Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 04, 1902, Image 6

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Crook County Journal..
Vviuinkk tan Pnoi'Kitroiut.
T. Kouui. Vroroa
W. H. pAiuti, Makauu
Ooi'ktv Official Papkr.
IMi Joi bnai. in Miterad at Um pgiltiot in
frimfJH. Jretf., ir ImnauiUsfoa through Uw
1'. ii. (-4il M aecund oIaw uiUr.
ik aivm r
Oxt Ysak. tt.Hu
Six Moxthk 7S
'l'MHIlli Monthr 50
State Senator K. A. Booth, of
ljne County, is puoken of as a pos
.-ible candidate for United States
Senator at the coming session, of
the Legislature.
Senator Booth is one of the best
known politicians in Southern
Oregon, and was chairman of the
last Republican State Convention,
when W. J. Furnish was nominat
ed for Governor. Senator Booth's
name had been casually mention
ed for Governor prior to the con
vention, and it was in recognition
of his prominence that he was se
lected as permanent chairman
1 here a.-e many politicians who
declare that Booth could have
landed the nomination for Gov
ernor had he been willing to per
mit his name to be presented at
the time.
Of late the name of Senator
Booth has been heard in connec
tion with the presidency of the
Stite Senate He was considered
quite a formidable candidate for
. the place, and it is natural now
that he should be discussed as be
ing in the field for the higher hon
or, the position of United States
Senator. Southern Oregon has
not had a Senator in many years,
so that geographically Senator
Booth has an element of location
in his favor, but Senator Charles
W. Fulton, of Clatsop County, an
avowed seeker for the toga, also
has this advantage. And so have
The rumor that Senator Booth
may be considered as a factor in
the race originated in his own
county. A close political friend of
Senator Booth is responsible for
the statement regarding the Lane
County statesman. The intima
tion was made that a combine is
now being effected in which Sena
tors Eooth and Fulton figure
prominently. It is further hinted
that in the event of Fulton being
. unable to land the nomination
himself he will throw his strength
to Senator Booth and that between
them they have enough votes to
carry on the prize. Fulton's
. strength is unknown, but is rated
by a follower as being but a hand
ful short of the requisite number
necessary to elect.
Advices from Salem are to the
effect that Governor T. T. Geer is
to be considered a Btrictly in the
race for Senator. With possibly
one exception the Marion County
delegation will cast it ballots for
the tall sycamore of the Waldos.
Several of the Marion County men
do not intend to support Geer in
definitely, but will ai-sist him with
their ballots until be develops his
full strength, and then if he is
found short they will seek another
More than one Republican,
while not having any particular!
liking for Geer, will feel compelled
to vote for him on account of the
Mays law. It was through this
statute that Geer'i name appeared
upub the official ballot of the June
election as the Republican choice!
for United States Senator. A no'
other Republican nime appeared!
to divide the honors with Geer
Mime dolrgaUis to the Legislature,
wLj ;'e?i h;' nvp:n il)iiitie o
J their position most keenly, state
that they cannot conscientiously
vote otherwise than for Geer, as he is
the choice of the people of Oregon,
as shown by the election, and they
argue, further, that the only way
in which United States Senators
will be elected by popular vote is
to give every experiment, like the
Mays' law, a fair test.
The Speakership is no settled
affair. There are three prominent
candidates Eddy, of Tillamook
and Yamhill; Harris, of Lane, and
Davey, of Marion. Eddy is sup
posed to have the support of one
faction and Harris of another.
Harris wished to no to Salem us
Senator ut the comming session,
but the powers that be in his par
ticular country, induced him to
forego the ambition and accept a
nomination foi Representative in
stead, promising him, it is under
stood, the Speakership. As for
Davey, he is not backed by.
either of the Republican factions,
but counts upon the unattached
Republicans for his support and
believes that at this time he has
more strength than either of his
rivals, Ihe .uultnoman uelega
to the appointment of committee
clerks in many instances. Port
land Telegram.
1( Meant Vilhhift.
