y is r z is ounty -Journal TWELVE PAGES. VOL. VI. PitlNEVILLK, CEOOK' COUNTY, OREGON, JULY, 10 1902. so: m Ti JUSTICE AT LAST Indian Wiir Veterans Jlewanld. Pension Bill1 Passed. Afitr Mtny Yews of Vfoa;y WoltWsr They H.icolva JllHt Duo J. " On Monday lurt tin Hi mm-' of licprcsculi.tiie pussd the long ponding Indian war veteran bill, liy illicit lhv'survivin; participants in tin- (,'oytiKi war of 1MK-MM am) the Oregon ii ud Wilmington wars fro.n JWil to '."!'., i.ud numci oiis other warn, will i c rewarded. Widow-, of such participants, pro-j vidi'd tlicv liu vi! not renamed, are Din justice (if which appealed lo liim as mi American citizen, iih the chief executive of the American Union. All honor to our young gallant, fearless President! All lionor mid congratulation to Hcprcseutative Tongue who linn Intel din rjif of the bill mid Iiiih assiduously labored for its achievement ever since 1st' entered Congress! All praise mid thiinlcH mid congratulation to Scn iilnr Mitchell who, in the (dilute mid iih a privatccitizen, hiisalways labored for this twusurc mid wii the moving spirit in the Senate lor the consummation of the loin? de ferred justice mid ili served reward. All honor to every nu mber whose vote iind influence were in favor of simple justice, and shame mi tin men who linvii been the' instru ments of obstruction jll this Jegis- 4TH AT HAYSTACK Prineville Www. Team Wins. A Big Crowd Was Out. The Performances of the Day War Very SuccooHfully F.endorod. mid many instructive details are ' Such troubles have been incidents th borings were originally made, They will! wrenr w lonjj as the the character of the product ob-i public, lands are (riven fjvelv to if, a .i.!lu n,..' Iii hi wliiMiin IjL-h t.Iiftri. ft, ttiTms i hiiim ij, tr.u n Ji uit.i ti'Vf rj'.iin ivi- ------- - - - in use or abandoned. For the; to a question of the stronger ruling oeiicut oi persons desiring more euur, n-ge.-ruitMs oi-jienice or detailed information concerning i right. wells in any particular region; I Therefor tlie law of tlie range is--references are given to the litem- g""'"' then the law of the- statute' ture or other sources from which-r than the common law.. It is the data wire obtained. The large the rule of might over right. Port product of natural gas in the Ki.st! land Journal.. and the West, the enormous out-! put from tl oil fields in Cali-j fornia, Texan, and the East, and ; Ens Didn't WearaMnefc But her beauty wan completely bid-- the considerable and indit pensi.blei ,ien bMshw til!l i.t.. .....A U..nA.. U..l... Tl.... iiielwddd in the j,r.viK..rm of t,,.i''il!(n wiiieli hIio-I have been ac bill, ciy Iho I'oitland K.wt side t,","l'Ii"'"',l H. Congrat- (.i,ill, 1 ' ' illations to the hoary beaded vete- Thi in the bill pa-M-d by the i m,lH w '" ur; m,w 1,1 )'"' WMircd K-tniiH in K,..r.mri. I..fci. ..,..1 ,.., ! of Koinosiiiiill rea rd for I heir in- Tim 4th of July vn fclebnited at KiivHtark in grand Ktyle. . Ve reporter rode down in the wagon with the base hall player imd a jolly (rowd they were It ' wax eold and diengrecajde going, but by toe lllne we reaelicO Ui" celebration ! (!,. and .ai:,),U inforrr.'Jori of ! ... . . . i , ' .... ; umts (jrn. riimj, ;3CK n nnu " 7,.""",-' " nature valuable for .eo.wimicc,',r.Kninteli 25 .......v nun in.lllH 10 IH'IUT ' Kllrf fl(llt I tie IHirilMilM. 