, W, M Timber Land. Aot Ju t, 18j i : wl 1 jiiiiI UDI The Pall. Oregon. Jun. J 7 t is hereby Notice wur. u.t I"0" iX5 ..titled -a. ,gt ,,, the v,;tle "'"o SevftO - w -.hi- 1 Unih PnnvA 1A Kit. r-. . . .,,M on L. K. AIUnlMM. of " "'. Jl " ' aiSTV liiKhu.. ImTSiUW 53?nrS7lrt ' !'- All'n 01 """u of H.rringTu.i. coim.7 of 1 AlO.lUay, '"""' it K. 1 iii-'iun, . . . . .v...l.l.r-...i. ammrn Bl.tcnicnt No. . 7fe ri Tr.WVSL' ' , ...wired , . n., lv u.e SwVnu l..u . mum - F' UUCA of Harrington, county of Lino. In. Btatr M ,ud Main .I.--.U Ju u ti.. th.lr calm iu im. . all th.i l-iihll AMI t,i4 in una "" I ' f Oi " .rn "tatement ' 01 ,b. ,., i,ip lbs pirn " " ""..T ... ..I 8..iitumber, liwa. " " JA P. LIH.A8. Kestator. Timber Land, Act Juno 5. UTS. n. flla llmmin. Jlin HO. 11W2. IDS " U , .,,., nil. W, 1S. I"1- tatement Nu- n.' Notice w licivuy gm '" the purchi.se of '"J ..ice Willi the pnvW"" 'Bmh,d "An No and noH of emigre, of Ji.u. &. " ',m ,AhI Timber Und, Aot Junt . UTS. NOUChl KOR I'UUUCATIUN. United Stnle. Un 0",iu., -.I... liullUH lira.. Jul.. II. 1W2. of Wanhlnnlon, iworn ltmi'nt No. U. for th purrnann ot in- "V, o turn No. 4 and nW nW4 f 8oM n No. n. Towmhlii 13 loulh, KanKO W M' diidwailh W. Krunlrr, rf llnrrln.nm. tnunty of Lincoln. Bin'- Notlc li iiuimj nn that in compii- of Hamniiion, ciun.y oi ."""-""V, "wi kiio will" tn movinU.ui oi tit al of , of Wahlntnn. tworn tat-m-nl No. JJ4, SiIS of Ju , I, Wit, entitled "An f, th. puroha.. of th ; nw4 and W Z It mu lt timoof land. In th.,.K of fUtlnn No. 11. Towmhlp U uuth, FRINRV1LLK. Irnc U. OltKUON ni Or.' .lune -4 O. and wainingion ini,, . -- ; "-"""-, , i.i..in. fltntn IMIC W.I10 BIMW "I OI nirnnnnm, v," , . " ' irA Jm. ii, i, in uwini inmowi nm or wanniiiBinn, pwurn .. ' i ottlue tfilr worn tawnitnta, John C. Pwyr, rui'.icuer, ha -oo, ttiva Aiivuat 1 ltiWt. ute ioiii ms i' "r , ' i John v. liwyer, turn no. 11, lowii-iiif . '.STSSS S2 Sft ttW M In ihl. omct their ,. Koot.n.l Bt.U .f ut, W. M. i I,,. lWi.Jor thopurcn u utli. .,wonl .tatoni.nu. to-wlt; loahu. wurn wmn Nu. 41. BUhi Way I Doi la Bm-tlon No. M. Townui .wo Au,ula McQrnll, J. '. ror pur(.ha of th of of Wml, eounty of of Klnly. coo"1 u ,",.TjTu Bocl-on No. It. Tuwn.litp U aoutn. Kange ....?ii t atclntyr. oi i iin:,.i-. .tstamenl no. ' nurchaM oi tn -ti "" --.. .. nicnani North J loV the purchaa of tM ij, lU tlx v, iwn i w. u' of RIUvlll. county til4 Ji 0' V wiJ ,4. i-oinihlB U aouth, T0nahlp U ouh. Hnf 10 al. V. M. wiln(l0 iworn a Kanf.' i; ''",,";,. proof o ihow t" 0f Whealen. county oi ",2,vf n. ot Section No. tl, I , una souKl.t n7 rural pur, , -Jl ". 