Thdiiili'r MounliilnU Vk, 11 II. 8lfridg, a mining man ot Spokane, has just returned from mi mUmiJmI trip to Thunder Moun tain. In- n interview with a u..,.inun,iLii-Ri'vli'w ri'iiorUT tie "Altogether it to the biygont fuke that was ever sprung. It will he iirnxMHible to KM wills from the .... ii iii not crolil buurinu. and 1! it wan. the cost of getting ...m mill In would he more than .i, ,l..,lfl country is worth. The excitement was started by UiebuHi- mn of tlie towns througti which the trade would come and lliey are the only ones who will . rap any benefit from it, A man ...inu in can act no uhstaknd round, he can gut no work and if will atarve to n iisku n ----- death. 1 did not find a bona fide ' prosjiector in tho district who waa not disgusted with the reaulta gained." Too Beat Unlment for strain. .. ii u.ii. tlm meichant at nr. r. Park. Loua Island. N. ., says mi iwiomiiiend Chamlierlain'a ... ri.i-. tha hMit lliiliuent for rum - trains. I H'd it lut winter for a cvere UmanHsa in tlie aide suiting (nun a .train, and gr.tlv lit) (he quick relief and cure it efl'eot 1 ed." for sale by all druggiste. iiiti. ttii tint mt d Uke it to an; i.tand mt a free sample of ..i.-...!-.!-;..'. Htumach and Liver T.u.t. tli biut nlivnic. They cleanie and ttivignraio ih stomach, improve the apiietile and rHt the bowels. Jte.ular iie, S6 ota. per do am ui.. giats. Koreata f Crook lo-nty PrTtiy Well Take" l Arthur Pelrie, a oitircn of Tort land, who ha ijient several weeks t t). outhwiiurn part of Crook County this aummer, says the rush i.. imW lunda hue been unpre cedented and that the available U now all taken up VtHO-vl r- - - With a nartv of timber-claim p hunters, Mr. Petrie started from mi.nilin bv ttum in the latter part followed up the Des "a - , rhiitM Iliveraafuraa Bend and then entered the yellow pine fowls ,m the eastern border ol the w cadi Reserve. He found claim hunters everywhere, and cruisers were making money locating entry- i nillOOanicce. One man had ih manv aa 200 claims at this figure and so cleaned tip quite a good sum. Mon me in the wood from all direction nd aome old citiaena of . i ;.. rmmtv had come around by Portland and Shaniko in a body I altitude however, will prevent its becoming much of ft farming or fruit countrv. and agricultural cfforlB will have to be confined to tlieraininff of hav for live Block The elevation la between 3000 and 4000 feet and frosts are likely to occur at anytime of the year. Mr. i'ctre got hirn a choice claim before ho returned home, and besides he directed aome Eastern partita to unnd lunations Ho tin nan the runh ii now wettv well over. Eastern timber speculators are in the field to purchaae quarter which have been proved up on, and one man, a Mr. Blodgct, ol Grand Rapids, Mich., haa already secured aeveral thousand acres In a body. The land offices at The Dallea and, at Lakevlew are kept buay recording location In that reir on. and Uncle am coi- fers will loon be full to overflowing u a result of the sale ol these hitherto neglected foreste at 120 an acre. The country all along the line of travel baa been "sheeped off" by roaming bands, and bis party found it difficult to obtain grass nnueh to keep their horaea in food while in the woods. Telegram. Watthimrlon, The" indications are that bv next Spring tlie Secre litry of tli Interior will, through Die Oeological Survey, begin the construction of the first irrigation BYctem to be built undei the recent ly enacted law. Where the atari mill he made has not yet been de termined, but in all probability it will be a project ol modest propor tions. coBtinu $500,000 or $1 ,000.- 000, and one of which the success l rennonuhlv certain. The rjecre- tarv is now planning field exami nations, with a view to selecting those site which giva the promise of success, and from which earliest uiiirni may be had. lie believes in netting back into the irrigation fundaa rapidly aa posaibly all monev that is to be expended In constructing reservoirs and canal. It in vrv atmorent that neither the Milk River project in Montana nor the Gila River or Truckee Can yon projects in Arizona, is to be among the firat chosen, because of the enormous cost involved. More over, tho Secretary wants to know I mure about these projects from the money stanpoint before he orders thnir building. The numerous re- ..,.,, fillip systems will cost of anv post office, who desire hi mall deposited at a given point