4 ( , i. i . - i ? 5 I i ! 9 "f i luy Y.nrv Taxo. Vn.l'r'ihw tie lit for the , col -Mondav h OctoN-r. ).,- foux: ' .'courts hnvo olnlolyno jnrisiiict- ' : , 1 ' not urn in tin; prenm-iT, a.... ; !...... ilw. hi' it to esU'n.t l.ir h ti't ' "' -c :IY guaranti-enV MW" inneK w. VT1m JiiiWwju lc,t Citat'panV fHH:yfcrwfc,)rk Cijiiuty, wijj hiive-jin exhibit m The Dallea fair' a" ciirfoad of their choi cest slicen, soiiim1 of 'which werfc itn-- .orted from Fr mice aittlmhcre ii'oni time for tW.2'li.m of u1S!.uu! tjtfruMur, while in the hor. wih ,'. UHnbrr Luna. ti!H 3, J.;. , , 'U. S. laind tilllc ' ' vt!4 U ('lifivti'Men,1 " of- imtvillis'Mtmtywut A-iams.. State u n 001.04.1, . 1. 1" j"-"11 "" . UlwvM', Oi'i soii. May 21, IK J. : ni.nl V" S, forth," fiirchtu of'th. Nutice u hci- igivu ' tWt m 'X-mflf . f n m.-,iwii.iiIp u um, ito wt.'h tl.. pruVtahm. of1 .no wl ,,( )fi.; 1 r Mi&ttk of jiMtV S. t. V.int.M "rtn'l,, J,-',.h,r, ,H,hi .f Adorn,' Stiito of (( . na.u ( jln.Uii' Hrna-, in Uwl v.'nHiln.ituii, s.m aiiitsmoHi N' mita Iw i.u nl llltiUil' H.I.J III Ilw b.utfiiMU. .,ii.uoi'.i!,i. l.ilcliwi. Nil. ail. i, ..u VU..liliuii"n omn.r. iij CM.mi.-d ,4 Uli th( 1 ..- 0 olHilnit l-: Uui .U s. -I. M:. i1!.' ..i;..'i ..'-''..'lui iia iBn (in li i'i in th;u ututvilit'lr uwiiin lau.ut.l'., ij-llil , . t (".... .... I..-'. ... i K OlSd'AM i .. Illll .V.I .U, 111 t ll.l' 11"' IMI1.MUI-.-JM " .W J I. '.. II . " I I. I "" """l I' 1 J M ...M. UiJi'v Itr mat, W, At. ' . " '- ! ... j.iini o. A'.li, 1.C ltli?v:Hv. vn. i v ii( A.'umn, fliutn r '.' .1" l:i'i:n; i'r iH'HHMpiiI" . . uir II... L ir. luivu III ill.' N.i. II. 'r.jilHlilu I! ... ..i. II... . i f , i ... ...J a;.i.': nil,' ...... 'iviilii. l.'iiil'. ' .....I... . t-lXl'-l Vmh'f til.' Oi'l !;w rOiAiJt.u.- j-W tiln y ivi .i.v j; .,., rw , .V:.l4.t H, .v ji.'I.i l").i..', i (J.,,,- - 11, .nl V . ( ' ', '.;;, tiie o-i:e -ti.m of t, U.ep.y.:in A..Ti.-.t, imihuii.i;; jW Am r;T . , . !'1K,,.,,?; X,.. 4 'S?ilM.ht.h..-v.',.rt.h..i Cnvk. Tl,, Baldwin Mu-P rT,r' j'i- ....r. ' ' li,;, nmliovity to f...iU- e 1--U .Xte..-.!);.mlt Co.npiuiy .re 'tnyml , ,,r,.k(h(:?,,!r, ir N"!'" L,u? ofitiuv o which to, mikH tiu-.throtisnutu .no . ...um - ,v , s ,.,.,, ,s, v,w. 'K.'U-.'fr.. is Tuwr.:.i,.i u .. .collections ! '1:- "-M a I' ' '!'1'"-' .1 .. . t:wiv. if ilmaii. ',nV.,1 .,. w , ,t,,. ,f In .H- ihm ,t'.011l'l'.lliill .i- " i I ' , , -t.-:i . . x Mi. n piom'l lt h -.li iwiwi' i LbwiklX.uU.iiUVVtV.UU'J.Jl Dili li"' I".."'