0f the lot. , 1. . " bufll.l Union . "" VTCii.l. Ihir C .lntl l .HarlliiB No. iuwnn,u , . , i the Kegif ; u " ; Wilson E. STitnl befor. T! riorion. on , ro( inis otUM n ,.mm 1986. wheaton. county riiilMman. Adama, Btat oi tatement No. 4W, th purchaM ot tne lownenip u eouio, Aherln, of Rltlll county Aoam., v.'..kiH... .w..i n statem-nt MO. W. !. Diirton, rlid u.i U. ltol. for Hie purchaa. of th. Ji(rmty aW Ctumfhr . PRINBVlLLi:. OKICUOH. WuMay. tui Harry U Ha.- MlnBt., .worn, etatcrneni w. M. ... . iri.urphiir. UT I a nf tne l"l. I. . - - - Ua- ii HlmnaMl. .. i 1 KUU HkDU " ' ' ' ' . t , nine an lnii"-"V...... , ir. I T7 " f lh kit. 1. 1 , ,i.,iiti nr -inavi"".. . me nun.-., v : . ...l. u.m, do ""k-' " .ii 0,1 k; . . vg, .no ,,,,, No. J. Towiwnip -"' -"-f.f Rlt.vllle. county of Adam., State or HU a n: . V 'L.,kt The Dalle. C Mclrtty.f Hann non- and 'J Perr and IX lakoi:i. Any ail . P"? 7h. ar iwiueet ,TOrktfflTlVTlh of-. . or Wore sa d tTicAB. Kea1.wr. jAYr-LUCAS. Ka1.wr. Timber L"i eJ??f.A.f!hr. tV,s.wR rc-EE Tome.; ... . .V iu- nreron. iun la, . le n.TT. .hut 1l e Puna. ""k,' , oomoll- Notice 1. h-y P -rtli. act of nce n?..Kr'i ism. entitled "An l onpn-ts ot June .act lor tne SJatiS Of Sfornla. Oregon. N??a; Tuiuf vi " aihiuucu and WahmKo -'t;lcrb, act of I to all "w.VTito-in. pereons have Sifjmr.rriwo'rr.tkt.m.n. Idaho, sworn utatenwnii o. , n -art. W. M- Campb.,i, Et Marioi bounty of Kooten.1. 8ta. Eoi'np"V..u ' w- n R Scott. , - W" ",8. ?. Turch'of the ne of ,7, rJi for ,IS"B -....(h, Range flection no. ii. - - i eaai. n. at. ... w waahington, .worn ii-in-. - Thii they will offer J '7 'l,4J mil M.) W. lWl for the puroha.. of the tn lana aouKnt . - --Ti. ,,u,.ral our- oeciion ru. w'k timber or .ton. than for U',.UJ',,,U,1; Bang. II ea.t. W. M. poaoa, and to w..iH. i thlr "" wley L. CharlMton. ! .aid land oeiore w . - . on 0f RltivMIe, county oi ,r ol thi. offlc. .1 . Ihe iMlle. f" n , w..hl.,gton. .worn .tatement No. W. Wedneaoay. we . - (tied May JI, lws, tor in- iiuru.-. . .... ,.. VVIlMn K. ne of Bwllon No. 14 TowneWp U outh. Minn.; P. J. MOrail i and Augu. a KK- , cuunly ol Ad.ma, Slat, of Orall. of Klngatey. 0"v ,D auiiui. I Wahington, .worn .tatement No. JM. Ian. ol Wamlc. Oregon, AUU1 , neJ -14y a. lwu, tor th. purchaa. of the ham. of Warm Spring Oregon. ' u , section Nd. 14, Towiwhlp U eoulh. An and all peronj ue,,. . Hang. 1 euat, W. M. rv.th.yeeacten.l.a for Ih. pun ha-e of the H anil wH nu of Bectlon No. S and nwli neU of I turn No. 11. Town.hlp U uth, lUng. Allan. Wuco. Htat. of Or egon, .worn .tatemeni no. .... vurcnae. oi tne k. . " - , Wan NoT 4. Town.hlp U MUtli, n.ng. - y Irf : V1.1!.' .in f?d imAf t ffhow thftt (he land wught I. mora v. uW. fw timber or .ton. than for gr ,ufr: nniaa and to eetal) h their claim, to ld Und befor. the Kef l-i-r and .tec.lv. .tatement No. 4,7. ; Wedmwlay, Ik Wh day of Bept.mb.r, They nam. wltn-e.