fMOMMQMMMMMMMSU I Xocal yijention, I.h it lint enough (or yon? Timber cmUer" KCvltonal mapa fur mli' this cltlce. .1.1. West was a business visitor; dent h of a good citincu of thecoin from Bcud the first of tlie week. immity, i whWh it it published. H.M.rhillii,i(Drycrwk. Oregon, But l.en that oitiae.i is taken from is in the city liking after business; the of his family by r nolfiu lliHUeM j death, the task is lionhly mid. On " . ! Smidiiy evening about five o'clock a J. B. Hodsun was over from the, . . r . growing little village of Sisters the t'ust of the week, i J. A. Brown was up from Hay creek hist t.eek, looking after his multi tudinous business affairs in the city. W. J. Sotnidt was down from Sum-1 luit prairie the first of the week alter a j loud of supplies. Mre J. A. R:iyle, of Vpper Ciookrd fiver, has been sojourning in town for some days past, A.Hackleman has sold Ins horses to McCreurv & Carey, of Omaha, .Nebraska. There is said to be about j IvKKJ head in the lot A large body of nickle ore bus been discovered in Josephine that is very 1 1" "' unu 'l" ' " j i i .i i .i i.. ..f Li.i I Mr. Salomon to the holme of John, rich and the largest body of the kind . u-,. ' Ha'ght, near by, one of them started m"'eNU5t- .L L .c.enhone station and called t'olnmbus Johnson and wife and, and wife and. Misses Emii.a Ketchuni and Anna Salomon, left Friday for an outing at ' Helknau Springs in Laiie county. r ' e Kev. 13. F. Harper will preach at j Sewoom creek school house on !'111-j iay, Jiuyii. Ail are coiuiuuy in - vited to attend the meeting. J. B. Coe, representing the Irwin, j llodsi.ii Co., of Portland, has been ; doing business in our city for the oust; feu day.. i C. A. l'.iiterson, of Lookout mount- ain luiniiiL' fame, came ui fium Port- itipfiom Port- on up to his ! st of the week, land SkikIuv and went en tniuiiig piii-riy the fir J. II. I' iiuliil was a visitor in the n.euopohs .Sunday, fiom the shady tielis along trout creek, in the vicinity I Cro:'s Keys. F. T. lii'pms returned from the uiountaiiis S'.mdav, wiiere lie had bt-en ' to locale a pariy of timher land' p.-ople Guy Ciayp'Xii was is Sunday, looking a'tti from Sistei supplies fur a j sheep camp over there, lor wnicu he is vanii tender. Simpson i Wilson have been doing a rushing business in the shoe line dur- j l(Vt, iucu-, while u!l of the back pirn ing the uist week. It pays to udver- j ( n,s skull was a mas m tisc iu the Joi'BNAk. ; pmces, and seveiul hirge hlowl vciavis Wm. Hold.-r, of Shaniko Leader, 'had been broken. He died about has purchased the lieview from L. Y 1:!W P m, Tuesday. His family were J.igget and has assumed the editorial , piesent at ihe time oi his death, vx iiianagement of the same. I cept Anna, w ho was at Jielkunp - Dr. 0. A. Cline returned Monday i Suri,"!s- from a trio to the Willamette valley with horses and renins a very profit-! able time and a pleasant trip. Or. II. Clirk returned Tuesday night from an extended business trip thriaudl I h north pud of tliM ront.v! and over in Wheeler County A. C. Stubling.of The IMIea, rep resenting the wboiesule liipior luaise if .1. C. Stiihhng, was doing business u town the first of the week and repor s husiiie' good in his line. U.K. Darling and Johu 1'aliin-liii were hp from Agency plains and Hay iaek last week. Mr. Palmehu was ...... ' mmgapiatot tne new twuu ; t.! 1 1 1 ! Out. Misses Xellie and LotiNe Suntniers vent out to the woods on the btad of McKay Creek last week with Mrs. 1 Michel and family, to rusticate awhile ih tlie shadows of the pitirs. SoJtin Faulkntif "ml family left last Vrwlay