TlmUer Und. Acl Jun S, 1871. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I), a. i.anct urtice. 'i lls Dalles. Oreuun. June ii. ii2. Notice is ht'it"iy given that In compll- .. II. t.., ....,.. .if h .4.. I t. omivh ol June 3, UTS, enllilcd ''An j.. i ..,i ihe tu.e uf umber iinda In ihe OHM ui tjiliornlu, unim, Nevada, nuis'.wii itrrllury, as extended tu nil III-.- Public Ud SIMM hy acl ol Auiil 4, Is., Ihe following persons have (.n il .11 tlr.a oillco their aworn slaieiiKiU, lo-wit; Anna, L. Wlnnek. nf prlu.-vlllt. County or Crook, State of tii-egon, sworn aiatement No. 497, llloil .itntH ;. liiii. tor the uurchnae of the nnW ulo 14. Township 11 aouth, Range Is vast. Nil. Charles V. Hiking. v-i' Prlnevllle. County ot Crook, Stale of liivKon, sworn statement No. 625. tiled June 12, 19j4 tor the pun-ham ot the nw'i i-ei'tloH 33, Township 13 aouth, Range Is last, WM. Amoa Dunham. ,.r Tviiiovtll Countv of Crook. State o inrv-gori, sworn statement No. 640, tiled June 12, 19)2. far the purchase of the nwVj Sitlon 1!. Townships 13 aouth, Range 18 east WM, , Oharlea I. W tnnok. -f Prlneville. County of Crook, 8tat of ureaon. sworn statement io. 011. imn Jon 12. 1)2. for the purchase of the nei Section 14, Township 1J aouth. Range II east. WM. William Trleohl, f Prltwville, County of Crook, State of nreson, sworn statt-ment No. 542. tiled June 12. 1903. for the purchase of the neil Pw-tion 12, Township 13 aouth. Range IS tast, WM. , Charles H. Ertekson. .f Prlnevllle. County of Crook. State of Oregon, aworn statement No. 644. filed June 12. 19-8. for the purchase of the .vVi Section 12. Township 13 aouth, Range U east, WM. Emma Archibald, of Ortmlv, County of Crook. State of Ore gon, sworn statement No. 645. tiled June V IS for the purchase of the nwu. Sec tion 12, Township 13 aouth. Range U east. WM. Mary O. Elklna, f Prlnevllle. County ot Crook. State of (iri-RvUi. sworn aiatement No, 646, tiled June 12. 19'2. for the purchase of the ne Section !2, Township 11 aouth, Range 18 vaal, WM. Harley A. Belknap, of Prlnevllle. County of Crook. State of lresoii. sworn atatement No. 647. tiled June 12. 1S02. for the purchase of the ne-V, Section 11. Township 11 aouth, Range IS east, WM. Horaoe P. Belknap, of Prlnevllle. County of Crook. State of Oregon, aworn statement No. 64. filed June It 1S02. for the purchase of the aeV, Section 11, Townahlp 13 aouth. Range 14 -.urt, WM. Eliza Dunham, ot Prlnevllle. County of Crook. State of ( reeon, sworn statement No. M. tllea June 12. 1912. for the purchase of the ew: Section a. Township It aouth, Range lit, W. M. 8amuel B. Rltchey, 01' Tyaon. County of Kootenai. State of Vlaho. sworn statement No. 811. tiled June 2). i2. for the purchase of the nW Sec tion .10, Township a south. Range 17 east, M- - . Ada M. Taylor, ljimonta. County of Crook. State of creon. sworn atatement No. Kl. flUd M. 102. for- the purchase of the e ,vv, nw4 and swK ne4 Section 11, Twnah1p 11 south. Ranee 1 eaat, WM. KHJah M. Smith. f Prhievllle, County of Crook, State of 4 rt-con. sworn statement No. 651. flled Jure 12. Ii3. for the purchaae of the a 1 W-i. swK nsli and wi4 neltl Section M. -Township 11 south. Rane IS east. WM. Annli 1,. WrtahL ' Mowaril. County of Crook. State of O regon, fwoiu statement No. 652. filed ,ltme 12. 32. for the purchaae or the nc ..ii-., eV- nc',4 and nw-i nev iseciion w, l awnahlp IS south. Range 19 east, WM. Chiu-'e J. Wrlsht. cr Howard. County of Crook. State of cregon. sworn statement No. 6-53. filed J ine 12. 14. for the purchase of the a .H and sVt iwv, Section 30, Township IS 3uU, Range 19 east, WM. Lucinda H. Anderson, e' l-rlnevil'e. County- of Crook, State of reffc. sworn atatement No. 657, tiled Ju-o U 1.'2. for the purchase of the ael, rwli and lota 3, 4 and 5. Section , Town Eiiip It aouth. Range 1 east, WM. Jaale Anderaon, if! Prlnevllle. County of Crook. State of 1 sre-on. pwom atatement No. 658. filed June 12, 192, for the purchase of the sVj rei; si-d lots 1 and 2. Section s. Township ii south. Range 1 east. WM. Belle Hogg. f Howard. Countv of Crook, State of Ore. Bfin. sworn statement No. 559. filed June it. 19'ii, for the purchase of the sw se'i r-ectlon J4. Tew.shlp 13 aouth. Range 19 -,-jit. and v'.i nwij and nw-4 neH Section 3. Township 11 fo ith. Rsnge 19 east, WM. FWephn T. Black. ..rr!