Image provided by: Crook County Historical Society/Bowman Museum; Prineville, OR
About Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1902)
Crook County Journal. COUN1Y OFFICIAL PAPER. I have tild in tliii office tlicir sworn statn- ; aients, to-wit: 1 i WILLIAM H, SUMNER, of Prhwvill, ; enmity ot t.rooit, state of Oregon, sworn ', statement No. liiiti. July 1, llHVi, for the pnr- , c))l),0O, tt)B 33i y s, r 18 , W, ' i HARRIETTS A. COLBY, of Prineville - - . .. om,nty t,f (jr.Hk, Htato of Oregou; swora nK.. t V,. ,t-o statement No. (KM, July 1, 11102, fur the pin-. NOTICE FUR PUBLICATION'. ! Sec 28, T p. 1? i ,rl8e: W . M. United States Land om, 1KVINU K. WINNER, 'if Prineville. cnuutp of Crook, State of Oregon, sworh The Dalles, urciton. Jane 13. 13 i. Notice is hereby ;Ivu that in complf ance with the provision -onaTesa of June S. 1!..S. act for tho sate of timber hinds In the Stutes of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Wushingion Terrlto'-y." its extended to all the l'jblle Uiurt Stntw August 4. Iwi. the to.nwiiig i HUd In thlB otlice then am. .i statements, to-wlt: Carson Morrow. of 'the ucT'of ' "'""'"l No- J"lv L PJM. lor tint pur ontlilcd "An chaseof tin nwfci 8o.34, Tp.Rls, r 18e, W '. lands In the i M. M.VBLK J. MILLER, of Lauionta, ooun- tv of Crook. State of Oreiroli. sworn stt. l-y act of! ,,,,( K Jan, JulyS, llWj, for the purchase .'' ' n"v. ' f "e S w sei, sw'i and tw toii tieo. in, Tp. h s, r a, w. M. Thst they will offer proof to show that the f Harrison, county oi i.oo,enal. State of ' land sought M umre .valuable for its tint r or stone Chun tor arouitiirst purismes and to establish their claim toid land In-fore W. A. iiell, U. S. Commissioner, at Ptineville, Oregon, on Thursday, tlra 13th day of No vember, IWA lhev name aa witnesses, C, Idaho, FW.irn statement No. 445, tiled Way :!1. IfllO, for the purchase, of the nwi of tectum No. 'SI Township l: south, Range 19 east, W. M. Adam Cnnu-uell, of St. Maries, countv - f Kootenai. State ... II., ...... .12 '.., .11 irwv! inr tl,- nire!,i,e of the IlN. I f red HiuiOH, U.K. Alcilowell. neli of Section No. 21 nr.d the seU of alut Jaiueti taught, all of i'ritteviile, Oieirou. Section No. 1:1, Township U south, Range ; Any and all iuiwm claiininir ailernely liie They will oiler proof to show Hint the i lautl nought Ib mora valitahlu lor ita tiiulier or itono than for agricultural piirponeH, aim to utiiiiaiiu ineir claims to nam lauu btf, re A, (.'. 1'ulmer, t!, S. Coiinnia ioncr, at l'rinevllle, Oregon, on Moiulay tho 3rd uiiy oi 4-iuvviuta-r, tuoa. They name as wltiiesws! J. W. Hponr, i. j. i owew, j. u i iiweii, alio juouuiavnu an ot iTineviile orojioii. Any and nil pemons elaiinlnii ailvemel the tihove-deseiiiied lunil- are renuestrd to me tticir ciatui!! in tins uiiice on or IK'iort- auiil ,lrd day ol NoveinUir, lima. ailpd. JAY V. LUCAS, lieglsler, 19 east. W. Jl Willis H. Scott, of Elitin. countv of Union. State of Ore- .. : r.fl llln.l IT, i'S. for tiie purchase of the ne, of "V Section No. u. Township 13 soutn, Kanae j 19 east, W. M. Tiiat they will offer proof to show that the land souKht is more valuable for its timber or 'tone than tor agricultural pur poses, anu to establish their claims to I said land before the Register and Recelv- j er of this office at Toe Dalles. Oregon, on i Thursilav, the Isth dav of September. 