Crook Cosnty Journal. V. boats on tho Columliirt are tii'il ,,. fui 0 hunehgr.iss. Mr. SkiptonV for want f rng'tncer. The fact of ! brand of oats could iiovc-r taku Ilia . Kf:unTA!!KKK, .. ' tho waiter is that tho tailoring ! ,l,,C(. ( t,;g evident herbage l'i;m.iKHKiisi( rKoru-;o:iK. ' classes iirc becoming ,t wealthy, Albany Herald. The. i'o)li! wlni T. tm.t. 1'mroi! ! tlu.v want to spend tlioir money , )ivo hero .my Icnuth of timonrii iim'm'S they know a Cocktv -OrtfiriAi. -toma. . u la!i'11 "m" ' "v;rnhi tiunjt whvn tl-y whi it. Will sm-vl) .Uiil I.niul. At tl iVriii Jit. Jie.. fn'.li'.innnssi'n through tW kV. S. u . tils an wnmii cl- mullet. fel B.sCIlirriON RATIOS. in AUVAXr.r as Yu-iu .-Six Monti; "' illiKKU Mmniln. w xauBsiuy, Ji iv w. urns. The first aestion of the -Fifty-1 ;ain! don't know how to gvt ral of , jilst )il(u tu, lit fader than by striking. 1 ity I (hoy don't sirilto tho labor agitat-j I ors with a good linrd ohih. Agi- ; tation is a pood tiling wlion a i plied to making icecream or hut , tor. hut when it gets too strongly 'impregnated in tho lahor elenionl it work? a hardship on all honest , people. Ps3Bt:isOTiTO,M H til ti... r ,il I'm 1 1 lwiwiil f ! f I i Moody, (ho ijouhigiacl Survey will send three t'.el Tho Sivmo uld .Story. J. A. Kelly relates nil evperience similar to lli:it whieli tins happened in ., . , . 1 . . ... :. !;. ' inisu-a i lll(,t every MeiK!dHrl..HKl. in (lie the repeal of the war revenue tax lnitnl laU (, lvvn tM ,, Jaw, th initiation of the Panama j re ll(tl liv t tituisn n of others. He Canal, the inauguration of Civil j.s;,y,; "Last summer 1 had sn attack govertnmtfit in .the Philippines and ; u r!yentery and purchased a bottle of j the formulation of a system ot ;fed- j ('namheilmn . Colic, Cholera ami t ;-;,,.,;,., ; Diaminca Kciucilv, wlueli I used ao- cording to dirtelion mid with entire -i'!-- ...i.:..Am.,ic ,f tt. ' ly satisfactory reMilts. The trouble KlcinocroU during tlwFifty-wveuth;iWW,,",:"'w''""-" " I lllrl HlllltKS uru I u.-t-u iiui-i itiii- Congi-ess have been a contributarv s!)ire in tlie defeat .of tho bill pro viding aetastanee for Cuba and the ridiculous '-Captiau Christmas In Aestigation." It is sorely io ree ord to lie proud of. rdies." Mr. Kelly in citizen of Henderson, by all druggist. a w .X. C. II known Kor sale The recent wool sales in.Shaniko should be a lesson to our sheep men that in poolin;; their wool lies the secret of liih prices. It I should be one of the first duties of A Poor Maiionaw. Lately starved in London because ......1.1 H.i.fut Iin Lvut K.olv usn ,.fPx.Ki..K'.KeW Life Wl. wouUI tl meiw Association toor ,aveave.Uiim. They ulieugthen the c:lnlzli 11 wt,(l1 P'"'1 for xtyear tonmcJi,i:iddig.tiKi,4-omotea8fimi-j and try it anyway. If one planers In thin, improve nppetiie Pwcc 25c. over the prces of the sahs he will Money hacJi if iot "iitistied. Sold by invariahly find that the person or Adat)kSo.u Winiiek Co." nersotis havini; larpe lota of wool ... .- received the best figures, all tiling No feature oi i-epubliean jros- bcing equal. It would not be a verity has been more remarkable. jj,.a for tl,e gm,,, ,,. t(, frm than the commercial development a company the same as the prune of the South. The current census !grwel!) 