.. i , . . ,. iloa.-tia this rohau.n ttud.-r tiu'jjin.'r aiimui.s ra.svd in the ,..v It v '-and 'tw 'wilt'Wtmii? .win Id tiian . iIhmo hred at Hay ;I.iin..l..Vntaf'tl.c Km .Monday Ck. HV, ruis.-w Uould H,e , . this com nam's c. ini'i: at I In- Section li) of .the new la: trats Dalles from wphmiW M l..-tf- .1... .Ldinniipnt roll, and ine-i touer 4. Vl U II HIV ' 1 (TiU's when and in what nuniu-r it shall he made as follows: "If any of the taxes mentioned fin the roll shall' remain unpaid, jiuid th sheriff shall he utmhle to .collect the same, he shall imuii'di .utely after the firt Monday oi Oc itolwr extend the anwuntof the tax ,on each several parcel of real prop erty, and upon' the personal prop .er'.'v assessed to each individual, in ,a column provided for nuch pur poses on the tax roll, headed delin quent, and fhall return such roll, together with a statement compiled therefrom and entered thereon thowini! the total amount of taxes .collected, the total amount of ,i,.nV,le assessments and .errors," etc. . , . ' Subsequent sections of the actj provide thet after the examination ht the county clerk of the .roll, :and when the proper credits have Sheen made for error.-, etc., then tha roll shall be returned to the sheriff with a - warrant t commanding Jiim to sell the property upon which the tax was levied. So it .will be seen tha', the, county court , Jias no voice in the matter. The time when the unpaid taxes be come delinquent on the roll now , Jieina collected is regulated entirely bv the statute and there will be no .extension of time this year. A Communication, Mb.' Editor Allow rue to speak n .few words in favor nf Chamberlain' Cough Remedy I m lie red for three yeure with the" brfinehitu iind could ; nntsleeu at niitht.' I tiied teverul duo-tor and various patent medicine, iut could get iiothiin to give me any relief until my wifo got a bottle of (this valuable medicine, which has completely relieved nie. W. B. BrocKMAH, Bagnell, Mo. Thi reme dy is for sale by all druggist. ' Tbcre Are Other. Baker county hag waked up to the folly of the scalp oounty. une of the main arguments for the bounty was that Jiastern Oregon mn not getting its share of state favors and of thin was made n argument of necessity. If. the bounty was for t favor it has been n expensive one. That which was meant to exterminate coyotes has propagated jack rabbits. Ore gonian. This in only the Oregonians way