Crcdc County JournrJ. L COON'iy' Orf IC1AL PAI'KU. THURSDAY, AUUIW U I'.HIS. Tinibor 1-,-Kiii, Art J mm X lSVH. NOTICE lrOli l'UKLlCATlOX. X'.SITMIt STATUS UWt lHOli, 'The l.ik'8, O egou, Aia 23, Im2. Jioiice is Meiebv given Imtt in c pli .mice Willi Hit- provisions of the act loii irepnol in.t 3, l!7S, eiilltlfil " A ' act 4ur Uie iwle of timber land in - .tiitci i( CHfnrnm, Oii'K"ti. .Sf-i m 'V.c-h lingtoii Territorv," k ctci;.'.ii ' ' all Hid Public LoiM .Stitten,v ut ol Adu.ui't 4, 1KH2, tin) following persona Ww, or May l'.).WJ-'. iilcii in this ollieo then sworn statements, to wit : J&liiiutid K Wliilo of Iuvi,lson. iimniy at PoMi. Stale of Miiitiesnta. hwoiii x'mIk incut N'i'iSi), fur the Iwm of the sk! 4 jiwl 4 and Loie 3, 4 ami a, tVc ti, T IS , K U K. w m . Charles r' S'ater nf Hood River, county of Waso, Slide (if Coegon. sworn Male ieni koSSl lor Ills purchase of tin? s I 4 . i ... i 1 4 i I i I i ... JiKl 1. Sill r It Ui" i.uio 1 ftim -,.-.. luii-iiiii.e ... ' ; . , , , ,J . V, n .. i I lb . B 1UK. VI - fownshlp a south, range ID cast. Boyd N -Wnato. Hood Kiver, county 0- -" K. p,rry .org. of WiiM o, Stall of Oregon, eworn slate- of Prlneville. county of ("rook. State of went No 3S2nir the purchase of the skI 4 Oregon, sworn statement No . 1 tor the M..I,SM,(IWM KKl-4 1, J !,ou.hWa",KeTo,l.NO' - I IS 8, E ll) K, w M. That they w'll offer proof to show that Richard K Cmuorori of Hood lliver, the land emirtht Is more valuable for Its comilyofVy, State of Oregon, ..oru "-J !fl" S pia.eii.e.i. eiu ooo 'wi v., ... .... lorn Ar.vrUa 1. ltoon, Vlnevllle. ('o nt of rioo.i, stale f 0'- KOtl. sworn ntatemert ino. iii, ior ine ii.ii-ehase of the re H ot Seeltoll No. M Township r.-.:th. ranre ? east. Farmer l'owe!l, of Prlnevlllo, c" mty of crook, Stnto of iircKon. (worn Matenienl No. (1,1. for the p.irehaw oi' the no', of BtH-tton No. 31, Township 2 -v"h. ran.-e 9 east. l"Rrker 11. Honk, of PrlreylPe. o, ntv of ( nick. State o' (Ireaoii. sworn statement No. 'II, for the ronhaie o ti,rt n'i vf Seetlon e."o. u4, Township 14 ...h, Kivire 9 east. (Tin '1. s M. I'Mkln. of Jlnevine. eo.i'Hy of ("rook. Blale of Oregon, Bworn statement No. -4 t(A. for the puiollase of the n j sw J, J nw j, "f Seelion 32 and lie mi 1 8eetioii. tio.31, TowuMilp SJ smith. Hanjre 10 raM. Marv Davenport, of Prlnevlllo. roiinty of Crook, Ftate of , 'reron. sworn statement No. 417. for the 1 mvhno of the e. 'i ;w,, '; se'j. and ne'-4 sei ot Peetlon SI. Townshlji H south. Kaniio W east. Hattle O. rainier, of T'rlnevllle. eountv of Crook. State of Oregon, sworn statement No. 4IS, for tho IHiro.hKSt' of H e n $ iiw Seetiim No I'., tp. 2S b., r, 10 c, iiiil.w'i sw'i Section 31, Towusliip 23 nib, innsi 10 eimt. J',hn Comha. of Prlneville. county nf Crook. Stale of ...,... .,t,.r K., 4:n f,,r the ine nev sivm. e-,a uv p,n,r,......Uv.- ( land netore j. v. i.uin,-,. r,. .wl4 and Lots 8 and 4. Hoc 1 am) sioner, at his office nt rrtnevllle. On cm. Lot 1 See ' IS) 8. B 10 K. w u on WedneBrtuy, the'Srd day of September. That th y wi I off r proof lo show that -trie lana .