TTTTTtJtTTTtTTtTTttTT? i AARY'5 ANSWER DICK J 1:11 HAM presented himself ut (Ua oiitctt of t'itrrlfigiou liros, i,. mi vciy Mtiiiulli friinif of iiiiiul, I'd llll Ml liml Uur bullm 111 hiii rltflit li .J1 ami hi i'oiiiili'l(jn, u iD as tn n. rn,' nmhIiioi'iI him of the (hit li It'll linil brought lilm nrar to (It'iiU'n Uoor. Uuml o( ill w till! lii'Wa fjvai .Vilf f ton. , Mar,)' lnxUrylila Mary hud Inlifi ltd i-'U.uiNl frum lii-r unclr llnrolil, liil-dml, If that It'll i-r of the rutllu ' t()H:ui' l'i"ip. Minn liraysliew, to Ills . wmlier wmi to b 'bi-lltivil, Mary wa tin tlic high road to tlllr. Mir 'la cut J.rutvn HUN vrry little other tliuii liuroiict; but the attraction of a ''isilynlilp" could liurdljr help tempt I UK even nucb a (firl as iwwt rtary iluillry. , The younger member of the firm reerlred Dji'k with sympathy, but no nlhmi.iiiii. . t . ,, '., , '-, . t "Voii don't look fit for n olfiee 'flpfk, Mr. .terrain ah( 1 beg ymir pardon, Mi lit. Jerrum, liu't It, now?" he said, with unerring Isujrh. ' "I was onVreil commission, but 1 ilid not furl that I eould accept It, r," mild D!ck. , "I want to laka up my work uirnln for varloua rraaons." Mr. Krnrkt (.'arrlnjfbin's eyebrows roar and subsided. "I'm very aorry, Mr. Jerrara," ht aid, "but just at present thrra la no ran). ,YVe will, of course, fie you thr first clisiice the wry Brit chance thnt oecurs." "Do you really mean It 7" ha asked, faintly. "My dear fellow, you really are not fit for Ac work Just yet. Take a holiday nftor your trylnjr labors jour noble and r patriotic self ierllle. I rinre say, In a few months, at the most, wa ran siuee you In 1 somewhere, though I fear cirn then . r ran net offer you the name aalary j you revetted in IH.H j With an effort, Dick pulled hlmaetf tocher, and stood up, like ths disci-j plli ed ao'rller b had tweoma. , '', j, "Vimr words ara final, alrf ke ' skrd, , , i j v "Provisional, Jerram on'y prorl alunat, Hut we can't afford to cheer jou with hopra .that iay not come tn fruition. Anything we ran do la (he way of recommendations, it will irlre ii the utmost pleasure to da I, .hkI henvrnil It ! the leant we could do!" ' Dick bowed, hla heart. The (mile en hla llpa wai just a little bitter. . "Miitr rV he aakt. "It U aome thine n be grateful for that you ara to witling to do the leant poaalble. (iood morning. ' 1 ! ' And then Dirk found hlmaetf In (H. Tnul'ii churchyard, and conciom that the Inut atraw had been piled upon hl ha1. ,Mnry Aa (food loet 0 him more ecrttinty now than before, anyway h'ra nilUHtkm fitted up, hla health oriikrn, and no one to whom he eould honorably look for help In hla time of trouble. lie found comfort in the recollee lior. that hla mother't own poor lit tle Income mifllclent for her well iiinatiired rrqalreuenta. , - ,, "Ai for me-"-" '. f ,' ltv ahruriri'd hla ahoiilderi and tot tered ! Ludfrate kill. On hla way he noticed a Jeweler'e window, with wntihra and chalna and pint and rinyn of price beneath hla eyre cp vinlly riiifTH. And the rlngi reminded him of what It hurt him moat. to re Dumber. t - He looked at Ut if H hand with the plain but nolld gold circlet, tet with a tiny diamond, and the wordt, In vjnibie tn hla eyee, but preetLng hit flnifcr: "Foreeer and forever!" . That wa Mary'a eoueher to him for her lifelong lore. i At lrnirth he moved again. "Yet, tlint'a what Til do," he murmured, "l'oor girl! One can't blame her. She thiill marry him with a free cnnarifiice, at all eventa." ' Then onoa again ha whlaperad: . "An for me-f" '' At the Klngi Arma inn of Neller' loni that evening, Dick took pen and pnper and wrote the letter to Mary which wat to accompany the re turned ring. It' wit abort and to the fcoint: ' . '- ', . j, . "Urtr Mary: 8omehow, though I would like to ktp I tils, I can't do It, tnd to I bring It back to you; ai.d you moitn't think 1 to be nnxty by mkir.g It come to ytu en oiir blrihdny. 