Jlr" Condon' New Hunk "Tliti Two IhIiUuIb" i tliDHUbject of n nuw bojk lli.it ha jitat ap peared I mm ihn pen of Dr. Thulium Condon, tlni pioneer gcologiat of Oi'ujj in, and for nearly 80 year prolDur of (p!olo'y in tliu fitiitu Uiuvitrriiiy ut Kiig'tiiii. Taut i a work wliu:li will ai ohm be accepted at a v.vluiiiilo addition to literature of Um uutii, lining ouu of u veryl fiiw work treating KciuiHilkully j on point of peculiar iuicreH toj thin Htati!. The ti'imcroiia friundnj of tliu writer of thin look Will re ceive il Willi inu greater wuliHiiiii) by riUHou of tliu fact Dr, Condon in now in hot Mint ye.tr, mid tliu buux roprnxeuU tidii Kit tliu lifu-waric of ilri Vonufaulu author, it M tliu iii.Min of lo.iord.ii for pri-eervu-tiuii uiul for the UMt of future ut tliu reniiliit of tn i-oientiiic re M'lirchiM mid inviMtiv.iiioiH ut the rei'ouiied ui.i.-Hi,-r of tin: giMidyfoul j history of Hut ululo. While much! oi (lie text Inn been roughly tirult-j cd lor many yetr, im i-iipim preparation and linir-fc. represent tliu umlui'L' rciK'linn of tint schoi itiidiip of iMtiru ro'iiiit y".irs much of il liaVIII lll'Wl Completed Hlll.'U tiiu uu'.ii.ir's SD.lt birtlnlt'y. "1'WO l.l.tlldi," lll.lktx lfM fllOI't to IUI tin) pl.iee of it technical work of Ki'-NUP, than to liieel a more papular iiii'!ri;it in lint gr-nt group of e:inihifi: I null. wuicb Or-jfon' ntUr.il r'-t'iuretM nrc peculiaily tiilfd to illimrif.i). U voiiKwii of it raoy mid intere'iin Jj wripium o.' t!. ibvclupiiieul ot i),.)u'ti (j-'ol.-jjlL' il t'oiiii tiijri trae IV' it if I'll lU orillal t.v. i bi It S.-kiy ra" ! ".ilmdiW in i r'iuiit outline and contnur, The tli!:ripiivo nJ u,u'r.livu in t.rc.toi t'..e Iw-ik u g.vuiy en-h.fi'x-.I by w -iii'-li of li.iti-iout! platen iliit-trntiii),' in ity of tliu tlioAt typical J il of extinct flor:t in id f.m.m w.w c apeciiiiiui-a arv found in Urn uuilici.V (jeulog.cul i!l rtioii ut il." Halo I'liiyi-rnty. ...... . .1 ..t. ... . A-t HidelihlH o:i tlieMlbject-ln.H-i ter of the miiin text, tlit iu ur three "chapter of old pit) era of llie uiitb-j or on " i'hti Eo-T-il of the Jo.m Day i V Alley," " An Indian Lig'-nd," and ' The Il-vi lupiii' iil ThtMi y..' which I lire of rpcciiil ihtt'ifft to llie older! i iieooiiiiiit, as lloy iiuiuate the pinnecr, ehariiuter of tlu tloiijiht of; tine of Ori'i-oii'a nioat prore.-iivcj ncliolam. Ilia a'Ulior umti iaitei tiride in the fact that the- boo 1 . . .. tttriotly an unoti pruuucuon irni Vtt-giurttM Ui lini-di Ori'Knn for fut'ject-mattcr, a typical Oregon! pioneer tint author, nd ix pu'n-1 iirhed by an Oregon firm and prin ted by an Oregon pr n injr-houi-e. A Cortain Oura for DyBoulory anil Diarhoea. ,,01.1111. ji.ii.n, h"' - .......... ...... I 11 hi nun fit a 11:11 tv tlutt intiMided limiting a 1m .tieyt ' t.i 10, iui;n.-.. nj"i' ''" v ............ IrudU.r.l County, I'u.'-l wh ,l,.ly with tliarrhotm, All'ttiiy, Uimll t'lkeu "Milil wail ttbiiut to ttivt) lip the tnp, when , , , .,, ,, ,.,or Ward of .Ho Wyv.lle M.i- ger, niijjiitwti'd that, I lnke a diwe of t,;imiiiiieiliu'i Colic, Oh'iluin and tliurrlioea llenieily. 