R Mol'nrland, election hoanl 3 00
Jas Illai k, tial on witness fees. . 6 00
J J Hmith, express 85
Cuook County Joiitiur., coun
ty printing.. .
Geo Hiiiiniiers,telephoneerviee 14 95
I Mielirl, merchandise pauper., ti 10
Him huh & Wilson, merchandise
paupi rs 19 80
R H Prov, hauling and delivery. 7 75
J C Wilson, examining bridge. 15 00
HALING At his home in this city
on 8. ptember 15, 1902, at 2:30 p.
m., C. C. Muling, aged 60 year.
Mr. Muling whs born near Simdor-
land, county of Devon, Kngland, Au
gust 15, 1830. Ho left his native
home in 1851 and came to America,
returning there on a visit in 1809,
wlure he was married to Miss Annie
Dee in 1870, who still survives liiin.
His only living relatives nc a nephew
and two ueices who reside at Port Suid,
Egypt. ; ,
Mr. Mating was one of the best
known men in this county, having lo
cated here in the early days of its set
tlement and wu,s prominently identi
fied v.'iln the growth of the county
ami mum ono of the progressive citi
zens of Prineville.
The funeral will occur from the Un
ion church nt 2:30 o'clock p. in. Thurs
day, H.'plember 18.
Onmr and Bonds (,'laypool left Wed
nisd:iy for Weston, Oregon, in re
sponse to a telephone message inform
ing them of the serious illness of
their hither at that place.
New Fall Millinery
Juat received at
Mrs. Susie Slayton's
A fine lino of Fall Millinery and
Ladies Hats in all the latest styles.
Also an elegant assortment of No
tions. Call and examine my stock.
Land Ufkicii ai The Dai.lw, Oueoon, I
Seteailr.l2, f
N'.itice Is hereliy nivcn thnt the follnwlng
ntuitt'l setitcr has li'ml notion ttf hU intfiititm
to make liual pnsif in iuirt of his claim,
ami that said nrn.if will be made brfurs J. J.
Ninitli, County Clerk at Prineville. Orcein,
on Mntur(iy, Dotolier V.W2, vir.: Walter
It. Ilnlilf, of (Silver, Oregon, H. K. No.
(iU4, fertile WVjSE and. SHJSK.) Heo. 22,
and SW H Sec. ?i, T. 133., It. 13 K.,
W. M.
lie n imes the following itnensw to prrve
his continuous remdeuce U(i.n and cuHlvaLion
of said land, viz:
K.diiiund lleulv, of Culver, Oretron, J. It.
(iraot and Ic Miuire, nf Lnmonta, Oregon,
and W. H. Sumner, of Prineville. Ureiroo.
seplS KeKister.
Subscribe for the Joi rxal.
Your supplies now while our big sale offers so many opportunities.
Don't wait too long as the time of this sale is limited; our
Is complete and qualities the best. We keep a full line of staple ar
ticles, so don't think we cannot supply you with what you want.
' Prices sent on application.
Five men entered the store of
Moses Durkheimer, at Prairia City,
and held up and robbed the pro
prietor. 1 hey then blew open the
safe and secured about $70 in gold
dust and cash, besides a number
of checks
After six months' of examina
tions of the property, the extensive
copper fields on Joe creek, in tho
Siskiyou mountains, near Ashland,
have been purchased by a Mon
tana company. The price paid for
tho property waa $300,000.
To the Honorable County Court for Crook
County, Sul of Ort'tt'in:
The uudi-r-iKnml, ktsal votcr of Ash
wood princt, Crook County, Oregon, re
spectfully petition your llonuro(le Court
to ruut a ficeiwe to Benlon & Urater to
Mdl spirituous, malt and vinoua livuors in
nuaiitittes Iwj thau one gapon in Ashwood
Precinct, Crook County, Oregon, fjr a pe
riod of six month fro 3 and after Novem
ber 8, 1H02.
, Names. Name.
T. L. Chiluera, J. O. Poinuester,
lives Uwis, tleo. Crockett,
U. (1. Poindeitcr, i Shamhani,
J. M. Uruter, h. W.Tomliuson,
Dell Kad. J. W. MeCollum,
A. J. lllack. C K. Ounean,
C. F. Hamilton, Joid MeCollum,
Milo Wocd, K I.. Anderaan,
Cna-. Mct'ollum, J. K. Morgen,
1'. Lehrmanii, Kant Moure,
W. H.Loltin, Dun Evans,
Chas. L. Freer, (am Carmichael,
(ieo. McKinnon, K. A. Uaudolph,
S. Hamilton, J. W. Jamison,
1.. Draime, J. 0. Hrogan,
W. 1). Walker, Jas. Allen,
J. ii. O'Kelly, James Wood,
L.A.Taylor, Wade Uusaon,
K. K. Kgnieson, Frank Doak,
W. Henry Doak, K. D. Huston,
Lester Krvan, (Irecu Hraakett,
Jaik Hroian, t V. Hipe,
Joseph llannan, A. W. (tinier.
Notice is hereby given that tin above
naiiuil Benton Ji Uinti-r will present the
above petition to the County Court for
Crook Count v, Oregon, on the Mil (lay of
Nov., iswi, at the County Court 'room in
J'rlneville, at winch time and plane, they
w ill apply to the said court for a licenbc to
sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in
mnintitira less than one gallon in Aahwood
l'reriuct, Crook County, Oregon, tor a pe
riod of six mouths from and alter the Stli
dav of Nov., IDO-i.
Dated this lstli day of September, lJO&
Subscribe for the Jcch.nal.
ZjAjV Aft Ari
Tablets and all other School Supplies, You cant afford to
overlook the Tablet Department:
Reduced Prices in Tinware; the reason! There is none.
We simply saw a chance to pound down prices and get some
good advertising,'
A drop in Glassware and nothing broken, but the prices.
Wonderful Bargains are those" which we are offering. If
you need any of the above items, this is an opportunity you
should not overlook.
A share of your Patronage is Respectfully Solicted,
Incorporated 1899.
Drugs, Stationery and House Furnishing Goods