of looking at matters and tbins. Down in Western Oregon there are many fond parents who thought to brine ud a family of sturdy intei ectuul boysr-rmen who would be an honor to themselves and their native state but after a life of toil nd bardfhips they have found that thoy had only succeeded in propagating lot of jackasss. A Shocking Calamity. ''Lately befell a ilmd laborer," irritei Dr. A. Kellct, of Willford Ark. f'Hi ',ot '''"' enshed' but H.u.i.ln'a Arn'nw Kulve Quickly Cured him. It' 'imply wonderful for Burn, H.,i! Pilw mid ill kin rruption. Jusli Westhafer, of I.o.ino.'U-e, In t. is M p.Mir mail, but he ) he would not bo without Ciiiiuil-i-rl.iiu's l'ain hulin if it 'io.-it live dollani a Imttlc, for it saved him from bcin.it a cripple. No exlenml application is equal to thin liiiiineiit for i i 11" and imfollen joints, contracted inueles, sliir neck, sprains and rheumatic and muscular pains. It has nloo cured uuineioii eases of practical paralysis. U is for sale by all druggists. nol.if Ai!:ni". i i. ..in mi I .ii:ii, Stat of Out-!.."';" ., .. ...... . i rnr itn I - . . - . -(,- r W IHM I.JII.I "'.'HI ' " ,Xn. awom nia.eir.ini n. ...-,.. , , p .,,,, iKltl rr ni;r!eiiliiimi r- ,;im m iii.i i.iv . .i.'tliua ti. lowiu'lilii .'J IW; ' nn,, , .nhiiHi, ihclr ,-Ib in-i t.. (MH-lh. ISaae 11 va.t. , ' i.,i i'p r..l li"f..f IP-' Kiitl 'i. c un l iio -1v- " art liue'ow. . ! . ' f , .. ...... ,,, i , ,., , . .,i-.v l nil nf Allviriy. ri.inlv oi l.l.m. Kmlo of ..'-pi (!. , ,!,. f f.,..l.-mii.T. 111''. I j,m. aiMii a niiiu :'i' r.t Nn. 'i, uii'th'i.r -ii .','-.., V ! w 'i ri -. riuvii M.m'1 ,::(. .-;.0i!m.. b. T..w..am,. i, ,',, ,.; ,. IV. K, tl.'..). ..f i mi. .u'-n.-.c 11 mist. ii,.i...l.r W il l..; nank 0 - ! 'i.f ..V.iny, C;-VM'.i . .if I.tr.M, Stnt r. , ! n'; 1" ' (j;, I.turl.-s. I.latm. ami vj.i, I..VM.M Hliuwii. '.lt No- l"i I'1' " i ... ,... a M Uilr, - t ! -V t. vtowe f tl"- '.-,1 i-i' Cllon it, I'dWiKj'.iln i "j,, ,:, ,, H'MV.i.m, U Ah. i, si,.. i'v ; Iuhi-m 'i::! "i-:.,iv :;;in, hmi i.'';;.'"' ''"'J.- k i. .1,,'r ,l!nis In umw juuili, Kaniiu 11 !'' A. J. P'l'itt. . , .if Allmnv. O'.ui'iv "( LI"'.. Siiitf f On ,111 sva.rn slim-nii'iU No, '4'. '"' ' t,ur' I'VioB of On- n'i S.'ytluii b. Tnwnslilp 2. iiuiiih. ltnnso '1 win. KlimT ( onn, of AUiinv. ('. ..iiw of I .Inn. S'.ite of Ore- hare oi mm ""i o'.-i.-M. . .. W'lu ll'lllt, , mi ' in. (il'ilM ''f 'V.' Tl-iO'.r T iu-l Afl lin' ' O.. Noticb nm l-riu.if'ATioM. t'n'lpit Klnles I.nnn nm-s, . ...... . vfu ! I!V3 inn in,'". !..,,,. , - N'n!r Is li.