Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 17, 1902, Image 1

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    vr-w- y
I . ,7.:"'.,.
J6urnat'' '
"XO. 3f
Dalle Man Visits This
Favored Spot.
It's Wonderful Fertility.
Now Homes Bprir.itlnif Up on
Every Hund -Grain and Grass
Looking Fine
Timothy Brownhill, who recent
ly returned from the Agency Mains,
iifiikitig uf that country 'ay the
buxincrg nii'it I'fllie Pa lie m not
nnnnT.iiite the possibilities of the
Agency Plain and the country hc-tu'ii-ii
Khcrar's Bridge and tin
Plains, saya The hnllc Chronicle.
It j Misprising to sec tlit) number
' o new homes dotting the hindn-iide
between Shcrar's Bridge and Bake
oven. TIhtb homes are bicatcd on
government land, once slippnsi d to
I t worthless only for stsk grazing,
hut now proved ln'yoml u lnlt to
lit! fine grain land. Ttit- only reas
on that ihe sellleuient is not ion-
nndovrwhid.Koodload, ,nn he QJJJ CQUN1 Y CODHT
At thi' settler located from the,
top of tin-hiii on th other Khi.! , l((juar Session fur I lie
Nhcrar on 10 till) plains am more
thun anxious to turn their patron
age to Tlx Dalles on account ofllic
saving of' railroad rate on freight
it will pay the business men of this
eity to co-oiert'iit! with Mr. 8herar
in building h nearer road to these
new settlements, a Mr. Mierar
assure in that he lias already shr
veyed, what can he made a splen
did rond, und some twenty-five or
'thirty mile nearer than the one
mostly traveled t present. The
patronage to la' had from the conn
try mentioned will ho no small
item and why not make an effort
to have the majority of it to come
to The Dalles.
Ori'itmi Crop I'oiiillllonii.
The past week hit Instn phe
nomenally old, and wet. Heavy
rain have fallen in all sections of
the Slate,; and ' the day temper
ature averaged from 10 to 15 dc
gtcex helow the normal in western
sections and liom 1H to 22 degree
.tinned on through to the Plain isj 1(.Wlt. r,,m iu the eastern
lack of i'(v d roads. , , MK.i,w. Strom- winds mevailcil
The Agency Plans as situatco
ahout sixty-six miles south of The
Month of July.
New Officers in Charge
County High School Located at
PnnevllleOther Busi
ness Done.
amy, me VOUtuy voun niev in me
oiiirt house, there being present, mm-;
miB-innerx ti ly unit Icnipletun,
Jiiilgi' WiIIh U'iiig itlMent, and the
xherilT and ckrk, the following pro-1
ceitling were had. '
In the matter of the claim for dam-1
nt-'eM of It. V. Jenkina: Ordered that J
claim fur $J78.5') 1 allowed in full of
all (leiiianilx. I
of JMph Btr't for 173 on road fund.
In inatter of nccount of road dis
trict 5: Ordered that the Koad Matter
swtle with J. N (lil)erg,'llx;rvlrt of
Uixtrict 5 to the anioiint of being
all the money due Haid district July 9.
Ordered that the clerk draw war
runt in favor of C. Montgomery, iu
the mini of $111.60, being all the motl
ey in road fund belonging to mini dis
trict July 9; dm id money to be expend
ed (of road wurk and voucher for the
name turned over to Ih in court.
Ordered that the Road Maiiter aettle
with H. lirime, uperviior of (list, 1
..!!. ..I till 'III ,.i ..
On Wednesday, the wiid day of, ., ,.,..''''
, . . ., . . . .. ! fund for that dintnct.
Ordered that tlie Uoad lUArr aettJe
with K ( Itolier, roud iiierviaor oi
, diotriet 10 tu the amount el 1, out of
tjje rinul fund.
y in tlie ni'itter ol the petition ol
Jiiinou .McMcei; et al, for a bridge
miroM ('rnoked Uiver on fonwt ruad,
cuiil iiiuiil fur the term.
