Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 07, 1902, Image 6

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    Crock Coatfty Journal..
W. T. ..Pmma
ur H i'lua'. Manaukk
There is' no truth in the report! lo Hhool in which to cduwittf
that tho government contemiilnte criminhtk They become fkillwl
naval manoeuvres in Asiatic water .in the art and steeped iii crime
with a view to inthioncinu ncgoti-j quick etionh by contact with the
ivtionswitli China. Hweiit nego- tliuk place of earth without taking
County Gmm.a TxruR.
li J(ii:iinal in enturea at the jmiiolinK in
kfrim.."!!. Jrofr. i -nwuiiwri" tlir.U.h the
su Bacwrnos aid..
.tfiii Months
K iiKia Montim
" TilURSlUY. AU1US I' 1. 11)02.
It ris claimed that a process has
.been discovered, whereby the peat
.of Ireland cau be converted into as
jwrleet an insulator -for electrical
wires and machinery as is now se
cured from gutta-percha.
It klortunate thaUentumations
8y tlie Senate are made in execu
tive session far it is presumbabU
.that Senator Tillman's .remarks
,when Senator McLaiiria'g name is
sent in for confirmation as judge,
will not be exactly proper for pub
lication in the Congressional Record.
Henry L. fchaUuck, of SholUsbuig
Iowa, was cured of a etomacb trouble
with winch he bad been alHicteil for
ear, by four boxes of Chamberlain'.
Stomach and Liver Tablets. He bad
previously triad many other remedies
.and a number of physicians' without
elief. Foi sale by all druggist.
An opponent of the lull provid
ing for the leasing of tlifi public
lands for grazing purposes, recent
ly cited the case of the Marquis of
.Salisbury who leased five acres-of
land for that purpose, in what-is
now the heart of London. The
lease ran for 500 yeftia and the
rental is $2.50 per acre per annum.
What a Tale it Tells.
If tlmt mirror of Tours abows a
wretched, sallow complexion, a jaun
diced loek, luotb patches aud blotches
on the skin, it's iiver tnouUe; but Dr.
hiiu 1'il's regulate tiie
liver, purify the blood, give clear skin,
rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Only
1m at Adaiuson & Wionek's drug
i tiations in the Orient have been a j
series of triumps for American di-
plomncy and tltere is ns necwity,
for a show of militiivry strength in
that quarter. i
To Save Her Child
From frinhtful disfigurement Mrs.
Nannie (ialleger, of La Orange,. t'.,
applied ISuckleu's Arnica. Salvo to
great si'res on hei head ami face, and
writes its quick cure exeeeded all ,her
hopes. It works wonkers in Sores,
Bruii's, Sikiu Kiuptinus, Cilts, Unrns,
Scalds and Tiles. Cure guaranteed
by Adaiuson & Winnek, druggist.
Because of the prompt action
and generous aid of the United
States, in the Martinique disaster
on the Fourth of July the French
Government at the banquet of the
American Chamber of Commerce
in Paris publicly decorated the
President, of the Chamber, Francis
Khubel, with the cross of the Le
gion of Honor, and he received at
the same the '-accolade." This is
the first time nn American has re
ceived the "accolade," which is a
double-barreled kiss on each cheek
and an embrace. It was executed
by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
by order of the President of the
French republic. At the same
moment by preconcert all theprin-
cipial hotels, the leading cafes, res
taurants, shopping bazaars and
public buildings blossomed out
with American flags and the red,
white and blue streamers. Queer
and demonstrative ways have the
French of manifesting feelings of
eratitude. Thev are effusive, but
their lessons in the light of civili
nation and with public approval.
There are too many hoys now only
waiting for such nn invitation to
become second Tracy and the
dramatization and production of
such a plav as mentioned above
will only whet their appetites for
the game. "Tracey and Merril" as
a play should be impressed just us
was the play "Kvans and Sontng."
l'.iigenu Register.
Our Summer Clearance sale
of Ladies Oxfords
and Slippers.
no doubt of their sincerity can
entertained. '
The "Naval Hoard of Awards"
has designated Capt. Ilobson, and
Lieutentants Ward, Buck and
Blue to receive meritorious service
medals for bravery in the West In
dian Campaign.
The United States has supplant
ed the Rothschilds in the respect
of European nations as being the
money power of the world. Kvent-
ually Europeans will discover that
the American capitalist is a pleas-
anter man to do business with than
the representatives of the Roths
child family.
From colonists, devoted almost
exclusively to agricultural pursuits
the United States has developed
into u nation of 80,000.000 popu
lation, raising everything needful
to their own wants, and selling a
surplus worth 1,500,000,000
abroad. ' Much of this bus been ac
complished under the protection
policy of the republican party.
it suprisitig that the people arc mi-1
willing to change?
i Clin' vies ile Lessen?, son of the
! (treat engineer, expresses gratilica
! tion at the prospective transfer of I A
our liarg-
Wp are offering this week on
ain Counter. 150 pairs Ladies Oxfords and
Slippers at 1.00
These formerly sold at $2.00 and $2.50.
These are good values.
Simpson & Wilson
Kentucky Liquor House
the Panama canal to the Unite !