on the line of the route ny me car rier may provide and erect a suit able box or crane on the ruaosiue, i ,.,i tn .i.nli mariner as to be lUVUbBM l rcvtw.. reached as conveniently as practic able by the carrier without dis mounting from the vehicle or norse, and such person shall me witn vne nin.ii..f at hA nmt office to l7Vni.ll(nv' - i .. . J i J which to mail , is aiureBu (which shall I one of the two post offices on the route on either side of and next to the box or craned a reauest in writing for the j delivery of hi mail to the carrier for ilenoait at the designated point, t n, riulc f the addressee. The imall bag or eatchcl above describ ed, a well a the box or crane, must be provided by the prion tor whose use it ia Intenaea wiwwu exuense to tlw Department. r ... ... . It Hhall be the duty ot me pov master at every uch post office, nnon a written order from any per son living on or near the route, to deliver to the mail carrier lor mat route any mail matter placing in the respective satchels, wnere ucn are used, the mail for the persons to whom such aaU.hel belong with instructions as to the proper mail box or crane at which said mail matter ehall be deposited; but registered mail shall not be so de livered unless expressly requested tw th addressee in his written j - . .. ordnr. No mail matter so deliver .,1 ti, the carrier shall be carried nast another post office on the route : .... before being dcponled into a man box or bung on a crane or post. The carrier on the route win ne required to receive from any post master on the route any roan mat ter or private mail satchel that may be entrusted to blm outside of the usual mail bag, and shall carry nr.ti mail matter or private man satchel to and deposit it into the nrorier mail box or hang it on tne proper mail crane placed on the linn of the route for this purpose; such service by the carrier to be without charco to the addressee. Th mail carriers must be ol mod character and of sufficient in a ... , tclligem e to properly handle ano deposit the mail along the route, The Department does not pre scribe any particular design of box or satchel to be used lor tins ser vice, mil tne person yruvmu.8 either should see that it ia of such character to afford ample pro- is a Cornett & Blkins. We heve receWe.1 a large supply of 9few Buckeye 7fowers and Reapers. Steel Xing and Jtollingiworth hay rakes. Jackson forks, Blocks and Carriers. Which we will sell at reasonable Vates. Give u call before purchaing elswlwre. ... Send for catalogue. ' 1887 Haystack Stallions 1982 1 "4 ( .. , . . .1 ' ... ' .1 The Haystack Bunch will use two Stallions for ta -c of 1902. ; ' '. ' THE FRENCH COACH, A large, stylish black, and ! THE HACKNEY, hav. The abovt etalljon w3l A very uaimnuiuw V J , , be permitted to serve a few mares at $10.00 each, one,half down at end of season and 15.00 mure when the mare w known to be with foal n t Mares will be pastured at $1.00 pr montn. w m responsible for accidents. . Call at ranch or address. VI. ax Culver, Oregon. Fester & Lehmaa Proprietors. A Complete aud Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon, Lard, and Country Produce, Main st. m' 'Phone 31. v m . , , 1 Hotel Pwi. lives befora thev left for homo. ,i.e crrir can deposit the mail In decidinx to Win with small .ithout leaving his vehicle or horse, n.;iM th Diiiartnient has made L-J .. nnt where it will obstruct it possible to undertake the build- public travel. Uneouely, and to dietributa the LjUect mail from the boxes, work into lever&l siftiep. fto. wihnt there is no ooiecuon w ip . . i i . . ! - ... imin. . i if -. J r rt lnrirfAm time neiu oimruuuuB nmncioii n uuct menced there will be an available witi, y, making the schedule time sum of 16,000,000 to 18,000,000 lor The lw provides that every car carrying on the work. .!..!. in nrntwiritinfi to theiA..At:n tt mall If tKnrrt KVJ UtHI J ,...