In the iinitler '.( order to road nirper-
rikiirM t.i liiiifki'A iiIm! riiol iiiim iii ...tin.
Iii the inn iter of the report of I). W'.'
, . , , .: ly Matin: On IIim day after one con
11... Ut al 1'h.HHN .J ... I.tfo- 1 3 1
Items of Interest Gath
ered Here and There
SDme Stolen, Others Not
Culluxrs Prom Our Exchanra
J)ewsNoteof the Week.
Timely Topic
liiij'1 road, n port'heing favorable, aid
-:h1 in decla red a pulilic biglnvy and
.nil' red opened and plotted on nuid
c "i 'i .I'd it of tb in canity.
In the matter of the report d the
i-iili r.itinn in regard to uiHiiy com-
ilninls made lo tlie Cn'irt in legard to
: parlie fem in n j or ucroi-a county
KiiiiU: It, ix ordered that the Uoad
.' Maxter be and he in hereby oolered to
llalh'ii, bordered by the
liver on the west, Hay creek on tlie
faat, hroketi country and rim ro. k
on tho north and timlier and li ill
on tin! aotith. The plnina' cmixixt
of nearly eel country ahout eight
mi lea wide and fni twelve to" fif
teen miles long. All the land, ex
cept that near to tho break, can
ha plowed and is free from rocks,
Viewerx (ailing to meet,
tor neveral ilava in Hie uoiuinnia
river valley, and light fros-tx were
reported, .Miiiiilay morning, iu I he
extreme fustrrn iHirtioii of the
The maximum, or day leniier
attirex during the week in win-tern
Oregon. ranged between 54 and 'it
degree, and the minimum, oi night
teniputure helween 44 und 55. de
cree. In Eastern, Oregon the
' ' itiiivinmiti tettn efutiireM ralieed be-
the noil hoilltt from two to fix feet . ... . . .., , , .....
new viewer
urn- Hpjxiiutcd iu the pcrxoiix f It: M.
IViiiplelini, I. W. f!x-ur and J. li. Cal
i;an and (!. A. (.ravw, surveywtu
iiiei't at Jlic pliu-e of beginning orf the
ninth day of Atiguxt, at ten o'clock
11. Ill, of XII ill d;iv.
deep. Hunch gruxa growx in gnat
nhundanee, mixed wilh xagehruxh,
which, however, ia of. the xnnill var
iety und easily cleared. .Mr. I'al
v.n l Ox, recently of this city, who
has a claim on the Mains, has n
few acres sown to wheat ami lifts
also planted a garden. l!o!h the
wheat and garden produce are
making a fjdendid fhowi'ng for
being sown so lale, and especially
when you consider that the sot)
was broken late in tho spring an!
the ground not hummed at all,
just smoothed over with nMoug
iece of wood.
All of the good land is.taken. A
few quarter sections are vat-int
that would make good homed, and
the settlers on the Mains, tiutnher
ing into tlie hundreds,' are nearly
all 1 1 a permanent character. They
are improving their claims, have
built very neat house, and though
I tween fid and id degrees and the
minimum temperatures between
3 a ml 62 degrees.
; The damage by the raina consis
ted in lodging a great deal of full
wheat principally in the Willam
ette valley and in portions of the
Umatilla wheat regions;, pome
standing hay was also lodged and
a large, amount of cut hay has been j
injured. With -favorable weather
this week much of the lodged grain
and grass will came up again, and
iiotiiy all road xupervtMira'to move, or
icaue to be innuxj all leiiceu that now
ioluimet any camly roud in tlieir rex-
ijwrliw! Mint district. Dated this llth
idaytil July, 112.
j In-tlieiiiatier of the wrongful ns!P
i meet uf K. L Johtisiai: Oiderei that
V. C 0)iiglfon,heriff, be credited
I ullll lliB Kill, i ..( fia'A .... ,.(
In the matter of the re.rt of 0. W.