-ri-i.v Rlv.-n l Tint In 'n i: t- ?!- of Urn nws S.'i-lloii t..wiihl)i wllh II,.. wy.vlsli.Mi nf thr il t i.o.u.1. llaii,"-) 11 ' ""', "",-v : 'f 'lrnnirr.'M of Juno II. Kiri. i-nlllt'-il An in,.!.! to show ih.u th inn.i s.oiRi'i 'H;n,., ,r th,. .i'. of timl-cr lai'.ls In o. nri. va'.mWi. for ll llrntvr or huh - ihi-l ,,,,., f ('.,'lf..rii!ii. (in-siei. Novell fur 8rl.-.iltural nar-m. ""'I !,,',"' ', hl:i.,j 'w.i-h!nii'nn Torrlinrv." hh m-ti.lM tli.-'r I'h'.'M I" rr,k 'niul twt..ro A. . ' "'" , ,,, n n, p ,blln I.1111I Hlnl. s to' "t of .ini-r. ill ii.-..-' '. mm a .10. u,.. r.i nwinir i .T'tnim im.vm of H.-eti'ii.-, ,rl (n ''ni..i their sworn ilnii'iiifnts, lolin A llot.. of T' - Iin't.-p. r.innli' of IVfoo-rt. "tals "f ... IT El I1, mm.... a.'.i.' c.n' Turs.a! , Ilw th day bef. IS'-. . ,viinm n lo-wli: Thy name in witnr"w: V . Illiiim K. - .. . . i.titi. n. M.irk'in. or . . HenrvL. Wiiittnck, of Shi-llfburg i i'.,r..ia'i'.. or.'.': far! I"''1"' ."'...'.''r,': lor-iton. v,,rli 'int.'m..iit No. Jl M hll) IS nolllh. Itnlico It i-itit. W. M. ' 'run. iroMn !f Tb Dnllci coimly of vv.?"''"-.,''.l",l"! ln.'Kon. orn Bir.i"rii.'iu n... MfiV 5. il'-. i(,r oip Miir'-"-n ..- -v n.-H anrt s'A nwV, of S.-. ilon H. Town ship l1. I'oiiin. i.iiiiK'- .' -- ' ., ore' Knln Har nan. or A...ny. " ' , iinv 1 1;"-. f'..r I nnr.'l'iisM ui m wi r - I ..I .. .,...v. I, Irim if!""' . ".V tit ..... li,,, iiuj V i 1, r .. o. ...i,... v.. . Town. ivith'ivbich he hud been afflicted f' r .'"'".' ., 'm rtalmtn n'tv.-r- . . .I"- . . , ,.;,..H,,i,-.'ll.rl lalld'i ai MUl- vfi.ru. by lour Poxes ol luiiiiueriaiii s . "' ' '"',; '-.., .,, n,if. (tio ..n or . . i : 'P..1.1...J li.. l,,..i I., e, a.,i,i on. a-,v of PMr-tniln'r. 1 i,.iii,.oli and Liver Tablets. He had previously tiil many other n-inedies other land a number of physician without relief.- Foi .-ale by all druggists. 1 '. ., ... ...... Onr..n.l,.T. buforo nun r "',::, ,.;.:,- I'j. ai. tiii.ii ....-' " Tlmbrr Lai d. A- t June 3, VX. . NOTiChi KOit I'UBLICATUIN. U. S. UmJ I'llli ' Lakeview, Ori;ua. Mu- lC" Notice ! hertby Jvn that In lOint-U' AUPli iu Yiinnia, i.r.'KMi. . a-J.a iw twiiMiit w-iI'Min dnTr"r,lI ,. uiiow-iimuTlii.'il uii'ls ul" rsnim-xt 4 lit thslr eilm in mis hum v JA fn.t; AA ta'aff. t I..- f ...) A. . to .mi ft 1t7Hi ' I ;0VIO fOW i'Viil.W-'A'flON. i ,. w t ni. iit. Amy 'ih ID . hfiw (,!....; i'"U" '""i; " Will .11- I'- I l.i i. ,,.