Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 31, 1902, Image 7

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    Tin 'Kvitliiilimura Heamlnl. Thursday Written arithmetic., theory
I inn undertaking tu give, you a of tunuliiiiK. griiuiiiiui', hcIiod) law.
truis Ktury junt art il wuk related to ! Friday Geography, mental arithmn
liiu liy niv drollier. Ho fraccd out tic, physiology, civil government
lh Kr..wili of h litml van. on )ii! ' Vrim,trf ''",""",",
friend Hmilli, anl give the fnl low-, tt'cdndy-l'cu,aii.di,p,
ing account of iU development.
It Sei'lllH tllnl MlH. JollCH Culled
on Mrs. Suiitli, mill foi ut her h 1 1 f-i
Wing villi n In iiiIik'Iki. Mrs Joiich!
culled on AiiH, liruwii in duu tunc,
on tlui Hiiiiin d si y i:nlli:i! on Mm.
iy, reading, in i tli i in-1 ir .
Thuimliiy Art of (Jucst inning, theory
of lunching, methods, physiology,
Wll.MAM Holtlll.l,
County Hchool Mupt. I
llliick mid related tlm (act that
Mm. Smith wan very Hick. Mm.
HI, ok trotted over to Mrs. (ireeii'H
and lil'oko lo tier the news (hut,; State ufOmjim, at tltt dim of tiimucM, ',
Mrs, Smith was very, very au k tuul'July Kith, iwit;
wiiHiiniii' low. In thu nun hi' of!
- :t.N l -
Itemrl nf tin t 'iiiulitinn uf Tlw Finl I
Niititiml Hank, in J'rjwmllf, in the !
thu iliwiiiiHion lictwiiun these two
lamas nml dUcnuata, ,. 1 III, 174.44 1
, Ovefilrufl", Mdiiruii Olul lllmi!llr.'J. 11.773. 1 M '
ful itiml,!,, I i,l',.u llu.." 1m i.t.r.m.l rt ' I '. H, JIimiiIk tii iimilrii L'ircillulinll. YiMt)W
""""I J "I-I--V- "'i 'rM,, IT, H. I,U
thmk that Mrn. Smith wuh ii mem-j hi,,(, Hwiuriiiin, ui .. i,Ti.ra
, . , , , r f f i'ltllluili ll'lUMf, luillitUMI Hlld
bur of tho Decree of Honor, and! hhhk r,mm
,c..rri.l 1.000 in knclicary cXjJ tW
tiflCllUl. Mrs. (irccll mil OVIT to! ''" Inmi Mtnic Ititnka ami llaiiknrn Wi.tfiMH (
. , ,, ... il i i I u Irinn approved rewr'e ateil. 4l,:ilfi.i;l
Mrs. Heeds una informed Ikt tlmt1 inou-usl iiinmim i..imi nn.74:
Mr,. Snnth wus very low m.,1 w..h fJZu.. m$
lint expected to liv Ulld that if ri:tlnnl ir currency, uluklr. j
' . . .' ml will '.l'
Hi e Hliollld Mr, Smith WOtlluj l,awm, Mhxv.i Hkkhivk i H.ixk, viz: t I7.MM
Ilial.uiiilrr Ritm .. V I9,.W.Wj
II. K certiticmlill furi)illilllrlKitrt( I
ilwlriniitlnn (uml Willi V. H.
Tn-aa'r ul circulalii,ti.
T..I.I .
l.i a m i.n i Mi
got f 1000 life, insurance. 'J'hia
precious pair nii'culntil on thu in
iluccini'iit Smilh hud (or 'nis-oniii
Inn wife fur tho inxiiruiicu. Mrn.
Ki'cd li'iiiiiiMii'd to hci) Mr. Stt-cl
,1 in giving her the current
I'VI'lllh, Huill ihllt MM. Smith WIlHl t n.llvlilnl imi;t, lim Mll
it'i m.' i..."
Nuiional llmik nt' iiuUtanilinK. fi.7VMio
I iHnilnnl. iiiii;ii I l.iT.'OO
.lirtu t)ir Nfttinn:il Hiinka .....