for A trip iner the luoHiitaina. Tbev were accompa u Led by Uelle Saltittursii, wlw goes t visit an aunt in i'rinevillt Lrbaiuiu Criterion 51-V. Hswtluiru came in froiu his fcaue fight miles above Lava, Fri day and uuitle' very fair time. He eauivitytM seventy uiilcA in abiabt ten bow, taking hi team otf oi gras to tlrive iu. A I, acly trf tbirtv-Udir Miurrfwitn pen4 kayo been Ik'io biv tlttf past ei-k lo'.ii? i tindier 5i i s) and taking in tlm4gWatillibi wKtrii.tMittry and jettitig a tu.pdy of iKbnie, which they decWn! i llw tiuvl tbty iuiu- evei Q jk SALOMON BEAD. Victim of a Runaway Freight Team. One of the muUltwt tucks Unit newauuiKtr lias, i to chronicle the j 0. L. Saloniou iviis watering his height team in Cow canyon on the rotul to Shaniko, 0110 of his horsei became frightened and ran, causing the othom to run and as the bits had been taken out for the miiiiose f allowing the ))or9e(j to drink, they could not have liet,n C01,trolled had anyone had hold of them. Mr. Salomon dashed across a small knoll after the team and was lost to view by those who witnessed the runaway. As soon as possible parlies stinted after him and found him lying in the road and the team piled up about fifty yards further on with one horse dead and another one wounded. It seems there were but two men i I to the telephone station and called , , . . , . , , .. i the doctor at Antelope. As soon i .... tlm .loetor uri-m-il he. found that it I . . ...I was a serious case and that lie out i . , ' not have the retpisite instruments , Bt 01(,e f(.,u ur r ikyH , j ),. immrdiately for the scene of the ilcl.j,lent T. u,.,m 0n,;rtt, J of six l,ores am! ufter the lirst stop where it piled up and one horse wnt killed, another run wa4 takeu'and the whole ouliit went over a grade eigiit feet high, killing another hoi.-e and so seveiely wonmi-; inir a third a to ioiike it ing a thud as to make it '1 he wagons sull'ered no in-, 5 jury, excepting the to,.i v,l'n' '"o!-''!! ; i I l'ln Dr. JJelknan airivin;; there ill f"'",li l'' Ps ;lalu'" ,h;" "R " j I was no possinie nope lor ...i. i mull's siuvivai, but it was mmif , that lie coinu he Ijii.uot Home an., made more cmilorlaii!.- dun win " i ip.jMack, .V,,i-,v, V.'.vioe-tlay, F.i , he ws, and ii there a.-any no-Mlnl . ,i, ,,!,., ,,l ii! , nt o sain.j; ions n o ,u ...- ....... . inhere the uecces.-ary apj.liaii.'i-s cool'l j he lie surv ived the home coin i b,1( a cn(iea ,,,, , J that tin; ukuli had been tiaelm.oi 'very badlv on the Wit side lor over i -Mr- Salomon, was one ol the pioneer merchants of the town, and was progressive and industrious man, am, an honorable, upright citizen. The family has the sincere symialhy of the comiiiutiity in their bereavement. The funeral sei vices will be held at the Meinodist Church, on Thursday, at 2 p. in. Kev. Ed linker, a former pastor, will be presujit, to conduct the services. Detail of Mrs. I. W.Wui d News was recti veil here by tele phone, that Mrs. I. Ward tlied di The Dalle about two o'clock. Tuesday afternoon. She was taken with a fainting spell and as soon ag site recovered from it, wan taken with another and continued in that way for some time, until she died. Mr. Ward was well and favorably known iu this county, and always look au active part iu church work. We are informed that the remains will be brought here for interment. Tlie. proposition to open a road from this place to Detruit is meeting w ith universal favor. R. O. Carland wa up from Cioss Keys last week foi in tlieal attendance. He reports harvesting well under way iu that section of the county and that the seeoiul crop ot alfalfa will h cut next week. I lr. II. Clark left WwlnewUv nxta- ing (i Aobraska t visit his mother ivhout lie luii net sei i for nevefal yearn, lie will make huiujadtiuiutefs iu Dcuvvrb ColottaU. I! ''Xjtafiw.l bring WALK All Sizes While Oak Shoes. These Shoes are intuit of tlie very stock. The bet is atwavstho cheapest. , . 