Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 03, 1902, Image 8

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    1 1 fCSll llSffifill j66fb?
Sfresh field Seeds.
Iu bulk Ave have Tens, Beans, Corn, Carrot,
Turnip, Tarsnip, Radish, Beets, Squash, Sweet
Peas, .Nasturtiums, Red Clover, Alfalfa, Bronnis
Inermus, Kentucky Blue Grass and White Clover.
A full line of Garden Seeds m packages.
w rt ill carrv a full lino of General Merchan
dise and Hardware. A new Una of Hats aDd
Crash Goods fo: Fpring wd Suminer wear. In
dies' Shirt Waists. Our Gents' Furnishing Goods
Department is replete with tho latest fashions.
Th,r Laud. Act June 3,
TA.lUca.Or., April 21, W02 -
Notice -hereby giver, that i ph-
with the provisions of the Aot of Cooh're of
, JL .titled '"An t for the sal
,,, Nevada and ' ;!'fnd Statw i,; Act! and Washingl-a Territory," as extended
No. 255 for th. pure!."" of the y4 sec.
T 13 S., Win' . . w
Lens KB.-. -itt
kaue state of W mhmttoa, w'wru
N!"i-1o'th. pitfc-haae of the .NAK Sec.
j 1 1 r. i sa-w -
Tub Dalles, (., Apiil21. J902-.
Notice i heieby given that in-euiuili-anc
ith the provision of the act of
Cimtfreits uf Jim 3, 187K. entailed "All
aottottheaale ui timber land in. the
...ii. ..f Caifurma. HreaoU. aovaun,
HUU ..fioi...."'- - . ' . .
... .ii il,- t.nhiu' land state bv act of Aa
itast 4, 1902. the followm persona have
tliis day tiled in tin " their ,wu,'l,'
statements, to-wi:
Ole Simpson, of Spokane,
Spokane, ate of WaslmiRtota, uru
statement No. 304 fr the purchase ol
theSEiSec8,T laRiaE, W M.
Thomas H. Tollefae.i. f Spokane,
sountv of Spokane, State .if Washington.
. V l..m .1.. mif-
sworu. BtaSuJ.lIll "- v-
lceivuf tl.ictuceatThe Dalles, Ore
1 .... i. .i. lonii
gon, on Saturday. J my i,
Th.y iiBine i wilnesses: Ole E. An
derson, Ole L. Hff, Ae Be.kelai.d,
Peter Arnvi, Hatuv Kltoru-n, 'l", Ednrd J. B"U, Uure B.
Taylor, tl. Tullefwiu. all of Sf '
kmie, Vkhinion, md ISheriuen Coii.e
tun, of Milmi. WliiiiiiH.
Any md nil p.-w"" climiw( nd'emely
t!m Kta.vo Uiidi re rquci.'d
. i . . tt: )....
to tile tdun- ol.ii.ia m '"' u"" "
fore tid 10th day of July, I'Mtl.
,lp JAV P. LLC AS. t;.K.i.T.
Land Otlice lit Tho Dull". rif.n.
K.Jw- in haniliv t'iireH ll.Ht ill col.ioll-
oc wnh Ihi. jirovnion ol the net "l
i ...n .luu.'.i. ini&. r.iuii.'.i
K. W M. , ,'.tHte -f Clii..niM, Ui-r.ii, Ao.i.i...
Sclma Phillips, of Snktt. 'UiyotHUI, w,,ii.loo Territory. " etuoio. I
Spokane, 't M Waslil.iittnn 8.n; ((( () liutl(j0 U)uj ,y ,, A.i-
stalf.i.ent - ",r ' '.isi 4, IH'.Xi. Die f. Ilooiim pemoia. line
the XWJ 80 32. T IV S. R W t, " . Wuj , tai0e their k.mi Uiie.i.ei.u,
VI 1 I ol IMIOilltl U. VOUHIT '
'.. of Kuokwie. c.iui.ty ot np- i , , ,. v i sec j. T IS S, B 10 f.. .. ..., ., . i!,
Kane, " : " ( ,i n w see. ZU.
Iso. 7 for the prch of the rv , a
T 13 S K 10 kt " w
01. V.ta.1 f Spokane, ..unty of S,.k,
VH for the puh of the b 1
W ht b more aluUie for timoer or
Inettoforad-uraa pur d to
l.uHea,0;on,o Veduday,th. Uthda
UT'S1 - OleSinip-n.