(,.ifc.i( is mere vatuaoir n AdminiBtiutoi'd Notice. Notice laJievehy kIvi-ii ihat tlir utulerslniKii Iim been upKiinteil hy tlid County ciatrt ol of the Slate of Orepli '"r Crook County, a.lniliiihtiutor of llni estate of William II. A'Wik. deceueil, late of Crook County, .01,1 all persons liHviii clultiu nuillst sai'l estate, are Iwivhy iviiiireil to pieseiit such claims, with proper vouchers, within sis num. tut from this date, to me at lh ollice of W A, Hell in riiaovillo, l)ii'i!,,n IhUiat at Prlneville, Oickoii, June l'.lth, 1IHVJ. VM. AOAMH. Aili'.inlHrator of tho estate of William II. Adams, ih'cesscil. TIMUKftOVLTl'UE, FINAL riUHiF, KOTlcK I'OK I'UHLlCAtiON. UiiUcd Stales Litld Olllfo. Tho Dalles, Oiwoti, July 14, VMi. Nolicu is hereby sfiven that John K l'.ihiieliii, of Hay Creek, (Inxoii, has tiled not leu of lllll)llti"li lo lliaktt filial proof lieforo W. A. Hell, V. S. Comiiis sioner, at his ..llico in 1'rmttv ttle, Ore u ui. on Friday tlie'.".l ill day of Aiiust, l'.li.l'.', on tmilwr culture application No. ;, for J n i, J i "lid ii" i c of Bectiou II, tp 1'J ., r 14 e , W. M. He liaiiii s as witnesses: lsoni ('luck, of I'liiieeilln, tli'm'oii, A. W. lloytu and O. 0 Halo n't llmsliielc, Oregon, and Elio Yancey of ( Oretfon. the land sou"ht' is more valunhl,. for Its J jl'J4 J AY P. I.tCAS, Ki oi.ter. .... iV.n t',.r n,frli,iltlMrnl nor- ...... ..t.i. .i 'I 'rTtil., CIV (I flUf WIG I I:ullr.u ( ( L,l r mnu ( o,m , v4T.'i Vi'SpTi-iJ;? A, Cig Deal in Typewriters. AiiHlrlan (iiivci'tin t Hiilitrw 1'Jllll Hinltll 1'ieiuli rs. ' "Viknn.i, Kfli, 7,Tlie pn-nfiKl Fhi",li' I'lirt'liiteu nf typpwriici-H over Hindu Imn litcii iiiili idd hy tlm Min iAry of Juslit'i', wliicli, iifliT tlnci' llltllllllH of PXlllllHtivil ('()tllil'tiliv(! test, linn ounlruuli'il to fiiip tlm 1200 Hinitli rniuior t.V'i'writii, t'litirp miniHtry with not lens than Ktiiiiilvinu everv court." le,,ua 1 1,.,,,., I,. 1 1 t- IV. I s. nen iinj,a(v.u tvi iui(iiiiiu ( ii'wn in ii , I'oortiury (. rortliintl ollico iiiith ricmipr Tyjitwriter Co., 122 Thinl Ft., AI.liXANDKIC & CO., Agents. I. k M. W. T. YOULV.,, l'riiU'villtt, Oregon Thev name as witnesses: Benjamin I'. 1 ..H'..M Curn,.,r morris, r..,i . - - - Charles M. Elkln. Hattle O. Talmer ned R. Perry LonK. "!' Prlneville. Oregon, and FrunelB J. Devine, of Albany, Oregon, and John Comix, of Prlneville. Oregon. Any and all persona rlalmliiR ndverse- ,.. .,aO...( ln,,,lu urn rmrst- 1 hey name aa wiitHwee: Has r ;Vt7n"e the r cl, i,s ln ,hs cfth e 'on or Slater, Bov.l N fiproat, Kl. hard fc ( am- Jfi wld 3rd dav of Seniemher. mil ron, Edmund B White, of Hood lliver e. m. UHATTA1N, llegister. Oreiron, J H Haner and A E IVik of , , Bond, Oreiion tiinher or Mono tlmn for agricultural piiriawea. and to establish their claims to f;id land before, th" Keitister and Receiver of this olfice at The Dalles, Oreeon, on Mondav. the lHtli duv of October H)2 Smith Siros, DEALKKS IN A..h m,I ndMnna 'irtjiniT atv,Sitv lll l HII1J Ull ,t ; be above deacrir-jd land are requested to tile their claimain this office m or tie fore said 13tli dav ol October, 19 )2 m29p JAY P LUCAS, Keener. Timber Ianrt, Act June 3. 1S78. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 6. I-and Office. Lakevlew, Oregon, May 23, 1902. Tvotice Is hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1-78. entitled "An act f ir the erne or t moer lanus m uio fc tales of Callfornln. Oreron. Nevada, V Vh.e,&,.tnUJiZm fVave. Adam Campbell. Wrd Uu,on of CuV,, Ore"U, M. K. A'!P ?e.t""w"! 2n'r. of St. Maries, county of Kootenai. State x .,, r, ,.. W,A N W Sec. fi and K U rms a.j ii. " " of Idaho, sworn statement No. n mm .. , s 7 o ii 3 . ,. ,statementa. to-wit May M. M62. for the. purchase of the ( T.iLi i.e.,;. to nm.c of Albany, county of Linn. State of Ore- Mji , of S.aion j";,,- u.e hi, cmi,,,,, residence upon and culll.. ,on, sworn statement No B. for the ( .? M " Uin of sai.l lr.nd, vU: purchase of the i JL?'V ' Willis R. Scott. Thorn Alderdyce. IW Collver (lenru-e tlon U. Township No. 24 aouth, Rungo i, Kgin counv of ,,, .,, nt Ore-1 ,)u,ni .fJok.a Clinh-u. .11 f tuber, ' i n.t,ln Kon. sworn ataiement No. 6. tiled June i Ule m f Aloanv. oflWUte of Ore- fi. X. for Ha',,? son sworn statement No. 403. for the nur- Section No. 11. 13 south. Itange Kagiiwr. chase of the e sw4, w se', or cecnon - h v will offer proof to show that No. Town'Mp 24 south range 9 east, j hthey 111 offpr or Albany. coVtV" Unn.Swt.of Ore- "l" KJThlWH.WVUon iealdjand befor, the teyWjr -and Klv NOTICE F:iH PUBLICATION United Slates Lmtd Ollice, The Dillea Oni!ii, July 14, l'.HI'j, ( V.. i ic , h.,r..l,v mven that Charles W, Palinehii, of Hv Crick, Oregon, has nuiice of hiteiitioii to make final priaif belore W. A, Hell, U. H. Coniinn si.oier, at hisotliie in Piineville, Orcvn, on Fnday the il'.ltll day of Auvust, IIW.', on liuiher culinre applicatii'ti No. XVM, for the s J se nod a J ' of lection 5, tp I?, b tll, W. "M, He names aa witnesses: Ianm Cleeli, of Prinenlle, Ori'K A. If. Boyco and 0 0. Halo of Haystnck, Oreifoii, and Hl.i, Vu,.v of OnK'lv OreL'on. J A I P. Ll'UAts, uegiscer. IStates of California. Oregon. Nevada. .WllCM'Uli rt ll.a.aiiy.i. .and Waj-hlng'.on Territory." as extended Ijuid ollice t The Dalles, (ret(on !to all the I' iblic Lind States by act of I August 4. Utf!. Ihe follnwInK persons have " lJ- ' tiled In this olfka their sworn Blatenunta, Xotice is hereby niveli that the followniK , to-wit: . aaiiied settler haa hied notice of his inteio ... . tarson si or row. ,.,' tin in coumiut.e slid make final pruol tn sup. of Harrison, cojn.jr of State of th rf i , T.nX ottwCot J. J. SwiU.. County Clerk, at Timber Ijind. Act June 3, 1S7S. NOTICK FOR PL'ULICATiON. lTnlted States Land Ofhee, The Dallej, Oreg in. June 19. IfrlJ. -.. u- r. In enmull- I.UlllC B W v . ...... .... ance with the provlalona of the ucl of jii." Congrci'S oi June o. iei. enun,i nt fnr ine sau 01 moer uiiau, in mv si lo-r"' for Iho purcnaae or me nwu i : ichuc ,w,i . j n. Nevada. JJ Nl) y., Township 13 aoulh, llanue i Prlneville, OreKon, on riulsy, August 1 as exiencea w ,. vf , lJl, vol: or ine e nw-:,. n, No. 22, Township 24 south. Range 9 east. Frederick W. Bergman, of Albanv. counlv of Linn. State of Ore eon, sworn statement No. 405. for the pur chase of the ei e'4 of Section No. 22, Township 24 south. Range 9 east. Melvin Reevee. of Albany, county of I.lnn. State of Ore gon, sworn statement No. 400. for the