-4,4i4i I'a'lev r-n,nt- nf Sherman. Strtte 1 f rj-p'-n-v swnrn statement iso. on. ini-ujis J -ne 1! 19"2. for thf nurchase of the w1 rw -, and w1? w SecMcn 27, Township 1; south, llan-ye 1, eisi. wa, John Kemling. 4i- FnrtiinKton. County of Whitman. Stnte of V-'sshiif-fn. sworn statement No. 512. i'rfl l tne 12, 19'2 ffT the mtrchase of the r,-',J feet'en Ci. "ovnship '2 so-tth. Range I," east WM.. tht they will offer proof to Jnw 'hat the land soucht ts more va'.u pi,)4 f-p Its lm;4er or Ptone th-4r for ae-rs-'t-',!! pi-enose". and to e-.tabllh th'-lr pi.-il it rM land before v. A. Bell. V. f" n'-slnncr it his o"t.-e ft Prlr.e- v!i. feron. on Tuesday, the ICth day of F .-nV, m;. Tll..- --ie as --'tner,-s: W-?v. '''"I'-.'-hl. " pr 'ekson. et H'g-4n. C. W. lie- v,' . ",. '. t-ti-h. 10. W rfrt. M. I r-n. 4-- r. W. P-'VJns. H. P. Belk-4Sn. C. 1. I A. D -nt---n and Scott Hathaway. - n' -p-'nr-.'i'n. Or"on. I A' find all nerons c'a'm'n-r snvere- - tv.4 -.t-o4-e-(let'"-lv-ed lart are re'iust-I e-t ti f'e 4Srti- elnims 'n lets orte" n of 1 before said !6th d-- .-rhnT yx. AT P. l.l-CAS. Rfhter. 1'in'-f Land. Act June 3. YTQ. NOTKJK. FOR Pl'HLICATTON. '. S. Land Office, The I"". Oreron. J-tne 23. 1912, ?1;'it tre T-rovis.nns of the act or , Cmc'-se of T-me 3, 1W. entitled "An ' ''-'t'- "i nf tlmVKr nn(i In IV, jef.itci t-f (iMfrr:a. Oretjon. Nevnda. a.d I f f id .'! -M-3T1 -i'i T"-1o-'" as txt e-i alt te T,-th,4(- L"id S'atei hv at njr'l- t 4. r-n: -Me rvticwlntj persins r.av4-, , . ; iW in. i fl'e-l 'n this otlice their f-vvtm fii'itcre -. to 44-it: sarv J. Royee. , vyp'. Cocntv of Crook. Slate of t 4-.4--ri -"W r"v sffie44pnt v-v. '2', t"r the e: h--" n.f eM, n'-". SJeelton e nr-H w'-i Te'-'Ki 9, Township 13 south, Rango !'. mat. WM - , AIot'e IV. Ftovce, of Croow Btnto of nt h-0 son f,,r tt ola 4 yr'i u -i-rtr,,. 9. T-wn o i 44--.1I4.. p-""e ti "! WfM.. tit thev . ...f 4 "W ft-lt 4',p l.l1 :-rh f-4 '"' vih'nhM nr '-- ttinVr e-i..-i fn- erf-'illiimt, p---na nnd .., ,. -Mt .h 4S.4, n t -n " a 1-'- ' to 4,-4'ft tneil be- j R. io"iTnlsHfone--. nt e'-r o1'' " r--'ir-i-"'i. r--e"in. ''n llnn- fn. -V Of -W. "'"w n-i4.e -4 wltO''-'-i: ''-irr.-t -. ., -r f i ai. rf-wo n' 4,0,.tf.....'v 4-,-n ,n,t jt Te-ip'eton of W-n- v-''" r--ie-. .avvy 44 t iver-'ins "tit-n-tn rdve-e. !! -hove.Aeoe-tht N. em eent-esr. j iriv ihetr (,rma f- this vote'- or 44 .v lite. .he, rew. Timber Lund, Act Juno 3, NU.iVlll i'Vrt 'UlilJ4-i4V.N i,. 3 LUIIJ UlllCO. The Dalles, Oregon, jun a, iM. Nolkti i uvreu a.vui Una ix uuin.iil aiivc wilh tun uiovittiuus ui the ttui u( u.lVUU Ol JUlll 44. WlO. UlUllieU 4411 law. we Hi sate of uniuei' luuus in O.c b.uiia ui taniuiniu, uieou. ie.u ! .1.141 viuiiln,iuu ' v'''''' btx'',!"'u: iu an vn iynu 4 i i-oUiUlil i, 14W, u.e iu..uwu.a ruw nvu, j uieu in Inn uttico llieir swum siutuuieiiia, Ul-wlL willlHtn F. llurdln, o( l'rliievllU. cwuiiiy 01 iiwvik, Statu of OreKOU, aworn atalutnunt No, Sui, thbd .4.14 .1. ior uit: 44u'ciiaM ot Hie beotlon i, Towuahip U ao,ith, hmige 11 eiiat, vM. John O. Hardin, of Prlnevllle, County 01 crook. State ot vieguii, avium attuemeiit lSu. Hai, tiUti liia ii, llsd, tor the purcaasa of the aw iculun , Tuwiuiup u auuih, Range In i4t. WM. Egbert L. Bradford, of Prlnevllle, County 01 crooa. Stale uf uregoii, aworn statement No. 21m, iltoU Aiay XI, 1Vj?, lor the pun-hiue of the awn Section J, Township U aouth. Range u Ottjt, W 441. Frank D. Scott, of I, Grande, county ot Union, State of Uiegou, sworn aiatement No. 3'. tiled Jiiay 1M, lor the purchase of the at i Section 33, Townahip 13 aouth, rtaue m east, WM. Mart D. Klum. of Prlnevllle, County oi Crook. State ot uroKon, sworn atatement No. 11, lllrd Mav tl, lHoS, tor the purchase ot the nw1 Section X Township II aouth, Runge Ik east, WM. Charlea A. King, of Prlnevllle, County of Crook, State ef Oregon, awotn atatement No. ua. tiled Aiuy Zi, 1304, tor ine purcniise 01 ine ei4 Section 23, Townahlp 13 aouth, Range 19 east. WM. rrancta M. nnite. of Prlnevllle. County ef Crook, State o. Oregon, aworn atatement No. 3y?, tiled Mav 23, M. for the purchase ef the ne( S-ctlon i'J. Township 13 aouth, Range 19 