Hiidd.'iilv nick mid curried tKXlOj Iiiviinni iH.iu .ni,j.ct u
I llpiiii.ud cniticitei. of il.-Kwil .... I.ljh.10
ho low thut the iloc.torH )i:id (,'ivcn
her iiii, that hhu liud liccn tnkcn
iilHiiranri) unit Boiiic miid thut Smilh
had oinon('d her (or thu iiiHuruiii c
and ought to he nrrrntcl. Soon
after Mr. Steel left, Mr. Ciihc
diopid in and Mr. Heed fiiid that
M re. Smith muh co low that hu
would nut live till inoriiinp, mid
Hull Smith wan HiiHiwled of pom
o ling her fur the iiiHiirance, and
w on to ho urreHted, In the morn
M ri. ( sie hiiw Mrn. l'ei k, mid naid
that miird timi) Mrn. Smilh could
not live till morning, and that
Smith had poiHinieil her for her
iiiKuranen, and that chi' wuh jiroh
ii lily dead and Smith had lu-cn ur-r-.'d.
Mrn. I'rck met MrH. (iruy,
and aiHiniiiX'ed to her, that MrH.
Smith had heeii poisoned to death
by her husband for her iiiHiiiancc,
and thai Smith had been arrested
and wan in jail, and shr, Mm l'cck,
1 wnnlcd to know if MrH. Gray knew
anything upotit the funeral.
Mr, Smith olwervt'd thut the
hulieii turned their iiosch up at
him, uh hu met them the next day
mid was at loss to know why and
started in v brother out to look into
rmitity f f !rKi(, )
I, T. M, IUi.iiwin, Ciwlilpr of the ilnr.
hhiiimI bank, dn wili-iiilv nwiitr tliat loir tA.
HliiUiiiciit in true tit the ln-wl uf hi v knuw
U.iK. mid U.-!iil. T. M. IIAI.DVVIS,
KitlMrrMfd hitil Nwnni Mi.n me thin l'2wl
day ul July, IIKS.
J. .1. KMITII,
(kiuuty (.'Mlf
W il l. Wi, )
'.. M. IIiuiwm. Ilinctorn.
II. K., )
Ur. II. Clark, tliedenlisl, will return
from hit KiiHiern tour uluiut Sept. 211
hii'1 will thru be found ul bin ollinc in
this city. J nl. I'll Ii
Infomatiori Wanted.
Any one kiiowmg the mldiif nf 1,.
II. Itiwe, will confer a fuvor on Ii
frieiulii by giving unine to M. K. i In w-
tlinrn, hiiyii, (lie , or Klkiim t King
I'riiuville, I'regnn.
First Class Painting.
If you iviint a nent, uml ai'tiFliu job
)( piiintiiig ilnne don't forget Hint
Unllur A l'liillipH arc tbeboys tlmt can
iln it, Abo wi ikt baneim: uml ciiiin-
the matter, and the foregoing in hinj ing, tine liniclunx nml pictorial work.
Tlieri! in iiolhing new about it.
It happen evury day. lint 1
liiougbt that some might wan', lo
know the exact method through
which hard yarn are evolved and
Ti hi Iiitk' lOmmliiKllnnn.
Notice in hort'by given tbnt the
county eniiorinle.ndc.nt ol Crook coun
ty will hold the regular examination
of applicants for alutciiud county pa
pers at rrinuvillo, us follows:
Kor Hinie l'upem.
Commencing Wednesday, AugnHt
13, at nine o'clock A. M., and ,contin;
uing until Huturduy AuguaC 10, at
four o'clock.
W'edniwday Penmnnahip, history,
apclling, algobis, rending, achool law.
Thursday Written iiritluuutic, theory
of teaching, grammar, book keeping,
physics, civil government.
Friday Physiology, geograpy, mental
arithmetic, composition, physical
Saturday Botany, plane geometry,
general history, English LiturUure,
Kor County Papers.
Commencing Widnesday, August
13, at nine o'clock A. M., and contin
uing until Friday August IT), at foui
Kii Ht, HriMind and Third (Jrude
Wednesday I'enmanship, history, or
thography, reading, .
All work guaranteed.
Stallions for Salo.
Three Siallions three years old and
up, for sale, or for trade in good horses
broke or . inibroke. These Huillions
are rcmhurnn and Clyde cross, nil
good breeders, Correspondence soli
cited, H. K. MO0KK,
Dnfur, Oregon.
1 mojul7 17
Fruit Farm for Sale.
I offer (or Bale my fruit farm of
100 acreH situated in the Cove on
the Deschutes river. There are
2000 trees of assorted varieties of
fruit nnd a ready market for nil of
tho product.
Culver, Oregon.
To All Whom It May Concern.
Notice is hereby given that my wifo,
Laura ell, has deserted and left me
and that 1 will not recognite nor be
responsible for any bills, debts or other
obligations which she may contract
after this notice.
