Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 24, 1902, Image 6

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    Crook County Journal.
--""i-- - -
man PAUKKii,
Yi hi.ishnh l'minK-wiB,
J; J'' v,mm
Oki'xty OmctAL 1'apki!.
l ,h kn.u. i mt,T1 at Uwi iHii lii
IVhuvn1, Jivg.. fortiauHUi is tlirvmtfn tho
li. S.L..,iiltK tM,lll(i vJmnm uuttUT. 1
svb.nciuitu' hates,
Year.' tl'.Hi
'i'hkku Mmnths
THl'US DAY, JUA' 84. 1!H2.
i ...... ..f .1...
A rt:iirtr!;:ilil
5 ,
tjmntani ous expression of inlniir
suion ureiirvil last we'k when the
IVesideht's name was cheered at
the Missouri state democrats con -
Vl'",:, n- '
1'Ik' announcement that the!,
P1W.1.I Id ll.tll'IIWI trt tf.Mll-M t.:
, ., . . ', :.
legislation .which will permit of
, , .. . ' !
federal supervision of the trusts ,i
,, ' , . . .
lias r.ibbed the democrats of their
, . . , . !
hist campaign issue. Jt is not sur- j
' .
prison; unit liirv uvuiuiv iiib-i
.. . ' "
A Poor Millionarr.
Lately starved in Imli)ii liecause
lie eiiuld nut digest his fmiil. Early use
..Mir L'lii,,'. Xa I if.. I'.IL .,!,)
, i i ti . .i '.i '
hiivi Kiive,J Inni. 1 hev rttlPMirlnii l.he .
Intioii, iinpivve apociiie Price
Money iuie!i if nut satislieit. Sold
Aihonsuu Winuck Co.
Througli the efforts of the re
publican party, peace and civil
government have been established
in Cuba and the I'hilippineg. i
.1. i . .i
1 1 :
the American ousiness man toes-
.i.i: .u e..i.i .;..i ... !
l.liill?! M,'Ulili'ie tmimiriLiiu ir
lations with these Islands.
Sha Didn't Wear a Mask.
But her hetmty was completely bid
den hy iri?s. Iilotchen and pimplce till
she used Bucklen's Arnica Salve Then
they vanished will all KrHptions,
Fever Sores, Boils, t'leers, Ciirbuiicles
and Felons from its use. Infallible for
t'uts, Corns, Kiirns, Scitlds and Piles.
Cine gnaianteed. 2'c. ut Ailniiisoon &
Winnelt Co.
'Secretary Moody's determination
to force naval oflieers, who have
demonstrated their profieucy in
ball rooms, to endure the peril
and discomforts of ocean service
may seem heartless, but the Secre
tary's absorption of some of the
Presidcr t' sidmiration for "men
who do things'" will not lessen his
position in the estimation of the
people. ,
Hummer complaint is unusually
prevalent .among children this season.
A well developed case in the writers
family was cured last week by the
timely ne of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarhoea Remedy one ol
the best patent medicine manufact
ured and which is always kept at the
home of ye sreibe. This is not intend
ed as a free puff lor the company, who
do not advertise with lis, hut for the
benefit of little sufferer who may not
lie within easy access of a physician.
Xo family should be without a Kittle
of this medicine in the house especial
ly in summer time. Lansing, Iowa,
Journal. For cale by all di uggista.
In the Metropolis.
A letter to the editor from C. L.
Shattuck informs us that he has
served his time out in the pen and
asylum and is now on a visit to
his wife's peonle. Charlev iv riff
a very interesting letter and we
only wish we could print it all.j
He saw the place where Tracev
made bis wav over the wall and
numerous other places around the
state building'!. He was a week
doing 'he work for the state on the
water system.
Tin; convicts who work in the
;hIioh lu-u tlu-ir wMii ut ti:"5 in;
nd rt'iunin until 11:45, whfii tln-y
Mint-vt ly two mul nre timrchctl .
(0 tliuir coll wherv iliniHr in sn'rveil. '
utter which thcv are nmrr-liwl tn
the sbdps ami titny tlicrc until 5:f;i
when they re then put into the r
cells fur the ni(;ht. There are
lot of trusties and short time n hi
who are employed on the fii rm uiii i
in the laundry anil tables, !!"
most of whom are geting iluui i-
time, i
e, they get two days ered I
for every one t'ney ttctually serve.
