Image provided by: Crook County Historical Society/Bowman Museum; Prineville, OR
About Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1902)
Timber Imi1, Act June S, bTH, ' I NOTICE FOR V U BLIC ATIOX. j C NlTKtl ST.VTKB LAN'tl Ol'KH'lt, IM. 1 k.. IKw It .1,,... O. 1-WlO V...:... .!..,. '. , ? ,1.'... :.. .. 'U I villi tne nioweion oi dead of Cnnareas of ' June 3, 1S73, emiikd "mi it for the teileuf -timber lsnds in the stales of California, i.....n n ....... ....i iv.i.i.., T..i. t rv," as extcn-md to hi! the Public Land t Suites by act of AuKU.ii 4, 12, the following J person nave tint tuv "icu in this office their sti-oiu statement, to-uic: Walter I). Liberty ol I'rineville, county of J5, lit.. -o ! t. i. ...I . That tney will o&i- pro to show t ut th, land wiiiBht in more uh;.io,o for its tiuiiier or tone than for nK.-ieum.,-..! pur. ami V ! wuhlith their claiini to Mid hind liefon J. J, ! nnth, county olerk. at l,i othee at Fnne-: ille, lii-eiroii, on v touesany. tne iitn ay or . u . k tii.,., 1 1 ftey nam a witness; www , Jtiwpfi Mioderly. L'Jie Hon ud Claud Hoti, I U of Pnneville, Orryoii A. .. -...I .11 ........... minj ,lv.irMle I the a'bnve-ileacrilied iiUi.M are mpnted to j file thrir claims in this olfiee on or belore i .saiii 17th day of .Si-ot. iuiAT, l!-. jylOp JAV 1'. l.LCAS, RetUUr. Timber Lam; A.t June , W7H. NOTICE FUU ri'BMCAUON. TJtriu Lako Orrtci, LaVeview, Oregon, May 27, 1!W2. .- ,- , . . ...... i; , I . , " i ,. .n f the a -t of ' - ancewltlithcli.ow 10-i.sol tl c ait oft... n- (fio of June 3, l.-.r. entitled An act tor the lule of timber bums m the -tati-a ot; , alllot-llia, UrOo.i, .s:-imu. aim nniiuiK- toll Territory ' as exteoaeel to all tin- pun- lie land states by ait oi Aiiiiustt, lMti, the lollowinir ix-r-oii.s true tins day lik-d m . " r . . . : this oitice their ?vr:i taunients, w wit: Christie Martin, ol h'ort Klnniaili, county ,, Slate of (Megan, vorn statement No. Crook. ' V'1 Oregon, statement .V4 for the purchase ot the nw Sue IS. tp 13. ! N- '''' ",Se of ,he " -'' , ,H, v M . 'tp 13 ., r We., V . M, "Andrew MeWii Crain of Prhie.ille, county i J'""', ';; 1'rltu-vHIe, county of W. .State of Oregon, .worn tft.teu.eni. A.J : OrU,tttel Or.-. r m statement AM for the varcluuK, of ,l,e aw 4 See 7, tp 13 j P-j" OI " .. ,Wi1S-oL.o Piiueville, county of j 1 '"S ftititiZh?, Crook. Slate ci Oregon. ,,, statement No. ! !" "? ' . .J ' .Kl ",W Hi for th. purchase of to. nw Ji sec 7. tp:"':" ."" " . .'Ti' " vf Klamath, state oi Oregon "worn state- ,he pun.,ae 0f (he e'4 ew Section SO ji.ent No. 520, loi tin- purchase of the NW !Rnj e, nw grid fS ne'l Secllon S. '4 S3, Tp. 24 S, H K. jTown'h'p 14 south. Hance W east. VM.. Samuel Main, ol Fort Klanialh, county ; that tho- will offer n- oof to ehow that S Kbiinath. state of Oregon sworn state-- the laud so-irM Is more valuable for Its went No. B, for the purchase of the SV ! timber or rtoi-e tba n for rct.c.i. tiira pur i -m T., u I: , v roees. and to estnt'l'sn tne'r cllm to s.-iu l , 'i ' : f ' r vi,,,l, 1 and bc'ore V. H. Ple.cs. V. 8. Cnmmla- llichae! ulkecii, of rort Klamath,.; , h ,,rlI1.vllK 0rMnn. county of Klamath, suite ol Uregon sworn on --ueiov. the H'h day of Ooter, Miiteiiient Xu. 5-2. for the purchase of the ney namP a wltn--s'-a: Cn' .1. Qui NW Sec 4, Tp.ii , It ( b- lierir. H. A. Fu'er a-.d .taenh . Oolbere Jonathau L. Clars. of Fort Klamath, !of si'ters, Oregon: V. B. Polnd-xter. of -..untv of Klamatli. state of Oresoll sworn PrlTie- llle. Ore.; and Louis Nelson, of statcn'iciit No. M, tor the purchase of the i -;' i-i.s-4 Tn , - lUE V, Z.t- LoY.?h.::-,7 to show that Xw lan'i souplit inure valuuhle for im a iiuv j i - - - Iitmer or stone tiiai' for atfrioultural pur-; jHe-i,ana to esi.unn their claim w mm land belore the luKi icrann receiver ni I.-ikevicw, Oregon, on Friiluy, the 12th day sif Septcmtsir, .Thcv name a-witnesses: Christie Martin. Michael Oulkeen, Samu el Mam. Jiime- 11. Wheeler. Jonathan L. Clark, W. 0. .Moore, all of Fort Klaniatli, iregoil. Anv and nil j?rwjn claiming aavcrsety tliea'bovc-dcsci-il.! hinda are requested to li.e their claims 111 una uihi-c on or belore -Kid Pith llav of h-l'I- mber P02. jun . K. 51. iiUATTAIN. Regirter. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S78. NOTICE Foil Pl'ltLlCATIOX. I uited State Lnd Office, Tk Tlulks fhwm. .Inn 23. 1'aW. Notice is h,ebygiu that in caiinluuce ! Em ma Mant s wi.htiie ,mvi.i,.l.soi thcuitof Congress of ' nBpn' 0',r i'S9 for -h-- .ul' Juneb. lU ..titled "An act for the sale of fon. aw, rn stat mer No. 4A f or n tl, timiier in t-ie Slta of California, Ore- Teo.t H W.isbiro'ton Ten-itorv." aa extended t.i all the Public Lai:d -States by act of August 4. INI ' Jokiim li. Peterson of Priueville. coun v o.' l.rook, state of Oregon, L. on May 24. Wsjcin this oce hi sworn sUtj-meut N-i. 3111. b.r me pureliaseof ine r.'i 'A anu -n r-r.r, i. i. ii o, U la "K. W. M.. and will offer oroof to show . that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or tban tor agricultural par. to establish his claim to said land ie.f.. a f P.lmer f S foaiiidssionrr at lie names as witnesses: J. . r.lliou, j. . .A. t.raies, .1. . nojisins auu v . n. ivm- t .1..- .11 ..i o-;..D,.;n. Any anO all ptrs gis claiming adversely the I .ihove-iieseriueii b.i.ds are reiiuested to fiiel tiieir cl.'iinis in li.iA oihee ..n or before said ; ISth .lav of Saitiai.iwr. IM 2. ju-S .1 A V P. Ll'CAS, P.egister. Timber Land, Act June 3, 17S. NOTICE i'Oll Pl'lsI.lCATIOX. Cm? -1 rTs'ts Laxd Okiice, The ladles, Oregon, June 25, 19 r2. Notice ii he ei-y ghen that incoiuplia-ice wi b tlie j.-ro i.-:i . lie 01 li.e act 01 congress 1 .1... ot June 3. is,is, int. tieii ail 1,. 1 1,10 s ap- of timlicr l .u )'. the States of Culi f trnia. Oresioii. N.vii.ln. and Washington T -nitorvr a eiten.le.l to all the Public I, in 1 by aet of August 4, Wir2, the fill W'lrg per-on have, on June 7, W'1, tiied in tlii oliic (heir sworn statcnieats, to-wtt Tiioiaa Mi-tiiiiean of Spokane, county of Spokan-, sti-H- of Wusiiiinlon, swum ptirehnse of the aw'4 Section 31, Jowmmip slntenieut No. 4 '4f..rtbe purclusc of the 23 south. llan?e S eaai. tlr orofEosland.cStofr-ook. Bta.e of; statement N-i. 4a for tne purcliase oi the ' y si tion 31, Township 23 souih, Kittige ; 81j HKW. SW HEK and Si-.'A HVi tse,: 9 tt I 2i). T. 13 ri, II lb K W. .M. 1 ' V'illlam Pngue. I That tliav eill oiler proof lo show that 'of Ifmlani). County of Crook. Stale of. the land sought is more valuable for its ti.nls-r or stone than for ntrrieu'.timii pur- Mcliuigan, a-id James Slavin of Wasbin2t.Ul. Any and all nersons claiming wlvcr civ the' I lends are re iueeti-i to ' lib-their i-lainl-in this o.iice on or before said iilth day of Feptonw-. Vni. J"" "Y P.UTAS. Register, - Timber Land, Ai t June 3. 1H7H. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. foit,.,l sit-t.-s I and OHiee , ' V.' ' ; r - ,-.V. . The lhill.- i.Orei'oii, June i. Hri M.tiee I lieri-i'v ziv.-n .....i 1 1 -' ' i - niee 1 i.e..-,., ...... . . .- with tiie nr i'-l-lons of the e.-t of a n- . ..t !.,... 9 lu?a unlltl.f " in lief. 1 S tho sale of ti'iiW n !a In th-' k California, Oi'on, Nevada, and Wa-,l,i-.c. poses, am to eatat'ish their claim" T- 't. ... o 'i - i 7 '." "" 1 13 s., r la e., W. al. lor.. I before W. A. li.-l), V. S. Cmiiiiiioi,-: J0, : No, r,73, bled Jane M, P U2. for t ie p i chase j,,,,, jj Kuw,,m f Orlaly, eV.athis ofl,,-, ,.t Prii.evill... Oreg.,,,.- ""r orn ,,,-,. Bl"1 Crook, stat. of Oregon, sworn si, the litth Ha'; of September, iir.. , .:. .0':p ,,f ,h0 nPi. ;,u,'Scv. Secllon ! '"l r"V l , ,'.' ;', ' . , B14 for the purchase of tlienwj Tlo-V name as wi neves' fre.i Hiwina. ? i , J1h u S? east '" U- ''n""""1'. "".."' t. 13 ... r. 15 e.. W. M. .' ' MeM,.l,,.i, nt Vr ol-v n Tlo .' r , . t. -.i,,,, I l a.e.g. Male Ol lirei.'o". Strom suilcine.o. is... ton Territory," us extended to nil the Pull 'l",,'1 s. 1,y l" A aa "J1 Hit' following per.Hiis liuvo. ull Juno 12' j 111,12, tiled in this otHcc their sworn stute- lllclltS, U Wit! Frank Bonticy ftf Priueville, county