Kkinn, rouil muster, on the cot of; , . , ' . . , , ,,
, , , , In the inatter of the double aases-
uraige on me rttrtm niau. neixjrt . ... ,, , ,
. . , iiient iH . t.. Congleton anil rebate
read and approved ... !
In the uiattei' of the apnortionftient! ., , ... . . .
... ' . ; the xlierilllw osinbted in he xum of
of the roud fund and warranU for : .-, . . . , ,
.... ! lJjj.90 mlmte on taxex slid the sum
nad supervision!; tlie following ' . .... , ,,
' , , . -, f 14 .10 mi double uMesment.
Kiiioimtx were ordered paid to the n- , , . , , . . '
..... .......... ... ,,,,.,v
ft of W. 0. Congleton, xheriff: Order-
! ed that xheiilf be charged with the
sum of f '29.58.
In the inalter of the fherifl's assexs- flint llio Hliwi-irT 1.
of fib and charge to fund i.f siiid dis-; . . ....
,. . , , charged with the sum of f22Jtt.ll). .
tret. Oixtnrt 14; cnlcrcd that war-, ... ..
. , . i In the matter of uncollected taxes: , I. lit'.il ..I mil,! ,i;uir ..'
"! Ordered that C. Sam Smith, "sberilf,
' i he chargiil mi the roll of 1002 in the
'iriHHi-u linn iiMi Tiini.i nt fciir. ae.- . a fit., nu I i
, . .. . . ! siiui of f Jill J 08 and it is further er-
cinini oi ipoo.ou. uieu ic d; omereu
tlint road fund la' raised $2.45v Clerk
ui'deiitl to draw warrant in favor of
l'tiv dixtne'x und supervixors. Dis
trict 14; Kiwi nuixter ordeml to settle
account of $3'i and charge same to
road fund of nail) dixtriui. Dixiriet 18;
Head master ordered to settle account
The crtip of wild bkek-berries In
Western Oregon is aid to b ttort-
The aupreme urt hats decide!
thjit the barber'a Sunday losirig
law ia valid.
Surveying fiiw, erJOiaaenced: on.
the projMiecd new tailroad froim '
Grants f asa to the coigt at Cres
cent City. 1 .
Walter Lyon7 private- ecretarv
to Govornor Geer, and Guard Car
son of tire Wallu Wal p.uitt.lUi
ary, are going t try again to fol
low 1 racy with the- hounds.
The Amalgamated Sugar Com
pany, embracing the factories at
Ogdenand Logan, I'tah, and L.
Grande, Or., kis beer finally form
ed, with a capital of f4,(KX),0(ja .
Tlie Columbia Southern in im
carried only .751)1) pat-senger?; i, -1901,
50,)56, nd for the first aix
toonths of the present year, 2fl,877.
Freight traffic lm incwaaed in. at
cerreepwulLug ratio..
The purveyors ios Lak
Ceos Bay Railroad mow have stake
set and tacks drive fro.a Empire
City nearly into MarsbfiefcJ. They
have also run triaUumy into.
North lieud-'rchfield il;iilr
At a meeting ot tke executivv
'he fub-commi.ttee on'
tlie l(atioo U the big Lewis- &
fclark fair sits-t-' Portland retsirtli
tvor of the City Park, witla
: ordered thai the clem at,lnch a lie
i wariant reliu iniele in sixty da vs.
naWUoru 1'ark as second choice
',Tlic Cheyenne fcjduai. near
Calumet, 0- T.are reported hold
ig a warcuumvL Utng iwigry over-
an order e the- Iadiau iient pro-
1 1 i . . . .
I tl.ut. 1 1 ia uluii-i II' liu nli.t nroit . tU OI 11 j H I M ISl iniOl liru't nit-
(ieorge OslKirn for f2.45 OttUni wif( UUurr MmJlketl tsxa IH Wwturw incident to ihe.r suit
that Uoad master ncy Ed Kutcheri., , ,,.,. ., , inoo,.! i..
