J. A. Newton of Mitchell wnt in town Monday. L. Allimrlmm made ft tup over to Sisters tlie latter part of lust week. R. W. Osborn wa over from the thriving eity of Mitchell the. first of the week. T. J. Hammer and wife, nml J. Walker and wife, of Portland e.re registered at one of the hotels in this eity. Holler A Phillips, the enterprising painters, finished painting C. M. El kins' house yesterday nl the build ing presents a decided improved ap pearance. The boys are first-class slingers of the brush. Km iik li'inm.y is fitting up the building next to the Reception milium and will open a tirst-olass restaurant the Inner part of this week. He has iiiade several changes in the building and it presents a very much improved appearance. After many attempts and lookirif; around over a lot of Rood timber, three of the Minnesota people, went, away without taking up a timber claim. The timber is about all gun in the west and those desiring claims should Hi Timber vrnlser'a sectional map for Kale at thin cflliH). n K. E. Jsimpson ieft on Monday's blag for u nip t 'he vinley. Dwelling houses in Prineville ale scarce. C. C. Hutchinson, of Bend,, was in the eity the first of the wek. Bet) ton Killin, n Portland attorney was in the eity the lirst of the week. Mrs. IMibs and daughtei, of Will VKek were in town Sunday. K. M. Duncan and wife, of Grat-s, Valley, returned fiom their trip to tiie mines lust week. Will Wtuxweiler left Saturday for Sinmiko, to attend to some business at that place. BOUN. On July 22nd, 1902 at Alkali Flat, to ihe wile of. Mr.. Mack Moss, a 12 pound boy. Sunday School every Sunday, at 2 p m., at Post School House on New tome cicek. Yince Circle, foruiely of this county, lint now of Dufur, and J. A, Waynine and son of the same place, are in the city on business. C. H. Ludberg and Dertha Johnson, oi Spokane proved up on their timber claims in this city betoie A. 0. Palmer on Monday. Mrs. Naomi Salomou has been ap pointed by the county court adminis tratrix of the estate of the late C. L. Salomon. J. C. Oliver has sold his interest in the Lakeviciv Hustler, to Chas. A. Filch, and the pajie will be run here after by tiie tii in of Mooie & Fitch. iiulpu Joruan was in town, auiiuny i i,mi..ei eVrr since hiuI will not from Beaver creek- He reports' bin-, iu)0tiler uip to the mimniams . - . i i.i . .. i .. ... .1 I ing to ue ill lint uiiiM'i mm a goou mupi olJ. ft H oe'"S e. Tl1H League Frank Stroud, of Haystack, was in the city Sunday. He says thai a good crop of hay is Oting put up in his sec tion of tlie county. Charles Slauborough, who has been visiting iriends and lehitives in Poit land for the past two weeks, returned Sunday. The brick, building; which, is being built for Adamson's drug stole is item ing completion.. It has been a lung t;me in building on. account of iiiii tsrial. being hard to get.. Chicken thieves stole, half, a. dozen fat chickens from Mrs. Porter, the gtl.4.' night. Mrs. Porter seen the tjiieves, two nieii, but could uot tell! who they were.. Members of the. Artisan lodgo will I'ti.d the receipt books with Mrs. J..VV. Jioone for t)ie present and all, desiring tp pay their dues, can pay them to her, s l't In urn ; h&w A vmn Serins the bizes White Oak Shoes. WALK OVERSHOES FOR MEN. rtl.K UVt! ' All ,5 'All XI 11 Widths These Allocs ate tnaije of the very best stock. The best is always the cheapest. Kvc-rv pair warranted. Special atten- a vail themselves of the opportunity at j t ion called to the hoys' unit youths unee shoes made of this leatiier Ora Poindexter returned Sunday, Wt tLTQ SOlC ag'ClltS fOJ 'from a fishing trip to Priugle falls. He says the lish i.rc nor so plentiful as tiny wed to he and he did not 1 av very good success. He also saw a line large hear and says be was within 50 yards of it and could of ei-s-ly killed it from camp, but bad no gun. His wife knowing his wciikncse would not let him take one lor fear he would U' hunting most of the time "d not catch any li-h.' Ora has lieen kicking ...1 i I Ml1 WURZWEILER tff 't U P." The Bill-well Shoe. rni'xcvllfil fur Mylo, durability nibl eotu fort. The best of everything used in '.he'eon H ruction of these shoes. Try it pa ir it ml yun will buy only The 1UI.T WI'LL S110I. 