Xocal 9feutian. Mr. and Mr. A. M. Drake, were in from the Beud last Thuisday. Mr. and Mis. . L. Shaltuck return vi last Wednesday from their vi&it to valley points. Hardin & ons are putting t tie fin ishing touches on Aditmson's new brick building. J.iy F. Stroud, was over from his farm in the Lumonta country r inlay preparing for the threshing season. Roller & Phillips are putting a new coat of paint on the f-unt of Temple ton's Ding Store. a rMi pm11. who made A trip to uebfoot with buchof horses return ed the first of the week. Born- In this city, Thursday, August 7th, to the wife of S. M. Cumptou, a daughter. Bam is looking well. 0. XV. Gibson, of Post, was a busi cs visitor iu the city the latter part ff last week. F. T. Higgins started for his old home in Minneapolis Wednesday, on h brief business visit. L. 1). Clayvool ami family returned the ficst of the week to their ranch iu Paulina valley. R. B. Foster and family left for the t j- C. C. O Jieil was up irom .uonuj otalioti the first of the week visiting with relatives and friends.' ' F. M.l'hillips was over from his farm on 4lie Deschutes and reports everything looking' very well. G. E. Preston and Fraik D. Scoit, timber cruisers, ' paid this otlifd u pleasant call Monday juorning. Assessor LaFolletie reports bavins completed the ruli for this year and will soon be ready to lay his annor by and rest in peace at oome. X. J. Lambert, a.promiiient 'farmer j rauch ,mu Culver Mond.iy and reports anil atuckniiin.of Sisters, was a Uisi-, t,e w1Hi,t- etop as being below the nv ness visitor iu the city the.iirst of Uiejra(,H j,, jieijl in that part o! the week. 'county. Ha has- begun Unyshion OlG C'Ollver. George Hodman and . F. S. Huff man were over from Culver Friday attending to various business mat turn. '. Will Wuriweiler and Ben Jones left for. Hampton Buttes, Tuesday nioriiing to look after tiieir horses in that vjcinity.. , ... . -, A. H. Grant, of the B. S. & L. Co., ' i. .i .1. 'r... ' n.. I rciurneu to. me ut.u ' ., i if l,- i,;. reparts the second crop of alfaila licing cut at Hay creek. An .occasional.' load of wool still passes through town on its way to the railroad,. but there is only a little left of this years crop to market yet. Will YVunsweiler the enterprising merchant, returned from, bis trip to Uie metropolis, ' looking none the worse for Uie trip. Arthur llodgea and family have gone to I'pper Sixla for a few weeks outing on the bank of the classical fsantiu.ni. . ... : . . a Il.ilpii Sharp, who bus bepn xofkiug fur Klkins i King fur some time re signed his position and. is mm- work ing at I'oiudexter's hotel. tienrge Bay was down from his ranch the first of the week and reports having finished, bas ing and is now taking a Iny oh". J. ('. Bush brought in a' load of oats irom bis ranch near Lamonfa Tues day and 'reports threshing will begin in that vicinity iir a short time. l'l'Iigotis sni-vieiis t CbiypiKil school !ouso on Friday and Saturday eve ilinjs uml uu Sunday the 17tli at 11 ii'eliick,.fnliowid by liar ket dinner and siervii-o at 2 p.. m.. TIMBEF? LAND FIN AL, PROOF BLANXS ior. sule at this ollice at very renson :i!i!t priee.s. Mail.ordeis proiuply at tended to y Largo bind!- of freight- are arriving dnily for our nicirl.nnts and in conse-ijiieiK-e tte iimds. n i e becoming viry liud'y ini np A good rain-would be liiiinijiilh ieeeivel at this writing. Wnvmn-nnd Adrian Croiiiis (lepsit. i fmtnrdiir fur the Willamette vwliev , ni tliwr. uriieeJ.. Tby ivill visit witii ilatiiwflnd frieniU wliile mid' may itn .tSnii , Fiiinc-iscti .bttlore re: u t n F. t. Collins, K. .. Gilchrist, J. W. Doyle, M Gilligan, P. McCloy, J. J. Henley, F. 8. Duslmn, of Alpena, Mich, were here Inst week looking (or timber land which is blooming very scarce in these pints now. M.A. Spioi-r, mi nid time stage driver, was a passenger on Saturday s stage from Burns en route to Albany, whefe-he will visit with relatives for a. time before returning to 'I'' coun ty, where