1. . jiiritM, No oxpviiiH' bad bwn 1 4 .' . I ' '9 l 1 I -.l. H" ;.ter supply furnished by tJle u BuckU', Arnica H.lve-Then. I ,-, , . . i-n I VUIHMHTU Will nil' XIUIJl I'llf,! deep w:1h on the pla.n and m UKi Yvm mh; UIcert CHr(lM0C,M. and and lnlnnid ftatc. Drake M-tM Fe!)ms frmn.iufe. Iilfamh!e for- Kb.. gnaifinteed: 2e. at Adxmfooo it by the ilou-e with only a verbal a ii' UiliiKiii whh h v;;' I have no ef- vuluablo wrvice to their (ouiitry. May it prove a lx'iicf.ic'iou voiu- f -cl upon llm, genat.! vhen H i,,' in not IW lute t( 1-9 trf WiU Hi! there ujSh i r.u.-i(lor whirli we!'1'11 providing every tK-wiiy ' are no.v nmiifd will Very mioii,, Bl,li M"noirt dtiiingtiro rcut.tini-r , A" I rc-idiftit, IJoovelt has I j'( the journey iidown the wrulcrn iiiHI'iiii;vi.!.il In 'Vi'tfingSvini'ider-j',"l"';'n,il.v U'nteadjr tlu'ir le-iile, atom of the biltl iitl.e JioJh- at ; f i1i,' Wg (ootMei hi" tin y wend ; llii June andif jil a. i,iVpro!i their way down tie' Meeji decline; ' 'ably eoull 'n.'.t" Imv.; re'd-hed a ttmy -U'lfiJl 4 Milieu the twLltyfti vote at u(l tb:,w,fM..n Williottl ,il"l l'-ir earthly day and lieli illree:. irt with Speaker Ifelwhr-1'1'"11' '""' .iii, ho, of ("luiie wiil liprove of ) "i'Jr tlwy glidi; , , , ji, i i' - ( . ' , i 1 1 ! l.i'ii' "Utinmr's evening on the Thiit la,,t, after tbtH- .tnnny ,.i,1'" , , ,,, , yea. .mr Joi.f. ri,.-tt IniH'-.rt.clild-1 ' Vl.,v Hp ,,,. ((f -.dtof.icognie.hejn.t elaim, of Klp:U)r Vilt,n o( ,,. the... early p,ee,s; tbe,0 founder,, ,.. M .,,,,: ..,.. , . .. of an. rmpire, tvhoi'e loKentnrou er Fipji Warden Van liin.cn, ark- -1'irio. mem 0111. luai u. . lll.n ., ..... - , ... ..r af wee,,, u.hleriicH long he- ,,., .oi (lv for f .re Uie bull, of many a congr.- i(fe). aMio j,,,, , oniii no von ii .iioiniay lor Ilieir incaget' ; reniiiid; ilie-u mi u aim i the John Oregon." I la v river in Eastern Tbisi, iii nuked for the involving , Uul th(, k ()( tia. m i u, w ,,,,, ,-ouk. never r,e regmned r rl'nl k TMJ (,(,i)llU. .w lo he u ,iv v(1. , J he star p a,vr ,rf the day was tht surmount- - ,.:,....: . , I..;. nt.;r fielder for Hay.lmk, bemad, I. i..l ...I. I ., , ., .... . purpow of proteeMiig a new hk-ch tbroiigli tlie trialx am dunger ofi i hi. .i i .. ,,. . i . , . 'of h-li called trout bv htlitpr at- it m. in iiiuit , journey involving ililliculties which to our generation would i-ivni uitnirmoiint nble. f.lie Aiiii.rii'iiii ti-.iir t.i i.l.ni'. ' .... .', . .. ... '"" , . ' llw: i J In y want to prevent the uiiu (leieiio ii wuu llil:;r I ves Hi a , i . ; tixheriiien from juittin ..",in,yjr Ul-Alf. I'U ,1I1H UHlllliaO- ited nave by minicrmm tribe' of n n t.,.url.. ,.l i i 1 ... .,, ,. .. . .. ,llfllw,UU l, w w tapping i des.roving thin a land of log!, degree of dvilu- . at...,, of plctiiu.lo, of great com- i M -K f f( , . mere ai im ponaiiee, 01 iiiphv t. i 1 i 11 , !,.'