Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 18, 1902, Image 1

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    Crook County Journal
NO. 40
Aim rniiMfv nm
ULK UUUll I I i AM. !
To Be Held October
15, 10,17.
WUl Be Well Attended.
It Will Bo of Grout BonaM to Lo
oal Btoukmen Farmer
Considerable intercut is . being!
manifested In the coming county
f tiH'k hIhiw, but none too much.
Very few ol the stock grower and
dirtier of thin county have as yet
considered thia show from its dif- lUm&lx tt1(j proficient in all rnan
Jerenl phase. In the first place U wilJiam Craig was a,
it w oi great interest m wib "'
people a a meun of gutting ac-j
(tiniittvd with each other and the
method employed in farming and
handling tM,-k; also with the im
provement that is bring made by
fuel) other in grade of stock.
Furthermore the benefit to Ik J
derivua Hum a successtut atoet
lmw ure far reaching in that ,lhey
become of more than local interest
and tend to draw the attention of
the outside world to our resource.
There will no doubt he comparison
made a between irrigated and tru
irrigated product that will be of J
National impottaucu a the govern-1 ,ave him from danger, and ic
ment olfieial at Washington ntej mourned as a personal friend by
in need of nil the information JMri,' niost powerful ruler re.
along that lino, that can be bud. 'peeled by all manly nwn, admired
ti information, if favorable to j
our county will tend to bring til j
from the government for our arid
liiii'. sooner "ban anv other one
thing Unit could happen.
Crook county at th ,imi has
acquired a National reputation fur
im line shoi p and it in within the
probability that it will only be a i ur holding at even thin price. An
question of time when alio w i.l be LIHU.ln nmll working quietly with
enditig fine hlmep across the At-! uUt uny brass Imnd, ha been abb-,
lantic instead of importing theni.j ;t i anid, to mk Home line pur
The fame may alo be aaid of our ci,11M, There ia little doubt that
cattle an there are now some- of the iiml,ur lund is amid properly. One
Client grades here of any place in
the Union and it is only a ques
tion of time when they will rtaeh
a near perfection as the mind of
iiii n can comprehend. The fame
may be said of horses, bog Mid
Anolh-r interc'tini feature of
the fair will be that if we make
(bin i) success we may reaso'nulkiy
expect that with a lilt le; Work We
cull get an appropriation from the
state for a p.rmuie;nt exhibit. An
Impropriation from the state would
eligible the htouk grower to buy a
permanent idte tor fair gi'm.nds
mid lit them up in good )diuC )u'
water on tlniiu iiud otherwise im
prove tliem so that vu would have
(inu a ground as mere i
where in the 8!ati, A race track,
of cuiuVe, would lie a part of the
improvement? and racing m.'i)
'wojld find opp.irfunity to h!iow
wiuit they have in tlie way of tine
l'i-inc.'ille h i;) got bevond the !
l c
oifctln' outskirts of civilization and
siioiuu iu ie uou us prinu-;
tire habits an 1 take on aomefhin
like the uir"6f U city of in:po "Ullicc, 1
vhicii it is. Wu Imvc tilt! best!
biiMil,-;'s point in the state and why '
I we not make known to the
mtt.dde world our importani-e
jhiill sometliiiig by so loin j.
kail 1,1 u l ino Ijcui.i
''Oiu turned. Ui. look. and. put
outiiinrt or
dent' head a though
the car. ' Godl' ho cried,
i a hi arm bot out. Then came
the crash," Tbun (licit a Hlrong
ii mi bravo man, hi last word a
prayer lor strength to work a mir
aclti, bin hist thought not ol him
self but of liim whose safety it was
his duty to guard.
Williiim Craig wan well known
in Chicago, where tint agfd mother
whiwe tday and pride ho wa now
uiournK her nn. 'J'but nh bore a
man-child bo wa faithful unto
death, though the thongbt assuage
not her grief, U a crown of honor
to her gray hair.
Gifted with great physical
lll0d,.,i ,u,d gentle as he wa brave
, t; Hig lifa an, jth
proved the truth of the poet' lines:
The brave! are tlio tenderwt
The loving are the daring.
Honored by the government of
bin nutive land for gallantry in
tMtttle, lie served tha goveriioitnt
of hi adopted country with equal
uwd unwavering fidelity. Whether
battling with aavage in. the Sou
dan or bringing outlaws to justice
in America, he was ever courage
ous and efficient.
t'bou to guard the nation' chief
magistrate, he (lied in the effort t
,y ardent youth, and loved by lit-
tie vliililcnn
-Chicago Intea Oennn.