-.! Horje. Hay".. Hugh t. Hayne f-W . W I .on. Mattle K Mltchum. Albert 0. Mll chum. Budw.rth W rra.ler.nd H.nnak C. rraaler. of Harrington. We.lU Ml ton Ci LMW ot Mohler. Wa.h.. and DouglaM Allen of w.mie, , , ,..- ,rnv and all penmn. claiming dvely .J:": JT.l-Viiw-o kind. .r. wiue.ied JS file their claim. Ir. ""r for MM th fay of fn 'mber. ' . jiltmrmtg-ml'Xmm. PRINEVILLI, OltbrON. Dlumf wieywlUt. rhoo No. S. Knidene. ta.fc wl Ik PbutttnutT Gallery. , PKINEVILLE, OHWiOK. ed t le their claim, rn - """ .rjj - jof Klt.vllle. county or Adama, niaie oi befor aatd ,-.- ' Beiuiter. tJAl . . - ' ' Timber lnd, Act June M"; NtiTH K f-Oli ri'llLICATHiN. i.n.-,l mata lnd Ortlc. The Dalt.a. Oregon. My l- United Btatw IJina umc. , . k i. tf,wn that In comulf inue with the prov'jnon" of h c,. . United Btate. Und Ofllce. The Dalle O.Wn. June . Notice I. hereby given that In oontpll. a nee with the provlelnr of the act of ance . - .m tied An CongreM ot - th. Cangrea of Jun. . 11. enlJUed ' lhlngten. Vworn .!.c, .U the -1 timber ana. . hied May Jl. 1W3. or tne V""- , "TMhln.7on Territory." a. ..tended DW. Ot Bectlon no. w, . it". tz-' V," t.n Hl.ti W. H. SNOOK, H. D., Physician and Sorgeoa, CULVER, : : OREGON Am prepared to mnmr prolt tonal culU promptly. ac, foTth. l. f Umber land. In th.,-" Vhn U Hair. , State, of California. Oion. NfUulf ,,, muMy 0f Adarn Btate of pa . .. ... .. , aw.tmn aoiih. Kanae U ea.t, W. M. Btaey M. Hair, of RILvllle. county of Adam Stat. f Waahington, .worn .tatement No. 46a. Itl.d May . 1A tor the purohaM of the ae of Section 10. Townahlp M wuth. Ka ige eu.t, W. M. worn .utement No. 4t, ;moCv..,u0ab.,eOr0r,,,.V. ,h. hind sought ' "("".grUltural pur- Jalrt land '""'ffii.i, Oregon, on e-in S.Ws V 'XCVer.ofHarrU.n.lda- So0 mni D-U and Michael Con ri The aD'fcou. Gilbert R rCr VrSwell P Prlnevllle. Or.. if " 15S ? of I nd.. Ore- gon, to all th. Viibne l.and Hiate. or ar Angu.t 4. ttW. nefoHowlng peraona hav. on May IS. ma. filed In thl. ofTtce their worn .tatement., to-wlt: DeWltt W. Dnnforth, of Portland, county of Multnomah. Btate of Oregon, .worn iwirm.ni ?h purcha. of the kH nwlj. W neti .nd nmi w of B-ctlon No. n. Town.hlp No. 2it J. $M Vr.ll th.n'pub.Yc X 8te. by act of : "j Khrte M of th. AuguatTlSM. the following peron. have B,. c suon No. 10, Townrtlp II .outh. iworn' ...Unnt tolt: I win offer pr t. .how thM of Harrtaon. county of Kooiinal. State c-f or . ,hl(n fur agricultural pur Wahi ta n June IS. l. hied n thl. . fl , ub,,h ,n,lr eWm Jo Xhl. .worn .tatement No Wk for the d , ,h. H,l" nurchaae of tne on ; , r oi in. mt Townihlp ulh. Range l ." ' Tueaday. (h th day of September, 1A .Wm7ill offer proof to .how that the land " ' a wltnea-e.: Canwn Mor X I. ?morelu.ble for l'l row of HTrrin. Idaho; W. f. Ul. ol ItoM (Ban for airHcultural purpoae.. and h WMh.; Kranll D. Bcott and ?o Mt.bl"rti hUi claim to ..Id land before Jj'Connor of The Dalle-, Oregon; A ?"