of '''rook, State ot Oregon, sworn statement i '; lor the puichusc id the V, lie U and ci iiw (; Sir. 2i, In. 13 s., r. lae.,W,M. Angic l'.ouiioy of Frinei-ille, county of I rook, Mine ui ii K", sworn s atcinciu -IV. UOlia HIV 'U1V ,. e ... H.V W "V V, ami e b, aw See -'. tp IS r is e., Music Muyion oi i riueville, county of J.J. Smith county Ctork, at his oltne at , rillt.vil ,e, 0Kf.ut on MolulU). t,,0 i.Mli. p, " ' l l.. v nui'tiP ' nifnese; Frank John, y 1 rr(Klks Il(lirv VM ullj w, Vi f nCTji,,, (Vimr,. . , tl n,M..n- .,i,,iu,ioi. n,U-,o-,o'if "" i" ' p ., , , , , , j : t, ; ff w or ( i(i ftlh y af N..ltoniKiP( joj ivlW) ' JAY l, Ll'CAaS. Rctf' n Timber Land, Act June 3, liQS. NOT101S FuR PflllCATIIIN. U. S. Land Olllce. Tho Dallea. Oregon, June ISl, 19''3. Notice la hereby Klvcn that In compil janee with the providlona of the act of k:onwrejs ol June X l.sIS. entitled "An act for the sale of timber luiius In the the land noiixht l more valuable tor lt States of Calilornia. Oregon, Nevada, timber or atone than tor pur Innd Washington Territory," as estendrd pos-a, and to eeluM'.sh their clnlina to to Ul llie l".:ouc l.H!iO Biaies oy uei oi Auusl 4- "9' ,he luliowll" I"80 have on Jum , n,(,d , , ihu- worn ltatenirnt , to-wit: Carle J. Outliers. ot WISiers. eo'i-uy ei e ruua. oiaie oi vio- ifon. sworn siuu meni r.o. h, ir mo i-or- chae of the w', nv.', ?n I wV. nwH S -et;on lownsnip im mw fi Iiouln -el-on. ., ; :''"',,, ,rm:, N,', ,, fr - sj-.r -Jin -s. tl .'r-onsl Biota nf Bl-nld.'i. Minn. ...ii. ArV an.) all nerons c H'mliiK 'v the ,.., nr. adverse-1 are reuoest- j a . IrsAtr iMfl'Tlsl 111 f N O 1 l'T-' M "ion Tuesday th" l-:th da" nf nrvWr. 1i,2. jay P. M'CAS. Roglsur. I" Timber Lnnd, Act June 3, IS". NOTICE FOR FfflLiCATION. V. 8. Land Office. Lakevlew, Oregon. May 2T. la. KoiIpa is h,-r,-hv civen that In comoll auce wllh the provisions 01 i ne aei 01 1 Congress ot June 3. is.s. ..11 IConsresrs of June 3. ivS. entitled -n act r,)r the sale of tlmbr lands in " B'aKs of California, oreipn. Nevodi , and aaliitiRion lerrnor,. u "'"-" all llie Public Land States by act or August 4, 1J9-. the (ollowir.4 persons linvi. Ibis Oi; tiled In this otlice their sworn statements, to-wlt William H. Staat!). J... ,.n .VV.on.Vn, si la fr the our- i chase of the ew'i mr'i ett swv, and B' Vi , nw1. Section J, Township 3 south, ltaiise;n Ill east and nw,j K- Secllon 3. Township ..,,.i. i..n.. II. n.i Hint they will i-fT- proof to show that the land son.rht Is more valuable for Its timber or atone for acHcultural I'nrpoyei, and In es ablls i - wtoy. Cue Bth day of e-ptcmb. r. n, n3m ns tL'Hr.ois"! Donald Fieffa. of Ticrd. Cre. : Simon C. Doukel. of Lfva. Ore: William P. Vamlev-rt. of Lava o-e. Btck Vawlevert. of Lnva. (re.; w .11 am , H. Slnats, nf uenu, ore.; 1,. .1,. .i.;,..Sr!.r tfS .in s are rCOIiesi- , 10 j!f i-n.-.e i-mm i 10 'toe otiicp -"i fr fcrjlore saiu l".n oa o, .-..i'..-.. .... Timber Land. Act June 3, 1S7S. I NOTICE FOK l't:r.i.iCAT!ON. I . U. B. 1-and Olice. I LaVreview, Ore.ron. May 27, !i2. i Notice la hereoy given tbut In compll ' aace with the provisiona ol the aet of Iconprim of June 3. 1-.7-T. en'.nled "An 1 let lor the Hale of limber laruls In the .States ol l.'aiiforii.a. Oregon. Nevnoa, and Vv'aihir.giori 'ierntor- as extenJ.d ta all the i.anu itcs oy act of August 4, 1 the follow:' e peraont hive. inij day 1 ! In this olllce their sworn 1 statements, to-wit ' - ... , I!,..,,,' of Rostand, Cointy' of Crook. Slate of Oreg. u, sworn stat-uient No. 4H1 for t'ie uurehiliw of the . t.-V4 Section M and nV, ne',4 bection 3i. Towrc.-bip 13 south, llauDe ( II eaat. Minerva llogue, of Ttnalnnrt. &.ai! of ..'rook. State of , Oreir m. sworn sta'tenient No. tor the Oregon, sworn statement No. 4s., for the p or the r.wVi HecUon 31, Township fpone,,or Hosland, County of C I Oregon, svorn slaement No. 4:-9. for the purchase of the swv, oeet.on .!. I i.vnahip . 