Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 07, 1902, Image 1

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    'liy (J w
Ji 0 1D1 infill!! ii 6
vol vr.
m 31
Ujr Irrigation TVou'ct
" "
for Deschutes Valley.
Waymiro at tho Hoad.
Hew Company Will Be Oranulnwcl
to Tako Up W'rk of OreKon
I'l'iKatton Com puny.
Judito James A. WiiymcrT', of
... .. u I li ...
run rrawco, nun iu-iiuni muni
and C. C. Hutchinson, of
returned last evening fro,,, an in-
hpection of the Itesehutes Valley
will, n-feryiu lo its irrition ;
"V iU 0r:,8',n,un-i
I lull ..III. Ill 111 .1.1 lllll'lll.l .,l.l
' I "
the country on tin cat i!e of the
river Irom A-ney I'l.ii id to ihe
outliern honinlarvof Cnk Coun
ty, and away out into the '"divert" t
beyond i'rinevilk'. 'I hey examined
iti' for head woiku for irrigation
liti hei ulong the river, and made
. , ,
i rWonnoiManee of between 400, -
., . .
'KKI anj .r)(J0,()l)O WW of land that
ftould fail under the ditelum to he
eoiixlrudcd in pumuaiiee of the
jirujirt they have in mind. ,
Mr. lliiiehim.on in now pretident
nf the Oiiy.on Irrigation Company,
hii'h.hiiB made a thorough survey
of th" !)uebu;eseo.llllry. and which
applied laxt fur a contract
wnn uic nate inr (lie reclamation i
of about KiO.WH) Tlmt !
application was found to hB in
., .Uk-t with one from the l'ilo. '
p.,, i. ,. -lt i. t
I Mil l.- J 'C 1 IWJ 'IIIKIl V 'I Ml 1 1 ' 11 f !
eh A. M. l)rake is llie head.
To il rompanv for a ..-!
...... I a, .1 U- IU1.1 . I .1 I
tract to irrigate n-i.tKa) acres in tlui
i i. , i i . j
vicinity of ('.end. After a sbortl
ii.. .i . r . '
ilelay the Oregon IrrmatioU;
Company withdrew its application
and t other company got its con-
tract. Hut yet (Intro is a great
deal of land in the
Valley silsceptiblu of
' "
that nobody has applied for.!"1!"1 ""r " " , ""v ."e
Thi', it is understood, is what
Messrs. Wayuiire, Killin and Hut-
ihi nson
were exatniiiiu.
1.. l ..!
Wavmire last night said it was, w " "KKn "ul m"TOV, r lnt
the intclvlioii to urganixe a ,.w ,' gi"Hoo mtwh headway
company will, mud, larger capital; 1,,,or(! lkw,fJ'
tlu.ll the Ogon Irrigation Con.-, The fire coinp.ui.les.rvc
panv has, and to p.oceed with ro- or thwr w"rk uml,!r tho cir
clamaiinn work. . in .icenr.L, fumstam-es, having a long run to
with the Carey law. This new
company will suceed to all the
rights and property of tlio Oregon
lirijation Company,. and will take
up the work where the old corpora
tion now rests. This will give it
a great advantage in the waiter of!,Kmn from Alaska on n mnrder
time over any other company that ; '''""f ewnmitcd suicide in. tiie
can enter the field. j 10''t Towniend, .Wash., jail? last
"StiU,.a work of this magnitude ;?aruny niglit lV strangliat; liim
cannot be put through in a day," "If-wiMi a shoe string.
said Judge Waymfre, -iiiid 1 think
it will hu two years before our
niaiu ditc h will lie completed and
the land really opened to produc
live farming. But what a country
inaiwiu ne: n wur support ar
denser population thuu Wwrntlre
gon will. The soil is strong ami fri-
. i ... 1 1 i , i . i.
able,amlcaiibotilledatany8eason'''tcrtlieiriiiutlier,waseeii last week
. ' , . u ... . ,u , bHow-towii. Their wagon was loa.led
o, j,.,. muu-,v u..iv
,i.:.. 1....I.:.... : ..- l .i .. !