?" and Receiver of thl. office t ! g uCan)plJel,, .r Bt. Marie. Idaho .nd The Daue. Oregon, on Tueeday. th. Hth , MMeh. Halr, s. M. Hair. Wey j- Jlaw nf (IflOHr. inK. . ( H ir lOtl, IWn Dim '"v.., . . g ana vr - w nn v -" -VbM. M0J. nd nH rwl of Bectlon no . ?. irn-x nn. . ... I onui. -vu . . . . , . u u.nva ii Mai. w. am. ta aoulh Range II eaat. W, M Hehry A. flpear, of Bhanlko. oounty f Wco. flat of Or; ...,mm. Nn. ISA. for th. p'rehaa of th. nel, nwV.. n n .et4 ne'4 of Bectlon NV W. Townahlp 1 MUth, ange ii ....... ftMUm n V ftmlth. of Portland, county of Multnomah. Btal' OffM in of Oregon, .worn .laiemrn. n. -. the pur.-h.-e of th ne of Bectlo Mi. U. Towtuihlf II ulh, Hang. It eaat. W. M. Jennie B. BmitV of Portland, eounty of Miiltnomah Bl.t. of Oregon, .worn .Ulemenl No. . for the purcha.e ot fhe Mil of Section No. 11, Townahlp II wuth. Rang. 11 eaat. W. PRJNKVILLE, 0KK0ON. ul Ailamaon, Witinvk Co' rRlNKVILUC, OIlEliON, iMbel t. IJhhy. -iiir, advereely Any aru ?' P?n?. S"ar." rn.ue.ted Idaho. i..ii. ..lvenielv w llle their claim. In thl-omce on or be &. .aid 14th ftfWfttiZs.. ' . i . NOTICE KOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June J, I'.i. United State. li"d un.ee. the iicioye-u- f,mce on or to fl' Ih.'jr cl'm ".Jni. 190J. h,lorc taiu y j. LUCAB. Reglrter. Timf.er Land. Act Jun -. V NOTICE KOB PUBLICATION. ". United State. Land Office. The Dalle. Ore.. June 18. Wt. Notice Jherby given that in compll Mc. with the provl. ion. . actof ;c.nBi,. iw et timber land. In the ?n .'I fhe PuWta lino BtkteTby act of A?a-M . he Allowing peraon. have Bv',V m 1901. flled In thut offic their .worn statement", to-wit: cfHnrrhion. county of Lincoln. Btate of WaehinstSn, .worn .tatement No 411. for the purc-i.se of the nH oi s Town.hlp U KBth. Range W "t. W, ef HnrnrKt.,n. county ol : Lincoln But. iS Jfl'nw', of Section . a. Towr-hlp t, Sleter.. county of Crool Butt, of Ore- sworn raiiimKiii . of the en w- oi ( ont-rea. ol June . JAV P. LOCAB, RegLler. NOTICE rOR PUBLICATION. Timber Und. Act June p t , lt United Btate Land Ofllce, The Dalle.. Oregon, May II, UK. ,.., i. k.r.i.v .ivre that In compll- lance with Ihe provlrton of the p act of rnmal OI June . 1 .,.i foe tha aab of timber lapda In Ihe NoUcVuhereo'y given that In compll-, Bl4le 0f Callforn!.. Oregon Nevada aih the . uro 'alon. ot the act . of a!10 Waahington Territory a "tend entitled "An lo all the 1' ibhc Und Btate. hy act of John 0. Roe. Bt"'1 kiiala ot Calltornitt, vrcau uicu m . - Md Waahington leirltory. aa " to-wlt: to all me ruoiic u. --- - XyVm l! ."W'K.W', No- flhw",! of Ht-anmor Oregon, on May . "' ".'