cast, WM. jamea Alien, of Prlnevllle. County of Crook. State of Oregon, sworn atatement No. 47!. tiled Juno 6. Wl. for the purchase of the aevi Section 2e. Township 13 aouth. Range 19 east, WM.. that they will offer proof to hn that the land aolialx Is more valu able for Ita timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish their claims to said land before J. J. Smith, Countv Clerk, at his omce at trinevnc. Oregon, on Friday, the 3d day ot October, Thev name aa wltneesev William F. Hardin. John O. Hardin. Ketvert U Hrnd- tnrA Mnrt TV Klum. ChSTleS A. King. Thomas OConnell. Scott Hathaway, and Francl M. White ot rrinevnie. um.; tohn Rlosa and Mlrhnel Connor of The Da'lea. Ore.: Prank T. 8cn'f of iJiOrande. Ore.: and Jnmea A'lcn of Prlnevllle. Ore. Anv and all persona claiming advevsa Iv the ahove-desTthed lan'ls are reo.nit to fllf th-'r claims In this ofn- on or before aald Id -V- of rvtnN-r. i JAX r. 1,1,4 AS, negisier. Timber Ind. Act June 3, 1878. NOT1CK FOH PUUL.1CATIUN. U. a). Und OIHce. The Dalle. Oreson, June 33. 3vi Notice la hereby given that In compli ance with the proviaioua jI the act of i-..,.vi-am nt june x lain, entuled "An act tor the aale of ttmoer lands la the Siatea 01 California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory, as extnu in all the t ubllc ijami Biatca oy o ui August 4, li82, the lodowing persona have, un June lu. 1902, tiled In this othce their aworn atatementa, to-wit: 1.1-1 s. uiuKier, nt TMiievti'.e. t.'ountv of Crook. State of nrron. aworn atatement Uu. ul3, for the I purchase of the nw Section H, Towiiali.p 13 snuth. Kanae 18 eaat. WM. Martha i. Wlgle, of Prirwvllle. Coui-ty of crook. State vt Oregon, aworn atatement No. 614, fur the purchase of the nw4 Section 11, Towiislil U south. Range 18 east, WM. Lola Wlgle, nt tHti4vviii44 i-ouutv oi Crook. State ot Oregon, sworn statement No, 61 lor the purcnase UI ine iiws ocv.iu,, 4, vn ,.,,, 13 aouth, Range Is east, WM. Albert L. Wlgle. of Prlnevllle, County el Crook. State of Oregon, sworn atatement No. ill for the purchase of the swli Section 13, Town ship 1J auuth. Range 13 eaat. WM. William Wlfcle. of Prlnevllle, County of Crook, Stat of Oregon, awi'tn statement No. 61i, fur lh purchase of the ne1 Section 34, 'i'own Ship U auuth, Kange 1? east, WM. belle Wilson, of Prinovlllc, County 01 Crook. State of Orei'on. sworn statement No. CIS, for the purchase of the ni Section 13, Township 13 aouth, Raiitte IS east, WM. Jiffa L. Crooks, nt Peineviiie. fountv of Crook. Statu of Oregon, sworn atatcinent No. 519. for the purchase or tne ae- oecu-in , iuwiwiui south, Hange ii easi, , iijiear T. Slayton, of Prlnevllle, County of Crook. State ot Oregon, sworn statement No. 520. tor the purchase ol tho ecH Suction 22. Township 13 south, Range 18 east, WM. John M. Mlnklcr, of Prlnevllle. County ot Crook. State uf Oretton. aworn atatement No. UI, fur the purchaie of the swtti Sci tlo i 24, Township 13 south, Range is east, WM. May J. Wlgle. ,.t T4ln44,llln I'nlintV Of Crook. Stilt Ot Oregon, sworn atatement No. 522. fr the purchase of the sei Section 13, Tow.lshl,! 13 south, Range IS east. WM. John D. La Toilette, of Prlnevllle, County of Crook. State f t Ore-.-on. sworn statement No, 5"J!, for Ihe pur-'hase of the sc'4 Section 24. Township 13 south. Itange is east. . Joseph rl. urooKs, of Prlnevllle, County 01 Crunk, Hta:o 01 Oregon, sworn Btaiemeni no. e,,. i" p,n,,.f,se of the lie!i Hectlon 23, Township 13 soulh, Range 18 east. WM., tnat ine will otlc-r proot to enow inui 1:1" 14... 4. nuigtit is more valuable for Its tlmher or n-.onc than for arjrlcultural purposes, ano I to establish their claim to sidd lout Co lore J. J. Smith, county uiers. ai ms 1 flce at Prl-ii vllle. Oreijon on Saturday, the day of 8eitcmber. 19)2. They name as witnesses: E. T. Blayton, ir.nk .luhnann. Frank Bonney, w. j to -n o". a d Jo'eph L. Crooks, all of ' r-uvni"-, 4,, e - , nitverse- . Anv and all .persons ,'n"' , to me ,i,-ir r nrn in tbls emce on or before said 13th day of ftentetnher. 1915. JAY P. LUCAS, Rttrlntor. Timber Und. Act June 3. lTs. , NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. V. B. Land 0-TI"e. LakevlfW, Oregon, iiav 27. lft. Notice Is hereby riven thnt In cnmpll- nnn 4vlh Ihi. rnvtafnn Of I lie aCt Of Cor.CT-esa of June 3. 