Image provided by: Crook County Historical Society/Bowman Museum; Prineville, OR
About Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1902)
Crook County Journal VOL. VI. I'MNEVILLIS, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 11, 1902. NO. 39 A FERTILE DESERT To Be Made to Blossom 1 As the Rose. By Proposed Irrigation. Ditoho. to Be Takou Out of ttojCwk, U.ll appropriated by t ... tier, and considerable of its waters iioaoutne and the .. . , , , diverted to tho growth of grain, vegetables, iilfula, clover und other I u. ..)..... (,. 'un Induce. ' " "v" " " it inonlh, (he bank of the De- chute raver an) plasterud with no- '.. . tmi .l,. BlolOu tit IfcilfU 1 llin , . . isussion of the lpjitKUture, wee pled conipanio-, most of them III the, , . , ,, . ,, , ,. . ,,,,! !i grunt from the lulled btates of prospective. If oiitt-tmlf of them, ' ; ... .1 1 1 . . , ,, 1 . , 1 '1.001,000 aercii of Irnd, upon the are earned out a plunned, patched 1 ' 1 , , ., 1 condition tlmt It wxild bt reclaim- ol Mild UK liugn no some vi ms ; I.- ... .... 4.. mi 1.. .....I,.: ,1 l will he reclaimed r.iificrii rutin; and in.idu productive; eays the l'ortlund Telegram. The pioiurr company, and one of the lurir one, id tho Oregon Irrig.Uion Company, eiigineerd hy ', (' llutchinnon and other J'orl liind tut J Han Franeiwo people. lu ('rook county alone, where it . , , lo cover a mate an large a Untitle- .,. , . .. in-ill. ihe euuiilrv ih !K) mile; 1 i . , ' from flint to went, and Hi) nuleii , . r .1 I M, 1.1 1. 1., till. Mori t ill IliO m'.U of urvuya have heeii , 1 I . ui I"' II Ul r .7, 11 in luumri iti' run, partly prehiiiniiry mc and , ,.. ' , , Tk. river itself Iiuh u power of !WO0 partly permanent lucttliomi. the, . ' ,,,,,,wm , ,, . .. .;. . ;., 1 . cuhie. feet per nunuie, or 100,01)0 ean.'iU will tap the river 111 four . , , ' ,. , 1 1 miner a nn: ui, Cregon liiunuie, diffoielil plac., and when fiillHhed; ,h . , ..' 11 . 11.. .Hum vi ..1 and 1'AOtK) miner a iiichui Call- will irngito fully i0O,0.)J acre.i oi . , ,.,,. ,,..i, ii,, ,u- forma measure. It will ho Beei: land, liu land coiilrj.lcil by tu, . -i, . 1 . , ,. ,1,. that there ih plenty f water to eompimy will not oe upon the,, , ,, ', ., , ...arLtb.for I'M a-cordin, t0 'rr.gate all of tl,., and land that the pre-ent plain 0 the priim,;,.. i " J On tk. Upper Debute IheOre- thfl r,v,r .l,re-jlts ,',,t" '"""r"", & Development Cjinpuny, j uoiilrollud j ' I'orllanJ partiei, m ex- ' , .h n... i p're of Use f, and will, in limi!, he Ifimive iniproveiuenlH. Inn Owi ' ' . ' , ,. ,. iw ione of the big Irade arlenea of goii I.-ngUion Company, tho t;ca- ( chute Irrigation Oompany, and a , orlll,l"'' . ditch controlled hy loeato aettlorH.j iiiwumwii nuco.ored. nil tap the upper river. Anide! The tamoiia lxt Cabin mine baa fom the local company, the lattCrj're located on the aouth fork of com.any in the only o.w that ha j Mufdnrer creek, 40 mule from an aetual water canal dug. All 'Canyon city and a like distance of the other compinies are atill in yville. The Lout Cabin, the proHpectiVM. The JJeHchiitfH i eompany has 12 mile., of ditch in use for eeltlers. The neighhnrhood ditch built by sctllcrd hua nix luiles of water in use. On the enHt aide of the main atre im ono of the principal tribu taries is Crooked iliver. Prine villu with it electric light workn, ita water eyitum and 1001) inhahi tants, in located on this dream. Water right cover the entire river, nd considerable of it is applied 10 ! irrigation. According to men potted, there are, however, facilitief fur atorage reservoir! which would irrigate land that could be reached in no other way. It ia a rich valley, capable