Crook County Journal. HHU.K A VAKKKi:, Pubmshmii sn Vroi-hiktoiis, W. T. Foiiijj, Voiron V. H. Varum Manaoi:r Cirt'KW Official Patou. lh .lm K.NM. U ontn-Hl at the )mitu!Hf In Pruta.'iMe, JreR,, furtraiiKHiiinn thrniih the V H. .iut m neciind daw matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. IX AKVANCF 0x Yeah. , $ Mx Muntiis .., T1 YRKKt Months W THURSDAY, JULY 8 ,1'JOl Pwrt'tary ItootV recent eomniun icutiim to (lie iSenate contains a wpnificnnt statement of thcgnidtiai reduction of the niilitnrr forces in the Philippine. In 1891 there were 70,000 American troop in tin islnnd.s. To-day there ar hut 23, 000 and orders for the return of 5, 000 more h;je been issued. JCo hot ter evidence of the pacification of the island cauld be desired. While President Roosevelt will make an extensive tour of the country parley in the all, he will not indulge in campaign oratory lie will, however, appeal to the people to support him in his con tention for Cuban reciprocity, which he regards as involving the national horror and as above partisan politics. The triumph of having initiat ed the com-titution of the Isthmian canal will belong to the Fifty-seventh Congress, a Congress distinctively" republican in both branches. By the terms of the Spooner amendment, should the Panama route prove impracti cable, operation will be immediate ly begun on the Nicaragua route. Reports received at the State Department indicate that the pres ence of the United States squadron under the command of Rear-Admiral Crowinshicld in various European, ports is having the effect of facilitating the work of our European consus, the presence of so fine a fleet materially increas ing the report of the natives for the United States. Aahwood Gleanings. From the l'rwiwtot, J. ti. PolmlcMer ami mother, Mre, Pointtexter, returned Monday from h trip to Priiieville. J. W, Edwnrri rt'tu!'iid S.iiidny from an extended trip to Kugiaud tmd other points in Kurope. Getirse Hnniin, of Priiieville. tin ii town the first of the week iiMendinn to some liijjul bniiie. Peter Lehrnmn is huihlitiK a Muck mnitli ghop in Anlnvoixi which will he opemtl for busiiiCKg in short time. OrnmlniH Jimipio iiml Mrs. Perkinx, her diuiphier, iiiovikI Kick to the Miiupin rnneh the Hirst of the vek. They have Imh'U residing in town niiian the lira awaiting the eom pletiuii of the new liimso Perry was having linilt Sam Hamilton who for the pnst several yeniK 1ms l.een mi uttnolm of the rnneh foiee of Iii.s brother, T. S. Hamilton, him moved into town ami will in the. future, with bis son, Char ley, conduct tli.i hi); hmel now iwiiinj; completion. When this oiiniiuilioiis building is thrown open to the public Ashwood will Ini re u hostelry of which it may feel proud. hrrah for Haystack. Slio is croing to Celebrate. The forenoon exorcises will con sist of, .Musk', Hjicaking and Head ing; Picnic Pinner. The afternoon amusements are; I'iuse. l!iill gaunt, foot races, Horse rneees, potutoe races, wick races, llicvcle rncos. tlireo ksstkl rat es mid MO 11 ouc (I. Oil k for J ictuGrm JJctnce at 9t'aht. Ccluiiililn oui e.M KallwAjr. 4th of July 1 ii ura. "ii. Local Excursion Tikots will he Music by Sharp's String Band jfrotn Priiieville. Supper on the I ground after (v.OO P. M. on Good Camp Ground for those on sale from all stations to nil loeitl ! wishing to camp. Wood and water points on July 3rd, m,d 4th, good to! on the grounds, return until July (itii, inclusive, at! Hay and Grain Plenty. OXKmidOXK-THllil) FAKES for the round trip. jEvfrvbouy is Cordially stKrui. Exn-nsmx tk-kts win i; invited to Come and We on Mle from nil stations to WAtSCO, ! ttmi t l it' i j. onJulyWuiudtith, .:,,! to lU Treat Oil Elglit until July 5th inclusive, at rates asj J. H. V.'l.NDOM. M Bargains in idies Shoes We are offering 20 different styles of Ladies Shoes at less than cost. It will pay you to call and examine our Bargains in this line. We can save you money. Ladies Shoes, formerly 11.90, now $1.00, 2.60, " 1.50. " " " 3.00, " 1.7.r). " ' " " 3.25, " 1.85. " " " 3.50, " 2.25. " " " 3.'. 5, " 2.35. " 4.00, " 2.75. Simpson & Wilson PRINEVILLB. OREGON. ; .tiuaanacCTarotBagnsEirogs follows for the round tr 1). G. Ailulu 5 anil 12 ynnrs. RiU'F, 1.4(1 I.ili-OIH ,, . Klonclykc, .' .js IliiyC'iinyunJe., .S.I ' .Mi-1I(iiihIm, ,i ,w Di! Mow, .75 ..- Jtoro, M ,m Krskitiviiie, .7r, UnMVnllry l.Ki l.tW Bnurlmn, 1.5,-i t .10 Kent, !.