Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 07, 1902, Image 4

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    tuO O.OHIV V) I'll U ii- I1'
Willi.' )Ut- ill ill.' Mi 1"
Jiviitti'K tat -.:t;irday i. ; !
bait, had all C.'.p 7.1 !i . U, ;-
lii-' r i---rt t.f t! p ' '
world pu; tin' lion lumU
Afr;iu juii,J r in the ;ind.'
ihe in Sr. ii. Ace -l'i
lid's More, they had "t
jsolil fur if! JO. The-e tr, Hi wero j
ilillS I eMVptlilliall y l".-0;;.iS?. l"-l,U!M- hi i
"Years ;''
in i'lovlileme.
when I was in
'i:- their ahape and oh.-, lU .!" if! fruit IumihW mod a Mh-liignnflor
nsj not hijth for h sin;,!
thai leoth the-i! duvs. "Tin.' t
!..'- the other i! i v, ''1 in it'll tn I 'le
is oi ! ioiiif chances mi (lie iipide
:i nl
11 :lio cilo .Ut":ie i'ar!i ere ilvivni ijr j prH.'h crop. 1 mean by llmt, thai, '
-ays ; coaxed outside the Iv-miilaries o! 1 woiiio l,Uy the vivid f.f ,.u orchard I
;oj the res -vw where they re shvn lv jaftt-r eotiuOni: np ihr tr. on in l.lns..S
i-uMi; itii:- iin Hired - in sphe oi ;be sohl N,W und mangel? enoi;ii, I never '
mrriav moil in iw, two eoiputiiu of whom 'are; i,,.t with n l of unv aee.mnt.l
ich of iic-r. Afn-r r : dm. ; kept busy wutohing for poach, -i-.-. . My near.-ht .-have was v. it !i ' im ;
hi! n li.ik- tin m. ainj and keeping down fire. It the j oi.l m-acon who (m.l 3JK1 peaoh ire. j
nehaiu t'H'k n ln i'. v-i.i j' '.niu irrat t nlrr of Klks sh.nil.1 in tin j in tU Jw o-univ. I knew t ; i or-i
in.'ia.urn, thinking that l.e' intcres'. o; the iie.rat'.on i ikW jthanl well, h always sent ,,.c
lit i;; i .' ;i fat lu(k o . ! the i noble animals, a-rce to ch,wr;e it ' imio.-Ih u maikft, and one k-s,h I
ui;:e. )! lni'i been g. 1-r:u.vlj'milcm tsoiufthiii)t vise the in-! I tlficrmiunl to .(.cr the vl.itj.j
iiM:n t'nc rest of tin' 'par! ah..i;t.,cmt!V' t kiil these Vm. vl'.i wnuM i I jiituok tin1 place with tlnvo "iiK)j
h.iiir v;l.;n I''1 came to a i hire ; lu kirufiy .l":-;roycil. ! trcre !hI.hI iln with llosf..:ns,!
in t!:i i 'M" hill iM-.i'iiil i... .-Avn i "Vet tii-W :ir- -'.',0.H) hos.l of elk j anil c-ti ::::.;.t (hat tin- yield iM'iltl I
It'j- si:'! il.e ;.!'(".. n.l tltK',- nnt-tl.o i'ark and they aro kii-j.itrj; j l(lt 1h: Uh li;an 1M.H.I liusiwl. l
I I i.l V ' ,1... - .1 ...... W t -. .... ..... .
1 luai'sivrrv w ,oi ; u." -u:m vu. ii -n ,;"ii uiterni till' Ui aeon .flU'iil caMi III
. sniKMIIX
Lt'HVft Sh;iniko 0 p. in. Arrivo Vrlw; llk t'. a. tn
l'.'ivo rriucvilli1 1 ji. in. Arrive Hhnniko, 1 ft. in.