0f t-outlu-rn Orejion did -will show that luriug tlw last de- j am tj1UR tnlu, tl,e ful value oi ade60 percent of our cotton f x- j their product. Try it once and ports have come from the Southern j txen if it fails lay the blame on states. j tlve editor of this sheet. We have seen it tried in the fruit hm iiiess land fullv believe that it will work ing a "Pronouncing Gazetteer and Oeographical Dictionary of the Philippine Islands, with maps, charts and illustrations." From the advance proofs it would ap pear that no more useful publica-i j fc he lion has hcen issued hv the govern- ' . , went for vears. as well in the wool trade. It b high time that the small wooi grower received the same rates lor his crop that the large grower, pro vided that his wool is of as high a "iiyer does not pay any particular attention to him and when he ge;s readv The Best Liniment for strains. there is a rush to dispose of their Mr. V. H. Wells the uieiclutut at ' product by the small grower and Deer Park, Long Island, X. Y., says: , thus creating a couictitoii that is "I always recommend Chamberlain j sure to result disastrously. Pain Bulm a the beet liniment for strains. I used it lnt winter for a severe tamwiess in the side resulting from a slraiit, and wiu greatly pleased ith the (piick relief and cure it elfect ed." , Yor sale by all druggists. d parties into hast en) Oregon this summer, according' to a press dispatch from Washing ton. 1. C, Hussell will spend the summer making surface cxatnina-i tions in the iiorihoTii cxlreniities of Malheur and Harney connlics.i todelcrmiiic the amount of artesian water avalnbte for irrigation, and the probable, depth to which wells ; must be sunk. Last summer lio conducted siim'liai cxaniinations '. throughout (southern Idaho. ! A second party, which sponl last' sumnier inaking triangulatiou to; the west of linker City, will con-, tinuu this same work east r.inl north from that point, paying par-; ticular attention to tho Cornucopia 1 mining district. As so in as this ' Iriangtilation is completed, it is in-.' tended to have this luincial Kelt more closely examined with a view : to determine the extent and rich-' ncss of ore deposits in u manner similar to the bindgren examina- j tion of the Iihie Mountain gold . field a year ago. i A third pa'ty will be sent into '.he blue Mountains to locale teas-: ihle sites for storage reservoirs,' with a view to their ultimate use by the general government under the new irrigation law or the mil-' ization liy private enterprise. The ,jj ih'pirtmenl is convinced that the2; waters from streams rising in the blue Mountains, if properly Mured and controlled, can be made, to re- $ claim large tracts of lands that arc now practically valueless, l'.xaui- inalions for reservoir sites will a be tnado in a part of ('rook cmmtv and ahjug the Deschutes river. On tin! recommendation of llcp resentative Tongue, a 'mirth party will visit the mountainous regions in Josephine and Jackson counties, and north into Douglas county, to locate sites for storage rescrvois. While there is not the same de mand for irrigation there as in Eastern Oregon, iiqutricnce ha demonstrated that irrigation mater- j rr-st. t bj 'i h. nW Ladles Shoes AVo lire olftring-O OiilViTnt styles of Ladies Shoes at m tlian. cost. U wiU liav w to call ami examine our Iargaiiis in this line. We can save yon money. Ladies Shoes, formerly fl.Ct), now $1.00. 2..M), Il.Oll, Ml,' a.:.'., 4.(K), U0. 1 ".V l.K.r.. 2 25. 2.35. Simpson & Wilson PRINEVILLB. OREGON. entucky Liquor House I "7 i A I ' ll . . 1 4 A tiovRiiArr Hop Gold, Sierra It lilts the Spct Every s Time. to This applies our Stock. It's 'JUST" right. A few of our leaders "GREEN RIVER" "Harper", "Jesse Moore", Schlit Beer, Gamb.-inus, Csmpo Sauterne, Jules Mum Champagne, Imported and Domestic Ales and Portora. f oT'iTrt tMr tri I TIIK DAid.KS. OIlKdON. ft Mi B i tally aids in the cultivation of j fruits, and wliile the govertimctil j may not undertake the construe-! 