. Mum llBibrv Uirnl -
A numiier of lino timber claim
have la-en purchased recently up
the Kantiam, it is said forty-six In
all at greatly increased prices, a
bich an 12500 being paid. Some
Albany man who has both a bon.
flead and a claim piucliaccd troni
tha government has a standing
offer of 12500 for each claim. It
i said ?:!,0(K) has been offcrod fur
hoice clainm.-Albany Democrat.
N'oii.O l Bliei-n Men
The iittcntion id ahecp men is
called to R'Ction 3:55 l.nv t f Ore
gon which is us follows:
J "Any perron or pi Mon" owning
jor having under their control
sheep in- hauls of mhvw wli:ch
' have liocouie infected ait.i scab or
' other cuii!u;;imw disease for a er
! iod cf tif'jeen days walrm', nmort
j ing the same to tha inspector in
' writinj!, ifhull Iki deemo I guilty of
a mi. demeanor, and shall upon
" ! I'niH'l.'tina l lipri nf 1 1 minified tiv
a fine of not lea than $25 nor
more than 1250."
A Communication,
I Mr. Editor Allow me to epeiik a
j few wouls in favor of Chamberlain
Condi Kemeily. I'sutl'ered fur three
I ritiird ivilli flip hronrliibiM null f-ollttl I
.,,K III. Illli llrf. T llll'll HPV.Vltl
I (loc-loia mid various patent medicines,
llllt eim( pt twluuit M giv me any
rt )K; ma ,y wie gt tt bottle of
this valuablu medicine, which baa
completely relieved inc. W. 8.
l"Oi kmas, Uagoell, Ml. This rome-
, dv is for sale by all drugRists.
Stops the Cough and Works offthe
Oold. I
I .a r.t ii.ii IPiimii ( In I it m , Tnhlutu niiru a i
t .,1,1 in i,ii d. Nn Cura. Nu Pv.
' inaj 2ft neon.
.htop.aiackjPlCW BKimi mu.Z
ltertis of Interest 'Gath
ercd Hero ami There
3 irae 3toIen, Others Not
Oiili.Uijs Fro.Ti Our Exchansieo
Newu Wo ten of the Weck-Titx'-iy
Twcn!y-tbree carload of wdmon.
were whipped from Atori Menday
Thefieb go to Atlantis poai'i, and
constitute one of tha biggest t hip
men Is ever made Lorn Anforia
WuHhington prohibitionist have
made up their mind to make the
campaign aolely on the liquor j
question, In convention at Seattle
an entire congressional ticket was
nominated. i
It i expected that the navy de
partment will noon aunounc the
name of the-'miccesaful naval a
deU from Oregon. The work, of
grading th esamination paper is
protajeding rapidly. ,
, Two men in. Linn c)nty ar do
ing a proiilald'8 buaiiMw cutcbing
mud tui tion and bippitig thera to
Sau Francifco. It is said one tur
tle will umke 14 worth of ioi.p at
it ij fcrved ia th fashionable Han
Francisco testa uraul. ;
At Caker. City Junlice Messwick
hound Fraik S?hinn, charged with
cattle stealing, over to the circuit
court in tba (turn of f l,0;t). fllriaw
tried to jrovc an alili, int wn
i,nnwi.fcfuL iviieral wiiiKition
arc looked for. wlwn the case goes
to trial.
Two Indian niris about 28 or 20
year of age, whii escaped from the
Chein.iwa Indian w hool wrt taken
into custody at Atbland Tuesday.
They were evidently making thoir
way b, ck to their natiw baunta in
the Klamath country, being tired
o!' kokj at d atudy.
Recent assays showing 12000 per
ton on ore secured in a recent gold
d.fci very on Willow, creek, near
Huntington, have caused consider
able excitement in that vicinity.
li has been reported that the Rus-
sell Croup, the original location,
was sold, for f 300,000.
