.Creole County Journal.. FUCLK PAliKKIi, 1'Vtl.lsHKII NI J")IMUK.1XIIH. "W. T. T.vjuK Kioto 'W. H. l'AIIKKK, MaN.WKR CulUiTV Ol'l'lOUl, J'AI'KU. ihw Jouknai. is ciiti'reU at th (!,ttKo in Vi in, v ;He, Jrei:.. I'm tnuiMUtumoii thruiun tliu snusciurTioN r,vn-. dx Yrak. .Six. Months U'hiuih MnyiHs. . . . . i THURSDAY, .ULY 31.W02. The I'flice chair, easy i-kilr, liable aud .looking glass used by 'Charlis Dickens in the fditorial orlke of ''All the Year Round" were recently sold to a collector ior 125. MoTe irrigation canals have been constructed, and more money for irrigation jlans has been expended in tbe state of Louisana during the past two years man in any state in the arid region. A Poor MillioDore. Lately stnrved in LcMultin because Hie could not digest his food. Early use of Dr. Kiiin'8 New Life Pills would have -raws! bam. They stieiij-lhen the stomach, i:id digestion, promote assimi lation, improve appetite Price 2."c. iloney back if not satisfied. Sold by Adaiusou k Winnelc Co. The statesmen of this country liopi; that Senator Spooner will find nothing in the Wisconsin platform to which lie cannot as sent, for it is realized that his re tirenent from the Senate would mean a loss to tlie nation. While the democrats, iu Congress and out, are caviling at the Ship Subside hill, tle Candidates are offering large premiums for the establishment of a trans-Pacific steaniship line with which they liope to secure control of the irade of the Orient. The management and control of the Portland Evening Journal has passed into the hands of C. S.Jack son, editor and publisher of. the East Oregon ian. John E Lathrop, is the editor of the Journal and will continue to hold that position which he has been tilling ably since June 1st. She Didn't Wear a Mask. But her beauty was completely hid den by Bores, blotche aud pimples till she used Biielilen's Arnica Salve Then they vanished 8 will all Eruption, Fever Snren, Buils, 1,'lcers, Caihunclea and Ft Ion fcmit its in!. Infallible for Cute, Corn, RnniB, Scalds mid Piles. Cure guaiantetd. 25c. at Adunisoon & Wimwk Co. Senator PLitt, in a recent inter view, revealed the secret of his political success. Speaking for the benefit of young politicians he said, "Never give anyone the right to say that you have broken your word to him. He careful about makiug a promise, but when you have once passed your word stick to it though it may be to your own detriment " Hummer complaint in unusually prevalent uiiuaig children this s'jwiii. A well developed case in the writers family was cured lust week by the timely use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarhoea Remedy one of the best patent medicines manufact ured and which is always kept at the home of ye sreibe. This is not intend ed as a free puff for the company, who no oot aun-illr-e with us, but lor the benelit of little snll'eiers who may not lie within easy sccers of a physician. Xo family fhoulcl be without a bottle f this medicine in the lioue especial ly in milliner time. Lansing, Jown, Joiiriiht. For tale by all diuggists. J Waliingtcm is now more ilonse ilv DotuiliitoJ tlmn Oromm. li vintr . i , 7.7 ii'oilo ti OrejjiiuV 4.4 to the wiimn' mile. It is sonu'tinu'si fiiiil thsit ailvortisinc a st :i t o iticivuses 1 dip city f;tst" tlmn tin; niriil nHl- Itilion. Tin' comiiurativt tij.'Ures for Wusliintnn niul Oivgun hIiow that Washington's rural io)mli tion is i).7 to tho siiiare mill1, Ore gnu's 1.4. President Roosevelt stated, be fore he departed for Oyster liay, that he desired a complete rest and hoped to get it in his summer homi While he is "resting" he is receiv ing the more prominent men in political life, rendering the more important divisions in executive matters and preparing a large number of speeches to be delivered on his fall trip a -fair summer's work for the ordinary man. When Mr. Shaw became Secre tary of the treasury there was ah employe on (he rolls whose duties were so varied and multitudinous that he was regarded as indcspeti siblc, notwithstanding the fact that he went on frequent sprees. One day, Mr. Shaw inquired what would be done if "Mike" were dead and the reply was that they "sup posed they would have to get along." "Then consider him dead so far as this department is con cerned," said the Secretary. The Same uld dtory. J. A. Kelly relates an experience similar to that which has happened in almost every neighborhood in tin United States and has been told inn. le told by tlionsnnils of others. IK says: "Last summer I had en attack of dysentery and purchased a Isittle o. Cliambei Iain's Colic, Cholera am. Diarrhoea Remedy, which 1 iwd ac cording to directions and with entire ly satisfactory results. The troiihh was controlled much quicker than for mer attacks when I used other rem edies." Mr. Kelly is a well known citizen of Henderson, X. C. Fur sab by all druggists. Tongue for Henulor. The proposition to elect Congress man Tongue as U. S. Senator i meeting with growing favor There is no question but that In would make an ideal candidate. His popularity among the peoph is evidence by the phenoiiiona, vote he received at last election. He is equally popular among the politicians. No important part 0i the party would be made sore by his eleition. It would be u happv healing of many antagonisms that are now existing. The only pos sible objection will bii the one mentioned last