of raining almost anything, is that drained by the waters of the Crooked Kivei, and tb people there believe that Prine- not sleep at niKhu. I tiiod neveml villewillaoon become a thriving ! htom and vnriona patent medicine, inland town of aeveral thoUK.nd but could Ket noihi.iK to give me .u,.v inhabitant.. The fact that the Co- " ""'" K'"le, ., ,, . , tlitii viilu.ihle niotlieiiie. which has lumbia Southarn Railroad is head-1 lletel, rclieve(, nK,-. g. d in that direction will hurry iti ,jK0CKMAi nagell, Wo. This reu.e growth. ; dy if for sale by all d rugichitii. , On the west aide of the main. , I KrHllet. Attention itream a large company is operat-1 , t . . , T j, ., . 1 We will have in the neighborhood ill Oil HIO U'l'W AM. .'... Work has proiiressoil so favorably - that it is exueeted a lari-e area of mat n is expw ieu mifei. vl laud will be irrigated for next year's crops. Porter & Chapmatn, Ml Strk street, are the promote, Il in said that the Columbia South ern Httilrottd is back of the enter prise. Bo far as known, tlint is the only company opurating on the Deschutes that 18 selling land to sutlers. It in said the company has 20,000 acres on the market. Sipiiiw Creek the next tributary of the Deschutes north of Tumcllo i i . .-...i.t. ..i it... i.: v,,,,,. panies are taken under the desert land act. This (itate, at the last !, - J H-roiigl. irriK;ition. Appl.ea- - d ' turns are liicu with tne rune i.anu I Hoard, at Halem, and divert Jand i given for the improvement made. ; No company, however, can tell ' morn than I'M) ticres to any one j peron when it puts the land upon j the market. I Oulsidc ps-oplo can scarcely rcal- 1; t. ..!... ii... lor, as the resu t of these enterprises 1 he ).: into- River and lU tnhu- . , drain a lug ttrritorv, neh 111 - io-iiil hlieii, and aliiioct all of the 1 desert land liua lieen lih'd upon hy ...:....... i.,.t:.. I- Ti... ' . ' purer lur mruiii uie ii'i:m vi 'rl"" ,"c H'"i'1".' "hu,,k" ita name, waa found in a dilapi dated condition. The old abaft Mink near the cabin, in which waa found exceedingly rich placer gra ve!, waa iiJko found. Tho l:-dg, now' being developed, waa Hbout eight inches wido on tlw mrfacc and at a depth of ten fi-vt wid ened to two feet. From the eur f,.e ihe ore waa highly mineral ized, and 1ms tho aijH'arance of J'n'l"lini5 '' I'iI'rty worthy oflheninie. Now find the Blue liucket niiiie and Oregon histery will be vindicated. A Coramunioathiu, Mr. Kditok Allow me ttiypcaka few wiinU in favor of Chaiutierlain'a Cengli Itemed jr. 1 cuirered for three ! yours with the hroiichitia and omiltl , . ...... , . : inilll DIIMHKU lO illlB IIIPOO 111 Bllliri '.. , ,, time and will entertaia bids on same, It ( mmiy jrnit tm, th, )ow. Mt le,poi.sibe bidder l ihe Juiil - nan. Tut J..uwfi.. NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD J terns of Interest Gath ered Here and There Sme Stolen, Others Not Gulling From Our ZxohanKos Newt Udtes of the Week Timely Topics. Pearl David hut been appointed poitmaatcr at Sweet Home, vice Koia L. X. Mickulson, resigned. Secretary of Elate ' Dunbar ban diaallowcd the claim if M.'e. Wag goner for the reward of tloOO offered for the capture and return of the convict Merrill. Crawford peaches in carload lot are being nhipped out of Ashland every day by the Ashland Fruit tk i'roduce Association, il ia expect ed that the shipping will continue at Icaat ten duya. A lo?a of over 1100,000 waa caus ed by th burning of thu concen trator of the Montana Ore Pur chasing Company, at Uutte. The lire originated in the dynamo room and waa cauted by the buinir. out of fuse. The wheat crop of La'ne County ia reported to be so light