2:1 south. Pi.tige & east, that they will offer , oroof lo show that the land so-jht I" ; mere valuable for Its timber or sione then j.. !mer. r. 9. Commission. -. at Uen-I. ore- on' Satuiikiy, the 13th t'ay of Se'ptem- j pron bee. 19:2. Th"v name es wrtnefcei: FrnrV IlardV. of Rostand. Ore: Hia'le A Oravei. of i'tos'.snd. (ir.: 0orge V. 81 v. of Hos.nn.l. Ore.- Jolt 3. Boe-'ie. of noslanrl, flre.J la- r,n Rr7 of p,Unii 0rc . Jamm jr. Rome. 0' Hoslano. Ore. jioe le. oT -aosiano. tire. Any and all persons claiming adverse- I-- IVia iHY.e-.rie...rllw,l lon.le ar- Mn.wl- e.1 to file their clalnns In this olficc on or befw. .aid lliXlll$tu ' Ttmbr liftnd, Act June 3, 18TS. NOTICE FOR PCBL10ATION. (tnHcft 8tit'i l.nnri Offlw, The OaIVh, 0)vh-ii, Mhv . 10 12. I'nttrU tin ton l.iiiul Ottlce, Nottra In lipnty givrn llwu in rimjll antt with tlie ludvlslonn oi the aut ot 'oitKrun of Juno S, Hin, titilkd "An art fur tho nul of tmihtT ltuntB hi Ihi StuU-H of Cu'il'ornlu, Ort'gon, Novmln, nU Wnshlniiton TtTrltory," n nxtomlvii lo all tlm I'ultllQ Ittiul BlutMH hy net of AiiKiiftt 4, 19.!. the following t)ernna Imv. on May 1.1, lOtt, flltMl In tlUa o!1,'0 tlidr sworn BUitt'mpniH. to-wtt: lU'Witt V. Dnnforth, of Portlnful, county of Multnnniuh, Htut tf Otvsoii, nworn stittrmoni No. Mit for tnp puroaaste or t no h nwi- w "4 n'i nwf4 bpS4 of Section No, 31, Townnhip N. iy south, Hanwrt 11 runt, V. M. Honrv A. HntHr. of Shnnlko, county of Whhco, 8nte of Or oiton, nwiirii Btutcmont No. -HTA for the purulmne of the w nwvi. 4 m seVi noH of Hivllon No. lil, Towiwhlp It ..ll. U. 14 Vf If aouth. K untie 11 entit. VC. M Iltnjiimln F. Pmlih, of Port land, county of MuUnonmh. Rtnt of Orrtn. oworn atniomi'iit No. SH. for thit puri'hust of the nt' of Seotlon No. 1, Township 19 nouth, Hntmo U eaitt, W. M. Jt'nnlc li. Smllli. of Portland, county of Multnomah, Rinte of Oregon, "worn Htutrtnont No. .'MS. for S. r .. ,o .... i,7... n .. ... lit ine puit'hnH ol fhc ut-5 of Hm'tion INo, u, v.ii3iiiu iv nuuwi, nuiiiu li van., . . Ismlwl D. Mbby. or rortuina, county or wuitnoman, nie of OreKoti. Hwoni atatumeiit No. JIT. for the purchase of the net nwH, n't aw'i ' land aeii pw1. of SiiMlon n .no, Townalilp !l ouih, Kniii'o II east. W, M. kiiip uoiiy, of Portland. eciuTy of .Multnomah, fltnte ,or Ureuon. aworn Htiitenient Mi. .Hii. ior 1 'the purehaae of the aw4 awVk of Section No. !3 and rU ne'J and aw4 or His tlon No. 21. Townalilp lil noil III. Kange II eutl, W, 2.1. That ITioy will offer proof to how that .,,,,1 uln,t u.,nri- Iho ttpit slor mid Iti-cciv- er of till, otlleo at The Halloa, tiri-noit. on Tstly, , wtl ,,,. , September. Wl Thev name a wltneeara: DeWItt V. In.nirorth. Benjamin K. Smith. Jennie It. gMitn, rillOel 1. I.lbbvaod Kinie 1 .111 .( Portland, tlreicn o shanlko, Oreaon. and Henry A. Hpear Any thu a1 soil all ii.-rsoiB cbilmlnir adversely the above-iK-aerlbisI tan. If are reuuesti-.l to ti.e tlie'r elaiins In this ornee tut or the purchase of the et.'i nw'i. w ne'y nil I before said 10th ibiv of Seeteini i-r. JAV P. I.CCA3. Iteclsler. Timber Lund. Act June 3. m. NOTICE FOR i'L'llUCATlO.V, I'. S. l.aiiiJ oltlc. The Dalha, Oregon, June il, Not Ic in hcrc-by shtfti thui hi compli ance with tne provinloim ol th uti of Loiigmuf ot June 1 s S, rntttlcd 'An act lor the r-ule of llmlHr lutitts tn the SiattiB oi (..'uiltoriitit. tjreg-tn, Ni'vaoa, and WushltiKion Territor, an oxtciuKd to all the 1-ubiic iwind ri:att hy a:i 01 Jo, e'i.V. '"iiltt . V. .,, 7hl7 o 'i h sworn atati-ments, to-wlt: L. tvnlker, (of Prlnevllle. County ol Ci-ook, State of urenon, eworn No. is.'f. lor the porebase of the nws. Heet.on JO, Townjdi.p jlJ aouih. Itanue U east. V. 11. , Katy Merrill. 'of Culver. County of orook, Slate of Ore- !lr..j;on. sworn Slal-in.'llt No. t, j. lor me purchase of the nw'i heetlon .li, 1'owuai.ip u tiMiXi )uul.i0 i v M. Jam. a H. ..leMeeii, of ij, xi0nin. Coenty of Crook Stale of ur .,,, ,..w,,rn amu-meut No .M .for I ha purchase of tho t", nosl mid e' sn1, B. j tloti Hi Towi-.uiilp 11 south. Jluage 1H ctutt, I ' WM, Jacob H. Merrill. oi i-.'ivir, ei'-jiny oi e-n-.-a, oi rvgon, -or-i ataiemeiit .so. a r,.r no !