Crook County Journal, 1 COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Tim Priiifivilln an.' ?. 'A8 . have tiled in this office their sworn atuta aienta, to-wit: WILLIAM If, SUMNER, of Pilm-vllle, ootinty of Crook, State of Oregon, HWoin statement No. txK July 1, VM'l. fur the urn-. , rjiaeeof the te'i Sec. M, Tp. 13 a, r 18 e, W. THURSDAY. SKFi,KMl!ER18,l,J0i.iW. ' i HARK1ETTK A. COLBY, of Prineville. 's"" ""-'ee!s . e,,unty (,f Crook, State of Oregon; awum Kmerprlslnf Cmuk County. i tat'Uie"t No. IRIS, July 1. llKsJ, for the pur. hj. 2N, I n. IT a, r le: w. at, lKVINtf K. W1NNKK. of Priuevillo. nuiiity have oriianizetl an ,'ricnl-'c"",,i Cmuk, state of Oregon, awm-h i.i . . : tucuiut No. tkif, July 1, 1W02. for the pur. aure mm biuih ncennjiiiuoti, n ohjwol the uwi no.;h, Tu. 1.1 a, r Id a, W. iavelrearly raised a sum of mon-i1 mABijK j. miller, f i,,inu. CoUn. v to hold an exhibition of their I 'tw. sut of iWn, worn ,tte. . , . ment No. 7;S). July 5, M02, for the purchaae jirouuiuoiis uci. to to i.-i, eumina-1 at tne wt, aw1, mwvj aadnwij Soo ting for their jirofcium huinenicihg, I ' Tht t" y ill! n'ff.r pAwf to show that the all of which is commendable. '. 1"J 'llt, m"1 ub1l ,,,r iu atone than for agricultural purposes uuid to Oook county has great stock inter- eubhh their ciaiiuatuaaid Uuj iwfor w. , ,. ii i j ..I i l ! A. Hell, U. S. Couiwiaaiouer, at Prineville, exts tine blooded cattle and nor- Oregon, on Thnraday, the 13th dy of No m, and perhaps the best breeds of M witne, C. I. Winm. sheep for wool in the state or else-i FwJ f toi, 0. E. McDowell, .1. L. Holt . . T. . . . , t. and Jsuiob r aught, nil of Prineville, Oiegnn. Where. Its grain fields and alfalfa j Any nd all parsons claiming adversely the meadows r enliirffino- a artificial 1 b"ve-decrlbed lamia ua remieated to tile nieaaows are enlarging as artificial , tMr ,,, m tllil ottio, oll M Mun MiJ Mreaois of water are brought uuon ; 13th dy 01 Nonmbar, lsKH. , .. . .,. . u2Sp Jar. P. Lucas, Kegnder. incui nun muinpui muuu iiieuitieg j . They will offer prtsif to show tlmt the hind sought is more valuable for its limber ur Uim thuu Utr lurlrultuntl purpoacri. ua nicniiiniiii tiH'ir i-in una hi mini in ml bt'l'ow A. C. l'lilmi'i', U. H. ( 'uiiimin iimor, itt 1'ririvilk', (Iri'iiuii, on Moudiiy the Hiti day ol'Novfiiiljer, UHl'i. TIh v imiiir u ft'ltiK'KKVH: J. W. Hwr, T. J. Powi'll..!. i) l'uwell. und JuuOuhivnii. uli of I'riiiuvillu Oo'Kii, Any and nil piTsoiin cluiniinB ndvorwly the uWiviMU'M-ribcd lundu ure reuuoHtrd to tile their cluiiu in I hie utlli'n on ur holuru uid !lnl divy of Muvi'inbor, IIKH. .'1JIU. i JA f. iitiCAS, Kegutnr. )0inting nearer its center. The county now is rapidly getting out of its isolated condition and fron tier habits, taking on modern en- Tiniher Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United Statu Land Office at The llallea, Oregon, Aon. 18, 1002. Notice ia hvrehy jrivn thnt in ootnpiiance with the proviaione of the act of ConraM of terpres which are insured success ; June 5, lt78, entitled "Au act for the eala of . . c i j iii timber lands in the SUtea ol California, Ore- Jrom It field Of many Valuable re-jgon, Nevada and WaJiinKUm TerriUwy,"aa purees, which are being developed. J BoS "cauy. "jf Albany Herald. i Buckley, county of Pearoe, atate of Waah- 1 . inittou, haa, July 1, 1902, bled in thia ottioa A Might of Terror. ! hia aworn 8tateu.ent No 793, for