Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 10, 1902, Image 12

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    0K3NWWi9Oei'89ij A great many elaima Hre luring tk
;tt .m , 1 1 t't in the timlor lands near .Summit
2 JLoccil ifention. Lrjrje nmi u win only bo siH.rt
Carl Li'tiK,. of Winlock, Washing
ton, was a business visitor in our city
last Friday..
.1. ". Driscoll was over from Ash
wkkI Saturday looking after business
.1, .V. Rny) apd wife wore down from
their Crooked river ranch the first of
(tie WiH'k.
Frank ft. Buel, of Fernwood, Ida
'm, was registered nt one of our lead
ing hotels Saturday.
Uuy Cluyiwl was a. business visit
or from, the growing little village of
Sisters last week.
Mrs, C. A. Rosenberg, of Portland,
if in the city visiting her son I'r. J.
U, Rosenberg.
, I, V. Ward haj purchased property
in The Dalles and will remove to that
jd.-ioe in the near future.
The new inarshall is doing ooti
.siderable street cleaning, a thin;; that
hsSilwn .sadly neglected of Into.
, Rev. II. Ct Clark will preach at
l.avn Sunday' July 13. Every one
is Cordially
F. M. PhiPips was. in from bis
. ranch near Cliiws Fulls Monday and
reports everything progressing nicely
1n that neighborhood. . ,
The. various county officials assum
ed the reins o' government Monday
and everything is moving iKmg
smoothly at the courthouse..
Sam Clftmeu was down from bis
ranch on Beaver creek the first of the
week laying
haying. ,
time until all the timber is gone from
this county.
A private letter from Prof. Orton
informs, us that himself ami family
arrived safely in Eugene, having had
a pleasant trip over the mountains,
He will return in lime for the begin
ning of school this fall.
A letter to the editor from X. A.
Tye conveys the. information that
himself and family were well at the
time of writing mid be request the
Joi'ttXAL to extend kind remember
mice lo all his friends in this county.,
I. M. Heiikle was over from his
ranch on (irizsly the first of the week
and paid this otiiee a pleasant call.
He reports splendid propeets for a
large crop of hay and grain in that
part of the conniy.
The Prineville tiostoltiee has been
made ail international money order
office, and persons enn now get money
ordeis on any of the largo oiiies
of the old world at ' reasonable
Th! reeister at the Lake iew? lake-
' Pi
Spring tug
i ' ; flS) '
.i . . i .it..
j view la ml ouiee gets iniiigs n.iiu.i
invited to attend thei mixed in some oi the timber notices
' I sent out by him. They do not follow
the order in which the notices were
'sent in. A kick will lie registered
with the General land otliee.
Feid MeCallister was up from his
fruit farm last week and informed our
reporter that owineto failing health
he will depose of his ranch. This is
one of the tinest properties in ihe
countv. is bis ad iu another col-
I iiiuii. '
The cold wave that nv have been
enjoying for the past few days lias not
I been confined to ttim 'part of the.
ti. 11. Paul. was iip.,n.oiu,hU Crunk- jworjji i,t been ul;,,.t universal. I
(-driver ranch Monday attending to j Tuwdny the weather- became more!
(eonal ami, iiiiurHii iiungs m like suiri-r niisi
While Oak Shos.
These Shoes arc made of the very best
stock. ' The best is alwaVH tlie cheapest.
Every pair warranted. Special itttcn
tion called to the hoy' uml youths'
shoe niudtf of 1 1 1 it- leather
VVc arc sole agents for
Tlie Bilf-wil Slio
t'nexi elleil for Hfylu, ilurnhilily mid com.
fort. The hint of everything used in the nm
sirucliotiof these, Try it pir niut you
will huy only 'flm HILT WKLI, SHOE.
: i ..i l;. f,. i
. . To Tin; . ,
. or .
metropolis. . t
C. A. Bedell, of Price, vtopped over
iirejwre j
I to shed our winter tj.tip.n-nls
Andrew Noble, one of the promi- I All ihe hl.icKiiuiWi shop
nfewdays the lir-t of ' the week ou I ,;nt cattle uieii if Ipper Utwvor j ate working in-rtinie gelii
Ins retuni frum, an exteuded- visit in (creek, was
Portland.'" i : j week after siipplit for haying,, tie
F.d Link and John McVeigh were' repo.U evHrythmg quiet up thai-, way
and the paople. the. kmnv.uolhii.K of
the reMiried killirji oi shp at Lialc Praiiie. .