- r ' . . ,, ... ,r . I. , .,, " . jhn K cmppi,:), i pr;n(.V:ip , t.. oi Crook. Stab, o' i Oregon, eworn srat'oner,, ,o. r. -s. 1 r tt.o , piirci-aifa of ih" n1,.. :i.-v,. n'f sw1. Sect! .n ' 3. 'i'ownal.lp 13 ejui.1i. nnni u, euat, WM. ; James C. W;l--in. of Haystnclc, County of Ce1Mlk, Rtute of . Or--. sworn pii''.or"i-r.t No. r.B. for the; purehave of ibe e.-v; Hee'lon Townnlit, j 13 ool'.'.h. itni.ce l eael. M'r. I William J. Walker. - of Priueville, County of Crook. Rinte n! Oreiron. fiworn Hia-ement No, n. for lbs l-ircha-e of the m". Seebon 35. Township I Li south, R-nire V. Lf mv?Sl"(&,k. mate Orr-gon. sworn stoier-r-nt No. s)i. for ii.u 1 curehose of the s.-'i fi'-ei'ori 2ti, Townsiilu u.lI1K, , u. v.'M. Vcttle Hear nr. . .. .it , .t. .. ,inn ToV"lhlp '3 so-.rh. Ran IS es.-l ; -Oli, ir.S' inev wo. nil-.- in..-" I" r-I" Irhrif fh '"d fonrbt Is morn vfl-ieiPe to jit I'mbs-r or atone tl-nn fo- nwrlr-'i't'ir;!' in-'roopf-s, and to esrablt'-h r'n'm t" VM 'rail ' efor- A. Cell IT t. Comrr-'s isioner. at his o"e Ft Prlnnvllle. Or.-roo ion Pr'dne. the 1'i'h ': v of Ss-ix-mhT, W -f-t'ee snnp ns ,v!fnr-s-a: J. B. M'0t !.T r n-o.nn t s Mes.fnr-n. o' Oa" larn'ic rre.: "' T v-'ker. and ,1. B. ICarrr.bell. of Pr'nevllle. Ore. ' Av nod e.P rsir-on .-'a'rolne rrt"eee. l; 11. shot-e.rtese-Oiod I'l'ot". arn rpnt'est- 1 to fllo it---'- r'- lms r, o;oee .n 0r lvfore said 121b -1'"' of II r.i-"ih-. 'V. JAY P. l.TTCAS. Rcrrlnter. Timber Laud, Act, June 3. Is73. NOTICE l-'olt PUBLICATION. United Statu Lund Olli-e. The IlaUes Oregon. June 25, 1!I2. N'ollce Is hereby given that In compliuus with the 1 rovisi-.ns ni the act of Coheres. .,f Jane 3, IN. ti, entille.l "An act for the sale of timber huels in the ttites of California, Ore gon,, mid Washington TeriitolT," as extended t.o all th- Public Land States by act of August 4. lt'.li, the following persons! have iiie.l m this inbce ttieir sworn stale in. nrs, to wit: Andrew F, Kngsti-om of Wardner, county of Siioshornt, Slate of Idaho, sworn statement No SIX), filed Jane 12, IH02, for the p"rchaic of the e'4 11 w V, and ijjnr Sec 33, tp 12 s., r 17 e., YV, -M. L.boir A. P. LaFollete of 'Priueville, coun- ' 'Z2 l,u' ' , ,"Ti " "1 "" a ' ' ' ' r 17 e., w. M That thpv will offer proof to show that th. 1 m,,:,t is more v.iluable for its ti.ul-or or h f icultural purpisie.. and to t., said hutd Wire V- a. r.eo, u. n. '.-....-. '.- Priueville, Oregon, 0:1 Saturday, the 27lh ,1,. nfHeoteUiher. I'.l02. Tbev name as witnesses: S .1. Newsoin. Win. Mc.Meekin. John Hitter, T M. 0'. on-n-'l. John )taru.-s and Frank Hay, ail of Priueville, Oregon. ; suy auo t-v...... - .-..--....j , above-.lo-criiasd are rei.:ested P. til. Any and nil persons claiming attversiy the their claims in this orlice on or before said !7th on- of Septelidier, iwu. jylOp JAs' P. L't'CAS, llegister. Tluibcr Land, Act Junt H, 1STH.' notice for i'Uhlication. Ukitiiii Stati-s l.tmi tirriit, The Dulles, Utftteui, June !H, im. Nullcii is helvhy given tliiitliHMinpllaiiee will) the provisions of the act of Cuou-re. of June 3, 1HW, entitled "An net lor the sine of limber latins In the Halca ol I ull I'.o'iilu, Oivifon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, '"as extended to all the 1'ul.lic Liuiil Istutes by act of Angio-l 4, ll2, the following pcr-oii have llle.1 III 111 Im ulllee their sworn stiltolllelils, to will James II, W in.loiii of Culver, county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. Ml, tiled June bl.tTHfi. lor the pui ehiise of (be N S "d K' H, and NK't N K!i Mec 17, T. 13 is, li Iti K., W. M. Frank S. Iloll'iiuin of Culver, county uf Crook, State of Oregon, swoi n sluleiueiil No. fi70, bled June I I, ll2, lor the pur-clui-cof the NI'lH Si'.'i Hw W and NH NWt,and NWH Mil-. u IT, T. 13 H, It 15 IC, W. M. tliivon Springer of Culver, eouiity of Cnaij., stale of Oregon, sioirn lati-iucnl No. ftVI, lileil June 19, IM, for the pur-eb.i-eol the (, NKUj ttuU 8.W NWIScc 17, T. 13 H, li, l.lK., V.M. Miiry K. I'ocU of Culver, county of CtiHik, stale of Onguli, sworn sliiteiiieut No. fiT2, ble l June 13, M-2, for the imr eliuw ot the HK'. tK', Hee 7 ami bt V!t und HWJ, rtKn A-c a C. 1.1 S It. lft li., W. M. " Holn-rl M, Morris of Culver, county of Criaik, sb.le of Oiegoti, sworn stiitciuctit So. 471, llle.l June 13, IIIU2, for the pot i-biise of the hK! Kt- Ut, I. 13 It. IS K , . .11. Millie A, Yih-oiii of I'rineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn stitleiueiit No, .;.'