. .... ' , . , ,. ! . H looU much, l.kean Eastern 'pared to make the grninuls look attractive. Kver thing wan in fnvt (dHi fluijK!. 'lliu IWmmii wh tnkr-n up with tqcaking and itmg ing, wliieli iKUH.lint elan. Mr. springer Wan thi' orator of the av and did tire pk'ce juftlee. In tlie aflernooi) the rpt,rti taine off. 'Ilie main thing ot whMl wa). le ba-e I ball jturiie. At.KOfvi.r nm- Mu mi the irromidi to ree Primille iniMT lite tolttd of ilie . IfnvMlirck linll toiwerxi 'nie garne Vtartcd'off wilh I'TiiieviHe nt 'the ,;,. 'j-j,,. fun coHim!ic(vd Jn the t'lird inning whun the li'iyntuckern opened lip on the i'rintfvillo piiclier.' for nine nni.. It looked a though it was all off with JVilieviHe t thi tit(ie of tin-game and her 'rooter did not have much totmy. 'A new man wiM put in td pitch 'or I'riiieville ami the from that time' oh llay !ack failed to hit (he ball, thi-y would come to the hat with a con- lidenl air and when tlie ball came thiough they failed tocnntieci. am! look wot i-ied. Up to ti,.. sth in ning if wai a'nv oiiik eiiiie. but from tliat timeiin Prineville took a lead which could never be regained. The The Luurof llm llmitfc. .. s, iflirtAi3i i nrnic ex lion txTipta" oi theii uuiwiitti iiuvu.j. jv, public ranges hag more binding! force tban the written statute oil ' W. H. Foster, the Paulina the -whole people an recordwl. by! t'ii man, ir.oi- tranxartingt biwinew tlre arts -of tlh i-gihlator. The! '1 tu" nietroixdis4 1 uwday.. Tcgcoit tint (lie . jreprveentativeg 5 D.. Koott;. tlie timber' man; re of the people asMemttled at Halein Uunie.lt WwJnexilay morning from. i Vt'wdilngrorMliUH.t Ulideretand I a brief ' bitiiinew tVlj. to" i'ortliinrl.'. tlie wndiiion that obtain in the j j, l, iranten;. oi. Waltemlk-.. eouniTV whirti.1 ti.e raiige li(.i(.flmooT,r,fll,.inin-Tiiwday' T.heavo.rage law-make ha. iio j fo Mti. ' over" the". country- o. this' concepii'un of th-e diflicultiw thatiyjdpj. '!",., . ,- surrouvrd llie-marr who owns eat-L ' "' . 7, . , ; . tie and sl eepand the lurhoWr J. L-Alleuwnsnpfrom-liis raiK-b. ing of their difference. He i near Hay-creek Tuesday,-and re onlv the ul tract l.ri'nci.Ies iiA-olv-i P"rt laying mioof tl finest M ed in the rigfct irf any man to uM Iwrlej in;th8 oountv.. the puhlic gry'wg land in any ! Ovid RiUy came in eiiv b- t;h-Ii nmnHer he may see fit. . The j on the Jsohiitd- Toe.! uiil r--trouble with the applloationruf tl'i! eTth?ir- ovii. alai . pinciple8 is that it in Used ii.ojr ! :,1!'llJ?' over-tl.t-way.. ti not her principle that never nhou Id j Uev.B: P.' Hiir.'r will fere !n be admittud as correct namely r ahoat te lirst of :eiitcmberfof I'en- -that the stofkman. has the right to! 'illcicu.Vhe i-g.-w tfttake cHarg, ; I use range lands without eompensa-j0' ':hureh. wiark.- Wc art- sorry ie In .the case of the farmer, Lej ,'A'cotthtg'Wjmn tok nJce the must secure title to what land 'he! tbvaijs-ea. ranch on I'pir-tel.w i u-es. The lumheiman must buy ' t,' 'k" tlK-re o J4ily Fourthm. tl.a timber lniul f,-,m, ll ' wliioti' .Rhn; Oeti' reeei,-K!