1 Witnesses for Carson Morrow Conner and Frank D. Scott of The Dalles, tiregon; A. D. Campbell, of St. Maries, abive-detici-ibed lands are reipieeted to tile tocir claims m tiiu oinco on or belore said Kith day of November, PJ02. Jav. r, Lucas, Kegikter. Tiiuher Lvnl, Act Juue 3, lti'S. NOTICK KOU I'UBLICATION. United States Lain) Olhce at The Uallns Oregon, Aug. 18, V.KI2. Notice is hereby given that ill compliance with the tinlvidioll of the aitt ttt Cm .!, f I!Cuapl Ju" ll,r8 '""'li' t "An act f'T Hie sale of timber lands lu the states ol California, tire. Oregon; A. l.. cam neii o n Nevada and Wa.hilwton Territoi v. aano, ana jr v.. uwyer, o, mr .o- .. . , , , ho. Timber Lliod, Act June a, W7. N0T1CU FOK PtUlUIOATlON. United Stales lJtnd Offlre. The Dalles, Oregon. August 13, IIKI2. Notice la horchy given that In eoinpll :ice tviin me neovis o is or ine act o Conxn-sa of June S. l,;s. enllllid "An ac lor the sale of tnnlier lands in the atatan ot (.alironiln. Oregon. Ni vuilu, and WuhIi ington territory, us extenued to all the t uoi.c l.aint Kfatea by act of August 1H!I2, William II. Pii'k. of Uitlver. countv t U" t. ' i,n,i-, 'ni'i vi ei'Riiii, iitw on .nay I. Wlllllek, ,,M. Ht,l l thisnlllen hi. ,... I, I. h. Holt No ihl r..r ll, ,,r... .... l',l... . ...i, ol .section ;oj , tou nsliip i s , range 13 e.. W. M., uud will offer proof to show that the laud sous-lit is mora valuable for it timber or toue than lor ugiieulthral pin poses, and to ednhiish his t-luiiu to said land before A. 0. i'almcr, V. N. Coinmis- iioner at rrinevtlle, Oregon, un i uu.Miny me -nil uay ol oveium-r, iwa. He names as wilnessos; Ilenrv Wlniloin Oeoi'irtiOskirii, Krank Holl'niun and David Jiiimctl, all ol PniK-villu, Oregun. Any and all nersons elalmlnir nitverui ly the above-deaerlU'd lands are reouent. eu to me tneir claims in thin otn.-e on or bciore said 4th t av ol Nnvoinber linrj. JAY P. LUCAS, Register. 2lp Vltne3ses for Adnm Campbell: Carson t of August 4, 11)02. BYIlON OADY, of Morrow and J. C Dwycr of Harrison, Ida ho, and Frank D. Scott and Michael Con nor of The Dalles, Oregon. Witnesses lor Willis H. Scott: Gilbert E. Preston and JoPeph beeper and Charles E. McIoweM. of Prlnevllle, Or., and Prank B. Scott, of La Grande, Ore gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims In this office on or before said ISth dav of September. 1902. JAY P. LUCAS. Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 187S. liotioe for Zr"' v'f.tes Lan- Cffioe, The Duiles, Oregon, Aug. .5, 1H02. ! Xotii-e U hereby given Unit incompliance with the provision- of the act of Congress of June 3, 187(4, entitled "An act lor the sale of timber lands in the statei of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public. ' Laud states by act of August 4, 181)2, the foi loving persons, on June 2o, 19 rlx tiled in tuts oliice their swum statement.-, t'-wit: ANTHONY O'KEUA', of (Spokane, county of Spokane, VYa-hiustou, sworn statement -o. B.H, lor tiie purciia-c ot w4 iie,, nv sej4 ami nej-i sw4 Sec. 15, Tp. 14 K. 20 E., W. M. CATHERINE K.O'KE LLY, of Spokane, county of :-pokane, Wa-iiington, sworn statemt-nt No. i3j, for tiie purchuse of se .Sec. 10, Tp. 14 S., K. 2J E., W. Al. JOHN H. Mc-CABE. of .Siwkane, conuty ol npokane, wasluuglon, .mi. ooo, tor toe 11; uyi iiw)4 ana nwvi "yi oec 1, lp s., it. s is , w. si. .MaKUARETTE McCABE, of Spkane, county of Spokane, Washington, sworn statement No. tii7, for tne purchase of se!4 11WJ.4, n l4 stvl ami sei swi fcsec, 11, Tp. 14 ti., K. 20 E., W. M. . MARY MALONEY, of Spokane, county of Spokaue, Wasliingtou, sworn statement No. 038, for the purcna-e of sViJ se'4, nW'4 4 and swi ncf see. 11, Tp. 14 S., R. 20 E., . W. M. DANIEL .1. SWEENEY, of Spokane, county of Spokane, Wa-hington, sworn statement No. 830, for the purchase of sJ nwiand aA swi Sec. 14, Tp. 14 ti., K. 20 Ji..V. M. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone tha-i lor agricultural pur poses, and to e-tahlish theii claims to said j land belore the Register and Receiver, at this office, on Tuesuay. November 11, 10)2. 1 lliev name as witnesses: A. O'kelly, C. E. O'ltelty, J. H. McCube, M. McCabe, M. Muloney and D. J. Sweeney, all of Spo kaue, Washington. