The Two Pendragons By TUDOR JEIfKS. M PATIIKIl," aJd tb young magi- r dan, "I belleva my muitubi k Li-KinniiiK to how." "I am ery ((ltd to bear It," reiplled I lie nil niu(Klu, "for 1 nn becoming older fiery day, nd the fountain of youth Inn run dry. When youarow up v . 11 ill Ami that a lung boardtape-' lly after It li white U on nf tin nin.t valuable part of a ma-fUilan'i nock In tr'iile," "lint, father," th young metrician w 'in mi. a ill nthr turned away and i petted ii Iniif Iiookofclnint,"lwlh , u tAmild llalcn to me for a minute. I lily ulr of my nintorhe lieeauc v 1 1, Iirrauiie I feel that I niithl go out I ilm world and do aouirthiug for u..ilf." I'll ulit magirlan only inlffrd. The jomig in n r 1-hi n tnlkrd a ilttl vMI lunger, lint hln fotbrr wouldn't i-ii pay nny attntlnn. and went na iv ailing th big book an nulrlly a If t'ei-e waa no on l around. ff rlnsr 1M III young mngii'lan audilrnly tumid on hit. hrl and left th room, ii iiurrlng angrily tohlmar If andalam ii ihe door no violently that th Id tvniM inn atartcd and dropped hii t !4",tiiclrn. lirndiira me! how nolny children i mlil th old gentleman. Thn. xlihoiit riln(f from hi chair, Ii a 'retched nut hi hand and took bl i"'iirlr avwiiil from the corner of th i i'iI lirfiir him. He waved th wand In a circle and then tapd It arven time, on l)i floor. hHT nf hln nmokf curlrd from a .' liy that atoi'd on a hlf nar I v, and fortced Itaetf Into a tiny fig 1: ! In .Inpanrap rontuni. 1'nfT." mi'id th magician, "my aon, f nclrmron. .Ir, ha Jut l(t Ih room . a ruif,., .lammine th dorr In a moat i iT f i n I manner. I think he n.eani t run aay from home. Will yon lw I ;inl tn i'ijih to mnke ynur.rlf Inela I. ' nnd tfu nfur hlmf lt me know m nt he i dome;. Don't atop him. but r"- rt to m all he don." "Yea. tranter." I'ult anwerd. and Th old magician went on with hit r-illiii for a ahorl tlm. and then wan int -erupted by the imell of perfumed 'i".k. "Mi. I'iiIT" be nld, mling hia t ni'l. ".ir von hack already?" "Y. maMcr," waa the en.wr. t-o'i'gh ni'lhinir waa elallile In tb r 'in. "Maater Prndraron ha taken j " truniMit wand " ""in It vni In the aecrct cupboard." "Mi. nn.tird It," , .. ?" ' I hot opened ll."ld Tuff. ""k tb 'inv do knnw ao'eethlng," '' i''i- i !i rci-iirlclan. uncity. "V, ti'ntr," VnP answered; "and I' i I' i-ant to bin own mi. id. parked a 1 raiwnck. returned, went to th '."irtvard changed tbe hnuie-dog Into "ring tr'inin-" "S'ry elever," the. old man lntr- rn"iil. "nd flrw aouthwaat," Puff enn- rl'i'Vd. "vry good. Oet baek Into your .1" T' n th old mairlelan rnpt, took hla 'ind airaln from the table, ehanjred 1 iirlf Into n dm run fly, and flew tl.ri'iiph tr window, r, Mernwbii Pndrnn, .Tr waa on I wnv to Walea. where be meant to 1 v bin fortune aa a irmiielnu on hla . n accouiit. Tin (rrlffln flrw at the r-te or n mile an aour, ana nature 1 ntr had decendrd upon the top of' Cnowdon. where Pendrafon, .1". aliir'itrd, and drawlntr from hia t'lamaek a aandwlch and a cold fiatk r' nii-flc lemonade, refreshed himaelf n'ler hi Journey. , he reaied there a larpe dragon fv enn-e and lit upon a flower atalk v.' if him. wavlna; It wlntr up aad down a naturally a pomlhle.. 1 Wt'eu I'enflrapoti. Jr.. hnd (Inlawed Vj lunch lie rear and deeerd"d the, t'loufilirtii. tiln thea'rtoiwt.ii uioiric v rt..aa a wnlkimratick. . The draron- rv niitcii niotitr in tne ame uireciion,, p i enfnittir fno near, tmt neer loln(( ' itflit of the rnanaT m9,4 , ; . i j j a tre yonnjr mntrlcian came to the f .it of the mountain he turned Intoa thick a-rtire of treea, and then'Jro-. reeded to tear (rreat npa and tatterr In l !i clothlnir. Ttd llien took off Ma, e'uiea aad rutihed them with toit(jS atone and clay until they were, ap parently worn and atnlned by long 1 cavel. HIk clothe. Ilkewl.e were Pow-il-retl aid ol'ed until lie looked Ilka ii rmith who had been bearing hla way 1 'om door to door. .'" 