, tluTTI i' P"rtU,d. nItndlDg the mother ... m i ' .' . . . morning. Miio hastimtd to the qui.. Ill fur some tltnt, P..t, is now " d '"'V"" M u. iiyuv uuing in wie Bister neighhorhood wan inmaion ed but being unable to leave an other patient, did not reach the little Kufferer before three o'clock in the afternoon. After a abort examination he gave the anxious one around the bed-Hide to know the end was drawing near. All membera of the family had been summoned, but failed to arrive until uftcr death. Ifia mother and Kitcr Ethel with a few friends stood ut tlin bedside when death came. The remains were taken to Camp Polk. The funeral was largely attended. The little casket wita covered wilh flowers. Krnent waa a sweet child and loved by all who knew him. lie . leave a mother two brothers and five sis ter to mourn his untimely death. A.I. nmvalsomit The Prinovllle Band will give a eon rei'l (luiiiiK the Hook show. Wa will give full mrtinulart at another lime, Coin Carroll came over from Mitch ell Monday with a load of fruit from liii ranch near that place. He met with very good aalea. 0. L. Freer was ovor from Aahwood tlio first of the weuk looking after Jtlio inltcats of the Morning Blur mine. . Thin la one of the limit tironertiea In tlie CHiiip ami we will give it a write 11 1 in our next iseuo, J. M. Kaught was down from his liiini oil Comb's Flat Tuesday attend iug to btuiiwe iiiHtters. "L'ueleJim" is one ol the )riruo farmers of this eoniity and lias a flue farm on the lull whnre he mines all that could Ui asked for on a hum besides tine stock C. Montgomery cam over from his furni on Willow Creole the Hist of the week to look nfmr buaintwa afTitirs and viil with his daughter, Mrs. Isom Oliwk. Mr, Montgomery is one of the iiitnier settlers of the Willow creek country. This office acknowledges a iaaaiit call. J. 8. Kelley arrived from Wasco Monday and has pitched his tent on I th vacant lot across the streut from the brick store. Mr. K el Icy is a pho lojjrnjilu'r ol first class attainments and has come to our town to reside ieruittiiently. He des gool work and should be patronised accordingly. This oHiea was favored ly a basket of fine ieaclt pluma the first of the wnk by C. M. Lister of Mill creek. There is no doubt that this country will produce an abundance of fine fruit if any iitlentiou was given the tmttu-r. Tlntae plums grown on Mr. I.i'trr's plaue are as good as any we have ever en tun in the fruit belt of Houtliuro Ori'Kon. MMx-kgrowera' Meeting. There will be a meetiugof thrCrook Comity 8tockgroers' Association Hat' ' urday'st two o'clock in the elioruoon al tht e rt h"ii-,e. This is the regn. lat iiinrii!ily imtiiig and a full at tendance; is request!. The matter of the ap;icrtiouinent of the new forest rerve will be taken up and prelimi nary talks made on the subject. All members should he present. A Hml Accident. Last Thursday afternoon about four o'clock the death angel knock ed at tho door of L. K. Allingham calling for Lrncat h. rotter, the ,,,,,. ,wrn atatement No. . for the , ... l ) . ,l .. purrhnee of the si, ev, of Bectlon No. 10. little aon of Irarah Kiggn who ac- aownhP M ,ouiii,ranie etuu. cidentally ehot himself Wednesday , w.liim w, a strong ' iof Prlnevllle. county of Crnua, met" of ,0'- ulmitt noon. He left the house i ion. sworn atatement No. 410, for the nitrnnne or me w wt eccuun . m. Ill Memory of Kriicsi I'ottcr. Died, August 21-t, 1902, Krncst Earl Potter youugost son of Mrs, Sarah Rings, aged 10 years, 8 mouths and 28 days. Upon that lonely hill, Beneath the tall pine tree, There is a new made grave That is precious to dear to me. Within that little grave, A form we love so wi ll, He was the yonngrst of the two, How we miss him none can tell For eleven anxious years, His smiles to us were given, And then he bid us all farewell, And went to live in Heaven. As I bullied his death pale face, And whispered words of love, I asked our Heuvenly Father To spare our precious dove. But God's angels called him, We hud but to otiey, How sweet and culm his little life, So gently passed away. But our darling is in Heaven, For lie never knew a sin, 1 bom he'll linger near the gute, That be may guide me In. 1 Aunt Ida. Timber Lund, Art June I, 1STS. NiIU.'E FOH ITBI.HUTION. 