. u V iou. (or th. purchase of the w'A .nv prmn. claiming nereiv .worn tatee"uH?'tiron KiyMdi wH of Bectlon No. , Town- hovewlejcrlhwl land, are re...e.led ? - Sihi.-- lfr. Jaw?? SSas v.r... - ---- .iinii wo. i.'.f Th nniiM county oi kv. : ihfnr muia win our .- r-- - t.nr(rtu oi me hw v- ... . . - vf ait. n (Mi - tAtf n i TrR h larmier. fr.T .Lr ta ..ifh ltui.ir' K etuit. w. i nrecon. nworn Biiivemenv rn "'T- luw,,,m' " 11 WLer, . - May S. -or lh? puw oi n jnty I n o.-.i . nep ana rn n . """ v, .1. W.liUO.NK. Saddtts and JCarntss Maker of the celebrated I'fcjNU- uth. Range ""JW- V1LLK BTOCK HA DD1.K SSiimfg rett OP ' . ;ho. &";tiVni:w,.r HTOfkMKVM fkCrPLIEH -1. Towmthlp II wuth. Range II W, MThat Ley w.1 offer proof to .how that! Latt I.rwl .fl. .) .J. ...a .....Ki i. moc. valnahle for It. i .J Ul h!, ,ll.i kit- Hnilra tlrotwr nr atone than for .gricultur.1 pur-. no.-., "d to e.rnb".h their '''" o Angora (.liop. Quirin anil llarki- dl.ndbe'oMth.7te.ter .nd Relv.i . J... , . . . PuiMtviLLK, : ; Ohjv.ok, . a M,.a. m t Tha T )a 1 lfl Ortffnf1. fT1 m rwrum Tuwly. tn im v or . .7- -.lfriAga.4- WlW tf imnforih Benlam n r. " h. Mnei i. i.io"t al'. .- . v.. . A I. KS0. .Clt-. M.!, .The Dane., county of Th XZ county of MaV of 'M . JO. and tne nei nr "" r: Oregon, Wanoo, Btate nf awnm .tatament Nn. men Oregon, .worn .tateme.tt or tne..w. 'indnS nei andi nW of Bectlon j ToWnihlp U .ouih. Rang. 11 ewt, No. . Townihlp 19 uth. KJnge U eaat. W- M- ... . , .. ahnw that That tney w oner - - - W. M. Fine Crwik Coonty Bheep. Onlftut Batunlay the Baldwin Sheep A Land Co. expressed to R. K. Jackson, of Dayton, Waan., uiree , of 1 of the finemt rams probably ever land . ought ta more valuable for it. May 14. 18. for the Purchaa. ot t d land before the Rff ano, of thl. omce nin. "-."L "1 v . aiimmI Tiureaaon. h .. w.vii niiit. or rne uaue., noun.? ul . '. '-.n ai.a , . . i . t t i. Oregon, .worn (tataiiwnt No 7. tiled i rom their ranch, tWOOl Wllll h J. L McCollocb, Dealer in Real EhUI ami .tractor of Tilli . . PKINEVILLE, : OKKCO.N Prineville-Burns Stage Line..- Kon. sworn 'r Kxlm No. 10 "nwVof.oN.Town.hlp eh. land nought 1. more valuable for ft rabe" or Xn. than for agricultural pur p,. and to etabll-h their claim. t Sid land Z&ai!Ztt it nf th u omce ai i . l ednaHlay. th. 17th day of September, Morgan. 8amu.l E. McDyaald. Albert T. Tkcr. John L.athr '''i!ai v,n. Wash., and Charle E. T.rwood ana ferd C. I.. of Mohler. Wh. . Anv .nd all per-on. claiming advy v.. .lveer!rlbl land, are re.oe.tad Jo (lie their claim hi thU on or W are .aid Timber Land. Act Jua 1 Wit NOTICE rOR PUBLICATION. IT. B. Irid Offlc. tuita. nr.. Jun. II. IM. Notice 1. hereby given that cfmpll a.ee with th proflalon. rnT"r f Jne t U7I. eatltled An ir, for h" ol.timrer ""!.. 