thepurchawe I of the awH of Section No. 23, hi Townahip i in. 14 a., KanKe ,o. 19 ,.. w. ,M nod will " felt fr,r Iho i,l i I, kIH A". !., w. M,. and will awiui anxiety waa leu lor the wid- offer t0 ,hnw iM tB Kught h ow of the brave General Burnbum of Bora valuable for ita timber ur atone than lf ,.. j . .. for agricultural purpmea, and to eetabliah hia MachlH., Me., when the doctor. Mid elailn to eaid land before J. J. Hoiith, County the would die from Pneuinooia before Wrk. at Prineville, Oregon, on Thureday, n . at a tt , the 13th day of November, 1903. morning Wlltea Mm. 8. H. Lincoln,. He namea af witneaaea: C. K. McDowell. wbo attended her that fearful night, ? A- V'".' .Ul H- Kri' kn nd H'- .... . , ., . , gmg, allot Prineville, Oreiron, hutahe begged for Dr. King a New Any and all peraona claiming adveraely the Discovery, which had cured her of fV'' ' " , UCir VltlllUal III kllta) VIIICV IB UI OTIUFtJ aWU ivonnuinpiioii. Alter taking, ahe llept 13th day of November, l'JOT. ' all night. Further use entirely cured 1 lu2l)l) JAY Pl W'Afer net . in iu ni.-trvelloue medicine i guaranteed to cure 11 Throat, Cheat and Lung Diaeaae. Only 59a and $1.00. Trial bottle free at Adamaoo iWinnek Co'a. drug itore. Timber Lnml. Act June 3, 187. NOTlCB I''OH rUULICATlON, Dulled State I .anil Ottlie. The Dulles, OrtKn. August IS, IIKI'2. Notice la hereby glvnn that In corapll uiHii with the provlalona or the iut of t'onKrow of June 1. Wi. entitled "An nol for the ante of timber landa In the aiutea of t'tilifornla, Oregon, Novuda, and VYHKh Inglon Territory." aa extondtd lo nil the 1-ublti' Lund tjtatea by uct of Aumut 4 1VJ, William 11. Perk, of Culver, i-oiiiity of Crook, State of Oregon, haa on Miiy isi, IMl, tiled in thia iillli'O hitnworiistnti imint No. 410, for the uurclaw of the mti ne ti of section US, township 12 ., ranire 18 e W. M., and will oiler proof to ahow tlmt the land aought ia more valuuMo for Its timher or utone than for agiicultbral pur powa. and to e tubiinh hia claim to auid land before A. C. Palmer, II, el. Commia- iioner at rrineville, Oregon, on I urntiiy , uie nn aay ui .ovemier, itarj. George Oaborn, Frank Hotfinan and lavi(i Burnett, all of 1'rineville, Oregon. Any and alt tternona claiming ailvera' ly the aoove-doecribed landa are retiueat. ed to ale their clalma In thla office on or buforeaaid till rav of NovemlHr 11X12. JAt P. LUCAS. Hexlater. a21p Eig Deal in Typewriters. A u si iln n (lovernnient Onlnra I'JOO Hnillli I'iriiilciia. "Viknna, Full, 7. Tho grciitiwt sin((lo ptircliitHO of typewriter over mudtt liiiti been oiilcred by tint M in istry of Justiei1, which, after three lnoutliH of fxhuuhtivi) competitive test', him contracted to equip the entire ministry with not Ich than 1200 Smith Premier typewriter", supplying every court." ... Press Dispatch to Portland Orrsonian, February 7. Portland ollice Smith Premier Typewriter Co., 122 Third Ht., I. M. ALEXANDER & CO., Agents, W. T. FOULK, Agent, Prineville, Oregon Timber Land, Act June 3, 1K78. Notice for Publication. United Statea Land Office, The bailee, Or., Auk. IS, 1902. Notice ia hereby given that in eumoliance I witli the nroviaioua of tbe act of Ciftitfree of June 3, 1878, entitled ' An act for the aale of timber Unda in tbe Statea ot California. Ore. gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extruded tn all t'la Pnbliu lnd KL.tM hv u tindale Of the AlbanV Public of Auguet 4, 1902,-the following peraona have Schools, ha been elected ,to the JJ" thiaotta ihrfr . .ut.rn.ut., to. presidency of the Weston Normal KDWARD B. KNOX ,f Pt onty f r J Cnwk, State of Oregon, avorn atateiuent No. School, With a Salary of 12200 a 6T', r the purchaae of the my, nvVt, m Tt, B D.. X . TP- M- 1H Ul. LilO uua I u VI IVCgCllbO vuueo e.