Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 04, 1902, Image 9

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    - I ... .1 '!...
. .. .. ,i. s.s i,Mrm ii im ttmnsam l ." vrr.
.AKouf , Cook u,,..!. -Down tfOoop B.yr'r71'" ' t ir cae. "
jllllVOT 01. tUO l!irvrr w. ivyiwv,v.,, . , ,,,t,. and
Jrn . railway, thtM..A .H? i;url" i,V T 4" ff&E
' ,, ho will, L 1). Kin. M nlg to Tld ... ' g
o( the Great O.ilnil, the ". . ."J" I, . kh vH that man. who i.
ii- , Hmiih during Uib eariy iit . - ; ,,
g,IWy..r..i l:-1U r-?! r (1 lM,n.litK l,i low, th';nMd richer men ,., Oregon,
A ciirii'UK ine ili'iit occurred at r,u" ' J . Mwrt fined only (ft ' Nnw'
th IMA Porilui... hft t!VHiui,, ' i thin -aw. with that .f 'Manning,
ul afford ground for Hic'('iunnAn
fill!. WHH hrmnmt. fined Mr. Burrell
only of which hercfundrd 10.
The law provide for ft hut! m from
pottle tliiiii';ll5'' n''l ' 't'' n'm',!
nlixic Cbamberluin'
Hmniach mid Liver WMIewr.fciiyf"
take. pit i effunt. For sale by'
nil druggcte. .'
A Curtain Oura for D?eiWW fend'i Miuinini. a'iioor man, 11 to l'y
. . . , t .-..,,. i . . . . - i i
um.iil till Kit II ICr, lot H.'ll'.:mi
Muiunjcr Kiniii'V uinl I dief Kiit'i
iiht Miliar. V
. !.")(), al)d tfurrell, a rich unui, lia.l
I Hi, mi. veilM HliO t Wll I'll'.' Ol , ti, i,(iv Oil V . I
ticket .toJlie' '',.i making l"tigj "nhnrwiw I havd-nokick.' There
Ringling Jirotl.iVciri'tiH.nml weie ,j(.y,,t. trip," wiy K. L, Taylor, of ' Mrt plenty of hirdn in Orefcoh, al
iilmtit i).gMn I 1m pronndu, wIih), Albany, llMIIorl Omnty, Y''l j jjwu 'f j,Jn ' j,lt' L'nhe '(iounticH
uflcr a fhort co.inillatioii, ihcy Jc lubm mnldi'iily witli iliarrhoi-, ; couia t!irxl a f-w inor'o hirdo, a
.,.,.n,l. I Willi I )(.' Will) UllOIlt 10 IflVU U I UIB H'l'l
vjildl that
i .. . .-- - I.: !...! !... I.iaf 'cm
. . . .i i. .. i ...i W..I-, I ,, i h Liicfi villi; ,mck!ii- .. . ,..
HMlH'What coi.i.i,i!umm n-r tun n--; - . , ! Tliin will Umil to loim U) BCppiy
,,,il,,ti,(. of .ho Cooh hay road to -wf U'J " lhi(i viir. By r,,,i,,t of thf AhIo-
l) " wilh mM-' "f .ijl'll u, ,1 it l'pnrul d ! rht Uird. Moci,ty, I Imvo api-oiiit-'d
UMii.-ml oirn-crn of tho Woffalt hvh- , tn.or i Millard V. IladduM y as my deputy
, HE llll'l, u't' ' F .