he will remain fur the win ter. The crowd of Albanyites having finished proving up on their timber j claim, pulled out for their homes I the latter imrt of lust week. This! waini wcatner wo are miring um ' j seem to agree with them and they! ., i. !M were all glad to get away. Curiiett & Cantrcll, the new con cractors on the turns l'rinevilleliuc, have appointed C. I. Winnek their agent at this place. They are enter prising young men and we predict thev will la? eminently successful in their chosen field'. Alex Min run was down from liear Creek the first of the week. Ha re ports having just returned from the Willamette valley, where he went lotoek. The lust is ulwiiv the cheapest dispose of a lot of horses. lie brought , j;vm ,iIV;r warranted. Special iitten in also the scalps of nine sheep ; tiou 'catlc-t to the hoya' uml youths' troyers. i shoes made (it this leather A large number of forest, fires are; 'rajme Hi the mountains nun me the perfums of burning brush, tioinej means should l provided to stop the! burning of timber lands of this conn- j try us they are our most valuable, asset. ! J. Dasliney, of Lueoinb, leaves : tomorrow for Vrmevdie with fifty head of young cattle which be hasj contracted to deliver at that place, after which he will take up a Intuit i stead in that couutv. He already has i a limber claim over tlioie Letpauuii Expressa. nemy Windom was in fioin and limls that t!:e giain is light, llie .., lnd,-vsHllh,1shee bad for i i ,i I the pram, but we ho ne that no seiious , , , i . ; ;, ,,.., i oilier things in whiah tiny slioull damage has been (lone to in it any sec-, ' ... , i June Ibe co-i.'ertioii o( Uiu nev conn- turn of the countv. : ' I ly people is tbe eli, at tliey ill uinki lee cream, sherbert, oollin mid cnkei ... ., ... . . .. I to nave tlie mail rte.-vice h.-t'.ieeii neie will deserved by the I,adts Luioii) , ,, ,, , ,, :ind I rinenlie licniMSed liarney Auxiliary Soi-ietv, uu the lawn, at the I ' L. . ... . 1 County .News. residence of Mrs. C. I. Winnek nexi i eunesiiay August i"tn, ofgiiiniui: i . i .... . .in. i. i : ., , , .. , ., uu l.m l ue in cuei-M" ,m w iiii.ii miu. I ' gn M iuivimn Lin! i, vt , i nt i tie Liiion C'luich. All are cor- All are cor - diiillv invited to attend who believe ... , i Ill liei linu a K'ioii enusr nun':;, lev cream and cake 2') een: sherlieit and cake 20 cents; coffee and cuke 15 cts. Last Monday the first oil burning engine to be tried en the C. H. By., was attaened to the passenger train and worked like- a charm. Masher Mechanic Walsiiii is now .placing oil burner attachments tn-nil the, com. pany's locomotives. .Biid in the future coal, as fuei with this company, will beathingof the past. The oil is cheaper and far more safe, us the dan ger of fires in the ripened grain .if HlicrniHU county from the locomotive as it passes is to be dreaded no more. Dalles Chronicle. " The .building formerly known as the Vienna C ife has been so changed that the nrininiil urchitect would not know- it. Under the supervision of Frank Bouncy it has been transformed froitl ,.,. of i:.o mosh rmliiiorv InoLioe buildings iu town to a iikhIhvii up-to date glass front and is an oni'inient to the town. The culinary ilvjiart ment is- first class mid we predict, that. Mr. J- H. Delore and Mrs. Virginia Hoiiney's Bestaiirnnt will become ui Bert rind were married last Tliins hnuselKik word throughout thejt day, July 7, .l'J02. Justice Hopkins ciiunly.N i performed the ceremony and done R. E. Simpson returned Stitnrday v , , . , , . ; Oreiron. Mrs. Delore is trench lady, while fiway piirclinseU the bilh Hurt; ,. . , , , ... ' hhe came Iron) r ranee some tinin ago wiiitw stock for the nrm of Simpson: , ,,... , , , , . , ; and settled n Connecticut, afterwards & Wilson from the eaft. Hi inform-, . . , . i moving to Oregon, ed our reporter that be- was bringing, . the tines; stook of gianls in, that was1 , kKTTIjK.1'1. evor (lisplnved in the eitv. Mr. Hiinp-I .,, ... , ... , ' ' All