HrS ani Thoma. C. B'X'-
An and all peraona! adverael, U
'l .j renueated to Hie
their claim, in thia otfioe on orheforeaaui loth
d,yof July, 1901 p 1W,ter.
l .1 u.. w.i i Kit ol ouoanou. .
of S(a.kaue, Wat" t Wliiimt.m. .mj v.n.n X. B"tden... .4 M.n.i.w.ew)iv
atateweut No. Sli" for the piirchaw "f i(f l,,,,,,,,,, l.Ulu., .ori. niHt
the 8WJ See 33. T 12 S, R K. M. , 050 fiU A,a m, iw"
)ie JS. Auaeraon.oi v.-..., . pr(.,w i Hie .J Jj i.H( h.i
of Spokane, state WaaHtfj'"!'. w"r'1: ;u, 'f U s, H 10 F. and l-l 3 .iiott
.dement Wu. St". t"r tp 12 auulh.rai.e 10 .at, w M.
ihe NE aud loi. 1 ami S, Sec J, 1 1 SsMll)ll H,. i.o, . 1 Mo.
14S,1U0WM. 't M Utah. t..f UaJi... aw.-niaime.
Arne Hermann, ui r....e, j - v vv, v., HV4,
m lile their olai.... iu tlii "M" " ,,r ,M-
fo-e.aidl4Mlday..f .Inly. I1-'- .
lp JAY P. ilOAS, i'"'; .
Tiu.bol lnd. Aul June 3, I'M
nf Prliievllle, county of Crook. H t of
Hr..on. ha. on May a tiled In
ihla i.m.-e hi w.wn ia, No.
1 fur th lom-hajK. of the 4 i,"'.'"'
:nwU e'4 Sii'ilnn W, Townl.lp IS unii'li.
I n..?... .1 ...( w. M . n.t will oftr
jl Jiim' J, l ; 1 , t)W ,1( j ,uutM la
IM'HLICATION "'or valuable for In tlmir or t..
1 LltL.IV.ll H'-v . . uurlfultural ininM. n.l t.
Unictd SfATM Laid OKKitn. , t.hll.hhi claim to W
Tlw liall., O10 , April 'ii, 1.J. h', 'me 1 I'rin.vlll.. (r..n. Hut
Notice u h.rehy kivmi that m c" unluy. Ihe lih Uay of Augul.
anco.i.h.h. provLion. ui the c, ,a : h- X. wV'H.-r.
Coinireai of June 3, 1H7, entitled "An aM ' Alf Allen, all Prlnevlll. ;r.-.m.
'"r 1 w '7 TV",. ' IvTlt above" 1;;, hmi. .7. ....".
U(ur wUU Win iIav of ,A'ti'ii. rJ
AT i. I.IA ii-tPvi.
lL. I A -..unlit IB IlKim valval! for it 1 , ., .. 1 . . . .1... . i Vi
bne iau .u'. r ino puroiiaae "i u . v.. -
.: l ....,!.,... F.,rairrin.i luru DOr- . . ... .. .
Iinoer ur aiuoc , . ' U tl, R IU K, V a
.. .... ...1 oatuKliaV. th..r ca.nta to 1 ... ... ... .1... thai
posfa, nou " 11! lllaltne) win Hir p...'.
aid netore ir,e jveg.a..
ceiver of thU ollwe t The Dnllea, Ore
on Fridav. July IS, 1M2.
w...- n..uu to. wit.neK&KB: Peter At- ..iL.r.... .i. li....!..... mo. I Ko-
neviif. Sherman Conisletiiu, Ule "V"'1'1. ; cw.r f (Kce ai I he Dhllea, ( v
Thon.aa C. 'lollef !, f He L. HoH, lU'l- 1 )( u ', the K.1I1 day of July,
..rH .1 Boas. Oeorue B. Tavl-.r, Tu.mi.oi
II 1 bl SlriilktVttl.
luai luuy "... '.r. y
' the laml annoht ia valll ihle f"r il
i or atone llnu for ui;ricnl.ira.l pur-
. ! and to Mi-nu me a cm. .."
and ll'aahioul'"' IVtrii. ry," a ud.l
to all I hit public land alatea hy act irf An
Ulll 4, ltlirj. the f H i 1 1 it peilia huee
thu day hleu 111 'lu OUI.B men .'