'I liedmu' lly who had been wntchltur' nil I hi, frim tinder a broad leaf, re- r'arkeil to Id elf . In n tiny voice: "Thla ia very attrprl'lnfr. Indeed!" . , Hniiiir mnile himaelf look like a tieirijar lad. Pendrngon. Jr.. enure from ' the triuro Into the v.tllcy be!pv. jnnd a' rnn after entered a little vlllmre. and ' 1 ?pwt t the dotir al a piiorfnt.tnve "' 1 Harmed wiut traw. tie kmieuct t,, at: door, hnd a pyntle voice frtitnwUhtati irfe.l: "Pull the atxiii.mlaeUialatah,, vol auwa W j "Piiu H.'bub JW ttaio y aVmatp.xr o laara our biailn 'uuo pni tijj pn juinij ' befor ymt birla to praoti It. If no Jt un pu 'noi jt . h bad not been for me the old witch 'P1" 1 '"I would har aueeilr In earHnrlna; iej J t -o( pMxt awe 'du both your father and ynnraelf. (the iejitnt em u H"ut H lJl MMt bad been the enemy of your family ii;hiiji a pun 'umo pf 'o u Jo j tit many eanturlea, and wnudl bar :iuid m u put 'J(o mi m ' I,,,, ttl to ruin you both." 'tl,uimpunoi"if H..aip., myi WM th,t M Klatwlh, th k1 wlMnr aakrd Pendrafon, 8r much jop pna jimp uej-te-l manna lui p,;, pel... 1 p.,o, oM A' BoJ(.ip, tM Anrt , tt.mut,MpBm,q,i,,,nbotp.oH.a:hif kfww , mimi,M "who baa only hla head, hla handa, and tbla (fen id atafl wherewith to make hia way In the. world." "I!ut you hare a pair of fet," laid the old wiimnii, aharply, "and you mlKht let them earry you on tothoae who hnve better meuna of making yon vonifortable." "Xay, grnniiy," anld 4h maldeni "the young man aeenia wenry. "i'l true we have little, but that little, may hi' n Moling to him with Uaa, l.t him tay," "He' but a wandering vagabond," anld the old woman. "Let him go ubout hla hiiHiiirna. If he linn any. If he hna none, lot him find Mime. I am loo old to f red mure than one Idlm-." The inuldrn (loaned and glanced at her aplnnlitg-wheel, the Ixibbln of wlili'h vvna filled with fine thread. rihi i aeemml nliout to apeak, but allied and auld nothing, "Dame," anid I'enilrngoti. Jr., to the 1 old wnniiiii. "ynti have a bitter tongii". j Hut It mny be that I ran cumlni' j I am no iilllng vngiihond. I aunl I hml only my goiKl atnff to deiieml upon; j I i I Mill there are worat frlenda Ihiui , a good ln(T. Mlpe haa a virtue grrnl-1 er thnn ninny another. Iet me give you n notion of It power." fio an.vlng. IVndragon. Jr.. atepped I to the door, and reeing the dragon-fly j reatlnc on the feiif-rail, be suddenly i wnved the wand and proioiiin'd a few i riacli' word. THi waa don o i)'ilk- j ly that vn If th dr.ig"ii fly had j known what a to he done it could htirdly hav ewaped. Aa it waa. the lnr could not move nfir It wn ebanged Into n beautiful little white ilg. whlrh iiiienli'il with aMoiiUhment and raif. l'ndragon. Jr., waa laughing hart llv l.t th nil Ilea of th little nnimnl. wn he waa ama.d t aee th old woman (omp towail Mm. He trlrd tn nrnlil her. hut ah wn a iry aa n cat aid lfir h could gl nway ah ael'ed th awond-hfat wand fron Ma hfiul. Than h liegnn to wave it over her had and to dance about with glee. "Oho and aha!" ahe pried: "a hav yoniig man art thou, O rendragm. Jr ! Tliou wonlilat be wiaer than the fnther; nnd a what thou hnt l n- Thou hat hanpd the fathr Into a white nig! Oho and aha! .Now ahnll th young fool go to Join th old fool!" The old woman