Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 14, 1902, Image 10

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    th tot balnw In the (ret, without
paying much heed to hit nrattl
lt ua l ehMtfiii! Wfeat'i tk food of tiout prlae. end money, jlmml
f1L. reached the kilted and plnnfored
(O lordy! rhurtd- Bt the reel com,, ..tharhur below, end. addreaaW .,.
.. - .t 1.1. .. j
memuer, uiu; rrnmj, now many
What's to be (ttaed by ell our ioard
(0 Uar! 0 4w! And coal la )
M ut loot P! The aua la arigktlt ahla-
(I teei that iktlrh la aura to rolH.)
Itt us UavaourgrlavlntanU rurtnlnt.
(Uld vr mortel hava auch luck u thlat)
ua be chaarfui! Nature amllaa around
(t cannot Ktra to make thaaa poena to )
l?uuibir all the Meealnga that hare
voider why miarortuaa aauata me ao.)
do you hare to eee before you find
a prlie?"
Ten," replied Freddy, "and yon
got to croaa your flnirer each time
you aee one."
"All right," anid Jlmmie, and with
that he toddled out through the arch
way into the atreet bent on finding
ten white horaea, after aeeing the
The world la tenia!, after all. end kindly,
(Hrt cornea an old curmudgeon to col'
So lt u truat It ehearfully and blindly.
(Hiru! Whera'a my chanr Tkat'abat
tr; that'a correct)
Facia what'a be-
Let ua be chatrfull
form u.
(I hope tbat other man woa't call to-day.)
Tunica; our aoula to naturae hopeful
tt ttaU kpa on TU have to moreeway.)
tenth of which and throwing one fin
ger over the other ten timea he wai
to bring back the precioui prUe to
hla motlier.
White horaea are acarcer than red.
headed glrla, and though Jlmmie)
didnt know anything nbout red
beaded girla he aoon found out that
nearly all the horaea In the world
were Dnye and blacka. On, on. on,
he went. He grew tired and worn.
Then he thought of the little moth
er waiting for the
strength came into hia little lege and
"B" mio nia eearrhlng evea.
He pa.d the big park and came
Into the aection of etraggllng houaee.
There waa a ereat fine trt k..-.
ever, etretchlng on and on. Fine
carriages were being whirled uiong
, anu aome people rode by on horaea.
' began to get dark. Jlmmie eat
: down on a curbing. He wa getting
i pitiably hungry, but he held back
the tears when he thought of hie
mother. He thought once of turning
V.?.""111 but he would niroy cheek., rich
the white horaea and the price. Had I or.. . j
he but known v,. ' Adamson
gone back had he wished, for he had
not marked hie way through the
wilnerneea of city streets.
Finally hia head fell over from
very Weariness and his eyes were
about to close perforce when, loom
ing up at a distance, thromrh th
fBv tOWARD R CI ARK I deepening dusk, he saw a white horse
Oy tUWARD B.CLARK. with a rider on it. back. In hi.
"Mamma," he inlil to her one due,
"I'll go some time and look for the
other nine white horrea."
"You needn't Jlmmie," she snld.
laughing and crying mgolhor. "You
brouirht home a prir.e,"
An hour later Jlmmie wna In the
court telling f'redille Ndlimii (hat IV
wna wrime nbout ten white hnr.
and that all you had to do to get the
prlxe wn. to see one whlto horae.
"but, added Jlmmie, sngely, "yon
mitat cro.a Angers on both hand.
when you see U." Chicago Record-
Obaervo th, blrda, how cheerfully
(0 wliat a draary (rind thla growa to be!)
They do not make their brief azlatance bit-
taven my poatace atampa art out, I ate.)
Ut ua be cheerful! We, the poet-hearted.
(I can't scare up a cent for Sadle'a hat.) , i
11 aonild care be from our iplrita parted. '
(How can I have the ekeek to tell her.
A mind at eaae. a soul la perfect quiet- !
Grat Caesar!. I muatehucklt. Icaa't
With evwy nerve and fiber In a riot
ro write aaoag efcheerfulneaa to-aa!),
-Oola A. McCarthy, In H. T. Bun.