Hon. I?inger Herman, Commiss
inner of the general land olliee has
the following to say regarding the
propo.-ed'forest reserve in the Blue
mountains. '-Regarding the pro
posed forest reserve in the. Blue
mountaiu region I can only say
that the matter is entirely unset
tled aud is now pending before the
Department of the interior. The
tract has merely been withdrawn
from settlement and whether a re
serve will be created, and if so,.up
on what lines, remains to be de-
termiued. Concerning. th(j effect
the creation of the resrve would
have upon til grazing war in
Eastern Oregon. I can say. no
thing, except in a general way,
that the department is friendly to
the grazing interest, and the regu
lations have met the approval of
the sheep and cattle men.. This
would seem to be a demonstration
of the beneficent influence of. the
forestry regulation. T!,B drrl"idaV.. Poinde.vter K,,d Allicchan, the
ment i hberal in granting grazing
privileges exwpt wnere n is lOHBUthe job iuld-tll0 .u-tor-in, oaipany
that- grazing injure the tree) w;th t. A. AlJingham left.liere at six
I f?rWth
or intorfercs with tlie
t ......
Additional Locals.
Ht-e ll)o. beautiful Carbon Kiiiio.i ni Keili-y luuilo, 1'riueville.
Mr. Htiaie bUyton leaven iliii week
for Portland to Isy in a new nupply of
(aliiiinai)le ii'illintry,
W. jt, UcParlandV nwtt reoidence it
nearbig eonipterion, a welliwt a. muhi
Iwr of oilier buHdii.-g.
Rev. t'lark will preab S;turdny
evening at Howard and Sunday at the-
Cl) pwl chool house.
1. B. McDowell wa up from the
Hay Slack country the iirot of the
week with a load of grain. '
C. It. Dinwiddie, who is teaching in
the Joliujtou creek .district, paid this
otltue a (rkadly cull 'f uuaUay..
1. Michel inloiDis out Mjwrter that
he haa just rcivd k. full (upply of
Msliool bouki mid tcliool furoishiiig.
Andrew Anderaon, a jiuiiiiineiit
utoukoiiiM ol Hie Crook country, wa
doing buMiiew io tiiacity the foiapart
of tn week.. !
A. Y. Mowery, who Ha Been doing
the aign painting act here (ore-jmc
time i t, has relumed to hia home
in Ogden, Utah.
8. JJ. Wilkin arrived Tuesday from
Walla W.di lut vmtt with liudaugh
terrI4r. fceu Wigle, a. relf
tivw and hieild.
Fred Powell ha purchased tha prop
erty of J..J. Smith ucrosa We Ochoco
and will erect a tiue reaiUauce theceou
in Uie neaxlutuie.
'liiie rtiati out of ton.ace Eeeoming
pretty budiy cut up on account of the
greiit amount of IumiUt And grain
Uiat.Uas beeu haulul into town thk-
Oai-rii'or and gii-l for genara!
Luiin.' uork vie in great demand bore
rms mil mid eneli me s bard to tino
if rlie prut'ei'Lixl iieidltf in the hay
stack. - "
Numa F. McCoiu was in town Tues
day from hi ranch in the Culver,
neighborhood and paid this ottioo a
pleasant call. He will, make final
proof on, his homestead in a hort
Ihe performances given by the
Charles Vaudeville aud Projectoecope
Company were fairly well attended
and were the best of the season.. The
illustrated songs being especially good.
There is nothing objectionable iu-theso
Grass Valley i well represented in
our city thia week, there being a large
crowd of them here to prove up on
their timlx claims. The following
are their names: Chancy A. Heath,
Klmar F. Heath, Caleb W. Curl,
Rufus II. King, S. M. Bailey, M. J.
Taylor, D. II. CurlE. J. Heath,.S, A.
diesing, L. A. Ileatb, M. M. Heath,
M. A. Pottinijcr,,Caasie M. Heath and
M. E. Curl..
There is a good opening, here for
hop raising. H aiiy one doubts tit in
statement he-hai only to go to Mia or
chard of "lack" Summer' ami. there
he will find as-tine looking b'S usj
any ever grown in Western Oitvoii-'tM-anywhwe
else. This comity would lie
j betterio many respects than othei-pai is
of the state for the reason iht theK
would le no danger of ruin at the
piek ing. time and therefore less danger
of being apuiltfdmt that crilieal peiiotl.
Dr. M. Taylor, thft- popular,- doctor,
of tirass Valley, who came up with
his wife to. prove up on. her tim
ber claiin, concluded ho- would get a
claim also provided ho could get a
! timber loeator -who. could, take him
I .... I ....!.., .'.,.,1, ..,,., I
j ni!.tUng timl loClltors. UIlJ,rt,wk j
I o'clock Wedncsuay morning expecting
to belaek. hma. bv ten. or. eleviUL. at
night. 1'tais will be good time if they
make it,. aw they will have to speixtl
sime time in looking ovr tho timber,
ltev, H. C. Clin k and: wic returned,
lant ek kom tha :in.ilr nferne
of the M. E-eburim and- mmt hav
ing had a rleiiKtl time. We arr
pleased to state that ltev. Clark ha
lawn returned to this work and wi!