1 quite undtraund UMt ihlns't art c)'j,t! bfir. u: V.'lth ing yue'ull the happUi'ii life chn alee you, btilcve me, tU7crt-ly jouri always, . , ."HlUiAKDJiilUlAM " , "No drivel in that, I think," Ire mid, wltk a pang of pride when he hud rt ail; it and .folded Jt up. The rlijr waa in a lidlt box arid the Jt-'i Vr waif now wrapped round the bo. The whole was addressed to Miss Jlury Dudley, Dnvpuahire road. . In the darkni'hs he tottered out Devontihire rood way. lie gned at i the lioot-e and the lighted window ln Miiry'a betlroom (razed and gnited till ' he felt sil!y.'" And then he tottered bni'k und went to bed. )!e lay reatlesaly, now wishing wild ly, now dumbly resigned to all thlngt. , r:. . .' ; , Once It occurred to him to wonder what the rimlil of thernit meant by mlllng like 'that when ahe gave him his cnndle nnd an Id 'a gay . "good night." But he had fur Inteniier Ktlmtilante to thought then that, and the damael noon drifted away from him;,. . ' . .' lilt most strenuous moments fol lowed the rt'utlnatlon that he had been carelcim enough to leave Mary's packet downntalrt on the mantel piece In the little parlor, "Hhowa what I am!" he anld.flcK'ely, at he miule an attitnpt to get up, light a candle and go down for It, i lint he found the effort quite appal lluply aevere, and gnve It up. . . , He dozed tfeiirlouiily, played with Mary in boy-ii.d girl fnshlou, tlancd wllh hrr, hud (u-r ull to hlnmelf in the. Ilrarkahaw wooili., wooed and won her all over again. Off nnd on he woke, to gaip and groan and utter axclama-' tlont, " For the aeoond time thr girl knocked at hit door. "Your hot watrr, tlr!" the cried, and aet hrr ear to llntcn. ' Hhe did not listen long, but hurried downatalra, wlytt wflnl fur the master that the gi-ntkiiini't fn No. 3 wat shout ing In the qnerrrat way . "I think hi 'H III. hlr." ahe laid. "He lookwl bad loft night," - 1 he landlord made no bonea about entering Dirk't room when he, too, had rapped to no purpose. He gazed at Dirk for a few moments, and felt hit blood chill a little at Dk'k's furloua cry: "I tell you you arc drnd, Mary, no don't deny It !" tom hed Dick'a burning forehrnd, and left biin. JMIc'e In a ftir-'-that'il what'i the matter with him," he tald. "You juat go for Mr. Darker, Jane, right awny." "l'oor young fellow!" tald Jnne, eagerly. "Thnt I will, tir." Moreover, being In love herself, )ie determined to kill two hirda with one (tone. ' . , "It's maybe preaent for Mitt Dud-( ley," she anld to beraelf, and, putting on her hat, carried off Dick'a little packet for No. t Devonshire road. .' "Nurtel" , Thedarknei.s had parted from Dick'a brain, and h living opened hiaeyea and e.'ii tbiiiira at they, were, though with B imperfect prfltp ot the. facta, he whimpered, the monosyllable. The quirk rimtle of a dreaa ahawered him. and the worda: i , ;"Vea, my'Ii'rl'oy!" "You, nimhrr?" said Dick, looking up at the'fnne thnt was the beat and truest object In life for him. Khe rla'd I. la hand a bony shape, Innevly laei'tlVllhskln. i wMi-aly th' tfloud fell from