: UMiiinn mid on tlie rout.-. I -ta riUt tlw birds in and around
.,,,uli. tho tun niiefiMilly utiU insvt-r j Astoria. I have ali-o nwived com-
tnn, which in ""aid t i Im- oiio of the
(liivild rimdn, and Ih'IK'u ihcy did
not yo to ih'j ci&w to(.M'lncr
IIIHOI "' ' ' V ,,.n,"i...
r.,n ,n,v ill ,'llVia. A.niii boiMuminur i ,1!1,inl Hint hirdii are hoinK killfd
. . .ii 1...1 ii,..i il,,, . , . i i , iliiuiii i t ,1 f r
l! W L'l I cr illV vuiiieuvi mv ..... , ,il'lL BOMipi. i.i.r I ,., ,i hern III 1 oriia 1U. X niu
Ih tiver A Norihwi'Hl.'rn in an .ad-;wiii, ,m muck of djfwniwy. 1 ! tend to that at once."
luiictofthu Miwouri raeifio. (.lie ; boabt a bottlu ol tin wine lemuoy
IUIIVV Ol l" ,...-r...... . , n u
( UouldVrtronilrHpropfrtiw., It ! ami tl.U lima on.. Curd .B. bold
1h to run iH-twwn Denver nm! Balt by all druw
J,akf, Wi mil"", via I'atk City,
n,l cut off 280 miles from, the
.r,.,i I i w,.,.ii I)cnver and Halt
,iir,, ......
Jr l.aml I'eob
CoiiVAi-UH, Aug. 21 .-The Oregon
Pacilio Colonisation Company, a
Lake, tin now made by tho IMiver,.,. . t0lav ur
und Hin Oritndu Wwlfrn, two Pep-,. , (,f)()(0 u(,r(,H o( jun(i j Ben-L ti, u-e until bw wholly ciirwi
Stood Death Off.
K. fi Munilny.alawyyrol Henrietta,
Tux., oncu loolitJ a we dier. ile
nyi: "My brotlwr wu very low with
iiiiimrial fovnr mid jauiidiee. I per
miioloil liim to try ElwHric litttr and
lie was oon iiiucli tH'ttur, buicuntinu
llnit connect and
work !
ton and Lincoln countieB
..,..,.,.,,., 1,u a ciiiiital flock of
The 1). & N. " . ih nn imterf me, m)mi tlUt win not state the
that wan inaugurated by Pave Mof-: ammmt paill for the land. Tlw
f.-ttt. who llouied the bond at 20,-., . u1,r(i -,,nliri0 the hold-
(XXI .er mile, alio i now
under conHlruction
; ElfovlH are bfiiig made to eecnb
th routinx of th road througl
tin- farnoim Ktho eaiivon
The! 1 am mire Kleetiie Uuter vd lii
lilfi." Tlii ri'int'dy txwt umlatiu,
kilU diwe giffiiw and purified tlie
blood. aaU digi stion, rtulntea liver,
kidnBVii d bowed, cures coiHtipu
tion. ilrswimi. iiarvoun diwiwm,
i,lgj of the Coast ALivcHtm it umi-.. c0l,lpilillu.
pany.ol Aioany, o. uou "-":-ijv(., m(ixi heHh
acres, of whieh 14,000 to H,UKJ
ncrenarw in Jlenton ami mo t;-
i it Liruoln county: the
civn nerlwit heaHii. uniy uuc i
Admiiwrn Winnek 4 Co'l. drug tore.
which: . ,
a i (vi i nil..,1
would cut off 75 mile more from .,,;... o( tWiWon Agrieultural
the dintnnw between Denver "dj(;(linpu,y t.on8iHtig f 20,000 acre
halt like. two ConntiwP, and the 1 Roc k
The eomiiif? of Mr., Mdncr to, , i(.h ()( Wulig xh, in
,,...! Mr. Kinney Un induued con-!.. ,.,., .,. tli hitter
'" - jjiuiutu vfiiin," -
tiidwablo fp.HHilation by le"l,lcl ,lU i,,,,,!,, nre unimproved They
who aw wonderinif about Ihe pro- j Jn gtrijj w:jB ttl)ng
pond Cooo liay line. It la-urn tbe;Ul(, lin() ()! t,e Yanuina railroad,
irmiirkof lhhruiledconmalion ; 8n(cfinliri(t(j m(Wl () tUe w& ,i0.