1;8. entitled "An a-t for the sa'e of timber lands In the R'.'tti-4 of t"i;irr,4ita OiTon. Nevada. - nj Washinaton Terrllorv," as extended o si the ' ibl'C Iiiinfl S'Sle ny ai-i "r uru-t 4. 1. tb.e following petrona have :h'4 c-i" biel In this oltlce their sworn -Hatementa. to- wft R. South. nt Ftnto. ry.-intv of LI Htat of Oregon. 4v-n st-Kct-vent No ri2 for 'tie n'trhmie nf the -wtv Ptrtton 9. Townhip 26'80Utn. Rnn? kl rei-t. V'ftnm M. TVwnfng. of Bra "n. Cn-intv of Mn- ifr-'e ef o-e-ron. swim i foment No, ft X fne 'he our--h-v-e nf i,n .v, Section, 18, Township S Bourn, Rang It st John H. yn-rett, nf Poettnd. r-o-ntr of Multnomah. Stat nf Oret-on. swneri s'slenv-nt Nn. 6tt. for- ehlp & aouth, Rung 11 (mat. ueurt tioiititaa, nf Altiniiv f-.inmv of l.lnu Htntn e,f flM. gun. aworn statement No. mm, tin lh" pui- i, A" "u an ,.n.wnB clulmlng adverao chaHe of tho awVi Hectlun 6, Townahip ' lle aUive-Uesciiuud lunua ai raiiueal aoutn, iiaiitfe 11 east I ' Vu (ltt tttt't cuuma in una ullluu oh 01- Ciirl Huelow. ' betuie au.d luth uuy of UeiiteuiUur, lata. of Albany, County of Linn, Stat of Ore. ir. in Buii.i'fl Kl f.Mi fnf HlA nun. clias of the acY Suction 6, 'Townahlp 33 suulh. ltanue 11 east. Kate iVlarlnan, of Albany, (bounty of I, Inn, State of Ore gon, sworn statement No. 6UJ, for the pur chiiae uf this aeVi Uecliott 8, Townahlp 33 aouth, Range 11 east, Ixiula Vlereck, nf Albany, County ot I. Inn, Slute of Ore gon, aworn atatrmeiit No. &ott, Tor the pur chaae of the ne4 Section 8, Township 3d auuth, Range 11 eaat. A. J. Scott, of Albany, County ot liliiu. Slate of Ore gon, aworn statement No. 509, for the pur chase of the ewt Section 8, Townahlp 35 houth. Range 11 eaat. Elmer Conn, nf Albany, (Yuuty of I, inn. State of Ore gon, aworn atatement No. 610, for the pur chase of the nw4 Section 9, Townahlp 3 south. Range 11 eaat, that they will offer proof to ahow that the land aought la more vnluablo for Ita timber or atone than for njtrlruli'.iral purposes, and to establish their claim to said laud belore A. C. Pal mer, V. S. Commissioner, at Sisters, Ore gon, on Tuesday, tho 9th day uf Septem ber, 1902. They name aa witnesses: William R. South, of Solo, Oro.: John R. Morgan, of Portland, ore.; Carl Buelnw, of Albany, Ore.; Kate Mnrinan, of Albany, Ore.: KI mer Conn, of Albany, Ore-; lula Vieruck, of Albany, Ore. Any and all persona claiming adverse ly the above-descrttiiMl lands are retiueat id te (lie th'-lr claims In this niflce en or before said Sth day of Septumber. 19V2. K. M. ilHATTAIN, Register. Timber Land. Act June 1, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. M. Und Otlre. lalkevtew, Oregon, Ajuy it. isu. Notice la hereby given that In compil able with the provia.una of the acl of Congreaa of June 3, U7S, entitled "An uci tor the rale uf tlmbt-r landa In the Siatea of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the Public Und Siatea by act of Ai.gust 4, 12, the following peraona have this day I'li-il In this otlice their aworn statements, to-wit: Jerome Williams, of Altsiay. County of i,inn. State of Ore gon, sworn statement. No. .ill, fur the pur- ':iuise of itie ht becllon a, Townanly 3d auuth, Range 11 eaat. Peter Riley. of Albany. County 01 Linn, State of Ore- k'on. aworn atatement 613. for the pur chaae 01 the ncvs Kectlon 17, Towiitvlilp S south, Range 11 eaat. Mary Riley, of Albany, County of l.liin. State of Ore gon, aworu statement No. 513, for lb pur chase of the nwi Section 17, Township A south, Runge 11 east. , t'.arry Hchloaaer. of Albpny. C'-unty of Linn. State of Ore gon, aworn statement No, 614, for the put vuiore of the nw1 Section 18, Townahlp U aouth, Range 11 enst, Henry K. Klrach. ef Albany, County of Linn, State of Oro ften. awiTti stati.