Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 24, 1902, Image 7

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    j. Additional Locals, f
Tim 0 H Uillway surveyors hnv
innviiil (nun llnUler ntiitiim tu Hunt,
brush springs, mill are now at work
imi the plniii near Willow criH-k biiMiii,
iimkiiiK tliu pornitit out iirvny,
K'mix IIuHiiii returned Friday (nun
.Wiwmid, whin hu (nut been surveying
timber liiml, null in now iMiKHKi'il in
surveying and locating in this part of
tln win illy
J. J. Vaudervort wim in town
TiH'Hiliiy mid roporlH botli Dick ami
Wither Vandervett hh having been
fick ilurinii tlic pant week, but
they urn now improving.
Henry Udell ws ilon n (loin ('mi.
linn Htnnliiy attending to hinduem
(nutters, He report hnyii.g will un
der wiiy up there und sheep lookout
Willi, There it liy (ollllllillinll to till!
minor of a lot of alnr Mux shot in
tlnit p.i ft of tlm county.
JiiiIku J, A Wiiyiniri', of Hun Finn-ciw-'i,
formerly a resident nf thin city,
iii'Moinpiiniinl liy his mm, arrived in tlio
i-ity yesterday, and today continued on
lo III I)i'lmti' coiintiy on u ttiii
w mul pleasure, trip.- I'ortliiml
- Journal,
Will Hardin arrived here Bnuduyi
evening (nun tlw Willamette valley,
It was ii'irtiil hern Unit Will
Uii ki'led somewhere in the ('anemic
inoniiliiinii mul thine were severul sud
luee among oni' young holy popu
lation, lint it ail turned out a canard
mul lii i here now m big as lite,
Km) Olaypiml, who will hn rentein
bciiil hy A huge number of people of
thin place, Iin lieeu appointed deputy
iinilor C. tuiiii White, sheiiirof Cmok
enmity . 1 J in m-y. Items If this thing
keep up there's no telling where it
hill i'ihI. k will lie 0. 8:iin lllm.'k mid
(', hum Hill no doubt, lint if they ever
ii-t to (J Hum Smith lhiy Mill liud out
liii'ir mistake.
Lint week Miss Irene Winnrk'ii
lolilil got ulit of its cage mul nliu was
Mfiy tliscoiisnlutu over tin' fuel thnt it
would not :etuiu, hut what wio. her
great stiprisu mul delight tlm next
moiiiii.h to l.i'ir it uymg to ): lt into
llin Iiiuim! tlnoiigli the transom.
Thin i ooi when: even r,u' hint knew
enough to h't well enough alone.
Wo Imvc been rmincsti'il by tlio
l it)' marshal to notify every one to
clean i, p thi'ir alleys. 'J'in-i-lnmlij
IlllVt! Ill'l'll llollC I'.lllilT ill tlio Kl'.l-
wili, but l'ltt!r liit limn ih'Vit and
tliu inailiiill nlioult! t'lil'oruu till
ordinuncin in tltinmUr of cIimiii-I
liiuw. Tlimi u t'O sunn; Imrn val'.lbt
tlnit would he improved inau'iiully
hy tiikiii" away u liulu of tlio Mir-
llllK lllilllllll'.
Kelly M. I'uiH'iui mid wifo umnu
uu'i' Iroin tint llimnoli nig littlu city ol
tirima Vulh'J', Sunday, mid nr looking
uroiiiiil over Ihla .coiinly liirlu:utiiig.
Tlicy mu old liniu fnuniln of tint
Jul KNAI. I'dllor mid o' couiutt pmd llna
olhci- it fintndly cull. Kelly is the
mono old hoy that " kncA' in honlh
urn Onyon und hmka liki) the hand of
tinio hud riwteil ligntly on li is htow
during the pint ten yeura.
Oluy HiiopBiin, diatriet neut for the
WHtliington Life Insurance Co., ol
New York, returned Inst week Iroin
nil extended bitrtineaa trip to Portland
und Willamette valley points and
reporu the outlook for buHinuiw in his
line iw very good. Mr, Simpson iu
huatler and Iiiih nhont nil the iiiftunii
ce hnainena coin I led in this county,
hesiilca a lot of it in udjoining coun
tlea. W. P. Kcndy now liolda it confiden
tial poaitiuit with the Morria & White
head linn of brokers und bunkers in
Portland. K. disputed in Tuesdays
Oregonian itnnouneen that tliu tirnt
hint just negotiated a live million dol
lar loan In the east. Mr. Keady it at
present engaged aa a right of way
inun in the various railroads that are
being promoted in northwestern Ore
gon. It is understood that his salary
is !f:l,(KM) ol more per milium. Cur
Vallis Timed.
The dental work of Dr.C. A. Oline in
too well known in' this country to need
Hiiy praiatt. He cull always be found at
the old stand, next. ih. or to Hie First
National flunk. (Jive liini a call.
Kd Oliver, nf Uaker City, has been
in thu v i iinty for several diiyn buy
ing np liiiHca, pri'siimahly foi the
British ivei'iiiiieiit which loot opened
the roi ininng station at New Orleans
for tminiiin horses fur the Hontli A fri
cun count i f The xovirnnieiit is to
furnlI h h.o;.es to restiatK the lloer
fiiriin ml liods that Kaatern Oii'iton
hnr the best that can be bad for
the pii. p"'it. This is a good thing for
this i'f the stale, as there is any
itiiinnot ol ii(ih horses to ho hud on
our i n.i'i and wit are only too glad to
get in! i I hem, as there will be more
gra-n .if- i iie stuck tlott is more vuln
ahle, nod iliey v 1 1 1 bring prices
than if "old to theeiinnery.