( vv . M. Elected President. Albany, Sept. 3. J. M. Mar- Mr. Martindale from, a score of ap plicants, among whom were some of the most prominent educator of tho state. Four years ago Mr. I Martindale came to Albany from Iowa, and hag since been identified with Albany schools His resig nation will be recifived with much regret. He has proven himself one of the most efficient educators and superintendents the city has ever known, doing much to raise the standard of the schools here. Josh Westhafer, of Loogootee, In j. ia a poor man, but lie aays he would not be without Cbainbeerlain'e Pain linlin if it c.'uit five dollars a bottle, for it cived him (mm being a cripple. KOSCOE KNOX, of Poat. county of Crook. State of Oregon, atvorn atattnient No. 6.3, June 25, 1992. for the purchrae of aj nt'i and t'A t'4 Sec. 20, Tp. 17 6., K. 18 Ii, W. That they will offer prof to ahow that the land .ought ia more valuable for it timber or atone than for auricolturl puriioaex anu to ea tabliah their claim to aaid land before. J. J. Hmith, county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on Wedaeeday, Novejiher 12, 19C2. They name as witneaaea: Hurv Beck, Ca leb lMvia, Kobert Myers and Joun Hughea, ail of Poet, Oregpn. Any und all peiwns claiming adversely the above-deacrihed kuida are reiiuested to tile their claim, in thia odice on or before said 12th .lay of November, 1902. au28p Jay. P. LtiCAf, Higiater. Timber Jjind, Aot June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Uxitki, riTATiai Lau Orrir.r, The Dulles, Oregon, August 14, llfK. Notice i hereby given tlmt in tminpli anoe with the provisioi of the in;t of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An mrt. fur the snle of tiinlier lamia in the fltatosnf California, Oregon. Nwilii und wnahin; ton 1 erritory,-' as eiteiiueU to all A aulitng the puB- No eiternal npplication is equal to i lie land states !iyaetiifAtt,ii-t 4, 111 r! the tins liniment (or stiff and swollen i nje,j ; I joints, contracted muscles, stiff neck, J to-wit: sprains and rheumatic and inuscular pains. It has also cured numerous statement No. 42fl, t'tr the purcnase of the I a e , a V peiuioii 10, ijv,iioip u .., i countv of I roon, l-t'ite of Orepron, sworn cases of practical paralysis. It is for sale by all drugits. The tide of timber locations has turned to Central Eastern Oregon, and large squads are daily going into that interior, via the Colum bia Southern from Biggs, to the region beyond Prineville. There ranga 18 e., W. M WILLIAM H. IifRIMONU, of Prineville county of Crock. State of Oregon, sworn statfiiu.'iit No. 43), for the purchase ef the e K w 4 s c 'a n w ! .iwKni'X of section 20, township 13 rane 18e W. M. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought is more vali'.a'ob for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish thei claims to said land betore J. J. feniith, county clerk, at Frineville, Oregon, on Tuesday, November 11. 1902. ' Thev name as witnesses: William II. liinlsong, William H. Harney, William 11. Timber laiiiil, Act June J, 1878. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. I'mtkd Htatkb Land Orrtee, The' Dalles, O egon, May J, 11102.' Nolien is herel'V given tnal in compli ance, with the provisions of i lie aetol Con green of June a, 1878, entitled "Au act for the sale ol timber lands in I he Nlatne of (JalilorniH, Oregon, Nevada and Wash ington feiritorv," as extended to all the Piiblie Laud (Stairs bv .ct of August 4, 1892, the following persons have, oo Mav 111. 191)2, riled in I hia ollice their aw orn statements, to wit : Edmund U White of Davidson, county of Polk.Htaleof Minnesota, sworn s'sle luent No 31, fur the purrhase of the ski 4 nw! 4 and Lota 3, 4 and n, Kec 0, T 18 a, 11 g, w at. Charles F Slater of Hood River, coniily ol Wascu, Ktate ol Oregon, sworn siaU ment No 3.81 lor the puri'liassof the swl 4 xkI 4, sul 4 Nwl 4 and Lots 1 and 2, Bee I, T 19 s, b 10 , w V). Hold N iroat o.' Hootl Kiver, county of Wasw, Klute of Oregon, sworn si ale ii'ent No 382 for the purchase ol the stl-4 nk1-4. i1-, stl-4 and hwl-4 snl-4 8c 1. T 19 a, 1 10 tin. Hiehard K Cameron of Hisl ltiver, county of Wawo, Slate of Oregon, sworn slnleineiit No 383 lor the pnreliase of Ihe aw 1-4 swl-4 and Lots 3 and 4, rwo 1 and Lot 1, Sec 2, T 19 s. a 10 a, w x fhat they will offer proof tu show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or Mono than for agricultural purposes, and to (Mlahlish their claims to said laud ts-fore lh Register and Receiver of this office at The Dalles, Oregon, on liooilay. Hip 13' tt day of October 1902. ihev name as witiies-ea: Chaa Slater! Ilnvil N Sprout. Hi. hard K t.'an eron, Edmniid R Whim, of llrxsl River. Oregon, J H llauer and A h Peck of Bend, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the shoe described lands are requested 'o ill iheir rlaims in this ofRi in or he for- said 13th dav of 0'li'wr. 1!Ki2 ui29ii JAY P LUCAS, Register. Smith i3ros., DEALERS IN Sonera i Tlferchandisc, SISTERS, OREGON. Keep on Hand, Sheepmen's Supplies of all kinds. Rangers and Campers Supplies. Camp outfitting, We Carry a Complete lino of Groceries, Dry Good?, Hardware Kta We Hespectfully solicit your trade. Cornett & Elkins. Soneral ffilacksmithing, Jforsc Shoeing, And Wagon Repairing. Farming Implements, Wind Mills, rumps, etc. Our facilities for Tire Setting are unexcelled. , PltlNETJLLE, OREfiOX. KOTICK I K FINAL e'ETTLKSIKXT. In the matter of the estate of Ocorge W. Swal'ey, Occeiiscd. Notice hereby ;rivcn that the unde--siirned. administratrix of the estate of tieorge W. Swallev, ueceased, has tiled her filial account of her admii'tralion of sirid estate and thut the Court has set Oct. (jih, lisJ2, at two o'chsik P. M. ut the Coun ty Court Room in Prineville, tire., aa the time ami place for hearing objections to the.iariie. if any there be. l):ited this 14th ilay of A'lgust, Wri. AL.MTRASWAI.LEY, Admx.ot'the E tuteof O. W. eVVALLKY. is still af litree un-entered ret'ion in i, it i,w.,. i ! tianu. Lie barney, all of Prinaville, Ore. mo kjVv """-man, viieic uie Any and all persons claiming adversely timber is said to be of fine qualitvj t,,e nr-'ve-iic-uiiisL-d lands are requested to . , . - 7 j file their claim? in this omee on or Isdorc and where Umber cniiseri who sid Utli day of November, 11)02. , . i i . ., . m22p JAY P. LUCAS, Register. lie reaping a large harvest. Most of the present tide h from Seattle Sound points. Twenty-five Seattle and Tacoma locaters were pascen gers up by today and yesterday's traina on the 0, R. & N. Portland Journal. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Rtntes Land rdnoc, The Dalles, Oregon. August 13. 1902. Notice is her.'hy given that in compli ance with the rrovi-ions of the act of Con Kress of June 3, 1879, entitled "An act for SUMMONS, fn the Circuit Court for Crook county. Oregon. I. F. Caidlc, Plaintiff vs. ' H. I. Dalton, Defendant. To S. I. Dalton, defendunt; IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OF 1 Oregon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answerthe complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks of tiie date of the lirst publication of this summons upou you, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit ; for a decree reforming a deed from you to plaintiff conveying the N. of the SB. V the NIC Yt of SW Y, and the SW M of the SW y, of Section 28, the NW A of the SW yA of Section 27, the 8 of the SE of Section 29 end the NW 14 of the NJC of Section 32 in Tp. 18 8 of R, 20 E. of Wil lainctte Meridian in Crook county, Oregon, which aid deed was mode by you in favor of plaintiff on the 24th day of April, I8H4 and by mutual mistake omitcd the N 4 of J Tiniiwr Land, Ant June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tbeKK Wand the NE 1 of the SW K tliesale of timber lands m the rtattn of i Kection 28 and the NW "oftheSW y, of Ca'ifornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing- 7 and the NW W of the NE ef ton Territory," as extended to all the Pul-! M,-tlon lne B ?!, lie Land States by act of August 4, 1(X2, : Section 32 ill Tp. Is S. of R. 20 K. of V,il- the fchnwidg persons have, on May, 28, 1 lamette Meridian and said deed will be re- niK'nts to wi W"m """ i fornit'd U' i,"'luiU' ""U1 0,I""itt,"l "lntl"- "'MAVrHA'A. SPEAR, of Prineville. Published in the Cuoog County Joirsal county of (. rook. State of Oregon, sworn ! by erdcr of tiie Hon. W, A. Booth. County Cyrus' Jewelry Store Jo An Cyrus 5rop. Dealer in Silverware, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks. Opical goods, Sewinc: machines etc. Repairing dona by W. H. Cyrus. Prompt attention Sivtn mail ordtrs. irrinevilh, on. CHAMP SMITH. IcOMCLEEK. Wines, Liquors, Domestic and Imported Cigars. The Celebrated A. B. C. Beer Always on Hand. Proprietors of tiie Princril'e Soda Works. I wo Doors South of lii it TAT ITTTT 1 TT v....i ..!.. i D...1. n if-t it x 'V a ti , i . (i first jvnuuimi nana. jiai,lA 1 U Ali, , ORE, LhimIicl. $11 pci in $2.75 Ffish Sawed Shinies per'ni. 1 CnttrMl State Ian4 OScp, i Tile Ki:f4. Oa-tpm. Auti- 1 1102. X:sf(Ctf in iifittfliy jit! 11 that in omipiiuime witii it pj-mwionH nf' tiie act of C'lusrrciw M .1 .1110 3, 17S, entitled An net for ttie kaIb of tiui'-! JiurtM m the tHtes o! Lailloniia, pdimty ol ( rook. Mate ot OrPK". sworn this niuinnonii if the 7th day, of AtuM, i.tfi. NfvaK Wanfiiu-ft'in Territory," a Htatement No. 411, fur the pun-haw; of Lots rxwudeii hll th Public hnd St.ite hv 11 und liind n e x; 3, tp. 13 sooth, ' R. KIXTOTT, nut if A.uKit 4, WIW, the followimc wi4u?. ru:ige ltic., W. M. Attorney for i'iai,. tiff. KUtcnu-nt .no. 4iz, loMiiepurciifveoi the j juriKe of Crook County, OreKon, wwkly, iii u.i.ot, wjii.cii i ,, i dated an'l entered on the 51 h day or Aug.. MAKCCSD. PO"A ELL, of Prineville. ii.w ti.. .1,.... ,.f a 1,0 rt mibl em 1,11 ,.f Cty ZBarbei Shop. !PowbII d Cyrus, Proprietors. Jfot and Cold ffiaths. !Prinovil!e, Or