:H' ( ' r V) Crook Courty Joure 3 ?T5 tk mil TWELVE PAGES. Fill NEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, JULY 31, 1902., mm VOL. VI. LAND WITHDRAWN .Move Toward an Eastern Oregon Reserve. GOOO Square Milos. Land Officio Will rnreiiilly Exam ine the Trimtu But'ora the Prem dout TitJUM t'l-oolamatlon. Washington, July '2". Acting Secretary llyiiu today ordered tin temporary withdrawal from ..-ul inenl or entry ol all public Hum, 1 in tlm tract of ahollt IIOlKl square! miles in the Strawberry und Blue Mountain region of Liisierti (In- i (.'Hi, heretofore i. scribed, with a j view to it ultimate creation into .1 1 piece with the K-lTitiC rights n no forest re.-erve. The wil hdrawal vviil j lefts that have made him famous, remain in foree until the licsi It wax the draught horse and the dentV inoelaiiiatioii (m issued! 1 racer from the ta. of the gong. While withdrawn, there land-1 When the men came together, I'ilz w.ll finuily l.o examined by J s'u.iin.11 appeared rather worried, olheiaU of the laivl odiee lo det'T-! hut on the opening ol the first mine exae'lv what tracts sha I III- i 11 : included in the rt-erve, ami (4 li:H .l,ll li.i t-clm i-.l to l he M Jiil.e ! lioiiiain. Aheadv linisl of 'the! vallev lands that are su-ccptihh- ..! '..ill ! nr. I .h.wi.n.m Mil I III ' .......'.u.., , ,w. ti.,,1 ,.,.1,,,1,-d from the withdrawal. ion I,h l.uikv op,oncnt, ,.-U:,,g tnmi Mrs. K J. lv.viu.;, of Huh iududiug i.m.1 lands on wl.id. ! v in mi. h a eh-ver manner that I They were bound over n. s.t,!,,s ..rel,,, ,!,,!. Tl,o-e lan.Nlithi'.iught down 'the great house ! IK bonds lo await the actum 0. I .111;; south in' ih sir.!. wherry rair'- j with cheers. It seemed indeed that Kr,uul i"r.v which lire reeominend-d for nill,-1 Jeffei ies could tearcely weather! Avery large per cent of the ,!,aal l.yt'o.H.ikdoiie.- Ib-r.nanu lout the .-ale. ! grai,i in Sherman county is daur- an.i Siii'eritit. ndenl (rmshv are! J.-if.-r.-H-s stu-nt Friday nigh', j aged hy the present dry spell, says ,.1-otoU- ex.uniuel by she tie iM'ical urv.-v. hefore thev iinibalhs. He shows the .-fleet of the ilu luded in tin- rcferve. j terrible puiiishiiient administered j thickly sown spiing grain. It is liy the report upon whii-li IIi'h! t.itu in thi fijiht. ll.s face is cut J quite noii- able however, that early vast withdrawal was made, it is 1UHi bruised, his n se is broken, ' sown fall whftat that was pastured ccrtainth.it tins land is heavily un, both eyes are so swoll -n that I in the spring is pulling through al covered with timlier, principally 1 1, r!in M-arcely see. j right so far ' pine and lir, mueli of which isj Kit.-immons passed an iincom-j Constance Santer, the seven-veai-e .iiimereiiilly valiiahh.'. There are j f,-tabh- night and became delir-i ,i 0f Franklin Santer.a farm- ii.iiie smaller valleys affording ' good pasture laud, which may or may not be opened for gruzing after the reserve is created, tlra, ing. it is will, is the only in dustry, if any, that will be inter fered with hy reserring these lands. Contemplating the pro-iosed es- tablishiiic.nl of this reserve, a mini-1 her of settlers in Kastern Oregon , have liled vigorous protests with the department, while others have strongly indorsed the proposed step. The sheepmen generally are fearful that they will he handicup-m-d if a reserve U created, while the larmers, ami lliou .ooMug ior- ,.i 1 t .... ward to irragation development,! in boxing previously to the battle are heartily in favor of a more' e j, nly sore in the body. Filz adequate water storage and confer-J ,s nm u.t made definite phitis for vation. Peforc th'i final lilies 'f j (lie future. He will probably go the reserve are drawn all protests1 ,,n Un cxl'.ihition to ir en- route will be carefully examined. j home, having received oflVrs from "wT7. la IsiuhTh. i Portland, Seattle and other North- San Fiiam isco, July 2, After em and Kastern cities, lie will lighting ft Ivttlo of eight minds not again meet Jeff.iries, as he it that was fraught with brilliant and 1 satisfied it would be us. less as the courageou? work, Robert Fitzsim-'ehanipion is the better man and mons' tonight forfeited his last.1""''? ."I?".. (tlain. upon the heavy-weight wotioe. chaiiipioiiship. lie was- knocked j to the floor bv James Jeffcrics andi .. . ... ...... .... 