: Horn Jimmie ::
: Foand aPmze
Pedratrlaa'. Paradlae.
The Hoi. de Bologna iu Paris Is
now tl'e pedeatriana' narntliae. Auto
mobiles are forbidden to travel there
except at a annil a wce, and iiiuhI
atop near hurae. llontei tnti.t not
gallop, even on the riding nlleta. So
vehicle is admitted unlive furnialiad
with springs, r.ven hrartva are no
exception to this rule. On the other
hand, pi-rWlrians do what they
piettae. lftey nre no lonTer com
polled to lrad doga on a string. X
t. dun.
vyWvWrvvvrvvvtr ' "irerneas .Timmle sprang to his feet
5 .rtTrr.
lie fellow was baptized James and he .
was hi mother's heart', joy. As he .
was but'five. years old, "Jlmmie" went
better than, "James,' and goes bet-,
ter to-day, because he, is less than, IS"
wontlie to the better In, point of year.
other right away. Only one, a nil
Jlmmie must see ten. Jlmmie ran
into the middle, of the atreet to get
a better view. Surely there moat be
another white bora. The white
horse and its rider wtre close. The
animal waa on a Veen trot. Tired
Ji.T.' "iTefc C'k. a . I Httle Jimmle stumbled and fell. The
Jimmu. father had been dead for. horse. fhied violently. The., rider's
'TIL "B",obW horsemanahlp saved Wm from a fall,
him and Jtaimle., mother felt no par-, He ehecked bia mount and In an In
Mcuiar sorrow over the fact. ft.....
. , . "T, " aiani was on ire ground no (Hog the
thought there, was no one from pole,
to pole and , around again like Edward i
Talbot. Slie-subseqnenlly becameMrs. '
IQdwa rd Talbot a nd then sbe f ound that !
her idol waa not made out of rlnv. hut .'
out of the, veriest mud. Clay it clean.
Talbot wasn't, When, he died, after
bridle with one hand and with the
other picking np the mite of humani
ty that had fallen in the rttiat.
Jimmle waa too tired to help him
self -much, but he was unhurt. The
electric llirhta alone- the honlevnrd
flared up on, the instant. The man
Itn the white horse took a lonir
What a Tale It Tells.
II that mirror tif yours shows i
wretched, fallow complexion. latin
diced look, moth patches tint blotches
on the skin, it liver trouble; hut Dr
King's New Life PilU reitiihite the
liver, purify the blood, give clear kin
complexion. Only
4 Wiunek's drug
On and after July 1, 1902, the
lollowmg rates will be cliurgfd:
Single meals, 35 cenUi.
Three mwals f 1.00. .
Poikdkxter Horn,
Hotel 1'w.nkvii.le.
.!,.,,.. , j.. . , wnn tne wnite hone
they had been married three j eara, she .' t nt . , . .
wore l-,rHo-....rf.rf..r,.ii. V. ok-t-tJie boy, face.
wore widow's weeds dutifully, but
they didn-t cover streaming eyea. nor
n nchintr heart, but that wasn't Kllen's
fault. There are some men who by
their actions can kill love, and when
ardon wrote . "Daniel Bochat,"1 he ,
kvrv nhat he was.wrlting about, crlt-.
lea to the contrary notwithstanding.
P'irhBDs it was with something, like
a altrb (r"t Ellen-Talbot thought of-'
the old days and wondered, why It was,
that girla didn't alway. ehnoae right.
There had been, another, who wanted,
her. and whom she knew waa worthy.
Ihit s!ie had aid no. j
Things were guing hard in the Tal'.'
bot household. Ellen's little money ,
liaddivinrtledaway to.nothing. She and i
little .limmie lived in,tw,o rooms, and It '
Hjdn't reed. -the keen eye of a district I
virHor to tell that Poverty waa a gneat j
and that I'enury had hia.hnnd rralaed
tv rn; at the door. Jimmie was old
enr,t,?i, lo.notice that hut mother did-,
r.(it eat f.a much as formerly. It wee .!
with a smiling a,very,miling-atate- j
npT.t that -alio wasn't hungry that ahe i
transferred things from her "owji plate-!