The Senatorial question is being
difcussed bv the people. The vote
for Geer and it influence on the
legislature is being talked of. All
agree that as bi't ween Mr. Wood
tlio democratic nominee, and Geer
the Governor won; as between Geer
and other republicans who may be
candidates for the senate, the vote
expressed no choice and is not of
auv binding force on the lecisla
ture. It would seem that the
people regard the vote of Mr. Geer
not as their choice for Senator
among republicans, nut us their
preference bet ween a democrat and
a republican. Public sentiment
has not centered on anv one man
in this part of the Ute. Arlin
ton Record:
Captain Samuel Bass, who came
to the Pacific Coast in 1859settling
in Oregon, died at Whatcom Wash.
Friday night, ujred 71 years. He
hud been prominent in Democratic
polities in Washington and Ore
' .L . . ... il I ll'
lion, of course, will have the deci- "u ",r wle ' w eare "0,UI"K
ding voice, but no one appear to "nr, .
know which way the Multnomah H w.uli borM 1,1 Mount Holly, N.J'
men intend voting. It is said that1"1
the delegation from Multnomah o D r i i. i v
,6, , . ,. benuior Rawlins, of Utah, has
favor Eddy, and will support him I , r . , ,.
,r laskeu Commissioner of Indian
a. a unit, but there are several ;Afair8 Jones or tMit(inc, ,
members in the crowd who assert j,.()00 m the ,w
that thoy have made no pledges i i()n the wMhtm q(
and will cast their ballots '!- sUl(;i wh() ar, ,0 be pturvillg.
pendent of any dictation that may ,
be attempted. The election of a I Dn.t Unei tlmty7un nve SO
Senator, however, will enter into crtltEl 0 ylir winter reading by sub-
every deal in the organization of jcriliinR for the Orcgonian with the
the house and Senate, evpn down I .Journal for tl 50.
Our Summer Clearance sale
of Ladies Oxfords
and Slippers.
our Barg-
We are offering this week on
ain Counter. 150 pairs Ladies Oxfords and
Slippers at $1.00
These formerly sold at $2.00 and $2.50.
These are good values.
Simpson & Wilson
TJhe Dalleo Carnival
2nd Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Fair.
September 30, October 1, 2, 3 and 4, 1002.
$4,000 in Purses and Premiums $4,000
Bisgest event of the year. Best race meeting In 1003.
Largest Live Stock, Agricultural and Horticultural Exhibit!
Ever Made in Eastern Oregon.
Oregon Pacific and Oriental Carnival
Eight Big Shows.
Balloon Ascension and Daring Parachute Jump.
horsjm Ait) novelty racks
All articles entered for premiums admitted ABSOLUTELY FREE.
Ten per cent deducted from all preiniuma awarded.
For Premium Lists and Speed Program addrew
R. J. GORMAN, Seo.,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Kentucky Liquor House j
tfW&f It Hits the Spot Every f
ntti&tfm Time.
Prineville-Burns Stage Line.
Carrying U. S. Mail, Passengers and Fast Express
Leaves Prineville on Mondays and Thursdays at 6 a. m.
Passengers waybilled for Tost, Paulina. Fife, Hiley, Burns,
and all way points.
C. 1. WINNER, Agent, Prineville
This applies to
our Stock. It's I
"JUST" right. A
few of our leaders
are: $
Harper", "Jesse x
Moore", Sohlitz $
Beer, Gambrlnus, t
Hop Gold, Sierra Campo Sauterne,
Jules Mum Champagne, Imported and
Domestlo Ales and Porters.
C. J. STUBLING, Wholesaler.
We have fifty kinds of Mens' Hats---from , (10c up to $.'J 7"
for J. 15. Stetson hats.
These goods are not old stock. We have on hand one size
of each kind, being remnants from our regular sales. Yon
find your size and save money These hats formerjy sold tor
from $1 50 to $5 00. .
Abo we have now arriving a full line of Mens', Ladies anil
it'hildrens Dress Shoes,
School Supplies, Tablets, etc, Prices reasonable,
N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs. ,
Reliable Merchant.
PHneville-Silver Lake
Stage Line.
Carrying V. S. Wfail and Passengers
Leave) Prinerille Monday, Wednesdays and Fridayn, (iovd rigs,
careful driver. Freight ami pmsMingerti waybilled fw Bend, Lava.
Roulaud and Silver Uk. C. I WIN.VEK, Aceut.
Xippman & Co
Manufacturers of Furniture
Fine Undertaking Goods,
Carpels, Stoves, Ranges, Lead, Oil; and Glass,
Lumber and Jiuilding Material.
Goods sold for cash and on the installment plan;