aMIeuioula, Ue-Wll,
Frank K ll-xn-r, J Mit.n, county of
Spokane, aiaje of ll',iliinioii,
wal.ui.eiil lio 278 for pureli-M !
me Mii .. uiiou ai. T 1'.' , M 10 K, w 11
(lrl(e D Cl.lel... " M.UII. C'l'n'V
of PiH.kiu. t.ii"' "f H'lUhioKton, if.n,
tatr.......l N". -7!t f"' Ihe niin'U,
th xr. tHctioii 3J, 1 1'.' a, i 10 B. w 'J
John J. Mtlluli;!., ol Tim D-Ie.
county ui ICaao... ..le of (Iri jion, orn
aleuu ot No '.' (or 'he pinch... of
th r of . ci.n W. T Vi a,n L'J 1!. u
Thai Ih. y ill oiler .o.d lo iimi ll. 1
),. I.. Louulit ia 1 r 11.
(Vlfrlwc or tl"" f"t alir.llnilnl
purp.we, and to tniahhall I heir chutoa I"
- .t.l tiBtl before the U. .ii. r and Ui
........,.( Iki. 1. ... i.t Ihe 1)!1 'l-f
Mj.nlay. ll 'ilat da of ) i y -
..u.. Mtllivn0. Ale KT1I0M-1..
l. 4V"K. l -.l lia-no.i ioo,
iS.Mr.vli 0ulhm el Milan, If'.al.uu'
(r, wak MiV C.emeia, Jok hi-,
f'rwt W. Siaith, IVtar M;Uui.ii, ol
The Dalle, hr 'ik
Any mi.1 all pen eUi im itvera..y
n l.v drnt"-d lad . .1
1.1 tile lh.or elaiuiill ihl. rtn on 01 he
(ore .aiJUUi .lav of July, IfXtt.
p JAY P. Li;CA8, Beui.t.r.
. .. .0 ..r VYoaliiiitrt.i.11.
ieria ui, an o. w-n . -
. Any and all per.oiia claiu.uiKadver.ely
Ihe above detenhed land ar reuueMed
ti tile their claim, ill thm nlhV"' on. he
fo,e .aid 18th day of Julv. liXXf.
,lp JAY P. LUCAS. KegiHter.
Tj.n.1 Ant June 3. 1878
,r... rmiriov ' fore aaiil lfllll daV of July. Ifh'll
NOTICE (UK rU151Aiiw.".nlp-" jAY P. LI.CAS. IW.tvr
TTvitvii KtitfjiLaXL Ol'flCE.
The Dalle", Ule.; Apnl i'3, IW2.
Notice n heithy given lhat Iu c..n.pli
aa;.e wi'h the procixiooa of the act of
n aF.Io.,..:-! 1H;. eutiJlrd "An
act for the aale ot tnnlier lanua 111 me
.i.i.t ., ( a iF.iri.iii. lir.-tfon. iinva....,
Timber Laud, Act June 3, 1878.
Viniu Statm La' OmcE,
Tub laile,'Lre., AprU 21, I'M
Notiee ia. hereby Kiveii that iu com
pliance with the pruiiaion. "f tn u fllfe B;d 18th day of July. WI.
Cnuree..- June A 10 ... ' , . nilp
act!. the .ale ot timoer .""
s,te. of Oal.toinia, 0,eoi., evada and
Wa.lm.otoii Territj-ry," a ext..W.l to
ttl ,he Fubhc Laud Stale, by act ot Au
gust 4 1K02, the toUowiu peranna luive
tWa day tiled iff tins uloue their iwuru
ttaletuelit, to-it: . . ,
Pter Arnevig, of Spokine, county ot
Spokane. ...tie Wuington, .worn
. x... or... f..r iI.m ourcnaae ot 1'". ,,r, r. itii
,heS SS of Sec 8, T 13 S. K 10 E, M.
HinaS. Soer., of Spokaiw, ennty
uf Sp.kane. state nf, awoni
atateant Sill 200 for the purona of
t,e Ni SEf and 1 S'A Sec a, T 13 S,
Hiofi, Wil.
Andre C. ll inson, of Spokane. Colin
tv of Spokane, slate of Washington,
e,miaieu.ei.tNo.. 2C1 for ! -eh..eof
the Si and lot. 3 and 4
' &.x 5. T 13 8. A 10 K, w M '
' J.e L. ttiff. "I Spokane, wanly of
Spoaane. "tate of Waaliii.!,-ton, ri.