iiung tiii-iwiiiK i- niucr, aim wiiiii..
we put water on the land there will j
be hardly a. lim;t to its agriuul-!
tural possibilities. It is a ueaiiU-i
tul country,. too, with, an . equable
and invigorating climate mid in '
. . . . .
full view of the snow-cresU'd ranuett'on coiiiptiny, . six! they expect, to
in i.rn wi'ki uiu'(i. i ri'viini ii mm in
ii link, nil wnv uuirvi vuiuvj vl i
bat can he foiuui.. in., the Ciuwl
lllUli v
Wliut tla- capitalization of thoi
j new company will he, or just llie
extent of liinil that will he icclaim-
e("'y if' nr" ll(',"il' 1,1111 lll,ve ,,ot
I. ..... 1.,,!.. IV
will leave thiH morning lor t)!
wmtli, slopping over between trains
at Salem to ascertain precisely the
condition of the record of the pres
ent coiiintiiy anil application, 'J'Ih'H
1ii will go to California, iuii he ex
pect s to return it) two or three
week to pet-feet arrangements for
f ..iitfitir, II.., iiuw itiilf.i-tit. it.u lit till.
,, , .
lie has been extensively en
oiiL'eil in irrigation liroiccts in (,uli-i
,,,, at(:Hl wofk t,avil)g ,lt,,n
in the construction of a svstein nf!.n M.. r.
j,,,,,,, lich in Sunislaus !
county, itl,,.HHnJ.,i,,V.II-y. I
... .1
III) ha U I'Olllll etp construction !
. plant ready to bring to Oregon j
and set to work in the Deschutes i
Judge Wavmirc is tin Oregon
.pioneer. Ho spent bin early life.
berf. ttml wns Hflnolteil to tin lmr
. ,. ,, , . ,.
in ()re(oii. lie removed to Call"
. . 1um ,, ,
forma in IS.', and iiai Iiau an ae-
tiee earner there. Of late yearn
hiii activities have la-en ihiefly in
eonneetion with irrigation matteri',
' in their legal aspect and in pnn-ti-
eal construction and Aj.rMtioii,
and he if deemed well (tialitied for
I proswutiiiK that work in Oregon.
Hi-Hlilenvp lluiiicd.
"""I".V morning at 10:30, an
lr. o was turned i., which
,,,rim!'t H' le Companies out in
Hiunt nriHT. Sinuke whs iuiny;
frirtn the residence of W. R. McFar-
lrtr"'' ""1 ,H''"r" tl'" firc f""lm'
MMv lieu UIH I" II C IIIUZU II 1 1 OniKCIl
through the roof, but bv hard work
, , "
a part of tic house was saved, but
, 1 . ... . ..
a badly damaged condition.
' Tl. - : . I . . I
nn; '"PI""" ng-
fllill'Ml il) K kill IJIV VtULTC UiniMT
! I...:. . i m .. ,1 t.. . i
I"1 V '"'Cark, creeks, one and one-half
Mi- M :i r In i.t u-n.rja nwiv fv.iivi nni....t .....
. . . I
I .. i : i.) i... i
' leaineu wneiner in nuuse was- ,n
sured or not. ami the loss will not
i he known until thev return.
Koonii uniii inev reiuni. rry
the f!rerhutr when, they did get
there and got the water started,
they extinguished the flames in
short order..
Hip May, a Chiniamaii brought
Xiiietsen people from l.lalto, rtitiiri--sd
frimr fteiul Siunlny ami! left frr Ttie
Piilles Monday, to ti io- on timber
claims. '
a. negro arcmpanied-. by Ws wife,
who w.s white woniuo,. and their
three children who in onniplcxiu took
i h Um,.lM fnrilinure an,l tbey
... J
wer limiting a plaee 61 OUHU I hem a
). JL Pringlc, last week sold the
!-. l;ar hi. name on the Cpperj
luijn miiuh ri iii.iuu .iriinuiii u vm iro
u tUmM'n of m ,-1
mire t' t the hesd-of the new. irriga-
Ivt-giii active work on their ilitcrii in a
wort Hum
5UJiscr.ibe.ftin th. Ja niguu..