'iHAKKIi IJARKKI) WIRE. ik I MUlViSUN. G0RML1 TAILOR. . . TO Till' . . t'U.NSI'MKUS ineetin;; which was held at (Jlazj's hall Monil'iy night, for the purpose of seeing if tlin busi ness men were willing to have a fair and race meeting this f ill, did not do any. important business. Tiny were in favor of having, a fair and rate meeting sometime this- fail. They also vjded to have a series of base bull games at the same time. A loiniu t tee was iiiinoiuted. to cauva.-s the J j oivin it. , Charles L. Snlniiioii wa hum in (in.-wohl, Poiniiioni Co. (ierni.my. ' 'J.:l. V.hh. U'4-l.. lis miiik to Anieiii-a ' at about tl.a age of 31 yeals. IVgno woikin Illinois, and. froai there wnX j hither west, bavini; been, iti swei.il idiilurent northern slat"". He Iveame I a re-ident of Crook county, Oregon, BARBED WIRE . . Do You Knov WAUKEGAN Barbed Wire (', : r .!,,tw'-, .. . - V i''1 '.V Runs rrwe feet to ttta potin l than any oth.-r Burbcd Wirt on earth, is c.iiial in strength to tlte Mrummwr county and fee what the people were in PU!'- willing, to dy townrils assisting il.j He was married to Miss S.n.nii They then adjourned to meet again j Unity,. Sov. 13,. ti'Mi. Tlie ohh st next Monday night, Aug. 4;h.. Let child, a on, di'-d at the nge of si.t j SH,Ktti uv ,i m length, 4-point regular, 2H0 potimh everbodv turn out and help the cause t years. Ihuwite and lour Hiiughtei ; along, and make th meeting the J sin vive 1 most successful ever held in this county. Last Friday night while one of our citizens was enjoying a quint snooze in front of Champ Smith's resort, some of the, boys seeing him, thought it would be a good time to blow him out of existence, and proceeded to gtt Mr, I, VV. Witrd and daughter lorn, j large bomb, one that had been left desire to thank tlie people and friends over front the fouith of July. Stealing oi this vicinity for their kindnes, aid up on him they put it where it cotiiii a.ud. sympathy di.r,ug their time of , d0 the iuo.-t good, and then after . bereavement., lighting it made a sneak for .Mm.tieiger found a solid geld ring ! the alley and waited for the fun to in bis chicken an the other day. ! commence. When that bombe;pl ded The wife ' him, to tin i 1 1 ii his sudden and tragic death. The funeial wrviees were held dt !tha M. K Church, July 24, at 2 p. in. Hev. Kd Baker, of Arlingtou, assisted by thii pa.-tor omcnting. Many were the tributes of respect i paid to his memory. Not the least of I lnch was thatof .I.Oeign's, Mr.Salo- niim being t'.iu only, member besides ' himself, of the Sons of Hermann. Mr. (ieiger placed an mch on th briilgo over which the funeral passed and draped his building in mourning, in honor of his late lamented brother Lenefh to one pound, 2-mint regular, PI.85 feet; 4-poinb regular, 1S.2U feel ; 4-poiill. tegular, -10 pounds. Yum are not so much interested in the price )er pound as the actual cos, per rod or mile. Figure fur yourselves, then commit our nearest agent. This-will result in vour buving the WAUKEGAN. 