.tal-inent No. 202 for the P'-'-ha. of
- t!ieNWiSeel,T13.S, R 10 E. W M.
, 0 uf Jolnnoii ..f bpokaiie. county of
Soniiane, "late "f Waaliiuxt'in. '""
.Ute.nent No. 273 f. r the purchase of
the SEJ Sec 2, T 14 S. R 10 12, W M. I ueome a. lav.or ' " '
'1'lm.u.i. 0. Tolieia-u, of poKi..-, oi opoaane ..-" ..,""""-, V -,; :
cr,u.i)y of Spokane, .tit -t Wasliiiilttott. Utateuu-nt J... i,
,,h-u a.en..e..t No. 203 for the pur- or the . pur,; haae
vhw of the SW'i Sec 13, 1 U &, K W
J; SV Mv
kin, J. A- Foley, .Vaunie R. ll'Tileuo, U,
H., WilluiiH T. IV.rden..,
Jaine. A. GiLba, Wnnlow M. Howlund
andTliua F. K.el.ay, all of Jl.awow,
Ajiy aial all p'ons cUinimit ilfr,ely
the above deaenbed land" are mlvmvd I.
m. ii.u.e ..liiima in thu oltice ou or be-
Tlmher I anil, A-l June X win,
NO'lU K r.Ot I'l-HI .e'ATi.V'
ttnllwl Hlate. lain.l ottl.e.
t.l,-. lt,.U,.l, 'it. I'.l
1 Notice la h.Teav nivmi thai In rompll
au. t lth the provHIo.n ol
( onl of June X I".. enlllle'l '1
a.'t lor Ihe aale of timber lanua In Ilia
Mial.a ot ( nlirmnla. (ir.-a..u, N',
ami Whli.Kion T. rrltorv.' 11 i.i-n.l' I
in .11 th V ihllc l.uud Slnl b ' t "'
Aeaual 1 U.M.
! ( bartr. Prl'i.,
of Albany, eounly or l.l.'i, Hn t "re
K.,n. ha thla il.ty nied In ihla ' h
worn inirmeul No TH, fur Ihe pur
.bane of th" ', el K'Tllon No . Town
ahlp SI aoulh. l(ni;e p. .111. W. f .. iuel
Kill offer proot lo alum ihn! Ihe lnl
ao.iKhi I more !unot tor II llnio.r'
nr alone ihun f'ir p'ir..m,
and lo wiliihllr.h hi. claim 10 ial.1 lao'l
hr(r A. .'. I'Alioer. f. M C'on.mi!ou
it. al 1'lnt.vlllv. ur.uon on tiaiunlay,
.the fitta day of A..IIUI.1, !(.
i lie name a v.un.o: Jun). ,li'
I Paul. k. Kola Nil.. Henry Hu.w. ana
iuainr Z.v.a. all of Albany. )rri;on.
! ,-. - a.l all 0.110'ia il.tmlnit a.lver
'ly the aboi rlt-'d lm l nro
lu nl. ihelr elalm In Ihl oltl' " ofi ur
uviv.e alo am of Ai'it'ial. 1'"!
K. M. HHATf Al.N,
Tlmher laui'l. Aet fune S, WT.
NoT K F.llt l'U1il,.''A'n.)N.
lilvjtnl HiatK. I...M.I Oltli e,
Ijikn.liw. Or.Kon. May Jl. IWB.
Nutlet I herebv itUen that In foBipll
.fl.e will, the provl.lo of the n.t of
c o.iKri". of Jun J. IM, enilileO "Aj
it for rhe aale of timber lamia In Ihe
... I .,..H,.n VnVaitM.
runr" " --..' .1
I nni) Vrhlnion T-Minrv.' a extemli'i
to all the libllc I Jin J IJUib by ai.l uf
AUKUt 4, UK.
.Iinnva t'Mlxiiafrli'lt.
'nf Albany, louoiy o! f.lnn. W'' of Or.
Kinci! Korr rnu.irATiow.
I'nllid Biate Iain4 (if)..-. '
Lakevlmr, UriKon. May il.