Items of TutoreKt Gath
ered Here and There
Some Stolen, Others Hot
CulUnfrs- From Our ExobaaKee
Newe Notea of tbo Week
Timely Topics
'I'll following io from Cleveland,
(i- dr..,!,,,. L,rn.Uii .f Uuti.m
L" ri(U, j.,awiW '
Cowley loduv drew a revolver and
fired 0 bulM thro,,;!, h; brain
l- n.Miilt...l in l.iu di.ulli
aflerward. Mies CowleyV refusal
to marry bint was the cans.
The option which M. J. Kinney
took a few weeks ago on a large
block of property reuchirjj inland
from Coos Bay was taken tip Hatur
day, and Mr. Kinney made bin
first payment.. The psopcrty in
cludi-s V)7,0(KJ a.W of timber land
and most of the pl'aUed town of
Empire City, inchulirt t!.a big.1
... :n it . . t .. n .1 . . . . I
eil for a time lv KIij;i!i Hmtii. 11 :
is owned by th Southern Oregon.
Company, of wherb Prosper Smith,
brother of Elijah. is the head. his
home being in Hostn.. No official'
annnuneeaii nt of the price lo he
paid has been made, hut is laid to
be the round figure of $C00;C30.
It is ahu said thnt: this d'-ul is
favorable lo the success of. the
Oreat Central. Uuilroi l
... 1 , I ,
James UoMian-fias !,:! nc
,,, i . . i ,1 . 1
of the richest strikes tint luis ever
, , . ,, , ,
been made in Malheur nod UW
eoun lies, reports the Ontario Argus.
Last week while prospecting on
lbs (livid- iwtween Shasta and
miles noitli of Malheur
encomvtered a vein of ore four feet
wide which was just literally full
el gold. Ihe ore will run several
thousand dollars per ton.. ir.
Worsliuii. has gone down, ten or j
twelve 'feet on vein, and., if im- j
proving with (U'ptil. If is suppos
ed to he the famous Lo-t Nugget
vein, for which old prospectors
have been looking for years. The
vein, joins that of the Malheur
Mining Company, on which they
have a vein of very rich ore and
are working at present.
Frank Ingram, the prisoner who
was shot bv David Merrill at the
time of the outbreak at the Pen-i
sawm.i. mat was .. air, .pw""jwv at &VlK-k Thurs.lav worn-
iteiitiury, left the prison hospital j The. outlaw announced that Iret,4fe pJakiiy md'in'his-satiw.
Saturday. His left leg was amput-1 would stay all day and that he'lautit'jjs-iirtimate friend.-i r.W
ated above the knee, and he walks1 would not harm. thum, if they) didj inking down umlerr i)u.n-swerf
on crutches.' As he is unable to1 not not do any-.fuiittvWiiutw. .He to which. -fa bher.. sul- -
make a living at present bv work-1 ate two meals at thu'mnch. . Tracy j rWi ,n - - nw
, . ' .. ' , ... ; known aay.w;e!.l.cM.KSr;4;tl
ing, ho is ralh.ei; off a splendid , inquired ahwut ttie bunk at Weuat 1 wil! .jewvl 'Ks4xt- Hts-seiilxl or--set
of steel hearth utensils made, chee and-.waited Cue ot the me.n j c,fer.-i-equir'hi(imV' tv ttit. -by
him while confined in the ton-1 to help liiijob it, hut the huserj-Af'i.picaHi Gcntnii hi V.VsR'jrgwrt.-,
itentiary. When his mean will I begged, oK.: The outlaw, dmwed-'1 ' 'keiy.tWst iiV- iwU. lJsc
"i...:if i .. ..; i.i.. v..i...i t i...i i .... i tiuiu ,iB.dnrrmr rtsi'
,.'ciiiiii. iir n in j.uiuiin.-u uu n 1 1 1 11-
cial limb and engne in some use
ful occnp tio i. l)ur:r5.his lOyw ri'
. .. ' r,.,.tm uJ
,Dl tt" ftr' tlft leuanxk,
the bkeksmith's trade, hut the-loiwJ
of his limb will probably prevent
him from eontiiiuing in that wwk...