that, it is not probable that there will be any more than enough to 'supply ihe local demand, and prices are higher in that vicinity now than they have been for several years. Owing to a rumor of disturban ces tritish troop have been dis patched to the e.ieU!r:t border of Traimvaal to relieve troojw ordered to India. It ia ah-o rumored that clepa ure being taken to uimex or establish a protectorate in Swazi land. A good roads convention will be held in Portland on and aftec Oc tober 15th. All the county judges and commissioners of the state will be invited, and it ia to be hoped all will lie present without a single axecption. James W. Abbott, the road man from the Kasl, will be present. Twenty minutes under water and alive to tell the atory is the record 0. Bessie Mills, aged 15 yenra, of Forest Grove. She-was rendered insensible by etrikiiiK some obstacle before falling into the water and did not regain con sciousness until rescued when res piration waa started artificially. A Night of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the wid ow of the' brave Cieneml Hiimlum oi MacliiaS, Me., when the doctors said aha would die (rum Pneumonia lieiore niorniiig"wiite Mr. 6. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night, hut she begged for Dr. King's New Difcovery, which had cured her of Cooiiiiii(iiii. After taking, ulio slept all night; Further ue entirely cored liei". This ni.irvellotiit medicine is guaranteed to cure r.ll Thrust, Chest and Lung Disease'. Only and 11.00. Trial bottle tree at A damson itWintiek (,'o's. drug store. Win, Perclval Iead. Wm. I'ercival, a resident and stockman of Bear valley, died re cently on Bear creek, the euuso of i hn death being due to a gunshot , , , . , n . ' wound received in a sheep tight i , . , , , , V , which took place near the Parnsh 1 r,nch m ilear feek on the 18th ' 1" in which Und of sheep belonging to S. 15. Uarker of Con don, lost a number of head. The readers of lilue Mountain Eagle will recall the trouble referred to, in which it was reported at the time that a man was shot and se riously wounded. The injured man proved to be Win, I'ercival. lie was taken to the home of a friend on Beaver 'erwk where Prineville physician were sum moned to treat a wound in the right leg. The wound had become infected and his leg was amputated in an effort to save his life, and later a second amputation was found necessary, whsch however, proved lo le fruitless, as the young man died soon afterward. Wm, I'ercival was known to rriaiiy people of Grant county, hav ng driven stage on the Canyon City-Mitchell mail route several years ago. Of late years be has neeu engaged in the stock business and was the owner of 75 to 100 head of cattle, . It is gen erally reported that it is well known who shot Mr. Perci val, and it ia likely that a warrant will fe issued for tJi urres, of ths guilty party. Blue Mountain Eagle. I'uKt Iieina. John Pickett is back from a to Shaniko. trip Mrs. Ella WiJey has returned from a visit lo Camp creek. The farmers have about finished their second crop of alfalfa. Chaa. McKinnon of Price was 011 the creek a few days this week. Mrs. Stella Ranncls, of Paulina is viKitsng her mother. Mrs. Ander son. T. F. Long has gone to Hampton Butte to look after bis interests there. Miss Maude Vandevert, very popular poung lady of Lava, has relumed home. B.lly Smend has returned froaj Heppner where he went to deliver a band of horses. . B. Knox and sister, Miss Lillie, after spending several days in Prineville, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Wimer and Mr. and Mrs. T. Koopman have re turned from a week outing on the Deschutes. John