., tiled June l.'l, Pr2, for the pur eliase 01 the N W Vt w 1 13 -i H. 1U h. W. M. Alla-rlT. Yoooni (if Culver, tsuinty of Crook, stale of Oregon, sworn stateiut-ut No. nib. tiled June l;l, lis.:', for Ine pur chase of the KK', Hoc .11, I. 13 H., 11. la K W. M. Mary A. Morris of Culver, county ol Crook! state of Oregon, -were statement No. .'iH, bled June l.'l, l!r. lor the pur-chu-col'thcMWj, iei 32, 1'. 13.-., if, InK. W.M. f Thoiims J. Leueli of Culver, eouiity of Crook, slate of, sworn stilteltieia No. o!l, bled June Is, HvJ, for li.e oit ehase ol the W, NliU f-ec 6, T. 13 ri., it. i.-i i... w. ;.i. Tliatthey will offer proof to show that the lunit aoiight is mine vatmib.c tor lis tiutU-r or stone than fir pin poses, and to esb.oli.i'lns to nuo. I11111I la-lore W, A. licit, V. r1. Comuiissii.i. er, at bis ollic- at I'rineville, iiren..,,, n, l-aliird.i), ltie2Uli day of n.-.. iiiU r, PO:. They iiauio s witnesses: W. II. lees, J. II. Wiiiooin, F. H, Itolliuiiii, It -is-rt M. Morris, Alb--rt i. nn.i o. Kpringi-r, ol 'Culver, Oiegoti, 111:. I Fr-il lliggins ol Prinevilie, Oregon. Auv umi ul 1 p.-isous i-iaiuiiiig lutverseiy llie alsiveHl.-iaiilad land, are nsiuested to hie their claims in tin. ufuceon or bcl'oivi suid 2"tll day ol ftcpteinla-r, 11 rf. ju-iu JA 1 t'. 1.1 t'A.. llegisler. TiluUel Land, Act June 3, 17 li. NOTICE FOK I'L'lll.lCATIO.V. t lllle.l Stst.s I jlll. I Ollc", Tl.s Lalles, tirsg .ii, June i W1. Nolle Is tiwreoy nil su that lit ooio,i.,itiw with tue pmilsleit oftbeautol (Jongussol .lima ,1, 1.H elllltled "An set for lbs sale ill , liuilwi laiios ill ilia Mat of California, Ore. k"ti, isevrtila loot .tsiiit.ifii.u isri itia-y," ss ,vni.-iiut-.J wi all , nv ruoue iailia .lales l.y BU1 August 4. 1MU, ti. following is-..iis have lb., day died in lids mum Uicil swoi li stutt mi o'.a, to will Cluirks ll.Ciaiaof Pilnsillls, county of Cr.s,k, slate oflnegon, sUteuitut No. 4il), liled-J.lli7,P.Ml, lor lbs puiel.a.. of th. e-, e ., ro c iaan.1 awv. we 11, 1. i.),.,r. ill -Millie M. Gain of Priiiuiilie, county of f.'r-wk, .state id Jrsgon, sworn stileluelit No. iKI, tiled June 14, IP02, for the l.u.cllase of the nw'i hce 17, t. 13 a., r. 1 ., . in. Allaai I. Clalll of 1 lilit-ville, county of Cr.stk. state ol ur.-goti, swum siuteineiit No", Bwj Jque it, P.sl2, lor the pu.nbas,. of , .1; ,..i .s,s- 17. ke bee H and swl siv r,"'e.' - ,lsV - '; .' '.' . , ."..n v..... .., c.ui.vy ..1 f 'rook, state of Oregon, swot 11 statement N -ria.l, hied June 14, PJU2, for the purchase, of the eA iie1 See 111 and w( riw'4 See 2U, t. 13 s., r. "We., W. M. Charles L. Hill of Priueville, county ef Cr.s.k, state of Otegon, sworn statsoneiit No. .W4, tiled June 14, l'.J2. lor the purcl.aae of the w, iia- and wi sw See 27, t. 13 a., r. lb e., W. M. That Ihsy will offer pr.s.1 to show that the land nought is inoie valuable for its limber or stone for agricultural liui'isise, uli.l to estal-lish ttieir clabli Pi said laud beloir J. J. Sioilr , c-.unty clerk, -at his otlice nt Priue ville, tic-gon, oil Saturday, the Ulh day of Scptenila-r, 1H02. 'I'hey riinrie as witnesses; ,1, K. Hears, Lit. cinda H. A11ders.u1, Walter Libertv and V illiuiu I'iiol, all of priueville, OieKun. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-.lesei-ilast are ri-'piested to hie their claims ill this otliee on or before said 20th day of Se;.teiiibor, 1IKI2. iu ll) JAY P. LUCAS. Register. Timber Laud, Act .lone 3, ls'7S, N0T1CK FOK Pt;ilLICAT10N. ITjtlTCK Stathm Lami Oyni-g, The iJailM, Oreg J Hie 2a, 11102. Notice is nereiiy given that ill compliance with tin. provisions of the uet of Congress of 3, 1:7.S, entitled "An act for the aule of timber luuds ill tiie Statu, of Califoiniu, Ore gon, Nevada and Wa..huigton Terriuiry," as u.'iiuigioD lernwiiy, as Public Land States by '2, the following persons ... 