pur chase of the e eti of Section 27, Town ship 2 south. Range 9 east. Edward L. I'mohrey. of Albany, county. of Linn. State of Ore eon, sworn statement No. 407. for th pur chase of the eV. wH of Section 27, Town ship 24 south, Ranee 9 east. Lee Morgan, of Alhanv. eoonty of Linn. 8tnte of Ore iron, sworn statement No. 4u. for the p,r ohase of the wt4 ef of Section No. 27, Township 24 south. Range east John Edwards, of AThsny. county of Linn State of Ore gon, sworn statement No. 415. for the pur chase of the se of Section No. 34, Town ship 24 south. Range t east. Clarence C. DuBrullle. vf Albany, county of Linn. State of Ore tron. sworn statement No. 450. for the pur chase of the nV4 swtl. swVi swVi of Sec tion No. ?9 ard nwV, nwH of Section No. 32, Tosrnshlo 24 south. Range 10 etlst. Theodore A. Riggs. of Alhanv. eountv of Linn. Stn'e nf Ore gon, sworn statement No. 4?2. for the pur chase of the aw H sw4 of Section Vo. 19. (he n nw". swt nwi4 of Section No. 30, Township 24 south, Rane-e 10 east. Jasper R. Ml'ler. cf Alhanv. eountv of Linn State of Ore gon. Bwom statement No. 423. for the nor rhae of the n". sev,. swV, se'4. se'.4 swt of 8ction 19, Townchlp 24 south, Range 10 east. , t Thev wP1 offer proof to show that the land soueht la more valuable for Its tim ber or stone than for agricultural pur noses, and to etftahllsh their claim to said land before A. C. Palmer. U. S. Commis sioner, at Sisters, Oregon, on Saturday, the 30th day of Aueust. 1W saia innu ie-i"rq n- i.s.-.-.' i .ui- ,.tnu t'.u (ir, a...n on ThriruiltlV 1 lie IMn I 1Y III III.', II , ' . ' - -. Wltnessea for Carson Morrow: Mlc'mel Connor and Frnnk D. Scott of olie Dal ea. Oregon; A. V. cumiioen. or Ol. .nanen. Idaho, and J. C. Dwycr, of Harrison, Ida- h Witnesses for Adam Campbell: Carsoh Morrow and J. C. Imyof of Harrison. Ida ho, and Frank u. acou anu aiicnaci v-uu- nor of The Lialiea. uregon Sonera 97crciancisc. S1STKUS, ORlidoy. Ket'j) on Hand, Rhcoiiien'8 Supplies of all kinds. Runfrcrs and Campers Supplies. Camp outfitting. Wo Curry a Complete lino of (J rot-crier', Dry Goody, Hardware Etc. We tteepectfully solid ytmr trade. CHAMl'SMITir. a,ja 1S0M CLKF.K. 11 S B f f W'S BEOEPTIOH Wine3, Liquors, Domestic and Imported Cigars. The Celebrated A, B. 0. Bter Always on Hand. Proprietors of the Priac'ii'c Soda Works. Two Doors Smith of First National Hunk. NOTICK Kill! PCHUCATIOX. Laud Office at The Dalles. Oregon, July ili, WW! Notice U herfliv given that the follooing i .. ..i i... n..i..u I.i. i,(,.,li'.tl nailtuo eiri nun in. - , to make linal prool ill ot Ms claim, and tliat said pnsu win i '" " .1. J. .Smith, (kninly Cleik at Piineville, Ore i;on, on Kralay, September, S, l'.il2, i2: lieoriie ft. Ijoucs, ol quiver, .tokmu, i. No. VX'A for the 4 s w ami lets 3 4 4, ' ...... ... ' i.i . n; M FMKyilJtE, oil1:. ior of The Liaues. uregon. r .""; , " ..," u, ii Witnesses lor WlTils K. Scott: Ollbert ! 19. tp 12 ., r. 1.1 VV M R Preston nnd Joseph l.ecper anu Charles K. McDowell, of Hrlnevl'le. Or., and Frank B. Scott, of La Grande, Oro- eon. . .. ........ Any ana an persons cmntiini, "v... the above-dcscrlbid lands are requested .I...:- .I.In. In thl. nfni'P Oil Or before ald 18th day of September, WJ. JAI r. I.V -no, lirfB..,. Timber I-and. Act Juno 3. 