-menl No. 611. for the pur- hase of the ue'a riectlun 13. Tnwnsli.p m south, Range 11 eaat. Malcolm MCAipm, jf Alhnnv. i.'ouuly uf I, Inn. Slate ef Ore gon, aworn atuteinent No. 618. for the eur- chae of the sett Section 19, Township ii -jouth, Range 11 east. JnnvM V. Pnvell. of Alhiny. County of Linn. State Af 0i gon. sworn statement N. 617, lor the fui cdnse of the ne4 Section 19, lownsk.p 2 aouth, Katigt II east. Hairy connaway, of Altiani-. County of I.I, in. State f Ore gun. sworn atatv-nient no. his, for tne iui chase of the nwu Section li. Townslilu 36 aouth, Hang 11 eaat. alarvla Ii. Ilrandcberry. ef Albmy. f'cunty of I. Inn, State ovf Ore gon, sworn statement No. 519, for the pur. chase of the swH Section 19. Township 5 -mil. K-ince 11 eat. mat tny win oner ronf to allow that the la id aouiht Is ion 4 ior its timber or stone tJisn for serrlcultura! purposes, ard to esuibllih Jielr claims to said taml before A. C. Palmer. I'. S. Conimlrsloner, at Sisters. Oregon, on Tuesday, the 9th day of Sep temoer, 1!. They name as witnesses: Jerome Vv'l Hams. of Albany. Ore.: Henry R. Klrsch. of Albany, Ore.; Malcolm McAlpln. of Al bany, Ore.; Jnmea F. Powell, of Albnny, '-.: Hz-rrt- fonr.nwnv, of Albany, Ore.; Marvin D. Brandeberry, f Albanv. Ore. Any and all persons claiming adverse. Iv the abnve.descrlbfd lands are request ed to tile th-lr claims In this office on or before said 9th dav of Frtember, 1902. B. M. BR ATT A IN, Register. Timber Und. Act June 1, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' V. S. Und Ofllce. Lakevlew. Oregon, Muy 29. Ii2. Notice is hereby given thai lu compli ance with the provisions of the act uf Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "Alt act lor the sate of timber lands In the Stntca of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." aa extended to all the Public Land Statea by act of August 4, 1892. the fullowtng persona have this dav l:!ed in thia oillce their aworn statctne-nta, to-wit Lillian Case, of Albnnv, Countv nf Linn. Slate nf Ore gon, aworn statement No. 626, for the nur chase of the wV eli Section W, Township 15 soulh, Range II cast. Nettle J. Price, of Alhsnv. County of Linn. Stale of Ore gon, swu-n statement no. mi. tor ine pui chaae of tho wta sw Section t; anu wt sv-Vi Heetlon 11, Township 25 aouth, Range II east. Derma tf rttni , of Alhnnv, County of Linn. Slate of Orc-g'-n sworn statement No. 528. for ths pur chase of Ihe ne'4 se i. se'4 no. Section 10, nw1! swt,4. fcw'4 nwti Section 11, Township 25 south, Range 11 east. Wenzl Ornsnr, " A'bt iv, Cnumv of l inn State of Oer. ron, sworn statement No. 129, for the pur chase of the ne(4 "W".. nV net, SecUm. !4 aed nwi nv'b Paction 13, Township 2j south. Range 11 east. Arthur W. Foshav. r,f Albany. Coiintv of Linn. Stat or Ore gon, sworn statement No 631, for the pur chase of th wH sV, net', Section II, Township 26 south Knnce 11 eaat. Katpor Kropp, uf Albnnv. fount'' of l.l'.in State "f or-!t-in. aa-orn atatement No. 531. for t'-e tin. ..k... nt lh. nel. ew'. s"A swil nn-f se'4 nwiii Section 11. Township 26 touth. Range 11 east. , , TT-ete n. O'lrldton. nf Lehanrn. County of Linn State of Ore . n .totetnetvf No. 621. for the pur. f he nev, nw'-i. n nH Sect:en 10 ;nd ,14 section 10, Townsnip a, fouin U .. . 11 4111-tt Erneat R. Care, nf Alhn f otv o" "-n Sf'e f)-.'- gon. awom statement No. f.Tl. foe th pur chsse o' the tsi! S-ctlon 10, Township 23 south. Rang II ' , ' Si-noil P. Dord;l. nf 7,avn Coue'v o' Cro-k. P'at of Ore nn FWir-i sfafem-nt '"4. 'or th- un- -- of th fV. net,, nu, e'i Bection ti b.iwA tt e-ni that i Tr.wnr'B ' "ot-tn. .." w! cirrnroof to shew at th. land - ..i..n trw ! Hmhee or r IZZl , th. Tfcr scrlciiitunt purpose'- and "f TMn'-l'i. Ountv of Ceook Sttt of hlr r'al-i "M '"" lw- Omron. aworn atatemnt No. 4J-. for th . I n psimer I' 1 ron,mti,,nnr at fn-ircha.e nf the ne'4. Section 10, Townahlp i1eV iOtiiUit. i WentWf ft is town. Rang. 10 Mt. trv ( pentember. 1M. ,..( Herhes It. Kf(Itit. ' Thev a- a' wltnea- lVnnld S'.rfa. Tr)VjU- County of Crook. BtaSe of nt p.eS Oee.: JV-' ' M. -. n, i"" - Arthur W. Foshay, of Albany, Ore.) Kai - per Kropp, 01 Alimuy, Oi-.; lviiual 44. ! Case. Ot tVllMUlY. Ol'e. .. .u. nuAi 1 A1.11 Kvgiaur, Timber Und. Act June 3, lsrs. Noi'iChi 'UU I'Ulll.iCAI'luN. V. M. I .mid uirtro. Lakes lew, (ll enun. Muy 113, ll'U. Notice la liereoy given that in cainpll ftuce with the 'proviaioua of the aut of Congrcica of June 3, 17,1, entitled "An act tor the aalc of timber landa In the hUatca of California, Oregon, Niivudu, and Washlnglun Territory, aa cxteudtu to all the I'tilinc l.and Hiatea by act ol August 4, ls','2, the following persona have One day filed In thin oniuj their awum atateiuonts, to-wit: K.ltu Pniker, of Prlnifvllle cnuuiy ot Crook. State ol Oregon, aworn statement No. 434, for the purchase of the nc' Section 1, Townahlp Hi aouih, Hunga 1(1 enst. bdna I. Hadley, nf Pi-lni.