Charley did not escape the in-
: evitalde experience with tire while
; in Portland. He said that un
. . .
j alarm of hie caused him to get up
rather suddenly and open the ilum-
to investigate, when he found ll,.
,w u ,)f
;,,,, ki)t,s ;, filslli,milMe w
clothes, but otherwise the lire did
inouamage. lie reports a gm d
- .. . , ,
; time on the excursion down il
nim; on iiiu lAiuimiin now ll 1 1,(
river on the Uinviist (jueen vti;h
,. i i n ir , ,
the Workmen and I), of If. lodg s.
,, . . .. , . ,
lie sends regards to all friends
... , ,, . , .
and savs that Portland is no pl.ii e
, T , . ,
Ui hud worn at present. Plenty ol
, , . . . , . . .
J woric, but a dozen waning for ue, i
I job if they can get it away fii iu
Hay Clock HajijiciilnaM.
Although the weather is virvi
warm, the farmers are
vcrv l)i;sv
n"lki,1K hay in this section.
Mr. J tl. .McCoy, of Pine crick.
accompanied by his daughter 7a-'..,
pas.-cd through Hay creek, Sail r
day, on their way to thu Agency,
for the benefit of the warm .-pnus
at that place. They expect to re
main there a couple of weeks.
Mrs H. M. I .a in' nf SluniU I-
' "
visiting at .Mr. Pa rnsh s.
1 he crowd that went to the
ilia n celebration, claims to
had a very enjoyable t iun, and
ft i . . .
judging irom tlieir version of it, !
we do not doubt it in the bust. )
Misses Florence and Craee Par-
rish and Rosa Allen, returned a !
few days ago from a trip to Hood j
River, where they went after t raw-1
berries. They report very leas- j
ant trip and strawberries pieniy-1
Arthur VnnHoiiten has taken a
position as clerk in the Hay creek
store. All are glad to see bis
smiling face there.
Hay creek, July 19, 1002.
The Same uld citory.
J.A.Kelly relate an experienee
similar to that whi-'b lias happened in
almost every neighborhood in the
I'nitiMl States and has been told and
re told by tiioiisandn of others. Ho
says: "List summer I had no attack
of dysentery and pin-closed bottle of
iimiiiuenain i ijOiie, uiniliira aul
Diarrhoea Remedy, which I ued ac
cording to (lirw;tion and with entire
ly utisfaetory results. Tho trouble
was controlhxl iiiie.-h ijuieker tinni for
mer attacks when I med other rem
edies." Mr. Kelly is a well known
citizen of Hcndexoon, X. C. For sale
by all druggist.
Keep Out ol TliiimlKr."
A number of mu people arc be
coming enthusiastic over the Tinni
er mountain crazeand contemplat
ing making a trip ir,. For their
benefit we have previously given
the opinion of several who have
made the trip and we now give
that of Joseph Merchant, an uncle
of Mrs. J. P. Lucas, of this city,
who has just returned to Walla
Wulla from "Thunder" evidently
! not very enthusiastic over the
riclint'w of t,,e """'try
. He savs:
Incorporated 1H!J9.
Drugs, Stationery and House Furnishing Goods.
-My udviw toA laboring man
Wmihl he to keep out of Thunder
Mountain, I Vh Wullti Wiilla- im
Miiy '21, ami rt'iiiuiiittl ut the niin-
ii(? eontcr about 10 days. Tbere
w uothuiK at the present tuuu to
induee out) to take inueh ol a utoek
into th county although the jilaeu
may be all right for husinesn In
another year, l'lirtie goiii)! into
the1 region to remain any length of
tun, take a large amount of pro-
vn-ions with them. After reuching
the big camp if they go into the
mountains prospecting they gen
dally dispose ot the hulk of their
supplies anil the small stores at
the present time get u great deal of
muff in this niannes, eheaner than
:they could trunsiori it in front the-
i outside.
j "The whule country for forty
; miles around is staked out although
i . .