-a serious funr senational catches and da,l,sandi!ll7,'''!0t''P:r1,!,'H:irI'1- cuts the'treess. Tiie fruit. man must own the. lands upon which hei I cut' itt-thw icft aide.. Tlie ;lcnifM-aal I to have entered tlm I'.kuj.- plants his orchards.. Everyone, in Lee igl was !w-. trow In-" fact, excepting the stockiuan, mnsti ranch bniCrbtibNi-tiycf Tiiwlay it. red' belly percbi. cxeept thai itf Wat- homes, of prosperity, of wealth.' i A land, the lieonle of u liii-li viiinv n.'. . .... . head is like that of a trout.. " ;"" :! writing an illustrated arti- hlessingHasthosoof any of His ; ,,,. - , creation every on, of whom ow,r Smll,av (, T!t) , onduring graiHUi to the eoura"-1- i i -, i . , , . i , , 1,1 uraf iiiolies long, J inches deep a id 3 o-.us few who, in illation, priv-1: a . i i , ... , '. ' .inches thick, and weighs on an atlon and great sai-ruicc, laid the i . -i - , , .-,, ,,. ', . , , UK , average about ( pounus. It is fa, solid foti. idution upon which have, i i i ; i , . , , 1 '""' and lastv and cannot lie canuhl been erected Iho grand superstruct -.i i i . , v , , ,, ,. - with a book except in thu latter ures of the several Integra parts of i. . .-.i .. . . ,. . , " 1 1 1 part oi tlie summer. Wutsonasks me American onion Iviiib wect ofi?r . .. , ., , ' b ; 1 Van Dnsett to namothe lish. ioe ivikrv iiiouniaius. And while it is a regretahle fact! that Congres j persistently refused I to give heed to the righteous claim!. " - ' -.. . t ii . ,, ..... . . trim- in .(!, stream nlu.vi. tl l .l-.. ' "r '.nnYVr "Ulster, who render lo the ionh in.;t.l?n i.fH search of'hata! to-helji ivt-mtlie in thVsi.uwning season of Julv. ! , IIlsl,u;mnS Wfti gr.Nil and i ralue b;fore he is permitted to use bay yQn. ,'He iafirnijfih win porler that! mn wtw iry ite this sensonr. ', ( .", ."I5l)'f Hsr'rtnethfl'' 'Its'- tiir n-v- (Mtii9(l m.nw4i!d vicf. Vi!c"-'rT.iii-- The people of the great John Day valley use .Strawberry lake in ! a summer resort ami this lish is t fill (iLitir-t f.i ,yt i !ni,k.....l .. L. ... ... . i .... vv 'i tiun linnet UJ LIJl'lll. ot these agcil veterans, not on y of ti i , t, , i j . ' ' ' ihe dam and trap nun eaflj i them warbutulsoof the new westerns,, ,i , i , ..;..;);.. ,: , , 1') the ton m July am are fast v.nu.a.iuu, n jb ncvcruieicss 8! jes, in.wl f..tl,r, 1 .. ' .1 . i IVIVklllUll. 1. 11.11 ITIMIfl 111'.. I ii.ii ... ,, . . " ry lake is UUO feet above sea level v... i. aiuun ip u man oi common won the gain.'.' Jordan at short h i .1 . i . . ." '-''"' 111 soon lllKi that belong to one man as I'lay.-u goon nanj.Miartt. .who play ed behind the hat fctiijh down in 1th inning and done sdme tine hall playing. The boys alljj done well and with a , li.'Ut , more practice would be hard to beat.,; The score was L'S to 17 iii.fsvor of I'rinevilie. , : Next, on the programme was the dance, to which 87 numbers wire sold Kverone who danced seemed, LinU.hil right whit much as to another. , From the earliest days of the West's development,, the hi-estuck man has heeu .thi pet oi the Uov-U.l.. He4i nlreitt! iMtitiii! the -iei- eriinient. He h.r; been-given spcei-J dwrtssi the' ctty-M.' c.i'Ruif dim. .it- al privihgvs.. lie has- received ' mdNri!!