Oil ,loe!
W Kilo in Allmny lant week we
deciiii i it would lie the right thing
to iihuo a call ut tin) Herald olliee
wliii h wo did. . On entering wc
found ilu; "devil," Hie typiw mid reporlera nil hard at
work, v. Idle tliu editor was wearing
an iiii'ictiaily broad mnile, Tlii
we a iribttted ti) tlio faet that he
wit- it eling good over hia reeent
fleeiion to tlm ollice of slald print
er, mi. i pi obahly would have never
been any wiser had not a few iij'
hie d o nils dropped in just then.
One of I hem wanted to know when
tlie ' iiig event" wu coining off,
while another daid, "'I'lense accept
iiiv eoiigaltlliitions in advance,"
while another fluid. "I was ruther
sUuihed to hear the newt, hut
ra .her thought you'd come to it
sinner or later." These remark
coopled with a lot of hlltuhes that
ttim id do honor to any ever mien
on t he chei l;a oj a school girl, led
tin to believe there w:h "something
in the wind," hut an it ia discoun
emu fur one editor to j.dve any
thing away on another, we will re
fill. n from saying anything until
after tin) cards are out. Lebanon
KaMfi'it Oi'caon'H tJreninc.
Governor-elect Chamberlain, in
li is address nt the Gladstone
( Imutuuqua, on Lewis and
Day, niitl:
''LTntil I had made an eNti inled
journey ncrorS the ea.slern lmlf of
the slate, I had not realized the
vast resources anil great pu siliii
ilies of that region."
jlr. (.'Inimherlaill in these words
said what the majority of W. -stern
Oregon people would say were they
to nay witat is true. The people
of the Wiliametto Valley have not
yet realized the certainty of the
future that uwaits Eastern Oregon
and a part of Eastern Washington.
This is really a great region,
great in its present productiveness,
and great in what it promises.
Already, the grain that pours its
flood through Portland each year
adds ltniteiiiilly to the wealth of
the state, and forms a considerable
portion of the biad supply nf the
country, There are immense quan
tities of livestock annually sold to
the packers. There are trainloads
of fruit. There arc increasing
dairy products. There are mines.
There is lumber. There is every
thing that Oiegon anywhere lias or
Yet, us Mr. Chamberlain Paid,
the people here are accustomed to
look upon that aa given over to
sagebrush and jaekrubbits, inhabit
ed by cowboys uhd Indians, and
susceptible of development only by
the legerdemain of so;no one who
has not yet apiearcd to pronounce
his exorcism of evil spirits, and
conjuring of the good ones.
Without Eastern Oregon, Port
land would he eiully lacking in
business with which to grow and
become the great city it is destined
to he. Without Eastern Oregon,
Portland would not be a city of
100,000 people, with promises that;
it will become one of a half a mil
lian before many decades elapse, !
It iu demonstrative of the breadth '
of observation possescd by the
,.' ' .'-."LU-ll ff fit A
f. 'ariofCiTittHirbr
Your supplies now wMIq our big sale offers so inany opportunities.
Don't wait too long as the time of this sale is limited; our
Is complete and qualities the best. We keep a full line of staple ar-
tides, so don't think ws cannot supply you with what you want.
Prices sent on application.
to a relization
indicates that
that he has conir
of these facts. Il
he will broaden the
gs at Salem, and
ion to . range over
scope of thill;
permit his vis
territory larger
than that compris
lhniN of the Wil
- Portland Journal.
ed within the
laiuvtte Valley.
'Now is the Appointed Time"
Tlm 0. K. & N. Co. has just issued a
handsomely illuairutpd pamphlet eitiitled,
"Untunii, Wasliniiilitnn & Idaho and
i heir resources." IVipIs in the East
are nnxioua fur iiifiiru.ntion about the
Pucitie North West-II you will tliv the
( It. N. Co. nifeiit nl Minniko a list
of names of tmsturn peoplu who are like
ly to Iw interested, the booklet will he
mailed free tu such persons.
For all kinds of rough
and dressed lumber.
Kiln dried flooring
and rustic, goto
$.1 ltcwaid.
I will give $5 reward for the safe
delivery of my four year old black
mare tin Crooked river, three miles
above Yancey bridge, branded J li
on right stille, and bay four year
old gelding branded J 15 on right
Muv 10. Mas. Liz.ik Smith.
.T. fLr MJ iff JBM li'1 .J' J
T.s-'g' FmfegV
Spring Announcements.
Lingerie A full line of White Skirts, Sight Gowns, Che.
miees ajwl Drawers, also Ladies Summer Vest. Come ami
see them. Trice and quality will suit you. Also a nice line
of Shirt Waists.
For men we have the newest Silk Front Shirts, Pecai Front,
Shirts, also Negligee Shirts of all descriptions. Summer un
derwear galore.
Timber Lands, Farm Lands.
Land Scrip. '
Complete plats of Crook county.
J. L ricCulloch,
ItK.ll.KK IN
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry.
Repairing a Specialty.
Prineville, : : Oregon
- J face
320 acre. "5 acres in culiiva.
tion. -10 acres of meadow. All
under fence. Good houi-e. (imwl
water. Cull on or address the
.Iihrnai,, Prineville, Oregon." Pi ice
I Tbis si'imaturs is on every hoi of ths snotn
Laxative BromoQuinine Taweu
Ue muedj list nm a cold la one tlajr