-vllle, ci-uiity of t.'tonk. State of Oregon, sworn statement No. 436, for the purchase nf the i ei " Section i. nw, swV, and wit nst, Section 1, Townahlp ii aouth, Rango 111 rust. laabell Polndettar, of pi-lnevllle. County of Crook. State of Oregon, aworn statiment Nu. 438. far the purchase of the seii Section 1, Township 26 aouth, Kenga It) eaat. Kdwln A. lJavrniiort, of Prlnevllle, Coniily of Crook. State of Oreuon, awnrn atutniiviil No. 437, tor the purchase of the uci Section t, Townsiilp 26 aouth, Kunge 10 enst. An hie V. Powell, t-f PiIuhvIII.i, County of Crook, State ot Oregon, sworn ata'ement No. 438. for the pun-has of the --w Section 7, Townihip 26 aouth, Range 10 rust. Otto C. Oruy, nf Prlm-vllle. County nf Crnok. Slate if Oregon, aworn aia'ement No. 439. for the puirhasa of the ne4 Section 9, Township 26 aouth, Range in east. Brucs Oray, of Piliie 'Il. County of Crook. Bint of Oregon, sworn elutcmtnt No. 440, for thi nun-line uf the nw'. Section 9, Township aouth, Range in eat. Jcsale Oray. nf Prlnevllle, f'miniv of Crook. Stale of Oreg-tn. aworn statement No. 441, f"r the pun-hate of tee seii Section 8. Township ?6 aouth. Rnnite 10 enst. Wlll'am T. Davenport, rf PrlnevlHi . fount)' of Crook, fltsl nf Orecon. aworn staianient No, 442. for the r-urchns of the sw'4 flection I, Township ti aouth, Rane l't ca"l. Chump Smith, of Rnalnnd. County of Crook. Slat nf Oreaon. aworn stntemenl No. '83. for Ihe purclmse of the eu, 4 Soetlon n and-ti, swvi, Section 34. Tnwnshlii 23 aoe'h. Rnse 11 eat iMnt thv will offer proof to ehew that the land snnirht Is more valuable for its timber or stone t'.tsn for sgrlenliiinil nurim-es. and to eatabilsh their e'alm 10 said land before A, C Palmer V, B Com missioner, at Prinerlll, Oregon, on Thura dav. th 4th dav of Senlenber 190 Thev nam its wl' Ell-s Parker of Prlnfv.HI, Ore : Fdna I. irndlfy, 0 Pr'nevl'lf, Orf.; Bdwtn A. Dsvemiorl, of Prl'ievMl. Or.: Arehl T. Pewell, of Prlnvllie. O-e.: Prue Oray, of Pe'nev .. Ore.; Isabell PIndJter. of Prlnevlllt. Any and all persons claiming adverae- Iv the ehove ilesei-l' ed land are reiinelt l to tile 'heir claims In Ihl office en r before said 4-h of Pertmber, 1f, K. M. BR ATTAIN, Reglaler. Timber Und. Acl June J. IT. NWICU! FOR PUBLICATION. C. S. Und OflW, fl ImIIm ilreaun. June 33. 19)3. l-:tke 4a IM-ivuy give that In compll am.- 4iih la urovlHltNia of the acl o! e eurrte of June , 4i, nina 4,..i .1, ike miv of umber lands la the ttiuilvs ol California, Oregoh, Nevada, aatt vvaahttigtiin Verruors. a esu-ndi.0 U all tern luetic Unit mm Is y acl ol AaguW 4, Ma, the pet-eoas have, tiled In tata uWce Uietr awuru auieaienia, te-wl: Aide C. Khlghtefi. of Howard. Ounty ot Cnaik, Stat of rugi'ti, sworn atatement Nu. Hied May 28. Ilw2, for the purchase of the svs as- am! nw1 seVi MiH-tbin I. Township 14 sualh. Range 19 last. WM. Lttttsy Hon, of ttnwnrd. County of Crook. State or ( run sworn atatement No. sui, Ahd , li. ior llie puren44-4- v. -i nV4 and nV aet4 Set-lion 6, Townahlp i4 aouih, Range 19 east, WM. C, Hon. of Howard. County of Crook, State of Oregon, sworn statement No. , fllnl May 28, ll"i2, for the purchaa of the nw1, neti Section 6. Township II auuth, Range 13 east, and wuj ee and neV4 a Secll..ii B. Townahlp 13 aouth, Rnnjfe 19 eaat, WM. John W. Hon. of Howard, County of Crook, State of Oregon, sworn amtemrnt No. 428, find May 39, 1j2, for the purchaae of the aeU nwt. sw',4 ne. nw4 set and ne wl4 Section V.. Township 13 south, Hange 19 east, WM r-hnrles W. Porter. ef Howard. County of Crook. Stat of I Oregon, sworn statement nu. m, ui-m Jun 6, 19. for the purchase of Ihe awl Section 27, Township 13 south, Ranje 19 east, WM. ..... Oenrge L. Herc'ord. of Howard. Countv of Crool. Stat of Oregon, sworn etslmnt No. 4. fT'd Jun 2. 