Crook Ccunty Journal. AV. KOGLK l'AHKKK, t'CMI IMKkU AKD PllOt-niKTOW!. T, Tikiuc. Fmroa W. H. KutKiin, Manager OurxTY Ofkicial Fapkr. l M Juvkmai i entered ftt the ito(tic in (rliiv.'l-, Jreg., f.r trausiuisvion through th V. S. Hecoud c!km) matter. SU INSCRIPTION' Ry, iS. IX AUVAVT lt" Ykih. W.Su S MoN'THH ,.i , 7; 'J'hkkk Months 50 THURSDAY, St'.Pl KMDEll U, 11102. Storage Kettorvulru. The (itnte of Oregon will pay in lo the national treasury for public lands more than unongh money during tliis your than would be necessary to build storage reser voirs euHicient to irrigate half of the best agricultural arid land in the eastern part of the state. Then why should not this part of the tate receive the benefit from this money? There will be enough paid in from Crook county alone to build a system of irrigating ca nals to cover the county if it were not that a large area of the land as well as the water had been taken up under the Carey la sr. What is . the use of a law providing for the use of the funds arising from the Sale of the publie lands if the peo ple of the states wherein those lands are sold do not get the bene fit of this law? Last year Mr. Xewell was here in the interest of the arid lands of this county and he expressed liimsel as well pleased with the land and with the sur rounding country as suited for storage reservoirs. We should not rest on our oars as it were, but should be up and doing to (.et the benefit of the money now being paid into Uncle Sam's coffers from me sale oi limner lana in tins county. During the coming stock show there should be a meeting held for the purpose of discussing this matter and formulating some plan of action to be pursued jn the future. We should urge upon our congressional delegation the ur gency for immediate action along t his line and get what we can at the earliest possible moment. There are numerous places in this viciuity where reservoir sites can be had that would cover sev eral thousand acres of fine agricul tural land that will produce large returns from the. amount invested in a reservoir. On McKay ereik is a model site where a reservoir could be built for a few thousand dollars that would cover several sections of choice land and further up the val ley there can be numerous sites found that, while they are not so large nor so well located as the one on McKay, they would add mate rially to the producing area of this county. Let the farmers aiid stock men of this county get together on this proposition and the result can easily be foretold, but without some action being taken in tbe matter we cannot expect any benefit from the beneficial law lately passed re garding the irrigation problem. Thousands of acres of pasture land tend to solve the range question for a time at least, besides giving more room for the farmer to raise stock where he now can only make a feeble attempt at the business be cause of the congested condition of the outrange. Denver creek and those on Silver creek, the business houses of this town could do more in the lines of Irade followed by each than they can at the present' time, besides it would be a great accomniogation to the settlers along the line as they could order goods without waiting for the slow process of the mail. Again when anyone gets sick along the proposed line they must send from fifty to seventy miles for a doctor, which requires no little time at best. With a line through that part of the county those same people could send a message for a doctor und he could be on the ground More the messenger cnul get to town. This is onlv one of the many advantages to accrue to the citizens of this county by hav ing a line from here to Burns. We hope that the gentlemen compos ing the company will see fit to put their line through this fall and that they will meet with the en couragement they deserve in this matter. Henry L. Hbaituck,' of Bliellsbnrg Iowa, was cured of a stomach trouble with which lie had been afflicted fur' years, by four biutea of Cliamlierlaiii's Stomnch and Liver Tablet. He hud previously tril ninny other remedies ; and u number of phjwiciiui without j relief. Koi salehy nil dniKnisU. ! OINTMENTS aud MipoiiorlM will not, positively cannot do mow than ri'IKw yon. It iitiuiriii an internal rem edy tg rvmovtt thu eue ami edict, a permanent lure, Ak your drugtiit for Dr. Perrln's liooklet on the nib- jfCt. m m BUOtftHI! Const ination is nothino more fi'i than a clooainu of Ilia Wwi Vif ' n.l ,.0,.l.-.7n..:.