I . ; - -
. 0. C. Appfc-gate h:w been recom-
rnenilil f..r ruii,y,,iB..,i .....
Ordered that xlieiiff be charged with t r .. . rt "
. ,, .. : Iinhaa agft at Fort Khimatl'i. hr
he raUed 12.4.1.
In the matter
bill: Ordered that
warrant in favor of C. A. Lewel-
will necessitate a second culti- hug tor f 11. Ordered that Koad, inas-
Vatioil. The i grain harvest also j 'l'r '(',t'e aee.ijiiut of I. Shaddock forjulm
returnable iu 60 days
considerable cut hay will be saved -,. , , ,. ; 'he roll of I'JtH) in the xuni ol
tvu.v ... i-m iui:u i.,i viio.iii.v ..1. , . , , ,
, , ,.iii;., ti,,, -i,a h,iu ... , aod that clerk attach a new nnrrant
in inn iwiiM. ....... ...v....., ; tillered tliat rouii'lunu tut Uihtrat ii
injured ripe cherries by causing
them tu hurst and mold, ami a
xeeond:croji of' Meeds 'hn, itaVted
on " sunimcr-fallowed land, which
tne supervisions . ...,,,, . ,, .
i rlii. Hiini of $ifit s.t. a.iiiiiiiit. iioiil:ii
n .ii-L- , Is, ... 1
will he delayed ahout a week; on
account of the cool veather.
The ra'ins have heeti of vast
small,,niidarnowW'nelitto spring gram, reseemu
commencing work on feiwln'g and) f'hls of wheatpotatoes, corn, gar
digging wells. ' Water is of un un- dcn. pastutvs.' nnd all hite Wops,
know n (inanity there at ' present hi the Grande Hondo e valley and
the wells being located' on the wag- in southern Oregon they liavebcen
ons:hiitthesecondili(1iswillheof,'iPwi"ly bi'nelieml as tlie pre-
short duration as the setllcr ate
combining their capital and labor,1
and while some are making' ar
rangements to bore, others are dig
giug regular jvells. ' That detjeet
one is now thirty-five reel' ijriA '
j; .prospect yLKa.t(.uXhin.iittt
est wad Ui this touutry ia via T:gk
' Vallev, Wariipitia and Warm
soliinanil rocKy that ntifJiingenn .
fit and charge to road district 18.'
Ordered that Road master pay to E. '
u.,.w.i f:..i ..ii . i ii
led on the roll of ltiW and clerk order-! m" .hou nepresenta-
ed to nttacl) n new warrant, lo ai(tUv 1("US'- they av al.10-
io,l returiiaoie in W) days from July ' omwenoed V. r AnuiUit Klam
ath coupty to l e siiorittrendtiit off
Ordered that sheriff be charged itl Craten Lake- National, Park..
vmicrcu iriiit c -jao inasiei ea iu i. I . .- o . i . n .- .
E. t.oi;ixll,tl,i8 being the balace:;""",,,W TV' 7"" i Mi making for tl-
J" ;."-'" "'J,,m ,,,!sto,-ageof,i-etrt.l.unito he utflked
In ii lift Lf 1M InrttuT un if rrri i
visoc of district 5, tvtunml ly tbei.u.rli ....i, n 1U.W 1limiaj,Jwliy,Hiila NnUIierm
. , : , , , ,v , v "
uui wf-nn" v " rv' i iMihrs : .. f..i i a st,.