! .TinmieV. Jhnmle knew that hia I
mother had eomethingthematterwith j
her erra-aud wasn't working as .he j
need to. He also knew that the man In :
the gr.-.y elotbea who enrried !, !
arnnn' ntirt . .-. r
- ..... ..tirrp in peopie.) way. but he was aroused' to a con-
nev-r brmitrht anrthlng to their door.-i wiourness thattbe was living v,,
fa had -a.ked one of the boy, down- he, reached Culbertaon court The
,tair one day who aent thee thinga whole .neighborhood was out looking
teat the man brought arnnnrf .., i , . , ,t . "
, ,, , ., ,. I or nim. anu mere was a cnome itt
wld that wa. grandfathers, erand- yeJla:- "Here he. i. ." whea.tho rider
and then
something strange came into his
own.. The lines about hla mouth
tightened and his eyes seemed to be
looking jiack somewhere.
"What'a you name, little one?" he
"Jimmie Talbot," was the answer,
"and I'm. out looking for a prize for
mamma.,, The man .said she must get
money for Mm or we mint move.
and Freddy Nelson told me if I'd eee
ten white horses and cross my lin
gers I'd find a prize for mamma. Hut
3'onrs is the only white hoine I've
seen, and t must get nine more or
mamma will go on crying."
"Your father," said the man in a
voice which. Jimmie, if he had been
older, would know was strained,
"where is he,.?"-
"He's dead," said Jimmie, simply.
"Jimmie, we'll find your other nine
white horaea to-morrow. Where do
you live?' I'll take you home to
"Nineteen Culbertson court, two
flights np." ,
Jimmie was too tired to make re
sistance, and In a moment he wax on
the. back of the big white home with
tne man mltng behind clasping him
tight. The boy, went to sleep on the
Trespass Notioe.
Kotioe is hoiebv lHYfti- fcliiiL tftl' rwt.
sons are imrntit tint to treopam uoii
Hie followinir dpf'rilul i,ro,,,i.n. ,
... W r.v....-W
driving acros or herding upon the
nine any iiveeiooK ol. any tlemtription
whatsoever under Ilia lot
the law'for tnipaas and- damage, via:
The w of the the rj of the nrj,
and fi of 4 of wn 'M dm u t .,( i.
sw of sec 22, the sel of tl nel,
i-j aim trie pj in ( tie awj, ill ec Ztt,
tllHnl'of tlm nufl i I.a ., u-1 .1.. ... l
a ' ' -v " 4, v..w ,n ww ni-,
the aj of the m4 and the set H Hie
n'iolio ZRnll in towtwhin IS a.
mil CO 16 W. M . Mtl
nrrtia una Known ae the Muling mill
Willtiw Creek Land oV IivesriK li Co.
X. A. Nrwbii.1, Prea.
mlin3 Geowok Dhs, Sec'v,
Stage Line.
Leove Shaniko, 6 p. m. Arrive Triiif villo, C a. m.
Leave Prineville 1 p. in. Arrive Shaniko, 1 a. in.
First class accommodations
for the traveling public.
Adamson & Winnek Co., Agents
G. M. Ccrnett, Maiingcr.
White &
John Com us.
HI PORTED. . .. vlvJxlYO.
Hamilton Stables
ail Redby Feed Barn.
Deputy Stock- Id spec tore.
Nntice I. herohv vivun iliat r h...
apimilited llie flluriiiK named peramie
uvpuiy auxin, luapeviura
J. r. CarMrriiht.
Sam Hainiltou
E. Krwrka,
A.' Miirri'tr,
F. M. Smith,
Roauie Kiikx,
T. C. Swain,
J. S. BntU,
Alex Mclntmh,
J. P. Vl,H.lln
V. S. Cuwies.
Jiw Hinble
Stuck Inapvctor Crimk Cnunty,
Hv Creek
Bear Crek.
Hav Creak.