( ,;i. . .I".'' r In-i i- '" '" .j.,t'.'o',-fl'niiWi-'- 'wfmii Nnwan. ' 1 1. 1 W .IHM" "II ' ' .'" d o. 'i Hw .j'.a.'io'i ,iiij.. i..m t.c.iin km,.-,; I i -J. nn1 iMii-'iviii.: e i 'I"., ll'iii ill .1.. 'M.-l 'If III' o1l.- IrlT "Won iiiulnniMiils. lo-wM ' . .L'l'oin ioi rtini-n, ,,. .... n it. i'liurn "in'.' .., - , - ilii.i. i.l- Oi- .'oil ho ji.'.ii U. Iuwihi',1' -' .(.ivtli. ll"l,t 'J, .'i" , 11-1 IT ItP'V. if tl'i n.-, I'" IMIV '.! I.I HI. S1"!'1 "f "' roll. SV.'Olll sllil.ll.'lll ,.!'!, !'' "" I'"!;" ,..,,.. Ol Hi.' II.:", (VI 00 tl. T'lUS'l'll' ' ii.iilh.vHaiiuo II "Jl. .Mm ,' HI ik. . , f AMui'iy, ..m-iyV U H , p.,.,, my. h'ii mi. nioii' !..- r.t i" I, if III.. ii. , . "t'vll I'. l'li'''il 6 ..ouill, tli'li.'f II ' ' i' I li-. 'Tv Hi '.'. i.-r. t All,. no. '. tv ..f I. " '"" :i .n. sworn siai.-iiont v '. H i, . .. ,, ill- ii'.v. .", '! M. Viiwiii-'ill' -' -WilUl, ItrillkP II on". Hour. K. I.IvhIi, f .Mi .niv. i .Mini, "i i.:m. Huue " ..Mil. W Sif'.'l i.'-'i N 11 ' , , .' ... ,-hn-o i.' U.o I."", i- "li.-" l. Tinn.. i.ultl, Hun" II . .' ill il !. . . HI ' " ..I""- f A'huv.-. i'o-ii.iv "f I Inn Hiull "f ,t in. sworn smit'iii'iit S... i.l. for I"" ' "' ,.W,l..ftli.iiiSi'fii,t.'.'. t""bl' snulli. ItHiu-.s I' a-i. .linn. " r .'.v.-lt of Alti'in.'. li.'ii'lv "f l,n.ii, .""'".f ' Oll. I.WOH1 BllllBIMP l ' '"" i'lm-.' of ilm !' 'if "" ! "i"1 "'" ' M, iui.h'riiri, soutli.r l " Hrrrv I 'imiiitwii)'. -n I iv rn sIKl.'lor'i' Mo. I-1 J"' il.s:..'l !-.rlloa I", loel.ip -o boiiiIi, Itiini"- II At 111 Vltl I.'. I. 'II ill''"'' ' or Al'.-ii,','. I i. unl v "f I 'no l,r"' . .,, Mv 'r.1 slHi.'1-...n. V... v 'r l" I"" ,'I,.,'..f llieswi IV. lo..oi ... ro ,f to H I'-IV III." i " .,. . - - - ., i rr lis llmiii-r or si. mo lloi'l i"f l,H, ,.m.l P.,,-,..;;;. nml to I'.lin.r, I', . f-nmrnlMl..-.'-'-. M "J", r' 'ir..ic.,i. in fur-:.l'iv. ths 'J'h " im,n:..y." Ai H';';rVo'"'.'f"v.': :':i,.:";v'TT;'V'''rMw'i.Aof''An',;':. ..... wv . '.,,.!"! v. A'l'iiny. i Ke'll" ttiira-on. . ,;n.'; Itnrrv . '..nenwiy, ... A;fim. of Ths ri"n. eonn'v v'"rn0'.5!a,:.'!, iMnrvin I. Hran.l.-'.. rrv. "vi,;7'i ... (ini-M.i -wo'-i "'uionn-n' No. ,rt. P'.l . ., j p,r.n-i rliilmm n'l."" ..r ' on.? .ho .,er. l - of tHu w'A . "v '.rt. H,ril,.-l '""'I- " .., ...iin v .". at H'..'1'oi 1 ... ... i n..r rleinu In t'1" ' "!'''' ''" T'.wasliln If -'"I'- nam.