L Lilt, nriwHitr iiiiii, inn, i.i in
i 01 nu uuveio pincill ViOI'K 110-
I 1 . o
, ing on noHvithstanduiL reports to
.i . i . . .
the ctfeut that everyone is btisv,
, , ., ,
A S losane paper ol the 10th con-
, ... . .
, tamed an interview with a recent
i ., , , , .
arrival from I; who claimed
there were 4IMKI men at Thumb r
and liig creek, 1 failed to sre
them. There is littlo doubt but
there are many prospectors scatter
cd throughout the entire region."
Mr. Merchant is of the opinion
(hat some at least will find paying
property before they leave. A
laboring man, hu said after his
board was paiihcleared about k'l'l't
per day. "He can make that much
at home in the harvest fields," In
continued, "and live in civili.alion
and cat something besides beans
anil bacon too."
Them is plenty of game in tin
I country and .Mr. .Merchant sa
j that for a hunting trip that region
! , I,-.,,
iconnot oe sui ptu-eeu. r.iK iiln.
i deer are very plentiful inul smallei
!game in counties numbers inhabit
the mountains and grassy plateam.
j ''Outfits can be secured at any ol
j the Idaho towns at little cost,"
lailc l.'hrieonle.
Aanwood (ilianhiBS
Krniii tli'f JVtwiwct'ii',
I 'ii n l'vans left last Thursday
evening for Princville.
H. 0. Kiiihee of Hay Creek wa
in town last Friday. '
Wade Huston and wife w re in
town last Friday, and tiled upoi,
valuable timber tracts.
Pee l.ilirnii ti has his black
smith shop about complete and i
now ready for business.
Mrs. Etta Patlcnburg, of Princ
ville, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
breeding, at this place.
Throu Thronson and Pcrrv
M,,,,,,;,, -,rc prospecting this week.
over in the Muddy country.
Jim Kohiiison and Louis Tom
linson are working on the Gold
Hill claim, owned by J. W. Rubin
son. Knox Huston was down from
the timber to-day, and says he can
still locate 150 to 2(10 men looking
for timber.
Mr. J. G, Kd wards, of Hay
CrceTi, was here last Sunday, ac
companied by Mr. Dates, of the
American Sheep-Breeder. Mr.
Hates spent several days here, the
guest of Mr. T. S. Hamilton
To All Whom ll May Coin ei-n.
Notice is hereby irjven that my wife,
Lra Zell, has deserted and left me
and that I will inn, recognize nor lie
responsible for any bills, debts orothci
olilixations which slip amy contract
after this notice.
W. II. Ir.u..
Priueville, Oregon.. Julv lfjtli 1902
Jul. 17, w.
Our Summer
of Ladies Oxfords
and Slippers.
I We are : offering this
ain Counter. 150 pairs Ladies Oxfords and
Slippers at $1.00
These formerly sold at 82.00 and $2.50.
These are good values.
PRlNEViLTn nTunriTj
Kentucky liquor House
l &1fffol?
Hop Golu, .ir.a
1 W'mffA
a uios mum orrampagnt, importod and g
Domestic Ales and Porter3. 4
t C. J. STUBLINQ, Wholesaler.
The latest fashions in Mena', Boys' and
Children's HATS.
We are headquarters for Fishing Tackle.
A new line of 0 LOVES ha arrived which wo arc .lis.,,,
ing of rapidly. Call ami examine them,
It is now the time of year for cool kadwonr. Our Straw'
Hats are just the thin, nn.l we sell them cheap.
N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs.
Kclialile MercliantB.
g at. JLippman Cc Lo.
Manufacturers of Furniture
Cnrnpla Sfnvp' l?a
Lumber and Uuildinfr Material
unVuir on1 I?,, ,!.!,',, Xf
Goods sold for cash and
Clearance sale
wopk on our Barg
& Wilson
11 Kto SP" Every 5
This applies to f
cup Stock. It's 1
"JUST" right. A
fow of our loaders f
e re :
"Harper", "Jesse jg
Moore", Gchlltz
Ccmpo Sautorne! I
Undertaking Goods,
t : ,. 1 "'V
on the 'installment plan.