. Monday night the Artifciiis had. a
very pleas-int, minting. Tiie newly
elreted uilicers were install d after
which U!k ildjoiirnmcut was had and
ice cream and social converse pievaiis
cd, This is oue of the best - fraternal
and lieiiefiairy otders and has a large
membership in this place.
Dick Viindervert was down from
I.: . I . ....... TJ,.I..,.,1 Kr.1 i...
P. W: Storev, A, E. Phcl,, and A. I " " r" T
A. Worn! j arrived from Hw'ect Home, k- ,0"k'.ne "! tuM m""Wt'
, , , ed with his mail line, lie savs tnat
Saturday and are looking over, the re-1
,i, . ., . . I War are scarce up that way at prcs-
.-..iuiueS of this countv-witli a view Mj . , , . ,
. I . ,-' , ' . ent, but he may have one chained up
.' ... ."' I for the benefit, oi our local nimrrxln
t .
by the tune cold wtuttior enmes on.
R: W. (Dick) Broosu Was dow n froui
his farm the first of the week 'and lo
caled on a piice of limlier land for do-
business visitor from. Spokane Satur
dav. They located on some oi our
Juie white here.
Monday Ihe new county oflicisls l?r
pin their diitif and already they are
working alaug as.steiidy as aid. hands
at ihe, business. (
Dj Cady. of Seattle' Wellington,'
tvaj in, tlw city Saturday, looking
;ij'ter timber- lapd: He' secured a
tpmrter section in the. northern .part
(4 the, co.uuty. , '.....'...
Mrs.. Taylor Hill left Wednesday
Hioiu.ipg for Hillsboro. , The editor
knowledges . the receipt . of a liaud-j-.iii,
bwjlK-t. of flower?, from. 2'rs.
Ililf's uiH-urpassed flower gurdaiu
! (.ii Hi-
town, tl: fiit of tliem niai hiueiy in repair lor the v.oik
that mus: lit dime ruuy. Il :ms I"
au.onsopliMii'iosI inji idual. il
w.tuht lsa g.sid wdieme for lbs fnrm
ers. to geu their iKirvtMiin machinery
rebuilt m;'Jier iiL tli season, when
I bore is litlle wnrk in. the shop-, so
there tvotild, not be the rush i!i:U usu
ally eiii-m-s alsiitt thii. tJiiie of year.
Mm. V. If. (jiilli.'et.-K and son Suit,
and daughter Giwe, no- in (he city
visiting relalivci and friends, Mrs.
(iiillifi.rd Ls the motiit-r of Mrs. (ir.s
McCiinl, Mrs. Jim J'ms.1 and Mrs. J'oe
Lifi.lKtte. Mrs. (iulliford's fulher
ami mother, ' Mr. and Mrs. Haption
are also lure irom California. Mr.
and Mrs. H.tption are ipiite old but
are healthy and spry t:s young folks,
lie is St and she 7(1.
F.noeh Cyrus was over from his
rami in the Sipiaw cnx-k country artJ '
reirts the alfalfa. growing nicely. t
was thought for a long tiui" that al
falfa would hot grow over there to do
any good, hut those who had faith in
the country aoivisl a lot last fall and
Do You Know
f, ' M
BarbcJ Wire
ffnri rnoc to iHe (lo'iij tint ntv nvr dnr-J U' ni
nut ift caunl In strength to th 5tnmgeHti'
Length to one pound, 2-H)int regular, 1H.M5 fis-l ; -4 miol regular, Is "in del;
ight, one mile in length, 2-aiint, iZ'Ul aniids; J-poiut r. giilur, -!hl
j pounds.
You are not so much interestiil in the price icr xiiiiid' as- the m l ial eo-j
per rod or mile. .
Figure for yourselves, then consult our nearest agent. This will result in
your buying the WAUKEGAN.
i'meMc purposes. He finds it neces-
M jss Alice Smith departed Monday ( sary to have a fev acres .of wrwal forj't),!, spKiijr d their faith is likely to
or her .home in Burns', blip has been home use and as the timber is all go- j ,e n.-,varded with an ample crop,
u.-it.iiitf for the past two months with ing very fast, be thought it high lime jTImt is the class of settlers we wanl
1ft vt, Mrs. Frrnilt Johnson,. i! to secure h share of it. ami will have liefore Ion? n the coun-
J John Edwards, formerly of Albany, j rrv l come better advertised.