2? tile- c C-llfornln, Oregon. MevaA. Td va.vntn Trritr." wned all th labile Land 't by act of Agn! I m. th. fellowlnf penjn. )ia. J, May . 1. filed In thl. .Inc. th.lr worn .tatem-M.. to-wit: J.hn O. fntaa. . r.ahlns'c-i, -worn .tat.ment Ni. ll. fr ..'. Y Bectlon to. tt, ToW.W M Minnie Arder-. ..np. unty f Btwhane Itjt. M warhte-'M. -worn Mee,.nt tt,; e.,relM of th eej, of fcetlrJf o. n ret n.H of N. ll, Towaabi lj Nulh. Rajire ''iji 7. ' Thuraday. tlie Win aay 190J. ' ..... II T... V - They name a wi tnernew. " "GJn. on. Emll Weber and rreaen. wn of The Dalk Oregon, and Ora Poln- dexter, of Bend. Oregon. vm-i. Anv and all peraon. claiming advereeiy th. ibove4c.cVibed land, are reque,t.d SflT. their claim. Ir .thl. p ofllce on r for. -id lath day of BeP'.'mbcr 1. Ttrnbar Land. Act Jvn 3. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State Land Omce. Th. Dalle., Oregon. Jun. tt. Vim. . i. h.rahv aiven that In compli ant, with th. provWon. of the act of ContT-w f Ju ,l7"- entitled An act forth, rale of timber land. In th. State, of California, Oregon. nevau. aad Waihlngton Territory." a. "tended " a."". Public Land Stale, by act of . . r,t .p.. .. limine neraona hav. ivYi w '? th t"lr nrsra .tatemeni.. w-w... ; T... Btate of OI Tin-sun., ""-----.- , Mlnnewta. gwoni maiem.ni Ike purchaa. ot in. nw-a. vi 'i;- M, Townahlp u MUtn, nance u jTrad Jtv.nder. f Wheaton. feunly of Trnverje. Btate of Mtnneaota. rworn aiai-mn. . th. wcha.. of the H new of Section N. Hi Ii nwl4 M Section No. . Town hip U tn. Range f e..t. W. M. AI . un. Biuw Hattlo E. Hyatt, of Itaker City, county of Uaaer. Btale of Oregon, irworn tatement No. V, . filed lav U. 1J. for the purchaa of the ieu'and h'.w14 of B-ctJon Nr. II. T.wa- Th.t they will offer proof to "how that the land .ought I. more valuabU. for It. ImbSr or .ton. than for plcUltunal pur noe. and to a.1abli.h their ctalm. to Sid land before the Regi.ter and Recv S of thl. VrTlce Th. Dalle, Oregoa.n Monday, th nn oay 01 They name a. '"--' " -,-,,-, .gon. and J. H. Hanef an witnai of Bend. Oregon. .. . .a.-.-,. ,rira;bedntr".re ..Vd :... thliTeiatwn In thl. offlc on r ke- ,,. -id i.a aja Tlmknr Land, Act Jun. I, 17. NOTICE POli rilBLICAVlON. United BUte Land Offic. m. . p,u ikMu. Mav 21. two. Nolle, ta hereby1 ''" a!mDor ".hrT,0..7..'-nU,.er,"A0., T.:r:hr.:r. f timber uno i th. State, ol California- Oregon. Nevada. Tni WMhlngton T.rrtte' egtjmded May V 1W. M I" l tkta their .won gUUm-nt.. W-wlt! Horae. Hayne. of Harrtngl.., county f W""' "r WaaklnVton. wrn "1 for th. pureaaa. wi . J .