19t?. for Ihe pnrcha"e nf the aw", net and set4 nwU Section 9, Township 14 south, Haniro 19 enst, WM. Annie M. Knlghten. nf Prinvltn Co"'itv of Cro'-k. Sftt 0' Oregr-n, ee-orn sfntem'ftt No. MX men t,i. s tevt tnr th n rnr tne purcirse ui vins n-- noii and tin'i se Secllnn 7. Tnwnshlp 1 ...7.u is i IVil thnt thev wl I loffrr Por,f tn .br.w that the Innd aonithl . vltil'e for Its timber or stone ithsn tor firrt'iu'tcitl firpoes. a-d to es bllh 'heir 'I s''d Ifird before v A. Hell, V. S. r"nmml-lon?r. n' his tile st Pe'n-vti. Ore-ron. on "Vdnca- d-ty. tho 10th itav n eenicmner. lt Thev nsm as wltc": C. O. Hon Puil Pa-kley. A. ". KnlTblen. w. J. weight a I. Herefo-d. and J. W. Wright of Howard. Ore., and A. M. Knighton of Prlnevllle. Or. Anv and all persons claiming adverse ly the s bove-descrlhed lands ar request ed to file ihelr clstms In this office or before said 10th dtv of September. 11?. JAY P. LUCAS. Register. TlmVr Lend. Act June 8. 17. NOTICE FOR PI-BLICATION. . U. S. Und OflV-". Lnkevlew, Oregnn. Mit' 13, Notlc la hereby given that In compll snre with th provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. If78. entitled "n set for Ihe sale of timber Isnds In Ihe Rial es of Csllfornla. Oreron. Nevada and Washington Terrllorv." as extended lo all Ihe vublic L'md S'ates hv art ol August 4. IW. the follow!, pet-sons have this dav filed In this office MVifr aworn ttutements, to-wit: Ora Aniirrws. of PrlnevUU County of Crook, State of On-gnn. sworn stntement No. 144. for the mirchss or the nv, or svi. m-etton lu Township 'St soulh. Rnnce 10 cast. ' Fnnnle Morris, ' . ' of rrln villi-. Countv of Crook. Stile of Oreeon. sworn stntement No. 413. for (h" purchase of the nwVi, Section 10, Township 26 south, Ranw M eiirt John F. Morris. nIU, aWOU WtJk !. fCT, Ul 1 purrhase of Hie n'i sw1, aw1 gw. , uun 11 ami ,.'., n', Micllun lu, 'luwmlilu 81, suulh hiitu..' U'. iiist. tlvrn W. Hmltll, of I'l Inevlll-, County ui I rouk, Stale of Oi't-Koii, swi i-11 iiiiiiinent No, 1,;, tl.e puruhano of Hie nev,, wvl m Section 11, luwiivjhip .' uli haiigu lu tiU'il, Miiiai Itultlwiit, of l'lliievlli', tiiiiii; 01 t,u, ok, Mlate 01 orvgiiit, aw 1111 emu-merit Nu, ill, ior in purchase ol l!u nvvts ni-'4, u'i, nw, aad r II W, bi-clk'il U, 'Inwiislnp 4L, souill Itange lit uiiiit. I'erry It, Polndextnr, of l'rlnvv Lie. i iiuuiy of CiuoK, Hlula ol Oroguu, swuiii s'nli-uient No. itll. lor lite purthuse ol Hie ni ' Heulton 13, Tirwnaliiit 4vii auuth, Itiiiuio 111 east. i'lini !ty Wilson, 0 Prlueviili Cii.inty ol Cruok. State o, Oregon, awurn Kimeinent Nu. 4140, for the purohaae uf tin- ", ut wVt tv-olloti 14, Tuwiishlp iti I'.i'iith, Itiinge IS eaat, Kuliirt o. rSialih, of Prlnevii.r, ciMiiuy oi Cruok, State of Oregon, swuiii ttaiemt nt No. 4., I. for Hi purchase of the w's aw- bi-uion u and wt nwSi Het'tlun 11, Township 31 aoulli, IllinUH 111 fu' IhrV 44,111 (ItT.-P 114.11. if , w ,hHW ,(,,,, lllni toul:hi m ,, v,u. ble for lis llutlmr ur atone than fur naii- uultuial pui'iMtii:i. und to estuulleh tin 11 claim 10 sum In int before A. C, Palmir, U. B. Coinui.Nxleni 1, at I'rinevllie, on l-'i-i-dsy the Sth my of Heptember, ll3. 'I'hey natiie as wnniNtA: 01a Andrews, nf Prlueviili,, ; llerlirrt K. Itltli out, of Prlnevllle, on-.; 1. ara si. Hinlth, uf Print villa. Ore.; Joim I-, Munis, of I'rioevi.l,, ore.; Mabel liaidwin, of prlnevllle, tire.; Perry polndaxur, ot Prliievllle, ore.. Any and all persons claiming adverai--ly tho al, ive ili'M-t iiied luun ai" u-iiueel-ed to file fix 11 illume In tlila ofllce on ur before said ::, I d iv or Si ptembrr. 19 13. K. M UltAt TAIN, liigiater. Tlmlier I. and, Act June t, 1871, NOTlCiS i'Olt I'UIILICATION. II. S. Land Oltlce. Ul-iiiK, Oregiin. tiny 'U. )Wi lS'otlco Is hi-i'iiiy given Ihut III compli ance with the provisions of the acl of Congresa uf June 3, 1818, enliilod "An act fur the st-ic of tlmtx-r landa In Hi ti.iiir i,r 1 'nitinrnia. ttreguii. Nersda. and Washitisiim Tsrrltorv,'7 us estendul to all the I ui, He Und Slates by act of August 4, lv,c, tho folluwinit pers ins havit this duv llir.l in this ufllcr their swum atatementa, to-wit f Joseph D. Sternberg, of Portland, County of Multnomah. Stale of Oregun, r.aoro atatement No. 4,'l, fur lh purchase uf the ' aw1, end wt., at-', Mrctlun 1, Town hip 36 aouth, Range it eaat, Ati:un M. Dawson, of Albany, f'uomv of Linn. Slats of Ore. oregmi. eworti i.tatemenl No. 421. for th purehiis nf tn e't sei, Peeiion I ami w't w'i Pet-lion 2, Township 36 aouth, Rang 10 eaat, -il.