him. It all enme bsek-wonnd. fever, the long Weeks in .hospital, the voyage home la wenkuraa and anxiety at well as hope, the item of Mary's fortune and Hir Tnrver flrown. hH rebuff In Rt. rouTt churchyard and hla Journey to Nrllcrton. He groaned In plt of himself, and turned his face to the wall. . "Now, then, dear, let me raise your head.", f ', i r . . ' "Whafa lire- use?" fee omrmured. it was hla one and only flash of fieevlsbnees. The next instant he obeyed orders with a smile. It wna a dreary smile, yet a smile. VHoW ) rnht have worried yon. mother!" he'anid, quietly, as he settled hfler the tonle. "I suppose thla la Nel lerton?" . i She kissed him ae mothers do kiss their grown sotie of whom they are verj proud, . "Try and Wn arJn, dear," the salS, rather tremnliirly. Hut Mury Dudlevnrd her Infidelity her excuKabli Infldollty-were vivid In hie iniiitl. Vnw could he aleep amid audi renlitntlmia? , "AU right," he aald, abutting hit eyea. ' Then a sunny rray mitt settled upon his brain, nnd his surroundlnga were to him sa If they were not. It was not to much aleep r,s tmntlntion of spirit. O. Marv. .l;irv,liat shall 1 do with out you?" bis lips cried nloud, even while hit mind wna active in some remoter ntmn,phrre. - "Nothing, dear Dick; you ahall not do without me na long as we live, for wc will he nlwaa together." A hand waa Io,td on' his forehead a little satiny tiand, with loVe warm In all Its pores. ' And Instantly Dick opened his eyes. "Mary!" he gasped. ' This time Mj.ry Pudley laid her face by hla on the pillow, tmiling, and whis pered, with her mouth close to his mouth! . . , r , "Of course, Dik, who else should It be?" i But it wnii not until the evening that she wns allovwl to give him in full mentnre fh orily "tonic Ihnt could he wnrrnntert rt rc to make him himslf -nifiiln In f.irit,rm(J in truth. Then she ,"1 oufit J;' fvti ashnmed of you, icx, rnvr xjoamedi "for, supposin'.r, If only for mie M'l ond. thnt 1 could cure Wiytbintf for vn y money ap.nt from you? filr Tuner Ttrown. Indeed! Why, I', was' un wniiiiig far a eipn from you. Ann 1 zt.t it my own ring! 0, plck!"--I..i!dmi Answers. A Hum! of (ienernaltr, .A man from Dunedin ouce visited (he town of Wellington, An Irish friend Insisted apo'n th visitor slny ing at his house instead of at a h trl, and kept him there for a month, tihtylng the host In iletdll. even in l renting him to the thratera and oth r amusements, paying all the. cnb 'nret nnd the rest. When the visitor tut returning to Dunedin. the Irbli man saw him down to the ati-nmer, nnd they. went Into the saloon to have n parting drink. ' "What'll you haver asked the host, continuing hla hospitality to the very Inst. . "Now, loolc here," said the man from Dunedin, "III hae nne n-ilr o' thin. .Here ye've been krepin' me nt yer horse for a month an' pnyln" for ' the thratera 'an' rubs an drinks I lell ye I'll tn' nae more o' It. We'll just, hae a toes for thla one!" Hcotsinnn. , Pkt sleimi la lis tea II, ' Hereafter ho phuifcinn who Is tin able to apeak the KnglKh Inhgusgi will be given i certificate allowing lit nt to practice his profrasion in thr territory of Hawaii. Chicago Inter Ocean. , . '. i Ra4 It In Hla Newspaper. George Hclimib, well known Ger man citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a constant reader of the Dnyton Volks witling. He knows that this pnper aims to advertise only the heat in its coin ins, and when tin taw Chamber Iain's pain FIhIio advertised therein