-f '1 v" A"l''.n iru-'.aion Stores the Coush and Works ofTtho COM. I W..U mi W-v-oiii. ' VAV'i ! of T'.o Pa'lsn. .'"imiv ""' Wito f;m- Laxativa Br..,o Q, Tubt,. our" -t M' irT .i... v.. C, I V.v U. 4 ... Ciimorn.n. ureo:.. Novau.i, . ..li.v 11 ' 9 . f ir in p -r . ,, COI.l IU I'I'C unj. .... v. t - -v Price, 2a miii - . i '. ""' . ... ... .1 I. , (!'.'. I "'.I ' ...I , . OH." jVfor, arid ;VJ,;;VrTAlN. nV,io-r. IT Dr.H.Claik, the dentist, will return from his Eastern tour about Kept. HH ani will then be found at Ins ..linn m this city. Ufc Cal.lorn.li. Uieso:,. .y ..i. . .. ,,v . .','",",',,,. N 7 .' ,,rino' Li;.-iw w ivt - ' m -m- Tow",""' ' uwl i I"- ' ""'" -'cr""' "" """'V.,.'. R ll .''ill f . .,.,.... r J , ... n. ":i oi. .:.'! .iu i ""'"' ,".,; of tftciT. t'" "!'. It' LI'" "ft. u Towiiii.-o,,,.;, is -o-.th.nt'r; I .... II .nal. Tl.iil Old' UMI I. I" l"'" .". ' '. Jul. "4 Ih l-t-""' "'" ., V,, T, prUo. t..o in.'.! (.o.iiht I-' m " " n i- r 1 . ... C-.I- or or..- i.'i,. or .ion., tl'in for s ' i "''" -p '' l U'l ! K-.l; t'l'l I 'I'-'I'l-'V. . Ij. ' A-- .In.'.r 1. -,i...l ill-.". I.l""l ll" ' Tho fall.'". lr-T'", ;l' ' r ,.(.. t-pr-l.v " '"''I' '; o,,. .-ll". II" .rovl'"ii of fir ""I., "' In. i, In In loo J. L. ncCuIloch, '.uiy oi ..in... !.'.. . - ,., i1L" la u:'Hw.Jaii u.h. wa": nf.w-'.?"tTuMJJ':, 1., illoaat. .. .. I'V!"':.'..: .' w L M nm, Hun,- ,.r '.!'' .nn. iir.'o'i. ". ",,l i.Mhl".:'Mn r.rr'iorv" m ,-x . I ,' ,i ,1,.- 1'H.i:... l-r-l H H'" ;; ..' ,'. ,i'.i'- -. is fit.-, in tail "'.'l'-" iwoi-n siair "n's 'o "-n: t' Iiokion. ,,f t'.-- " :n'r'," ,.r.t- .,, w n i'--i.-" ' . vf, '. K ii o o '3 1" ' 1 ' DnAU: S.n- ' . orA.,,!'.. w,iri,c rifrV?' iWaH '"j''isr;'' '."".'"'!. -;' . wmum i.. i ..'.--. ".-.;-',. V2icnes, nccxs, 0-pwC'::,rwu!..n r.i i-rtH.. ,,, Uw..,,.!'-"-:v...";;.; vkx'-vv- ; Repairing a fl-efiulty. !"" 'llir. U,.-r '"r,'" T,"'t. I '' ''" " 'll.',',. i'.'i, !',!'.'.' "'1 ''. fo. Prinevilie, Oregon jrtttQrnvy-at'jCam a PRINEVILLE, OHEtJON. J jP. 'Sielknap. ' iPjiytioia and Surpton. Office in rear of Adnintoii, Wiiiuuk Co PRINEVILLE, OIIEGON, . . .. ..i,.n H 'ale (tl ,,. .in. i.e. ii w 4. n , t'.-'S ; no . i urn m , nw-, ;-i.oii u. luwnaili - .ii..n. :;i'.n'-t o o"".- . A.iiuir W. r.-oliny. of Ml '. iv, Oounty of Lion. Hint ; " $ n Uorn s.aR-n.ont No W'.nV rPaw of the i-e'.i. fe '"'i tai,. l Township rwthItansM i.. , ' u.'.nv CoUMiy of l.iim. Slat" V4' Ut.eni No. K.I. '"r thu par T thu lit!., HV'i. I J A 1 1 . i.r ...