-enfoiv ihe.-.ilys oHisei without giving in return.. Ho has! ""-,!, wwr- on-te";cvi.-- A. been spoiled. He has been coddled i P"y eiir ,.,,n,i,..rl until h. e are iRfo,l, h.ive l.n.-in-wn to enjoy themselves. A Kt,o,i ,i,nt. wasliadliyalhvhoattendediiiid the committn deserve much pr.iise for the way they worked to oiakeever thing plmisant for all who attended. never was stroying the species. Strawber lake is 7000 feet ak .....1 : ... .ii ... ' Mm., whose knowledge of tJ "m. neogoiog.ea I . survey. The list, of ndloyality to its worthy jiioneers, has induced him to stand his right, and which he. has onlv l.eimuse lie took it.. roe.s: tl'im-- ivneitl ' tbeni, Ami-. dn--iiinl( . ii lilrteof.e. ciV. l.tW.V ln"' He was free to graze off the lands ; , w f!)t,0 lllW( the- until nuii-u fftm .... ..il., rl mi i" i I'm i tvn iv-yi tv ui - I. T.T.. .1. 1 1 t v..H..,i,e.,M1. iic iuiBm aiiow ins ,,l;H1fK,k .lt2?o'cWa. tU-ivilli sliwp to !wd tlie very roots ot. the r urasscs. bt might at will.liuv such dcMikition as made the worthless to anyone. Ue.- .....i.;.,,. ... n.- j "V"" e . wriBi.Uiwii.ind. Luck.ev. wnat iie'iooK,Jtor:ior. wliat .lie.tlaH slrovelj f be tv .good 'gu mo. .of-f btuei b!i.il:n-- tweeft -the-Tfer,l;'..1vi:w j iiji nrrir v "'iiiji. . .i ' ; This wi .Hie or- 1 1 j ; owed.. ... i .i-,;.i.., ... i.k;:a..,.,T "M .11 J U W VI T H t I 1 1 l f Ll U"IU I lOK.I'.lV.l. oli.il.t . I I ... . west, and lovalitv to its ,ortK.. ,eers-ago, deep weMs is arranged by States ' ' mid no one seems to knew it.m.r. n against the conservutisni of in. Ihe hasten, nercb lUms n,ii the . , .?.;i, ,.. ,i , Kast, and for and with the public ThU . ' 1 "is may bean evo utimv from a spirt, enterprise, t islice and liber-: . ,,. r , , . ,., ( trout, poK.-il.Iy Deep ttriii)!s In this 1'nltetl Stales. The deep well borings of tlie United States, made for water, oil. and gas, are the subject of a stat istic report by X. H. Darton, in the series of .Water-Supnlv ami ation Papers of the L'niled Stales! , nn a m'"" .'f v1vBm XmMv .l.Vin noil, sheep, am. n.ttli. owners-en-1 W(U . a ; lllM ! j,,, - gaged, .a.. ,t will,:, fuM-eeness, ,uul; nU W,i . a m rr in nlphalleticnl order, a,vl apiars lnmt,w remits, lliey are i,w. tiMtm whwii,, ,,,, .V0.iUimis-- in two pamphlets known as Vater- mJ'e 'Vion.HUie.rmirged Jr. wh..-w Supply ftt,-,eW Ns. o7.and Cl.l,,,f,u 'm,l'u",n'' ,te-' ta,6"'w' "r': S,lay. so.-ea.o reecv 'l All wells 400 feet or over in. ,lra,tbiW,!;!;. M"m fe,iJkrr,vi:l,g,t-un..id.ta..t..how.lha a, teams -arc carefully lis!,l . Dejit-h, Oregon. fH MV,0 , .ilWJ . IHtOHSM.I-l ,. ... :,.;', .M.,.i,;, ,m . ,,.;,, i"i'ii"if, ....rt ., wlJ rout, possibly. Watsoiv.will scKl nrmer, vie'ld, y minutey l"" iambic alibis flshto Vau.ltuse,,., 1 otlu..r.t.juix.-,cteriiticai;iUxe sriivi. ""i1!'.. tawUw. w-i JUlt.tlKWS. ggaia two weeks iu)io.-Suu!oiiy.