.t.i... i. k...Ki, ,lu,,n Ihikf In olirllUll
ui.h thu iin.viMliiiia of Ihe a.1 of
on ha. ihl .lay (tied In Mil. "ft.-e hi
.worn tatinui u. it ".e o"i- of tho ne'4 of Hwllun l. Town
hlp 21 aouih. Hunae .aat. W. M nr I
wilt offer pnof lo .how that lb him!
.n.uihl 1 more vnhiable for It Hmt-r
,f fn.uini 1 inort. vioiiioiii- on ow ,in,. ,
. .... . .inl..a a, 'I !"r e.onp omn iiir mhi i--,ii.ui i ,,-
..'I..IBTOB ot June A lh,K, entl Irfl Ai t d unuiieh III rlulm lo Kind lam!
for tl.ileoC tloeber luno Ui ihbi. b,iirp A hlBlff . M Ormmh..lo.i
of Ca lfornla. Oreirou, N .''' .""!; t hi offlee at I'rlnevllle, ur.uon on
.ns i nKion ii-rniory, a" i-iyeou... ... , ,,,,,,1. u,t, ,iv r Aoeuat. ma
,.M ihe Public Uimi Stale by act or wii.,..- aHhtI (I
kUEuat 1, K'Ji.
j ' Timber LinJ, Act June 3, 187S.
" 1'nitkji State. Land Omt R.
T-ie L,ille.. the , April 10, i'.Kl2 ik hiirnhv vi. ea that, in compli-
aiaiea oi ,,,,. ,.,, . -, - , , ' t i it
aid Wa.liiuKln Territory," .w extended i auce with 'he proyisi' tM of the act ot
to all the pnhlic laud .tale, by act of An- fCnni!i'fa "f Ju"e 3, 187. until l-d "An
tfii.t 4, 1H'.)2, 1 hi following .er.ona Have Ht jor t! e i.le "f timber .'alula 111 the
'hied in tin. oilier t l.eit .worn .tak'ineuU, st!vt.- ol California, Orejfoii, Neva.!,
t,,. w i, . (and VV'irt'uinKton Territory. '' exieieleJ
Siie'rman CohoIhIoii. of Milan, cuity j to all the public land rune, by act of Au
of Spokai.", mate of Wuliini"n, i 1 uuat 4. 1W2, the follow. u peiaoo. hae
utatemeut No. 271, Hied Aird 21. Wl. I th J ll '' '"
t... bu of I , iVV It t. Or-! , u.,.inia. io-u
1..IO. Cua
of Albany, county of l.lm'w Starte "I, Or.
.;o'l, naa una uay "".o "
.worn BtHteinent, No. .1 o" the P'r
. haae of the H'i of U.-'Mlon No. 17,
Towrirtifti No. H no'lth. KaliBe weal.
W. M.. nnu w:u oiror urooi 01 nm,.. ,1:..
ihe laud .o.wht l man valuable for lie
ilmbr or a'one than for njtrfi-i turi.l
nuruoi'ia, pml to uaijoum ner ci.i.iii 01
"..lo. Wind belor" A. '. 'a-lm.-r. 1;, H. 1
m''ur l rrinevllle, fin Ron. on Hut
iinlav, the 9th iluy of AuKuat.
Khe nanoai (in wllnoae,: Albert n.
Pe lOer-., ivior And'.-rion, O. A. Ar.-Hl-hn'.l,
charie Price, all of Albany, Ore-
'''iv and all r."rona rlnlralnc arlwriK-.-
me -ono r nr..: u " - ,
td to file their clulin In tht. 'dlij'f on or
i-clore Bai-: n.r. uo1' o. rti.i;ui. 1"-
E. M. URATTAlK, Uell'l. r.
fli ndera. I'eler C. And. raon, I). A. An hl-i-.'.l.
ntid Cnarh-a i'rl.-e, all of Albany,
Any linn an persona entiminv aovpri..
ly Ihe MtKv.wle-rlb"il liin.l. nr.. r.)iit
ed to file thetr rlnllll In thin otlee on or
before said Hill di.v of Aiutuet. !!'.
K. AT. llltATTAi:.. HiKl.ter.
N II-' and N H'i NEj Sec 26, T 13 S. K
Wit., n ,11.
acssiu T.dlel.en, ot npoaane. ouuV
i.n. a fiilii,. of Moscow, couniv of
Latah, .tate of I I iho, awt.rn ataiiiueiit
No. 248 f.T the porclu.e or me nwj .11
.1.. , 1 .. 1 fl o u
r o 1 ....... ..( U'.loiiulini win II ....,;,.' "." T ll n 11 10 K. V, SI.