Managers Russell ,and Drew of He believes the Amerioms
the Third Avenue Theatre. Seattle, wi d.trtc tin-
. t . i ,.,.;....;,.,., 1 father in selecting the Panama
tiuve toiniL'tou u, mi .
riomeofthe most erudite stu-'
dents of the war between Great
Britain and the Boers ascribe the
former's numerous defeats to a lack
fi that army organization which
lias long been advocated by the
best friends of tho army in Eng
land. The present administration
has profited by the lesson and is
eeekiug to perfect the army organi
zation in this country.
Young Lady's Life Saved.
At Panama, Colombia, by Cham
' berlain's Colio, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Dr. diss. H. Utter, a prominent
j)hyician, of Panama, Colombia, in a
recent letter state-. ''Last March I
had ks a patient a young lady sixteen
veare of age, who hud a very bud at
tack of dysenterv. Everything I pre
scribed for her proved iuefl'eetual and
she was growing worse every hour.
Her parents were sure she would die.
She had beemne so weak ihat she
could not turn over in bud. Wliat to
do at this critical moment was a study
ior ue, but 1 thought of Chaniber
Ihiu's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Keniedv and s last resort prescribed
it. The most wonderful result Wjis ef
fected. Within eifcht hours she wa6
feeling much better; inside of three
diiys lie was upon her feet and at the
4ind of one week was eutirely well."
For sale by all druggists.
tbe snectacular nian-hunt which
has been going on in the Northwest
for the past few weeks. The play
was written by Managers R'iss;ll
and Frank Readick. and is called,
Tracey and Merrill, or the Posse's
Plucky Perspicuity. Anv one can
see the enormous possibilities in
the murderous deeds of these con
victs for a thrilling melodrama,
aud Messrs. Readick aivi Kusscli,
being experienced playwrights,
have not overlooked single thrill.
S. F. Dramatic Review. Every
time such a production ae mention
ed above is put upon the boards
legitimate drama is scandalized
and the slajje as an educator and
for entertainment suffers a backset.
If this production depicts the
Traey-Mcrill escapade as it really
occured it is a laudation of crirm
nals for their shrewdness in escap
ing capture and their bloodlhirsty-
ness in shooting down their would
be captor. We do not need a pub-
route and predicts they will have
completed the undertaking within
six years.
To All Whom It May Concern.
Xntiee is hereby siren tlmt my wile,
Laura Zell. ha ibwned and led im
am! that-I will iioi recognise norbej
ri ions)ll for any hills, (tenia or other
obligations winch she limy contract
alter this notice.
VV. II. Zki.i..
Prim-ville, Oregon. July H'.lh 1!K2.
Jul. 17-
Stallions for 8ale.
Three Stallions, three yer old mid
up, for sale, or for trade in good horn
broke or unbroke. Thene Hiallion
are Percherou and (tlyde cmsk, all
jjood breeders. Corresjiondence soli
cited, H. K. MOOKK,
Dufur, Oregon.
1 inojnl7 al7
Infomation Wanted.
Any one knowing the sddren of I..
II. liiKf, will confer a favor on his
friend by giving same to M. K. Haw
thorn, Lava, Ore , or Klkins & King,
Prim ville, 1'reifm.
'm-Ai'-'r ilk i
I mm im-:
It Hits tlie Spot Every
This applies to
our StocU. It's
"JUST" ritrht. A
oftDrirN Di;rp" ?
Ik l-w IV W Iw r , A
o s
Schlltx ft
E3aer, GambHnus.
Hop Gold, Sierra Campo Sauterno,
Jules Mum Champagne, Imported and
Domestio Ales andPorters.
C. J. STUBLINQ, Wholesaler.
Restaurant and 3iaJcen
Sirloin Steak 2")ciMilk Toast loc
T-Bone Steak 85c j Coffee -'c
Porterhouse Steak : 50c (Tea .- 5c
Porterhouse Steak for two ... $1 00 ' Milk 5c
Pork Chops 25c Coffee Cake ... 10c
Mutton Chon? 2oc i nvuTtfUS
r ,.a(,.i
Ham 25c i r.n c. nr
' .c VUiC nu-iy
r.K''M. fxira iw
Chicken, any style.
The latest fashions in Mena', Boys' and
Children's HATS.
We are headquarters for Fishing Tackle.
A new line of GLOVES ha arrived hioh 've are dispus
in of rapidly. Call and examine thorn.
It id now the time of year fur cool head wear. Our Straw
Ilata are just the thing, and we nell them cheap,
N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs.
Keliablc Merchants.
TbU tirUtra tn 7 li of tte lettuln
Laxative BromtHQuiniBe
(bo nauij tlart mm acaU la mm tUf
35c !
Fresh when in market.
Regular Dinner 25c from half past II till one
Incorporated 181)9.
Drugs, Stationery and House Furnishing Goods.
X J(. Xippman & Co.
Manufacturers of Furniture 1
Fine Undertaking Goods, I
Carpels, Stoves, Katipes, Lead. Oil and Glass,
Lumber and Building Material.
Goods gold for eah antl on the installment plan.