-u ...a of Be" N. M. Twn- " '"TJ: ii7X. for th. purrnaM .n. "a 7 "3h , ana ew - - -, w w a .1.. wH II TnwnahlB 12 anutn, Jtang. . HM.h Dana. 1 .t, W. m. Miiat W 01 F Ml on C I-acey. i. ...... i or n oaier. cawn.r . " :v w- u were French merinos and one De- lane. One of the rami in the fam ous Holliday ram, now four year old and weight 400 pound, Tliie ram when two years old wa the prize winner at Salt Lake two yean ago when ihecp were on ex hibition from all parts of the world. The Holliday rm, as well as both the others, were raised by the B. H. k L. lieople and ara home product ions. Mr. Jackson ii more than fortunate in procuring inch fine stock to place in bis breeding pens. It has been th aim and intention of the B. 8. & L Co., since its in ctption, to be at some time the ieader in the raising ol One sneep, and they hae now attained that position, as has beea proten Djr the many Brat prixes captured nj mem wherever their sheep ha been ex hibited In the United Btetei. Shaniko Leader, nf Newberg. eounty f I Wahlgte. .werj tale". ""J Oregon, worn .taternieM N.. & for IM .uha- f In J. . p-,rch.M of th. i;H nw of atl.n N. . iy. .wS4 of Bectlon N. . Townahlp U w. MIMMl No. M for n an " T.WMklp 11 MUth, M. WaVpVieV .. -ho? .hat!., aw, "r!. B.;.. nww 1 . I.-. a af'th. I tag nught I. anor. vaiuam. lor . WaAiagte, wm to."""; -r: fcnfcar .. .."fS.IVtoS than fir. grlr-Kural pur- f !fche f tfc HHiftn. -fiwrn "aJerM! .,1 , ZT td t. wtabrl-Jt then- el.lm. to "? jM,u,n N. M, Twnhl It th. 4 4 I P-7'"i"M - cr .f thl. mc at Th D". zn,tai Orf "lTT'. .. YLlfJi . .ha- that Bat.rday. lit. Bit day t 8'e"5erJ!. . Mtrrmto. -. . J? ilMartfttL tni pw-ww"1 ' 1 'a. ' '&M.hJH-.f- JLHOS BARBER, Prcp'r. Stage loaves Frineville Mondays and Thurxiaye, returning on Wednesdays and Huturdav". ComuKie at Paulina with Canyon City stage. pAMrngerh and express csrriefi at reasonable rates. Office at Templeton A Hon's drug store rf r?!."E ZSf.t. uJiZTSt r. oroB; ' ptBgixs Ke l. I hare for sate at f shnele nUI on MoaUr ereek 100W shincla aee will pannfaetore over 400,000 wore 4rli( the aeema. AH Wm choief4 liaibar. Price, at IhfMlN t:.4 delivered in frlnai tS,M. J. V. Rinui. 6abMpibe for I be JevtmUk, Dtaaalwflon Kotlro. Notice is hereby given thai the firm ol Wakefield 6 Burr 'is thi day dissolved by ' untnal consent, C. W. Btarr retiring & L. wans field collecting all bills and paying all indebtedness of the lte firm. I. Z. Wampjbl. . C. W. tJfJtlka. ptooolfiitoii fiMloo. Retie if barehf given that tb f m EMirM Usm knew m ih 9m lie Is ibis day di.n)vM. ty miiIm! eontMd. 0. M. Kitr reiiring. V Vichel eoluMting all kfllt and (ril all iaiablBM ol lbs late Ara. 0. M Kitfaa VMtoin. BubMribe for the i'fri. Jd a ot '-e -