1'. B. 1-and onw. Ijikevlew, Orriton, May 8. Ifii. Notice la hereby given that tn conipll- anee with the provlaiona of the -act or dinari- of June 3, Ills, entitled "An not for the aila of llmlar lands In tht Stutcs of l a Kornln Ore on, Nevada, anil Wahln;ton Territory." as extended tn all the I' ll'tic i.nnd Hiatrs by ad ol Auauet 4, Utl, the following peraona have thla day flled In Ihla cjffloe their sworn atatemenUi, to-wlt: llanlamln F. Morris. of PrlnVille. cnunty of Crook. State of Or- with hU gun and a few moments after he called to hia Siator Gladys, Tnaiwhlp M south, Itange I east. Ployd noweii, of frlnevllle. county of Crook. State of who heppened to be the only one Lmrehnae of the nwy. a nei and . , , ., , . nwU se4 Bectlon No. 33. Townahlp 34 at home. Ilia mother leaving that I ,u,'h, r,,gP g eat. .... i..... ' Atnerlra I. Boone. morning lor Maters a uiaiance nt iof rineviiio. co ,nt.' of etook, state of ot. lf aon, sworn piatemeni r-o. u. ior m '""x ,..,r, hnne twenty-seven miles. about sixty yards from the house, on reaching the spot hie sister ask ed what was the matter. He answered the bullet shot me some place. She carried him to the of the aw U of Suction No. Townahlp u south, range s east. Farmer Powell, of Prlnevllle, county of Crook, State of Orrirun. aworn atatement No. 413, for the nuivhaaS of the neU of Bectlon No. 14, Townahlp 14 south, range east. Parker B. Doak, of Prlnevllle, county of Crook. State of Oregon, sworn atatement No. 414. for the nurrhiiee of the nwK of Section No. 14, Townahlp 14 aouth, Range I eaat. (..nanea m. mama, house and found he had shot him clf through the bowela. II beg- of Prlnevllle, county of Crook. State of . , . Oregon, gworn atatement No, 41s, for the ed to stay at home, but Deing puriihsw f ,h, ,IW ,w nw j, f afraid to leave him alone to go for j Sw.tbm 32 and ne J no J Section, no. 31, help.ghe got him on a hor.e and Townahlp tsh.anw east. atarted brt'lf on foot, for L. E. of Prlnevllle. county of Crook, State of atartea, nereeii on iuo., iui u. u 1 0rf)iln ,worn ,,,, No. w, toT the AllinRham's a distance of about I purehaae of the ecVj wH seH end ' e' , ne4 eett of Section II. Townahlp it south. two miles, to where another water i tunae 10 eat. ' . I, I Hattle O. Palmer. Ethel. Wtt8 Stopping. Being unable 0f Prlnevllle, county of Crook. State of , , , , , , Oregon, aworn atatement No. 411, for the to ait up he rode on hia stomach. , pnrohwt o( tht nw) N(l Being able to ride but a few yards , u. ;., r. e and wj .l Htioo si. . , Townahlp 23 south, range .10 eaat. without atopping to rest, they were John comoa 'wrr 0 , , . . !of Prlnevllle. county of Crook. State of from twelve to four 0 Clock malting ; Oregon, aworn atatement No. 421, for the j I nurc.haae of the ne awVj, eK nwU of the distance. Over a narrow and : gotion No. n, and t of section , ., . ,. ,u. No. , Townahlp !0 aouUi, ranje W eaat, rocky trail winding along the hill, r. Wry Long. .. . i : i, K..o.lof Prlnevllle, county of Crook, State of side, where at place U the horse 0lvirori, on ,utement No. 48i. for the . , , .,, 4L 1,1 purchaae of the aw of Bectlon No. Si. had made a miss tcp they would Twnsnln M K)Uth Hanf ,0 wit. i a;ri Matolas That they will offer proof to show that have fallen into the wiit matoiaa (he lnd l( man valuable for its . . , . . f.,, kelnw ()n timber or atone than for agricultural pur- which ran a few leet oeiow. un s and w Mtab,,n thar c,aira to sate 1 Iw.i.na tliA anfferillff land before A. C. Palmer. V. S. Commla- reachir.g the house tlie cnl ,lon , at h)a ofnca at PrlnevUle. Oregon. Child was made COmfortabl? M on Wednesday, the ird day of September, possible Under the circumatancea. hev nam, a. wj.nee. Benjamin F. Kdwin Graham started for nc.iKh-, "i'. r&$mo. bora, mother and doctor. Neigh-; W isnw bora won arrived to lend their ed to nie their claims in ;; "r',S3. or helping bands, but through a mis-, ' b. m. brattain, Reaiater. BUY. Your supplies now while our big sale offers so ' many opportunities. Don't wait too long as the time of this sale is limited; our Stock Is complete and qualities the best. We keep a full line of staple ar-; tides, so don't think we cannot supply you with what you want. Prices sent on application. Ttmlier Lend, Act June J, 187A NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.. 