V. H. Zki.i..
I'rineville, Oregon. July Kith 1901
Jul. 17, Ow
A Liberal Offer.
The undersigned will give a fiee
sample of Chamberlain' Stomach and
t : n-. i.i... .
liivtr iiioiuM to any one wanting ai
reliable remedy for disorders of the i
stomach, biliousness or constipation.
This is new remedy and a good one.
All Druggists. : i
i .., ;
1 ' '
1 iki is 1
Your supplies now while our big sale offers so many opportunities.
Don't wait too long as the time of this sale is limited; our,
Is complete and qualities the best. We keep a full line of staple ar
ticles, so don't think W9 cannot' supply you with what you want.
Prices sent on application.
L.AHH Oreit-K at Tlie Dalle. Ohuios,
July :W, l!lt
Nntiiv in hereliy iciveii thut tlm follnwiiiu
liAlHtfl M'ttler hss ftl-(l nnticv of bis int-jlti.!i
tu maU lin'tl primf in supiNirt uf his rUim
ni1 tlmt niii.l nmf will li miuie Is'fui'e J. .1,
Suiitli, ('i'i)htv Clfik. rft Priusville, Oiiiiii,
tin I' li.iity, S-.ttnitr ltrr, viit: KliuiOftli
JStf rturt uf HiiyHtiU-'k, Uifi(iin, H. K. .No.
IILH fur ill w It w '4 nvtili'in 1", n e J ne1.;
Hociiou 111 and 11 11 w W ifocoun '.M, tp l'J
r. We.. W. AI.
Shu DAiiu-s thtf follnwiim u'itu-wwN In pnivc
hr coiitintiiius riniilviico upmi iiiil culti.utiuii
uf imid IhiiJ. viz:
Wurrni llntwn. aihl K. It. HiKfaoii uf Frine
vllle, ( J. . Himil, uf Hnvstaule, Ore
tfun, and C. K. Smith, of 1 jimuiiiu, On-yon.
jllll JAY P. LVCAS. Itinniei.'
Land Oftiue at The Pallt. I Ire-un,
July I'M
Notice U heieby given that th following
named aultler haii filed notice uf hir intention
In make bnal proof in miiiport of hia claim,
and that said proof will Iw made Imlora
,1. J. Smith, County Clfik at Prinoville, Ore
Kun, on Friday, Seiteinlier, .1, I'M, xii:
(ieurye II. Loucks, of Culver, Oreon, H. E
No. 'XH for the k a w 'A und Liu 3 & 4.
ectioll 111. t 12 a., r. 13 e W. M.
ne nainea tne lollonniK witneMea to prove
his cuiitiuuoiui residence upon and cultivation
of said laud, viz:
J. P. liahn, William Killenlieck, Rolieit
Ostioru and lleurxe Killenhvck, alt of Culver,
JAI r. J.l CAS,
Jl.11 lU'KiMer.
"Now is the Appointed Time "
The O. R. & N. Co. has just iaautid a
hioidaniiiuly illustrated pamphlet entitled,
Oregon, WHshiiightun A Idaho and
their resources." People in the East
are anxious fur information about the
Pacific North West If you will give the
(I It. i'. N. Co. aijent at Miainko a lis'
of names uf eastern people aim ait- like
ly lo be interested, the booklet will be
mailed flee to such persona.
j 1
When you wake up with a hud tuste
in your mouth, go at once to any drug
store and get a free sample of Chamb
erlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
One or two doses will make you well.
They also cure biliousness, sick head
ache and constipation.
: Spring Announcement.
Lingerie A full line of White Skirts, Eight Gowns,
iniees and Drawers, also Ladies Summer Vest. Come and
see them. Price and quality will suit youi Also a nice line
of Shirt Waists.
For men we have the newest Silk Front Shirtst Pecai Front
Shirts, also Negligee Shirts of all descriptions, Summer un
derwear galore.
J. A. Boggs,
TimlxT Lands, Farm Lands.
JaUHl Scrip.
Complete pints of Crook rtmnty.
J. L HcCulloch,
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry.
Repairing a Specialty.
Prineville, : ; Oregon
H20 acre?. 75 acres in cultiva.
tion. 40 acres nf meadow. Alt
under fence. Hood house. Good
water. Call on or address tlm
Joi'kxal, I'rineville, Oregon. Price
1WX). a3nii!
This alrnatan la on every box of the ganulna
Laxative Bromo-Quioine Tabuu
tb remedy tlmt cam eM In vmm daf