1....I I....11..! : i..i ,i. l,,i,.i, flmt it ,,u' a foregone conclusion,, among the! spectators,, that the Combd".! mustwin. Rleedingfronia .ora. her of irashes in the face, apparent- ly wcaking, and clearly unable to cope with Fitxsiminoiis' superior; skill, Jcfferies delivered two lucky punches as Fitzsimmons paused in fightiiifi to speak, to Urn and turned the tiilc. Tint battle was brief hut note worthy, and will livu in pugliHtie history, FiUsimmoii sank down again in helplessness and heard iniiisclf counted out, where hut a moment before he had apparently all tlm better of it. "1 will never light ,':iiii," caul the batlle-scarrcd veteran of tl.i' r ; 1 1 , wlu-n he had HuMicicutly re covered to talk. "Tim fight was won fairly, and to the best man belong the laurels." "Voii'iu tin! .-iioft.htiigcrotis man alive," said Jeff, ricsin return," and 1 consoler mysi-n iin ny 10 o,ic. won when I did." MlMil.n.oin, nan neen nitnui.B : at a f mi i.imh gait, cool ami tienuer-1 ate, -mid ti, . .i n the champion l" : .1 1 1 ! ..f r'lWII'l lie ur-riiii.v-'i a 11 it ..... 1 lute confidence and fought with the 1 d. lihei atioli of I he uelieral that h is. A-i carl v as the second round I Kit.simmmons had Jefienu- bleed tilufllM'lv fl-.llll till' IllOtllh fl 11' ,, i,m 11 ti.! 11 1 -:i : 1 he ..n(l,.,l ' .1-,'V.nd Saturday in the' Jl.iii.lru.il us at .'! oVlo,k this morning fr"" pa 111 as a result of the knockout olt. The doctors state his coudi- tion is not serious, lie bears no! marks oi the contest. A story has been published' to (he effect that the fight was a fako, Kit, purposely pretending to he knocked out. The report is not tr. iu rally credited by the majority of those who saw the light, and is vigorously denied by all concerned. Kit.'s malinger, ball, stated this afternoon: "Fitz is wiihout ti scratch or a mark us x result tf Ihej fight. I lis bruised eve was re-1 . . . . . . ,... wv.u .luring training irom tTiuun To my many Friends ami Customer 1 um. mindful of your attention sn. r, , Hiniinr tl,o n..t vn.ir while in l.iisinee in l'rineville. I intend to eonlii.ue-in buiine nu.eh as in the P' Ht "ml hM t0 tm .. ' . , . ' .;... A11; wi llllllli9,(1 (()r ,iv llM(j mvsurnd family will observe the day MKV flou, biuiness cures, ' Naomi Siomon, AiuuuUnLjii., NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD Items of Interest Gath ered Here and There S jme Stolen, Others Not Culling From Our ExchanKea News Notes of the Week Timely Topics Charles lichen, of St. Johns, aged nine, was drowned in the Willamette river, just below St. .lohiis.'oti Thursday evening. The , , rw.ov,.n.(i Hl.i.rtU- after (;.t)1) w,,0 i,Hiu,l jt by lhl, uj, ( H J0k and line. Henry K. Do: eh has heel) elected director general of the Lew wand ( lark exposition to he held in Portland 111 Mb. Mr. Dosch ha had charge oi Oregon's exhibit at the P.ufiaio and Charleston expo sitions ami is well (iiialilied ior the ... , 1 j nii.i! ion lo winch he has heel ' liatnci- Clyde and Uoy Uaud'sy, of Sil- ' vi-riou, aii'l liarret r. ruriiy, 01 j ' Kingston, have heen arretted 011 ai charge of stealing $3)0 it. gold; j the Wasco .News. Iv-peeially is this true of late sown tall and ' t.