Inarauk mannled with; MerriU
. .. s. . , i
fii-in.r nl ,i .trill nrn'ir.1 ' ir, j.
bullet, Wssed shrough , his kue. ; refused -ere - in. tke, n.hU fcto,Ji(Jt
His heroic act leoU his irdombyj Tracy harnulC.liaV vicbiw "n,:l,, hwyiyA,M WMmtl!wtly
the .Governor vmA . won . him . thi-.j-until tlayliyilThnrsKiiy uHwuig-.-: Kl,ititsi fiewXiiiwM m-.
9yipathy- of ' the -pfopla. . Heviar; Hc-tlitui laroused-Uhr.- fwryman... ' ita'wc.v
rvouiving. teinjiiirttry,. nid inJ53uaCAStait CMMing.thit. ttvcc.sW.-ttiiJji . ' , i.ttinit-r-n jy '
from people- wlw are charitably
Ww Martha Wi Icon of Htayton,
a school teachor and a pretty, girl,
tnomiud David. I!.. Hmilh, the town-!
druggict, for breach-of promiHft,
and demands $6750, and i attract-
in " grtat dil of attention, owing I
to- tho- wide acquaintance at.d
MaiMling of the parties. Mint
Wilson ailis that she becamo
enajrefl to- the gay drupgist tint
vinter, and that the course ran
smooth until July Gth'vwhen the
lover informed her that he would
not wed her. Mis Vilsjn claims!
C.,000 general damage, $2.'0 dama
ges orvawount ot los of employ
inent by reason of lier failure, at
this instance, to make a new e-n-tract-for
teaching, and ItfiO damage
on account of mental and physical
j suffering for- which a phyi-ican,8
services will be ryrpmed.
Tri;, j Kei-n ulli.
Harry Tracy, the fugitive des
peradn, is now in Eastern Wash'g
ton. CnwMUndsd, in gijod health,
uMiied with fourtsjiu and i.lentv
c, a,nn.nnit:an.Jovu.ioiiMl teP'e
dayt.,. and equipped with 'two
iMum, Tracy crossed theolmbia
if and is now supposed, tc t
haded towiial tha Idaho Hue.
TfcK'y declared tliat he w:uits to
MA np a haBk or rob an. express
car. He says that be has promised
to give tho- sum of $5000, within
am year, to.the parties who helped
him sserue from the Oregon, Peni
tcntary. ile is making his w;ir,r to
the "Hole-in the Wall" in Wyom
ing, When thire- he declares he
will be a. "thief Miionir thieves,"
and will lie safe.
Tracy spent Wednesday, at t!W
ranch of W, A. Sanders, si miles
below Wenatehee, on the the- Co'l
lumbia river. He crossed the Co
lumbia Thursday morning at' 5
o'clock, at a ferry.18 miles below
WenateKeec The re,v,n the out-
law was not reported sooner b-wJ
Saade waa- XhuV lis.- tirentened
that if he got , into arrv trouble he
WOuld return and "get even", with
the who reported on him. if
that was the last thing he did on
About W s'efock Wednesday
morning a rider leading one pack
horse approuched the ranch of, V-.'.
A. Sanders, six miles from Wenat
ehee. He said: "Do you know, who
I am?"
Sanders replied No."'