-imln 0 flelen. of Albnnv. i-'nii.!y of Linn, flint of Or gon, aworn 'iisl-inrnt N'o 121. rn- the imh--ehase uf the in-', nw, usr', ne anil ft-i 1-4.14 H.illon 3, Township X avuili, llaugo It) east. Krrtj pawnn, o' Albi.ii' ''."ii 1 of I Inn Htst of f In gun, aworn stj inient No. 427. for flu- tu"' chase of the vvti. reVi, vi; Section J', Township 35 lotith. Rnne 10 ast. Kra-t -Is 3. Trace, of Alb'tn1- ''-I'titv of I. Inn. Plata of Ore gon, sworn nt, meet 'n. i't, for fhn iur chnee nf the -. Vi Pectlon 7, Townahlp T south, Ksm-i li est Iliram C. Chainher'ln. of Alhiev t '.ii'itv ' ' Inn Stat f Or, eon. awnrn a'.u'i-ment No. 4'9. for th nu.-- ch of ihe niv't Section I. Townahlp 8 south. Rang- in east fleor ), Barton. of AlK-inv. Ceiinlv of l.lm H'nf of Or ron. aworn siat-ment No 410. for th pur- acl oflrhsa nf the i '1 Section I, Township aouih, Kanr 'n t Edward X). Cualok. of Albnni-. f'lnnlv nf I Inn Btat of fe gon. sworn sts'ement No. 4X1. for 'be pur rhas nf the w", H-ctlon 9, Township K south. Rnnr it John P. Trouttnan. f Alhsnv. l i'inlv o' ' Inn Htst of Or gon, awnrn emiement No. 4'5. for 'he our. rhn of th "H lerton 13, Townahlp gouth. Rann 19 f"' Mnrv Troutmnn. nf Al''an'. r-.iii' tv of I Inn Htat nf Orf (fon. rwor:t statfment No. 433, for the pur eha" of the aeU aei', He-II'm J. nei'. nes fluellnn it and wti. ewtl Section 1. Twn- ' i ship J6 south lttn II fsst. trim 'ir yx offer proof to -tl'tw ir-'it tne ien o-igiti l mor vslnnlile for Its tlmlwr or alone thnn for ni-rlrult'tral ptiron"s. and to s tnhltsh their i-lnlm to said laud befnr A, C. palmer, I' fl. commlaslnner al Sisters. Oreenn. on Monday, th Sth day of Sep tember. 19"". . t Thv nnm as w1tnsea: neph D. Sternberg, of Albany. Or.: Augusta M. Dawson, of Alt-nny, Ore : Henfsm'n vi, Clelen. nf Albnny, Ore.: Fre-cla J Traev. of Atbanv. Ore ; Edward T. Ctialck. ol Albany. Or.; fleorge I). Barton, of Al bnnv, Or. Anv and all persons cla'mlng adverse ly th el o"-'1'-serMd lands are ru.oeal ed to ate ihf'r elnlm" 'n Ihl olfle on or before aald f'h ''sv nt e.,-,mVf l- . E M. IIRA1 I AIM, ttegiatcr. TlmUr Und, Act June 3, 1871. NOTICK FOR Pl'BMCATIO.N. I'niterl Sftatss Utxl OHiet, fhe Iiiillet, Oregon. .1 un 21,' Pjfrj. Notice is li'iebv gisen that is aimplisnce with the provinitwM of tlis act (if Congress uf June 3, lNTs, entitled "Aa act (ur thf sale ef t. tlmliei' ud In Ihe Htstes of Califwaia, Or, gun, Nesada, and Washington Territory," estemleii tu sll the public land states by act of August 4. Vl, 'he fnlliittuig persons have this day til' l in thia urllc their swum slats nients, to-fit: Msrv .1. Warren u( Han Krancisco, e' linly of San f 'rati' is", Mtate ol ( 'Min.iaiii. sworn atatenient hx. 017, Wed Junu S.'l, UK)., (or the piirchae n( the H'iH K i and tij K t.. Hre. 3.1. 13 It. Ill r... William ti. Liivejny of Poiilaml, couuty oi MultniHiiah Sluts nf Oregnn, swum state incut .Nu. (US, Hied June 2-t, 118)2, fo ll.t pr hase irf tlio E!; HI', ' W Vt S K ami S 1C V,' 3 S Sec. 2, T. Kl H R. I li., W. M Jt'lurruiir II Inrjur nf Pertlaw). county of MultuiHiish. State of' tiregnn, sworn aute ment No. li'.'l. rilad June 1!4, 111)2, fur the per cnaee uf the W Stcv 3, T. 13,-4., It. 10 K W. M. That they will offer proof to show that the land sniatlit I mure islualiit for its tinder or stone than for ugricultural purposes, anil t'vj sttaeliih their claim to said land Ivsfore-tj Register d Heceivernf this uRice at,fiie Dalles, Oregon on Tuewl.iy the Kth day of .ieptetiihsr, 1112, v Thev nsm sa wttnessit: (icticge Pres tos of The llalles, Oregon, Jnho, C. Dwver i and McMilliu Carson, of ll-it-naun, Itlalm. Wm. 14. Ltivejey, Kloi-elics 'H. Iil'eiov, fteorge A. Kiich und K. J. Oennolly of Port land, Oregon, and Mary J Warrvn ot Kau Kraii'iiscs, flslifnniia. Any ami all person claiming adversely, th altove'-dt-iicrilied lanja are rettuested to tile their claims in tlii nllics nu ur before said Mth .lay of Htpteinlif r, 1IKI2 fS yA I r. LLCAM, Kejister. StofcB th Cough and Works off Ihe Uialiye Briuim Qiiiiiips Tablets cure cold, in til) day, 'v Cut4 So Pj4N I.4H,, tn ceuia., ' 3T 5T tcc fft