-residing four miles south of The 1 il(St all tvo a nxuat ,niU,ner. He was playing in the or(,imrU linj rivt) &m tie branch .,( trw ,u)a branch nenetraUid the eye in a frightful manner, the injury being such that it became ncm-ssary to remove the eye. liert Heaton, alias Bert Ray,1 against whom an indictment was found by the grand jury charging him the murder of beuton Tracey in Junction, May 20, was landed in the county jail at Eugene Fri day by Sheriff Withers, who, after a ,,l ...iliimu Iniiil luivi ti'il ii ml , i""t iinvi IV.IIV.... U....V,,. ., - - ' last Friday. Has trial will be held at the next term of the district court, November 3. Over a fancied insult, which had as its starting point a dispute over the two girls, who are waitresses in a north Portland hotel; two men, named Frank Carlson und (ieorge Raid win, fought a duel wit h their bare fists Saturday night on Nicolai streel, near. Twenty-four) h and Carlson received a knockrout blow in the stomaeli from whioti Ue 1 1 instantly died.. Hahhvin. sin-ren- deied lillnsell to l Ji-iecuvo i'ay uuu Weiner, and is l.Kiked, up at the; j city jail, chared w.th.tnurder lie pleads self defend. ' -mor 0,-r has- .sued his annual proclamation warning t.-.e people against setting fires that niav spread to any tunUr, fenaw or crops. The law on the subjet t lhat-, the man wiu Tracey ami provides a fine of 120 to -$ 1000,-of j reward of .newly T0U0 ' is- trfirpxtl iu.risiaiua-.ut. from, thr.-i-. U. lfM.tltkJBVaJl",.deful e.lU..' months for malicious totting of a fire which shall destroy tlm build ing, crops, fences or timber of another. If the fire he net without malice, and yet destroy such prop erty, the person cutting the fire ii liai.le to aline of $10 to $100. Any person setting fire to and wooded country or forest owned hy the I'nited Htutea is liable to a fine of $1000, or imprisonment for one year, or hoth fine and imprison ment. In all cases one-half of the fine is to he paid to the person who first furnishes the information to the District Attorney. An interesting story is now in circulation at Eugene regarding the escape of liert Ray, alias Hcat- 011, the alleged murderer of Benton Tracey, of Junction City, who was recently arre.-U-d hy Sheriff Withers at Wells, Nevada. The story is that Ray had friend; who assisted him in making his escape, and that the man who was seen hy the hridgclcudcr shortly after theshoot- ing was not R.,v. It is also Saidrlu,J ' "I"11 "nueiny is thatRav was wounded. No one 'l.n'b- The sret of tho future was present to witness the shotting j " n'T bwn UU but wu U'l'eve' hntTraeev had his revolver and j tll:it WKr oradle nature bends had fiied several t-l.otsfr.mi it, anda"d an1 huu ""othe now it Fs reported one of tltweslmh ,U'ai1 111 ''"n- h'W liwouV woundedhisassilantithathemadei1-''11 S' Wh' '"' I 1 . I I . L . 1 1, , .1 .. 1 .... his way to the home of a friend, where hi- was harbored for eight days, then making bis escape dis guised as a woman. Because of charges filed hy Rep resentative Moody, the recent re appointment of V. If. Dufur of I Duf-.ir Or., to e Forest Supervisor of the north half of the Cascade reserve, has hern revoked by the Secretary of . the Interior. Dufur was reappointed on j-eccomnien- idation of Senator Mitchell iiud Representative Tongue, Represen tative Moody decliuing to indorse him. After the appointment was made, Moody protested to tlm President, charging Duftir with in competency and general unfitness for tht-oilire,. and supporting hi& charge wit!., statement from two I forest rangers.- Uu simultaneously reecon.mended'the appointment of M. P. Inherg, of Hood Rivcc, who is not satisiact.-fiy- to th- dvpart- nwnt, because he has had no for estry experience and is therefore ,-egarded as being unqualified for this important olliee. William Nixon, of the disorderly district of Seattle, tjiod to win. a I woman's affection- in the guise of ' . . ... , . iii 1 .ill iiu.