1 purdned a Imt tie and took two clo.-cn, one beforo Htiirtirg and one on tlio route. 1 noiile the trip aticcefcifully nrl never fl: liny ill iffiict. Agnin hint itumuiet J wu oliiiost cnitipletely ruo on it with mi attitck of dftiilory. 1 liimtsht a hottle of this niuid remedy mid tbitt time one cured inc." Sold by ul druttgi'ta. "Now 1b the Appoimd Time " Tile 0. H, & N. Co. has jutt, initued it ' hiinlii"iiitdy illiintrnted pniiiplilHt entitled, j "Ori'iC'ii, WimliiiiKlilon it Mnhii nnd . thuir rn HtiMiii." l'eople in the Emit mo mixiout for inforiiiitlioii nlmut the I'Hdtii'. N'.-nh WVnt-If yii will lion I he ti ll, "1. On. nettt nl tiliiiuilio a lint of num. a nf ei'B'eru people who re like ly to bo interoaM, the booklet will be iuilc4 free to mull peiaona. idwxilw Jitr tlw Juuwul. i THE GREAT LU fTMlVd'i Blaek-DraiifrM lull ... mtvijil tlo:torit' billn fur tuore thun M ilxtr vwr.1, Tor the ittitii(m uiu- ily uihii'-nt.!, uli m wmi!,iiitti(m, iii''.ii;(:jtioti, !mnl cohla, joi!l com llitimn, c.Mli'i unit fi.'V.sr, kilioim ikm, liiwlnclu b.t1 l!i lika coiiiiluiiits no otlii-r iiiMiicine in ltiiM'fliury. It itivi,';ornUii i'J ri'f!" tilutn tli'i I'ivit, ii.iiU U'mit'ion, utimuluUn af:lion of l')8 kiiliu.-.'-s, p;U!ii:'it Hi" liiifd, U"(l puria tho nm 'il tnu tii'il,v)lllili.ioln. It ruriHi tivpr r.iin:r)ht:ht. iii(ii':lfiim. .niir uhiv.uuh, lizziiffit, ehiiln, W riii iiiiml.c piiint, iiiUi'iiB'm, wic.: I kiiliH'ylniiilili'.n, (Miitip'itioii, ' T .rrluifl. ii'.iiiUsntitai. y'ur. hard tiMi mi' trt.rytlnif!" uuUi.ih ) .ioi:i';r(i a j;ia;i;-jw.;'i.i m Vi cH i-at;:a(.;e avu in uit.; not. I ma ior tl.W. brier juciyt a s :biiW'e. J iiii.it on LftTir.p; t;.o tri;ti:ol v-vUi b i'ne (iiatbbiua iiulitine Coiiii.iiiiy. I fcilhve Muli rift B'jc'i.Drt'i'ltt ii I t but imi'r.U on urtlL It ll Cm,(J (nr iv :id tvtry'.lili.l. I hive n lnr.iliy at twelve tliiioren, ond for ij ttur y ; r I have kct.t tli'm on fuot fd l".fii(!i with no c.nctM but u 'Jrjj);lit. A. J. CiECN, llltwi.ru, U 1, lvlx)0Nii Saddles and JCarncss Maker of tl:u nd'd'rnti'd PULSE V 1 1, LE STOCK' HADDLE mi UM w T.iitfrt iti.j'r'ivivl l.rtdtft.' Sidf ;uid Hiivlo r-adilli-s, Hilf, Spurs, Aii(:ir,t (.'Imp, 'juirti; nnd llacka- inures. v riu1 lor pntw.' 1'iti.M.vi.i.K, : : OiiBcoN. feitl'jifcBCvro.!! If yea stfffff ft-n i.iy f tr. !.! ut m;.t, C (J '. ' ' ' front! riT'tfcfct yHj.t il it--t.'.-itJC" L L'lUI,!niiiil4 lit' f,oi. 5 )'-'-f.(t T Trunin U-rt:", ; n.i- .': vM -t l, A f'-rilt el.lil'ift i r-'il.i.:r,, ,-rrjt i)(in A tli.l if ttttl I' it v.fv I' r tut:- iwl tS'"f fc ' prtii.l'Hi;t i:r. 'I hr ! if't.' i l'(H i if f' peiiurm tun irla, li( i V'h-nn.mri. to 1-' " C IKiJ'rj'tjrei'hy! tin ki -1 uri'ftl', ) wt, r.u jv'-iisu, it jmjni tu v Th'tOhrtml loilnrt Mir'i fjiif.ftJ.'.t? W7ri t;i'i-v in l, ftieil ticiM-ifhy r hy lriir. .Send ltr I "tic. . dtn. (A vtilu.il5 Ui-li lor i.icnj Croat i wwnrn (' Anatrtiny worUi tonifl 3'l K irn R."wiiium:iyou ( itr ntii'le; luw to av.n.i ricwi" anil li'a.. We are rw!i'ni-"v iM"'3 nw .iwmica. 