1S. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. The Dalles. Oregon. June 20. Wm. ! hnrohV iriven that in COmDH- onee wtlh the orovlslons ol the act of Congress of June 3. 1S73. entitled An act lor ine sale oi iiu.ii ,.,.. ,,. tilates of California. Oregon. Ncvade and Washington Territory." as extended to all Ihc Pibllc Land States by net of August 4, 1!93. the following perwijs have on Mav 1:1 lefc'. fllcd in this oHlce their sworn statements, to-wit: Oscar Spallngcr. of Harrison, county of Kootenai. Slate of Idaho, haa. on June 13. 1C. filed In this office his sworn statement No. 5W. for the purenanc o. w- nwi. ' ' w TOSnsnin 1.1 SOUIII. rUlI.XC Iff '."Ii "... ' L'll'.H la, i D., . " v,, I.. l.u ...ll..,..,,. tviniMMHS tn oroie his continuous residence upon anJ cultivation ol said laud, viz: J. P. Halm, William Killenlwck, Hobeit O.born and Oeorne Kiilciibeck, all of Culver, " JAY P. LUCAS, jl31 Register. BUMM0N8. In the Circuit Court lor Crook county Oregon. I. P. Caetic, Plaintiff 8. 1. Dalton, Defendant. To M. I. Dalton, defendant; iN'THP. XAMK OP THK STATE OF 1 Oregon, you are hereby re iuirwl to itii- pear and unsnrer the complaint hied against i llii. above entitled MI it witlllll six weeks of the (late of the first publication of . , ... .i. r, iq ,.,,.( W M . lownsnip j . euu..., t ii suiniiiotiB upou you, linn ll you iuii so and wil offer proof tc show tha the land I V and will ofTcr proof to show that tne lana ! ' . , i sought Is more valuable for Its timber or , to answer, lor want thereof, the plaintiff a.rtr.n iRnn for agricultural nurooses, and i ..... ...... i n,.it,u( von fur the llnete'anVReiro to-wit; The Danes. Oregon, on Tuesday, the 14th fur a reforming a deed from you to He names as witnesses: Prank D. Scot, j plaintiff cmivcyini; the a. ol me Br.. , of La Grande. Oregon; Gilbert B. Pres- ,lC jjg yt 0f 8W and the HW V, ol the ton and Joseph Leeper of Prlneville. Ore- I u..ti . the NW V. of the KW W. n. dl.Hwe .lames M. lfio. "U"1 v-araon '..;.,..., .1.,. u 1 f .1.,. fcl,' 1 ,.l .. .... ... ... . lrfalirt on, inu . ' . ,1.111rf (1. 11 u ,.t Talt, William -v. Biennens. mi-ct '' . , .11 nersons claiming adversely 1 . ,. , , viv , ,i, v u Ta Mn.ran C nrenee c. JUI'.ril! e anu , , i ...Kiaaful I ncenoil nu,i 11,1. .. -. . n ' ..IIIb nl1 ... All.nn,, jasper t. niinri, nu u, m ..a,,.. A"V and all pereons claiming ndvrrfl" Tv (he ahove-deserthed lards are request ed (o H'e (nnlr c'nlni" In this otte on or before said rmt flav "t Ausrust, 1H02. B. M. RRITTA1N, Register. Any hoo hi. iir'."" " .... .. the above-descrllied landa are requested to tile tneir ciaime .""'" fore aid 14th day of October. 1902. JAX r. l.ui-Jva, xiesiov.-.. ' -T : named settler baa Wed notice of his I jregon. May 23. ; finl, f in ,uJDI)rt given that in compll- d , t jd f wU1 fa Iul(le ,ef visions of the act of ' , .,.(, Prlneville inTS entitled "An rniitn. Countv Llerk, at rnnemie, in,s. entiiieu An u.. i. r. mrw v.. V Timber Land. Act June 3. 1HT3. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. lAnd Ottlce "LaTievlew, Oregon. May 23. W12 Killrp In herehv ance with the provisions flr-t for ths B'le of 'timber lands In the tPate'. o' ca'liornia. wreron, eipvor.. 11 -d Washington Territory." ai extended all (he Pul.lic Land Htatcs be ;o l o. ,,...,j-r 4. IHI. the 'ollow'ng nersons have this dav filed In this office their sworn statements, to-wit: Benjamin F. Morris, Prlneville. county of CmoK. f'ae of nr-e-'oo. rworn statement. No. 4efl. for the n uchn':e of ttie s s of Section No. M, Township 24 south, range east. William W. Arni'liong o Prlnevlde. onnnty of Crook. Stat" of O' egon. sworn statement No. 410. for the u.,u ... .v, vii Kprllnn No. 22. Towuetilp 24 south. P.snge east. Floyd Rowell. or Prlneville. countv of Crook. State of Oregon, sworn statement No. 41L for the riurehase of the s'i nw'4. sw1 ne end nw".- ", 8ertion Nu. 33, Township 34 eouth, ranfe 9 tauL SOTICB FOR PUBLICATION. Qvnc at The Dalles. Ohkoon, July 23, 11102. If . !- 1 1,- t. oM thai iUa fnllntt'ltlO 1011C 1" uriv"j S'"1" nauiwl iiettler bwi Wed notice of hm intent lr-n fore J. J, . Oreti.n. Clliii.n, uiMiii.T vjit,, . " --. on Kiiday, September fi 1902, viz: hlizabeth Un.,u.rtb Oie,rM. H. K. No. 1 9154 for the iw,nK section 17. n e ipe'i section 19 and n 4 n w yt necuou jo, iV 1 ., r. 14 e.. W. M. Hhe nnnies tlie followmn witnemes to prove her continuous residence upon iud cultivation of said land, vii: Warren Brown, and E. (. Hndiwn of Prlne ville, Oreg..n J. 1). Harril. of Haynlae.k, Ore gon, aod C. K. Smith, of Lament, Oregon. j!31 .JAY P. LUCAS, Regisler. V, of Stops tho Cough and Works off the Gold. Laxative Broroo Quinine Tablet cure (old in one day. No Cute, No Pay. Price, 2fi sent. Section 29 and the KW 'A of the NK Section 32 in Tp. Is H,. ol R, 20 K. of Wil liimette Meridian in Crook county, Oregon which aid dced.wus made by you in I'uvor of plaintiff on the 21th day of April, 1KH4 and by mutual mMake (united the N f the HE 4 and the N i of the HW y, of Hection 211 and the NW oftheBW y, of Section 27 and the NW of the NK yt of Section 32 in Tp. 18 H. ot K. 20 K. of Wil lamette Meridian and said deed will lie re armed in include said onimittcd lands. Published ill the Crook County Journal, by order of the Hon, W. A. Booth, County Judge of Crook County, Oregon, weekly, lor a period of sii weeks. Said order was dated and entered 011 the 5th day of Aug., 11102. The (lute of the first publication of this summons is the 7th day of August, 1002. M. B. ELLIOTT, Attorney for Piaii.tiff. Seed Harley nd 0l. 8. J. NewBcm has CLEAN seed bar ley flnrl osts for aale at hit feed yard in north Prineville. , Fire-proof linildiiiK, 90xH(lO firt, is now rrnidy to handle Merolmiidisn, Wool. (do. HAUL YOUR FREIGHT TO SHANIKO -DEALKItS IN- . Coal, Flour, Lumber, Wood, Hay and Grain. Special Attention given to wool trade. First-cliiaa haling and grading fncilitiea. Also stock yarns latest plana. JA11 IModern Improvements for Ilamlling Stock. (Fhench & Co,, Hankera, The Dallri. Mookii Ukos , Hanken, Mi ro. W. Lord, The Dalle.. B. V. IiAtiHHN, The Dalles, A. M. KELSAY, General Mana,ger. $11 perm 11 Frssh Sawed Shingles $2.75 per in. - at SHIPP'S. Cty harbor Shop. a tPowetl dc Cyrus, Proprietors. I