waeed the wand over her head, and behold! lVmlrn gnu. Jr., became a white pig. Jr.. and V'ien!rd wjl'i rape and aonihnent, jiot a the elder 1'endragoii had d"n only a few moment before. A- ao"ii na the change waa aecompliahed the old woman tried to drive the two plga Into the pen that atood near the cottage. Now, all pure are banl to drive: but two magician that have been chanted Into pig agivinat their will are the hardeat of nil to drive. Our run thia way, and the other rnn th other way, and the old woman rhaaed them until ahe waa tired and ready to drop. Then ahe railed to the maiden who atood near, looking very ad and eery eolemn at the tame time. 1 ' "Coma, Betty, thoit laiybone. help ma tn drive the two Utile aqnral- '"aT porker. Into the. pen. Elan will It t tn wnrae lor thee! "diva me th atlck, then, Granny." aald Hetty; and without remember Infr that It waa a maft-lo wtinil the old woman handed Betty the alcuder atlck. " ' An aoon aa Betty held the' maple wand anfely In her hand ahe aremed rhanired from a quiet country maHn Info a proud nrlncea. . 8lie fneed the nhl noinnu, and with a terrible look - anld. "Sow, wicked witch, thou Hit nho'ut " receive pnnialiment for all thy 'wnMivdoinKll. IteholfT, I com- inmid thee' to heooma erois old rR; ',The old woman could Tint help her- aelf, and an wjien. Iletty waved the ,' wand thee, auddenly , apiwared in. ni'it of the old, woman' Tert tiply old cut,1 who apat and el.iweil abiuit a if ahe, waa in a vary bad temper. Tlir two little ' pifra meanwhile ,ntt)oil ncrfeetly af III, with their eye aa wide mien na pla;' eyea ever are. A anon na the' old cat waa fone Hetty ti.nied to tham, and with wave of t' e wand eeatored IVndrn trnn, Jr., t" l'lntr:ie ahape. and'hand- I'l"11' ''"; "I tuo'isii "torn rir nnd afratn. . t : , , . you would like to re- father to hla own ahnne 'ie aald. "H eem more jrourel( dutiful "' , "So It. i' moment le'iu t i ,.,. " lie 'replied;' 'nr.d in the Id miciolnn aUnnl 'ell er, tn'er- ' -'z . IT ' rth' Itrttv Vi'vtKe :i ".iVVf''.yns ift timrv, it ou,. 'v.,nj,i KUy tlilat. m)l8,-ir ,i j,,,,,!, 'ai'i i;K, ,.,n,,, you not been an allTy aa to leave home without your magic epecfacle and your wand." "Hut I wa analoua about my boy," anld the old magician, "And to whom ar we Indebted " Pendrngon, Jr., began, when abe In terrupted him. "I," anld ahe, "am Titania, Quean of tbe Knlrie.' And ahe vaniahed tn the amiiid of i awcet muli', thnt grew fnlnter anil fainter, and died away In the ill- tiincc.-- H'oiiiiin' Home Cniiipunion, Hprli'gnld, Ohio. OINTMENTS mid iipwitiirie will not, po-ltivily runwit do more than relieve you. It iiiilri" an inU-rnal rem edy to n uiovc Uie cuu r and cllcct a permanent cure. A'k your drugtiiat for lr. Pcrrin'a Itiioalut on t!ie nuh. jiet. This will caveyoui' Life By i iduci.'jf yo t to use Or, King's few Dragry, Consumption, Coughs and Colds. The on.y Cuamrtaod Cure NO Cure. NO Pa. XouxVng ghtt will warrant it. ABSOLUTELY CURES Grip, lmliK-fiza, Aatluna, HrotarliUia, Wbuoping Cough, I'umraonim, or any Allectioti of the 'l liruut and Lnugs. TRIAL DOTTLE3 FREE. tegular Biau W cunt, naii 1.0a Deputy tjtook Inupaotora. j Nutii-M ia hereby civ en thai I hav 1 apaiiiiieil ilir f"ll'iwiii! uauir.) peraoi' .tlciii'iy tuek itwiHctor: J. I'. Cartnrii'lit, Hv Cn-ek Klllll Itnlllli!!!! .AallNTiltlit E. Hiaika, Siater A. Morrow, llayaiacV K. M. Knn'h, I'milm. lJiaci.e Kni.k, Hi.' T. Ij. Halii, lli r Cleol J. 8. Itiqoc, ltilint Aw Mclnt..