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described land, are requested to tile their claims in this otfice on or before aid 11th day of November, 1&J2. au28p Jay. P. Lucas, Register. Buckley, county of Pcarce, state of Wash ingtou, has, July 11, 1iK)2, filed in this ottiee his sworn Statement No Ti'2, fur thejiurchase of thesw4if Section No. 2-2, In Towiialnp No. 14 s.. Range No. 1!) e., W. M aud will offer proof to niiow that the land sought is chiiin to laid land lielore J. J. Sluith, County Cierk, at Priueville, Oix-jjuti, oa Thursday, the 13th dsy of Novelnlier, 11X12. He name af wittiesscs: (J. K. McDowell, II. A. Poster. V, H. Jirh kson and P. T. Hig ging, all ol Priueville, Oregon, Any and all persuns Claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requested to hie their claims in this, olhce on or before said 13th day of November, 10o2. JAY P. LUCAS, u28p UecUter. Timber bind, Act June 8, ISTH. NOTICE F011 PUBLICATION I'kitiu Statks Land ()vm-g, The Dalles, O egon, May K(. IWl Noiicn is heiebv given Inut in vompli ance with the urovisiniiH nf i Iim a,-t ..t '7 ' ""',"' giess til Mine a, iN,-4, entilled "An set 'in1' p:'lp,.e" f"d 'i "."'l"?h 1U It the Hale ol limber lamia hi the State, of ( aliloriiia, Oiegoti, Novadu and Wasli- mgion ietrilorv." na extended to all I lie Public l.ami Stales bv ct of August 4 1WI2, tiie following persona have, or Mar 111, IM12, tiled in I liin oliice their sworn statements, to wit : Kdinund R White of Davidson, county oi lull, Maleot Aliniietuds, sworn s'ale m-nt Nn38j, for the purchase of the hk! 4 Nwt 4 and Lois 3, 4 ant! ft, Sec 0, T 18 s, M 11 k, W M. (,'harlim K Slater of ILkkI Uiver, countv of W asco, Stale of On-gott. swnrn stuti uient No3Sl lor I be pun-liusrof tlieswl 4 Ntl 4. si:l 4 NWl 4 and Luis 1 and 2, Sec 1, T Ills, K 10 k, w M. Iliitd in Spmat o.' ILksI Kiver, county of W iseo, Stale ol Oregnn, sworn stale ment No :iS2 lor the purchase of the skH kkI-4, Kl6 bkI-4 antl KWl-4 skU4 Sec 1. T l!)s, R 11 t,iu. Hii hanl K Ciiiueioii uf Hood River, oimlv of Worn, State oj Oregon, saorn latpiiient No 3S3 lor f lm nun-tin-e of (he swl-4 ntT-1-4 and Lots S and 4. Sec 1 and Lot 1, See 2, T U) U. H HI E. W H That I hey w ill offer tuixif to allow thai the land sought Is mote valuable fur ji timber or Hone than for agricultural piirpOM-s. and to establish their claims to said land belore lh Register and Receiver of this oIHi h at Thn Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, the l.lih day ol October IIK2. - lliev name as v.ilneea: f'hss F SUter, Hotd N Si'oat. Ki. hard E Cam eron, Kilmund R White, of Hood River. Oregon, J H Haner mid A K Peck u( Uehd, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverseli the ahnia deHciiheil lands are requesteil !0 lilo thoir claitos in this nllice in or lie fore said 13th dav ol Oi-toher, l!k)2 m2!lti JAY PI.l'CAS. liegi-ler. Tim'ber Laud, Act June 3, 1878. Notice for Publication. United State Land Office, The Dulles, Or., Aue. 15, 1!K)2. Notice is hereby given that in c uupiiaiice with the provisioiiH of tile act nf Couun s of June 3, 1878, emitied 'An act for tiie ule uf timber lands iu the Slates of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington 'ierntury," as exteuded to all t ie Public Land Sute by act of August 4, lfK)2, the fchowiug peisons have filed in this ottke their sworn stateuieuts, to. wit: EDWARD B. KNOX, of Post, county of Crook, State of Oregun, sworn stateuient N ishington, worn statement 6"i7, for the purchasu ol the se!, nw',, swU purclia eof sw swW Sec. ne!4 and n ,w Sec 24, Tp. 17 S.' R, IN d nwv Sec. 14, Tp. 14 E W. M. l.OSCOt KNOX, of Post, county of Crook, State of Oregon, swoiu statement No. fi;i3, June 23, 1WI2. for t!ie pm-chiss of ', in-' ; and t Sec. 20, Tp. 17 S., R. 18 li., W. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tiiiiltei- or scone than for agricultural piirnises aim to es tablish their claim to said laud before J, J, Smith, county clerk, at Priueville, Oregon, on Wednesday, Novenlier 12, il)')2. They name as witnesses: Henry Beck, Ca leb Dai is, Robert Myers arid John Hughes, all of Post, Oregpn. Any and ail persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this ndjee on or before said 12th day of November, PKI2. au28p Jar. P. Lucas, Register .: t --v .