, c-iivity.u iiiivi h in ihiiik'i iMtirri u utu
If-i:id Master for correction and con-l 00 itavs fnun July 11, 11)02. ' Un its liKomotlv-e.: A eOOO-gaJloni
tinned for the term. j , , j rank will ho- erected at Skanikw
lu thfr matter of the bill) for Sim))-; CtlR'AOo, July 12 Renewed ,w-! and two at Btgg's. Each- of, the
sonA Wilson, for f 1.70; showed udltivi,y in e0iu.ietiug tho survevs of' latter will, have a capacity- of 20,.
eli ik onlered to draw warrant- for', th(J pri,p(JHl.d lim. f nirmli to; 00t) gallons, and wilM.e" made ofi
". ' , ', . , :oos lhiv, with an extention rriih- redwood... The tanka willihe fiJlcut
ceding .droughty conditions werci
i : . . . ii a i- . i in tne niaiur oi locution oi (.-ountv ,, , , ,. , i . i . .. ,
beginning to cause itlarm, and . , .. , , ; ahlv to Portland, Or., and the c-l and dRuwii.trum,. by tlia procea m
pnng wheat tUat it was tliottghl . ,,,d.menty opttotia m properties fravily. ; .,
Court here adjourned until tlie 9th '. 11-1 ,he U"'mn' P1'"''' tll:lt wiU i,a vul detieate : -ai j'sffinli' ojwmliom
day of July, at 10 o'clock, a! m. ; uahle only, in the event of, tho com- h;,s iwni'performe'dai. Astori am
Court convened at 10 oVlock a. in., pletioll of the road, Juu-e started. -tilL-10.vear-oiijlie!4idi of, MVh. Col-
, f , - , '
would have' to he cut for; hay will
now uiftlie a heavy crop. Wheat,
is fillliik'jiicclv, hut- in
WOi-fJiUajWiaL ' '' Jii'y tf.tlierf- being present. County ! speculatriou to tho. interest l- 'tinduW jTr!tb' shwnttdj-'noofc:
-.lloiwr.-oowi -and . garden,, are' Jndge W. A.'" IiouU, enntmiwionors. hind the proposed line. It is bein Jy irejy -rj. -XpJ.V'j'vR. '-iook:
tWJtu, hut IwcljjWjfhl and Ml IMtiyM'lwcl ,(rf ahCritt Smith' pointed out that the railroad situ- "te-twiV':WVnii'5 to,-t the -behefit.
1rkhC jTlie1, " WrV'RirhU.,' the' fol J..--,.lhm wd! the" if.a-kV J&'i.MMin. : ,f
V!.,...V-f. ' 1i.-.'.,! htnl " '" ;,.) ..'fl i.-i 7:,i.i..-..
ouuook is ia ouiiiic nir ii n'luo rioo i ( w . . .'P'?. "i. ""yi ".. t".k. '" en tnrotit
igia e t M i iK -e b -
- be drawn over them to iulyiiita)te.,ofapples.lhe condition of prims ; . ..,..'....1.1, ,,..-. , .t'OUbi iit-re-L wi-uhl iPmVfn V
1 A splen.lid road nfiVevV, iHfliiTeniatniTiichanged, and fro vrtrylnrcirlW;irid in ' Wrfl : tWS'ty !' WWWWlJ ' a wndUwik-MmwMW- . ft
( "U via. of her's Bridge, AnteJlf tn M vi,Al' r'ff'xvdf.MfcfHl.rl.' cn,a.1,-' m iv" UMfUk.u VtItv. jtj
i onl' arlit 'troVs vKeva to Heisler Ys ktarteJ. Peiiclies are djilog 1. W.,,iAmln U,.iWI (, Vbd IA.' BaiW"tJfi lii-lr,tUriostitt-- eatdJuihaeiJSh-, and iwptiflr'iiitt-
jtitTWWrfttlfiifBrm rrrnwTwwf www-wir'WTiTnBe-Tp w-y-v- cation of xiid rwnty ttigfi Vfhodl.j lr.v- Ssll "m)Kta. 1 ne-aj.arat:on- wM sai-.-
gap to tl Plains aver a suiooth,' ter will probably he harvested iu' la the inatter of road district 19, Goulds" a route, thtojjgjj. tu. Ilia csssfully performed iuL wuj'ji.' al
HA-U ktt load neatly all tbu way ' aouthetu Oreou- 1 clerk, ordered to draw .warrant in. fkwst Coasts ' ' alimiaute. .