Knox, who has been mak ing his headpuiuters at Reno, N'ev. for some time is visiting his par ent? here this week. Josh Wtwthafer, of Ltngootee, I3. a poor man, but he says ha would is a poor man, but he says ha won Id not be without Cliaiubeerlain's Pain lJitlm i! it oott five dollars a bottle, for it saved him from being a cripple. Kn external application is equal to tiiis liniment for atilf and swollen joints, contracted mucles, stiff ueck, sprains and rheamaiic and iiiuseutar pains. It has also cured numerous cases of practical paralysis. It is for sale by ull druggists. ' " HKTTLE CP. . All persons indebted to W. 11. 'Cvius must settle with the under signed or M. Ii. KMiott before the Hrst day of September or suit will be in stituted to collect sunie. JOHN CYEU3. When secretary Wilson returned j to Washington from the wet he announced that the people of Iowa desired some moderate: revision of the tariff schedules but they Would be most unwilling to intrust such revision to the democrats. I !; liming iIil, Kttlr. The Prineville Jockey Club have decided to give a series of races this Fall dming the county fiiir. Tbev will be under tho management of the Jockey Club and separate and apart from the county fair man agement. SI'EKD I'RfKiiUM FIRST IlAV, OCT. 15. 1. Saddle horse race, f-milr dash, horses to carry 150 pounds. Purse, 2. Indian race, three miles, free for all Indians. Purse, $25. , SECO.ND DAY, OCT. 16. 8, Reluy race for saddle horses, threo miles and three hsirses, change every hall mile, to carry 15V pounds. Purse. $75. Till HO DAY, OCT. 17. 4. Trotting Race, half mile heats, 3 in 5 Purse $100. FOURTH PAY, OCT. Mi. 5. One mile dash. Purse f 100. The above races are free for all Crook county horses, except race Xo. 2. Five to enter and three lo start, but the club reserves thr .light to hold a less number-than five to fill, by reducing the purs? iu proportion to the number of horses entered. All entries clos- at 8 o'clock sharp the evening before tho raw. Pacific Coast Jockey Club rules to govern all racing. Money in races to be di vided as follows: First money 70 per cent; second money, 30 per tent. The club reserves the right to change any of the above ruces in the event of their not tilling, also to postpone any and all race for cause. . For further information address, -WihL.WlUIZWKiI.Eil, L. N. LioiiETT, . President. Secretary. Working NiKht and Dar The busiest and mightiest little tiling that ever was made is Dr Kings New life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength, tit lessuess into energy brain fag iuti menial yower. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 2"ic. lrbox. Sold hy Adamsuii Winm-k &Co- Rev J. B. Litter, of Eugene, will hold n sortes of meeting in ihe Union church, beginning Septemlier 20, in the interest of the Christian church. A Shocking Calamity. "Lately bcle'l a railroad laSorer," writes Dr.A. Kellet, of Willfmil Ark. -His foot was badly crushed but Buckleti's Arniea Salve quickly euivd I ",m- lr " s""l"-v '"l'' ''"'. nous, rues mm an skiii frtiitniu. l is the woild'ccliain lion lieuier. One ptmratiteeri. 2aC. Hold by Adflinun WiuiK-K 4 Co. TO Cf HE At'lJLD IN ONK lAV. Tli L'lalive bn mu Qauiiiu. Titili-i. All .lt'.i;H' rufiniil the ini'ittfv if II Ui'i. to emu. K. W, (imvk's si!iii:uiie w mi e.tcli bux. 25l Tho la'St phsitt Chnwiberlam'a tltoiiMch and Liver Tablets. Knsy l t.ike. Pleasant in eftect. Fur sale by all druggists. Stops the Cough and Works, offtha Oold. laxative En nun Qminn Tubals ciir. a O'l'l iu one day. No fine, No I'.i), Price, 25 cents. This sijnsttira 1 en eviry bet ef Hw ihtwIm Uiative Brotnouiniae t.-k tUmadi UuU m tHMh SM)sf