- v-a. i "'V. i - ti" Cig Deal in Typewriters. Austrian (Jovoiuiiieiit Orders l'J(M) Niitllli. I'l-enilers, "VlKNN.i, Fill), 7. Tho grimiest. ninnlo purclmMO tif typewriters ever miido liiitt liftm orilt'rml by llio Min istry u( Justico, wliit'li, nftcr tlirec Months of tixlimiHtivii C(iitiH-titive tt'Ht, has contracted to witiiji tho 12W Smith I'rt'uiivr tyi't'writcrs, entire minii-try witli riot lws than 8Uiilyiiio (-ory rourt." Pri'sn l)i)itoh to Portland Ort'Koninn, Folinuiry 7. Portland olliro inttl. I'lt-niior Typowrilur Co., 122 Third Ht., I ALEXANDER, A CO., Agent. A M. W. T. F0GLK, Ant, Priueville, Oregon Smith 52, 'OS,, DEALERS IN- Sencral Tlfcrchandise. SI8TERS, 0REG0X. Keop on Hand, Sheepmen's Supplies of all kinds. Hungers and Campers Supplies. Camp outfitting We Carry a Complete line of Groceries, Dry Goode, Hardware Etc. We Kespcetfully solid your trade. Cornett & Elkins. Sonera 3laoks?nitiing, Jforso Shoeing, And Wagon Repairing. Farming Implements. Wind Milk rumps, etc. Our facilities for Tire Setting areune.wll'id., ORISON.-' Timber Laud, Act June 3, 1878. JfOTICE FOR PUHLICATI0N. United States Land Office, ) IBe Dalits. Ore., Aug. 18, 19U2. Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1'NITF.D BrATKS LAND OlKICK, The Dalles, Orc.3011, August 14, 1!X:2. Notice is hereby given that in rotnpli ftnee with the provisions of the net of Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An net for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada mid Washing ton Territory," as extended fi all the pub lic land states by act of August 4, ll)i2, the following persons have, on May 2f), 11)02, men 111 tins omce tneir sworn :UiU incuts, to-wit: JOHN H. DKMARrs, of Prineyille, county of Crook; State of Oregon, sworfi Notice is hereby given that in compliance statement No. 429, lor the purchase of the S" v section is, township j s., rangs 18 e., W. M. WILLIAM H. BIRD.SOXO, of Priueville county of Crook, State of Oiegon, sworn statement No. 430, lor the purchuse of t!ic eMKenK and s w H n e V, el section 20, township 13 ., range 18e., W. JI. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, mid to establish tlicir claims to said land before J. J. Smith, countv clerk, at Princvtlle, Oregon, on Tuesday,' November 11, 1WI2. . They name afs witnesses: William II. Bimsoiig, William H. Harney, William H. (iann, Lee Harney, all of I'riheville, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before 11th day of November, I!J02. ni22p JAY P. LL'CAS, Register. with the provisions of th- Act of Congress of June 3, 1H78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds in the States of Calitornia, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by Act of August 4, 18!)2. the following persuns have this day filed iu tats their sworn state, meats, viz.- HKRBKRT T. LRENGMAN, of St. Marys, county of Kisiteiiai, Jtate of Idaho, sworn statement No. Wt. for the purchase of the uwH Section 33, Tp. 13 S., fi. 18 W. PKNDLKTON BLKV1NS, of Prineville, county of Cronk, State of Oregon, sworn statement No. G12, fur the purchase of the seX fw'4 and si sH Secliou 18, To. 14 S., K. ID E., W. ill. TXiat they will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tinnier or stone than lor agricul.ural purposes, and to i establish their claim to said laud before W. A. Bell, U. S. Conimissioner, at his office at Priueville, Oregou, on Thnrsday, the 13th uay of November, l!)u2. Thev name as witnesses: C.I. W' iunek, I. '. Wiunek, Fred Htg'eus, P. B. Pnindexter, E. N. White, John Couibs, Ed. Merritt, J. W. Wright. Lew AlcCahister. W. R. McKar hind and Chris Colin, all uf Prineville, Ore gou. Any and all persons claimfng adversely the above-described lauds are requested to tile their claims ui this olice on or before said 13th iliy of November, 1902. u2Xp Jar P. Leoui. Register. Tiinlier Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PCBLICATION. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon. Aug. V; I'M. Xotloe is hereby gireu that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of ' Juue 3, W8, entitled '-An t for the sale of MARCUS D. POWELL, of Prineville, mnuer lanus 111 tne nu m uaiitornia, ore. county of Crook, Stat of Oregon, sworn icm, Nevada and Washington Territory," as statement No. 411, for the purchase of Lots uteadsd all tns Public Lmd States by 11 and 2 and s y, 11 e yt sec. J, tp. 18 south, act u( Autiutt 1 181)2, 4u following usnuus range 16 e., W. M. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE .FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land office, The Dalles, Oregon. August 13, 11)02. Notice is hereby givcn that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 3, 1879, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lunds in the Stiites of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Pub lic Land States by act of August 4, 1902, lh" foliowidg persons have, on May, 2H, 1902, filed iii this otlice their sworn state ments, to wit: MARTHA A. HPEAR, of Prineville, county of Crook, State of Oregon, sworn statement No. 412, for the purchase of the n H e X sw s e aud s e i s w 4 sec tion ,1, townsnip is s range 10 e., tv. M . I.OTICK ( V FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the matter of the estate of (Jeorge W. Swallcy, Deceased. ' Notice is hereby given that the under signed, administratrix uf the rtatc of George W. Swailev, deceased, bus filed her linal nc.countof her ailinici tration of said estate and that the Court has set Oct. 0th. 1H02 at two o'clock P. M. at the Cnuti ty (!ourt Room in Prineville, Ore., as the time and place for hearing uhj'jctions to the same, If any there be. Dated this 14th day of August, 1002. A L.MIR A 8WALLEY, Adnix.oftiieE tuteof (1. W. Stt ALLEY. SUMMONS, n the Circuit Court for Crook county Oregon. I. F. Castle, Plaintiff , vs. H. I. Dulton, Defendant, To S. I. Dalti.ui, defendant; IN THE NAME OK TUB STATE OF 1 Oregon, you are hereby reijuirid to op- pear and answer the complaint filed against yon-in the above entitled suit within six weeks of the date of the first publication of tiis summons upou you, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit; for a decree reforming a deed from you to plaintiff conveying the N. of the 8J5. yt, the NE yt of SW Ji and the HW y, of the SW K of Bcetion 28, the SW of the SW yt of Section 2", the S 14 of the 8K '4 of Section 29 and the SWX of the NE of Section 32 in Tp. 18 8 of R, 20 K. of Wil lamette Meridian in Crook county, Oregon, which said decd,was niaxle by you in favor of pluir.tiff on the24tli day of April, 1884 and by mutual mistake omlted the N '4 of the SE yt and the NE of the SW '4 of Section 28 and the NW yt of the SW yt of Section 27 and the NWX of the NE 'A of Section 32 in Tp. 18 S. offi. 20 K. of Wil lamette Meridian and said deed will be re formed to include said omniitted lands. Published in the Caooc County Joubnal by order of the Hon. W. A. Booth. County Judge of Crook County, Oregon, weekly, for a period of ilx weeks. Said order was dated and entered on the 5th dav of Aug., 1902. The date of the lirat publication of this summons is the 7th day of August, 1002. M: R. ELLIOTT, , Attorney for Plaintiff. Gyrus' Jcweli7 Store John Cyrus Prop. Dealer in Silverware, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks. Optical goodfe, Sewing machines etc. Repairing don by W. H. Cyrus. (Prompt attention Si von mail orders. tPrinoville, - Qi Tcyon. CHAMP SMITH. ISOM CLEEK. Wines, Liquors, Domestic and Imported Cigars. The Celebrated A. B. 0. iJeer Always on Hand, Proprietors of the Prineville Soda Works. Two Doors South of First National Bank. PHIMV3LLE. 0RK. Lumber, $11 per 111 Sawed Shingles $2.75 per m. at SHIPP'S. City harder Shop. iPowtli d Cyrui, Proprietors. i wtvi uH vwu FrinovilU, Or