l ,.iten (I.efVoK Hay or tlieGma .( lhe 1h,u They me the mid Ihe irunwonlinental , (jf lh(j otyu)tt grau hy
pliiux of the CiMilda, which lvc, v,.rmu(.nt to the Yaquina
been in the public mind tlurmg tliej U()ili Company made .' en in
lui-l d-w wei k", mid that appear tj() (()r t)C ,.wtrlK.tion of a wagon
. wiu jul in a n.yMery ii.volua- (rom c;MrvalliB to Vauiiina
hie by rorthiinl brainn. . jJuv -r1(1 ju.e ;,t which the prop-
Mr. Milner maintainf a l'r,,fl,uni1 i ,.rlv'(.hanged handK in not known,
oik-nee regarding tho object rl'ipTi,e X,,, ranch has been held at
viKil.aiid remarks nicrely that hc . m im.(iing the livestock ond
,UH come out here to fee whether i ,
. i . .,i.i t.,.,1. j,. i 1
or not lucre -is hiwiuihibi mn "
Miss Ida. M. Snyder,
Trinr4"r tit ttw
llrw.klyu .al hmt Art f )n-
If women woul.t pay more attention to
J their health we would have more happy
t wiv, reothtr ar.a;, a m"y
i IA n.r,il, 'iruv wojid find
S that the doctori' prtsctiptimii do not
1 pertorm ir.e many cura uaj ,v
j credit for.
" In conmltlna with my aratg.n ne u.
vised McElree t Wine of Cardui and Thed-
ki.i-lr.iirimriht. rnd n I tilOK II aiUl
. , . ,U, him Inr A IUW
nave every ,tuu,. w.a.. - -
Hlfe opentd up to me with reitortd health, g
ano H omy uhw mm niunu w w
Wine of Cardui i a regulator of the
memitrual functions and ii a most w
toiiinhing tonic for women.' Itorei
... ..?. I i...,.,.! irrff.
ularand painful nifiratruf-tion. falling
of tho wotnb, whites and flooding, it
in bolpful when approaching woraan-
, ' .r; J lifp Tt fre-
qijciiily brings a (W hahy tonomp
Fruit Farm for SaJe.
, , J offer for sale my fruit farm of
lrtf) acres diluated in the Cove oil
fie'DeHchnteH river. There a.r
iiiOfKftreeH of atteortcd . varieties ol
fruit and tt ready market for all of
the product.
" Clror," " 'Oregon.
To Alt W liom It Hay Comrrn.
' Notice inluwby jfiven tlmtniy wifn,
Lliiira Zi'li, !) I'.-S-citf'l ihkI left me
ami ilia 'I i!l ri!.g!iln'iMr I; fir iio5 !4!k.dfi. .oi' oll.i-V
liiMtinn wbnli be My cootr.uit
lifter tow noin-e. , .
"W. II.
'" PrinevinV, On-gon. JulylHtn IV-d,
Jul, 17w '', s
Iiiolutii,ii Notice.
Notice iH hereby given that the
firm of Wakefield & Starr in this
day diet-olved by mutual eminent,
C.'W. Starr retiring E. Z. Wake
iidd c(dlt-''tin'g all bills and pnyir.g
all injcbledne of the liiM firm.
F. 1, Wakkkiei.d.
i , (', V. Starr.
Around te Capital.
We will Tid the vs. ue .if one dollai '"!
t-i eiiu 11. Ho in l.lilft. cntainiinr twenty
,ven in and ink l-t" -reduced ketehi f
Whiirtnllfe'l.yil'il-f"r un. r".n
or rtami.) 4n Victoria Kniism r.r
. . . - art,"t.ift work '.n
Uill-I.ill. I Vonr iT,ir "."'
M'TSHKl.L i-i ni.iMii.M, . ''r-'
jy.iy inmi Ave-, .,
SubBcril for the Journal.
Tnk Luxative Br-mo Quinine lnWe'i.
All dniKgiala refund lhe money if it ti'
to core, E. W. (irnve'a aianatuiB a
each box. 25c. "
J. L
Dealer in Heal E-Hate and Ah
Btractor of Titles.