-l V31 DHUUUUItUi I'TC UI&II HUH KL.l'J- nation or death if not relieml. If every constipated minWr could realize that ho is allowing poisonoiu filth to remain in his vtem, he would soon net relief. Constipation invites all kind of contagion. Headache, bilious ness, colds and many other ail ments disappear when coiuti pated bowcfaarereJieved. Tlied ford'a Black-Drauprlit thoroughly cleans out tbe bowels in nn easy and natural manner without the purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics. Be sure that yon (ret the origi nal liierironla iiiack-Drsuirlit, made by The Chattanooga Medi cine Co. Sold by ail drwrgrUts in 2o cent and $1.00 packages. Monroi. Ark.. Mr.r sr.. inei. I eani:K ivoiawml Tin.' f rT Blirk Dram-tit unMih If. 1 kfvp II In mr buuM ill Uio tlufl d! hir ttmrd It Ir.r UV tn yf.nt. I never tare my tWtArn any other lsjstlfit. 1 think 1 rouU mvit !te Rblo tA work without It on treoont or Mm tniulf'ni with i iwUrttJoD. Tuw BuiUrllic Iji j All um kpe ntft up. u u. Jlrr.t!lI,lSD. EUGENE Street Fair AND CARNIVAL September 24, 25, 24 and 27, BA2. Hour days of Grand Enter tainment. Balloon Ascen sions, Giand Midway, Team Pulling Contest, prize f 150, Hose Races, prize llol), Shoot ing Tournament, Log Sawing Contest, Tug of War, Baby Show, Prizes for Stock, Poul try, etc.; etc. Music by the Fourth Regiment and other Bands. Remember the date. . Address all communica tion to M.S.WALLIS, Secretary, EUGENE. ORE. J, W. B0CWE. i Saddles and Jfarness i j Maker of. the celebrated PRINE- VILLE STOCK SADDLE It'l'LL LIE OF ! STilKJIKVS BITFLIEB ' Latent improved Ladies' Side and Stride Saddles, Bits, Spurs, ; Angora Chaps, Quirts and Hacka i mores. Write for prices. I PllJXF.VII.LB, : : Ohkbon. ..,Jt '! -1.J -V i -I '...-BE . SPtyxot'ait and Surgton. j I)iun of wmiRD a "p.cialtv. Phone No. 2. ltasidenco back j Photograph liullery. of th PRINKVILLK, OREGON. M. L. Lewis, of Burns, was here the fore part of the week looking up the proposition of putting in a telephone line from here to that place. This is a much needed im provement for this part of thestate and should be encouraged by our business men. With a line reach ing the wealthy settlements on FIVE DAYS OF FUN uwm-mmmimmmmBmm aa u m J Uie Dalleo Carnival and 2nd Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Fair. September 30, October 1, 3, 3 and 4, 1931. ,ooo in Purses and Premiums $4,000 BUgcst event of trte year. Best race meeting In 1903. Largest Live Stock, Agricultural and Horticultural Exhibits Ever Made in Eastern Oregon. Arnold's A.n, a:nui f,:...,i Renowned vitguiJ ldtinw ana mizuiai waiuiroi Eiht Bi Shows. Balloon Ascension and Daring Parachute Jump. 500 EXCITING HOSE TOURNAMENT. IN fFKCIAD PtTRHj:s FR FAKM JtOJWEO AND NOVKLTV RACKS All articles entered for premiums admitted ABSOLUTELY FREE. Ten per cent deducted from all premiums awarded. For Premium Lists and Speed Programs address R. J. GORMAN, Sec, The Dalles, Oregon. ifwau jit wt.whti i Qui; Summer Clearance sale of Ladies Oxfords and Slippers. We are offering this week on our Barg ain Counter. 150 pairs Ladies Oxfords and Slippers at $1.00 These formerly sold at $2.00 and $2.50. These are good values. Simpson & Wilson PRINE VILLE, OREGON. MED FRONT BAZAAR. OUR BARGAIN SALE OF MENS' HATS. We have fifty kinds of Mens' Hatsfrom (H)o up to 7"i for J. II. Stetson hats These kooiIj) n not old stock. We huvo on hand ono nizi of each kind, being Minmnts from our reguhir ales. Yom find your size auJ uave inony Tlieso haU formerly 8,,1'' from U CO to $," 00. Ah we have now arriving a full line of Menu', LadicH and Cliildrens Drews Shoes, School Snppli", Tablet, etc. Triees reasonable, RED FRONT BAZAAR N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs. Itcliulde MerclianUi. j. Jf. Xtppman & Co. I 1 Nanafactorers of Furniture f AND DEALKKS IN- Fine Undertaking Goods, tarpets. Stoves, Ranges, Lead, Oil and GIhss. k ijL Lumber and Building Material. 'K Goods sold for cash and on the installment plan. FRINKV1LLE, : : -OKEGOX. PrineYiBIe-Burns Stae Line. C0RNF1TT & OANTRELL, Props. Carrying U. S. Mail, Passengers and Fast Express Leaves Prineville on Mondays and Thursdays at (5 a.m. Passengers waybilled for Post, Paulina. Fife, Ililev Burns and all way points. C. 1. WINNER, Agent, Prineville PHiievIIIe-SSlver Lake Stage Line. DICK VAN DER VERT, Prop. Carrying & fya and Passongors Learn Prinevill Mondnvn, WcdnotKldjii a.i.l Fridayn. Cowl 'rim. careful driver. Freight iid p.engern waybill for Bnd Lav. ...u cuvw c, i W1NNEK, Agnnt.