- T'ToVr I.if.1. Act J'ti"- NOTIfB t'OIt l't-r.l.tcA'-K'M. Unltrt B'atoi l.sn'l Ofn'-e. The Dalliis. On-Hun. Mur 21. Nollr" la liiTfiiy f'.wn tin. In romp"- .nn Burr.rn SI.'tlElTieiH ' . . "c.rlcrr- m juui: m, -- of ihs iw. w;i. U w aau , ,t lh, wi, of Mmhrr muwi. jetton 11. Townamp - j8u.r. o ,l(nr'-; .f Iinon i-ounty of Unn. State of pre-1 " ' , followliiR i-rv.n hnv. ;f.,w"'n ''a N'o. Wi- otH,1 i- on May 1,V lM. M In Hill offlc. th.r ,d 14 " - ., I r, "u'n.V "of iWobV. .. I .... ...M..n. KM. Xrt. -r i n"' i 71'. r'r ' .' o'.. .', i.'i'l !' o. -.. TmwimIiI" 13 Honlh, l;nvi.- I.' m't. V'''-l"'!; iIm v :; . ff. r oroof to show Hi '' .,. I. i. .a'l.ill.' 'or os l'ml.. r or Fl'iM I. a" '"t aKr' 'ilniral pin-- ''I , I M.l. It..- I- .-'.ll' 1 Ol ?! "an7l ',.r.. lli" Ri-l't-r M 1 riv er .f ll.l" ' 'rl'- "'l"'"' !.'r".""", ' " " hnriKlay, th. Ilh Hay ol t...pi. inl.or. 'Thv rnm nn wHiim-i' .lol.n li. in J .!rnll V'obrr not F-.1. rl.'k W. "II- ,, ( The Dalies, iip i-oa. unit urn who- ,:;2:""rr; a.,,.rs.iv i""'" i" : roM...i lo'flle Ihrlr rlnlms In this ..mir on or btfore said Isth 'yj'J'jr.lt J A 1 r. ..." rr i. . - i , n. ...... uiMnn p -Donaei. : rA..i.. ...oiv of lanroin. wisi -. , ,.v. roantv of Crook, Slat f On- VV. 'h,nrton" wnrn statrmrnt No. t"T n.wrn0."Ktement CM. f' ' b fs7i?ctaS. of th. n lownsniV." i ,- -h ih.t the au4 !" "' -Sl-i-k H.m,. IMy irm out 'r,. : i . iimid ,,' r.un.. "-'-'.,' sourtt is moro n ' i::",i JW. BOONE; , ' Saddles and JCarness . ' I thv will oner wool r i mush . ..." ... ---...i Maker of the celebrated PRINE: !Ka VILLE STOCK 8ADDLK . QTUSZ. Kl" u TshVn M0( hML.V.H SITPLIKS Latest imDroved Ladies' Bide and Stride baddies, Bits, Spurs, Angora Chaps, Quirts and Hacka- mores. Write lor prices. Pmn'eville, : : Orisuon. i t A- C "IT"; "w'.a.d77h 10lh .isisiers. "rr"... '- day of nVptombsrW'f'.. " f.., of Brno.; wuiam rTs.at.. of Bend ror Kropp. oi iim... -. C.S. f Albany. Ore .v.r.r- rd to M i -. - - r"-19s b.ror. .o bA'x,n. B.t.tcr. . J! nuim raitiIIa C. K. McDowell, Prop. Thoroughly Renovated and Ee furnithed Throughout. Anterlt aii yw. ltate $1, $1.50 tin $2 per day. Accommodation are Unsurpassed in the eitv. Sample Room tor Commercial Travelers, , Long Distant Teleplmne Station j in the house. jftteraty mni Conmler Xmm PRINEVILI.E, OUEOON. for tho purcnaw oi -i -" ,, h iwVo Section No, V. Township 11 south. RanK 1" es, i-- ..... Oeorss R. Wilson. of Harrtngton. county of m of Waslilnnion, sworn for the piirohas of the V, .ion No:PfndnH M of, f No. . Township ii ""'""."u 7 u . " of llarrlnalon. county of of WRShlnaton. .worn .i. for .h purcnuso o '" ? - j , LVI . . .11 nwU Of Brctlon No. . fown.hlp U t"A1,r.';F"u,,L"!"' of Hrrlnton, county of Lincoln. 