(? l.a) Wiloi.i, 1,75 I .flu fhuniki), 2.W ..VI Ox July 4th. A .n.w. Tk.un KOOKUS. Coniiuitlee I If yon want a ni'nt and artistic j"b M piiiuting ilniie i! ni't forget Unit iiollcr l'hilliW are l lie hoys tlnlt cun do ii. A! iu pnH-r lianini; mill grain iiiKi line II i) i 1 1 1 1 1 slid pictnriiil wu.k. All work giisriiiiUwd. I Read It in His Newspaper. ! GeorK Bchiiuh, a tiell known tli-r- I Kentucky Liquor House It Kits the Spot Erery Secretary Jloody is rapidly con firming the wisdom which lead the President to select for the navnl poitfolio a man who had for do long and so creditahly been associ ated with the house committee on Naval Affairs. Mr. Moody is put ting into practice many of the re forms which he conceived in that capacity. Governor Gage, of California, has begun action against the San Francisco Call and Los Angeles Times on the charge of criminal lihtl. Those papers have been ventilating the management of the California penitentiary, and there was no other course open to the governor than to arrest the offend ing editors or resign, lie chose the former, and the courts will now have the opportunity to say who is a liar. arrive at Morn st 1 Valley at U.15 P.M. I'.E. Lti.k, G. IA. For American Manufactured Fireworks GO TO THE Scowling jfey. Choice Fruits, Candies, Ice Cream, Nuts, etc. Give us a trial. WHITE A CAMPBELL. 8.00 V. J(. s eoimViiiil n-iiili-r of Hie UhvIhii Volks- I' M fr .zeitiiinc. tie know Hull this piper urnss; .i..,i .,,. ,i. i,. . ""I" '' ...... eoliinis, siul when he Chamber Isin's I'uiu lliilni wuverlM-d therein for Imiie biu-K, lie (hit not ipitutt in buying it botllv fur his wife, who for einlit !( hnl siill'eri-d with the iimft terrihle puin in her luo'k untl could not iet no ieiii?f, He : "After ui nj; the 1'nin Wulni tor k few miys my wife mid to me, '1 (eel us though born anew, snil l-eluip n-ing I lie en tire eoiitiiiitsof the IhiuIi' the nn hiiiriihlu puins hud entirely vuuixhetl inul the voiilil ugiiiu lake up her inme hold iiulies." lie is vi-ry thiinkful iimi hopes tlmt ell ulferiiig likewise will hrr of her wonderful rwmvery. This vsiushle liniment is for ule by all di ugi;iiM. I Notioo. On and after July 1, 1902, the following rates will he charged: Single meals, 35 ccuU Three meals $1.00. I'OINnUJTKB Hotkj., Hotel Pwnkv!U.k. POINDEXTER- Time. This applies to our Stook. It's "JUST" right. A few of our leaders are: "GREEN RIVER" "Harper", "Jesse Mooro", , Schlitz Door, Oombrlnuo, Hop Gold, Sierra Campo Sauterno, Jules Mum Champagno, Imported and DomestEo Aloa and Porters. C. J. STUBLINO, Wholesaler. 4 THE DALLKH, ORKGON. Justice is being done Captain Clark, who sailed the Oregon urouhd the horn during the Spanish-American war, President Jloosevelt has nominated the gal lant captain as a rear-admiral, and the senate has confirmed the Humiliation. " 'ill lie for Sale. Hist' heed of slock cattle, includ ing one thi.roughhied Hum iJuihun n d oiiii h.ill-hiiHKl rouii Jnrhiiin bull 'ir p:irtieiihiri cull m my farm or ml ilrtr me it t'uler, Uiegmi. T. F. McCiLttETKR. Shaving: Parlors TICK ADKINH, Proprietor Shaving Uaireutttnsr Bhampooinir Batha ;, Tiesijaos Notice. .Notice is liciehy givni that nil per sous mn u uined not :o tieipiii.s upon the (ullonmg dix-iiliwl premise by driving sciosd or herding mni the tame sny livestock of any deMiiiption whatsoever under the full penalty (if ilia law for trt-ipsss unit diiiiisge, viz: i'hii w 1 of i he ii), the "l of the sei, and i of of c ifl, the wJ( of th s J of see 'i'i, the se of the nej, the se snd tlin sj of the iwj of ico 20, the nl of the nwV the n J of the lie), . the of the nv and the f of the liiwol see zw, sli in lownsiup 1 s, I rsnge 10 f, W. containing 8(W I acres and known as the Mlliig mill- site. Willow Creek Land & Livestock Co, K. A. Nkwmu, 1'res, nilitiS Ukokgk Dkk, Sec' v. A fine bathroom devuted etpecially tn the use of lndiet, Evurytliiiig up-to-date and strictly Ki'st-clsu. Suliscribe for the JuLknal. My little son had an sttnek of wlnsiping cnugli and wss thieatened with pneumonia; "'it for Chsnilier lain's Cough Keinedy we would have had a serious time ol it. It itl ssvisl liiin from several severe attacks of eroup. H. J, fciTKioKMUKN, editor Wui Id Herald, Fnir Haveu, Wash. For sale by all druggist. ADAMSON & WINEK CO. Incorporated 1809. Drugs, Stationery and .House Famishing Goods. RED FKONT BAZAAR. SIPIRIIN'G- .GOODS The latest fashions In Mena', Boys' and Children's HATS. We are headquarters for Fishing Tackle. A new lino of GLOVES has arrived which we are dispos ing ol rapidly. Call and examine them. STRAW HATS. It is now the time of year for cool head wear. Our Straw Hats are just the thing, and we sell them cheap. RED FRONT BAZAAR N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs. Reliuhle Merchants. jt Jfc, J&'ppman & Co, Manufacturers of Furniture AND DEALERS IN- Fine Undertaking Goods, Carpels, Stoves, Ranges, Lead, Oil and Glass, Lumber and Building Material. Goods sold for cush and on the installment plan. PRIXEVILLE, : ; : OREGON.