Hay Cieuli
Tit mm
iiVtl ers, aunts .and nnelas, Jlmmie
nad nvr heard c this, kind of people,
.ind hid he been a little older and a
iftle.wifeMie would have ksowji.that
hffi mother-never wrote any lettera,
.((d "Ter that vary,reason did nut gti
Oi lay, Jimmie faund bis mother
yag'r Sbe yatheped him up in her
4-ms,ana Ki.aea mm. She waa look
leaped from hia hprse with Jimmie in
nig arms. , ,
The, vrr a rev from-tlie . muM
and'Jimmle's mother had him in her
arms, fiiere was an embrace that
Jimmie felt was much longer than
naiiul, and then his mother's arms
fell from aboutihim and ahe looked
liu into the face of the man who hnd
broug-ht her boy back. Jimmie felt
i.)r.v.-ry white and ill., Juat before J t ' "s" , " ' "."l,
this .Tinmiia had herd a, man.-talk- l'" X
ing at .the door -who had aid acme- T ,
thiiiff r.bont "niust have bia money."-) i.y,?Jg,l
nnd,.r.onielibqt- he. traced a connection J r-),cn-
l.etw en his mother'a tanra and the , Jlmm,c nevcr knew exactly how It
Krnif tone at.thedijnr.- ' j 'an) alvmt, but he found out that
".V'rriir,."-be.said. "It m.. t.. ' nis tler had tince known the man
' Im rUnuK-IA Iiamji Mm...,n rt I -., n...
same.lhinjf as a pre?"'
"Kuir.elimes, my dear," .be replied.
"Wailjf said JimiroV "you want I
mncftj and ij'll jjfet. jt for. you, be,'
oiiie.,U,e ,lioy dowiairsi iold.,m ,
s.(.w to. (rot a priae"" ;
Sritfkihd him tenderly and let.
Mui4P ..Uit .liKjr .to.flay wj-,
t.( the nan-on-th'' wiiite hnrKe
enme to .t'e hon-e o.'ile often end
took bi-Ti aiil)hi, molir into the
park, and twaJte Ibnag) t, he .heard
tl.e mn'i j-v: "D'-n't n7 no train,
Kllen," nml after.hnt .liir n i noticed
bis mother ayny, lookfi! hiippy,, .
and the
Until the 1st of Jan., 1903
$11.60 :
This is the BEST OP
P0RTUNITY to secure
of ALL. ever presented
NAL is a daily afternoon
newspaper. It gives all
the news., of the state
ind of the world. Every
ne should take it. Here
;s your oppojtunity.
This offer will be.crood
Stock boardtd by day, wevk ot
month. Fine fad die liornea and
livery turnouu. Hal rraaoiinblv.
Gowl acconunodKtionii.
RemcmUr ui when in Prine
villa, and we guarantee that ytiwr
patronage will be itjipreciaieJ
and deserved.
BOOTH 4 COBMSTT, Proprietors. '
Gary House Bar.
Henderson & Pollard, Proprietor.
l I l' r
' 1
Attention, Good Dressers !
We Have a Good lln'rig and
Want Everybody to Know it
Wo bare -citr!' Mm-rxtliftlr rljlit !
for this vicinity to 1ti! 0nli' for tby ;
I r. mo it n tiiilorinjf of '
Clil"!go. Wo nro nt.v '
ditp1uvliirt!i9i' novet i
arr(.-i9 cf Flno
Voolono ami ur'to !
everyone ItitweHlfifl U I
giKd i:lr.ths to cull ami '
inafKot tli.'m. 7 s,ow
i- Kn1?, y j 0 p,T7Fri:NSi
-Jaiiav.i "flfOTwimijj jn
y fir the lnnrwt lino iu tl'c country, ioi).
sifting of ninny ex.'.lufci vet ffecti in wur
iib, nasiroer"8, Scololioi, clays, aovjes,
c. STEAUSS J1K0S. mokti' il'.o kind
ofclothoa yr,u like lo Mn-ir, nccurateiy
, tftilorod, perfect fittfufj, rlistnctly abo'va
the ordinary, ye1; prices n higher then ,vn Lave puid for
Inferior gooils. They gMaranteo obiscluto satlefaction
and with it goea our uciqtiaiif ted omiornomont. glad to iiave ou call ami yuu will uad vou
came. '
in if.