Working Nmlit and Dar-
'Tli 'liiuiiwt mid iniiititii'Ht liitle
thing tlmt ev.,r was nid i lr
KiugK New life Pill. Tb pi"
change weiikiiBi-fi into trngtb, lii-l-
IfiKnciis into energy brain lag into
un ntal power. They're wondeiful in
building up the health. Only 2ae
,,er box. 'Hold by Adunixnii Winnek
iCo- " ' "
Thl alpiatiire la on every hox of the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quifiine Tweu
tUe remedy tliat raiea u eaM In tot d
White & Combs. t
ISP0RTED fM.fr4-
r irt that the cliinale ol Port
land i dclightlul in the Hummer
. . .. tr :,. -
time u heaven, 1111. . no m
)ileaunt ' gentleman who knows
much fihout railroading that l.e
will not tell to reporter. ,
It in learned that certain propo
Mtioni have been thought of rela
tive to ltxweniiig the tight hold up
ftii the Coos Bay enter priie that i
held by Mr. Kinney and W, con
.. Mr. Kinnev rtduei to Bay
pnything, feeling urprine that any
A tiiuht of Terror.
"Awful anxiety wan felt for the wid
ow of the bravo General Itiirnham of
Miicbiaa, Me., when life doctor mid
ht) would die from Pneumonia before
iiiorning"wiite Mr. 8. H. Liiieolu,
who attended ber that fearful night,
biitahe beeited for Dr. King' Nw
Discovery, which had cred her id
Conauniption. After taking, ahe slept
all night. Further uae entirely cured
her". ThU innrvellom medicine ia
gurnnteed to cure ell Throat, Cheat
nd Limir Diieaae. Only 534 and
The Entire Stock of ,
Wagons, Implements
pnything, reeling no "'v innti l,uok iiov..-. t
other railroad intereet has evinced I fl.OO. Trial bottle free at Adamaon
concern for the project with which
he is connected." ; "
' "Really," aid h to the Journal,
"I don't know what it Is you mean.
Perhapl you can give me tome in
formation that will oliwidato our
bueinew to Ui.H, '
v.rihlen.U ii learned that
tome other railroad people have
h to make nropoeitioni
vnivu v.w..j..
to the Great Central people, or, at
least, to auk for tha privilege 01
' binir nrnnonitiona to then). ' !
uin&..( i-r , .
Regarding the probabilities of
and Machinery
iWinnek Co'l. drng itore.
Quiaaby Ha a Kick.
siat Flub and Game Warden L.
P. W. Qnimby has returned from a
trip into, the country, says the
Portland Journal. Mr. Quimby
"I am securing convictions
right along. But the great trouble
is that the judiciary omcers are not
h.lnlnff me to make the people re-
en.t the law. I will ftive you - the
followina as instances. I secured
by the
il conviction of a man
of Manning in Jacksonville
!W-lSBVte the reason that he had deer
ney is not hmt .boat asee rhng t o
that soon there will be no doubt in
the mind of the most skeptical per
ViMpa in his Doseession out of sea
1 bin man was fined 125 and
lld of the mos skeptai pe -,
Mnonib...objrt,Dut , . ThU Manning u , poor
give any facte at pre vu. weckg
furnifh banis for gmng deta 1. - j m
There are Bl, n Tbt Dalles, stating that I
to outrider, exceedingly interest J . BurreU-ho
. . .. . . i,u i tieani
ing, but it w lmpoBoiuio . r
U asccrUin anything definitely.
rr.t W. F. Burrell, who
was coming to Portland, for having
Consisting of all Kinds of
Wagons, Siinders, 71 owing ?acAnes Jtay Stakes,
Sang Plows, Walking Plows and Jfag forks.
'I''"'. ' -.
; MUST be sold out within ihe next
90 Days 90 Days
Ktiralso w with top; altjn good order,
which will go cheap'
Call and 5oe these goods before you buy elsewhere.
t'f " t NAOMI SALOMONi '