'WAUECEGAN BARBED WIRE Mr. iieii;er Says if the owner, will, call :i,nd explain iiovv. it c;iie to he hi his ciop, he, caii.hi.iVe the ring.. Andrew Mor,-on: was over from Griz zly, Friday, to uttend.thp, fiuieral.ol C. 1(. Salvm.ou and inhumed our reporter ijiat.be had about a1! of. his hay. c rop the gentlemen must of been dreaming of capturing Tracey. He sa.led up in the air about ten leet anil when he got through. hunting for broken bones and found none he was- on tlie war path with. blood in his eye,, but the la ys had conuluded.it was time to go Louisa J. Yancey was horn in Nov ada, Oct. 4, 1807, and died from con gestion of the stomach and txiwel; and internal hemotrliag, July 22. about 1 p. in. In 18), with the family, the d. ceased cuine to Oregon, smf was mar tin and that it wasa.fairlv eood. yield. Hul"e wnw'e ll,H1 uw 'n" running rii.st,to isaac W. Maril, .Ian. otli, JhHi. I until. ' bridal '1 he trouble with Bert Bay. tie sup- oiis.l .1 il net ii ill mm r'.eret' v. mi Is ihiu' . , . , , r i 1 town half an hour later, the. marshal if. l iiuyii iti iy-igui! noiu.-(;vaoiv tor trial, is tiist.be is. charged, with muting. the wrong IVmiey, the-y reached. Crooked rivei daughter was Ikjiii to them, whom When they showed, up in j witit tiie husband, lather, mother, four WAUKEGAN CHIEF. i I HIT r HWT-T-- .7 'I "-- 1 - .SOLD ONLY I)Y Eikins & KSngf AUKNTH, l'UINLVILLK, OUKfjoN. ' arrest but tinned. him loose after he I promised to show, up in the morning. . . .. . I .. . .1 . I : . .1. .. 1 : I A,.er u .x ... oiueiM m tne umu- j ()ur gl.d allvll Mli cwM ott by p.K.,nu. without eveu liu frieudly , thv cmwll ,mrl h,sh olA.tM.lbel-W4re. fence to shelter , of tC jke refwel t(J prosecute him. !Uw.U.t!w.'. N i. - camp.iu. the' Wc udviw) lim t ,id ,, more ...Hvo..of Aibi.uy '1'uesday.monung,, seducell ril Ul whic,, to lul(e ftl)u). w., womkfnily.. f.irned. their.loUtei-j u lh,u ll)e ,Ullu wlip Uinutw :)l,,,-d,r.ve.-..oteA!Uices homeward.. I , lim0 m,,.f M. white's place Yfisry Poindexl.itf has, Uiiiu busy, the j thought lVacuy was in .to'vli mid al-jList.wi-i:k,jti,.ittiug.out some ca;-d i most broke, bis nick, io bunting a (M!ii .a,dveiti-)enieii,'s.of pictures a.ud'- plucii.oliafety., lid. H. who was also Iji'i.i'.ed iiutte, sUi,iu:iiig..th ilill'erenl ivjig n nap in . the saloon, was -.irw of luv line int'-l.biul'ling. They j v,,, v i,usy in finding iwafe place under sbo.gJ,d t.-4'.vaiid.lVi.ry.ii.jiie will HCilrJ table.. The buys. say. it was ivivts mejn iia.oied,an.d send. them, to j , n t,e i ,sk o sej ylng out two or il lliejit lr'.'.-J- in .th state, so . that t,1H. ,H).M ju jil to have seen the. e)i- peiylc -J:o ')e ot)m.:tig: Ui,.li. can ptvum of ouprise aod fri.'bi.thnj -i4vthe..c .niuvi ki..ow.. that I1'e.y will brothers and live sisters are living. Mrs. Ward was converted under Brother Bailey's ministry and Feb. 1(1, 181)5, united with the Prineville Baptist, Church, of which she was a consistent and faithful member till Imr death. II. i 11. ..IHMM'l.tHI .lW'.li .'.'I IH The following schedule of the de- J paiture of malls from tlie otlice M this place will be of interest to all our subscribers. Silver Luke, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8: a. m. Haystack, Monday, Wednesday, Fri- J duv, 9:45, or after the arrival of mail , from Shiiuiko. Mitchell,. Monday, j Wednesday, I'liday, 7 a. ilk. Hums, I Monday, Thursday,-A' a. in. t?itcn, J Meuihiv. Wednsdav. Fiidav. H a. ni. i ! I'ice, Monday Thnr-ilav, " a. io. ! ju .Smuiikw mat or hud on his (nets, be did look, us slmuiko arrives 9 !j u. Write for prices. We are the lowest. Wall. Paper Arithmetic. ADDITION: The new styles' of Wall Paper just ret'cived, alao the sum you add to your wiving by buying of tin. ijUIJTRACTIOX: The amount wc (trc deducting fromofher deulers priced MULTIPLICATION: The cuBtouier tells her friendu that nlie lum discovered the Economical jiluce to buy Wall Paper, her fiietidii become our cuetoniers. DIVISION: Our profitH are cut in two, that we may have more trade than before. Do you want Wall Paper on the profit-charing plan? D. P .ADAMSON'S Druj Store is the Place. ffii)J'.'SiWhp py iw- I if lu; liid,,feU.iM..a.,flAtv.brfv-l,. leave J 41. 'iu.