for Innie bnck, he did not hesitate in buying a bottle for hit wife, who lor eight weeks had Millered with the most terrible pain in her. hack and could not get no relief. He Suva: "After using the fain Balm for a few dnya my wife raid to me, 'I feel aa though born anew,' and before using the entire contents of the bottle the un bearable peine had entirely vanished and she could again take up ber house hold duties." He ia vory thankful and hopet thnt all fuflVring likewise will hear of her wonderful reeovery. Tliia valuable liniiueut is for sale by nil druggists. Calla answered promptly day or night Of fice with Dr, V. Oeaao-. Keajdeoce comer 1st sud Main streets. PKINKVILXK. I , OHKtlOS 57. C. SSrimk XAwwy af Cwnnltr ml jCmm PRIEVILU. OREGON. m SI. 33iss. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. 0 JVyJe, 9!?. 2. Disease of wotueq a specfaltv. 1 Phone No 2. Residence back of the I Photonraph uallery. PRIN'EVILLK, .. . OREGON. W. II. SNOOK, M. .ft, Physician and Surgeon, CULVER, : : OREGON Am prepared to answer profes sional ciilln promptly. j(tHrmtfmt-am ' PRINEVILLE, OREGON. ft P. Silknap. iPhfiieian and .Surjfn. Office in rear of Adamson, Winuek Co PRINEVILLE, OREGONj J, W. BOOiNE, Saddles and jfarness Maker of the celebrateil PRINE VILLE STOCK SADDLE cTLIs'LIXE of STOt KMKX'S SrPPUF.8 ., Latest improved' Ladies' Side and Stride Saifdlrs, Bits, Spurs, Angora Chaps, Quirts and Hucka moreu.. Write for prices. PiiixKViLbK, : : Oheoon. J. L. McCullcch, Denlor in Real . Eftutn and Ab ', : stinotorof Titles. . PRINEVILLE," ' i ' ' (XREG.0X. Hamilton Stables x M4 Redby Feed Barn. BOOTH & ED N. WHITE,, White & Combs. -DEALERS IN- WINES, LIQUORS, DOMESTIC nd (Jf A TJC IMPORTED.... VAJxxl0 COUNTRY ORDERS - FIRST DOOR 80UTH SOLICITED ' POINDEXTER HOTEL. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. ; ' PrinevHIe-Shaniko Stage Line. DAILY BCTWEDI PCKEVBIE INDSAJilll. r s Ieave Shaniko. 6 p. m. Aniri Prineville. 8 m," -i r v .;, - Sit,.,j.-, Leave Prinevillelpi.m. Arrive ShaniktVl , m. ; First class accommodations ' ' ' for the traveling public. , PASSENGER AND FREIGHT RATES REASONABLE Adamson & Winnek Co., Agents. . G. "VI. Cornett, Manager. Gary House Bar. 1 ' : : Henderson & Pollard, Proprietors. PINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGAHS a MAIS STREET. Attention, Good Dressers ! ( l 1 O) 1 w the ordinary, yet prices are no higher than you hove paid for inferior goods. They guarantee absolute satisfaction and with It goes our unqualified endorsement. We shail be glad to have yuu call and you will be glad you came. .- ' , - . : c:x. ss?o?;c?. Stock boarded by day,', week or month. Fine saddle liorni and livery turnout. Rates reasonable. (Jood accommodation.' Remember u when in Prine ville, and we guarantee that yuor patronage will be appreciated and deserved. .. COKNKTT, .Proprietors. JOHN COMBS. 'V JV' PKISEVILLS. OREGON We Have a Good Thing nd Want Everybody to Know It. "We have secured the exclusive right for this vicinity to take order for the famous tailoring of STRAUSS BROS., Chicago. We are now display in it their newest samples of Fine Woolens and urge everyone interested in good clothes to call and inspect theui. We show NEARLY 5 6 0 PATTERNS. i largest lino in the country, con sisting of many exclusive effects in .wor steds, cassimeres, Scotches, clays, serges, etc STEAUSS BROS, make the kind of clothes you like to wear, accurately ' tailored, perfect fitting, distinctly above