- I VOVVlutt w mmint of land reclaimed have inf k attached to the box, a key is somewhat alarmed him, and re- DOt to be held by the currier, as he i suited in his deciding on making expected to deposit the man haste slowly. This course, more- without the necessity of unlocking Kv niiinv Ll. l.. tu U m frann fihmild 1 ortlanu ana onniv - ovw, wm iwuhhuo"" -v ino ou. u "- . ..!,- ..n hitl was left ot tliu uvtrn SenatorH and Represnta-k,, , locatet! on the roadsida that ll aw " " - I t .t. Wtt nUir.' i. .. t. ikA., Inlt lr liftm.t I AAM 1anAaif uia mail crull)y nr in mo the gnd for0Bt8 o( lhe lnn of the Cascade taken up under their very nosea by people from distant states. These old Oregonians wore made the butt of but thev said they had no idea the timber lands of Linn -n.iM ever be worth any thing and now they, were resolved to get hold of what waa left in PntintV. Bhanlka, the terminus of . the rimht fiontheru. Mr Petrie aays, VVtHHINI- - ' :- iUMn ft result of the ol timber-claim hunters. Hntl. are all full and passengers from the south cannot even secure quarters by telegraph. . i J l,..n dtivWftVftrl I The ratl'oaa -v nd sUked at ar aa Bend, where a big town pctel to Logs can h floated down the Dea Chut to point near Bend, and .then taken by rail to market, iwtrMtloa and the logging n- ...... -in tln that country to tha front, after tb railroad has btan put through, ha thinks, and it will finally bocome a thickly fpuUta4jwtio-tO'So- C. K. McDowell, Prop. Mo Rvtinvntfd and Ke- urnished Throughout, imtrkan Plan. Bates $1, $1.50 and $2 per day. Accommodations are Unsnrpwoed .t R.imiil Roonii lor 111 IUT mj ' w,....,-.- Conimercial Travelers, Long Distance Telephone Station in the house. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, 1 ... K25--80 wren of deeded uimprod WW, for irriatln p.Tf. 0.Tu Vmt id .Tkt.. otter M-1; Thr, ude. - fenced with WW ire ieooe- Covered with chuneeU, Mnehnwh nd oLturini: iiiuipen. r'inert otrni in OHODtV MIJOIBHW wira. ." hie eitU. and Ut HttW Mm '",1 during winter. Adorw to Agency, rnncvu., vres' I FOR SALE A two ory ow,'u?K h md ooihntw in tlwdty rneviii. Thii P- operty 1 weU .itwted nd J uid u 01 .- thetowa. Prioe reeooU. I IK8ALK-Oneofthtbetliatedfw ! .v. i ,i..r helt iii tht Hquaw oral: 'eoMtry, e-Utiiig of 160 icrt 40 UgZZ, nd oth ardlwry tapro Beota. id Sd 'rV T"r "d " Tixiety of .mll fruiU. VM term of Sot tw liXr thU will .UuUly W worU than tht price ..w wked for the Allder priv.t. IrrigMb, dUca tht o with the propetty. Htar Boat Boa Deliver. Notice ia hereby liven to the publio that the contracts in effect Julyfl , 1902, lor ths pertormance 01 mail RPPvicA On the star routes in Territories herein VIA f th mall shall receive any mall natter nresented to him if projierly prepaid by stamps, and deliver the same for mailing at w next post office at which he ar- tint that no ieea shall De tllnwed him therefor. The box delivery abova describ- tha States and after named provide that, In ad-K Dy the contracts ef- dition to carrying tha mails w u f ti . ji i jgoj on n the star various post ofBoei, the carrier will I onte itll tat few eieeptfons) be required to dolivsr mall into a Jn nsss, Louisana, Texas, In- m itian larritorT, uaianuw", i satchels containing mail on Nebraska, 8outh DakoU, Montana, maw Via TeiltA alontl... I V 1f:in or posts that may b erected along tVi lim. ol the route, under the fol lowing regulUODB of W Dtparv nnt: Any person living on or near the Wvnminc. Colorado, New Mexico, Ariaona. Utah, Idaho, Washing ton. Oregon. Nevada, California. Alaaka and Hawaii. W. 8. "HALLENBERGER, Prineville-Sisters Stage Line.. HHIM BUgea leava Prinavilla lor Sisters and way points on Mondays, Wednesdays and HTridaya. Paeeeagers car ried at reasonable rates .... Office at Templeton A Son'a drug stora, Prineville, Ore. tosxs-r i ii i Around tbe Capital ... .l I r Anr aved W VUl rfTia TWJ fmtvm v ten wait l.W la booklet L"'S 2 ten pea tnd Ink phuU. rJutl tketehet -f WMhinjrwa We by .H far M. T.aui.1 for kl-iluartittle work tondea (Yrnr editor b !, MJKMKtT. PCBLISHlStt COMMKY. MM TWr4A New Vera, now HMI1. Ed Harbin desires to announce that ha ia prepared to do all kinaaof grind, ing in the latest approved Imi'.iion. Chilled plow liare grinding a speoiaU) . roote and not within the corporaU gnj Assistant PoatmaetarOan- ... . . enl .i limits ol any was of v erai PADM FOR 5ALE. 320 acres. 75 acres in eultiva. lion. 40 acres of meadow. All under lance. Good house. Good Can on or address m . as Kaward. I will giva IS reward for the safe delivery of my lour year eild Mack mar on Crooked river, three aiilt abovt Yancey bridge, branded JB on right stifle, and bar tour year old gelding branded JB on right ' stifle. . May 16. Mia. Lizua 8nrtn. tn.. J....1 .J Tw (T A. CI 1m ia Uhi wall ktwwa ia this aatry aa4 anvaraia. Ha.eta always W faaadat Water. Call On Or aauraaa m (nvaraiaa. nana i-y " " JoSAL.Prinevmt,Orwon. Prita tka M ata-4 , ik. F.m ,180n ,3n8 mii..i).h.