iiersons mdfbted to U. IT. son is ii gnod seleeter of stock and we ,,, . . , , , , , ,, ., jCnus must settie with the under- have no doubt he lindnne wll. Her." , ( .... .. . ,,., , signed or M. R. KMiott twfoie the first rrtwnefl bv. way of: Mitchell and re-! , , ., , .,, , .rtsJ.H. Oakes, formerly of t, , day of Heptemoerw suit will be-w-i.ce, as doing exeeedioglj v.eJl. in stituted to colleet same. tlushcep busiutm. MJllS, CYUL'S.. fife WALK ' Al .fr' ,1 X tj I IIU f aw- ilfl Sizes Y.v . m White Oak Sines. i TIickc Shoos are made of (lie v We are sola agents for . t K. (i. Smith and family iieecuiipaiii.'d by tiiv faui!ly oi (vinnty cli-rl, Smitli and other relative left for the mount ains Wcdnesliiy and will rest furs time under the prutK-ting shadow a of Mount .Jefferson. 4 nif-tt whn is at present driving the stage between heie am! Giind.-tone, on the 1'iineville route gives flie iiiliirmaiion that the lines between limns and Sli imki) ate now under one management and that, the service is to be iiin.le the best the in terior section has ever Know a. toinetn Cant fell Uiiilevstiiiid the country ''"U'i'vme.-iis ,i iM nemtiug im-.r eH'.iris'towurd inn'ting them. Among ! r . -A. M-. Kelsny, who lino been the ma linger ol ie V"ii-s;ii U'aretiiiuse Co. ever since its ei-ietenee, has sent in l.is , . , , ,, "i"" b ipiemlier, J lie patrons ol tins house ii .... .1... - - iii ii.. !, ins t;n hi- tin- cum 1 in ir , iu mini miss Mr.. Kelsny, as he has been kind, i coiirleutis and obliging to all, and his I indefatigable work and universal popularity bus been tro small fiie'tor in building up the immense business the house enjoys. In Mr. Jvalsay's resig nation the company will lose n in-. a H-ho.-e plrce will be hard to fill, as llie people everywhere for years have known "Ed," as he is faniiliirly culled, bllt, rKn,..r and afterward j etM) 1 1 1 y clerk of Wasco county, and during all these years have found him the s. one "lid," honest anil faithful to every trust imposed on him, genial and kind hearted, with n helping hand ready to assist those who are in need In whatever piilliney of linj Mr.Kel-ay's energies in the future are directed, t lie well wishe..of th" tender, together with a ho.itnf friends j " (ir'"". Wheeler, Crook, Sherman ' and Wasco counties will follow him. ! Lender. ; - M,V Kit ,-:.. I cicdit to all concreueu. ' Mr. Delore was born and raised in OVER SMOGS FOR AlEN All .f . . TO T!1K . . CtiNSI'MKIt.-i 5ARBED WIRE . . Do You Know . WA&JKEGAN Barbed wire T'lirn! trior; f;.-t to tlf i "rl t'lin fliv o'.';r ri)e-1 Wire on rfirtli fin I it eminl in utrcnirth to the Stronjffttt? t Length to one pound, 2-iint regular, i'SXi f.-et; 4-point regular, lM'l) fed ; weight, oiieinilc in leugth,:2-p,iiu: regular, 2M pounds -1-point ngul.ir. TM t pounds. You are not no much iuteresteil in the price per annul u the actual cost per nut or mile. Figure (or yourselves, then coiisull o'ur nearest agent. This will result in your buying the WAUKEGAN. WAUKEGAN BARBED WIRE "C';i.'.-.r VAUKEGAH GHILf. r k PI! . '. A. . .. S ' Wall IPapsr ADDITION: The new Htyles of Wall Paper just received, nlso tliu "Vtiin you add to your navingx liv hnvitij; of us,. SUBTItACTION: The attiotmt we are deducting from oilier denlcrs prices MULTIPLICATION;: The ciistoiiier (cIIb her friends tlmt she lian discovered the economical jilnce to buy Wall l'npor,. lie, fiiunils become our Customers. DIVISION: Our profits nrr: t ut in two, that we niuy huvt- more trade than before. Do you want Wall Paper on tl. proCt-shuring plan? D. P. ADAMSON'S Drug 1 - I m lis yi The Mt-mW S!i rtietecUeil for Klyle, iluritliilily uml com fort. Tint best of cverylliing wd in tlu't'iili HiTiiefion of thcu (liicit. Try it pair ami you will buy only The JlilP U'l'fl.l, SlioK. I'AKKR liAUHEI) WIUE. & THOMSON. '';, - V" V r V ( i. -.' "'-',;. '' , I k I "1 1 -SOLD ONLY BY is 8 lilniz. AfjKXTiS, INK VILLH, OlflCOON. Write for prices, We are the lowest. Jlriihmctic. Store is the Place.