-il., Hnli, I. I'. VaiiUi.ulen, Hay Orcut U. 8. Cowle. Hay Oleel Ji'ti Winkle, Su ck Iiiapvci'if Ofoot County.' BEN K! urn ex mm com io u oiaea SptcimiLkt an tb Facile Com, OH JORDAN ft CO. 1061 WifWSt Ctd 1852. Vennff mem and Middle ftfHwl niAa who sraaufTtmH fkoaltw wttrt 3 vouttifnl huiucRttonBor cx- ca In ntaturer yw. ' Nerfoui and Thyuc! lbim,IinMior Jt MMhM-4 T afraiaMr r mt tTriavallUa. mim Bv k eombtuilon uf rmedvikf grtat curative pow r tb Doctot hut m amiorMl but trwtnunt llul it will m ualy ifltl ianmed!iM relief but pcrtMntfil cur. Thj loctf dnm aot claim to A pvrfontt Mlrackt, but U wdt-l;own to be I lair T aBkfl enuini Fhwiriaai mnri Surcaun. nr-intfMat ia hi. Mn.liv-lilnBat'Bi Af Hm, aVrMillla ihoronahW enMlk'.tMl fiom tb ay.u.mwitiiu'itii.lii(f$jereMrj. A Mtvfl ttlir lAvil i,fnrnner 1,1. mnitili.lnL V. . . U ..Aft ai'pivin. ll DP win WW T tt' will tlMrahtni POSJT1VK CVliKin x ntry out ik amirniua, ar Jorjtu wae f Thonaand 3ollnr Ceiisnltalica I Rf.p. ncf strictly pnval. CBARQE3 VERY REA.ItlSABLX Tru mrfot periomlly or li kticr. Send for honk, "Tho flillnoophy of Mai'riane," Ir. (AvaiiuilJbuoklorineil.l . vioiT na. JORDAN i Great Museum of Anatomy $ world. Coin and awu haw wuaiieifully you r audt; haw 10 voi4 luckaeM slid d:-A. Wa ara enr.timi.llv xd.tins bc. tpafenuuu. GATALOaliU WB. Ck!1 or wrU. . loll aUit.l tlnal U frmiKiMA. ttl' Shaving1 Parlors-; i TICK ADSJNH, Proprietor Fhuvinff ' . , Halrouttma: Shanipooinst , Batbs , A fm baihroi'm. de-'otcd rrptiimll i ,V Oh!1 of hid It ' ' ' '" ' . ( I'-., fi v hitiajj iiritie-ilate. nd rlri .. at '. an.. i,, . v, Stll..rJJkt tnn thfl JflHRKnlut 1 lo.l r M"l a HI FRANK BONNEY. fcstaurant MEALS AT MEATS. Hirloin Sunk 25c T-Hone Htrak PtirtcrlioiMM! fSuak I'orM'rtiouw! 8U ak forttwo. Pork Cli(iia Mutton Cnr .. I (am Kgga, t'Xlra-. Chicken, any ftylt? JWhj Regular Dinner 25o from half past II till one LJ-J Homestead LO CL.TI03SrS- Crook con nt y offeM to the intending netller advantagea tliat uo otliur county in the stiiti; doe, and ome of her b;l lands lie oicn, iriiitir: to be ta,!;en under the Hoineftead, Dexert and Timber Lwi. I nmke i Hpeeinlly of locatiiig Hettler.t and I guarantee my work to he ahmlntely corre't. Before Locating, call on or address,, F. Stock hoarded by Hn v, week orr ; ntnint CfiMftp month. Fine swtldle liorw and! uffliilGn JluDlvS livery turnttutf. Rates reimoiiahhv r Good avoi'mmotlationii.. Remember u wiien in Print" RwlhV rPP! Rortl villc, nnd we guurHiitw that yuon mi UCilUJ 1CIU. patronage will' lw irw;ttiUiil and decerved. i 11 11 1 " BOOTH & CORNKTT, Proprietor. Cary House Bar. Henderson APollanL Proprietor.. TIME WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS IAIX STUKET. 7 Haystack The Ilavst-.tct Ranch will use two Stallions1 fur th seuKoui of 1902. ':-!'.. 7 THE FRLXOII C0ACIL 'i i -i : A. largr. stylish blackr aiul . i , ,i ;;v'"u;.;'"- THE HACKNEY,. V very iian.lsiinie maVitiv bay. r The abtWrtm.riiHtJ wii!l be pennittetl to serve a few mares; at I16;00 ttat H,, nehaiif J')WU at end of, season awl more wliem fiw niMrtt' is vllOWIl t Wi wjtfj , (.Mares wi!J be pastured at $I.(X pr mrtntlit,.; Wilil, not, Ue .'tsponeiblc f')v uccu'eutjs. . ( . Call ..- '1 5.-) ... " '' ''.') : . ,'l l.:iV.-"j!i- j '" v m mvM A Complete ant.r hofe XiW' tti!' . Beet -Teal,. Mutton, Punk;. M'ufi ErbwHk; i,- i. 'I i : and Qakcry ALL HOURS. MilkTwKt. lhr 'Cuffuc . . fiUejTi ,,1 (10) Milk .. 2.rc Coffee Cake 2-c OYSTERS. fiCweHtew ir Krenh when in markt. Kk.' 3.r' and Timber M. WHITE, PRIVEVILLH, OREttON'.. PRrvKYPtLK: rtREfifiN" Stallions 190 7 mil at tttwiih r atldrm.ii . Ester S tefiM" mm Gcejaa.. :ii 'U ; u. n, i i, ..Hit .ft I' li ,i .'li I I