"I am Hurry Tracy, the escaped
iiii. iir.w iitvii w v.TMutr4tj4ii .lie
clared. he Juul guiaud : 15 or. . 20 v' Jtottce. .
pounds simxv eseapjug. fm , tJwj-'io iny-mwiy rleitil ail t
peiiiteniaiy. . He dift nftiv-, iknk
haviDyxchaiJMed bis - two- liovse oBes. . At Jl.p; rai. hey
annearmVat, tho. ferry, aboa lj;lno!iliiiii--mmib1K-iw.te
miluslluw .Wtniatche il waatr
, Wffl .i,nr4.,ml.ia. . H.,..1!ia.'
- - -
nnf tptl l.t l niLi.u.. Ti ii-vviq:u
he bad no money aptl conldi
not pay for th ferry. Ho rode-
away n.tlwen wen. since.,
Two or thr,:0 mM are re-'
l,)"rte'J to'hw starto.1- out fronr
'Knd t"" to-?eet him,
at- Sander's house, Tracy
" lwl- in black coat and shirt,.
blue overalls, miner's shoe- and
slouch hat.. He carried extra am
munition in a hag.
SXx: Buancisco,. Aug. 1-. Stand
ing on the bridge- of the transport
Thomas, eagerly waiting with the -ship's-eaptiiin
for a giimpso of his
native uliore, General JUcob- H.
Smith, tried by court-martial for'
bncine ordered the Island of Samar '
tl-ansi'onifyrriiito'a Bowling wilder
ness, was doomed Eraky morning;
to first learn that' the- President,
bad-retired, him from active duty..
The pilot boatwliioh met the Til jm
asjustoutHde tho Hoted at 'Zo'olock:
this morning; broughv to' GerrcraK"
Smitb-tha firsi. nevs of tJie Pres-iik-nt's
actioir. In; tiic- faint light
of a binnacle lamp, the-veterans ;
read, the ieasage that, apprised:
An hour later .the davm carrre ,
and' witb'it: tiro-sight of. land, bat.
(ienreral Smirti: luwl retired- to his
cabin, where; with, his- wife -and
chiof aid, Lieutenant G. II. Shields ...
'A tlie-TAvetftli. Infantry,. dis--cflsed
the- outcome ol th irmf i
ordeal through which-li4ins pass
ed. Six., huerv liter,, w tin
Thoiii.i-s- waclie'ii the- q jra .itir -station
in tli- baihor,. jt. Du
vhI; of the tra.-sport ser viee,- hoard
ed tlie ship,,wi!h.his secretary ant; i
met but si General Smith and-Lieu-tenant
Shields at the oitbc
General's cabin.'.
A-. seeli' d'ocument fr'olri thV-AViir-oVparrment
was handed-1
General Smith. It. vWirtaiired-' the -ollicial
notiteutlon of Preadeott
Rooevi?li!i action, and, uporyead
irrg It, General SmitrriiireiJ.w-r--
come witli einiitir.fK.. f wa not -
again sevm. until 'the - UmsteiKStMps ;
customs tender. tl. 7Ii.rtV..
was reaxly to take.tKe. Ctermia.1 smi!
his I'arty .ashciw. H tIiVir.deiviei;
himself: to all int,crv;iwj ,. M-
wera wet.' by Lieutwii'.if SWffius .
Tl Mtbtiv wi'b.his vri'ju and aides..
GeneraT Smith": pnk'eM&Ti tO the
Occidental Hotel.-. Tepairintj; l?iet.t
at oce ten At-mr hndrifartB.- ii. t
the-iViisIur. -. 3uiU5iajr,. whew in
I rvmaMinu u-uriRf uve'inoi iKi:.
. it..- .i
Grtrt!ial.'STiiith,..v.,l!t.- i- twirirvg;
civiifiaH -attire, a pnears esreei'UfiK
IWM'fJI. .IT. Hiia., ,T-f., : ..-...
I sBinniinlful ! yenr nKsntani urn' I
i pnH4r,ii'.Vrtln;);-tlis-;By-,i-i-wlii)s -
- biinej-fei.-t-Jiierflir. I fcikud-H
P" a't-?. 'miUfw.r.m -
..use. -.
I afU-"-AK;?ast 'fiiip