- 1 r iii'iii- mill is nt'iir v- iti-atl. , rtij t hp ri-so it. 01 1 im looiiiainv acL. ,!u tolJ ,ul,.ic,,ess in a music halii I that he was none other than the j I famous desperado,, and tha-atoned j her lifo if she told; Ho made her buy him. drink and promise to supply hiw, with, money. Satur day night when he entered, the , (beater, he -was attacked: hy a j puliccmanj.and the proprietor, Joe Williams,, a brother of Deputy Sheriff! Jack Williams,, who wtu wounded in a battle with Trat-v at othll.July 3. H WfllOHluUd " into- insensibility, and ha not fullv. regained his fae-illio yet. Tho tnistaki was- discovered when , V . ' 1 1 Selde.-.!; E. W . JUrrK. JI.. E .Mil the man's feature were compared L (: f,,,.yivv.-W Hl V,lrk.,,( to tltose of, a phorogr.nph at in.Iicv K . t;. IWv.Un p, ami AVi. 0.. P.-iluwr.- headquarters. It: aliiMist a , oi.MitiJfc-sotta, ,and as in!ly niiracie that' tlu nolU-e- M rwt' thc were arrived. in thu-i.v Men- shoot' fir?t. a...d . mve,tigt a aJterrj j wank, he wa tol l-. pi.neJv i Ti-iliutc of 11 KrJi-iiil.. Once again the mystic ban been, riven hy angels hands, and anotlirr' soul has passed the pearly gates. Ixjuisa J. Yancey was horn in Nevada, October 4th 1867 and died in The Dalles,. July IH, 1002. In 18H7 she was married- tol. V. Ward. She was a member, of the Baptist church, of this plaoe since 1H!)5.. We are- again face to. face- with that mystery which shrouds the world, we question hut therein no. reply; in the marring; of life an other heart has ceased, to beat.. She- who now is clothed in- the peaco of death, was a. kind andi generous neighbor, a devote 1 wife and mother, and every home-Dim entered felt the influence of the! happy,, cheerful, disposition. Alii paths, whether lined with" thorns! or flowers, end at the grave... Character alone survive.. Love alone is immortal. The mystery of death we cannot comprehend . 1- ti it..: : . l"m " u, u l"r '""'- there seemed not oursunhoam lets . no deeper shadow,. yet life was un folding, its fa. already turning to' the oncoming night. Sht- loft a-, iu-ving home, but we kaow she has entered a far nior bright, and. beautitlil one where sh awai' th ' oomiiig ol hr Ciwds., May we aU-i-live so 11s to mest hut ub the 1 f ' beond, wlu-re theroare no-pwUngs,, no tears. She left a father, mother , tevwal s!trs and hrotlurs,.a-lov -ing lvusbautll andi daughter t. ' mourn her early departure. T. those hereft we extend our. hearli felt syuipathv.. a dill the -autumn lea:".. 'Npall. wintt-r's breath,. Kn fulls the ellild of uiau. Striken by tlex'ii, . Fattier, at. thy ooumJMt,'. Oiii-divnue to tbj mill, We yiehl our treusunrs up.., TrusiiiiK.T).! iSjll. When e'er tliy sileM privc Eves shadow erti-p, VviiA Meiuorv- crer wili. lUr.virgU ki-i-(i.. Thunder may iH-ut.nbun-,- Sturais o:er thwj-uwdly vf', Yot umli-tiirred wall b 'i'liy dauniU-is sluep.. Mas.- H. (i. Sruiti. Wurrweiler & TIhuiiswii u lawiw aaie-w BiuVw.dlv in fui.t..uf -tbeir tf W.. ():. Umiis,. ruprsnti!iK.-tl.u OreL-oma,i..who has- been. in. Uw Rlt-V ,or se erai uais, Wu ... . . 1 1 1.... ...r -1..,... , days-stage ior his home. in. i:.rt - hind'. Still people - continue to- nijl.t into this eountry from the casU after timU-r. claim while, lute- our people are afraid, to. take out for tiwr there -will le no market. lev it. There W. not' mi.ny olaiui Wft., and. you i't have, to.hurry.if. yoim net one... " U. .UiwtTll,.N:.E.lUott; "Di.V." ''J- I' lir-iiwiul , 1. D.IO !'. . i '" ... . , i i i , i p.... m: a li.ISViOiu,, n. i.:i:it.a-ii.---.v. . Kibl,-e-v..t.'..l'ie-i.JiOi.-.CIurk!. S. (i . Pe-terrttn,. W.. A.. RaJiuevc. U . 'lf'y-JJ " ' , ; oi .tKfc ekss-oJy li:lwr. aul. ww j willing to wnwe the.- Utitf- tU?y ,JoMe.itci.u.. .