01 ripouaue, -" i - ' - '
.tatemene So. 272, tiled Apr'l 2:1. 1!2. Joseph H. Lumpkin, of Mnac.w, eo.m
lor the p.irchHso of the S l i Sec , 1 ,ty..f Li'ah, .Ute ot tu.iuo, sworn na.e
1.. 10 v iv t i '.. ?4fl for the biircl.uie of Hi
, IV 10 iJ. "
f Ihe
George E. Tavlor, n Spokane, coun'ji j ..( ..ctioii 31, T 11 S n 10 K. w M.
1 f VV lin,it,,Ii ,oril U'. ...!,. ur VI RoV-'laud. of .VIoSi'oV,.
274, tiled April 21, 1M2. icmityof Iitah, taie of Idaho, .wore
e o the .SEI Sec ;'.2, T 12 , Bt.nHmi.nt N" 250 for th pur.lia.u of
,i, R 10 E, W M. 1 the m -f .' clh.11 32, T II at. at lvn, w M.
' k'iU.. V.. Hook, of Sooliane. com ty i Th.,onis K. Kelaay, of Fallon, c.oumv
SV k- ..." 1 .. ' ..( K,..l,..r .1.,, of Wiiahnitfton. y'"in ( 1',iii,ii. .tale of Ifashinitioii, wm
Thattneywt.lor A ri, S, 1003..MUI1)lllwliN.k 201 for .he purchase of
a", land . f , , I Z pnrchaae of ,IW 8 4, T 13 wa of sec.ion 31, T 11 8. B 10 at, .
,ubcr ' . I r JE. W M. . I That they Hill oiler proof to . ,
fru- poaea, aou ii. y - T.,llt.,... of Snokane. ciallltv ' th., Ia.,d ui.iL'ht is 11
1,, ww ... -
. . 1 t.....i i .t,... ilw l?iiater and Raeeiv
iiii n. 1-
f-tlii. Hi' 'i Tue iille., tkeKon,
M Thursday, July 17. W02. - . .
TVy ibiuie aa iinmse: Hartv.z El
Vrisou He hi.iim"ii, Edward J. B-,
H-oi-B ft T.iyl 'r. Oie L H'4f, Thoinas
H T'll-faeia. TlnUMat C Toll.'fien, Ole
Ia'd, Pfctur Arnwisl. Hii S. S-.J,
Die Svrsad. K G Hc-, H of Sa.-
fcs ua- '. frr rfaiiiwmtndvfioely
ih." aW tforihrHf fcttaaW.n reipwled
,.B.tV.r lim i" ,h' n'' " "' b"
Itr id r.h .lav of July. I02.
Ai, ii e.UJCASvliVtia.Qt.
.1 T .ll.r. t ln,.tr,ina emllitv ' .u.. 1 ....) ...n.dit ia more va llal'.e for ll
neurv lourini-o, j . ur, i.iki w......
of Spokane, slate of Waahinqton, awrn , til,er or stone tlmv for artnenltural
Hta.eiilent, 21V, tiled April i. ! purpoH anu "i ee'ji.x-" -
for the perchaxe o' the 5 H J Sec oie, I ' tHid land before the Jv-iti.'er am. iv..
12 S, R 10 B, W M I ceiver of tin ollise a the Thu Dalies.
.Gi'ert M.kelson, of Spokane, county f , Oregon, on Monday, the 14th day of
Spokane, .'ate f W'ahmat..p, sworn j!v. 1902.
' . . s. , i . till Iflftn ' . .'A . r. . I A 14.,1H
B'aierieiit i 'ill, tiled non. z., ivat. i They name as ".''.
(, .,e pureha.e of the NEJ &c 3 I J). H. Robinson. Jama A., Ben E.
13 S, R 10 K, W M. Tlush, Joseph H. Lurepkitv, Win. T. Bi.t-
Tliev will offi-r pria.f healinaj that the i rlon... Vit.W M. H"l"d, Jatni A.
la-d sonhl iamore val-M.w 'r I'a win- ; Folet.all of Moscow, in uv., ..u i. r.