1 VnrVct Street, SfnrrftPf.iiiWJ. Ctl I t...!. ,y uiiproiiintlrolniviii U.S.aiiii (orcii-n PffllWKCtJBraW, , K , rJ k tf J l2,jSWlMBlSB ( houJ lol,eku iiur piiiitort inTcniicnfor 1 fiiercimlt.m mi.Mili.illlt. Jor fn book, i?tB ABE-!!r1ARKS T Kdison, lieu, j'T itowo, sinner, UoConnicK, a:ia alktiV V Juthpr mllllonslre lE5f 7f Inveiitorii Input lite 6 V I 'j? thr Inventor. Can you devlso lm f prnvcmrnu on artlt! fin commun um f W hile you d( lay, Other L' 'j jj U'miaranfMiHillini;! tnM 13 it'vJof fees i'iiti us for VWjK'ty 'ft)(1i:rutaiHi p insuiliiHiiit. "tor aim Dnytiuie vj tnrfntor'a boli rt-qucn. The il.intiii i rk "I Ur.O. A. til lie in too well known in thw lout try fn lo-ed miy priH. He enn liiy be ut ml io 'hniild utiuid, nl d'uir to the Vim Nuiimul Uwdt Uitn tiiui a tali. 1 T I 1 0 SB W)1NDEXTER. Shaving Parlors TK'K AKKIMM, Proprietor Ctlmvnitf Huirouttina; , Blmmpoolntr liathu A fin ballirra devoted enptciidl? to I In. iiku i.f Indie. Kvi-iyiftiiii; iip-ta-iliitt) and utriutly For sll Ulnds of rough and dressed lumber Kiln dried, flooring and rustic, go to A. H.rLlPPMAN & CO. J. L ScCdDocIi, Dealer in' Real Ehlat and Ab utractor of Titled. I'HLVEVIIJ.K. ; OltECOS vr ,m cvpifur m rv rr. it. jiwuA, i,E. y., Fliyslcian snd Si.rgccn, CULVER, : : OREGON" Am jirepared to answer profm Hioiiiil cull! promptlv. ' iMH BO YEARS' VEXPERIENCE ' Traoc Marks O'ltiiilr imrtii.n imr ((tmH)n two yvt.r iin ,,vet.tt'rfi in pr.-hnitlv nii'nii.Mo. ('tiiiifiitiiit . IKiiOintllyMiUfindM U. M-ilUll 'flK(rtii irH;lilj ft nt ir"R, i't'l'ttt rti.-tfT l'r i-wuriii i.alfiitu t4tti'rt tnr-iut'h Muim A Co. rocelTt A hnnAmelT inniid wnfcr. I.nrpwt cuiitut.i id "y n-'ii'iaiuo ioucrnJ. Ttinim. 4 ' ft ii 'tr; (' iii.mttm, $L tMl oy all Bwwi-alcr. fiUN & Co.33,B'f'- New York REAL ISTATE FOR SALE. K"it KiM.K-A lw" sr dwelling w'tl. l,..n mul iitiUi.'iw in tin-city nl I'rinnill'. ''I.iii ii.ntty l nilwiteil Mid In civiwl i... !.:.....:.... It M..-..r. ..nfLiirtli 4 if A Idnek m i,..i,of tl. r,;dtnw hmtiuwt ti.e iinvii. IMye Ki'n.ilil i i n 4 G New Firm. Call and see' them and ez- - amine their stock. their prices. x omestead Crook county offers to Hie intending wttler. advantagen that no other county in the state iloen, ano Komtt to be taken under the Homwtead, (specialty of locating eett!er and I guaraiite ray work to he absolutely corre -t. Before Locating, call on or address, F.M.WHITE, PBIVEVILLE, OPvEUON. ED X. WHITE, White & WINES, LIQUORS, r CIGARS. J , COUNTRY ORDERS kolicited PRINEVILLE, Illasniitoa Stables Rsdiv eed Bt BOOTH & Gary FZHB' in' MAIN STREET, M 1 i I U.) a !G IS SS M akv K K W Successors to G. L Salaron, ers XdO. al Jfter ,1 and Timber oi ner uenv ii"i" r - Defert and Timber Laws. I make a JOHN COMii.S. Combs. FIRST DOOR SOUTH I'OIXDEXTER HOTEL. 0RG0N. btmk boarded by day, week or month. Fine saddle horees awl livery turnout. Raton reasonable. Good accommodations. -Kcmoinlter us hen in Print ville, and we guarantee that yuur patronage will be appreciated and deserved. COKXKTT, Proprietors. louse v PKISEVIUE. OM'XiOS