1 Kverv pair warranted. Spccia at ten- ' 1 !'" " to the bo vs' ami youths' shoes made of this leather We are sole agents for WURZWEILER iORMLEY i'AILOR, .J "v"" ''jM. lc)ii; pa'rtui oi limit- 'lit'ilnif ol the i.e (mm the ollbv it if iii(eri'.-t to ali oin r IjiIo'. Mm 'day, t,:,i".-wiii 1 tins wn 'iih.rnl't'rs. .v'ediies.biv n'.d Friday S- Friday S: a. in ,,, 1 1 tl ;il k., . .Mucliell, Monday, Wednesday. 1YmI.iV, 7 a. in. : i.,.. 'ri.,.,.,1,.,. t, si:. r. M ,,;i,,v 'rie, Monday I ion.l:.y, 7 . m Sbimiku arrtet 'J li a. in. Shaniko .Mi.'iiiiKiini'riO'. V u. m. ."Muiniko j 1 ' '" Dr. 11. t'bir!., I lie d ntisl, will return from bis Kasiein tour about S'it. 2d and will then Ik: found at hi" oil'ua- iu j .Iul.i4th. I this city. t reiulitei-'s Aitemloli. Any careful freighter w hi) is going to Shaniko empty can get nh.iut IMl pounds of freight for cash by apply ing to this office. Infomation Wanted.. Any one knowing the address of L H. Ibi-e, will confer a favor on his friends by giving anine to M. K. i!aw thorn, Lava, (be , or F.lkins & King, Prim villi', l'regou. First Class Painting. If you want a neat and artistic job )f painting done don't forget thai Koller 4 Phillips are the boys that can do it. Also inper hanging and grain ing, fine finishing and pictorial work. All work guaranteed. Stallions for Sale. Thre Stallions, three years old ami up, for sale, or for trade iu good horsei broke or unbroke. These S'lillious! are Perolieron and Clyde cross, all UoimI breeder. Correspondence soli cited. H. K. MOOKK, Duftir, Oregon. 1 niojun 17 Fruit Farm for Sale. I offer for wile my fruit farm of 1(10 acres situated in the Cove on the DenKutes river. There aw 2)()0 l dMork'd varieties f j fruit and it reudy nmrkct for till of i the liroduct. T. F. NoCALLISTKR, Culver, Ocvgoti. thi OVER SI 10 :3 FOR MEN. THf WW OVlH SHOE AM.. All Widths best i CO 3 ARB ED WIRH . . ; Wire 1 Gl no'ind t!' "Do Y r. TV a eoiisl in strength to tlic 5 ,,,'', t onnd, tl-; a length, jwi' l"iiii.s. j Von ar' i iiuch intere t'd in r 1 or I. Kiguiv for vour buvin. , ie'.ves, then eonstib our nn.r.' WAUKEGAN. WAi.'skEGAN 9 WAUKEGAN CHIEF. ! a Wall Paper AD LTION: The new Htylw of Wall I'aper just received, aW the sum you add to your Havings hv htiving 0f uh. JiULTRACnoX: The amount we arc deducting from other dealers priced MULTIPLICATION: The customer tells her friends that she has discovered the economical place to buy Wall I'aper, her friends Worm; our customers. DIVISION: Our profit are cut i two, that we may have more trade than before. Do-you want Wall Paper on the proGt-sharing plan? D. P .ADAMSON'S Drug Store is the Place. Ik Cm lHALK I IIHH I JHff 4 A A A ml The mm Shoe. I'liexiflli'il for slvle, durability nnd eniii fort. The liixt of everylhiiij! tiseil in tliecou slnii'tioii of tlnM filn ea. Try it pair unil you will buy imlv The I'.ll.T V KM, SIldK. HAKKH IIARI5KI) WIKK. '& THOMSON. h i:iy n' r:r litr t.' i Wee i" oint r gular, Ih.s.1 d .1 ; bj.'.int n-juiar, 1S.S' ten ; 2-poinl re;;'ihir, 2,l pound.; 4 poinl regular, i'.'l) the iriee h r uuinl ns1 the aetilal eo.-f. t agent. This will result iu BAEBED WSRE .Kttf.I) ONM.V II Y EJkins f5 King, AGKNT.-l, riUNKVJI.L!- OKFGO.V. Write for prices. Wr are the lowest. Arithmetic. I