0"T)T)"T TT"f ( ( ( T CI k7JL. -J- J-i Ji V A A V ' V ' ricnator Mitcheil of Oregon has given notice that at the Short ties hion he will ask Congress to take substantial recognition of the ex position to 1 held in Portland in 1905 to commemorate the expe dition of Iwis and Clarke to the Pacific coast. There is some likli hood that the" Senator will lie ask ed to pledge his word that, if Con gress makes an appropriation, it will not I asked for a second do nation U) offset a deficiency. Fem es Must l-omo Down. t ;.. il .. .11. Greene, a special agent of ; . , J ' . , . 'Ashland a ml lios'dilirg, it is he-1 the government, was in this city;" h last week, having come over from r . i i t i 1 he of great assistance Jo private Harney county where lie had been 1 looking after the opening up off 1 - i..i ,t.. ....! it A rciriv w:ii ne oveiinmoL i.iiiu -xiai ir riiii'jpiii ; - , , , ir .i ' ! in''ton ti) continuethe exiuninaMoii under fence, lie says the tit cision ! r .i , ., , ... . . . ! of reservoir sites on the eastern of the I nited Mates court against slope of the I ascatle mountains. i sent into Wa-h- iwilii a view to storing the wa-le water of streams flowing eastward. Water storage in the Upper Col- Jesse D. Carr has not been disturb ed on appeal, and that it will ap ply to all who have government land enclosed. He expects to soon return to Harney county and com-1 plete tne inspection of the ranches PV8D g,,me "''" of that county, when it is under stood he will give some attention io Grant'county; Blue Mountain Eagle: IorieI V'ur Hum liprlhs. Smnnier complaint is unusaally iirevalent iimone children this season.. A well developed case in the writers i E. Skipton, residing near Phil family was cured last week by the ' miath, has a team of truant horses, timely use of Chamberlain's Colic, The other day they left his farm. Cholera and Diarhoea Remedy one of j and were finally found at the farm the best patent medicines maiit.hict- j 0 'fyra Smith, hear the Peoria ured mid whioh is always kept at the ,irn, Kvcrv time the ferry steam home of ye sreihe. Thi, is not intend- j cr l!(;nt((n county gi((. ed as a free laid lor the company, who . ,, , . i . . '. ' -' of the river, the horses tried to get uu imil ifieitipe wilii hi. uijl ior tne Fruit Farm for Sale. I offer for sale my fruit farm of! 1H0 acres situated in the Cove on i the Deschutes river. Ihere arc 2!)00 trei of assorted varieties of I fruit qnd a ready market for all of the product. ' T. P. McCALLISTKR, Culver, Oregon. LOST $3 Reward. . i i... ....i... i..,.i. containing accounts. Has name of( W Temphaon 4 Son at top and Ralph i M The latest fashions in Mona', Boys' and ! Children's HATS. We are headquarters for Fishing Tackle. A new lino of (JIiVKS Ims arrived which we are dispos ing of rapidly. ('a)I and t'xainine thctn STRAW HATS. It in now tho time of ywir for iviol head wcur. Otnv .Straw Uala are juat the thinjf, and we soli thwn cliwip, RED FRONT BAZAAR N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs. Reliable Merchants, I I I I 1 1 jf. Jf. Xippman & Co, benefit of little sufferers who may not lie within cosy access of a physician. 'o family nbotild lie without a bottle of this medicine in the house especial ly in uniuiner time. Lansing, Iowa, Jiaimul. For fale hv all diuggiats. The strik situation throughout the couutry remains practically the same as last neck. The steam- on the boat. Tho horses were j Poindextcr near bottom of front raised in Eastern Oregon, and were j cover. Return to Templeton Son evidently anxious to get a mouth-'and receive above reward. ADAMSON 1 WINNEK CO. Incorporated 1W0. Drugs, Stationery and House Furnishing Goods. Manufacturers of Furniture AND PEALKKS IN Fine Undertaking Goods, m (.'orpefs. Stoves, Kanpes, Lend, Oil and Glass, Lumber and lJuihling Material. fli Goods sold for eaidi and on the installment phin. PU1NEVILLE,' : ORE(iO.. 1 4L