Iieror stone rtati for afrinlturl pur- j Kely, of Fallon, fT'mhinifitrti.
n.s aod to astahlisll tismr eiana mi Any and all peaaon c.aii..i)f.o.c...w., ,
WkudlMiioM (Jut 3dmlt aud Ua- vhe aiuiM diiaanUd. iiujla. tu seo.ueaiaA
Tlmh'T Land. Aet .lime 3. .. ,
t'ldti-d H'at". Lund (llil.'l.
The'i. Or.non, May 'ii,
.i.... i. .:.,n llnil In eopoil
i.o tci.h H o oiovIbIiiih of lh f t ot
ConnreKi of June S. WA. "An
art lor the nn if oi i::no'T ii.noi. ii, ...
Htate "f Callfotnhl. Uream. Nevada,
and vrnshiiiRion Terrllorv' a Uten led
lo all the Public Land State l act of
Auhuat 4, lfcK. . ,
I'erry J. Darl.
of Moscow, county of Lulnh. Blntc "t
i.i.lo, Kn. nn May 12. le'S, Hied In th!"
office his cworn statement No. 4. for
i.. h.u. tt thv awl, net.. et4 bW' iiv, nw'A Section 32, rovrn.h'p 11
a-oilh, Unnire 1" ean.. w. m., to...
offer proof to show that the Imid sousht
lr morn valluihle tor 11 limber or ejon.
than for nnrlcultuml pur;ioea, anil to
r-"lnt.llb Ms claim lo Bam mini oi ioi..
Hi.. Ite'-lC' and Rorelver of this olTUe
?t The Im.le. On-KOtl. on S.lturday, the
2'ith day of Beptember.
He nam.. n wllneeeea: W. T. Ilor
deno, N. II. Hordono. and D. II. H"Wn-
son. of Mnwow. i.rar.o, nn.i ... jioioh-
ham. of Warm flprinifa, iircison.
Any end nil persons claltnlni; ndveri.-
IV mO IlOOVn-OtWiTIO-.. inii-m n ,
ed to file Ihelr claim In tills ntlh'e on or
before .aid aim aav or niuiiemor .
JAY I LUCAS. Keirlater.
Timber Land, Act June 3, lfciS.
Tlmher Land. Act June J. 1-T.
I'nltrd fntcs Iind nfflc-.
The Dalles. OreRon, May 23, W..
i. u....u ,lunn llml In inmnlt
nn.e with the provisions of rhe sct of
t.nnitress or junir o. i.i". i.iii,,, nl.
net for the sale of tlmlvr lands In the
Blntes nf rallfomla. OreKoir, Nevada,
and Washington IVrritorv," as extrndinl
to all tile funic x-anu oiuiee vy o ui
Awfut tl 1S92,
XiOUua a. au.u.n.i.i.
Pullman Ordinary Skrpert.
The tourist travel helaeeu ll.o oast and
tho Pacilic e.nux lias reached enonnoiov
proportion, in the last few yeai-n, and
calls for a speuinl class of eiuipuient. T.e
meet this duinainl the Pullman Co. lias
is.ued from its hps what it technically
nails th "Pullman Ordiraiy Sleeper."'
The car appear similar, lu the r-H'llo r
sleeper, being built on the same plan,
but Hot furnished aith the name elegance
They are equipped with mat tresses,
blankets, sheets, pi I Ions, pillow-cases,
towels, coiulis, blushes, elc, lc.iiiriltp;
notliinvf th kind to be furnished by
tho passeiuter, Knell cur has a sieve for
makilisf entree anil lea and doitix "iiijlit
houiiekeepiuif' and eimh section oau lm
fitted with an adjustaelc table. A utii
furnied porter accoiuijiuic. each car. his
business heinir 10 make up berths, keep
the car clean, aivi look after the coiufor'
and aaulsi'f the pHsseiiitei'S. Iu each of
the trains which are dispatched daily
from Portland by th 0. R. A N. Or. in
to he lonnu line of these 'Tollman Or
dinary Sleepers." The ear is attached,
to the ''ChicaitnPortland Special,
which goes through lo Chicnxo without
chant'?, and the one in ihe ''Atlantic Ex
press" runs In K.insa City without
change. Passeueii ill this car fof Chi
caito t.hanite In a similar cur at Omntter.
S.T...I. .i.u ..,.. ...,..1 i. k.l....
I carried in these car, tha rates henu(
lower, aim the service neiiif nearly eijuub
to that in the palace sleepers.
For mies and full information, 'n-
liidiH.. oblwM writa ti, A T. flrniff f.