First class accomiTicdattons
for the traveling public.
hiiinj. to nwuntam l-tihinujcotiM oDlatn a'.'U'.it 2X)0 oi tin's, toi h,liu, imt i.e Anwl his lua.!. Thru
ii.j I'cca'ho tirei!, ami seaui hira-jtuni ini'.i h-r forests we w uiM soon ; 1 vvi-ut up If'-l.'O, r.iul (iuallv tn.ule
eit nyii'i a to. In Ms i',
was Oli'.'Viiij: liis surronil n; s us uaiiLier iu I'Mt'i nnnaiin i.i.i am-' hiiaiie! mi'
u? ilaner of oxtrriiiinati;! t!
licst h eoiil, I w'nen a ......rii." utaU.. I will rue to our oeloiia- j 'mi; wrie to he at. my expense.
sound broke the Mi!lns au-i :hc;ti.m in coi)j;r.- in rx.irl l l!ii' ! " 'No, 1 don't helici a I'll do it,'
ongiir he the ni..i:;hicr matter and urgj the o-rp cent of a : replied the ile.icon niter wratchitii?
)ii;. hair ttO'.d. Alter ir -riit j goodly niiniber ou;, her.:. ' Tim uiiv ; his IicaiI fer a wlnle.
had snliHih-,1 a little he coi .vied jure tame as they are not hniuvj 111 I "don't ln-litve you'll get .
to lii'.TStiiUH- tin:'il tti!.. me rar auu invy .-nuy it-'.Wt ittcr.
j dittnoii W'inuek Co.', ADiitrf.
1 0. M. d.rrit'tt, Miukv'.t.
' JMMIIIilM.H II llllll IMI I HI IN II ll y'!"!".!"""""""!'.
John '.'in:-.-.
culiar noi-e.
the sound ('(unit!;: from tin
a log aheut fifo-en pace
right, hy this time he i-e
feci hr-ive. Holding a sli i'
one hand a nil a huteher-,
tl;e otlicr, he c
from which the i:oi-e was c
ie w is iv.v.v about 10 feet f .'
log ami discovered the rr.u-1 '.
fill thir.p his Kcs had ever t
it looked like a liUle hlac .
fur csukiied up an;l ;-v;t
His first tiioiiiiht was to s:.
lie t-roiight the gun to hibsli.'.i der,
hut liis heart failed him, le could
2iot slmot the lit'.!;: innoceiH thiiiL'.
Ifis r.cxt thought was to pick it up
and take it home, as it would
c ited i shipped in stork cars this fur."
-..'.l ot
0 hiJ
an to!
'Jlfhho not.
. r . ,",""' ' tr'.i:-t in I'rmidi
.,, c ,. -ii i - , I iea-1 'VJUl-l) or i.iv p.-ae hos.'
Ail Sauiewlli' Uy Was cai!ati to . .. , , !
IUr 11,,0-ui i th,. v:,.,. i. ,.,.. ' ' ' "-.i.e iu nusc my it'-.
hlment in the l.ei.ltl, of Am. H. V. Whii-j 11 : er " "' I'Uyer. ' and so the!
)c in j .,.-.... ,, i,., i,H,i :i ,,i,.-ii ,i,..,i i matter wai c-.'i. 1 h.-ard irom the'
t toward the lu: j uiitulJ nulltiri.i.ic Innn a ilnonie Uon-1 orilmrd just as I he trees were cov-! (.'OL' NTH Y (lKltS
;i.:;il' i cnmi ir.Oiiiiie. n ail ae..: id nr. ere : wun young pearlies, nul'
. ti.ej Kmu's New Ji.eoven ,'' wri-.i; l.ei ! a'Hit that ( set ill ami j
i,Uii.jliuU.ul. "It ei.ii.p.e'.e'y iiioi! t-or 1 1 J.js beR-tii to hum. Them n:;sr;T i
lfj...;ad alwcuiiHul.rli-.:! x.;....t (! .iiKli-1 a j,,, Ii f l;ll fr ,ix .,.),.. amj;
" iiocping .,., ..,ki :, ,i,,i ..,.,,, !
ir.!'n:TK5. . . . O-riil
fiiit 1'Oiik f-'orni
: f ler ui a sefeiu atlaci.
wasn't a i.caeh llmt v.nii't
I Coiiali.'' It iMMiiv.'lv curM C'.utflu, i , i i i , i i -
ic.'ii.i ....... .. . .." ' i.ak'.'d ami shriveled and (lri'".i ;in-
votl couldii't tell vi hat it Ha.