;he with u lor another ynr. He in
formed our reporter that aiiinng the-
Pformar payors of- Ihis place Eev. Hos-
kms m sent to Spraue. Rer. Kich
olwn to- Colfax, Eev, Bd Baker l
fiotirndiEo. Smith t Arliogtoii
Hev. O. M- Booth, of Moseor w '
elected ptesiding eldea. ; Bev. Both
is a brother of Cuunw Judge Booths
Resulat Ion ol Condolence.
At the-lant meeting h! Juniper Cir
cl No. 37, Women oV Woodcrntr the
foltowing resoht:oue were adopted:.
When, our neighbor Mr.. Effie
Templnton, m a severe affliction im
the loss of her beluved o Millard,,
and-we deeirato express to. Neighbor
TempletoR-the seiiti"nnt of sympa
thetic teelinn entertained by the niem
bers of Juniper Circle,, tlwefoce be it
resolved, that the menbers ol, tht.
ChxHe indiridUallv (uu!aa Iwdy ex
tend' to her hm.I het family i rbis ber
ssd br?svement.our heartfelt ajuvpa-
tbies, and that furtiier, that tliese res
olutioBs ba-ptKid npn th niiniiten-
of tfiis Circle nd tbat cftpy ff tlic
ssine bo forwarded tu U brpeb
neighbor; irlsu a copy muU ta ich oii
tha city pspi-rs for publication..
i - ,i . . A. J. Cbooks,., ,
HkKX McituWBU.
, A. Ji H.An:ii.Nirus,.
A Muiifel.liiiia..
-; Over on Willow creek, is- n t
Che model bom of Crook county
This is the hotrto of W. H:! 'Qninru
who hi-iB-a :dc bil fcimi only a
abort distawce from tbe'thlge of the
pine fereiits tirat cover-the raoiint -ain
in that section of the country .
Mr. Quinn ha& a small orchard' of.'
bearing fruit trees andu fe more
that are jwt coming into- bearing;
that show up nicely at this time, oi:
year. On the brow of a bill buck,
of his bouse there is a spring of ice
oold water that be has- pijieii doww
to the house and barn for domesti--use..
Ka raises all kinds oi vege
tables and when he has ris new,
house completed will be-one oi the
most comfortably, located of any of
the farmer in-the wst.. Here he
can bask in. the smiles of. his cwr.
vine and, fig tree, and w-ben tlie
summer sun beats dows. witb, Ter-'
vent heat ha can.bie himself to the
sluulej of the mammoth pines only.
a few yards distant and there Keek;
solace from bis daily care in. na.
tures sweet restorer, balmy sleesj. ,
Stood :Dc.ii Oil".
E. I ItFuntlujYa lawyer of He-m-i(-tta,
Tex., dace fouled a; grave-di?g!Ni' Ht t
sys:. "J!y brother was vwy liw with.
nunarial fevw amd I. per--
auaded-bim to try Eleetriu Biltws audi
he was souri'.niuchibettvr, JnH wintiou
ed thoir. use until hewa wholly eorU
I a in ,nire El'.n:t:i Bittis aavisl. fair;
life" Tui remedy- rxpels- iwal-wia..,
hills diseasM-gerwa and. urifiu4 tlifc'
Wood.; aids digestion, liver,
kidnvys and. bowels,.. Cures-e.entipa--lion,-
(lystiepsi: uerviais liiai .wes ,
kidney troilk'Sj , fctnala eoinpfniiii!. ;
gK-e jrwfeca hoa!ih.. Only ofe ti
AdaiikiiHt, Wiiinek & Cu'p. drug. store;-.
V re I . i i c v , A 1 1 ( 1 1 o n .
We will have in. tlie ntii-Jib'ti h.a" I
a.f IHMX. rwmuda ol. fieei'.n to., han'l
flunk SHi.uito to this i!ai i. in a., niioi u
ti,,,e.a,4.wi!:niettia l..Miw,
' ll is -mostly iron xml iwd-i Tt,i. Urn-
i est respo-.inib'e hiild' j;ets tW i.wi-
1 .tut.'