8tjt. WMhlnVon. .worn .unjment Wo. W, tion no. i -ni "... w u Towruihlp U 'h. Kanje W at. W. M. of H.rr.n,'.on. county of l.lncoln ut. of va.nmion, J ,"i i for th. purcha." of th "wHa.V nM of Section No. 11. Township li outh. Ran. W ... W. M. Hannah O. Fraslrr. of Harrlnaion. county ' "n'"l. "'Jl? of Washinaton, .worn .tatement No. KB. forTh. vurehase of th. wt4 el4 anj ir!l of Section No. 2 and nwW n.Ml of Bec Mon NoTll. Township 12 uUi. Ran. W' M' Doula Allen, ' of Wamle. countv of Wasco, Wat of Or enon swom statement No. M. for h Xrtss. of the olsl. 2, and 4 of Sw oon No 4. Township 12 -uth. Ran.e 10 That they will offer proof ta .how ltat nnsos. and to esismooi i said hind before ttie.iteai.ier am. S of .hi. offlc. at I.. Dalle. Orea'in. on Wednesday, tn. win " ' 'C?. .o..mhm! tlnrse. r)iyM. Hurh K Hayne., t.eorre n. V. .,. cum iudwarth W. rrwler an Hannah , jtttrnrf-at'Xw. PRINE VILLE, OUEUON. Timber LanA Aet Jun. t, WW. . NOTICB FOR PUBMCATION. ttnlted Bttes Ln Office. Th. Dalle., Or... Juss I. W Nolle. I hereby riven that In wrapHj anc. with th. provl.lons of the aot oi Congrca. of Jun. I. KM. , act for the sale of timber land. la th Sites of California. Oregon, Nrvad nd Wsshlnrton Territory.'7 a xt.nded " all th. Public Land Stale, by t of Aui' st 4 M2. the followln persons hav flleS In thi. offlc. their .worn .tatement t0"",: - - JohnC. Dwyer. ' of Hrrl,n. 'county of Kootenai Stat, of Idaho, .worn siain...i -";.',- . Section so. ll. u"..""f - l east. W. M. ' of Rltivlll.. county of Adam., 8'ato of n$ r-ecl'o" Tno! 2J. Town.hlp U .outh. Hfl"'Ie""lba"ie. Aherln. if Rllsvllle. county of Adam.. 8 ale ot Washlnirton. sworn ''"m"n' ', !' r,ii V T-Jiihi? 12 ,uth. U.n. 1. Jt. W.Rl.Biioi)ion o ii.vtn.. county of Ad.m". "'at.."' u..w.;;.. .worn .taum.nt wo. a. 'chum, uowar.n . unioa Call aoswwwl promptly ttay r niahtl Of- 60. with Pr, V. Owner. IUsMmo , comer 1st aud Main stnMU. PRINKVILLE. - OHKGO 0 Xyd; 2. 1 . JVWt mnJ Surf. Disease, of women a speeialtt. . Phoue Nn. 2. Ruiidenot) back of th Phiilottraph vhillnry. PRINEVILLK, ; ORKliO.V W. H. SNOOK, JL D., Physician and Surgeon, CULVKR, : : OKKUOX Am prepared to answer profr. lional calls promptly. - l the woi klchmpio hUr. Xure