: C'oids. f.a .'i.-iiu'i'. Hin.iel.trH. fill
It, ,, ". , ,. . ., .., it
hiiu i.'iiii; iriiii;Kis. iinarano'e'.i noil i
,)0e iniii 1 M. 1'm.iI liotll;.- Iree
Ai.lllH.'ll &' Willlitrt's ih.i U'i.
While li. S. K.jvu au.1 J. W.
fiasey, ;i!iifral u-yen! an i tr.ivi-liiij; i
1 I he blA) trees didn't yii 1:1 Hive eat- j
J ahie peaches. Meeting the dcVi.ri;
I alon the last Week in Aui-.u-tli
I'm J 150(1 in
aero-?- the - log find stooped t-i pick
the dear little thing up in Ire -'.-as.
hut he had no more than 'oi.e.hed
the animal, when as he vj'-l the
biiyi, Lcuuon discovered that ' s -.roe
"Ieeping lieautics are temrs wiicn
This little innocent th;u : roved
to he about a lmrd-gr
h'.ar. and the' way the hear
over l'i was a friuht.
tJ I'rovid'
make a nice playleiiow for ''annie j passenger as.eio.s rcp.'.'-:t;vely lor i pocket,'
Hie .pups. He laid n; un i tne .n!iwa'.i.;ce, were oui upon uie:r es,' no Hh"viy
recent trip tli rouii th ; i'.ii'.lio " 't.oini: l'i trut
Northwest they saw some ,iutuii i another m:;.oi''
thimj. "Jim" t:a.'v teils wait j- " Mobhe no:, hut 1 think I'll
much enjoyment :i matter tiia- j trtint t t.ul tha'. if I uceopt 9H )a r
came under their vie.v while at cen:, of a jron.l thing un j tmst l
Victoria, B. (.'. To muo'.c 'mux this ' i'roi'i.ieiiee ahout 2 per cent I may i
(.hull; h'C'.iid hy rli.V, in-ek I'!
fnifi'lira 'kit-' month, i'liif iioldle linrns and
lillfillilO.I Wi'JvlvS livery lun.otiN. liatcit lea -i.m,h.
hiio.1 ar.'oi:u)iiidations.
If. -iriMiiU'r im v.'hen in Pr t."
P'il'V F',,fl-'l TTI '''''''i n! '' w" t'oarati!'- that vuor
and i WtrU ViliU j i, r--ni. - will r.n. . uj.jiri rin.-W
and ih'serw'..!.
is the f t-ory.
"There-is u man
he aide to buy me r. p:iir of ne';
Victori)i,''i hoois iitxt war.'" Detroit Free j
n cut) ; aata, vvno was tormeriy a new--;
v.Jkeu 'paper reporter, hut 1 am tiad to
imni &. CO UN KIT, PK.prio.tors.
fcioiise Ear.
Henry h. Jshattuck, of Si
fowii, v.ris cured of a stoinach iiouhlet . ..
.vi;h whicti lie bad been nilhe'.'il for .. .
liar-, hy .h-'ar boxo of CiiU ir : n'
Sti.iieieh aiid Liver Tali'.ets. He hail
::ivion-!y ti:l many other :.; e(lie
li tile.
up sc.heiii.'S to ura'.v a ;
Vv hut a Ttuolt Toils.