I who is runnii:;! the Isiuii Week ranch The following schedule of the do-
isir.groiuids for u big game next Sun- on Crooked river, had a very exciting part lire of mails from Ihe office it
y.- The buys , deserve to be well J experience Sunday evening. He was , this place will be of interest to nil our
jtatrouiKi-d.' A- small adiuUsi'tn . fee j ilrivingsilong in a hurry amr run in-' subscribers. Silver Lake. Monday
H ill creek,
'f ix: base ball boys aieiixinsi up the
nt'lMiaclHirged- j to a stump and broke up his wagon
. .,. m-m-v i.a.1 of the. co,H,tv.ic"l"i"kl,,y "O'1 C'nc out pretty
Tiuus. t'i.--d . icpoits. hi'm the late
vsins. The benefits, woujif Imve. lieen
i!iiibiwl the, rain come a week or
iy.-i djiys earlnr.
rtrei Killer's Atleruiim.
Aoy..jil'ftl"nl frt.ighler who i going
t Phaui.lo.t emply-eau gut. ab 'Ut (KIO
Hilinls of,, fl ight for. cash , by apply
ing in lliis .olliee, .
Wednesday, and Friday 8: a. in.
Havstack, Monday, Wednesday, Kri-
badly bruised hiinself, but is now able day, 9:45, or after the arrival of mail I
to he around. jfroin Shaniko. Mitchell, Monday, I
. Elkins & King Iwe.bwii shipping ! Wednesday, Friday, 7 a. in. Iliirns,!
outa-lot of haying miu-binei-y lately Monday, Thursday, C n. m. Sisters,
and.inforin us that-they. are like the j Mon day, Wnlne-day, Friday. 8 a. m.
rest of us mortals who .have freight ; 'r ice, Monday, rinnsday, 7 a. m.
eiuonle-,it is bald to net anvlhiiur : Shaniko arrives 0-15 a. in Shuuiko
Eikins O Kln9.f
Write (or prices. We are I he low est.
here. from, Shiiniko on aceouiH of the
big rusli.o wool and freight at that
Is. int. It is to be booed that we may
John Sreinoio, -.tie of the pioneer l im U) Ktt more rapid trail? portu-
rfsidenlS of, this interior. country, now
rvS:iliigon tho .Icschutes in -the vi
cjir.ty.of Keud poftollii o, wssa vKiior
at. this .'.-ouu'.-i'. the.s first, of the
i' gel;:
ij.- Ac hwi -( tin in -.from Sistemi
ia.-t. wv4;oiuil, rejn:iiml j in, tW city j
lion in the iiearjlMture.
HISirOX COOK:-lo the court
house in Piiugville. Monday July. 7,
J, J.' Ilir.toii and Miss Map Cook,,(f Haystack,.. Jmd lioothofr
tifiateil, ft was.iiii. .first ilfort in
C. L. Hhattuiik and wife left last
Saturday for McMinnville. It is re
ported that Charley is enronte for the
penitentiary, where tie has been seii
tenoed to serve a ternvat the pumps.
The rvitaou for tliis,.eolcnce is that
i Charley is tlie only man in the slate
j thai ei.n do the worn to the satisfac
tion of 'tbu state oflicials. There will
: he annas needed iuiprrtwtnoiits. adde'i
nr, ci.-i. .l.v.L-iior --..ri),A ..iunl.i..r..i.... .1: 1... .11. .. o. to tlie water system . u uiey will lie.
-y.. ..r. '--- 1 Umi, HllW-l'Oll HU UH1- I'll, 1IC- , , , ,
maile ti. conform ttHho system now I
land, sit:, ,V.iv-.. ire. is. locating a, yWng couple went home, happy and!:,, ., : ,1, , ,,,, U at I In. i.L.c !
',MIW'J.U'' o'J,.li(;.. lauds in ; her'.U) their !uitiuoiI,. happiness lOnr old fiiend Ofctei. has thg, uu tract
Wall Paper Arithmetic.
The new styles of Wall Paper jimt veceived, alsA tlie
' sum you iidd to your savings by Imying oi us.
The ninomit we are deducting from other dvulcri) prices
The customer tells her friends that she Las discovered
the economical place to buy Wull Paper, her fitciuls
become our customers.
Our profita-nrc cut in two, that w nuiy have more
trade than- before.
Do yon want Wall Paper on the profit-sharing plan?
D. P. ADAMSON'S Drug Store is Ihs Place.
i !l(l