week, viz: that Governor Chamberlain would ap point a democrat in his place. Rut that may not be a very serions objection. From appearencc the republican majority in the next house )f representatives will be as large as in the present. Forest Grove Times. The U. S. Civil Service Commis sion will hold examinations, during September and October, in several places in each state to secure young men and women for the govern ment service. There are now 126, 423 positions in the classified civil services, being an increase of 46, 736 in. six years. There were 7,972 persons appointed between July 1, 1901, and April 15, 1W2, being at the rate of 10,070 for the year. There will probably be 11,000 appointments next year. Salaries ADAMSON & WINNER CO. Incorporated 1899. Drugs, Stationery and House Furnishing Ckx ls. at appointment vary from $11(50 to $1,200 a pear with liberal promo tions afterward. All appointments are for life and for most positions only a common school education is roqurivd. Politics or religion is not considered. Those desii ing to take examinations of this kind can get full information about them five by writing to the Columbian Correspondence College, Washing ton, D. C, and asking for its Civil Service Catalogue for 11)02. It Dazzles thu World, Xo Dii-covery in medicine bus ever Oleiitid one quarter of the vxcileinei t that bus been called by Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption. severest tests have been on lioonli victims ol Consumption, l'ni'iinioiiiu, llemmornge, Pleurisy and Droncliitis, thoiiMiuds of nlicin it has reMoicd to perfect health, For Cough, Colds, AhiIidiii, Croup, Hay Fever, lloameness and Whooping Cough-it is the quick est, anient, cure in the world, ft i xoM by Adaii'son AM iimek Co.. w io gimitintec sutilnction or refund mo ney. Large butt lea Title, and $100 Trial botls flee. There has been some discussion as to whether the slate would up propiate sullicietit funds to reim burse the dslferetit counties for the amount duo on scalp warrants is sued under the law passed by the last legislature. There is little doubt that an appropriation suf ficient to cover the del c eney will he made even i! the law is repealed, as there are enough hold over members to cause such a measure to pass. The state could not well repudiate its obligations, even if there seems to be only a moral ob ligation pay. The father of the bill will te here to look after his offspring and we may be sure that he will not let the matter go by de fault. If the people of the state wish the law repealed, they should make their wants known, .peak up gentlemen or foreier alter hold your peace. At Kalama, Wash, the Darnel, Mining and Milling Company b excavating tiie ground for tin buildings for its 50-ton cyanidi plant. The building will be oNxM feel, built in steps so that no shov eling of the ore will hi requir ed. The plant will consist of a 40-horsc-power engine and boiler, a mammoth rockcrui-her and an ore mill, besides four cyanide tanb aud a dynamo for electric light? above aud b-.-low the ground. The mining output for the Po hemia district has been approxi mated as follows: Wj2, $11,000: 18!)4. $23,000; 1HD5, $24 50 ); IHW. $27,000; 1'J7, $45,1)00; lo'J-S, $50, 000; 109, $75,00; 19U0, $12,000; 1902, $200,000; total, $576,400. Most of this ore was treated b stamp mills and concentrating tables. The activity in the district has increased from year to year and tome vei y rich strikes have been made during the last 12 months. Conservative estimater place the value in the mines await ing the transportation facilities at over $5,000,000. The Boat Liniment for strains. Mr. K. H. Wells the meiehant at Deer Park, Long Island, X. Y., says: "I always recommend Chamberlain's Pain Balm as the best liniment for strains. I used it last winter for a severe lameness iu the side resulting from A strain, and was greatly pleased with the quick relief and cure it effect ed." For sale Uy all druggists. Our Summer of Ladies and Slippers. We are offering this week on our Barg ain Counter. 150 pairs Ladies Oxfords and Slippers at $1.00 These formerly sold at 82.00 and 2.50. These are irood values. Simpson & Wilson PRINBVILLE. OREGON. Kentucky Liquor House I fc.'.'--i-. I, I... . . . V. A .-.. ., .- ''lyri'-Y-'i ' VA V . i if,: ty$$M I i s Hop Gold. Sierra lA:-i I Jules Mum Champagne, Imported and J I Domestic Ales and Porters. I C. J. STUBLING, Wholesaler. ? Til K DAM.I-X OHKI.OV. ft BED FRONT BAZAAI5. SPEIITGr GOODS The latest fashions In Mena', Boys' and Children's HATS. We are headquarters for Fishing Tackle. A new line of GLOVES hits arrived which we arc i(ios. ing of rupiilly. Call and examine them, STRAW HATS. It is now the time of year for cool headweur. Our Straw Hats are just the thing, and we sell them cheap." RED FRONT BAZAAR N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs. Hvliublo Merchant. j. Jf. Xippman & Co. I Manufacturers ci Furniture AND DEAUiRS IX Fine (.'arpelR. Stoves, RanrrPS, q an( QIafjR) Lumber ami Jiuildiiig Material. Goods sold for' cash nd on the installment plan. I'RINKVILLK, : : . ORKtiOX. Clearance sale Oxfords It Kite fhr nrf lvr.ru 11 IIIU HIV kpi)l L,!tlJ ,,. t milt. I ft ft TKia a 't-.nl 0a l' , Cl, 14.'.. fi, "JUST" right. A j are tew ot our leaders are: 2 GREEN RIVER" "Harper", "Jesso Moore", Schlitz Beer, Gambrlnus., 2 Campo Sauterne. J' Undertaking Goods,