Ii thi;! n.irror of vans allow
low ceinpiesi iii
jsay ha rui.uined, and wenL into thej
j ciyar and news Htaild hu-dues-:. l!ej
'"-li'";.. i.,,,,.,...,.. ..,,,1 - I ,-,.t. - .,-,!
I 1.-. a j;unr.iii.i , uuw 11 nil i.. l.:ij.
'-iw.l ;oc;l ioi'i:, inoiM p it.;!!!- hiiu bli.U'.x
!on the l;m, if liver trnul.le: Iml
Ainx Ae'.v Jem I'n' rejjiil.i'e Iin-,
r, piiiiiy the IiIuikI, i;ive elear sldii,i
rot-v ci.ii.k.-i, rich e,.niiilex'Oii. ulv ,,,,,.,,.
,,.,1 -. m.l. of l-'.i-.ici-nij .i.i,..h wis tvav. Jte i.aa a mil i i.n ooarti - , ., .. .... . . i iiu.i.-i
.1 l!U .1 III! hide, OI pelnKl.lllS ll,..iu . l.,0 I.l AllilllKilll A'. Ullltk 8 - i III IT .
out in front, upon vine, he 1 , i -
chalked a fake telegram, purpor-i
to li if joint.
"While Mr. Kowe and I were ai
Victoria 'iV-1 took a areundi
his ivav. fie had a hnih tin hoard
Jit !i'li'r."'in &'il!ui'l, JVoprirtcrH,
a jam,. 'VT'tVS TTTTT 'SI
i'itriii:v!(.i,K. ti:tK(ii?f
relii i. i'oi sulehy all .'.'uirej:.-
As the t'nree Mism.s San,: and j ting to 12 a 'Special Wire Krou.j A sensation was fpiiin'ii'i. (5;.ker '
Mrs. Morrison oi Couse i reek ( Seattle.' it re-jci: I ('ily tlie olher day, hy liieaiioiiiiec-j
were leaving town to ruiuni homej " 'Tracy will lead the p:;r.nle ifm';.t oi the elopment of Mrs. ,!. .).
their team became frighten' and j the liik.-' Carnival proiei'ted hy the j tieutry with a hack drive ii.uned j
Mil away, throwing Mrs. .V.rrion J Waliinf!ton state ' tuiliiia. After J Wilson Heavor. Mr. (rmtry is an i
out of the hack find S'.'verel .' hruis-1 the paradn he will be given If3 1-J j old man in the dairy business. Hit.
I hours start and will he fiunished 1 wife h a young woman. It is the
vviih a grub Htake.' " I old story, i'he Ge:itry's had soni" I
i his shows that tiie t;na'iiani nrojM'ri-y on which mere was a
look upon the Tracey matter ju-i,
as the public, does on 'this side oi
the lino. :t ?ort of faree. Jour
ing her about the head and
hers, hut without breaks
liones, gays the Milton Eagi
horses continued their ma-.l
tip the Xicli-ii's canyon, where the v
were stopped about a mil.-. fro.ji
town by Miss May. who had chmb-
i-d out on the toii'ue of the v.annr. j
:iud ri:l;len in that jirec.ario'.ii poi
lion during the entire ch :-m;e,
Tiie wonder is that rhe w;. not
ihrowii U'idc.r the horse -tra'.iipied
a par.. No injur;
or hi
Ascounaea i.ue Kdicor.
fUlitur f.i. A. iirown.oi Beiiiiettuvillo,
! 0., waa once imiiiei.-ely suprisi d.
! "Throuiih lung HuH'erinx (rom l)ys
j i;ni:!" he writes, "my wife was
; ur"a!lv run down. Hhe hud no'trenMi
or vior mid uiillercil iireat ilistrefc!1
from her etomnch, hut she tried Klec- to the ii'tr;
Game Warden Qui why h;is just j trie Hitters which helped her at,
j Y'liv'Wf.lor,p ' uil 'lef ttii'g Jour kittles, she is
f.i.tirely well, eun eat Jinytliing. It:s
a Kninil toiiic, and iti tjentle laxative
ipiaiitiej lire splendid for torpid liv.-r."