1'nited States Land Office, The Dallea, Oreon, Aumi.t 22, l'J02. Kotloe b hereby given that in jouipUance with tna iniviloo M the act ul Congiew of June 3, IMS, entitled "An act for th aale of timlMr landa in the Htatea of California, Ore Knn, Navaila, and Wanhinnton Territory, an extended to all the puWki land Ute liy act of August 4. 1KH2, the fnlkiwing perwnw have, on July 17, 1!2, tiled in thia oltice their aworn autetuente, to.wit: COHA K. ST A K K, ol Buckley, oounty of Pierce, state of Wahini(tiiu, awurn atateiueut No. eft) fur the pureliaee of the ti4 ne4 and nU nvi Sm. US, Tp. 14 8., 11. 1 K., W. M. b. LAWTON CADY. of Buckley, county of Pitrue, aUte ol Wulilagtin. wurn state ment No. Mi (.ir the ,urche of the uw See. 10, Tp. 15 8.. K. 19 K.. W. M. MAY J. CADY. .f lietihell, county of ftnohomUh, sute ot Wiuihiniiton, aworn atote muilt ho. il h the purchaae of tile w) and wj swi See. 11, Tp. lft K, 1 K W. M. t'lAiHKNCK M. CADY, of lluckley, coun t .if Pi.im. Lito of Waehiniiteu. ' aworn aiatenient No. 8S0 for the pur hmw of the mi Ueo. 10, Tp. IS 8., K. 1 B., w. M. EUNICB SMITH, of Buckley, county of Pieroe, etate uf Vt'aahlnKton, awurn auieuieut No. (K,9 for the purcliaae of the tm Sec. 10, Tp. 1.1 S,, K. 19 K W. M. WALTKU E. tiADY.of fietehell, oouutv ef Snohouiiah, atate of Wmliinton, awom suteuieut No. 8.VI for the purchae of the ' t, awK ae'i and kJ ii Sec. 4, Tp. V it. 19 e W. M. JOKL M. SMITH, of Buckley, county of Pierce, atate of Waahingtoa, awom statement No. 857 for the nurehaaa of the aei See. 10, Tu. lftSH.19K.,W.M. MAUU K. CASADAY, of Fern Hill, oouuty of Pierce, etate of Washington, a wore auteiuent No. tt'si fur the purchaae of the w J nw. aei uw and nei aw Seo. m, lp. IS n H 19 K W M CLKSTIA CADY, of Buckley, county of Pierce, atate of Washington, awurn atatement No. 855 fur the nureham. uf tin rwl Sec. 22, Tp. 14 8 K. 19 K., W. M. UKLLA A. UAUV, ot Buckley, oounty ol Pierce, atate uf Waatiiavtus, aworn statement Nu. HM fur tne uerchaae of the eeW Sec. 22, Tp. 14 S., R. 19 K., W. M. That they will offer proof to ahow that the land sought ia niore valuable fur its timher or atone than for agricultural DUiiaiaea, and to eetabliah their olaiui to aaid land before the Key inter and Keoeiveruf thia oHioe at I he llallaa, Oregon on Thureday the lilh day of Noveuiber, 1902. Thee name aa wltneaaeai Cora K. Stark. D. Lawton Cady, Klorenee M. Cailr, Kuuice Smith, Joel M. Smith, Cleatia Cady, Delia A. Jmiy and Byrou Uady, ol rJuetley, wsaning. S$GG 1 5 i LJTluG. 1 TJhe $ Place TJo Save oney. cm Mil Wit ton, aud Muy J. Cady and Waltrr K. Cuij' of Uetchel., Waahington, ana ! dav, of rare Hill, Wahington of Uetchel , and Maud B. Caaa- Anv and all neraona claimiug advereelv the abovadescribed landa are renueeted to file their elaiiua in thia urnce on or before aaid Oth day of Nuveinlwr, 1902 ' etp Ja1 I, l.L-a, HT(ir. .K a. .-JrU'Sr..i.'W.i. Tablets and all other School Supplies, You cant afford to overlook tho Tablet Department- RfHiuced Prices in Tinware; the reason! There is. none. We Bimply saw a chance to pound down prices and gelBomt good advertising, ; A drop in Glassware and nothing broken, but the prices. Wonderful Bargains are those which we are offering. If you need any of the above items, this ia an opportunity y i should not overlook. A share of your patronage is Respectfully Solicted, . I. MICHEL. ADAMSON & WINNEK CO. Incorporated 1899. Drngs, StAtionery and House Furnishing Gowls