11 ...1 .1.:. . j:L exteuited to all .he aet ol August 4, 1KII2, have, .111 ,1 uue 20, 1ISI2, li e.l in tliia orlice their sworn staioinents, to-wit: Nathaniel A. Newbill of Ortasly. county of Crook, stale of Oiegoti, sworn statement No. bill for the purchase of ti.e uw'i s-1 Sec II, t. county of No. ntt Sec 1U, Casper A. Newbil) of Giuzly, county of Crista, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. (115 for the purchase uf the sw ut Sec U, t 13 s r. l-'i ., W. M. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought la more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claim Pi said land before W. A. bell, U. S. Commissioner, at his nines at Piineville, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 23rd day ot Septeii-her, t'juz. They name as witnesses: J. M. Henkle, C. Alontgoiiterv, Henry Montgomery and John Archibald, ail of Oriady, Oregon. Any and all is-rsmis claiming adversely the ahove-describud lands are reipiested pi hie their claims ill this oll'toe oil or before said 2rddey ol September, 11102. JAY P. LUCAS, jylOp UegisWr. Tlmla-r l.aml, Act June S. IH'r!. N0TK1K FOK lTIIUCATIO.V. t'WITKIl Hrl'KS I.ANH Ofni'l-, The Holies, Orcgoii.Jiib.i 21, lli"'J Notice la heieby given that In i-iiinpl lim e with the iirovlnioiis oi the net of Coii g.essol June .'I. 1S7, cnlilleil "All net lor llie sale of timber iuiids In the states of I nl I C .m In. Ongon, N1111.I11, nil. I Washing, fob Territory,1' as uxlcuil-d lo nil the inil,. lie laud sintea by act of Auj-usM, lsii.-, Mutibia A II. 11 lint, on June 7, li 2, lib-.l In this olhee her sw.uti slaleuieiil No, Him fur the pun lin-e of the nw sw (. isee. 21 umi it )i ar k and lie I aw H Hue. 2), in 13 ,, r, HI c, W. M., and will oiler pn,,. 11 to l,w that the land sought Is mote vnlnuble for its tlmlair or alone llinii for agricultural pur. noses, und to establish her c'liiiu to said hiuil belore W .A. Hell, tl, h. Coiiiiuis sinner, at his ulllee nl rrltievllb-, Oregon, on l-'rl.iay, the lulli ilny ol heputnbi r, lli2. (she names as w ltimssesi II, 1, Allen. T, II. LuFollete, Cnry Foster mm l,co l.ul-'i.l. tele all ol I'rineville Oregon, Any and all persona cliiiiiilug adversely the'si rlbeil lands aru 1 1 . it, -lt, 1 ,, llie their rlaliiis In this oillee 011 or U-fure said !lh day ul Heiiteiuber, lUr.', JAY I'. I.Ut AH, llegisler. 'l'liiila-r l.aml, Act June 3, ls7s. N0T1CK FOIt I'Ulil.IL'ATION I'nitkii Htatks I,i m. iiriin,' The i.dles Ois-b Jumix), lir:2. Notice Is llerebv ulveu lliul 11, . ,, with the provisions of the ai l of c.ugr.iss of June 3, MV,s, entitled "An net f.,r sa.e 01 iiii.ia-r lamia ill the Mutes "I all lornla.Hregon, Novadu, and le.b.ngl.oi lioritory,"iisi.leii,le. (null i. I'ublu Unit riuiu-B by set ul AugiisU, mk, John r,lloKg, ol Howiiid, coin, tv ot Cr.H,k slate ul Ongon, bus, oil June It, pi .2, lilcd 111 una olllce tils aworn ataleiueiit No. A7 for the purchase of the 11 u nw b. ni.-l w 1. tie H tsec.W. tn. 1,1a.. r. llie. w if ..,..1 u ,1 oiler pr.aif to show that the b.iui smigl.t is iii.oi- valuable Tor its iimU r or slim.. Iban tor Krlrullural and lo es. .'''I'"1,'. l" '"lore , A. Hell I . K. Commissioner, nl his unite ul I rinevlile. Oregon, on Hatunlay; tlmXTili uay of uepliunts-r, u. lie names as witnesses, J, V. Wright C , '".'!' J"1'" 'i"rii, im gun. ;,; J. r. Moiris ol I'rliunile, ting.,u, Any and all persons el.ui.i,..- adversely the alsiviMesi ',-ilsnl Inuos are repie t' till' their cbullis III tin. olhi o ,, ur WM, snld 27lh dny ol ISepu-mls-r, II, 12, JA P. UCAH, JicitNer. Tlml rr Ijitid, Acl June i, ls-;. Norit'K Ktlit PlIlil.lCAIH-N. t - , U. H. IJHid tililee. The Ijille.. Oreeu, j;, . w Hotii-e j, h.