Far ieelifre-iion, I. on o Ajipctite,
r. fii-r.el from il.
i.rk. 'v. here he attended a tn-'.
of the jane wardens of the. X
v. .' savp the Eveail.g T. i-.
i.i n;; ;
it hi
"iin. '
The title
was in her i
name. t;t! mat!.; iier liushaml
raise J 100 for ostensible purpose
of paying off the debt. Then she j
said she wanted If 50'.) more to buy j
a small farm near Walla Walla, j
At a great sacrifice this wa- also i
raised. This happend three weks i
ago. U now transpire-) that Mi";, j
Gentry took the $000 and met thej
hack driver in I'cu.lieton and from'
there they traveled toother. Their;
present whereabouts is unknown.!
The woman leaves besides her hti'j-!
band several small children, and:
the old man is heart-broken over!
the event. ;
.! '
1 1 -;
i f '. : -x.
k is
i x " -' t ,
! M
! I 111
j lliB
, Li
!! ?
'!t YI.WC a j.r. ,b. fv.-i
VV.'iiit Lvftfy'jfujy io t t'rv It.
Vie ic.v .vec.f'ii tho i'Vi'!e,';ive ri'ht
for iliiu vii'inity to take o.vhr f,,r ti.a
akiftg of tiie vast
Hi li.'ft
Vr O
rd oi
V -aid:
nonitive. eiiaranti.ed cor.-.'
"The Willie ( 6iis' teeth has ad-'.lt AdiuiiMjii 4 Wim.eU Ca,
iiii'eii VreuinuoUMV since ;p.s or-
.- i.
Stiiinuch Hiid Liver trouhlei it's aj
Only S'Jel i fr rj ,
phsie I. ii:iitibi'il;i)!i' I This ilfnularo in on wcrjr lion of the guiaiM !
hu.s become so popular, and Kmmac'.i .mil Liver Tablet, ty u LaiitivC BlCmO'Qui'jinC j
the ordhiiifr.
I t n h t'lll-.-. i.ii,- or
N'.'ltAl.'MS BRDS.,
V :i:i..(i:'(.i. V.'o h.o e. '
i..?iiyiif il.t'.i r.tif ! S
. '-.'-. liM'T;leS of (! ; r,
'''..i-'V:'' WtioJona Had wt
''''-;. '. ' ec'.-'yiti'ii! i u!)-,i . ri
i ',1-- jf'MHi c!. .'!., to (ull an-i
;V,2;. !;'.V " i,;:,p, (,t them, ',Vy l.'.
" Nt.:.v r 'i n p.vriT..
hy fsi'tlic l(-;;Hst JI..9 hi the co' j.;y( i in.
.'dsi!'..y c-f ri-.:,,.y e:'''.hjir. i if u :n i- yo,'i
aiwl?., mrx, f-'eoie'ir. e'n.i'i, (
oo. STKAi' i?fS. -.uaki? i; 't-rr,
of rlothea ,)oi.i Y'.i; to wv:.r, cciuiati;y
iaik'Vc.l, ri.'vfi-ct Miinfr, ili.-.l'Vi.tiy ntk,v
y-Uvm a'O no l.L'h".' b un y.i. i:r ,,,
Inicrior v7'"i;;. Ty gjr.i antsb uuoofuto ;il;act)-.'n
a:-i with t goo-j our unqur-io'liui ent2wnmct.
We aiwJI Ui jflud to Uv yi,u ttaii ami yu will U' ;-.u
'.icre rehii"d at,
cf'U-1 ul c.
! to remedy ivkt a cold lo e tti't i
rVbserji f i -i it'u' .iot:.:;:.'.i,
- -I"