-.euy jmn ibm , c, i,,i. wob the provision ut il.o nit of i olirell of J,i l , , ,.A act lor the a.e of tiini..r lun.u in u.e M.atea o, I ' ill tornia. tircgon. Nwau.,, . asiiiiiumti leitllor,,' l.u '-""d Hiatus b j. 1 f ,. ". ,' ':!.,' tne ..olowina i,er ns Im ' C11' "'! olfl-e their awoin eiait meni.! ' William IS. t,l, or Piinevllle, lounty o Ci.-og, Hl.ile , f "rugon, aworn uni-mriit No. S i. nil I lay 31, Ili-.J. for Ibr loi.ehos, f (na gw oast ! Wm'' '"' ""'"b bange 19 John O. ifurilln, of I rli.i vlllr. l ooiuv oi t:ro-k. Hi.n.- r .--.., ..-...i ...u.e.ii, in e., fit u .ny 21, 12. for the nor. base of lha ", Section 2:1, Township l;is..uih, lUngu III ren..ii, sworn ntutem. nt No. lis'., in d I ' east, VVM. I ,, n, I-.cliert L. rtraillor.1 tlnevllie. County Ul taima. IOK- t-.rcK.oli, sworn aiiil.-nient No. i... ni..,i -oay -I. It . J. lor toe ojlelia.-' of loe wl. Kecllon i.. ruwiishoi 13 suiilb. lo. I.U.. 1. 'ea:,t. t al. ' , , Frank 1). 8,-ott, !, 'ndc. toulily of Colon, ft'ate of j ,!;",'"," -' N ' Ml.. I K...-iin M, Townalnp IJ routh. Hung j ' Mart IX Klum, I of I'rineellle, l.ouiay o. 1 ,00k. Plate ot I .,rr,:"- """'"i""! No "!-l, f 1 1 1 May 22. 1!W2, for the (nirebaas of the nw', r.i .ion .1,, iiiwimiiii u south, Kange Vj east, WM. Charles A. King, of Prlmsvllle, County ol ciook. Slate of Oregon, sworn aiiuometit No. S..2, tiled ao.y 2!, 11112, for tin- purehase of 11... a.-', Secllon a, Township 13 Ooulh. Jt.ioge It uuat, WM. Francis M. White, of I'rineville. laiunty 01 i rook. Ktalo o; .'regon. aworn annai.u-nt Ni. :., nb-l Mil) m, Iii2. lor the pail-Late of n,, mo Section 2i Townsli.p i,l i,ulli, llu.igo ,u uai.t, VVM. James Alien, ol I'rineville, Couniy 01 uriiolr rbatc of i ng-in, sworn stuirm.-iit ;iim tn,., June 0, Vli, n.r t!ie pureoiise o N,. l-.eellon '.-, Townnblii 13 :,inh, l.':1a i". -ast. I 11., 11, ai iiicy wm rf,.r ,r , show thai l,e bind aoiislu Is mont vulu nb o for KB Umber .y elonn i!u it -.v"-' ".id to establish th.-lr ciaima to snld 'nul belore J. .1 fs-nllh County Clerk, his on -e ill I'r'n.-vlll ' Oregon, on Friday, the 3d day of October; Thy nume as witnesses: William F Hardin. John O llerdli. Keberl L. Urn..) o"b Mart i. Klum. Charles A. klnt rhorhaa O'Connell. Srntl lb.lh..wuy and l-riincls M. Wltlto, of r'rlni-illle, (in- : John Itlo-ts and .MO-t-n-i (. ,r ,lf T,, lialb-s Ore.; Frank t). R.-otl of La'Iniml, Ore; mid James Allen of Prpo'vl'le nr. ' Any und ail persons e'nlmliie ail'-vrm-. ly the 11bove-deserlls.1l buels are rcmit-el-; d to niu ih Ir claims in n.s o.ip.e ,, . before said 3.1 r!.-.v of Oel-ihr-r l'1-K) JAY p. l.l:0AH.' Iteiilster. Timber Land. Act Juno 3, ls78 NOTICIS Fon pnil.lOATlON. t o '' ""h''-. ihe Unties, Oregon, Jnm. ;;3, m:. .s-i.ut- is neri-nv gli a,m'e wllh the prbvb,. ') ,''V'n'"! of J,"n" 3- et for the sale of II? isoure i nenny Kiver, ihi oomi.ll- 011s of the act of IsiH. et.llll.,1 --A.. the sal., of ll-ni,... 1.... 1,. .. l.t.i... ... .'"".'., ""." "oiorri.a, uregou. Nevada, and Washington Territory a. t-xlend,. to all the IMblic Laud States hv act , r August 4, IV2, Ihe following ,raon 1,,'y.' '""'f' ' " " 'Ida 0111 li -li- sworn stntemcnta, to-wlt: Mary J. Lnvce, of Ilnvainck, County of I'rook. Slate ..r oreiron. sworn statement No, mr, f,,r the S;h3",!" 'be e'4- roV, Section s mmt bJ ear-c WM Towrl"l,l'' ""ul1'- Hang. Alonie Vf. nnvre, of Haystack, County or Crook. 'Btnte or Oregon, sworn statement No I.'", for On O'lrchitTO of the swv, Section 9, Townsblu 13 souih, Range 15 eiwt WM., that lliei will offer proof to show that the him! sought Is more valuable for its timiier ..r atone than for agricultural put-ooses. anil to establish their claims tn enlil land be fore v. A. Roll. Tr. ft. Com-iOsloiir-r, , his offlr-e at Prlnevll'e. Orecon. on Mon day, the 16th day of S.-niemb.-r. IS'" Th-v name ns wltn.-asrs: v.'nrren Tirown. 11. .1. H,.lev h a n... .r I Inytck. Oregon and J. II. Tenpb-ton of 1 ...evioe, uresim. Anv nnd ell pernons claiming RnVere. Iv the nbove-descrfbcsl lands sr- ri-nucqt-ed tn llie Ihel- clelms 'a Ibis -fflee mi or before said 16th d-sy of fle-.teroh'-r itet JAT V, LUCAS, rtegHliT,